• Published 10th Aug 2021
  • 483 Views, 31 Comments

The Detective Turned Smuggler - Lamasioux

A deer detective working in Vaverfront during the middle of the Olenian-Changeling war, learns he'll have to smuggle the queen out of the country.

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Chapter 9

March 20th, 1010

The front lines held for the past three months now without breaking, but the Changeling push into it has resulted in mass death for both sides. The defensive line has been pushed from its initial line between Cervus and Hovenhamn down to Älgstad and Snöflinga.

The coastal defenses for the Hjortland Peninsula that remain under the control of Olenia have been pushed to their limits. Successful defense from any naval invasion has been warded off because of the Olenian navy.

Despite the navy’s success in defending the waters, their numbers have fallen down to 8 ships. 7 ships since HOMS Sammakko is still undergoing maintenance and modification to allow her to reach the fastest speed possible.

All deer responsible for coastal defense has been pushed to the west side of the peninsula to allow for the navy to be better protected from attacks while defending Hjortland itself.

Deer inside the palace seem more frantic? Antsy? They get to their destination as fast as they can, not stopping to admire the same-looking hallways they’re more than used to now.

Torsti, on the other hoof, was taking his time. He relaxed in his room, skimmed over documents with ease now. Only taking a quick glance at them to know their contents and what they had.

He has the entire Olenian military logistics, movements, and strength memorized, only updating his cache of knowledge with each document.

For his job though, he has made next to no changes to his plans. Torsti, Lauri, and Einair slowly began to realize that using the HOMS Sammakko had been set in stone last month when the last remainder of the Olenian air force had been destroyed, leaving the country with no capable airplanes for aerial travel.

Still, Torsti continued to work on plans. Small but it was what he was to do. Or it was until Einair herself one day came to his room.

“Torsti. You don’t need to work anymore.” Einair said.

“What?” Torsti asked.

“Correct. We’re halting your portion of the Operation.” Einair said.

“... W- Wait? What? What about me? What’ll happen to me then?” Torsti asked.

“You get to stay here in the palace until we enact the plan. You do know you’ll be going with the Queen? Right?” Einair asked.

“I- Yeah. I heard about that, I believe. Some months ago… Why are you halting my part?” Torsti asked.

“We believe we have one month left. Max. We’re not going to have a change of plans with no time left. We already have everything in preparation for the boat as well.” Einair said.

“Will the queen even agree to it once she learns of it?” Torsti asked.

“No deer is going to look down on her for it I believe. After her response to those rumors we spread, about how they weren’t true, morale was up throughout the military and civilians. But a lot of deer seem to be talking about it being true regardless.” Einair said.

“So--” Torsti was saying before being cut off.

“We’ll force her to go if she refuses. At this point, too much work has been put into it to just not go through with her escape, so just, just relax until then? I have no idea what the journey to Equestria will be like. Your job is done, Torsti.” Einair didn’t wait around after finishing and quickly left after that. Torsti was left alone to the news and his thoughts.

One of the first things Torsti did was just mull over every paper, report, and plans he had come up with for the remainder of the day.

March 21, 1010

Today Torsti awoke to a lazy morning. The only work he had was to destroy every document he had in his room. Outside of that, nothing. So once Torsti finished cleaning up everything, he went out for lunch.

It was the same boring food as always. Now that he had time on his hands to worry about the small things like food, he realized first hoof how bad the food shortage was. More sugar cubes. Soup that was just made out of whatever was edible after being boiled in water, and even then, it wasn’t really a soup, just calorie water. How had he not realized it had gotten this bad?

Lunch left him feeling depressed that day so he went out on a walk through the palace, making his way out to one of the gardens outside to enjoy the warming weather.

That’s where he saw something unusual.

Velvet herself was out in the garden tending to it. Only one guard was nearby, but they were at a distance.

Torsti had never seen the Velvet do something like this. He had only seen her on occasion in the past few months though, but never leisurely spending her time like this.

Torsti, having nothing to do now, decided he’d say hi for the first time.

“Velvet?” Torsti asked after walking up.

Velvet looked over at Torsti from her gardening but didn’t say anything right away.

“Uhh--” Torsti had no clue what he was supposed to say, “Oh! Captain Soini. If you were--” Torsti was then waved down by Velvet.

“Torsti. Yes, I know who you are then.” Velvet nodded.

“Wait? How? How do you know me?” Torsti asked.

“Out of every deer who works in the palace, you, along with a few others, have been here for more than a few months. I know who’s in the palace, but nothing beyond that.” Velvet then pointed at Torsti, “And especially you. None of my advisors or informants have told me what you do. And from the some months, you’ve been here, I’ve come to the conclusion that no deer knows what you do. I’ve never heard a straight theory about it, but I haven’t heard many so maybe that’s why.”

“Well…” Torsti rubbed his head, “Well I guess I don’t do anything now. My job was halted and I’ve been ordered to just stay here for the time being. Probably a boring answer to whatever theories you or any deer had about me then.” Torsti said.

“A captain who’s doing nothing?” Velvet looked at Torsti’s uniform and said, “The front lines? Shouldn’t you be there then?”

“Ah, well, no… I guess?” Torsti questioned himself, “I- Well I’m special I guess. I’m just doing what I’m told really and what I’ve last been told was to just stay here still. Not much else to.”

“Interesting.” Velvet said, “Was there something you needed? I interrupted you before.”

“Oh, I was just wondering why you were out here. I’ve never seen you tend to the gardens, or seen you do much of anything really.” Torsti said.

“Oh, well I thought it’d be nice to tend to a garden one last time before we lost.” Velvet looked back at the garden and poked some of the tools she had, “It took me nearly three days of work just to get the time to tend to one myself. Just thinking that I won’t be able to do it ever again once the Changelings take over as they’ll most likely be killing most of us.”

“I-” Torsti then had a quick thought and concluded it was safe to say, “Why don’t you just leave then? Escape the country? I heard rumors about that, I know you responded to them already but, I don’t think any deer would look down on you.”

“Most deer who’re in Changeling occupied territory probably think I’m at full blame for abandoning them for the peninsula. I only agreed to the plan after it was brought to me by the high generals, it took a lot of courage to agree, but then abandoning every deer who’s still left? I don’t think they’d ever look to me as their queen again… I just wanted to make their lives better after what my brother did.” Velvet said.

“But then the Changelings attacked. Once they did, there was nothing we could do to stop them. We weren’t ready for an invasion from a country with a superior economy.” Velvet said.

“Least I can do is stay here until the end like every other deer.” Velvet added.

Torsti listened to her complaints and noticed that she seemed like she was about to break down crying talking and took that as his cue, “I- Well- I’m sorry for interrupting. I’ll--”

“I’ve been the cause of so many deaths. I should’ve just convinced the country to summit to Changeling rule in the beginning.” Velvet said.

Torsti didn’t know what to say to that but didn’t want to ruin the queen's day more than he already had so he just awkwardly saluted her before leaving without a word. He had never really saluted another deer during his time there so he didn’t know when and who he should and shouldn’t salute.

When Torsti had gotten some distance from Velvet, he had looked back and seen that she had quickly returned to tending to the garden. It must be very therapeutic for her with everything she’s having to deal with.

April 1st, 1010

“Everything you have on yourself right now, that’s it. No other possessions. There’s no time.” Einair said.

“Wh--” Torsti was cut off.

“I’m going.” Lauri said.

Torsti looked at the Admiral.

“You’re going to go?” Einair said, staring at Lauri.

“Yes. There were plans for no Admiral to go, but I’ve decided against it. It’ll be me.” Lauri said.

“A free escape from death? Is that why?” Einair asked.

“No. All the other Admirals are on the remaining 5 boats. They’re going down with the entire navy. I’d be the last Admiral, so I’ll be in charge of the Sammakko as she escapes to Equestria. It’ll boost the crew's morale as well. 124 crew. That’s what we managed to cut her down to. They’ll be working their asses off the entire time being short-staffed, so why not join them.” Lauri said.

Einair breathed in deeply before saying, “Don’t fail then.” She then looked at Torsti and said, “You, the queen, two Equestrian translators and two Equestrian historians will be the passengers. Both translators are fluent in Equestrian. The historians have Equestrian history memorized like their life depends on it. They’ll help the queen with diplomatic decisions and everything else. You, Torsti, are her bodyguard. Don’t fail either.”

Torsti nodded but then asked, “What about once we reach Equestria?”

“Live.” Einair said.

“So when do we start? Sammakko is ready to leave once we board.” Lauri said.

And just as if it was perfectly timed, a messenger knocked on the door, was invited in, and reported to the three.

“The Changeling navy has just engaged the Olenian fleet, 40 miles from the harbor.” The messenger said.

Einair looked between Lauri and Torsti before pointing to the door that led out and said, “Go.”

Torsti and Lauri realized from her expression and tone that it was time. They both quickly got up, hurried out of the room without saying goodbyes, and quickly went to the queen’s workroom, where she was working away.

Author's Note:

a video game server thing just launched so i might spend a lot of time doing that for a week or so, maybe, idk, might be slow for a few weeks with uploading chapters maybe