• Published 20th Jul 2021
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The Power of the Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

An entity begins to transport MLP characters to the world of Gravity Falls

  • ...

04) The Hand That Rocks the Magic

The Entity was watching the ponies having fun and suddenly an idea occurred to him, he stopped time and looked at Dipper, Twilight and Pinkie who were watching TV and suddenly he took Spike from Equestria erasing alls memory of Spike from the inhabitants of Equestria and placing Spike in front of them.

"If I place this dragon in this world things will get more chaotic in Equestria and also for the ponies that live in Gravity Falls, but I will make them unable to talk about the series so that she does not know the future", said the Entity as he was leaving and then when he was gone the time began to run.


Dipper, Twilight and Pinkie were sitting watching television, until suddenly Spike appeared in front of them, which surprised everyone.

"Who the hell are you and where am I," says Spike.

"Look it's Spike," says Pinkie.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Says Spike, somewhat scared. "Perhaps you kidnapped me."

"Thanks, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Pinkie Pie," says Pinkie.

"My name is Dipper Pines," says Dipper.

"And my name is Twilight Sparkle," says Twilight.

Spike stared at Twilight very thoughtfully, then he noticed that Twilight seemed very familiar to him, he didn't notice it before because he was scared. Then Spike was very thoughtful about the name Twilight and her face that seemed familiar, she looked a lot like Shining Armor's parents, the people with whom she was staying to live, so much that if someone told him that she is their daughter he would believe him.

Wait a minute, now that you think about it, I was sure that a long time ago he was left with a filly, who was the daughter of those who stayed and took care of her as if she were their son, but one day suddenly she disappeared and the strangest thing nobody cares about. He didn't even remember her, including him, she also looked a lot like Twilight but younger and now that you think about it her name was Twilight. Remembering all that, Spike ran to hug Twilight.

"Twilight sorry for forgetting you, I always considered you as a mother and when you disappeared I didn't even realize until now, that you were in front of me", says Spike crying for having forgotten Twilight.

"It's not your fault Spike," Twilight tried to comfort him.

"Obviously it's my fault, what kind of being would someone who raised him as his son forget," Spike said.

"This was never your fault," Twilight says determinedly. "For you to understand everything that, should know everything we have found out."

"And then I'm going to throw you a big welcome party," says Pinkie.

They called the others about Spike being in Gravity Falls, they also informed Spike that there were other ponies in Gravity Falls, that they were invisible outside of Gravity Falls and about the TV series.

After a while Spike calmed down, while watching the series with little jealousy of how his life could have been, he had a comment.

"Twilight I know you're the main character on the show and obviously you have a similar personality to your version on the show, but I've noticed that you act differently too," Spike said.

Making everyone look at Spike somewhat confused.

"What do you mean, I didn't act like the Twilight from the show," says Twilight.

"You said you were going to spend the summer in Gravity Falls, I'm sure your version of the show would have brought a lot of books about camping, about Oregon history or the like," Spike said.

"What are you talking about? I brought about three books," Twilight said.

"Your version of the show, it would have brought a lot more books," Spike said.

"That's not true," Twilight said.

"I think if I had brought them," said Dipper

"Me too," says Pinkie.

"And me," Rarity says.

"We better talk about something else," Twilight says.

She said Twilight realizing that she was less obsessed with books than her counterpart on the show.


Days later Stan was ripping off some tourists.

"And to end our tour, here's the bag of mystery if they put their money in there it magically disappears," says Stan.

And all those tourists happily started putting their money there.

"Good," says a tourist.

"It was worth the trip," says another tourist.

Applejack was looking at all of this and muttered.

"Spike is right, Twilight, Rarity and I don't act exactly the same as our versions on the show," he said looking at Stan's con, then sighed and continued talking. "I'm sure my version in the series would be completely upset to see a scam, even if it is such a stupid and harmless one"


Dipper, Twilight, Pinkie, Spike, and Soos were watching television.

The tiger was seriously injured in the explosion, but we solved it with a fist. Tiger Fist!” Says the narrator on TV showing a tiger with a human arm.

They were all happy to watch that show until the commercials started.

"Tiger Fist! He'll be back after some commercials.” Says the television.

Then they started showing images of a person releasing pigeons.

"Look, that's the commercial that spoke to you earlier," Soos said.

"They feel like the most miserable person in the world", says the commercial.

"Yes", answered the image of a man crying in the commercial.

"Then you must meet GIDEON!" Said the commercial on television.

"What makes it so special," Spike says curiously.

"He is psychic", responds commercial.

Leaving Spike somewhat confused, because his words fit so well with the commercial.

"Do not go with farces", says the commercial showing a picture of Stan, then continued. “Go to the Gideon’s Tent of Telepathy.

"Wow, it looks interesting!" Says Pinkie. "I also want to go to that place, because I already know almost all the people in town, except those who work in that store, because Stan doesn't want me to go."

"Well, don't even think about going, I forbid them to be customers of the competition," says Stan.

"I have a lot of questions watching the commercial," Twilight said thoughtfully, wondering if he was actually psychic and who was this Gideon guy.

"But will he actually be a psychic?" Spike asked.

"I think we should go find out," says Dipper.

"Of course he's not psychic and no one living in my house is going to see Gideon," Stan said and then left.

"A store is not a house," Dipper said, smiling.

"Wow, did you find a loophole," says Pinkie.

"You guys are right, I'm really curious to meet this Gideon guy," says Spike.

"If I, too, want to see this Gideon guy and see why Stan considers him a sham," Twilight says.

"I'm going to make some calls so everyone knows where we're going and to come," says Pinkie.


An adult was outside the Gideon’s Tent of Telepathy as a doorman with a sack where he received tickets from those entering Gideon’s Tent of Telepathy.

"Come here, friends! Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack! " Says the man called Bud.

“Oh sure wow! That makes sense!" Said one of the men entering.

"Wow, this is a weird version of the Mystery Shack," Dipper said.

All the ponies and Spike agreed with what he said. Especially Applejack and Rarity who hated this place because they believed it to be the most fake place in all of Gravity Falls.

“They even have their own Soos,” Dipper said, pointing to a worker very much like Soos, whose name was Deuce.

That left everyone somewhat surprised at how weird that was, except Soos who looked at that guy with some anger.

"I wonder if the amount of people out there shows how amazing this show is?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"I assure you it is not," says Applejack somewhat bored and irritated.

"What's wrong with Applejack?" Fluttershy asked.

"Applejack hates such obvious hoaxes, he may not hate the Mystery Shack because at least there are entertaining things there, but this place is just a big hoax," says Apple Bloom.

"Calm down, obviously it can't be that bad," says Twilight.

"I think Twilight is right," says Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo this show is inordinately a sham," Sweetie Belle said.

"If any of you have any doubts that this is a sham or not, just watch the show," Rarity said somewhat bored.

"Rarity is right let's look at it first and then have our say," Spike said.

Then they realized that the show was about to start.

"Let's see what this Gideon guy is like," Dipper said just before Gideon introduced himself.

The show started which made Dipper and Twilight realize it was a sham, although they were a bit surprised that everyone suddenly got up and noticed for a second that Gideon was surprised to see the Mane 6. His friends were also left, surprised by the obvious, scams of Gideon was doing, the only ones impressed were Pinkie and Soos.

"That's a total sham, now I understand Stan's hatred," Dipper said.

"I always thought the people of Gravity Falls were naive, but it exceeds my expectations," says Twilight.

"This is more disappointing than Applejack and Rarity made me understand," Rainbow Dash said.

"This show is pretty fun," Pinkie said.

As he followed the show, Dipper decided to watch the audience to distract himself and was surprised to see that almost everyone was surprised by the show, except for the same girl 12-year-old who he saw at the wax show performance.

She had the same face as Dipper and Twilight watching this show.


At the end of the show, when everyone left the Gideon’s Tent of Telepathy. Dipper decided to ask who she was and what he wanted, he caught up with her just outside the room where Gideon was getting ready for the show.

"Hi, I'm Dipper and I wonder what you are doing." Said Dipper wanting to know what he wanted, because she gave him the feeling that she would be very dangerous if she was provoked.

"Hi, just call me Chrys, and I'm in awe of how stupid this town can get," she said.

She remembered when they asked her name the first time, she was going to say her full name because she thought that no one would know her, but when she was saying her name she saw some ponies and stopped saying the her name. She later discovered that pony names did not fit well in this world and the name Chrys was not out of the ordinary in this world.

Dipper was going to ask more questions when Twilight arrived.

"Hi what's going on," Twilight said.

Dipper was about to tell Twilight what was going on, when the three of them heard Gideon's voice talking to a girl.

"How could you not have found out that the Mane 6 were in Gravity Falls!" A female voice yelled.

"Obviously I didn't find out about it, because when I heard that there was a unicorn in the Mystery Shack, I thought it was just another silly attraction made by Stan!" Gideon responded with a shout at the female voice.

Then it was not possible to hear what they were saying because they began to speak normally, the three looked at each other for a moment and wondered with whom Gideon exchanged screams. And suddenly the girl named Chrys left without warning, leaving Dipper and Twilight with many doubts about her.

Dipper told Twilight how little he knew about her, he told her that her name was Chrys, that he saw her at the presentation of the wax statues, but he did not go through the entrance and left before the chaos caused by the public and so It seems he's one of the few people on Gideon's show today who thought he was stupid.


Everyone went to the Mystery Shack after the show, many disappointed to see that so-called psychic.

"Wow, I was hoping the show was better," Rainbow Dash said bored.

"The Mystery Shack is definitely better than that place," says Spike.

"By the way Dipper, who was that girl you were talking about outside of the Gideon’s Tent of Telepathy?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Did you fall in love with her Dipper," Rainbow Dash said, trying to delve into that topic to forget how disappointing the Gideon’s Tent of Telepathy was.

"No, I just have a bad feeling about her and I'm also curious what she wants from her," Dipper said thoughtfully.

"I also have I think she's hiding something from us," Twilight said.

"Dipper and Twilight I don't think they should worry about a tourist," Rarity said.

"Just because she went to Gideon's Tent of Telepathy instead of Mystery Shack, it doesn't mean she has bad intentions," Applejack said.

"I don't think she's a tourist," Dipper said.

"I think the same," Twilight said.

"Why do you think she's not a tourist?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We have lived in this town much longer than you, but I am sure I have never seen her," said Apple Bloom.

"Because I saw her at the wax statue show, even though I didn't go through for the entrance, I saw her in the crowd," Dipper said.

"Dipper is right, if he saw her then and on this day, she must have stayed somewhere in Gravity Falls," Twilight said.

All the ponies were shocked to realize what Twilight said, especially the ones who had lived the longest in Gravity Falls, the first person to speak was Pinkie.

"That means there's a new inhabitant in Gravity Falls and I didn't throw her a welcome party," Pinkie said.

Then they all decided that they were going to try to find that girl named Chrys, the next day.


The next day, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy while walking alone, a blue energy paralyzed them.

"What the heck is going on!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"I don't know," Fluttershy said.

Then they felt bad and the blue energy disappeared. The two looked at each other, they wondered what the hell had happened and then they heard some footsteps that were moving away from the two of them, realizing that that person could be the cause of that blue light Rainbow Dash tried to fly to chase him, but could not fly and then they realized they didn't have a Cutie Mark.


At the Mystery Shack, Twilight, Dipper and Pinkie had just arrived to deliver an apology cake to Toby Determined for suspecting that he was the one who had beheaded Wax Stan.

They saw Gideon go by laughing and then they saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy arrive, they looked very scared.

"What the heck is wrong with them?" Twilight asks them.

"We got caught by blue lightning and then we couldn't fly and we lost our Cutie Marks, also Fluttershy can't talk to animals," says Rainbow Dash.

"How is that possible," says Twilight.

“Twilight and Pinkie go meet the others to see if they are okay and warn them of what happened. Spike and I will ask if anyone saw anything,” Dipper said.

They agreed and decided to meet up with their friends.


They then got together where Rarity and Pacifica lived. Pacifica, Wendy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders went camping together while Rarity looked after the tent. Everyone else was a bit scared when they told the others what happened to them. And they just found out that Applejack had something similar happened to him shortly before they told him the situation, he only realized that he did not have a cutie mark when they explained the story to him.

"Maybe he is a being from Equestria who steals magic," Rarity said trying to theorize what was happening.

“I watched all four seasons of My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic and I did not see any magic being or amulet that did this” said Twilight very thoughtfully.

Later came Dipper and Spike who were asking the people of Gravity Falls if anyone saw anything.

"Unfortunately no one was around when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy happened," says Spike.

"But we found out something, but Applejack must ask you a question first, did the same thing happen to you as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?" Dipper asked.

Everyone except Dipper and Spike was surprised by this question, Applejack nodded.

"We found Old Man McGucket and asked him if he witnessed what happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash said no, but said he saw Gideon sneakily following Applejack, suddenly with the necklace flashed blue and happened to Applejack the same thing that happened to you, the same thing happened to you two ”, says Spike

Everyone was surprised by this information, they were all leaving together to where Gideon was.

"Wait, Pinkie, you don't have a Cutie Mark too," Twilight said.

"Wow, that's true," Pinkie said in surprise.

"But that's impossible you had when we left the house," says Rainbow Dash.

"At the time when all of us were on our way here, Pinkie separated from us for about three minutes and joined us before we arrived," says Twilight. "That she happened while you were separated from us."

“While we were walking I saw a path made of sweets and I began to eat them until at the end of the path there was a cake, while my face was covered in cake for a few seconds I couldn't move and then when I could move I heard Gideon's laugh and decided to finish the cake and I joined you, ”Pinkie says with her usual cheer.

Dipper and Twilight just sighed at this new information Pinkie gave and decided to see where Gideon was, when they found out where he was.

"Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie and I go first to distract him, Twilight, Spike and Rarity will follow us secretly to try to remove the amulet at the first opportunity, besides you are the ones who can be taken away by magic and we don't, we don't know either how much power that charm has steals magic from Gideon, ”says Dipper.

Twilight wanted to protest the idea that her friends were decoys to protect them, but she also knew she was right.


Later when they met Gideon, Dipper started talking.

"Gideon, you are the cause of everything," said Dipper.

"I had nothing to do with the disappearance of magic and Applejack's Cutie Mark, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie and blue magic," says Gideon.

"Gideon, I never said that the magic or Cutie Mark was gone from them, and I didn't mention blue magic either," Dipper said.

"Well, it's the first time I've ever spoken to you and I thought you had the same average intelligence level as the people in Gravity Falls," Gideon said.

Dipper and also hidden Twilight sighed at the same time realizing that Gideon was right in that regard.

"That doesn't matter, give us back our magic," Applejack said.

Applejack immediately noticed that his necklace had some cracks, which made her feel like that necklace shouldn't do that.

"I'm never going to do it," says Gideon.

"That's not yours," Rainbow Dash says angrily. "And I'm going to make you give us the magic back."

"I'm not going to do it, but we can make a deal," says Gideon.

"What deal?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"Tell me where the others are and I'll give you back your magic," Gideon said. "Since I know you really like to fly."

"Of course not," Rainbow Dash said angrily. "You forget that I am the Loyalty of the Elements of Friendship."

"To tell the truth I have not seen any chapter of the series, I just know a little about the Pegasos, Cutie Mark, magic and their names," says Gideon.

"It did not occur to you to watch the series, when you realized our existence," says Pinkie somewhat confused.

"You really think Gravity Falls TV would air such a popular show and if you decide to buy the series by mail, it would take two weeks to get to such a remote town and if you want to install cable or satellite television, it takes several days to install it, because it is such a remote town and just the day before yesterday it was finished installing the satellite in another house," says Gideon in frustration.

Hearing that, Dipper, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all looked at Applejack.

"He's right, Gravity Falls only shows commercials for the show and Wendy had to buy the show when she was out of town and then we started watching the show at Pacifica's house that has cable and satellite," Applejack said.

Twilight and Spike looked at Rarity, she nodded with a sigh.

"Well, I'm going to use them as hostages," Gideon says, using the necklace's magic to trap them and also to protect himself.

Seeing that they were going to be caught, Twilight and Rarity decided to protect them, they faced the magic of the amulet, but Gideon managed to capture them, absorbed Rarity's magic, just before absorbing Twilight's magic.

"Twilight, try to teleport!" Dipper yelled.

With this Gideon could not immobilize her to steal her magic.

"Gideon, are you really stealing magic, to have a lot more power?" Dipper said doubtfully. "Because if you ask me, you don't seem to have more power than before."

Applejack agreed with what Dipper said, he didn't seem to have more power than before and noticed that the cracks in the collar were bigger and he was about to explode and it seemed like Gideon didn't notice this because he was trying to catch to Twilight.

"Twilight you have to listen to me, let him me steal your magic," Applejack said.

"What?!" Twilight said.

"Just trust me," Applejack said.

Gideon began to laugh when he realized that Twilight decided to listen to her friend, but when she absorbed Twilight's magic the necklace exploded into hundreds of pieces, causing the Mane 6 magic to return to them, it also left Gideon stunned. and they all decided to go to the Mystery Shack.


While at the Mystery Shack, they started talking.

"I don't understand, because we left go and we didn't teach Gideon a lesson," Rainbow Dash said angrily at Gideon for stealing her magic.

"We can't, plus I'm sure the people would believe Gideon more than someone related to Stan," Dipper said with a sigh.

"They're not afraid of me trying again," Fluttershy said.

"I doubt it, because I'm sure he wore the necklace on the show we saw and if he had another magical artifact in he possession, he would have used it on the show," Twilight said.


At Gideon's house, he was frustrated that he had lost his necklace and especially all that pony magic that he had gathered that he had gathered.

"What happened?" A female voice asked.

"The magic necklace was destroyed and those ponies they got their magic back," Gideon said.

"What?! How did you let that happen and didn't protect the collar from those ponies, ”the voice said angrily.

“It was your fault because the spell you created didn't work, the necklace absorbed magic, but when it absorbed the last of the Mane 6 it exploded and then the magic that had stolen them returned to them. You also didn't have to convince me to attack them before the 5 days until the My Little Pony series package arrived and just today they are going to start installing the satellite, ”Gideon said.

"If he absorbed the magic the spell worked, only that the necklace reached its limit, not because my spell failed, it is a pity that we do not know where there are more magic amulets", said the voice. "You are also right, we had to have waited, but thanks to all this we know that the spell works."

"You're right," Gideon said looking at Journal 2, then turned and said. "I hope you can continue to help me Cozy Clow."

"Of course," Cozy Clow said with a wicked smile.

Cozy Clow, thought that magic prevented equality in Equestria, when it appeared in this world, that thought was reinforced, seeing how there was a world without magic, also decided to live hidden in Gideon's house, so that no one would know that there was a pegasus here. Thanks to his little knowledge of magic in Equestria and the Journal 2, he managed to create a spell, Gideon thought it was to get more power, but it was to seal the magic inside the necklace, so no matter how much magic he stole from the ponies, he would never it would make the necklace more powerful, because the necklace would only contain it. The two decided to mail-order the My Little Pony series which would take 2 weeks to arrive and now there were only 5 days to go, but when he found out that the Mane 6 were here, he convinced Gideon to try it right away, because he was so impatient to see if it would work the spell. I also notice that Gideon never tried to memorize any of the spells from Journal 2, because he only wanted instant power and that's why I didn't memorize the spells, she decided to photocopy the entire Journal 2 in case something happened, she also wanted to find the other Journal, not because she wanted to get the power that she thinks Gideon will get with the information from the two Journals, but because she wants to destroy the Journals, she realized while reading Journal 2 that the author did not complete his job because he could not, if not because he discovered something very dangerous, but the author was too arrogant to destroy his research, that's why he hid them, also even if he found the other Journal he couldn't destroy it right away because she needed to make sure to find machine that the author created and destroy it, because she was sure that she would end up destroying the world if that machine still existed.


Much later in the evening, Chrysalis was in awe of everything that happened today. When she spied on the Mane 6 and heard that someone had stolen her magic she assumed she was Tirek, but she was surprised it was that Gideon, when she was defeated she agreed with Dipper and Twilight's theories. She was going to go home, but then she remembered that there was an unanswered question about who was the female voice she heard, she went to spy on Gideon and was surprised that that voice was that of a Pegasus filly, but what more was struck by her personality, which was unlike any pony she had ever seen.

"I need to have some answers to what happened today," Chrysalis said angrily.