• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 3,131 Views, 80 Comments

The Adventure of the Apex Legion - DeffBwade

A new pony arrives in Equestria and goes on an adventure like never before. He may be shy and goofy at times, but he's also a kind soul. But most importantly, he's the Apex Legion.

  • ...

Chapter 7: A Field Trip Through the Woods

Author's Note:

Hey everybody, I'm back with another update...after another 3 fucking weeks. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!

Previously on The Adventure of the Apex Legion

"I don't know how to fly," I casually admitted.

"WHAT?!" she yelled out in disbelief, making my pupils shrink a bit.

"I never learned how to, okay?!" I yelled back.

"Nopony in my family was a pegasus. Not my mom, my dad, not even my brother. I also didn't have any pegasus friends," I explained with a sigh.

"Hey? Professor?" I asked, getting her attention, "If it's not too much trouble, can you teach me how to fly?"

"Of course Legion. I'll always be there for my fellow pegasi," she said.

"It's a little weird though," Gallus said, "I may not have lived Canterlot, or pretty much any pony community, but I know there had to be at least a few pegasi there."

Even though there were many things about their friend's foalhood to think about, they couldn't really think about it that much. After all, they did only meet Legion just a little over a week ago. Maybe as time goes on that they will learn more about their pegasus friend.

"You're a quick learner kid," I heard Professor Dash say, "Keep this up and you'll learn how to fly like the back of your hoof in no time."

"Well, a wise pony once said 'if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything,'" I said as I slowly got up and looked in the professor's direction.

"See you," I said as I walked away before I stopped and turned back, "Oh, and professor? Thank you for doing this."

"Heh. No problem kid," she said with a smile as I continued to walk back to Ponyville.

The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 7: A Field Trip Through the Woods

It was another normal day at the School of Friendship. Students were getting up for classes, all refreshed from a good night's sleep followed by good dreams under Princess Luna's moon, while the professors prepared their lessons for the day. However, for one rambunctious cyan pegasus, today was special.

Rainbow Dash soured into the school and through the fountain area and the hallways. She was so both anxious and excited for today that she wasn't really paying attention to how fast she was flying, as evident when she flew past Yona and Silverstream and blew away a stack of papers that the young yak was holding. Even though Rainbow picked the papers back up and gave Yona an apologetic smile, she blew away the papers yet again when she took off. Within a minute, she finally reached the teacher's lounge, where all of her friends were gathered.

"Did I miss the Teacher of the Month announcement?" Rainbow asked with a smile.

"You're just in time, but it's gonna be me," Applejack stated, prompting Rainbow to frown.

"Yeah right," Rainbow said with a wave of her hoof, "I got this one nailed."

Ever since Twilight started doing Teacher of the Month, where the students would vote on who they thought was...well...the teacher of the month, Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been doing whatever they can to a win. Just one...single...win. Just one problem.

"And the Friendship School Teacher of the Month is..." Twilight said, causing Rainbow and Applejack to lean forward with huge smiles and sparkling eyes, "Fluttershy!"

"Again?" Applejack asked disappointedly with a sigh.

"Come on!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Oh my," the shy pegasus said meekly, "I don't how I keep winning."

The problem is that Fluttershy won every single month. Not that they were jealous of her, of course. They were proud that their friend keeps winning. It just...would've been nice if they won at least once.

Spike walked up to Fluttershy and took a picture, the flashing causing her to become dazed for a second before shaking her head.

"Yeah, me neither," Rainbow muttered sarcastically.

"The award is based on the students' votes," Twilight said, "They must really like you."

Spike took the photo in his and glanced up, becoming shocked at the eight identical pictures of Fluttershy winning Teacher of the Month.

"Congratulations Fluttershy," Twilight said as she levitated the trophy over, causing Rainbow and Applejack to become a bit more saddened, "Next item of business. I've been looking into a new activity for our friendship classes. Spike."

Spike then came up with the huge friendship book for the school. However, it was difficult for him to open it, so Twilight just used her levitation.

"Section 147, paragraph 2 states that teamwork is a key part of friendship, and section 229, paragraph 9 says outdoor activity reinforces learning. Add that together and what do you get?" Twilight asked.

"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie called out with a wave of a raised hoof, "Ok, let me see...147, 229, carry the two...387!"

"Nuh uh," Twilight shook her head, though she was mostly confused, as well as everypony else, but then again...it's Pinkie Pie, "A teamwork field trip. Leading it is a Teacher of the Month type job, so I thought I'd ask-"

"I'm your pony Twilight," Applejack interrupted, "Sweet Apple Acres has taught me a thing or two about working together."

"Yeah, but being a Wonderbolt's the definition of teamwork," Rainbow butted in, only for Applejack to chuckle.

"I'm sure you're not saying fancy flying makes you a better choice than me," Applejack said, to which Rainbow merely chuckled back.

"I wouldn't say better. Just a little more qualified. No offense."

"Maybe you could lead the field trip together," Fluttershy suggested.



"Of course. Who better to model the importance of working as a team?" Twilight asked.

"Uh...Rarity? Fluttershy? Me? Spike? This flower pot?" Pinkie asked, as if she knew as well that it wasn't really a good idea.

"Both of you are teamwork experts. If the students see the two of you teaching together, they'll learn even more," Twilight said, "I know you've been competitive in the past, but I'm you'd never let that get in the way of friendship education."

"Of course!" Applejack proudly said.

"Totally!" Rainbow exclaimed.

As Twilight walked away though, the two professors groaned in annoyance before looking at each other and laughing it off. However, deep down they knew the truth on how this field trip is gonna go if they both are leading it and teaching about teamwork.

It's gonna end in disaster.

It's been about two weeks since Professor Dash started teaching me to fly. Like she stated, I was a pretty quick learner. I may not have the skills of an acrobatic, and definitely not skills like Professor Dash or the Wonderbolts (which I learned is basically an acrobatic team of pegasi), but I am now able to fly like the average pegasus. The only problems I'm still working on is my speed and endurance. Like I said many times, I've never had wings before.

During the last two weeks everything was pretty much the same old, same old. Wake up, get prepared, learn friendship, hang out with friends, do homework, sleep, go to work on the weekends, repeat, yada yada yada, you get the point. Two things happened that was different from the usual schedule.

The first was during Professor Dash's class where she was telling us about some kind of roller coaster in town called...Las Pegasus. Sigh...I swear one day I'm gonna find out who created these horse puns. Anyway, I believe it was called the Wild Blue Yonder. She described it as, and I quote, "the fastest, most thrilling ride of all time." And of course she had to go into detail of what it consists of.

Typical Professor Dash. Always liking speed.

First, you strap yourself into the cloud rocket car, and then you're catapulted straight through a...

"...series of daring dips and terrifying turns!" Professor Dash said as she flew in the air doing flips and all that.

"Does anypony know what the heck she's talking about?" I whispered to Sandbar and Smolder.

"Beats me," Smolder shrugged.

I'm not gonna say the rest of her explanation cause...I really don't care.


What? I'm not interested in roller coasters, okay?

Anyway, the next day, Professor Dash left for what I assumed to be the Wild Blue Yonder, and Professor Applejack ended up covering for her. To my surprise, she was quite an athlete, though not as tough as Professor Dash. There was a lot of bucking involved in that class.


Don't take that out of context.

I'll try not to.

Anyway (again)...I'm gonna move on cause I'm sure you all are starting to get bored of me talking about a roller coaster.

Just last week Headmare Twilight held a play at the school commemorating Princess Celestia's 1,111th year anniversary of when she first raised the sun, or as Professor Pinkie called it, her "ones-versary." I'd ask why Professor Pinkie decided the celebrate on such an odd number, but if the last few weeks have taught me anything, it's to never question Professor Pinkie and just chalk it off as she being herself. Sandbar and the others were part of the play, while I decided to opt out and spectate the rehearsals because I wasn't really a theater kid. The play had everything you'd expect. Props, costumes, the whole shebang. Even Princess Celestia herself was part of it, but to be honest...her acting skills was a bit...well. Let's just say that I would be a better actor than her.

You can say she was absolute shit, she can't hear you. I hope.

"Places everypony! We're hear to rehearse a new day in Equestria," Spike said through a megaphone before Headmare Twilight cleared her throat, making him roll his eyes, "Directed, written, and produced by Twilight Sparkle."

"Wow," I thought as I sat in the bleachers.

"Page 1, act 1, scene 1," Headmare Twilight said while levitating a script, "Action!"

The curtains to the stage opened up, revealing Professor Fluttershy.

"Once upon a time, before Celestia, Equestria was suffering terrible hardship. Raising the sun every morning was so hard, it took five great sorcerers plus Starswirl the Bearded to do it," she said as Sandbar and the others, fully in sorcerer like costumes, walked into view.

"Starswirl the Bearded? Really? That was his actual name?" I deadpanned in my head.

My friends then started to crouch to the ground and act like they were taking massive shits, full concentration and grunting. A trapdoor on the stage opened up and a huge, golden disco ball started to rise up.

"And everyday, the unicorns helping Starswirl would use so much magic, they lost their powers forever," Professor Fluttershy continued dramatically as all of my friends except Sandbar collapsed to the ground, Silverstream looking like she was dead, "Things looked bleak. Soon, Equestria would lose all its magic users, then the land would be covered in darkness. For...eternity."

The disco ball then started to rise back down into the stage.

"Even I can't believe how good my play is," I heard Headmare Twilight say proudly, "The sets, the props, the outfits. They're all great."

"And...here comes the best part," Spike said, though I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was not 100% sincere. He sounded a bit worried actually.

"But then, a student named Celestia discovered that she had the power to raise the sun itself without draining her magic," Professor Fluttershy explained as Princess Celestia walked onto stage, and then just waved at us with a smile and didn't say anything.


"Um...that's your cue Celestia," Headmare Twilight said.

"Oh-er...right...of course," she said before clearing her throat and...

"It is time for a new day in Equestria."


Spike, Headmare Twilight, and I shared looks of confusion before I spoke up.

"What?" I asked.

"O-oh...I said...It is time for a new day in Equestria," she said again.

"Um...you're gonna have to speak up," I called out.

She doesn't even sound or look nervous! In fact, she's smiling right now!

"Y-yeah, I mean...your delivery was great, but the ponies in the back row need to hear you as well," Headmare Twilight said.

"Oh! Yes. Yes, my royal Canterlot voice. Thank you for the reminder," Princess Celestia said.

Her what voice?

I think she said her "royal Canterlot voice?" I believe that's what she called it, but what the fuck does that even-



"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled in my head as I covered my ears at Celestia raising her voice by 5.247 hundred decibels (don't ask why the number was so specific, just roll with it). I could feel the ground shaking and the force of the wind literally pushing everybody back, and I'm pretty sure that someone on the other side of the world in an alternate dimension just shit themselves to how loud that was.

When the ground and wind started to settle, I opened my eyes and saw my friends on the ground. Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Gallus, and Silverstream were even shaking at the sheer loudness.

"Oh-uh, goodness. This theater does have strong acoustics," Princess Celestia said, "M-my apologies. I'm still learning to hone my craft."

"No, no, you're doing...fine," Headmare Twilight said hesitantly.

"Explain exactly what the fuck she's doing fine in."

"Why don't we try it one more time, just like you're talking to me."

"It is time for a new day in Equestria," Princess Celesia said in an almost robotic-like voice, as if she was being mind controlled. At this, my friends decided to get off the stage.

"Yeah. My thoughts exactly. I'm out of here. T-this is absolute cringe."

You're right. She was absolute shit.

Anyway, back to the present. Apparently Headmare Twilight arranged for us to have a field trip in order to learn about tee-am work.

Tee-am work? You mean teamwork?

Yeah, that's what I said. Tee-am work.

It's pronounced teamwork.

Yeah. Tee-am work.


Tee-am work.


Tee-am work.

Say "team."


Say "work."


Now say "teamwork."

Tee-am work.


Listen man. I don't care what kind of schee-am work your trying to do to me, but I'll say it however I please.

We were now walking with Headmare Twilight to where our field shall begin. What we're gonna do exactly...shit if I know. I'm as oblivious as the others.

"I've never been on a field trip before," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, what's the point of this exactly?" Smolder asked.

"Getting out of the classroom. Duh," Gallus said.

"Yeah don't complain Smolder. I mean...not that I don't enjoy classes or anything," I whispered to Smolder.

"Yak best at field tripping," Yona said she purposely tripped over onto the grass. Sweet, innocent Yona.

"That's what we're doing? So fun!" Silverstream cheered as she too tripped onto the grass.

"Heh heh. Pretty sure the Headmare has something else in mind," Sandbar said.

"Alright class. Today you'll learn how important working together is to building a strong friendship," Headmare Twilight said as Professor Applejack walked up to her.

"He y'all. Ready to get out there and do some learning the Apple family way?" Professor Applejack asked.

"This is basically gonna be the best field trip in the history of ever! With me in charge that is," Professor Dash said as she flew up. Professor Applejack then pushed her out of the way, making her grunt.

"With us in charge." Professor Applejack said before we heard her muttering, "Meaning mostly me."

"Yeah, good one," Professor Dash said. I noticed the two of them giving each other stares of sternness.

"And what teamwork activity do you two have planned for today?" Headmare Twilight asked the two professors.

"Shed building/Canoe racing," they both said.

"No way. We get to do both?!" Silverstream asked as she leapt into the air out of excitement.

"I bet that's exactly what your two teachers had in mind," Headmare Twilight said, "Why don't you start with shed building first?"

"Heh, don't mind if I do," Professor Applejack said as Professor Dash gave her a stern glare, "Every creature, follow the leader."

"I'll check in later to see its going. Remember to work together," Headmare Twilight said.

"Now take a good deep breathe. What do you smell?" Professor Applejack asked.

Gallus took a breathe and let out a sound of disgust. "Ew, yak?"

Yona sniffed her own fur...wool...I still don't know and smiled. "Mmhm."

Should I be disgusted at that?

"Nope. Try again."

"Um, Apples?" Ocellus said.

"Aaand? Anyone? Anyone? Nope?" Professor Applejack asked.


Everybody looked at me as I sniffed really loudly. I then let out a huge exhale and looked at Professor Applejack.

"Fresh air?" I asked her calmly.

"Well, yeah. But also, the promise of...teamwork!" she said as she pointed to a small shed next to a pile of planks of wood and tools.

If there's one thing you should know about me it's that I'm weird. Like really weird. Not Professor Pinkie levels of weird, but you get the point. My friends have gotten used to my silliness at this point, especially Silverstream.

"For Narnia!" I yelled as I charged to get some people out in one of Professor Dash's dodgeball games, before I stopped mid run and stared wide eyed at almost everybody, including Smolder, with balls in their hooves...or claws.

I then did the only sensible thing to do.


I let out probably the most girlish scream I ever did.

I thought we agreed never to talk about thar again.

Hehehehe...I-I can't help it! It-it's just too good!

"That there's an apple shed, and this here is what we're gonna use to build it. Nothing brings friends together like a little hard work and honest sweat," Professor Applejack said.

"Hahahaha! Sweat?! Seriously?! That's supposed to be part of friendship?" Professor Dash responded.

"Not everypony would know that Rainbow Dash. Just Teacher of the Month kind of ponies," Professor Applejack said.

"Whatever. Let's just get this done so we can move on to my activity," Professor Dash said. Now it was Professor Applejack's turn to give a stern glare. Something tells me this field trip isn't off to a great start. But regardless...

"Yeah! I'm ready to get sweaty!" I cheered as me and the others got to work.

"That's the spirit Legion!" Professor Applejack complimented.

We managed to build the shed. Well, one side at least. Professor Dash decided to use speed to build the rest of it. Hell, she did it all in the air in a cloud of dust. I'm surprised she doesn't have any form of injuries, especially when she decided to kick a bunch of nails with her bare hind hooves. Obviously, Professor Applejack wasn't happy with her, not only how she rushed it, but her recklessness as well.

"Just cause it's fast, don't mean it's good," Professor Applejack said to Professor Dash.

That's what she said.

"Oh sorry. Can't hear you. Too busy practicing my Teacher of the Month pose. Yeah! Gyah! Hoo-wah!" Professor Dash as she did a bunch of poses at that last part.

"You're looking absolutely fabulous Professor."

"Don't count your pictures before their snapped Rainbow Dash!"

"Oh come on! These students are totally gonna vote for a teacher that gets things done!"

"No! They're gonna vote for a teacher that gets things done right!"

Vote for a...oh. So that's what this is about. The Teacher of the Month. They're more focused on getting the dub.

Why am I not surprised?

I voted for Professor Pinkie. She's cheery and weird. My two favorite combinations (not really).

Should we...should we talk to them about it?

Nah. I'm sure they can resolve it on their own. Hopefully.

"Yeeaah...this isn't awkward at all," Smolder said.

Eventually, we attached the wall that we built to the structure that Professor Dash built. The final piece was the roof. Me, Smolder, and Gallus were flying in the air holding the roof, while Yona held onto the rope that held the roof. Professor Applejack gave me a bit of a headache when she kept telling us to move it back and forth and left and right, and apparently...the same could be said for Professor Dash.

"Just drop it already!" Professor Dash yelled out at Yona suddenly.


Yona, being startled by the outburst, ended up letting go of the rope, making the roof a lot heavier to hold. We lost our grips and the roof collapsed onto the shed. Surprisingly, the side that we built was the only thing still standing. Professor Dash nervously chuckled when she noticed Professor Applejack's glare.

"I'll give you guess who's side is still standing."

"Yak's side!" Yona cheered as she held onto the still standing wall, making it fall. Thankfully, there was a hole (lol) in it, so Sandbar wasn't harmed when it fell.

"Welp...this day is off to...er...off to a great start," I said reluctantly.

"Who's ready to smash the all-time Equestrian speed record for river canoeing?!" Professor Dash asked proudly.

We now equipped with life vests and helmets and getting ready to, as she said, canoe. I've always wanted to go canoeing, but watching horror movies involving a lake has pretty much turned me into a massive pussy.

I have told him many, many times not to watch Piranha, but he went ahead and did it anyway. This is why we don't watch horror movies.

"Is that even a thing?" Gallus asked.

"First I heard of it," Sandbar responded.

"I think the real question is, how were Smolder and Yona able to put on their helmets despite their horns?"

"We need to get to the finish line before this alarm goes off," Professor Dash said, showing us a stopwatch, "That means you gotta move fast!"

She then flew to the boat and threw us all boat paddles. I found it impressive that Sandbar was able to catch it with his hoof.

"Any questions?"

"Um...Yona have questions," Yona said a bit nervously.

"No time for them. Get in the boat!"

Oh. She's one of those teachers.

We all then proceeded to get in the boat.

"You really think winning some canoeing record will get ya that Teacher of the Month trophy?" I heard Professor Applejack ask.

"I'm pretty sure every creature's gonna like it a lot better than pounding nails and cutting wood," Professor Dash said, to which Professor Applejack have another glare.

"I'd like teachers that can cooperate."

As we got into the boat, I heard Yona say, "Yak not like water."

"Sometimes, when I'm scared to try something new, I whistle," Ocellus said, to which Yona proceeded to whistle.

"Huh. I usually just either sit it out, or suck it up and deal with it. Mostly the former though," I said.

"Way I see it, Twilight's gonna give that teacher trophy to a teacher, not a racer," Professor Applejack said.

"We'll see about that," Professor Dash said.

"STROKE! STROKE! STROKE! HARDER! PUT YOU BACK INTO IT NOOBIES!" Professor Dash practically commanded Smolder, Gallus, Yona, and I.

And did she just call us noobs?

"Stroooke. Stroooke. Stroooke. Slower. Focus on your paddle technique y'all," I heard Professor Applejack tell Ocellus, Silverstream, and Sandbar.

"If Jrod and Gaming were here, I'd imagine that they would be making a lot of...inappropriate jokes. Hell, I would do it as well."

"Whoo-hoo! We're really going now!" Silverstream cheered.

"Yes! This is totally working. We are definitely not stroking in complete opposite directions and not actually moving," I stated sarcastically yet proudly, to which everybody else noticed that we weren't actually going anywhere.

"Grr. Every creature needs to listen to me, the leader of my activity, Applejack!" Professor Dash seethed, putting emphasis when calling out Professor Applejack's name. Ocellus, Silverstream, and Sandbar then turned around.

"Now, STROKE!"

Cut to a few minutes...I think. I wasn't paying attention. We were still keeping up with the paddling. It's all about the technique.

First go like this, SPIN AROUND, STOP. Double take three times. One, two, three, and...PELVIC THRUST. WOO!

"Dig in team! We can still beat that record!" Professor Dash said.

Honestly it felt like Professor Dash was more focused on breaking the record than teaching us about tee-amwork. I glanced up and saw that we were approaching a split in the path thanks to a damn rock.

"Stop!" Professor Applejack yelled.

"Go!" Professor Dash yelled.

"Which way do we go?" Ocellus asked.




"Ei-ei captains! Wait, what?" Silverstream asked with confusion, practically reading my thoughts.

"Left! I can see the finish line from here!" Professor Dash said excited. I looked ahead to the left side and, indeed, there was a finish line. There was also a bunch of these green fish swimming there. One of them jumped, revealing to have sharp teeth. Almost like...



"If we go left, we'll be heading straight into the bite-a-cuda fish!"

"Who cares about a few fish?"

"I care about a few fish when they can bite you!" I yelled out my thoughts.


"Well, just go around them," Professor Dash shrugged off.

"JESUS CHRIST! This reminds of that one Spongebob episode where Spongebob and Patrick try to live like Larry!"

W-wait. Wasn't there something else we should be concerned about?

"ROCK!" Sandbar yelled out before the boat crashed into the rock, smashing it and everybody falling into the water. Fortunately, we were drifting to the right side, so I guess I get to live another day. At least Silverstream was laughing it off as we floated down the river.

"I love field trips!" Silverstream cheered.

"I hope you're happy," I heard Professor Applejack say.

"I'm definitely happy."

"Obviously not! Because there goes our new speed record," Professor Dash complained.

Professor Dash. Just once in your life, can you please not talk about breaking some kind of re-HOLY SHIT YONA IS DROWNING!

I heard the sound of rapid splashing and saw a ripped life vest. I turned and saw Yona trying to stay afloat.

"HELP! YAK NOT SWIM!" Yona pleaded between coughs before submerging under the water.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Oh my god! What do we do?! What do we do?! WHAT DO WE-oh wait I forgot Ocellus and Silverstream can turn into creatures that can swim and breath underwater. But still...HOLY SHIT!"

After Ocellus and Silverstream emerge with Yona, we hear Headmare Twilight ask, "How's the canoeing...going?"

"About as good as the apple shed building," Smolder commented before we all started to swim back to shore.

"I totally had things under control...until Applejack messed them up," Professor Dash accussed.

"Did not," Professor Applejack defended.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Yep, it's been like this all day," Gallus sighed.

"I wouldn't say all day. Just...99% of it," Sandbar said, to which Headmare Twilight gave a stern glance at the two professors.

"Uh oh. Someponies are in trouble," I said, although on the inside I was smiling.

"I can't believe this. You're not teaching teamwork, you're competing with each other. I thought you were past that," Twilight sternly said to the two mares.

When she first moved to Ponyville, she found out pretty quickly that Rainbow and Applejack were competitive ponies, if the Iron Pony Competition and the Running of the Leaves were any indication. In fact, they were so competitive that they resorted to cheating, from bucking beehives off of trees, to misdirection, usage of tree sap, nudging each other, and flying. Thankfully, it ended up nipping them in the butts and they ended up getting last place and eventually learning that friendship is more important than some silly competition. But apparently, they either forgot the lesson might've not learned anything after all.

"We are!" Rainbow pleaded before she hesitantly said, "...Mostly."

"We got carried away with wanting to be the Teacher of the Month is all," Applejack defended.

"The Teacher of the Month wouldn't care about being Teacher of the Month. I know Fluttershy would be thrilled to see another pony win," Twilight scolded, "That's it! I'm taking over this field trip."

"Hold up Twilight!" Applejack said, "Don't call out Rainbow Dash for the reward just yet. You should've seen her fire up those students to build a shed."

"No way. You're the one the students listen to. Besides, you saved us from those pony eating fish," Rainbow said as she and orange mare gave huge smiles to the Headmare, who just raised an eyebrow at that, "Long story, but Applejack should definitely be Teacher of the Month."

"Hmm, maybe you two have learned something after all," Twilight said with suspicion evident in her voice.

"Does that mean you'll give us another chance at the Teacher of the-" Applejack asked before Rainbow placed a hoof on her mouth.

"Field trip?" Rainbow corrected.

"Well..." Twilight considered.

"Come on Twilight," Rainbow pleaded, "We get it. No more arguing. Right Applejack?"

"Right as rain and twice as fresh," Applejack responded as they hoof bumped.

"Fine," Twilight said, albeit with a bit of reluctance, "But I'm picking the next activity you two lead. A nature walk. Nopony can possibly argue over that, right?"

"Right!" the two mares answered.

"See? We're agreeing all ready," Applejack said, to which Twilight nodded and walked off.

Ah, a nature walk. A chance to see nature for what it truly looks like. And a chance for peace, quiet, and serenity. I remember a few years ago in 7th grade when my class went on a week long field trip to some camp. Forgot what it was called though. One of the activities we did were a nature walk. One in the day and one at night, although the night one was a bit uneventful other than a few people being scared of the dark. Not that I blame them or anything.

The one in the day, however, was pretty calming. It gave time to think about life and the beauty of nature and whatnot. Although, it could've been better off without those cards telling us to do things. One of them told me to take off my shoes and walk barefoot the rest of the way. There's no way in hell that I'm gonna walk barefoot through a forest. What if I stepped on something sharp? Regardless, seeing nature up close was amazing.

It must've been pretty nice, wasn't it?

It was. I would say the same for this one, but there's just one tiny problem.


WE'VE BEEN IN THIS FOREST FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF! AN HOUR AND A HALF DUDE! AN HOUR AND A-first off, this isn't even a nature walk anymore. We're pretty much rats in a maze, but an hour and a half! The sun's gonna lower in a couple of hours, and I don't even think we're making any progress! Me, Ocellus, and Sandbar have seen that same rock 4 times!


Phew. Anyway...now that I got that off of my chest, I think it's time to voice my complaints.

"Professors, admit it. We're lost," I said at loud.

"I wouldn't say lost, just...confused?" Professor Applejack defended.

"So we're lost," I said.

"N-no. We're just...taking the long and scenic route," Professor Dash defended.

"A route that takes more than an hour and a half to go through?"


"Uh huh...so that means we're lost."

"U-um...I...yeah, we're lost," Professor Dash admitted, to which we all groaned out of annoyance.

"Bileomeogeul (goddamn it)," I mumbled.

"Now, now. Remain calm every creature. I'm sure we'll find our way back eventually," Professor Applejack. reassured us.

"I wanna believe you, but I can't for some reason."

"Yeah. And besides, this is the Whitetail Woods," Professor Dash said, "This is practically a safe haven for camping. We'll be totally fine."

And cue the ominous music because we all turned at the sound of rustling bushes. This alone wasn't what scared us. No. It was the fact that it didn't sound like a squirrel or even a deer was passing through. No, whatever it was, it was huge. What's more, I wasn't even focused on that.

"Oh my stars, what is that smell?!" I yelled as I pressed a hoof against my muzzle, "It smells like a rotting skunk basted in expired milk!"

We then heard the sound of a beast growling, a wolf's growling to be specific. My eyes turned to pinpricks as the beast finally emerged out of its cover. It was...I don't even know what it was. It was indeed a wolf, but it was bigger than what you would expect. Its eyes glowed green as it practically stared into my soul. The freakiest part, however, was that it didn't even look like it was made out of fur and flesh, but instead an amalgamation of a bunch of wood and leaves.

"You just had to say that Rainbow," I heard the professor chide.

The beast then sounded more aggravated as it slowly started to approach us, to which we slowly back up.

"A timberwolf in the Whitetail Woods?!" Sandbar panicked.

"But that's impossible!" Professor Applejack said, "They only reside in the Everfree Forest! What's it doing here?!"

Professor Dash then turned to us, "All of you stay back. AJ and I will take care of it," she said as she got into a battle stance.


"What?! You're gonna fight that thing by yourselves?! That's insane!" I pleaded.

"No sweat. We handled dozens of Timberwolves before," Professor Dash said with some cockiness evident in her voice.

Seriously! Two tiny ponies vs. a wooden wolf the size of a a velociraptor?!

This is gonna be awesome to watch.

I know, right? I mean, I'm still worried, but if they really think they can take care of it, then okay.

Me and the others took a few paces back, although I had to admit that I still felt scared because the Timberwolf was still staring into my soul.

"Just be safe, alright?" I said, to which the professors nodded.

"God, I wish there were phones here. You gotta do what you gotta do for the content."

The Timberwolf started to approach the two mares as they got into battle stances. Rainbow was honest in what she told Legion. They tackled many Timberwolves in the past, and that was when they were in groups of three. An example would be when Spike was so adamant on being Applejack's assistant that they tried to fake a Timberwolf attack for him to repay his debt, only for actual Timberwolves to show up, but that's not important right now.

What matters now is to protect the students.

"This will be a breeze," Rainbow whispered with a cocky expression.

Before anything could happen though, Rainbow and AJ could've sworn that they saw something in the Timberwolf's eyes. It was only for a brief second, but it was enough to put a slight chill up their spines. Some sort of shimmer. Something...dark...and evil.

"What in tarnation?" AJ whispered with a raised eyebrow...before the Timberwolf suddenly darted forward past the two mares, knocking them over in the process...and towards the students.


We all screamed as we darted in different directions, out of the way of the Timberwolf's lunge. When it landed, it immediately turned its head to where me, Ocellus, and Sandbar were. I would've yelled at Smolder to light this bitch up, but that would run the risk of starting a forest fire. As Smokey the Bear once said, only you can prevent forest fires.

"Maybe Ocellus could turn into something to kill it, maybe a-OH SHIT!"

The wolf lunged at us again, causing us to dodge out of the way, with me separate from Ocellus and Sandbar. My heart was racing, only for it to speed up even more like the Flash when the wooden wolf turned towards me and started growling.

"W-why is it looking at me?"

It then started to slowly approach me...before it suddenly lunged, to which I jumped up into the air, my wings flapping in the breeze of the supposedly serene woods.

It was a fight or flight situation at this point, and seeing as there was no way I could be capable of killing a wolf made of wood...

I choose flight. Literally.

In hindsight, I was worried I made the wrong decision by basically abandoning my friends, but that worry immediately dissipated when I heard my friends calling my name in horror...as well as the sound of the wolf giving chase as I dodged and weaved through the trees.

I know you might be wondering why I didn't just fly up high above the tree line, and the answer was that I wasn't thinking clearly because of the fear I felt.

But...in a way...I was kind of relieved that my friends and the professors would be safe. A noble sacrifice?


Nah. Fuck that. I'm too young to die.

I could feel my stamina depleting as the wolf continued to give chase, but I had to keep going. It was do or die. But then I did something stupid. Something you should never do in horror movies when something is chasing you. I looked back for a brief second to see that the wolf was getting closer and closer, and because I wasn't watching where I was going, I didn't see the branch up ahead until I felt a sharp pain on one of my wings, making me wince.

I fell to the ground and almost immediately got up to run as much as my hooves can provide me. I then saw the edge of the woods ahead of me, making me relieved that I was gonna get help. However, the relief dissipated when I got out of the woods...and reached a ravine.

"Ah shit," I mumbled.

I looked to the other side of the ravine and stretched my wings, only for one of them to send jolts of pain. I looked at my right wing and saw that it was...what's the word...clipped? I think that's what Professor Dash said.

I looked down and saw a massive river below. Maybe I could jump? That idea was then thrown out of the window when I saw some familiar fishes with snapping jaws jump out of the water.

"Fuck," I mumbled with wide eyes and a racing heart as my fears grew at the reality of the situation. A forest predator was after me and I had no way out.

I resisted the urge to piss myself as I heard the sounds of bushes rustling and growling. I slowly turned as my breathing was as loud as...I don't even know...to the sight of the Timberwolf slowly approaching, once again its eyes piercing into my soul.

I couldn't fly.

I couldn't fight.

I was going to die.

Time seemed to slow down as the wolf got into a pouncing position, ready to catch its prey.

I closed my eyes and waited for it to deliver the final blow.

As I heard the Timberwolf pounced, my memories shifted to those of my friends. How they always put a smile on my face, how much fun we had.

Well...it was fun while it lasted.

"At least I know that they're safe."

At that thought, I felt something. Not the feeling of claws and teeth tearing my flesh apart. Not the feeling of the wolf tackling me down to the river below. It was instead kind of a feeling of warmth enveloping me, but only for a split second. And after that...


I slowly opened up my eyes...and saw nothing. I didn't see any Timberwolf nor any blood on me as I examined my body. I was perfectly fine. I mean...not that I'm complaining or anything.


I immediately turned back to the river below at the sound of a massive splash.

Did...did the Timberwolf just fall into the river?

I-I think...I think it did.

My breathing started to slow down as I sat down on my haunches. Once I calmed down, I then started to chuckle.

"Heh. I can just imagine it. Pegasus colt survives Timberwolf attack because Timberwolf has small brain."

I'd say you got lucky.

Yeah. Maybe I did.

"There he is!"

I turned back to the trees and saw the professors and my friends approaching. I got up and met them halfway.

"Are you okay Legion?!" Ocellus asked out of concern.

"Besides being a little shaken up from what just happened, I think I'm fine," I answered.

"A-are you sure?! I-I mean...when the Timberwolf started chasing you, I got so worried," Ocellus said as her voice started to quiver a bit, "I thought...I thought..."

I then walked up to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder with a small smile adorning my face. Well...I don't know if quadrupeds even have shoulders, but you get the idea.

"Ocellus. I'm fine," I said, "But...thanks for worrying about me."

"Where is the Timberwolf anyway?" Sandbar asked.

"Well...simply put...it fell," I admitted.

"Beg your pardon?" Professor Applejack asked.

"I...honestly don't know myself," I shrugged, "I must've missed me when it lunged at me."

"Huh?!" Silverstream yelled.

"I mean...it doesn't really matter to me," I shrugged, "I'm alive. That's what matters."

How can you be so nonchalant about this?

Oh I'm not. I'm actually shitting myself right now.

"Woah dude! Your wing!" Professor Dash exclaimed once she noticed my injured wing.

"Ah it's just a flesh wound professor. I'll be fine," I said, but then I winced a little at the pain, "But in all honesty, I think I need to go to the hospital. Please tell one of you found the way back."

Smolder then flew up into the air to get her bearings. She must've spotted Ponyville because she flew back down and said, "We can get back to the school before dark if we cross the ravine."

"Good," I said with a sigh of relief.

Ever since the young pegasus came to Equestria, he's been keeping tabs on him. Watching how he progresses with living in such a peaceful world. He is aware that the pegasus known as Apex Legion comes from a sort of violent world, but in all honesty, that's probably what makes him more enjoy, as well as his whole demeanor.

Regardless, he's been watching him for another reason.

And he's glad about what he just saw.

As he watched from the shadows, he saw the Timberwolf slowly approach the pegasus, who then closed his eyes, as if accepting his fate. He was considering intervening when the Timberwolf got into a pounce position, but then he felt something from Legion.

He may not be some kind of emotional reader, but he sensed that the pegasus was feeling some sort of...relief? Again, he isn't sure, but he does know that was something positive.

What happened next was something that shouldn't be possible unless you were a unicorn.

Just before the Timberwolf was about to dig its claws into Legion, the young pegasus, in the blink of an eye, disappeared and reappeared in a flash of light a meter or two to the left, just outside of the Timberwolf's range. The young pegasus didn't seem to notice what just happened though.

He didn't sense any unicorns around to cause the pegasus to teleport and it definitely wasn't him.

No, he knew what just happened.

Unfortunately, so did somepony else.

He felt it off of the Timberwolf. It wasn't the normal Everfree like energy Timberwolves exudes. It was something dark...and easily recognizable. And that means that what he found was true.

But he can worry about that at a later date. For now, he needs to continue monitoring the young pegasus.

"It appears the hero of the story is starting to get in touch with his...'special'...kind of magic," he said as his yellow and red eyes backed off into the darkness.