• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 3,131 Views, 80 Comments

The Adventure of the Apex Legion - DeffBwade

A new pony arrives in Equestria and goes on an adventure like never before. He may be shy and goofy at times, but he's also a kind soul. But most importantly, he's the Apex Legion.

  • ...

Chapter 10: The Legion's Destiny

Previously on The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Anyway, today has been a weird day so far. It all yesterday when Headmare Twilight showed us these artifacts that represented the pony, changeling, griffon, hippogriff, dragon, and yak tribes. There was the Amulent of Aurora, the Talismen of Mirage, the Helm of (I'm not even gonna attempt it), the Crown of Grover, (I'm not even gonna attempt it)'s Shell, and Clover the Clever's Cloak. In the middle of the lecture, Headmare Twilight's cutie mark started to glow for some reason. I wish the same applied for the smile on my cutie mark. The next day, not only the Headmare, but also the professors had to leave for a "friendship mission," whatever that is, leaving Spike and Counselor Starlight in charge.

It was, in short, an amalgamation of creatures. A mismatch of randomness. Something you'd see from Harry Potter or Narnia. It had a right leg of a lizard, a left leg of a goat, a lion's paw for its right arm, an eagle's claw for its left arm, a snake-like body, a bat wing, a bird wing, a dragon-like tail, a deer horn, a goat horn, a head that looked equine in shape, and white eyebrows and a beard. Like I said, a mismatch of randomness.

He then gave this look, something I couldn't describe as much, as if he was telling me 'Hey, I know you,' but that could've just been my imagination though.

"For this afternoon's Spell-Venger Hunt, you'll need to use the artifacts' history to find where they're hidden in the school. When you spot one, touch it with a magic shield to keep track of your score," Counselor Starlight said.

I approached Ocellus and stood by her side. I glanced in her direction through my peripheral vision and saw that she seemed nervous. Her hooves were fidgeting a bit and...I swear I saw a blush. Eh, it's whatever.

"Alright. Sorry you had to be paired with me though," I said, "History isn't exactly my forte."

"O-oh. Don't apologize. I-I'm...I'm g-g-glad that you're my partner," she stammered, while I remained oblivious to the blush that started to form on her face, "N-not that I didn't want any of the others. I...I just really wanted to be partnered with you...I mean! O-oh jeez."

"You alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine!" she yelled, but I just raised an eyebrow at this.

I knew she wasn't fine. I don't know if it was just me, but lately she's been acting...odd. Shy. Like more shyer than when I met her. Was she nervous about something?

"Y-yeah! That's it! Just nervous about the presentation! Yeah," she said laughing nervously.

"Is it weird that I think it's kind of cute whenever she gets like this?"

As we turned and started to walk away, we heard the sound of clanging metal behind us. We turned and saw that the suit of armor was...moving?

It then proceeded to full on sprint at us, the axe dragging behind it.

"L-Legion..." I heard Ocellus whisper.

"Yeah?" I asked without even turning to her.

"Y-your body..." she said.

"What? What about it?" I asked as I shot a quick glance at her.

"It's disappearing!" she exclaimed.


I took a quick glance at my hooves once...twice...three times...before I looked once again and continued to stare as my hooves were slowly disappearing.

"W-what the fuck?"

I continued to stare as my hooves completely disappeared, and my torso also began to as well. In a matter of seconds, the warm feeling finally reached my face. and then stopped. I inspected my entire body, only to see nothing.

"L-legion?" Ocellus asked, but I was too dumbfounded to respond.

"D-did I actually turn invisible? How did I do that?"

"I-I'm fine," she answered, "But...what was that? How did you use magic like that?"

If only I had an answer. I had no idea.

"I just don't get it. I've done some research, and I've never read anything about pegasi being able to utilize magic other than flight and controlling the weather. The only creatures I know that's capable of invisibility are those with magical inducing horns. I shouldn't be able to do this," I sighed.

concentrated a bit and tried to turn myself invisible again, but the most I got was my hoof. God, magic can be such a fickle little thing. I'm not sure I'll ever understand it.

"I just don't know what to think. Maybe Headmare Twilight knows what's going on with me? I mean she is the Element of Magic, right?" I suggested.

"I wouldn't recommend it."

We yelped at the sudden voice and turned to see Discord leaning against one of the bookshelves.

"Twilight or any of her friends wouldn't know anything about what's going on with you," he said as I looked back at my still invisible hoof.

"W-wait, I didn't tell you my name," I said.

"You didn't have to. I know all about you Apex Legion. Raised in the city of Canterlot, didn't have much friends growing up," Discord said as he floated around me before he whispered to make ensure that Ocellus didn't hear, "And how you're not even from this world to begin with."

"Ocellus? Was it?" Discord asked, to which she nodded, "Could you do me a solid and tell Twilight that me and the royal sisters needed to talk to our pegasus friend here?"

"You mean...Princesses Celestia and Luna?" I asked.

"What for?" Ocellus asked.

"About his...condition," Discord answered, "Oh...and also, make it a double solid and don't tell any creature what you saw. Not even those friends of yours. Not yet at least."

"Ocellus, I think we should trust Discord on this," I said before I turned to the chaotic creature, "I won't be gone for too long, right?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to bring you back before you can even say 'kumquat,'" Discord said before he snapped his finger, making him and I disappear, and possibly leaving Ocellus as confused as me.

The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 10: The Legion's Destiny

The flash of light from Discord's teleportation blinded me, leaving my vision completely white. God, it was blinding, as well as disorienting. When was the last time I teleported like this? It had to have been months ago, when I first arrived here in Equestria thanks to the princesses.

Now that I mention it, have I actually been here for months? Because holy shit. It sure didn't feel that long. Either I'm really enjoying my time here in Equestria or I'm that bored of Earth.

I'd say the answer is both.

Maybe. Although I do have to admit that I'm starting to miss video games and Internet. Maybe I should invest in one of those Joy Boys that I've heard about.

I wonder what my family is up to, as well as Jrod and Gaming. Oh right...I forgot. Time on Earth is paused for me, thanks to the princesses, so technically my family are all still out doing errands, and my friends are probably just being weird and inappropriate to random people that ear rape their mics on Fortnite: Roblox Edition. I wonder how the princesses even managed to pause Earth's time.


Actually, you know what? Never mind.

You know, I wonder. Is your physical body actually gone from Earth, or is it still there and your mind subconsciously created the body you're in right now and made up its appearance?

Duuuuh...my brain hurts from thinking about it, so I'm just gonna say my physical body disappeared from Earth. But then again...knowing that time is paused, it's most likely that-...fuck me, this is giving me a brain aneurysm.

When my vision finally cleared up, I saw that I was in a pretty fancy and ornate...what I'm guessing to be a throne room.

Large stained glass windows adorning the walls? Check.

A long carpet from a set of gigantic doors? Check.

Two giant chairs on top of a giant set of stairs? Check-a-lucking-dingle.

Definitely a throne room.

On top of said thrones were Princesses Celestia and Luna, with their royal regalia and their manes and tails giving gravity the hard di-...the middle finger. God the last time I've seen either of these two was when Princess Celestia gave that shitty play performance a few months ago.

Damn dude. Why do you have to diss her like that?

"Oh. Hello Discord," Princess Celestia greeted back, "And hello Legion."

"Hello Tia. Hello Lulu," Discord greeted.

"Tia? Lulu? As in Lulu from God Eater 3?"

"Hi princesses," I said before I bowed when I remembered that I was in the presence of royalty.

"There's no need to bow my little pony," Princess Celestia giggled, "Anyway, to what do we owe you the pleasure? It would be nice to just catch up on what has been going on with you."

I was about to reply when Discord suddenly picked me up and carried me under his arm, much to my disdain.

"I'm glad you asked. It involves our little pegasus friend here," Discord replied before he lifted me up, "Well. Go on little one. Show the princesses your little trick."

"You know I don't appreciate this. And also...don't call me little," I complained as my hooves just kind of dangled as Discord held me up. I shrugged though and lifted up a fore hoof, and, with a bit of concentration, turned it invisible. Needless to say, the princesses were surprised at this as their eyes widened.

"By the stars," Princess Luna exclaimed.

"I know. Crazy, right?" I asked.

"That is rather interesting," Princess Celestia said as I made my hoof reappear, "I've never seen a pegasus perform magic like that before."

"No shit."

Princess Luna then brought her sister in closer and went into a whisper. Wonder what they was saying? I did what I do when I think I hear my mom calling me while I'm in my room. Focus. Try to hone in on the sound. It was all for naught, however, as they were too far and speaking at a too low volu-

"Sister, does thou think that Starswirl's journals were true?" Princess Luna whispered to her sister before she pointed a hoof at me, "And that this child is actually capable of utilizing the magic from the Elements?"

"It's quite possible,"

"Um...what?" I asked.

Wait, what?

Did...h-how was I able to hear her? I know I was trying to focus on their conversation, but...that just wasn't possible. We were what...a few yards away from each other, and they were whispering It was interesting though, when I was listening on Princess Luna's whispering, it was so...how should I put it...focused. As if it was the only sound in the room besides the birds chirping out the windows. Er...that was terrible...let me start again. As if they were right next to me and speaking at a normal volume. Yeah, that's better.

"What do you mean 'capable of utilizing the magic from the Elements?' As in...the Elements of Harmony?" I asked them.

The princesses' eyes the snapped towards me. And in my peripheral vision, I saw Discord do so as well.

"How did thou hear us?! We were barely speaking above a whisper!" Princess Luna exclaimed.

"I don't know. Good hearing?" I answered, "Now I ask again, what do the Elements of Harmony have to do with this?"

The only response I got for my questions was silence as the royal sisters looked at each other. It doesn't take a psychologist to know that they were hiding something. What exactly were they hiding? What did Luna mean when she asked if I could use the Elements? And who is Starswirl? Do they...

"You know what's happening to me, do you?" I asked them. It was silent for a bit, until Princess Celestia finally spoke.

"Legion. I'm afraid my sister and I haven't been completely honest with you," she answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "What's going on with me? Why can I turn invisible?"

"Oh. That's not all you can do you know," Discord said while unceremoniously dropping me onto the ground. What he said though made me turn to him and give a confused look. He then appeared a few yards away and was suddenly wearing a baseball uniform and cap, and had a baseball mitt and ball in his hands. After blowing a bubble with some bubblegum that he for some reason was now chewing, he reared back and threw the baseball at me, "Think fast!"

Out of pure instinct I let out a yelp and threw a hoof in front of my face. You might be asking why I didn't just move over to the side. Well...in my mind, I was telling myself to dodge out of the way, but it was because it was so sudden, and that he does have a pretty good throw, that my body remained in place. It's either that or I have the IQ of an avocado and didn't think at all.

But that didn't matter. Cause all of a sudden, my vision was covered by some sort of wave of energy. It only lasted for a split second though as the next thing I knew, I was a few feet off to the side of where I was. I quickly looked back and saw the baseball hit the ground.

"Did...did I just teleport?"

"Um...thanks for the teleport princesses," I said while giving a slight glare to Discord.

"That...that wasn't us. You did that yourself," Princess Celestia said, causing me to turn back to her.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Thou has just teleported," Princess Luna said, "It was a minor, but it was still a teleportation spell nonetheless."

"B-but that's not possible!" I exclaimed, "I shouldn't be able teleport!"

"And yet at the same time you shouldn't be able to turn invisible nor have some sort of super hearing," Discord said as he jokingly had a ghillie suit, camouflage makeup, and an enlarged ear, "Yet you still have them, do you not?"

Heh. That's funny.

"Touché," I simply said before turning back, "Now I ask again. What's going on with me?"

Silence, but then Princess Celestia sighed.

"I think it's best if we just show you," she said.

I'm really gonna have to get used to these teleports. At least it's not very disorienting as it was the first two times. My vision cleared up and I saw that me, the princesses, and Discord were in some sort of rocky clearing, with a long set of stairs leading to the top and a cave.

"Please don't go towards the spooky cave. Please don't go towards the spooky cave."

The princesses and Discord proceeded to go towards the spooky cave.


"I forgot to ask," Princess Celestia said as I followed them, "How has your stay in Ponyville been so far? Are you enjoying it?"

"I mean...other than homework, and the occasional project and test, or pretty much school in general, it's been nice. Ponyville is just as great as you said," I said.

"I'm glad you think so," Princess Celestia said.

"I still don't see the point of homework and tests," Discord groaned, and I mentally agreed a bit, "You should be learning about how to make Equestria a better place with friendship, not learning that 'i' before 'e' except after 'c,' plus a few exceptions."

"Now where have I heard that before?"

Probably just a forgotten childhood memory.

As we entered the cave, I noticed a bright light emitting from it. The first thing I see is a crystalline tree. Princesses Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks were marked on trunk of it. Sitting on tree were six different colored crystals. Five on the trunks and one in the center. The crystal in the center was rose colored and shaped like a star. There was also a pink colored one shaped like a butterfly, a baby blue one shaped like a balloon, a magenta one shaped like a lightning bolt, an indigo one shaped like a diamond, and an orange one shaped like an apple.

The sight was mesmerizing to say the least.

So beautiful.

On top of its appearance, the tree gave off a sense of ease. Calmness. Like I feel safe here. It also gave off a powerful aura. I was...drawn to it. I swear I heard the princess talking, but I wasn't paying much attention as I walked closer to the tree.


Our current task in Professor Rarity's class (hey that rhymed) was to make a drawing on something that comes from nature, like a tree or a mountain. I opted for a rainbow because they're pretty and technically they're a part of nature.

Unfortunately, this was during the time that I was still getting used to drawing with my mouth, so instead of getting some kind of AP Art quality artwork, Professor Rarity got this.

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Needless to say, I got a bad grade on it, and my response?

"Hehehehehe! This looks so bad," I laughed.

I wasn't ashamed of myself. While I love art, drawing with my mouth isn't usually my norm.

"Oh, I'm sorry for the bad grade," one of my classmates apologized.

"Eh. Don't be," I shrugged, "There's always room for improvement. I just have to learn and stay optimistic about my mistakes. And besides, it's just the start of the year. There's plenty of time to improve my overall grade."


It was another dodgeball game in Professor Dash's class-...you know what, skip ahead a bit.

I dodged left and right, grabbed a ball, and threw it at enemy, a bit blindly though.

I ended up hitting Smolder directly in the face, causing her to fall onto her back with a groan.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Smolder!" I exclaimed with an apologetic face as she stood back up before she stumbled a bit, "I-I didn't give you a concussion or anything, right?"

"Nah, I'm fine. We dragons are tough creatures," she said proudly.

"Still, I'm sorry," I said.

"Eh, don't be," she shrugged, "It's all part of dodgeball."

"Yeah," I sighed, "I'm too nice, aren't I?"

"A little, but that's not a bad thing," she reassured.


I was walking through the halls of the school when I suddenly heard the sound of laughter. I sighed in frustration as I recognized that laughter. I turned the corner and saw the local school bully, just some bratty and jerky colt who think he's better than everyone just because he's bigger.

Normally, I just ignored him, as well as everyone else. But what made my blood boil was that he was bullying my favorite lovebug, Ocellus. He's been bullying my friends, sans Sandbar, for a while now, mainly because they weren't ponies. It just pisses me off.

"I still don't know why the princess decides to let you and those other disgusting creatures attend this school. It would be better for all of us if you all just returned to you're kind," he said, causing Ocellus to be on the brink of tears.

"Aw, what's the matter little changeling? You gonna cry?" the bully said with a smirk.

Fuck ignoring him. You mess with my friend, you mess with me.

I rushed over and got between the asshole and Ocellus, making sure to give a glare to said asshole. This seemed to have caught by surprise a bit.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I demanded. He just gave me another shit eating grin.

"Heh. Wow. Look at Mr. Tough Pony here," he said before he leaned forward, trying to intimidate me, "And who are you supposed to be? Her coltfriend?"

"No. I'm just somepony that wants to protect a friend," I said, although it took a bit of willpower to not blush at the thought of it.

"Friend," he scoffed, "Puh-lease. I don't understand why you would want to protect this...thing...instead of your own kind."

"I don't care that Ocellus isn't a pony. She is sweet, smart, is always there for me, and is nothing like the big, stupid jerk that you are," I said with a slight smirk, causing Ocellus and a few other ponies to gasp.

"What did you just call me?!" he growled.

"You heard me," I said, "Now I ask again. Leave. Her. Alone."

"Oh yeah?" he said as he was now looming over me and giving me the death glare, "And what's a weak pony like you gonna do if I don't? You gonna tell on me? You gonna run home to your mommy like the scared little pegasus that you are?"

Look at this guy trying to act all high and mighty. I wasn't intimidated in the slightest. I only wish I could've been a bit more...vulgar. I would've only been violent if I had to defend myself.

"Tell me something. Do I look like I'm scared of you?" I asked as I stood my ground.

"Why you little-!" he said as he was about to throw a hoof, but was suddenly stopped by a magenta aura, causing me to smirk some more.

I looked behind him and saw Headmare Twilight with a lit horn, eyes blazing with fury.

"What is going on here?!" she asked.

The bully turned and became panicked as he noticed the Headmare. So he's one of those bullies, eh? The one that acts all tough and shit, but then looks like he shit himself the moment he's caught.

"Gah...Headmare Twilight! I...I can explain!" he panicked.

"There's no need to explain. Citrine Spark told me what was going on and I came just in time to see that you were about to punch Legion," the Headmare said.

Next time I see Citrine, I have to thank her.


"My office! Now!" she demanded as she finally let him go, before turning to me, "You alright Legion?"

"Yeah, I should be fine," I said, causing her to smile.

"I'm so proud of you for standing up for Ocellus," she said before turning to the bully with a stern expression, "Now then. I think we need to have a talk with your parents."

They then walked off.

I turned back to see Ocellus looking at me with eyes sparkling with awe.

"You alright Ocellus?" I asked with concern.

The response I got was Ocellus suddenly hugging me. Now, I'm not much of a hugger, but I felt like she really needed one. Especially since she was sniffling a bit.

"T-thank you," she sniffled, causing me to smile.

"Hey, I'll always be there for my friends," I said before we both let go.

Welp. My next class was with Ocellus, so might as well walk with her.

I snapped out of my thoughts and focused back to the tree. Why did I suddenly have visions of memories during my time here? I felt a hoof on my shoulder, and saw Princess Celestia giving me a concerned expression.

"What...what is this?" I asked as I stared back at the tree.

"This is the Tree of Harmony," Princess Celestia said, "It has been here for thousands of years. It's where the Elements originally came from."

"Indeed," Princess Luna continued, "My sister and I discovered the tree during Discord's reign of terror, and we used the Elements of Harmony to stop him."

"Um...what?" I asked as I turned to Discord.

"Oh, I do remember that day," Discord said before a summoned a small throne and sat on it, "I was just there, minding my own business and spreading chaos across Equestria when these two came to me and turned into stone with the Elements of Harmony. And let me tell you, being turned to stone for thousands of years is so boring. You just sit there and observe as the world changes."

"T-thousands of years?" I asked with a bit of horror, "At least tell me you were unconscious that entire time."

He simply shook his head.

"T-turned to...to stone...f-f-for thousands o-of years, and not b-being unconscious."

"That's a fate worse than death," I muttered out loud, "How is your mind not broken?!"

"I'm the spirit of chaos and disharmony," Discord shrugged, "I'm pretty sure it's already broken."

"How can you act so casual about it?!" I whispered with surprised horror.

"Who cares? This chapter isn't about me and my psychological issues. It's about you and learning about your destiny to wield the combined magic of the Elements," he responded before he looked towards...somewhere, "Oops, sorry. Spoiler alert."

Why is he just facing a wall?

Maybe his mind really is broken.

"Legion," Princess Celestia said, snapping me out of my stupor, "You do know what the Elements of Harmony are, right?"

"Yeah, they're six powerful artifacts that represent the subjective aspects of harmony," I explained, "There's honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic. Each of them are wielded by one of my professors, and they used them to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord."


What? I can't pay attention during history class?

"Indeed. Magic can do many wonderous, and there's many types of it known to Equestria. Normal magic, changeling magic, dark magic..."

"Don't forget chaos magic!" Discord interrupted.

"Yes, chaos magic as well," Princess Celestia, "However, there's one type of magic that's stronger than all other types."

"The Magic of Friendship?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, the Magic of Friendship is truly powerful, but that's not what I was referring to," she said before Princess Luna summoned some sort of journal.

"This journal belonged to our old mentor, Starswirl the Bearded," the princess of the night said, "Thou can thank Discord for discovering it. It includes all of his research on the Elements of Harmony."

"Gather around kiddies, it's story time!" Discord said before I found myself and the others sitting on logs around a campfire.

My name is Starswirl the Bearded. I am nothing more than a humble unicorn, the student of a powerful sorcerer, a traveling sorcerer myself trying to spread harmony throughout the land of Equestria. Wherever I went, there was always darkness and monsters such as those wolves made of wood I've decided to call Timberwolves and the manticores, and the darkness only grew worse everyday.

Eventually, a pony named Stygian found a ray of hope. He united me and a few other ponies together so we can bring Equestria out of the darkness. For a while, me and the other Pillars kept the light going and protected the land. Those were the good times.

They didn't last though.

We soon came to believe that the pony that brought us together only wanted the power to himself. He betrayed us and stole our artifacts in hopes of harnessing the power we possess. We eventually tracked him down to Ponehenge and cast him out.

Abandoned and alone, Stygian turned to darkness and came back as a pony of shadows in order to get his revenge and spread his darkness and snuff out the light of Equestria for good.

In the end, the Pillars and I decided that we needed to make a grand sacrifice to protect the land. Before we do, however, we decided to leave behind a seed, a gift to protect Equestria in our absence. Each of his infused the seed with our magic so it can grow into something beautiful.

Hope, strength, beauty, bravery, healing, and sorcery.

These are the elements that will keep the light going. By themselves, these ideals are strong. But together, I concluded that they can form a phenomenon that I call Harmony Magic. Think of it as the burning of an oak log compared to the burning of a campfire.

With Harmony Magic, anypony is capable of doing wonderous things that no normal pony is capable of doing. My only regret is that I don't have the time to research what exactly it could do. Research for another pony to do, I guess.

The reason I'm mentioning this is because of a recent event besides the whole thing with Stygian.

I had a vision. One that's in the distant future. It was kind of a blur to me, but I still remember a few parts.

There was a pony, a pegasus to be specific, who was able to utilize Harmony Magic whenever he needed to. They were able to use magic no pegasus has done before. The pony gave off an aura of light and tranquility.

In other parts of my vision, all I saw was darkness, full of...sadness...and anger. Lots and lots of anger. It was...suffocating, to put it bluntly.

And in the middle of the darkness was the pony.

I don't know what it all meant, but unfortunately I don't have the time to figure it out. I only hope that whoever this pony was is capable of defeating the darkness.


As Princess Luna finished off the journal entry, I was left to my thoughts. Was that what was happening to me? I looked at my hoof and turned it invisible. Invisibility, teleportation, and supposedly enhanced healing. Was all this the work of the Harmony Magic that Starswirl mentioned? Was this magic coming from the Tree of Harmony?

And this vision that he mentioned. That's what irked me the most. A pony, a pegasus, doing magic. Was this pegasus...me? Was I the one giving off the aura of light?

What scared me though was the part about darkness suffocating the pony, or rather, me?

What did it all mean?

"Are you alright Legion?" I heard Princess Celestia ask.

"I...I honestly don't know," I answered before a thought came to me, "You told me you wanted me to come to Equestria because I was goofy, kind, and loyal. That wasn't the whole reason, was it?"

"You're right," Princess Celestia sighed, "After my sister and I first read this, we knew we needed to find out who this pony was."

"So I could apparently fight some kind of dark entity?" I asked, to which they nodded, before I whispered, "Why me though?"

"I'm sorry?" she asked, before I suddenly stood up.

"Why me though?!" I yelled, "The mystery pegasus in Starswirl's vision could be anyone! There's tons of pegasi in Equestria! No, scratch that! The entire planet! So why is it that you decided to call for some random person that's not even from this world?!"

"You don't think we looked around before bringing you here?" Discord suddenly asked, "You think that we just spun a wheel or flipped a coin and said, 'Alright. We'll go with this one?'"

I just stood there in silence.

"Legion, of course we have brought thou here for a reason. We wouldn't go through such great lengths to bring you here if we didn't have one," Princess Luna said.

"Indeed, we have brought you here because you are the only one we've found that's capable of wielding Harmony Magic," Princess Celestia said, "For you are capable of representing everything that the Elements stand for."

"Laughter, kindness, and loyalty, maybe," I said, "But honesty, generosity, and magic? I hate to break it to you, but I'm not exactly honest or generous like my professors. And magic? I don't even know where to begin with that one."

"Hmm. Perhaps. But just because you aren't really honest or generous doesn't mean that you can't be. You just have to learn how to," the princess explained.

"Learn how to be honest and generous? It doesn't really take a brain to know how to be honest or generous. Plus, I've been learning about for a few months now. How hard can it be?"

"As for the Element of Magic," Princess Celestia continued, "I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that. It'll just...come to you. A sort of spark if you would."

"Even more nice."

"It's almost time for us to lower sun and raise the moon," Princess Luna stated, "Thou should get back to Ponyville before thou break your...what was it called...curfew."

"Yeah. Yeah. I should," I nodded.

"I'll take you back Legion," Discord offered, to which I thank him.

"Legion?" Princess Celestia said, grabbing my attention, "At least think about this before you come to a decision. Please. That's all I ask."

"Okay," I muttered with a nod.

You doing alright man?

Honestly...I don't know. I just don't know what to think. The thought that I'm supposedly a pony that will fight an entity of darkness, it scares me. But...if it's my destiny to protect this world, then...sigh...I don't know. Maybe.

In a flash of light, Discord teleported me back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Props to the first person that gets what show I refer to.