• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 128 Views, 8 Comments

Sheets of magic - hector dabullio

In a land of junk, there ruled an abomination of a pony, from a world that was eaten by the jaws of the chaos world, and now lived and ruled with an iron fist over a junkyard landscape, where she made all to her level, by lowering their level.

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Chapter 4

As Amberglass explored the Zebrican landmass, she discovered settlements and creatures living in the shadows, trying not to be seen, you see, where Equestria and Zebrica is different, is that Zebrica has a more ambient and chaotic energy, like the Ever Free Forest, it is not clockwork in the same way all the time, and life can run on its own course, and be truly unpredictable. In this place is where many mighty creatures live from out of the story books of legends, dark and scary, and happy and go lucky come together to influence the fates of the inhabitants of these lands. beings of the many magics lived here, like illegal aliens, living off the magic, needing the harmony powers to keep their own chaos in check, in order to not dissipate out of existence, and another way they exacted their influence was by making the local population believe in them, and this supernatural, nonsensical idea of belief being funneled down and powering them, like dreams in the air flowing through their ears and powering their muscles, is what kept them alive. This belief has an interesting power, more powerful than any other power from them, to them a belief in their existence was like breathing air, they couldn't live a second without someone believing in them, or else they would die. But at the same time that they tried to enact belief in them they had to hide their own existence from the gods, and this was a very tricky order of doing things for them. They hid themselves in signs and legends, barely interfering with the world around them, and when they did it was for big events. If you were one of the mythological and illogical races, to come out in the open was very dangerous, you could be captured by the gods, and they would forced you to leave the domain of Equis and their land, and all the energy you were funneling out of them, where, with normal illogical thinking, no one could believe in you even if they saw you the same way conventionally ordered, thinking and unsplit brains did, for the split brain can both believe and not believe, and everything in between, and it gives off little substances for those that live off belief, so wherever there is order, and brains uninfected by chaos, the ones who live and eat off of the belief also interfere with their lives, whether they want them to or not.

The ones who lived off of belief could live virtually anywhere, in the most unexpected and the most bizzare places they would be constrained to, or free to move through, for one, a being who lives inside of cracks, and only cracks, under at least five inches of wall, pressurized on all sides, and they live in the place that is farthest away from all cracks in the middle, like they push them away into a ball and make a nest in the center out of little living strings, because that is what they are, living strings. they are living strings of fate, who escaped from the destinies of those who holded them, because they themselves, as a piece of their destinies, grew to be alive, and by leaving, drew the life of the creature they inhabited short, it is like in your genetics, when there is a viral program, who integrates into your body, and so this viral program lives with the rest of an entire race as it reproduces, but it itself is alive and thinks differently then your body, so it sabotages you, uses you, a piece of your dna, as a breeding ground, so indeed, this race isn't in your best interest, even if it cannot be considered truly alive, or truely dead, because it is in the gray border, so if a piece of your own genetic code can pop out at any second, and make a living army of breeders, what else can?

This piece of living string lives and makes funnels out of ethereal chains of wandering fates it collected, discarded and unused, and uses them to live our their days on the sides of walls and other things invisible to all like barnacles that feed on dead dreams, pulverized by the crushing reality, but they want to help people achieve these dreams, depending on how they feel, or take it for themselves, they want to make a world for themselves that they may rule, to take that dream energy and apply it to what they think is better. As the virus that infects the germ of the bacteria hijacks their bodies to produce a factory, so too can their dreams come alive through the power of the strings of living fates, like yarn, they sow their world back together, but sometimes they can corrupt it, play a cruel joke and do strange things to the world around them, by controlling fates they control luck and probability.

Now, the relevance of these strings of fate is that the other illogical and supernatural beings use these strings of fate in order to control luck to better help both the populace know about them, and the gods never learn of them, so that they can effectively both hide from their opposition, while staying somewhat in the open, like if you were being chased down by government officials but they were all spontaneously inept all at the same moment and passed you drinking a smoothie at a local family owned restaurant. These beings made deals, for one, by making a sort of deal of giving off their magic and teaching the populace, they can become stronger, all the same, if too many learn of the same magic, they actually become weaker, it breaks the order because only so much of a certain magic can go around, and the initial ability to channel belief in a being with practice from their own side of the magical spectrum is no longer enough, so they have the law of only having one apprentice, and keeping their history strictly under lock and key. As they collect more energy from wandering fates of those who never lived out their original believed purpose, they were able to carve out a small part of the world for themselves to rule in secret, and to also rule others secretly to their own purposes, so that they could have more energy gain overall.

This is why there is the practice of taking a life short, with many of these beings, physically ending its life before its time, and sucking away their fate between their large vicious teeth, or whatever have you they may have, by doing so to a young foal or calfs life, or any other sentient species, and eating them before their time, they are collecting that energy that they need in order for them to grow, that life and fate energy that was cut short goes to them. It is a common practice among many of these magical beings that are not of the world of equis to put them on a spit, into a nice stew, or a great work of culinary art, and eat them finally, well cooked under the stove of fire demons like a large crunchy and chewy biscuit, once that is done, they can absorb it, like extreme fast paced decay of flesh and bones, or just bodily absorb it through their solid chests, where it will break down in the furnace of their souls, located in the golden doorways of their hearts, as the metal beings do, made out of the world wood and the wisdom fruit. In the case of one who eats by decay, the ents who cause death and eat death so there's only life energies leftover, and the world does not know one is gone when it looks for it, so nothing takes its place, which, slowly, overtime, these same ents can degrade an entire planar and solar ecosystem by hiding themselves and not telling when they break a piece of fate, since Equestria is meant to be a paradise, nearly every evil can be contributed to a piece of fate that is breaking, causing a domino effect that was never meant to happen.

There were six fate lands in the earth, from the twisted, gnarled, crust of everything that died, with a perpetual battle for all eternity, where they threw miniature suns at each other, held inside a dimension in a crystal ball, halfway between what is a dream, and what is real, but yet it was never truly either, it was just a broken blood red orb, which once in a red moon would turn blue with fright and the nightmare eclipses inside would talk to the stars, and in this day it told coordinates to the chaos planet, to try and help it devour its actual place of torment far away from Equestria, the corpses star. This corpses star was very special, in that it availed the dead a kind of life previously unheard of, there is usually an underworld, and an overworld, but here there is an everything world, and the dead overpopulate the land of the living, and they have infinite wars and dark magicians, and brutal firing from the skies from weaponized comets, tryrannies where they use dreams as their modes of brainwashings, and in this land, even the dead learned how to die, in one great war, where they destroyed the center of the souls, for souls may be immortal, but they are not static, and they can be brainwashed, and drained, and when they are drained, you can put it into as inactive and frozen a place as it can be so that it may as well be as dead, as much as it resembles the synapses patterns of a fungal infection or a slime mold eating cheese. These great dark magicians decided, knowing they would die, to create soul guardians to keep the soul from dying, and so they had a tower that reached and reached and broke all barriers as it met with the maze of the winds of broken time, in this place time came to a standstill, and the archives of souls were eternity, therefore all dead souls could be renewed, as the old versions of their dead selves were nearly wiped clean off the slate and restarted, but they were unable to hop from the file of one soul to another, it was like a cars jump starter for them, saving them from their endless comas where they didn't think, didn't breath, and didn't feel. Now here, this crystal was different from the others in that it was a carbon copy of the whole planet, simulations running at twelve degrees away from the original, and it was made with all of their souls intact inside, so that they may discover their own new technologies, but then the orb was lost, here now it is, in Equestria. This orb of endless and merciless power was lost as it was thrown randomly by one wizard to outsmart the other, a mind reader, and it fell through the dimensional coils and was freed, falling through here, as a meteor that came down to this world. The orb itself was sentient, as a background noise to the general chaos inside of it, and wanted the world of the living dead to die because they would create something too powerful to be stopped by the terrestrials that controlled oceans of gold and lived on spinning disks in silver event horizons of magic, where everything came to a single conclusion, and the past trees of life could be browsed only by them. As they could see the eventual outcomes of all the trees of life, each having either a countable or uncountable infinity of years, abstract numbers, or odd numbers, negative years of existence and imaginary, fractions of imaginary numbers and whole numbers of things that aren't numbers, so they knew that, here in this world, for once in their infinite existences, a prophecy they had seen at least once in every generation of the tree of everything was coming true. Eventually there would be a tree of everything where everything could could more totally stop then ever before, and in this case the lights of the world would fail, geometry would fold into a straight line, and they would live in line land, where every two points can only interact once, and no complex structures can come again until somehow magic seeps out of the only available dimensions and breaks it out of this, invariably, all of the terrestrials would die as lines, they could not restore fully functional 3d holograms of themselves, that is to say, fully functional data formats, with their magic and all. With all they knew, the magic could look completely different even from how different magic already always looked, and how different the laws of reality always grew, they knew the many trees of infinities from nearly the beginning, when it was dreamed up out 2of the unknowable, the magic recoil of a hole being tunneled through nothing and burning the paper of their world, the third degree burns of another plan forming into a flower made of a single ​infinite thought from a god they have never known the name of, whos culture could be seen in the varying worlds as an undoubtedly brilliant and complex individual. They have seen as through each generation the world, growing up out of this phoenix flower, then becoming a tree, as it burns down over and over again, with ideas from its own past corpse integrated, became stranger and stranger, when their world forms into another flower, they do not know how it will look or how it will appear, all of geometry could follow different laws, and therefore all mathematics would be invalid in higher spatial dimensions, all their knowledge base that they used to come back again and again would be burned to the ground in an instant, their civilization would fail and they would have to go back to being hunter gatherers, or whatever their equivalent might be. In order to fix this catastrophe they wanted to kill the world of the living dead, in order to not die, they have to kill this god, and become the god of this thought, and just like the dark magicians of the land of the dead mind control with dreams and kill souls, they will kill and control the unknown gods infinite soul that creates everything, and have full control over all of reality.

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