• Published 2nd Aug 2021
  • 459 Views, 3 Comments


An island filled with monsters ready to reveal their secrets

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Chapter 1 To Skull Island

The trees started getting smaller every single day, while the mountains are starting to get easier to climb over them, But he can hear them, he can feel them moving underground, he starting to get angry seeing the visions of his past, fully knowing that he is the last one, he makes them pay for what they did.

A man was talking in the radio. “Hello everyone from all across Equestria, it has been around a week after the monsters attack, The Crystal Empire and Canterlot are still recovering after the brutal battle of Godzilla and the Mutos. Everyone in Equestria are terrified, worried that the creature known as Godzilla is still out there hiding, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna has officially made a new department with Princess Twilight involve to study and research, this new department is called MONARCH, and creatures are now being called titans.”

At Ponyville in twilight castle, Twilight was talking to the three Princesses.
“Ok after planning of Skull Island research, it’s now ready to head to the island.”

“That’s great Twilight.” Said Princess Celestia.

Twilight looks back at the three Princesses and ready.

“Ok so all we need to do is get several soldiers with us for protection and, I will accompanying them.”

The three Princesses looked at each other in concern, Twilight notice.

“Is something wrong, em I forgetting something. OH NO IM FORGETTING ABOUT EM I!”

Twilight started to panicking but cadence calmed her down. Princess Celestia continued.

“No Twilight, you got everything, but all of us were thinking that you shouldn’t go to the island.”

Twilight was shocked questioning the princess decision.

“But, but, why?”

Princess Luna joins in the Conversation.

“It’s because of your injuries.”

“And it has been a week after the attack, and your still healing, we don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go to the island.”

“But.” Twilight stutter, she’s trying to find any excuse for her to go to the island, ever since princess Celestia told her about skull island, she’s been planning about this day in and day out, even when she was in the hospital, but She immediately notice the concern look on The three princesses.

“We think it’s a good idea if you allow someone else to go to the island.” Princess Celestia face explain it all it, doesn’t take a genius to notice how concerning the princess was.

Twilight was about to protest but she immediately looked at her wing and leg she is no wear near the condition to go on an unknown island.

Twilight finally admit it she will not go to the island, although it hurts her to say it.

“Oh how wonderful, now you can finally heal properly without any worries.” Cadence was happy she came hugging twilight but very gently.

After the meeting, The three princesses left to their kingdoms, while twilight is still sitting in the throne room still thinking who she’s going to pick to go to this new Discovery.

In twilights mind she needs to find someone who can take her place, someone who knows around places, someone who is brave enough to go through it, Twilight mind was thinking about Rainbow Dash but ever since the Mutos showed up, Rainbow Dash starting to have a panics anywhere near monsters, but she’s doing good but I don’t think it’s a good idea for taking her to an island.

Twilight scratched her chin trying to think and then her mind thought about Applejack.

Applejack did not have much problems with the monsters she was brave and she’s not injured so maybe she’s a good pick, but she also wants someone who can communicate with these creatures phone knowing that the island could have a new species and her mind immediately came up with Fluttershy.

But she stopped realize the Fluttershy won’t be able to do it, she’s scared and the new creatures could be hostile or worse, even more dangerous than the Mutos.

Twilight sigh, “I guess I have to tell them.”
The following day twilight brought Applejack and Fluttershy to the castle she explain to them everything what she needs to do in the island, but she cannot do it so she’s asking Applejack to take her place.

“Oh whoa whoa whoa hold there sugar cube.”

Applejack protest on twilights request.

“Looks sugar cube, I hope y’all with so many things, we been through so many adventures that well it could’ve killed us, but this is something else, ever since those creatures came into the picture, things have started changing, but you’re asking me to go to an unknown explored island, that’s a shape of a skull to document, explore, and research, unknown creatures.”

Applejack look back at twilight and she realized immediately what she Thinking.

Twilight was about to speak but she was in interrupted by Fluttershy.

“An unknown island, with unknown, unexplored animals, that could be far different than the animals here any Equestria.”

Applejack and twilight took a step back they were not expecting. Instead of going in the ground or, cover yourself with her hair in fear, she was excited.

“Twilight as your friend I want to go to this place, I would like to take your place for this expiration.”

Twilight did not say a word she was immediately shocked, she knows that Fluttershy is shy of course and scared with big creatures, but she was full determined to see these new creatures that no one has ever seen, and come to think about it she does know about animals and she can communicate with them, I mean she dealt with a grown dragon and all she did is to stop it, is just looked at it.

These creatures in the island could be larger than a bear or could be smaller like a puppy, either way, what she could find away and yet she could succeed in it.

“All right Fluttershy you’re going to the island.”

Fluttershy burst of excitement but applejack joined in the conversation.

“But Fluttershy, The island could be dangerous.”

“Yes I’m highly aware of it.”

“Then why go to the island is it because the animals.”

Fluttershy fly back down looking at AppleJack and giving her a full answer.

“Yes, you see finding a new discovery of new species like no I have ever seen before gives me excitement.”

“But it could be dangerous the creatures could be similar like the Mutos.”

“I know but, like I said before my stare does not work on that giant creature, but it does work on full grown dragons and, we know how big they are, so don’t worry about it Applejack.”

Applejack knows that Fluttershy did dealt with big dragons before, this could be a walk in the park for her, if any animal tried to attack her, she just needs to stare at them and they stop immediately.

Applejack has no words but did have an answer.

“If Fluttershy is going, then I’m going with her, for nothing bad happens to her.”

Twilight was surprise for Applejack and Fluttershy agreed to go to the island, she was so surprised.

“So when do we go.”

Twilight looked at Applejack and told her when they’re going to the island.

“In two days, in Vanhoover.”

“All right I’ll be heading to the farm to tell granny, big Mac and Applebloom about this.”

“And I go ask Rainbow Dash to feed my animals when I’m gone.”

When Applejack and Fluttershy left, Twilight contact her brother Shinning Armor telling him the plan about the island. Shining got 20 soldiers ready for the island.

After shining finished talking to Twilight, he went to the office of one of the superior officer.


“Captain, is there something wrong?”

“There’s nothing wrong Sarge.”

“You’re now in charge and been deployed to protection of the people of MONARCH of skull island.”

Sarge took a step back, he was surprised to go into an unknown unexplored island but he has his orders.

“I’ll do my best captain.”

Shining armor nods and salutes and left the room. Sarge look back at his desk to see a picture of his friends, still remembering what happened to them during the monster attack, burned in his mind, like a tick, but he doesn’t think about it too much, he need to get everyone ready.

At sweet apple acres, Applejack got home and explaining everything to her family about the trip. Like every family they get worried.

Granny Smith was questioning about the unexplored island that Applejack is going.

“Now applejack I know you and your friends always go around Equestria and saving it, but this, this is something new, for all of you not me.” Everyone look at granny smith surprised, this is the first time hearing about this, even for Granny Smith.

“But granny this island hasn’t been explored.”

“Ah, When you’re old as I am, you see a lot of new unexplored territory that became, new territory for Equestria. Just because it has the same feelings doesn’t mean every territory is the same.”

Big Mac join the conversation granny smith change the subject again.

“Ah Granny.”

“Oh I’m sorry dear, I wander off again.”

Granny look back at applejack, she does understand that AppleJack will be gone for a week, either way all she wants, is her to be careful.

Applejack looked at her Big brother Big Mac, she can tell he want her to be careful.

“Now applejack, you need to be very careful with the creatures in that island.”

“Don’t worry big Mac, i’ll be careful, this isn’t my first time I’ve dealt with creatures before.”

“I know but just to make sure you’re safe, I don’t want to wake up every night worrying that you’re gone.”

Big Mac went to his room and picked up a large leather bag Applejack and granny immediately knows what it’s in the bag Apple Bloom looked on the table where the bag had landed.

“Ain’t this a little bit too much.” Ask Apple Bloom she looked at the back and she knows what it is.”

“Not really I gave your dad a shotgun when he was younger and he turned out well.”

The entire room paused, everyone looked at Granny Smith, they were surprised to hear that information.

Applejack broke the silent, she told big Mac she cannot take the shotgun with her, she can handle herself.

Big Mac is not taking no for an answer, he just want to make sure his little sister is all right, applejack knows that big Mac will not stop, so she took the shotgun. The day came when she was ready to head off. Applejack wave goodbye to our family I promise you’ll be back.

“So you’re going to give me a shotgun when I’m older.”

Big Mac looked it at apple bloom and replying.


Applejack went to the train station and she sees Fluttershy waiting for her there. Fluttershy was happy that applejack agreed to come with her to the island, but applejack knows she doesn’t want her friend getting hurt. While waiting for the train, applejack hears the radio.

“We have new information about the new department call MONARCH, it looks like MONARCH will not just focus on the Titans, but also focus on new Technology that would help Equestria in the near future.”

Fluttershy looked at applejack, she notice that applejack was listening to the radio,

“So Twilight is making Machines for MONARCH.”

“I’m mean she knows a lot about Science and I thought MONARCH is here department.”

The train as arrived and Fluttershy keeps talking how she’s excited, applejack don’t mind Fluttershy talking about the Journey, but she was surprise about Fluttershy, she’s mostly shy and quiet but, she heading somewhere where she meets new animals.

When the train arrived at Vanhoover, the city was the first place to be repaired after the monster attack. When the train stop at the station, shining Armor was there waiting for applejack and Fluttershy, they went to the Harbor, where the ship was waiting for them.

Shining Armor introduced applejack and Rainbow Dash to Sarge. After that they entered the ship and say good bye to Shining Armor.

The ship went off to the island, applejack and Fluttershy were walking to there rooms, until they’re were stop but one of the soldier stop them.

“So you two are the elementals.”

“Yes we are, what’s your name.”
Applejack response to the soldiers,

“My name is Reg, Sarge told us we are task to protect you two for the research.”

“Well mostly Fluttershy, she can talk to animals and full knowing there’s new animals to discover, I’m just here to keep her safe but, Yeah.

“Cool, to be honest I thought you two were going to be like the other scientist from the other room.”

“Oh, well we’re here to fill in for Princess twilight sparkle.”

“Well ok, i’ll get back to my room, nice meeting you two.”

Applejack and Fluttershy waved good bye and rest on the bed. Applejack immediately fell a sleep, but Fluttershy was still a wake, she remembers what applejack told her back at Twilight castle, the creatures could be similar like the mutos.

That sentence never left Fluttershy head, she’s full knowing that this creature never seen a pony before, so it could be deadly but yet this animals could do anything to survival, so I can’t blame them if they attack us, I need to be very careful.

Up at the sarge quarters, he’s looking at the map that Shinning Armor gave him, he looked at it for hours, wondering why they’re going there he know it’s about research but, something about this island gives him A sign of danger.

It has been two days and they finally made it to the island, everyone in the ship looked out to see the island. The island was filled with giant mountain, they could be taller then the mountains back in Equestria. Applejack felt so small, seeing the island in front of her.

The Sarge told everyone to get ready, they’re taking the small boats to the river.
Everyone was getting ready, applejack pulls her Shotgun that Big Mac gave her, she will use it, only for emergencies.

Fluttershy brought her camera to take pictures, she can hear the birds from the Distance she’s ready.

Everyone was getting into the boat. Applejack sees Reg and his friends in the other boat. Fluttershy took a picture of Reg and his friend.

“Hey Reg, didn’t know you were good with girls.”

“Ah it’s not what you think Mills, we were expecting princess twilight but it’s her friends.”

“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting the cowgirl to carry a shotgun.”

“Her name is applejack.”

“She’s a Country girl what did you expect, they always carry shotguns around them.”

Reg and Mills turned there head at Cole. Cole is an older soldier. They both wondering what was in Cole’s head.
Mills turned his head to see Jack writing a letter to his son.

“Hey Jack, you still writing to your son.”

“Yeah I em, when we’re done here, I’m going back home to my family next month is my son birthday, and I will be there.”

Mills and Jack continue talking, while the boats are ready to head to the island. 6 boats went to the river, everyone were shocked and amazed of the jungle, seeing the birds flying around the area.

The river continued on where it took the boats to a river cave. Fluttershy took a picture of the giant cave still amazed of the area. The 6 boats made it to the end of the cave seeing a giant swamp.

One the soldier stand up next to the edge.
“I was expecting the creatures to show u.” A fly creature flew and grab the soldier, lifting him in the air where it was eating the soldier. Until more of the fly creature started attacking the boats. Everyone immediately started firing at the flying creature.

Sarge told the soldiers to use the tnt to scared the creature away. The soldiers grabbed the dynamite and were about to throw until one soldiers were lifted away still holding the lit dynamite and exploded driving the creatures to fly away but they started attack something else.

Everyone looked around to see if it’s clear, the 6 boat were separated during the attack. Everything was quiet until a large tree hit one of the boats, crushing it. There was an avalanche the large rock landed on another boat crashing it.

Sarge told everyone to get out of here as fast as they can, until Sarge turned his head see one of the boats started firing on something.

Everyone turned there head seeing it charging at one of the boats. The boat was crushed but a giant fist. The giant creature stand up full height, it was a giant ape and continued attacking the other boats.

The giant ape throws some of the boat mile away that got, everyone were separated, Sarge got out of the boat, he was looking at the giant ape still attacking but it was fight the fly creatures, Sarge looks at the destroyed boats see his soldiers dead, something in Sarge head snapped by angry.

On the other boat Applejack, Fluttershy and the soldiers got out of the boat, applejack ran to Reg to see if he’s ok. The ape creature roared loud that anyone can hear.