• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 419 Views, 2 Comments

A Vengeful Return - Never-After-All-Readings

He was sure that all the Alicorns were dead, yet as he returns from banishment he finds himself in a two thousand year old war with the princess of equestria.

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Chapter 3: Blood is thicker then water

It was one simple act that doomed the acorns to the end of their reign over world, one simple act that damned them to the fires of hell, fires that they created in the fires of the bomb that killed his mother. He had finally found the truth, what truly happened the day of his birth, it was not the Draconequus that tried to kill him, no, it was his own kind that had betrayed his family, and it was he who now carried the scars of those sins both mentally and physically.

They were right to assume that he would live but not without consequence. The fires from the magical bomb that killed his mother burned his once orange coat into one of pure black, burning away the purity that he was just only given, his coat now only reminding him of not only his mothers death but of his loss of self. That was sadly not the only scar that he bears, His mother that so kindly brought him into the world, died to keep him in it, before the bombs detonation she had wrapped herself around her newborn son, taking the brunt of the detonation.

It was her silver ashes mixing with an abundance of magic that gave him even more of a chance to survive, at the cost of his own magic mixing with hers, changing it from the dark blue that it would have been to the color it was now, a ghostly gray.

The Alicorn stared into the body mirror that stood in front of him, running a hoof over the final scar that marked him, a magical cut that was directly under his right eye, it was a sign that it was not only a bomb that the assassin carried but a knife as well. It had gotten caught in the blast shattering the blade and sending a piece to cut him across the face, the doctors could never tell him why it never faded, but now he knows why it didn't.

It was a sign to him, a reason to remember what had happened the one day of his life that he was weak, it was a sign to show him what happened when he trusted the ponies around him, but that all ended today. Everything ends today, this war, these so called gods that fight for no other reason than petty difference, and today ended the slavery of the mortal races that the gods created to fight a war they themselves were to scared to fight themselves.

It was his time to show them the error of their ways, that the gods they so claimed to once be, meant nothing in this world. It was time for the weapon they created to be the cause of their own downfall, it was time for justice and freedom to ring across the planet that for all of its life has never seen the beauty of peace.

The Alicorn turned from the mirror completely, his eyes taking in the spartan room that he called his own for all his life, it was no larger than the room any officer of the army would have, it gave only enough room to breath and sleep, all a soldier in this war would need. His bed sat in the very far left corner of the room facing the door that was the bottom of the bed faced, to its left was a small writing desk with an oil lamp for the late nights.

The only true difference that his room held compared to his other peers was a smaller cot in the right corner next to the desk, it was for her, and yet the cot was empty. The Alicorn shook his head walking over to his bed and looking more closely at it a mass under the large covers of the bed were moving in a pattern of rhythmic sleeping, with a sigh the Alicron called upon his magic carefully as not to disturb the sleeping mare under the covers moved them from her sleeping form revealing a tan furred unicorn, a long disheveled mane and tail wrapped around her as if another blanket the top of each hair colored as if a fading sunset moving slowly into the color of night in all its grace.

The large Alicorn smiled lightly as he lent down putting his muzzle against hers and nuzzling her gently as to wake her from sleep. It was returned only slightly as the opening of gray eyes greeted him, they were cold and emotionless, yet for only a second he caught a glimpse of the amber eyes that the gray hid, fear showing through them, she didn't realize that it was him. It only hurt a little, it was only natural he could suppose she has been a slave for all of her life, surviving the small fallen gods that created her, he has done his best to help her after he resaved her as a “gift”, gods such an act still sickened him, but such thought have no place in todays plans.

The could see the muscles of the mare tense as she awoke more realized that she had been caught in the bed of her master and not the cot she was too sleep in, yet for all the panic rising within her it all came to a grinding halt when the Alicorn placed his head on top of hers a deep voice coming out as he spoke as gently as he could giving reassurance that she was fine. “It is fine Amore, please relax, it is only me, we are alone”

It took a few moments more till the wrapped beating heart calmed and the mare could return the nuzzle she had received, it was after this morning routine that the mare closed her gray eyes, opening them back to show the emotion filled amber ones that had slipped through earlier. “I am sorry, I thought a guard had caught me” her voice was a soft tone, one that almost didn't fit the demanding beauty that she held.

The Alicorn said nothing as he laid down next to the mare, well more so around her, as his larger from took up most of the small bed, calling on his magic as he levitated a small brush from the desk and began to brush the mares hair, letting her calm herself more before speaking “today is the day, my love, for your kind to be freed” he felt her stiffen as he spoke again his voice low and serous “it is the same plan as we have deduced before, everything will go just as we have talked about, and they are going you”

The mare let out a slight whimper letting out a choked sentence “what about me, I will need you” a flow of tears ran down the mares face and she turned to face the aircon “in this plan you don't even know if you will survive, please, my Somber Moonlight I can't lose you”

The large Alicorn again put his head on hers, and reaching up with a hoof dried away the mares tears “you are so much stronger than you know my dear, even if I do not come back I have faith that you will be great”

He could still feel it, the burning pain, it’s always been with him, and even now in this *eternal* banishment he could still feel it, for as long as he could remember he has always had to deal with that pain that came with his power. It was all the fault of those damned Alircons, the gods fallen from grace that seemed to believe that it was their destiny to rule the stars once again.

It almost made him sick that he was related to such creatures, ponies who abandoned their own kind in the pursuit of power that they never should have had in the first place. It was that power and arrogance that they could control it that led to their downfall, it was he that washed away the Alicorns and Draconequus from Equus in the last days of the war, it was he who watched as the two last Ailcorns gave their lives to defeat him in battle, and they couldn't even do that right, no they had stripped him of his body. Yet they couldn't kill his god-like soul, merely banish it.

What could be considered a smile formed on his nonexistent body as he felt another magic chain snap as his power grew, he had to hand it to the Alicorns even if just a little, they were very good at shoving all of their problems off to other races, even now the last act of banishing him only slowed him down in the long run. It was with a snap that the second to last chain broke, he could feel his power rise that little bit more, ever so closer to the freedom he has been without.

Then he would find them, he would find them and they could finally leave and all be a family once more, yes a family.

If only he knew the world that awaited him.

Present day Equestria (start of season 2)

Celestia sat upon her throne, a large bag of mail laid to the side filled to the brim with letters, most of them from nobles requesting something or other from the princess. The other letters were from the lower class ponies, most of those letters were thank you notes or letters praising her, she had seen them all over her years of rule.

Sometimes she would get the weird love letter from unnamed ponies but, being shown as the regal princess the media has presented over her many years of rule, it was expected. Celestia over the many years have gotten used to spotting and disposing of them but sometimes a well written one would slip past into the pile of 'the need to read'.

This was one such case as she disposed of the letter in a small burst of fire, disposing of the ash in the trash with her magic. She picked up more letters reading each one thoughtfully and fully, that is until she got to the last one in the small pile she removed from the over drugged bag, scoffing as she read it.

Another letter, from a noble, one Greedy Needy, requesting an audience with her for more land, she thought to herself as she pulled out ink, parchment, and a quill, already forming a response. How many times am I going to have to tell him that I can’t give up any more land until the environmental council says what can be given and what needs to be kept.

She continued to think on the topic as she wrote the response to Greedy's letter doing her best to hold in the anger of the current noble cast fallen so far from what it had used to be, Celestia was thrown out of her thoughts when a puff of green fire flew in front of her, forming a neatly rolled up scroll.

‘Right on time as always, Twilight’ Celestia thought, taking the scroll in her magic and carefully opening it. She read through the report laughing at some points and smiling at others. She read the addition at the end of the note, smiling at the statement, then thought to herself as to why Twilight was still asking if she was ok. Clestia knew more than anypony that Twilight cared in her own way, but It has been a week since the Everfree forest kidnapped her and Luna, and it was nearly everyday now for a week that Twilight wrote to her.

Celestia rolled back up the scroll placing it in a pile of its own, the smile still on her face as she went back to the large bag of letters.

Before the smile could be whipped away from the contents of such letters, a loud mysterious voice echoed in the room, it was deep and rich, flowing as if a dragon roared yet it came without the gruffness that came with eating rocks, it was an odd sound. It started what sounded as if a sigh then formed into an almost amused chuckle.

“Oh, Celestia, you always did find the most simple things amusing, but I am not one to judge because now that I am free I too enjoy the simple things, such as the amusing thought on why you are still alive” the voice poke starting out in a jovial and by the end gave off a tone of anger. Then for the first time, in what Celestia could recall as a long time, the hairs on her neck stood on end.

Celestia’s head darted around the room, looking for the owner of the voice as the guards, who were to the far left and right sides of the room, moved in front of her. "Who are you? Show yourself", Celestia called out, her smile turning into a grimace of frustration.

The voice answered a few seconds after Celestia had finished "In all due time, Tia, in all due time”

Celestia her eyes narrowed from suspicion. Her scrutinizing gaze quickly turning to one of anger as she resided the urge to use the royal voice, but still yelled as she spoke forcefully “I will ask again, who are you and what is the meaning of THIS”

The voice let out a small chuckle of amusement “find something amusing” Celestia asked her anger getting the better of her.

“I must have hit a nerve for you to yell like that, but the explanation of what it is can wait, The final piece has fallen into place”

The voice faded away with its last words before Celestia could ask what it meant as the throne room doors burst open, Luna rushing in, a large group guards following suit.

“I heard all The commotion from my room sister,” Luna said seriously “what is it that is wrong”

Celestia, still keeping her guard up, answered to Luna her wing flared in a defensive manner “there was a voice….” before Celestia could continue her mind kicked into action replaying the last thing The voice had said.

‘The final piece has fallen into place’ it echoed her head as she scanned the room for anything as Luna next to her did the same, it was a wise mind and years of experience that finally kicked Celestia in the rump, as she realized it was a trap.

“What about this voice sister,” Luna asked, throwing Celestia out of her racing thoughts “you aren't going mad ar…” Luna was cut off by Celestia grabbing her and pulling her towards the large throne room doors, a trap set in her own castle, who was this voice.

“We need to leave now,” Celestia said still pulling Luna “this was all a…” the sound of the large throne room doors slamming shut blocking the few guards that had yet to enter, cutting off Celestia as she said the last word of her sentence with a hint of distress “...trap”

Luna and Celestia watched as a black wave of magic flooded over the door leaving only a slight shimmer in its clearing. They knew the spell well. It was a sealing spell and if they were right, and they usually are, the spell was cast over every exit of the room.

Before Luna or Celestia could speak the voice returned, this time it had a very malice tone “you two are familiar with the game of chess correct” after receiving no answer from the two sisters he continued “you should know I played it with you many times my dear Tia, as for you Luna you were far too young to be taught. The room grew cold as the voice continued his rant, power seeming to leave the world around Celestia and Luna

“It is a simple game of wits and plays, a game that is only over when the enemy king lays dead at the other's hooves. It is a game of the mind, of one's collective will and intelligence. If you can recall we played all those years ago, to test one other, yet as i grew older I found that it was only a test for me, and to this day I still have yet to win for with al my planning, with all the moves I made in advance and the peace off of the board, with the very enemy king dead the queen still plays. Why are you still ALIVE” ,

“I cast that spell,to kill all those that didn't share my bloodline, and yet here you two are alive and well, still corrupting the world with our alicron filth!” The room itself seemed to grow darker, as the voice started to yell at this point, the light that once shone through the throne room windows started to disappear absorbed into a dark mass that was forming above the tone itself.

The room now only has light enough to barely see with, as a ring of black fire formed in a sphere around the throne burning away the regal red carpet that led up to it. The voice let out a long sigh as it went back to a lighter tine leaving behind the gruff anger that it once held, “that can only leave one option left, sisters”

When the voice Finished speaking the dark sphere that formed, pushed out a wall of black magic at an alarming speed pushing away the unlucky guards that stepped forward to stop it or were just standing near it, knocking them out instantly.

Light and color returned to the room as the flames of the magic died down, leaving a large Alicorn with black a suit and purple tie sat out on Celestia red and gold throne, Light pouring in from the windows lighting up the smirk that made its way across his face. He sat tall, his fur as black as a starless night, could be seen past the suit, Fire danced where his main and tail would have been shining regal blue and power flowed from them biting the very existence around them in a silent show of dominance. He stretched out his limbs a vicious smile on his face “I do love the clothes of this century, such a way to show power without the need of heavy armor, such a wonderful creation” His eyes shone two different colors as he spoke, the right eye a crimson red the left an icy blue.

The guards that had been watching the whole thing rushed forward at him, their weapons ready to strike. As the guard's reached striking distance, the first attack was thrown only to be stopped by a black barrier, the barrier crackling with lightning, leaped out and through the guards weapon shaking him into unconsciousness. The lightning that struck the guard start to branch off him moving from guard to guard knocking them out one by one, Soon a group of five guards that had pushed this intruder laid on the ground unmoving.

The Dark Aliron leaned into the throne ever so slightly “ So now that the distraction has been taken care of let us talk, it is time to leave behind the lies of the past and look to the future, my dear sisters”

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