• Published 23rd Jul 2021
  • 299 Views, 2 Comments

Movie Night Lovers - RaritySimper44

Marble Mark and Fluttershy go on a date to the movies

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Movie date Night!

Marble Mark was in the bathroom shaving, when he heard his phone go off, he picked it up, Fluttershy texted him.

Fluttershy ==> Marble Mark, 2:29 PM
Hey, I'm here, baby.

Marble Mark ==> Fluttershy, 2:29 PM
Okay I'll be out in five minutes, I'm still getting ready.

Fluttershy ==> Marble Mark, 2:29 PM
Can I come in?

Marble Mark ==> Fluttershy, 2:29 PM

Marble was a young man getting ready for a date with his girlfriend, Fluttershy. The young couple had been dating for almost a year now, it had taken a while for Fluttershy to open up to Marble Mark. However things were going smoothly now.

The dogs were already barking, she was definitely here. He smiled as he continued shaving his face. His dark grey skin felt smooth as silk at the moment. He was soon done, and slapped on some aftershave. After he washed off and cleaned the sink he opened the door and walked out, he walked downstairs to find Fluttershy on the couch. All five of his dogs were on the couch with her licking her face, arms and legs and rubbing themselves all over her. He had a wiener dog, and four labs of various colors.

She giggled at this as she tried to pet them all, the dachshund in her lap licking her chin. "Oh my goodness, hello professor weiner!" She cooed to him as she stroked his head. He shook in her arms at her coos, licking her chin desperately trying to get her lips, tail wagging like crazy.

He smiled and walked up to the couch behind her, "Hey shy."

She turned and smiled at him, "oh, hey!" He leaned over the couch cupping her cheek as he pecked her on the lips.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, leaning against the couch, head tilted up at him.

He looked down at himself, he was in an undershirt and a pair of gym shorts. "No. Of course not. You actually think I'd go out like this?" He asked as he rubbed her shoulders and wrapped his arms around them, he kissed her cheek as he leaned his head into hers.

"Apparently you wouldn't then." She replied, running a hand through his short black hair as he snuggled her, the other hand played with his necklace. "But shouldn't you be getting ready instead of rubbing on me like a dog?" Fluttershy asked with a smile.

"Yes but…. Wait, did you just call me a mutt?!"

"No. I just implied it." She said with a giggle.

"I'll be right back." He said releasing her as he wajed bsck up the stairs.

"Take your time", she said as she hugged one of the dogs, nuzzling her face into the dachshund's fur. The other dogs rubbed against her trying to get attention as well.

Marble Mark walked into his room and put on some jeans and a plain shirt before coming back down stairs. "Alright, I'm ready."

"Okay", she said, still petting the dogs, making no move to get up.

"That means we need to go, or we'll miss the movie." He said hoping she'd take the hint.

"Oh, right, sorry", she said with a sheepish grin before standing up, the two of them walked out, locking the door behind them.

He unlocked the door to his car with a click of a button and she got in. He got in as well and started it up, looking behind him, he backed out, and drove off to the mall.

They pulled in and parked near the entrance and walked to a nearby pair of double doors, Marble opened it letting Fluttershy walk in first.

"Thank you."

He just nodded as he walked in behind her. He took hold of herhand and they walked to the theater.

"I hope the lines are not too long", Marble said nervously.

"Oh don't worry I bought our tickets already", Fluttershy said with a comforting smile.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah that's why I didn't move when you said you were ready."

"You should have said so, I wouldn't have rushed you out so fast."

"You seemed ready, I didn't want to keep you waiting", she said meekly.

He hugged her and kissed the top of her head, "that's sweet."

"Thanks for paying for the tickets by the way, you didn't have to do that."

She stopped looking behind her to him, "I know, but I wouldn't feel comfortable making you pay for everything, besides, you paid last time." He stepped up beside her and she wrapped an arm around his. "You don't have to pay every time you know." She gave him a peck and they walked off to the theatre.

They walked into the line leading inside, there were about ten people in front of them. Finally they got to the usher.

"Ticket please."

Fluttershy took out her phone and showed the tickets to him. He ushered them in and Marble led them to the snack stand.

"Marble, the movie starts in two minutes, I don't think we have time."

"Do you want anything?" He asked, ignoring her statement.

"Um, no thanks, we're getting dinner afterward like usual right?"


"I'll save my appetite then."

"I'm getting something so save me a seat."

"Okay don't take too long, the movie starts soon."

"Why, so I don't miss the commercials?"

"You might see one you like." She said with a wink and walked off to their theatre.

Marble ordered a big pretzel and a large soda and texted fluttershy

Marble Mark ==> Fluttershy, 3:00 PM
What theatre are we in?

Fluttershy ==> Marble Mark, 3:00 PM
Theatre 7, two doors down from the food stand.

Marble Mark ==> Fluttershy, 3:01 PM
Thanks babe.

He walked into theatre seven, Rise of the Beast's transformers scrolled across the screen on the board. He walked in and to the front looking around, he saw her smiling and waving to him. She was closer to the back.

He smiled and walked up the stairs and sat next to her.

"I didn't know they make pizzas …. What kind of pretzel is that?" She said scrunching her nose. Realizing the pizza was no pizza at all.

He smiled and opened it up showing her, "you like it?"

She looked at it and back to him surprised, "you're going to get fat."

He chuckled at this, "not if you help me eat it." She frowned at him, brow raised, Marble ripped a piece off and held it out to her.

She smiled, brow still raised as she leaned over and gently took it from him with her mouth and ate it.


"Mhm. She hummed lightly, putting her head on his shoulder as she silently chewed her food. He wrapped an arm around her and held her tight to him as they watched the movie. Fluttershy helped herself to the pretzel but let him eat most of it.

An hour later they walked out of the theatre together.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes, it was great! I'm not really hungry now though." She said as they walked out of the mall, into the parking lot making their way to his car.

"Not even for some ice cream?"

"You're gonna get me fat."

"You're not gonna get fat from a pretzel and ice cream.

"We went to that buffet last week, and then we went to that steak house, and all the other food you make me eat, you're a bad influence on me, I've gained three pounds in the last month." She said, crossing her arms and turning her chin up at him.

He smiled, knowing she wasn't that upset. He poked her side and she jolted with a gasp holding in a giggle, "hm, you do seem a bit chubbier I guess."

She gasped and smacked his arm. "Don't do that, I hate that!"

"What, being called fat or this?" He poked her side again and she jolted again with a squeak.

"Both, now stop it! She snapped at him with a smile she was trying hard to remove from her face. He chuckled as he unlocked the car and they got in.

"So, ice cream?

She sighed, "okay, I guess."

"You guess, like it's a burden to have to have ice cream bought for you by your loving boyfriend."

"A loving boyfriend who calls me fat."

He laughed at this as he pulled out and drove out of the mall parking lot to the Sugar Cube Corner. They reached downtown and he pulled off to the side of the street and they got out and walked into Sugarcube Corner and got in line. "Are you just gonna get your usual?"

"Yes." She said with a nod of her head. They ordered their food and sat down at the table and ate.

"So do you want to do something next saturday?" Fluttershy asked, looking at Marble as she stuck her spoon into her mouth.

"Sure, do you have something in mind?"

"Yeah I thought we could go to the beach. I want to go snorkeling with you again."

"Yeah okay, I'm down for that I guess."

"Oh good, I'm so excited", she said happily as she continued eating her ice cream. They finished their ice cream and washed up in the bathrooms before leaving and getting into his car.

They drove home and pulled in, "so are you going home or are coming in?"

"Oh, can I play with your dogs?"


"Please?" She said, wrapping her arms around him and giving him puppy dog eyes.

He sighed, "fine."


He unlocked the door and she pushed by him into his home leaping into his dogs with glee. Marble walked by as she rolled around on the floor, his dogs didn't even greet him, he flopped onto the couch and turned on the tv. Fluttershy stayed over a few hours, playing with his dogs and watching tv with him.

She looked at the clock,they were spooning on the couch, she was the little spoon with his arm wrapped around her waist, he spooned big. Fluttershy gave a gentle yawn as she leaned the back of her head into his neck. "I have to get home, it's getting late."

"You can spend the night if you want, and just stay like this all night." He said, pulling her closer to his chest as he said this.

She hummed, "I wish I could... but my parents would never be okay with that. I dont think your mom would be okay with it either."

"You're right, she wouldn't, but she'd be too tired to even notice you're here." Despite this protest he unwrapped his arm from her waist. She sighed as she sat up and got to her feet. Marble followed suit as he walked her to the door.

She wrapped her arms around his neck smiling. "I had a really great time, Marble."

"Uh-Huh, thanks for paying for the tickets."

She pecked his lips and put her forehead to his, "thanks for the ice cream." They kissed again but this time didn't break as they pushed their lips into each other's. Fluttershy pulled him in deeper, pulling his neck tight to her as his hands felt across the curves of her sides. He pushed her into the door along with his tongue into her mouth. She moaned as she stroked and gently pulled his hair. The two lovers made out for what seemed like hours, the only sounds being the gentle sound of television the smack of lips against each other, some moaning here and there from the young couple.

Fluttershy finally pulled away, "I really have to go."

He pecked her lips, not ready for her to go, he kissed her neck a few times before looking into her eyes, "I know." They kissed a few more times. Before Fluttershy started fiddling with the door handle. Marble got the message and pulled her off the door, opening it for her. The warm night air sweeping inside the house.


"Goodnight, I'll text you when I get home." She walked out the door to her car, Marble closed the door and went upstairs to go to bed.

Author's Note:

I couldn't wait, I had to post a one shot of this. A sequel is coming, and so is a prequel telling how they met. Hope you enjoyed, more about Marble to come in later stories.