• Published 30th Jun 2021
  • 352 Views, 3 Comments

Cuiousity - JCPCB

Sundusk also know as Scitwi and Sunset Son is a bit curious to know how there moms met and how he was born

  • ...

How you two met

It was a normal day in the Shimmer Family Household. Twilight was busy organizing the data that she collected for her upcoming meeting with the other scientist for the cure of an unknown disease. Sunset was busy fixing errors on a Script for the upcoming movie she's directing, and thanks to the writers she stressing over the fact that the writers can't do their work right, and now she's going through all 100 pages of the script to make sure it's all perfect until her next day of work.

Meanwhile Sundusk, Twilight, and Sunset Son. Was busy studying for his upcoming biology test. and came upon an interesting and unusual chapter in his book. That was about the life cycle of a baby, well since he wasn't officially human since he is half human and half pony, he doesn't feel it but deep down he knows he is.

Throughout his studies, he still trying to understand how 2 females can make a baby because normally it's supposed to be 1 male and 1 female to create a baby but 2 females are not possible.

"How did my parents create me or could it be I'm adopted".Sundusk was scared to find out the answer to his second thought but didn't rush to conclusions so he decided to head downstairs to the living room where his moms are busy doing their work.

Sunset noticed Sundusk entering the room. "Hey Sundusk that's unfortunate of you to come down, you are normally Studying until dinner time".

"Oh it's nothing mom, I just came here to ask a question to the both of you".Sundusk went to sit on the couch and patted a seat next to him.

Sunset got the memo. " Alrighty, son just give me a minute". As Sunset organized her scripts, she went to get Twilight who was still busy at the moment.

"Hey, Twilight.........Twilight". She approached her closer and whisper in her ear. "Twilight".

Twilight gasped "Sunset...." As her papers dropped when facing Sunset.

"Sorry of scaring you Twi but Sundusk wants to see us now, it's kind of important for him". Twilight adjusted her glasses and stood up. "Alright let's go but you are gonna help organize my papers.". As Twilight point to the papers.

"Dammit" As Sunset began picking up papers.

Once everything was set and organized, the Shimmer Family all sat in the living room Sundusk on one side of the couch, and Sunset and Twilight on the other side.

Sundusk organized his thoughts and took charge. "Alright, I'm gonna get straight to the point". Sundusk took in a deep breath "Am I adopted!!!". Sundusk bowed his head in front of his moms.

Both Twilight and Sunset took in as a surprise. Normally that's not a question that most kids won't ask their parents so often. Both Sunset and Twilight looked at each other then back at Sundusk. After a few seconds, they both let out a soft chuckle which Sundusk doesn't seem to quite understand why his mothers are laughing at him about something important.

Once the laughter died down they bought to let out what little laughter they have left. "Alright, Sundusk look no matter what you think or what others say about you and your family. Your still our real son even when I told you that your half-human and half pony".

"But that's the part that I'm still confused about, How was I created because overall same-sex genders can't officially create a baby only if it's through adoption or a sperm donor". As he made his point to his moms.

"Well once you know that you have 2 moms that are both scientists and have access to potions and magics. You can tell that we went all out to create you based on our genes".As Twilight cuddle next to Sunset as she explained to her son the possibilities of having access to magic.

"Would you like to know the story of how you were created?" Sunset asked her son.

Sundusk nodded "Yes please because I'm still so confused about how magic works even with all the explanations and examples you told me, mom".

"Well get comfortable Sundusk because this will be the story that you will remember for quite some time now"

"You okay with this Twilight".

"Yes, Sunset plus I need a break from my work". As Twilight adjusted herself on Sunset's shoulder.

"Alrighty about 16 years ago".

"It was our first semester of College we all got accepted into different colleges but luckily I got accepted into College with the best Girl I could have asked for". As Sunset was blushing.

"You are talking about me right". Twilight said with a concerned look.

"Who else would it be then". With a smirk on Sunset's face.

"Fair point".

"Now then. After a few weeks have passed we decided to have our first date which was at an Art Museum. I was busy admiring the painting when something unexpected happened". "Twilight would you mind explaining what happened".

"Umm sure. Well at that moment I gathered the courage I have to finally make my move and took the plunge".

"And that's when she kissed me and after that she said".

"Am I not allowed to kiss the most Beautiful art here in the museum ?". Twilight said grinning.

“And that led to me finishing her off when we got back in the car”.

“Alright”. Sundusk said as he continued writing details down in his notepad.”But that still doesn’t answer my question.

“Relax Sundusk” Twilight said “Were getting to that point we are just saying everything that led to that point”.

“Now on let’s continue,” Sunset said after taking a sip of her water.

Sunset and Twilight have gone on countless dates and hangouts with friends but they mostly hang out among themselves when no one is around.

They did a lot of kissing and teasing one another but Sunset mostly teases Twilight a lot.

"In some moments when Sunset drinks too much she tends to say the most wonderful things to me even though she's not in the right states of mind". Twilight giggled as she remembers everything that was being said from that day.

Sunset shrugged "I wasn't in control at that time okay".

"But your feelings sure was". Twilight said grinning.

Sundusk got used to his moms complimenting each other and didn't go against it.

"Yeah, I was so drunk one night that Flash had to call you to come to get me. Hahahaha". Sunset was a bit nervous when she mentioned that.

Twilight looked at Sunset with a smirk on her face."Yeah and after that, you were begging me to go back to your apartment with me, and that's what I asked Flash to do".

Sunsets faced was deep red by that point. She buried her face by a nearby pillow for a few minutes.

When Sunset is trying to regain control of her nerves Twilight continued the story. "After a few dates and months of officially getting to know each other, it finally led to us getting engaged".

"And how did that go". Sundusk said curiously.

Sunset and Twilight looked away from each other nervously. "Well let's say it didn't turn out great as expected a lot of things were disturbing us". Sunset said while taking a sip from her cup.

"Yeah it didn't go well but in the end, we got engaged and had a wedding ceremony". Giving each other a passionate kiss.

"Now let's get to the part of the story that officially answers your question". Sunset said happily.

After the wedding, Sunset, and Twilight went on their honeymoon to a Resort. Once they were both in their rooms Twilight admire the view. But stop to noticed Sunset staring right at her with a smile on her face, and Twilight did the same thing.

During their honeymoon they spent the whole day together, Swimming, Dancing, exploring the resort, and even watched the sunset together. Which led to them sleeping together.

The following morning both Twilight and Sunset were starring up in the ceiling either don't feel like getting up not until Twilight asks Sunset for a huge Favor.

"I want us to try having at least one child".Twilight said confidently to Sunset.

Sunset just laid down on the bed stunned without a word to say but was about to say something not until Twilight cut her off.

"Sunset how about we adopt one?.Or for better we'll do Intrauterine Insemination". "Although Invitro fertilization is good too since it includes......". Twilight said cheerfully but Sunset cut her off.

"I'm fine with having a child with you Twi but these things sound too dangerous".As she laid her hand on Twilights cheeks.

'I really want to have a child with you Twi, believe me, I do but let's try some other way that doesn't involve us getting hurt a lot, okay". Sunset said giving Twilight a kiss on the lips.

Twilight understood but happily accepted it by giving a big hug to her wife.

A few weeks passed, Sunset got a message from Princess Twilight about the situation that she's having with her human counterpart and asked for help. Luckily she got her answer and was asked to meet her by the statue.

Sunset returned home before her wife woke up. Sunset looked at the potion that Princess Twilight gave to her and was happy about the descriptions. But was shocked when it didn't give instruction about how it works. It only gave a description that said "2 people who are the same gender can still have a child only when taking this potion".

"She didn't even say how the whole thing even works". As she carefully examined the bottle to find any hidden messages or Equestria language hidden that might show the answer to her question.

"Maybe if I drink this and Touch Twi's hand, we might have a child". Sunset opened the bottle and took a little sip before she went back up to the room to surprise Twilight with it.

"And that's how you were born Sundusk" Sunset said while organizing herself on the couch with Twilight wrapped around her arms.

"Wait so I was made by a potion that your past teacher made for you years ago".Sundusk starred at his both mom's with shock.

Twilight and Sunset both starred at Sundusk and responded "Yes!!!".

"There's still more things that I still need to learn about Equestria when this is done". Sundusk put his hand on his head to process everything that was told.

"Don't worry about it". Sunset approached her son. "I'll help you understand everything about Equestria". Sunset smiled at her son.

" Well now since that's done and it getting a bit late how about we order take out". Twilight asked happily.

Sunset and Sundusk agreed. "How about we order from The Tasty Treat". Sunset recommended and they all agreed.

"Thanks, moms". As he looks at his moms from the table.

"For what" Twilight said as she placed the bag of food onto the table.

"For answering my question today, I was starting to feel a bit worried about it thanks for clearing it up for me ". As he smiles at his moms.

"Don't worry son no matter what you think at the end your still our son". Twilight said happily.

"Even though you were born by 2 moms". Sunset smirks at her son."Prove the future scientist wrong and you'll be the topic of the day". As Sunset laughed a bit louder than she has ever done before.

"Your right mom I can be the first human being to be actually formed by 2 of the same genders". Sundusk smiled at that.

"Hey don't get over yourself with that we want to keep you safe from harm, you don't know what evil experiment they will do on you". Twilight said with a worried facial expression.

"Wait but arent you a scientist Twi". Sunset said starring at her wife even Sundusk as well curious.

Twilight was blushing with nervousness. "Just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I do that".

Sunset smirks "You Sure."

Twilight nerves got the better of her "I'll be right back". Runs to the bathroom.

"Is mom gonna be okay". Sundusk said.

Sunset looks back at her son "Yeah she just needs time to calm herself down". As Sunset stood up and walked to the bag. "Let us get the table set before she gets back".

"Alright Mommy".

As they both set up the table for dinner during the full moon.

Author's Note:

A Gift for Izjian79 I hope you enjoy it. I came up with the story idea when looking at her sketches when she posts them in her stories.

Sorry that the story seems rush but I hope you all enjoy it don't forget to check out IZjian79 on Instagram for more SciSet Sketches, Pictures and AUs trust me you'll enjoy them. This is JCP signing off see you all next time on the next SciSet story. :twilightsheepish:

Comments ( 3 )

Who made the cover art?

Meanwhile Sundusk, Twilight, and Sunset Son. Was busy studying for his upcoming biology test. and came upon an interesting and unusual chapter in his book. That was about the life cycle of a baby, well since he wasn't officially human since he is half human and half pony, he doesn't feel it but deep down he knows he is.


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