• Published 20th Jul 2021
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The Power of the Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

An entity begins to transport MLP characters to the world of Gravity Falls

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03,0) Headhunters

There were Dipper, Twilight, Applejack and Rarity at the entrance to the Mystery Shack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were inside the Mystery Shack watching Stan's attractions. Rainbow Dash stayed with the Corduroy family and she became a fan of adventure films and comics such as the Indiana Jones movies.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were going about their business and Scootaloo was becoming adept at using the grappling hook.

They were most well enjoying the day until someone appeared Pinky Pie down the road, and she saw the ponys and said.

"Hi, I was walking in Ponyville, and somehow I unknowingly sidetracked and ended up in this part that I don't know about, and I was sure I knew all of Ponyville and now I'm lost," Pinkie Pie said.

Before they could speak, they left the Mystery Shack Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both looked at Pinkie Pie and ran to hug them, Rarity for her part started calling everyone else, Pinkie Pie was happy to hug her friends.

“I presume to remember all the inhabitants of Ponyville, but I don't know why I had forgotten about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and neither had I ever seen the three of you and the guy I don't know his race, therefore I have to throw a party welcome to Ponyville for all of you, ”said Pinkie Pie.

There they realized that Pinkie still believed she was in Ponyville, and they all decided to explain their situation to her, about the ponies that were transported to this world, about invisibility, about the series and finally that everyone ended up forgetting them in Equestria. At all this information Pinkie became depressed, but she remembered something.

"In other words I was able to find them, at least I'm happy knowing that Maple is taking care of Gummy," said Pinkie Pie.

Everyone was trying to understand what she meant.

“Maple was very worried and depressed after Rainbow Dash disappeared and she told me that she was going to stop by my house every day to see if she had disappeared and if she disappeared she would take care of Gummy and if she saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash she would tell them that she would be taking care of their jobs and houses until they come back ”, said Pinkie Pie speaking with some respect towards her friend.

Everyone was calmer knowing that there was someone who remembered them and tried to keep their homes, well to help them, suddenly Pinkie Pie was looking at Dipper, Wendy, Pacifica and Soos, she approached Dipper.

"Sorry, but i think i've seen you before, have you ever visited Ponyville," Pinkie said looking at Dipper.

"I have never visited Ponyville," Dipper said with many doubts about what Pinkie said.

They all stared at Pinkie Pie for what she said, they all tried to understand why she said that.

"So maybe you have a relative or maybe a brother in Ponyville, because I'm sure you look like someone but I don't remember who you look like," Pinkie said with great assurance.

"Pinkie Pie that's impossible, I've known Dipper for years and I'm sure that since I came to this world I've never seen a relative of Dipper who has gone to Ponyville," Twilight said.

They decided to ignore what Pinkie just said and discuss where Pinkie Pie was going to stay and decided that she should stay at the Mystery Shack since she Pinkie Pie loved the attractions of the Mystery Shack.


Days passed Pinkie Pie liked to help Stan, dressing up as creatures or making new attractions which helped Stan a lot.

While Dipper, Twilight and Pinkie Pie watched television watching the series Duck-Tective.

"That duck is completely amazing," said Pinkie Pie.

"Anyone can see tracks that close to the ground," Dipper said.

"Dipper is right," Twilight said supporting Dipper.

"Maybe you think the Duck-tective are smarter," Pinkie said with many doubts at those statements.

"It's not just that, I think we could solve a mystery," Twilight said.

"Twilight is right," Dipper said.

Before Pinkie could argue against that reasoning, Soos appeared.

"Guys guess what I found," Soos said.

“A treasure!” Dipper and Twilight said at the same time.

"An army of magical beings," Pinkie said.

Soos decided to guide them where she was what she wanted to show everyone.

"I was cleaning up when I discovered this secret room in the wall, it's the scariest thing I've ever seen," Soos said.

Soos showed the three of them inside and they saw a wax museum, which surprised everyone and they were scared when one of those supposed statues moved, just to see that it was Stan.

"This is the Gravity Falls wax museum, it was one of the most popular attractions, until I completely forgot about it," Stan said.

"Wow how many wax figures he has," Pinkie said in amazement.

"Guys, I've got you all Genghis Khan, Sherlock Holmes, some kind of ... goblin man," Stan said, pointing to a wax version of Larry King.

"Someone else has the chills," Dipper said, looking at the wax statues.

"If you're right Dipper, I feel like the eyes of those statues are looking at me," Twilight said clearly with fear.

"I just finished making calls to everyone we know about this wax museum," says Pinkie.

“And now I am going to present my favorite wax figure. Abraham Lincoln is right… Oh no! It can't be!” Stan says, looking where the statue of Abraham Lincoln should be, there was a pile of wax melted by the sunlight coming through the window. “Oh man who left the window open! John Wilkes Booth wax I'm looking at you, how do you fix this? "

"Cheer up Stan, I'll build you a new wax statue," Pinkie said.

"Do you really think you can do one of these beauties?" Stan asked Pinkie, she nodded at the question. "I like your daring, you can do it."

"On second thought we'd better all help you," Twilight said, remembering what the attractions Pinkie created for the Mystery Shack were like.


The Mane 6, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Dipper and Soos decided to create the wax statue together, Wendy couldn't help because she couldn't leave her cashier position and Pacifica was busy at the store. After rejecting various suggestions, they all decided that they had to make a statue of Stan, when they finished they showed it to Stan.

"What do you think of our creation?" Rarity said proudly.

"I think the wax museum reopens," said Stan.


There were a lot of people came to see the grand reopening of the wax museum. As Dipper and Wendy charged at the entrance, the other ponies were talking and the residents of Gravity Falls finally got used to seeing talking ponies.

"A lot of people did come to see the wax museum," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, though those wax figures make me uncomfortable," Apple Bloom said.

"I agree, they are very realistic," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, I don't know why I feel like they're watching us and they're going to attack us at any moment," Scootaloo said.

"Don't worry about it, Stan put on a great show with that wax museum," Rainbow Dash said.

"You're right Rainbow Dash, which makes me sure he's going to rip them off," Applejack said.

"If that makes me wonder how he's going to get away with it now," Rarity said.

Stan appeared, revealing to the public a statue of himself made of wax, revealed that the ponies had built it, and then went on to answer questions from the public about the ponies and Stan.

"Let's move on to the questions," Twilight said.

"I am Old Man McGucket, the madman of the town the wax statues are alive and we will survive if they are revealed," McGucket asked.

"If they reveal themselves, of course we will beat him," Pinkie Pie replied, making her friends look at her doubtfully, then she continued. "Next question."

"Toby Determined from Gravity Falls Gossiper," said a man who looked like a journalist from his clothing. "Is this really a wonder of the world?"

"Toby, your mic is a turkey baster," Stan said.

"Wow I hadn't noticed…" Toby said, deciding not to press his question.

"Next question!" Stan says.

“Shandra Jiménez, a real reporter, her publicity for this event promised free pizza. Is that true? ”Says the reporter.

"Printing error," said Stan, immediately dropped a smoke bomb and fled.

Everyone who went came out angry and destroying some things.

"Knowing how scammer Stan is, this plan of his turned out much better than it could have happened," Twilight said with a sigh.


In the evening Stan was happy to have made a lot of money and thanked everyone.

"Well everyone go to bed, tomorrow we have to rip off some tourists," said Stan.

Stan was very happy to have a wax statue of himself, he left the wax statue alone. As Dipper, Twilight and Pinkie got ready for bed.

"Twilight, Pinkie, do you want to play a game before you sleep?" Dipper said

Twilight and Pinkie nodded when they were going to choose which game to play, they heard Stan yell. They ran to where Stan had yelled, where they found him shocked by something.

"The Wax Stan was beheaded!" Stan said pointing to the headless wax version of him.


They called the police for the 'murder' of the wax Stan, the other ponies were also there and they were all upset because all the effort they had had making the wax statue had been in vain, the ponies that were most shocked were Rarity who was Very angry at the joker and Fluttershy who almost fainted when she saw the wax Stan beheaded, she did not faint because they had already told her that they had beheaded the wax stan before arriving.

"I'm sorry, but this case has no solution," said the sheriff named Blubbs.

"But there must be something to do," Applejack said.

"Sorry, we can't do anything, it's a dead end," Sheriff Blubbs said.

“You must be kidding right? There must be proof, motive or something! We can even help you investigate! " Dipper suggested.

"You could never help anything in this case," said a bailiff named Durland.

"You are so adorable," Sheriff Blubbs said, referring to Dipper.

"I'm kind of adorable," Dipper said quite annoyed at that comment.

The two policemen laughed when they saw Dipper offended and continued to think that he was adorable.

"Listen, I know we put a lot of effort into building the Wax Stan, but surely the police have better things to do." Twilight said trying to reassure them, because the police didn't take the beheading of the Wax Stan seriously.

They were interrupted by the Walikie-Talkie of the policemen, they answered and it was heard. "Attention to all units," came the voice of a policeman on the other side of the line. “Carl is about to put a whole melon in his mouth. I repeat, a whole melon! "

"Brilliant! 23-16! " Says Sheriff Durland

"Let's go immediately!" Sheriff Blubbs says and the two cops left.

"Or maybe I was wrong," Twilight said, after seeing what the two cops were going to do.

Everyone seeing and hearing that was thinking the same as Twilight, finally Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

"If they aren't going to help find the culprit we will," Rainbow Dash said determinedly.

"Rainbow Dash is right and when we catch him we'll see who's adorable," Dipper said with a little annoyance.

"Ah, that's right Dipper hates being called adorable," Twilight murmured to everyone else.

After hearing all that, the ponies looked at Dipper who sneezed, making everyone have to cover their mouths to avoid laughing.

"You sneeze like a kitten," Fluttershy said somewhat impressed by that.

"That was adorable," Pinkie said and all the other ponies agreed.

"We'd better find who has the best motive," Dipper said, making a mental note to try not to sneeze in front of someone.

"I'd be surprised if I ripped you off yesterday I didn't hold any grudge against Stan," Rarity said.

Everyone sighed as they realized that most of the people would be the suspects in the crime.

Dipper began to memorize all the people that Stan cheated in that wax statues exhibition, he remembered everyone because he was at the entrance of the exhibition, while he was collecting money those who arrived, he remembered seeing a girl of about 12 years old, brown skin, black hair and green eyes. He was sure she was sitting, but he did not realize when he arrived, because he did not go through the entrance and could not charge him, but she could not be the one who would be with motives for doing the crime, she not lose money and it was before Stan will reveal the wax Stan. And she could almost tell that she was looking at 'Mane 6' and she seemed to be very upset seeing them. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

"I think it would be better to do something else to solve the case," Rainbow Dash said, realizing that there were many suspects.

"We'd be better off trying to find clues at the crime scene," Dipper said.

"We're already working on it," Apple Bloom said.

"If we find the murder weapon, this ax," Sweetie Belle said.

"And these footprints the criminal left on the carpet," Scootaloo said confidently. "And it has a hole in a shoe"

Everyone was shocked to realize that while everyone was arguing over who might have reason to do this, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were looking for clues.

"We better take the ax to Soos and see what he thinks," Pinkie said taking the ax.


"In my opinion he's an ax," Soos said stating the obvious.

"That's pointing out the obvious," Rarity said with a sigh.

"Wait it must be from Manly Dan, Wendy's father," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, he's quite aggressive," Scootaloo said.

"Maybe it's not him," Fluttershy said.

"Come to think of it he didn't break a pole when Stan ripped him off," Apple Bloom said.

"And besides, he wasn't home at the time of the crime," Applejack said.

"Oh Manly Dan, he hangs out at the bikers' meeting point," Soos said.

"And that's where we'll go," Twilight said.


They left the Mysery Shack, going where Soos had told them and suddenly they saw Stan.

"What are you doing?" Dipper asked seeing as Stan was carrying a coffin.

"I'm planning to make a funeral for the wax Stan something simple, but elegant," Stan said somewhat sadly. "And what are you doing?"

"We have news on the case," Twilight said confidently.

"And now we are going to question the suspect," Rainbow Dash said.

"And we also carry an ax," Pinkie said with her tone as cheerful of hers as ever, causing everyone to look at her with some doubt, as this could be misinterpreted.

Stan was left wondering what they said and everyone else except Pinkie was sure he was misinterpreted.

"That sounds like what a responsible parent wouldn't want them to do," Stan said. "It's good that I'm his uncle, avenge me!"

They all left somewhat confused, to look for Manly Dan.


Meanwhile in the forest, Chrysalis was somewhat tired because of how strange this town was.

Yesterday she decided to take human form as a 12-year-old girl, to observe more closely without them noticing, because there were a multitude of people to go unnoticed and because she could no longer use animal forms to observe them, since that yellow Pegasus was a fan of animals, that is why he avoided transforming into animals with her close. She realized that now the 6 ponies were there, she was upset because now the whole group was there, but then she realized that they were collecting money to enter because there was some kind of show about a wax statue and that human named Dipper who was collecting money the tickets, Dipper was looking at her with some doubt and then decided to leave so as not to attract attention.

Then she after she knew it was for the best, because she heard ravages from the public shortly after she left.

She tried to observe what they were doing that same night, he realized that that pony named Pinkie was staying in the Mystery Shack, but what surprised most the she saw someone behead Wax Stan, while she watched secretly, she was surprised, but not for the decapitation, it was for who the criminal was and when she returned to the forest she told herself that Gravity Falls is getting weirder than she thought.