• Published 10th Aug 2021
  • 482 Views, 31 Comments

The Detective Turned Smuggler - Lamasioux

A deer detective working in Vaverfront during the middle of the Olenian-Changeling war, learns he'll have to smuggle the queen out of the country.

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Chapter 18

April 6th, 1010

Different trees.

And the flatness.

That was the difference Torsti noticed.

Different trees and flat plains rolled by as the train rolled on.

Torsti was watching out of the window of the passenger car that he was in to pass the time.

He had been watching the passing landscape for a few hours by now, having the occasional thought. The terrain was much flatter here than Olenia. More plains, less forests, at least in this part of the country, and definitely a lot less snow, though it was April so even in Vaverfront would it be the rare occurrence of snow.
All conversations had grinded to a halt a few hours ago as they entered the third night of the train ride. Even before it completely stopped, conversations were sparse as the prior two days had been nearly all talk.

They all now decided to relax and enjoy the rest of the journey, getting their sleep now or passing time in their own ways.

They were informed though that they would be arriving early the next morning, most likely before sunrise, where their part of the ride would end, while the rest of the train would continue on towards Manehattan.

The last bit of sunlight finally faded below the western horizon. It wasn’t impossible though to see the terrain.

Since they finally were making their way back towards populated civilization, the occasional lit house could be seen in the distance. For anyone who stayed awake though, the distant glow of city lights would slowly get closer as time went on, though not as strong as it was in Las Pegasus.

Torsti kept himself up late, or at least up a bit longer than everyone else due to trying to fulfil his body guard duties but failed as he finally succumbed to the soothing rumble of the train as it raced along.

From there, the train would continue on its way until it reached the railyard for Canterlot, where Torsti, along with everyone else at two in the morning, were awoken by the guards as they neared their destination.

They were told to prepare for departure from the train as they would only get a few minutes to get off before the train took off again. Stopping with ‘classified’ cargo wasn’t the best thing to do in the capital of the country.

There wasn’t much to prepare though since they hadn’t brought much in the first place so they took the rest of the time drinking some warm tea to help stay awake for however much time they would need to.

Finally, though, the train started to pull into the station it was stopping at where once stopped, it let its passengers off.

Upon leaving the train and only being off it for a few minutes, the train would start to take off again, leaving all who stepped off behind. Hopefully nothing was left on the train.

After some conversation between each other, the Wonderbolt guards finally directed Velvet and the others off the station and towards a road. There, a few cars arrived, seemingly a bit late to the deer as they seemed a bit confused at the existence of not only the deer but other ponies who were waiting.

After a bit of talk between each other though, things were quickly sorted and Velvet and Torsti were put into one of the cars with a wonderbolt soldier while the other guards and deer were split between two more cars. Anyone else, who would only be the royal guards and other wonderbolts, got into a military truck that was at the front of the small convoy, where without any delay, they got moving.

Through the dead night they made their way up Canterhorn towards the palace. Cars were sparse and few and far between each other due to the time so the worry of any of them seeing or remembering the convoy would be little.

Due to Velvet not having a translator with her due to how they were split, she wasn’t able to ask or talk to the other two ponies in the car about anything. A small mistake.

The car ride took forty minutes before they finally arrived at the palace, where this time, a bunch of royal guards were waiting and within a few minutes of conversing between the palace guards and convoy guards, Velvet and the rest of the deer were brought inside.

The royal guards and wonderbolts who had stayed with them for the duration of the journey didn’t stay with them as they were brought into the palace, leaving with the four car convoy they had come in on. They left the deer in the protection of the palace guards now.

The palace guards who were escorting the deer quickly sorted out the language barrier by using one of their translators and Ealdraed to tell them all that due to it being late at night, they were to be brought to rooms where they could all sleep for the night.

They weren’t going to be meeting with Celestia until the morning, to allow them to get whatever rest was needed first.

After they were all sorted out between some of the rooms, they would all finally sleep under palace protection.

April 7th, 1010

10:21 A.M.

That was the time that Torsti awoke.

Torsti was quick to realize that the other deer he had been with weren’t around so he quickly got himself ready for the day before finding one of the palace guards, who would direct him to where everdeer else was. They were eating in the dining hall so that’s where Torsti went, or was guided to.

Once there, he joined Velvet and the rest in eating, where he found out that once they were finished, they’d have time to rest up before they’d finally be meeting Celestia.

After some time of eating and settling into the conversations that were happening, Torsti decided to butt in and ask Velvet a question, “So what exactly will you be talking to Celestia about?”

“I’ll be trying to keep my demands simple for her, but I’ll really just be asking for Celestia to let us stay in the country until we’re able to go back to Olenia. However long that may be. It’ll depend on many things but we’ll go back.” Velvet answered.

“What’ll we have to do though if we stay?” One of the other deer asked.

“Work. Maybe not in the beginning, but the crew of the Sammakko most likely will. Our jobs would probably be on the more diplomatic side of things. Torsti’s my bodyguard, Ealdraed would translate for me and maybe help others with translation while the rest of you would help me out with any paperwork and politics if it were to ever come up, but I think really for the rest of you, after the first few weeks, it’ll come down to your own choices. But I don’t know. We’ll have to wait to see what Celestia says.”

After that, they all finished eating and eventually made their way back to the rooms they had been using to prepare for their meeting. They would all be attending it.

Finally, once the time had come, they all met back up and followed the royal guards who were sent to get them.

Torsti followed behind everydeer else though as he wasn’t important to anything diplomatic, leaving Velvet and the others ahead. Even though there were royal guards everywhere, none of them nor Velvet had ever said anything about him not being able to attend.

The small details didn’t matter though since they finally stood behind the door to the council room where they’d be meeting Celestia. After a few exchanges of words between the door guards and the escort guards, the door was opened and the deer shuffled in.

Princess Celestia sat in one of the chairs that surrounded the table within the room, where she was found looking at papers and documents that lay in front of her. Another pony sat next to her who would end up being Celestia’s translator.

Once the deer entered though, Celestia quickly put away all of the paperwork and moved it out of the way before finally getting up so she could greet Velvet.

The greetings were over quickly though before Celestia quickly took a seat again, inviting the deer to join as well. Torsti didn’t join them and chose to continue standing. He just ended up finding a spot near the wall next to one of the other palace guards who were also present in the room.

Celestia then sighed and started to speak to her translator.

The translator nodded at the order before starting, “To get right to business, you can stay within Equestria, but due to the tensions between us and Chrysalis, you will need to isolate yourself from society to keep your presence unknown. Your presence Velvet. The rest of you can integrate into society if you wish and the navy crew. Admiral Lauri; he’ll have to join you as well. Velvet and Lauri’s presence can’t get out.

Despite that, you will need to do your best to try and avoid being found out, or at least keep yourself from being connected to Olenia, Velvet or Lauri. It might be hard, but we have a place for you to go at least Velvet.

Saltlickingham. It’s a small town south of Baltimare that has a population of less than 100,000. The south east of the country. You should be safe from any Changeling spy there.

I hope you don’t object.”

Velvet responded immediately by saying, “That work. Anything works! It’ll work... But I need to ask. Will I be able to meet with you at any point after this to ever discuss any plans involving Olenia? I don-- I’m not going to abandon her. I’ll-- We’ll be going back one day, but having a plan will be required one way or another.” Velvet had choked on a few of her words there but managed.

Celestia finally gave her response, “Only through meeting, but as long as the Changelings exist, it will have to be in private, and only if I have the time. I’m only getting busier as of late and there’s no sign of it slowing down. I was able to make time today to meet you after getting word that you escaped.”

Velvet relaxed a bit when she heard the response and said, “Thank you Celestia, that’s… That’s all I needed to know.”

After that, they would continue to discuss the details and other questions that Velvet and the others would have, though they weren’t able to get all questions answered as Celestia finally stopped it.

Celestia had more problems to deal with after getting Velvet settled. Velvet’s existence didn’t help deal with them.

After the meeting and a bit later in the day, they were informed that they would be leaving that night to the Canterlot airbase where they would be given a plane ride to the airbase near Baltimare before finally getting a few days long car ride to Saltlickingham.

Until then though, they could relax in the palace within their rooms, while also being able to go out and get a late dinner once the rest of the palace had in the dining hall.

Once night came around, they would all be awoken, as they were getting the sleep they could, and were taken outside again where they had been dropped off where another convoy of cars was waiting. There, they got on the vehicles and were taken to the airfield.

It was the middle of the night and a bit colder due to the altitude but nothing the deer weren’t able to handle.

Once at the airfield, their ride, which was a Model 18 passenger plane that was ready to go. The only thing they needed to do was board it and they’d be off. Which they would do.

After sitting for a bit, the plane’s engines turned on and then eventually made its way to the runway where it sat once again for a bit before finally taking off. Off they were.

All steps had been cleared. Velvet was now on her way living safely.

Author's Note:

The story is now done! :)

Comments ( 4 )

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

spoilers below

what did Torsti even do in this story, like i wrote it and now that i think back on it, his ass didn't do jack shit the entire time from what i can remember.

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