• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 19 )

You General Anon show your men how to defeat the OP Ponies

Well, I didn’t know ponies even used r/AskReddit, but here we are,

Bendy #2 · Jun 28th, 2021 · · 2 ·

Well, he's a general as in a leader of troops.

Tricksy ponies, my precious! Tricksy!

Bendy #4 · Jun 28th, 2021 · · 2 ·

Well, at least the ponies are good and sexy. No boring ass kill all humans. Just humans worshiping dat booty.

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Ponies OP.

Gimme pony.

Since when have ponies ever been OP in any conflict with humans outside of some stories were humans were self destructive assholes?

Pretty much nearly every conversion bureau story. Both pro human and anti human. In these stories ponies hide behind a magical barrier to stop the humans simply firing nuclear missiles in retaliation to human transformation. Not to mention Princess Celestia is basically a god in many of the stories.

I have read exactly one story like that, and it was a retort story to a nuke being dropped on Celly's head. Otherwise... every single story I've read was the badass humans slaughtering their way through the 1000 years behind in tactics ponies.

Well those generated many hatefics and rightfully so. TCB basically commit genocide on humans. That's going to rile up a lot of people in anger. Result you get tons of hatefics.


Can you share those pro-human fics? In my experience 90% of fics here are about Übermensch ponies being superior to Untermensch humans in every way. 9% are about them being somewhat equal. Finally that elusive 1% is about humans being better. I really like those, so can you share?

I would've had anon shove the grenade in her pussy rather than her mouth. The blast would be a mix of shrapnel and mare-cum and sound like boosted queef.

Basically any 'Conversion Bureau' search should get you those results, the hate fics are overwhelming in number.

Can you share some of THOSE fics?

The classic reddit switcheroo!!! !! !! :moustache:

Let's move away from TCB here.

Yeah, that would be a good idea. Perhaps I should that in a future story. Romanic guns and explosive sex with OP pony.

Indeed. The humans are making the ponies even more OP.

GreyOnBlue: *cries self to sleep*

Ah yes, his stories. I bet he would hate this story.

Mind if I write a silly riff on this to get my chops back up?

Sure. Go ahead.

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