• Published 25th Jul 2021
  • 838 Views, 31 Comments

Asterix in Equestria - 23LEvans

Asterix is sent to equestria

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Canterlot was not as wonderful a sight as Rome or Greece, but it certainly was impressive in its own right, even Asterix a Seasoned traveler could not help but marvel at everything around them. Everything looked expressionistic and colorful.

“What a marvelous place” Cacofinix, “it’s so inspiring, I could just…” Asterix gave him a warning glare, “j-just keep admiring it, quietly” Cacofinix finished feebly.

“Good idea” Asterix agreed, “alright guard where do we go?” Asked Vitalstatistix, “this way” Shining armor said, leading the gauls through the city, when the pony laid eyes on them, some ran, some stared, some fainted, others ignored them. “Where can we get lunch?” Obelix asked about spotting a shop labeled as a Donut shop, whatever that was. but Asterix shushed him.

However there was no need, “we friend can get lunch at the palace” Twilight explained, “good I could use a wild boar” Obelix said rubbing his hands together. Some of the ponies upon hearing this turned a slight green.

Having an alliance with griffins and dragons, they knew of meat eating but it still made them a tad sickly.

“Well we’ll have time because we are here” Twilight stated, and indeed they had, they had arrived at a large, colorful and luxurious looking castle, “nothing compared to Rome or Greece but it certainly is well done” Asterix said, “says you. you live in wooden shakes” Rarity said pompously, “wooden shakes that have held against rome for years” Vitalstatistix said raising his voice a little.

He felt like the village's pride was being insulted, “so unless you want to get shaken straight upwards off the floor carry on”, Rarity wisely shut her mouth, “hold ya horses partner” Applejack said to keep galo-equestrian relationships steady, “no need for that. Trust me, just ignore Rarity, she doesn’t understand countryfolk”.

“Huh” Rarity huffed indignantly, “well excuse me for having some class…”, “enough” snapped a new voice, walking up to the party was Princess luna herself, “grrr” dogmatic growled, “no dogmatic Sit” Obelix told his pet dogmatic day but still glared at the princess. “Princess Luna” the pony’s bowed, “hello ma’am” the gauls said politely, “you must bow” Twilight hissed, “she may be your princess but i’m a gaulish chief and don’t bow to anyone. Whether it be Caesar himself or the princess in front of me”.

“Bellow you actually” Obelix pointed out referring to the shield, the royal guards however took offense, “how dare you?!” yelled one guard pointing his spear, the others followed suit, “Pax, i call Pax” said another new voice with a roman accent, Decurion Thisisserious followed by a small cohort of legions behind him, marched up and saluted on horseback with his legions “Ave Gauls, the princess and Centurion Oleaginous is waiting”.

Forgetting the quarrel they all made their way towards the throne room, “if you try anything we’ll make you pay” Luna said to them, “Acta deos Numquam Mortalia Fallunt” Thisisserious said, of course this was in latin, one guard thought he got the idea, “yeah if you mortals act suspicious, you’ll have a fall that will leave you numb” he said.

“Jupiter give me strength” muttered one of the roman horses, the Gauls stop dead and took a double take, “y-you just” Asterix began, “we always were, you lot were just to ignorant to listen” said another roman horse. “I miss rome it’s better than this dribbly place” muttered another roman horse, “yes much to bright for me” his rider agreed.

“Join the army you said, see the world they said” moaned another legion, “not the mane event i was hoping for” agreed the legions mount.

Still rather shell shocked by this the gauls continued on in silence. The roman horses were a lot taller then any regular pony, all almost as tall as celestia herself, and all wearing armor and with as much precision drilled into them as the Roman legion themselves.

Not long after
“Ave Centurion” said both Decurion Thisisserious and his horse as both saluted as they entered into the large throne room, “Ave” Thisisserious and his horse, a shining black stallion salluted back. “No remember obelix, no foaling around” Asterix said to his large friend, then he realized what he said, “oh sorry this place is getting to me”.

Meanwhile Chief Vitalstatistix was carried by his shieldbearers to the queen, “good day princess” he said, lifting his helmet off his head, “Chieftain” Celestia said, “Bow” Twilight hissed even more urgently, these Gauls were being very rude in her opinion.

“Would you stop? you're getting me down” Asterix responded, “well either get down or get knocked down” Rainbow threatened, “no no it’s alright. I don’t particularly like being bowed to anyway” Celestia said kindly.

This surprised the Gauls and the Romans a tad, “well good” Vitalstatistix said recovering quickly, “this place is already getting me down and I won’t sink lower by having my grace sullied by bowing”.

“Or lack there off” one shield bearer whispered, “I heard that” Vitalstatistix warned. “Onto other matter can you explain why you all are here in equestria in the first place?” Luna questioned.

“Um actually we can’t” Asterix admitted, “it's rather hard to explain it”, “how so, I mean the Druid said we got moved from Gaul to equestria” Obelix said, “um yes that is what happened” Asterix admitted.

“If anything I’d say it was the gods that brought us here in a flash of light” Vitalstatistix said, “I see so you were here on accident” Celestia said, “you can say that again” one Roman said to his horse.

“So what do you want now?” Luna asked suspiciously, “oh just to have that area of the land where we are, just so that we can continue our conflict with the romans and do about our business as usual” Oleginius said, “that’s it?!” Luna exclaimed, “nothing more?”

Well at the moment that is all we can with our current position” Oleginius thought, “but once we find a way to get back we can bring the full might of roman to conquer this land and others beyond”.

But what he said was “for now at any rate”.

“Well i don’t see any problem with that” Fluttershy said, “what seriously, they could be plotting something” Rainbow dash said, “and shouting it out while they are in the room is the best way to stop them?” Spike deadpanned.

The Gauls and Romans were indeed glowering at Rainbow, “why don’t you dash off before you hurt yourself” said Thisisserious, “get struck by lightning bud” Rainbow snapped back.


The sky lit up as a lightning bolt really did strike, the windows shattered from the noise of it being so close, “what the BUCK” Rarity exclaimed so shocked she was, everyone couldn’t answer so shaken were they, “Grrrr” Dogmatix growled the. Lightning struck again and he gave a yelp of fright and jumped back into Obelix arms, “um i think you have a bit of a monsoon problem” Asterix said looking out of the shattered window.

The rain came down terrenchally and the wind blew so fast that birds were blown away by it in mid air.

“But we haven’t had weather this bad in centuries” Luna said just as baffled, “the Pegasus should be more than capable of getting rid of this”.

“Wait the minute!” Asterix exclaimed In horror as he looked around, “Where’s our bard?!”