• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 1,747 Views, 23 Comments

Puella Magi Twilight Magica - InsanityBerry

As Twilight Sparkle walks home, she encounters Kyubey, who wants to make a contract with her.

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Part Three- I Would Never Wish This on Somebody With a Choice

The next day, Twilight woke up with Rainbow Dash standing over her bed. “Hey, Twilight! We have a big day, fighting witches and whatnot, so wake the fuck up, and let’s go!”

Twilight ate an apple and some hay, before she walked off and followed Dash outside. After walking for about an hour, Their Soul Gems lit up. After following the energy, they found a familiar, which looked like a golden fish, with sharp claws.

“Screw it,” muttered Dash, walking off.

“WHAT! Why aren’t we killing it!” snapped Twilight, pissed off.

“Because it’s a familiar, dumbass. It ain’t gonna have any grief seeds on it.”


“It’s gotta kill four, maybe five before it becomes a witch. Then when you kill it, you get a grief seed. Seriously, you don’t want to run out of power and deteriorate, do you?” Replied Dash, sounding more than a little infuriated.

The familiar got away. Twilight couldn’t let it kill anypony! What if it came after Spike, or even worse, my crush?

“Get back here Twilight! It’s pointless killing a familiar! Are you even listening? Get back here!”

Twilight wasn’t listening, not the slightest bit. She ended up arriving at the familiar’s labyrinth, and changed into Puella Magi mode.

Running through the labyrinth, Twilight got more and more scared for another pony’s life. After running in circles for a while, she heard a long, drawn out scream. Twilight, rushing towards the noise. When she finally reached the familiar, she discovered that the fishlike creature had been attacking a pony.
No, not her. Anyone but her…
It was attacking Octavia. Octavia was horribly scratched and bitten, and barely standing in a pool of her own blood. Her mane was matted and dull, and she wore a pained expression. Her eyes lit up the second she saw Twilight.

“T-Twilight… w-what’s happening…? Where… am I? P-please save me…” Groaned Octavia.

“NO! GET AWAY FROM HER!” Screamed Twilight, charging at the familiar in rage, and firing her gun like a madman. After several shots, a faithful headshot finally destroyed the familiar.

“Thank Celestia you came to my rescue! I was so scared! What was that thing? What are you?” Gasped Octavia.

“Shh, Shh. Save your strength… Please come with me, Octavia,” whispered Twilight.

The purple unicorn dragged Octavia to Nurse Redheart.
“W-what happened to Octavia!?” Gasped Nurse Redheart, staring at the brown earth-pony’s horrible gaping wounds.
“I found her in the everfree forest,” lied Twilight. What else could she say? She’d get hauled to the nuthouse if she mentioned anything from her Puella Magi world. “Timberwolves must have attacked her.”

Octavia had been strapped to a gurney, and rushed off to an available hospital ward. Twilight sat in the waiting room for hours, even passing out a few times.
“Twilight, wake up!” Snapped Rainbow Dash, pissed off. Twilight rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, confused.

“Rainbow Dash? What brings you here?” Asked Twilight, slowly opening her eyes to see Dash glaring at her.

“Nothin’ much, just stopped by today to tell you, that while you were busy fooling around saving Octavia, I almost DIED in a WITCH’S BARRIER!” She screamed, adding enough ice to her words to freeze a phoenix solid. “You know, I really needed your help, but instead, you go off and save that prissy little Canterlot pony, Octavia.”

“I couldn’t just let her die! I would never forgive myself if I did,” Sobbed Twilight. “I’m sorry. It’s just; I kinda have a crush on her.”

“Wouldn’t have guessed… I don’t care if you like her, you shouldn’t have abandoned me like that. I really needed your help, but you weren’t there! You were asleep, and I fought a witch right outside of this very hospital!” Sighed Dash. “Also, Nurse Redheart said that Octavia would like to see you tomorrow. I guess she is the first grateful person who has been saved from a witch, or at least a familliar.”

Twilight and Dash walked home, and Twilight sat in her room, excited about tomorrow.

The next day, Twilight raced to the pony hospital, and asked Nurse Redheart if she could see Octavia.

“Of course, Twilight Sparkle. Right this way, please.”
Twilight followed the nurse to Octavia’s ward, where Octavia was sitting there, bawling. What was going on?
“It appears that the timber wolf snapped Octavia’s back legs. She will never walk again, and she’s glad that you showed up.” Replied Nurse Redheart tentatively. She walked off, leaving Twilight and Octavia together, alone. Well, almost. Kyubey was sitting on Octavia’s bed.

“First, I must thank you for saving me from that familiar.” Smiled Octavia, looking at Twilight lovingly.

“Did you…” Asked Twilight, feeling as sick and worried as Rainbow Dash looked the day she woke up.

“No, not yet. You’re a Puella Magi, aren’t you?” Asked Octavia.

“Yes… I must fight witches. And there is a huge possibility that I could die. Don’t considerer becoming a Puella Magi; it’s not worth it…” Sighed Twilight, looking at Octavia.

“Why do you care? It’s not like anyone would care if I died,” Muttered Octavia, bitterly. “Nobody gave a flying fuck about me. I bet you wouldn’t show up, if I didn’t want to thank you.”

“That’s not true at all, Octavia! I came to confess my feelings!” yelled Twilight. Her tears were clouding her vision. “I-I think I’m in love with you!”

Twilight then moved closer to Octavia, kissing her passionately, for what seemed like ages, until she pulled away.
“You really care about me? I-I’m touched! I love you too!” Cried Octavia. “I’m sorry, Twilight. Kyubey! I wish to be able to walk again!”

“NO!” Screamed Twilight. Her tears were stinging her eyes.
Kyubey stretched the armlike parts of his ears, ripping something fuchsia out of Octavia’s chest, creating a Soul Gem. “There, Accepted. You are now a Puella Magi, Octavia,” said Kyubey telepathically.

No… Not this….

Twilight grabbed Octavia’s newly made Soul Gem, and hurled it out the window. It landed in a pile of hay, and fortunately, didn’t break. But Octavia felt weak, and fainted. Twilight felt for a pulse, but there was no heartbeat. Was Octavia dead?

“TWILIGHT! What is wrong with you!” Snapped Kyubey, harshly.
“What happened to Octavia!?” Screamed Twilight.
“You threw her out the window. There is a reason why they are called Soul Gems!”

I threw her soul away! How is that possible? Thought Twilight, staring at her Soul Gem bracelet with repulsion.

How could you take my soul away like this