• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 1,744 Views, 23 Comments

Puella Magi Twilight Magica - InsanityBerry

As Twilight Sparkle walks home, she encounters Kyubey, who wants to make a contract with her.

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Part One - Wanna Make a Contract?

Twilight Sparkle was walking home from Sugarcube Corner late one night. She and Pinkie Pie had been making some cakes, looking back, it was the last normal thing she could remember doing, before her life was turned upside down. Pinkie had just gotten a special bracelet, which was respectively, pink.
The Party Pony shooed Twilight away as soon as it started to glow, and said she had things to do and people to see.

She walked the same way Twilight did at first, but then walked off saying, “I gotta find it!”


Night in Ponyville usually felt dangerous, with most ponies running inside at dusk, but this night had an eerie feel to it, as if there was a malevolent force wandering through the shadows.


Twilight heard the sounds of an animal, and out the corner of her eye, she could see a white catlike thing following her. Twilight didn’t pay any attention to the creature.

“It’s probably just Opalescence,” she muttered.

She continued to walk the streets home, staying in the light of the lampposts. She felt she was being followed. And then, a high pitched voice called out “Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight knew that her fears were irrational. “
I’m just being a scaredy-pony, and I just need to get home… yeah…” she whispered. She eventually got home, and was about to open the door, when suddenly, everything began to change.


The world became varying shades of grey, and seemed to look like a primitive, old timey cartoon or a graphite drawing. it wavered around, and appeared yo be drawn in a school textbook or something. Even scarier, Twilight had become like the buildings around her, Black and White, with textbook lines running through her body.

Twilight started to freak out. Small stickmen appeared out of cracks and they grabbed hold of her hooves, making it impossible to move.
Twilight’s heart raced.

She needed to run, and get away! She couldn’t move, no matter how hard she tried. She started to cry. “Please help me!” she tearfully called out. Nobody heard her, which made her cry.

Please, be a bad dream. Please be a bad dream. Wake up, wake up WAKE UP!

She zapped the stickmen with her magic; they let go, confused for a second, but the magic did no harm.
She raced off, Trying to find a way out of this place.

More and More stickmen were following her. She ran, dodging huge, falling pencils, and odd black and white zalgo ponies.

The cartoon ponies all had a cutie mark on their necks, rather than on their flanks. It was a pencil inside a triangle.

The ponies charged at Twilight, holding huge pencils, like they were swords. Twilight ran away, and was standing next to Sugarcube Corner, and couldn’t believe it. She saw another pony in the distance, a familiar looking pony at that.


It was Pinkie Pie, who was wearing a dress, covered in cupcakes.

Twilight ran closer, trying to save her friend. Pinkie twirled, causing multiple daggers to rise from the ground.

She hurled the daggers at a huge figure, which appeared to be the giant doodle of a pony, black and white, with the lines of textbook pages running through its body. It's cutie mark was the same as the marks on the zalgo ponies' necks.

It threw several razor-sharp pencils, which Pinkie had narrowly missed. Pinkie then stood up and summoned a giant dagger, and she threw it at the being.

It missed, and then, Twilight noticed a giant pencil, about to collide with Pinkie’s stomach.
“PINKIE PIE! LOOK OUT!” Yelled Twilight without thinking.

Pinkie noticed a moment too late, as the pencil dug into Pinkie’s body, impaling her and causing her blood to splash out of her body, and all over Twilight’s face.
Pinkie’s intestines lay on the ground, and Pinkie Pie was barely alive. She gazed in shock, as the creature delivered the final blow.

The Doodle Pony smashed Pinkie Pie’s skull with its giant hoof. Twilight ran, Faster and faster, until she was at her own house. She tried to get inside; even though she knew deep down that it was impossible.

And then, the Doodle Pony was standing right in front of her. Twilight didn’t know what else to do, so she shot magic beams at the giant monster. It had absolutely no effect. Then, the purple unicorn was impaled with a pencil.


Twilight curled into a fetal position, awaiting the final blow. This is the end, Thought Twilight.
I’m going to die now, and there is nothing I can do to stop it! Twilight called out for help one last time, as loud she could.
“HELP ME! PLEASE!” she yelled, “PLEASE!” her calls were not being herd, and her screams were dissolving into tears. “Please, help me… Please…” Twilight watched as her blood mixed with her tears.

“Goodbye, world…” she whispered as the huge pony’s hoof smashed into her skull.
Then the only thing that Twilight Sparkle could see was the blackness.


I’m dead. No more, gone forever. How is it possible that I can think?
“Twilight, wake up.”
How can I hear Spike’s voice? I must be a ghost. There is no way I could have survived a giant stepping on my head.
“Oh sweet Celestia! What happened?”
“She hit her head on something on her way back from Sugarcube Corner. Curiously, it seems that Pinkie Pie has gone missing. Perhaps the fillies have run into some sick freak,” Said a male voice.
“So they were in the wrong place at the wrong time,” said Rainbow Dash.
I’m in a coma? How can I hear them? I want to wake up!
The clutches of sleep were too strong for Twilight to escape from, so the words of those around her started quieting, until
Twilight fell asleep again.


She was again in the black- and- white cartoon Ponyville, only instead of seeing the stickmen, the zalgo ponies and the doodle pony, she saw Pinkie Pie’s corpse, still impaled with a crushed skull, in a pool of its own blood, and a freaky catlike animal.
“Hello there, Twilight Sparkle, my name is Kyubey!” said the animal; only, it never moved its mouth.
“H-hello Kyubey. Why am I here! I’m scared! I got attacked by some, some THING! It stomped on my head! How am I alive?” cried Twilight.
“The witch never stomped on your head. Another Puella Magi saved your life, and you blacked out from the pain and blood loss. You will die, if you don’t want to agree to my favour. They will turn your life support off,” Said Kyubey, solemnly. “I want you to make a contract with me, and become a Puella Magi!”
“WHAT! What is a Puella Magi! I want to know what I’m signing up for before I make a deal with a weird looking animal!” snapped Twilight, staring at Pinkie Pie’s body.
“I will grant you one wish, any wish you desire! You must fight witches to pay for this deal, and death is a part of it, but Twilight, you will die, even if you refuse my offer.”
In the hospital room, Twilight's closet friends were standing by her bed. The sterile room smelled like antiseptic, and appeared bleach white. Twilight's brow was drenched in sweat, her once vibrant purple pelt was now matted and dull.

"Twilight Sparkle has a very small chance of living. There is no easy way to say this, but, we have to cut off Twilight Sparkle's life support." Said the doctor solemnly.
There were tears, as Princess Celestia stroked Twilight Sparkle's face. It was hard saying goodbye to her faithful student. In fact, Celestia conidered Twilight more as a daughter than a student. One tear rolled down the white alicorn princess' cheek, as it fell and landed on Twilight's forehead.

And at the stroke of midnight, Twilight Sparkle's life support was cut.

A bell tolled in the distance, twelve times.
“Your life support has been cut off, Twilight Sparkle. Will you accept my offer, or will you die?”

What will i choose?