• Published 2nd Aug 2021
  • 459 Views, 3 Comments


An island filled with monsters ready to reveal their secrets

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Chapter 2 Welcome

Sarge soldiers were dead, murdered by the monsters of this island, but something snap in his head, filled with rage towards the giant ape. Mills got Sarge to focus on the problems. Everyone hears a Noise coming from the radio.

“Hello is anyone there, this is Sarge, is anyone ok.”

Radio was silence for seconds, then they heard a voice it was Applejack explaining everyone that is with her are, ok but they’re were launch miles away.

Sarge told her to meet them on the north mountain, if they go back towards the swamp they could be attack by those bat creatures. Then everyone was set, Sarge turned off the radio and his men know what to do.

Back at the other group, everyone are getting ready to go to the north mountain. Applejack went to check on Fluttershy to see she’s ok, but Fluttershy was not paying attention to everyone, she was focusing on something. Applejack was about to tell Fluttershy to get ready, but before she finished, Fluttershy put her hoove on applejack mouth silencing her for a bit.

All they can hear are the animal sounds coming from the jungle. Applejack knows that Fluttershy is the only person who can understand animals. The other soldiers are starting wonder what applejack and Fluttershy are doing. Fluttershy removed her hoove off of Applejack mouth, applejack question what was she was doing.

“I thought I heard something?”

“Heard what?”

Fluttershy put her ear on the ground, for any sound, but there was nothing. One of the soldiers ask, what is Fluttershy doing. Fluttershy got up, and explained.

“Sorry I thought I heard something familiar.”

Everyone was questioning, what does she mean familiar. Everyone started moving towards the north mountain, but before they left Reg asked.

“Hey where’s Jack?”

Jack woke up, he tried to stand up but cant. He looked at his leg, to see it was impaled by a metal rod. What scares him even more, he didn’t feel any pain. He tries again to stand up, but every time he moves his leg, he can feel the metal grinding his bones and muscles. He turn his head trying to see anyone, but all he sees are pile of dead body. He was horrified, he wants to scream but if he scream he can get a creature to come after him, and he will be part of the pile.

By a glimpse of his eye, he spotted a med kit, it was only several feet away. He couldn’t reach it, he’s desperate attempt, he tried crawling to the med kit, while crawling, he can feel the ground moving the metal rode, the pain, oh the pain, it’s hard to describe pain, but I’ll do my best. When he crawled to the ground trying to reach the med kit, the metal rod grinds up and down on his muscles and his bone, he was close to the med kit, he crawled, and crawled, and crawled, until he has it, he made it to the med kit, he desperately open the med kit, everything was in it, emergency kits everything.

While using the med kit, he grab the metal rod, ready to pull it out of his leg, he was going to do it fast, it will be very painful but at least will be over quick, when he pulled just a little bit, he instantly feels the pain, he desperately tried not to scream for it won’t attract other creature. It’s either now, or never, he grab the metal rod again, and he yank that out of his leg as fast as he can. The burst of pain have arrived on his leg, he wants to scream but can’t, blood started pouring out his leg, he grab a few items from the med kit, and tried to fix his leg, after excruciating pain, it’s finally over. He heard a noise, at first he thought it was another creature, but he slowly realize it was the radio, although the radio was damage, and he couldn’t call them, but he hears what they’re saying, they said they’re going to the north mountain, Jack tried to get up, I knows the pain is gone, he started limping, he grabbed his weapons and supplies, before he left he grabbed his letter that he was writing to a son, and he went off to the north mountain.

Back at Sarge group. Everyone immediately noticed that Sarge has been acting different. Sarge group were walking through the bamboo forest, everyone were alerted, full knowing what kind of monsters would show up. One of the soldiers stop to get drink water from his bottle, while drinking he looked around still alerted, but he feels like something is watching them.This got mills attention.

“Hey buddy, what you doing.”

The soldier still looking around.

“Not sure I thought. I thought we’re being watched.”

Mills turned to look at the group, the soldier finished drinking his water but noticed some leafs falling right in front of him. The soldier looked up to see something, everyone in the group stop when they heard a big thump. Everyone turned around in horror, seeing the soldier head impaled. The dead soldier was lifted up in the air revealing a giant spider monster. The giant spider started moving trying to catch something with its legs. Everyone immediately started firing at the spider, all the soldiers were having trouble shooting at the monster because the creature was camouflage from the leaves and the branches.

The spider started to open its mouth, and came out a long slimy tongue to catch any unlucky food. The tongue grabbed Mills lifting him towards the spider mouth. One of the leg slammed next to Cole Missing him, Cole grabbed his sword and cut the leg causing the spider to trip. Cole immediately yelled at everyone to cut the legs of the spider, everyone grabs there swords and started cutting. Mills was screaming in fear, Sarge aim his gun, and finally know where is the head, before Mills was close to the mouth, Sarge fired, hit the spider on the head forcing it to leg of Mills. Everyone immediately started firing on the spider getting it to fall down on the close to death. Sarge walked in front of the creature, pulling his sword and began to stab the creature on the head kill for good.

Sarge look at his men.
“Always be alert, I don’t want to bury any more soldiers.”

Back at applejack and Fluttershy group.

Reg was pointing his weapon everywhere in fear of something attacks him, applejack looked at worried about, she walk towards him trying to comfort him. He flinched and hesitant like he saw a ghost.

“Wo, there Sugarcube, everything is fine, you don’t need to be worried.”

Reg looked at Applejack.

Fine, FINE! We just got our ass kick by a giant goddamn monkey.”

Fluttershy joined in the conversation.

“Well it’s gorilla rather than a monkey.”

Reg and Applejack looked at Fluttershy, Reg still scared. Before he continued, everyone turned around seeing something coming out of the water. Everyone were pointing there gun at the creature, revealing a giant Buffalo. Everyone started lowering the weapons, Applejack tried to talk to the giant Buffalo, in Equestria there are buffaloes, more importantly the buffalo tribe, they do speak but this wild Buffalos although big does not speak, just make noises like an animal.

Everyone got confused, wondering why the giant Buffalo is not speaking. Fluttershy got closer to the Buffalo trying to speak to it like it was another animal. Fluttershy try to speak with the animal.

“Um, hello, sorry we surprise you but, do you understand us.”

The giant Buffalo looked at Fluttershy curious, like he’s knows what shes saying. The Buffalo roared, everyone except Fluttershy flinched by the sound of a Buffalo, the roar sounds similar to a crocodile mix with a dragon. The Buffalo continued roaring at Fluttershy, it finished.

“Oh ok, thank you so much, be careful.”

The Buffalo walked off, everyone looked at Fluttershy wondering what did the Buffalo told her. Reg was the first one who broke the silence.

“What did it tell you?”

Fluttershy looked at everyone and gave them an answer, a answer that shock them.

“The Buffalo told me he never seen our kind before, but he did told me there’s a abandon village close by.”

Applejack stopped Fluttershy questioning what is she saying.

“Wait Fluttershy, did you just say abandon village, why did the Buffalos abandon their village.”

Fluttershy explained everything

“Actually the buffaloes are not the villagers, there the cattle. The villagers disappear one day and all the cattle were set loose into the wild.”

Everyone went off towards the nearest village, it wasn’t that far but the village was next to a mountain and blend in with the jungle. Everyone was surprised to see a the village, they never seen anything like this before. Fluttershy took a couple pictures of the village, applejack still wondering why the villagers abandoned there homes, one of the soldiers found something, everyone went to check a look what he found.

It was a cave filled with cave paintings, applejack and Fluttershy remembers what Starlight and Trixie said, they found cave paintings back at Equestria. This paintings are similar but it’s talking about the animals, many strange shape and colors, in the center of the cave there was another painting except it was bigger then the others. When everyone got close, they noticed there were small people, and it looks like They are Bowing to something, when applejack pulled a flashlight at the wall, everyone were shocked, it was the giant ape.

Reg started to panic, everyone was little scared, until applejack broke the silence questioning why the villager worship this creature. Then everyone turned around quickly when they heard a noise. It was a strange owl, it was bigger and looked liked and mixed between an owl and a Phoenix, but it’s mostly an owl. The owl hooted at everyone, this got Fluttershy attention, she walk towards the owl, and started talking to the owl. Fluttershy face was shocked in fear, this got everyone attention wondering what did the owl told her.

When they finish Fluttershy told everyone that shook their spines.

“The owl told he been watching the village for many years, the people made the paintings of the creatures of this island, but one creature is worship as king, because it protect them from something.”

One of the soldiers said from what, the owl flew off to the other side of the cave showing them another wall painting. When everyone looked at the painting, everyone took a step back in fear. The painting shows a long snake like creature with large arms with claws, and a large crocodile like head, what’s even more scary that the head looks like a skull.

Fluttershy continued telling everyone what the owl is saying.

“The creature that protects the villagers, his name is Kong, the natives calls creatures that tries to attack them, Skullcrawlers. Along time ago there used to be a whole tribe of Kong’s but, they were all wiped out by the skullcrawlers, what’s even scarier is the fact the skullcrawler that mostly came out of the ground are the little ones, The big ones they’re the real threat. If Kong is gone, then they come out.”

This got everyone scared, but it did help them to understand that Kong isn’t an enemy. Maybe this is the creature that princess Celestia was talking about. Fluttershy continued talking.

“Vevi said we need to be very careful, The island has been acting strange lately, more skullcrawlers are coming out.”


Everyone got worried of hearing, those monsters crawling everywhere in the island. Everyone decided to camp here for tonight, the night came, showing the night sky and stars above. Applejack looked around at everyone, seeing them calming down, she sees Fluttershy still talking to the owl, apparently the Owl name is Vevi, Vevi telling Fluttershy everything about the island and the animals. Applejack looked at the noticing something on the sky, it was aurora borealis, it was impossible the island wasn’t nowhere close to the north.

Everyone looked at the sky amazed by the lights, wondering how the animals are doing. In a far distance, Kong climbs on a giant Mountain reaching the top. When he made it to the top, he sit down looking at Horizon, and looked at the sky see the aurora polaris. Wondering is he the last one, while looking at a skull of his kind. Kong was about to sleep until he notice a small light from the valley, it was the village, he knows the villagers are gone, then why does he see light, then he realizes something, it’s the small people that attacked him during the bat attacks.

Kong almost roared, but it would be better if he checked it out. Back at the village everyone was a sleep, until Fluttershy woke she, heard something, everyone was a sleep, but she can hear the noise coming from outside the village. She walked outside the village, luckily the moon was bright enough to see the dark. Fluttershy founded where the noise was coming from, it was a large Tiger with antlers. who is trapped under the huge logs. Fluttershy run towards the tiger trying to help it, but every time she gets close the tiger growls at her, asking her to stay away from her.

Fluttershy stood back, but she doesn’t won’t an animal trapped, she ran at the tiger, like be for the tiger growls at but Fluttershy didn’t flinch, she tries to lift the large logs but can’t, even if she use her wing it won’t help, but she kept trying to help the tiger. Fluttershy shy started to talk to the tiger comforting her. The tiger was surprised, she never seen a creature before, but why help her. The tiger made a noise not a roar.

“Why are you helping me.”

Fluttershy looked at the tiger, still trying to lift the log.

“Because I don’t like seeing animals trapped.”

“And your still helping me, what happens if you did free me, I could just attack you and eat you.”

“True. But I know you just want to be free, your not looking for a meal.”

The tiger was stunned, she never seen anyone help her before, and this, this strange creature that she never seen, or her kind before. She was glad she came to help her.

Fluttershy still can’t lift the log, she could go back to the village ask everyone to help her, but they would be scared, Fluttershy was thinking, until logs were lifted up in the air, the tiger was free, Fluttershy looked at the sky to see, it was Kong. Fluttershy took a step back, surprised how big Kong was, Kong looked at Fluttershy expecting her to attack him, but she didn’t, Kong looked at the tiger, but the tiger wasn’t hurt, Kong drop the log and walked off to the valley. The tiger walked towards Fluttershy telling her.

“Thank you.”

The tiger ran off to the jungle, Fluttershy was happy to meet a tiger, but she was still surprised to see Kong. Fluttershy went back to the village to sleep. Back at Sarge group, Sarge was looking at the valley, like he was waiting for something to happen, mills ask Sarge to go to sleep. Sarge still looking at the valley, but he needs to sleep to keep his energy for tomorrow. He can’t get those images out of his head seeing his soldiers dead, by the monsters of this island, one day, just one day, he will kill that ape monster.