• Published 8th Aug 2021
  • 577 Views, 4 Comments

The Climbing Human - Shark

A Human was brought to Equestria but soon realized that it’s far bigger than he Ever imagine with unexpected terms

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Chapter 2 The Meet

“You are just a puppet, and not the only one who entered this worlds.”

I woke up instant, trying to figure out what did I dream about. In that dream I heard an unfamiliar voice, don’t know why but it feels like something is happening but don’t know what.

I got out of bed, I looked around to see if I’m back home but I’m still in Equestria. I started walking to the, I think the main room or the living room either one.

I see Zecora cooking breakfast, I notice she was cooking eggs with toast bread. I guess there are something from other worlds that don’t change.

After finishing breakfast we’re ready to head to twilight castle, and I’m very worried what’s gonna happen.

“Is something bothering you my friend?”

“Oh, sorry, it’s just there’s a lot of things happening right now. More than just See twilight.”

“Like what?”

“Ever since I came to this world, I started having strange dreams. At first the two were 6 symbols, like the ones in Twilight castle.”

“The elements.”

“After that, last night my dream was something. I keep seeing shadows of other humans, and all of them have very similar stories, they all met twilight, then heard a voice, saying I’m like a puppet and not the only one who entered this worlds.”

Zecora stopped, surprise what I’m saying.


“Has Twilight met other humans before.”

“I’m sorry my friend, but we never seen humans before, just you.”

“What did that voice mean by worlds.”

“I’m not sure, this is something else.”

We continued off to Twilight castle, when we made it to the edge of the forest, I stopped, still nervous, nervous no, I’m terrified, and plus I don’t like people staring at me, it makes me paranoid.

“Don’t worry Ulysses, this people are nice, trust me.

“I hope so.”

We entered in Ponyville and like I first thought, everyone started looking at me. Thank god I’m wearing my hoodie and blanket around me like a cloak.

Everyone was doing the same face like, who’s that, his he a threat, what is he.

“I don’t like this.”

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there”

After 15 minutes of walking in the open, we finally made it to Twilight castle. Zecora knock the door and we waited.

After couple minutes, the door finally opened. Twilight looked outside and was happy to see Zecora.

“Zecora, hi, it’s good to see you again.”

“Hello Twilight, It is good to see you again.

“So what can I help you for today.”

“You see, I met someone who is lost and I hope you can help him.”

“Sure, I can help him, where is he.”

“He’s right he. Ulysses? That’s odd he was just here a moment ago.”

“Ah, I’m up here.”

The two ponies looked up seeing me on top of the door.

“Wow, Impressive, you move very quietly, I didn’t notice you left.”

I jumped down finally seeing twilight again. Oh god I’m terrified, because twilight immediately noticed who em I.

“I know who you are, Your the person who sneak into my castle.”

I em nervous, scared and frozen, the only words I can said is.


Like a sound when someone hang up the phone.

Twilight was so confused. I stood there saying the same thing. Zecora put her hoove on my mouth for me to stop, and told twilight everyone.

After 10 minutes of explaining, twilight understands now. She was shock to see a human and hearing everything that happened.

After that, all three of us went inside the castle, and the map, like before start a glowing brighter every time I get closer.

“So, why the map is glowing brighter if I get closer to it.”

“I’m not sure to be honest, but now at least we know why the map is glowing, because of you.”

“But why?”

“Maybe because of your dreams, they must have a connection.”

“Zecora, that’s a great point. I must send A letter to princess Celestia, maybe she could help us out with this.

“Wait, princess Celestia, I thought you were the princess.”

“I am the princess of friendship, princess Celestia is the princess of the sun. well she’s the ruler of a Equestria, her and her sister princess Luna.”

“OK. I’m sorry did you just say you’re the princess of friendship.”

“It’s a long story to explain but yes I am.”

“Let me guess, nine seasons, multiple specials, one movie, One comic adaptation, one crossover, one live action commercial, and one generation 4.5 that no one wants to talk about.”


“I’m sorry ever since I woke up this morning starting to seeing visions of things I didn’t know about, it’s like Desmond from Assassins Creed.”


“Never mind.”

“Well I guess my job here is done.”

“Wait Zecora, where are you going.”

“Forgive me my friend but, this is all I can do, I don’t have magic like twilight and I know she can help you.”

“Thanks Zecora, oh before you go, here you can have your blanket back.”

“No, that’s ok you should keep it, you need it more than I do.”

“Thanks Zecora.”

Zecora left, back to the forest, I know this isn’t going to be the last time I’m seeing her. I’m glad she helped me. I should visit her sometime.

But now, with twilight she can explain everything to me now, and if The two princesses agreed to help me, I can get back home sooner or later.

“Twilight what are you doing with that tape measure?”

“Doing research, I mean I never seen a human before, so why not take the time to do it.”

“Wo wo wo, ok you don’t need to do that, if you want to measure me, just ask me, cause I’m not a test subject.”

“Twilight got excited and sat down on her chair.”

“Wait aren’t you going to send a letter to the princess.”

“Ah, later.”

Twilight was looking at me like an excited puppy waiting for it snack. I am immediately realize she is the Science type.

“Well I’m 5 foot 9, wait how do you guys measure.”

“We mostly use centimeters.”

“Of course the other worlds don’t even use the imperial system.”

“Ok, I’m 175 cm tall.”

OK there’s a lot of things that Twilight asked that is just too long to put in just one story, so I’m just gonna skip this over.

Twilight send a message to princess Celestia and Princess Luna about my situation, while twilight was doing that I met her a little brother well her little assistant, spike.

He was scared at first but then I explain everything what’s happening, then me and him were talking. He explaining the story than twilight mentioned except in a short way.

“How is Ponyville still standing.”

“They got used to it.”

Twilight finally got her letter from the princess. The letter said that she would like to meet this human and see what they can do to help. Twilight was excited again, she ran towards me and spike, explaining everything what the letter says.

She did told me we have to go to Canterlot, in person. I stood up in fear.

“Twilight we can’t do that! I’m human they never seen me before, what happens if I made one mistake, they would think of me as a threat.”

I started to panic, twilight asking what’s going on, I explain to her. I’m not a people person, I always been alone, I’m always been paranoid around people. Like you put your wallet in your back pocket but someone is behind and watching you.

Twilight told me that’s ok, everyone get worried sometimes, twilight said she has a friend who is very shy when she met her, twilight and her friends help her, now she’s open to others. Hearing that, now I know why she’s the princess of friendship.

It took me awhile but I can’t believe we’re doing this. Still wearing my hoodie and cloak, I need to get used to this.

When we made it to the train station, we need to wait for the train to get here. Me and spike sat down on the bench, while wait I still see more people looking at me.

My hoodie was still covering my face, all you see are my eye. I notice a little pony kid starting to cry. I turned my head to see the kid, she was crying because of her favorite ball got stuck on a tree.

I got up and walked towards the little pony. The little kid took a step back when she saw me. I Look at the tree, the tree was a big and tall, the branches were spread out making anyone with wings hard, and I see the ball.

“I’ll get your ball back kid.”

I began to run at the tree, jumping when my foot touch the tree, boosting me up higher, I grab a branch ,and began to climb towards the ball.

While climbing, more and more people started to see what I’m doing. Spike ran to see too then twilight joins him, she was shocked to see me climb, she knows I can climb, but never seen it in person.

One of the people ask the kid what he doing. All she said was.

“He’s getting my ball.”

When I made it to the ball, I grabbed it and began to climb back down. I jump off the tree and landing on the ground. I walked back towards the kid and give her ball back.

The kid was happy to have it back. She looked at me and said thank you. I replied, your welcome.

She ran off to play with her ball. Everyone was still looking at me, but this time there faces doesn’t said fear but instead glad. I walked back towards twilight and spike.

She and Spike were looking at with a big smile. They started asking questions like, how did You learn to climb, or can you teach me, or can humans in your world do that. You know asking more questions.

When the train arrived we head inside, sat down and enjoy the ride to Canterlot. I was surprised that ponies found a way to make a train, by the model of the train it does look like an 18th century model.

If this world does take place in the 18th century, then that explains why no one gets the references or that or it only my world. I try not to think to much about it.

So went to sleep, my dream was different, it was all black then light started to look like a sunrise. The light revealed thousands of crystal ball show other humans inside them, all every different but similar. I notice some of them have a green face, and others just having normal faces. I don’t know why some of them have green faces, it’s like they don’t want to reveal themselves, they want to be anonymous. Then I noticed something, some of the Crystal balls are showing thing that are impossible, space ships, crossovers, giant monster, crazy tyrants, Humans turning into ponies.

It’s like an entire library of different what if’s. I walked around more and more I see more of those Crystal balls. I heard a tig and another and another. I looked up and see stars to appear, the Crystal balls started rising off the ground, and started spinning. Now all of the Crystal balls were in the air and spinning. Many different colors of aura started to appear around the balls.

I turned around seeing a bright light blinding me, and all I hear is the same voice again.

“Your mind is weak, even if you found me, you’ll already be too late.”

I woke up instantly, I looked around to see where I was, I’m still in the train. What was that dream, and who was talking to me.

Twilight ran to me asking me. Asking me if I’m ok, I told her I was. She also told me that we’re arriving in Canterlot. I got up waiting for the train to stop, but my mind is still thinking about that dream, also who was talking to me.

Maybe princess Celestia could help me out with this. Whatever is happening, I have no idea where this is taking me.