• Published 20th Jul 2021
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Equestria GODZILLA #1 - Shark

A strange and Unusual events happening all over a Equestria with strong earthquakes, sightings says they seen a large creature in the distance but rumor says there could be more than one.

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Chapter 4 The Plan

It didn’t took long in the meeting, to discuss what’s the plan for Godzilla and the Mutos. At first they thought they can lure the Mutos to Godzilla but Twilight realize, the giant skeleton underneath ponyville, if that skeleton is the one of the parents of Godzilla and the Mutos fully matured then they have a way to kill Godzilla. We need a new plan, but what. Princess looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash where did you see the Mutos.”

“We were at the Gallofing Gorge.” Said Rainbow Dash.
Princess Luna replied after the conversation.
“So the Mutos are close to a few towns we must alert them now.”

Everyone agreed. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence are going to send there soldiers to alert and evacuate everyone. Shinning Armor will lead the evaluation, while Twilight and her friends continue research on the Mutos.

Just like that everyone got a job to do to protect and save not just a Equestria and the people but the planets and life itself.

Project Adam will be use but in a Final attempt in case all else fails. Everyone was against it but this life or death.

Shining Armor ready the troops. The three Princesses send letters to the leaders and Mayors all around Equestria. The Main 6 went back to Ponyville to do research on the monsters.

Rainbow Dash wings were shaking in fear, she looks irritated, although she’s trying not to panic it’s obvious she is scared. Fluttershy walked out of her Seat to sit next to Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy was shock to hear Rainbow muttering.

“Rainbow are you ok?”

Rainbow Dash stills muttering but stop, she turned her head to look at Fluttershy.


“Yes Rainbow it’s me you don’t need to be afraid.”

Rainbow Dash got out of her seat, she was flying around the roomette. Everyone was seeing Rainbow flying uncontrollable like a dog trying to escape.

Fluttershy trying to calm down Rainbow Dash but she won’t stop. Twilight use her magic to catch Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash started to panic even move , everyone trying to calm Rainbow Dash. Applejack jump on rainbow to restrain her.

“Rainbow calm down it’s us your friends.”

Rainbow still trying to escape but she slowly calming down.

“Rainbow are you alright dear?” Said Rarity.

“Rainbow what got you to act like this?” Said Applejack while she slowly let go Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash started to talk.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I panic.”

Fluttershy walked to Rainbow.
“What happened?”

Rainbow sigh and told her friends about the Mutos but this time, she told her friends how close she was to death door.

“Me seeing those things destroying everything, it feels like a Landslide and debris flow, but in a massive scale and finding out they suck the life out of plants and animals, that’s, oh sweet Celestia.”

Fluttershy hugs rainbow Dash comforting her.

“It’s ok rainbow, I know we never seen anything like before but your strong and your the bravest person I know. Don’t be scared.”

Rainbow look at the rest of her friends smiling. Rainbow Dash finally smiled and back to her old self.

“So got any ideas to stop the Mutos.”
Said Rainbow Dash

Everyone looked at Twilight.

“My plan is simply I need to go back to the cave and find more objects to research on. Find out why they feed on Magic or find there weaknesses.”
Said Twilight.

When twilight finish talking the train has arrived at Ponyville. Soon the main 6 got out of the train, they see some buildings still collapse or destroyed. Everyone was still at the camps where the Royal guards still helping everyone who were injured.

Spike ran to twilight glad she’s ok but spike was not alone, Starlight and Trixie ran to there friends. They were not here at Ponyville when the earthquake happened and they definitely didn’t seen the monsters.

Starlight and Trixie ask twilight what happened to Ponyville. Twilight told them everything, the Mutos what threat they can be and Godzilla.

Starlight and Trixie step back there faces were shock and surprised.

“So this giant bugs eats Magic?” Said Trixie

“Yes.” Said Twilight

“And one of them is pregnant.” Said Starlight

“And about to burst.” Said Rainbow Dash

Twilight and her friends took Starlight and Trixie to the cave where the Mutos arrived.

Before they went inside the cave applejack told everyone she needs to go back to check her family to see there safe. Rainbow Dash doesn’t want to go inside the cave. Rarity and Fluttershy need to check things back in Ponyville. Pinkie pie also need to check on the cake family.

So it just Twilight, Starlight, Trixie and spike in the cave. Starlight, Trixie and spike were shock to see a massive dinosaur like skeleton and the giant hole on the ceiling.

“Spike if you didn’t grow wings, I would’ve thought that was your kind.” Said Trixie

Twilight continued explaining what happened and what’s the plan.

Shining Armor brought his soldier to evacuate everyone from the Vanhoover and the other towns close by.

Everyone was questioning what’s happening, why everyone it’s evacuating. Many of the royal guards did not told anyone what’s really happening, except the mayor and the leaders knows what’s happening.

More and more the people leaving there homes packing there things. Some people are scared saying something bad happen to the Crystal Empire.

Shining armor was telling people to go to the gateway. He saw a father holding there daughter calming them down. It reminds him of his wife and daughter, he hopes there safe. Shining went down town to find more people until a scout told him that’s everyone. Before shining said word everyone heard a loud roar.

Shining Armor knows that roar like a print stuck in his memory. He told his soldiers to get out of the city. An earthquake began like in Ponyville and the Crystal Empire, he knows what’s coming.

Everyone started running escaping the city, the male Muto flew and landing on a building causing it to collapse.

The collapsed building collided with several buildings releasing a giant smoke towards the ground. The male Muto began to destroying the other buildings.

Shining and his soldiers were running as fast as they can, The Pegasus soldiers started picking up the other soldiers who don’t have wings.

A building fell blocking shining Armor and a few soldiers. Shining orders his soldiers to follow him. They ran towards the collapse building trying to crawl out of the city.

Both of the Muto began to destroying the city. Shining and his soldiers made it to the gateway until they sees another monster running towards the Muto fighting them.

One the soldiers ask Shining Armor what’s that creature.

Shining looks at his soldiers.

“That’s Godzilla, everyone keep moving!”

Godzilla bite the male Muto wings. The male Muto was screaming until the female jump hitting Godzilla forcing him to let go. The male Muto flew off but landing on a building causing it to collapse next to shining and his soldiers.

The building broke apart while collapsing.
A few soldiers were crushed by the rubble of the collapsing building

Shining was horrified until the male Muto slammed its arm on the ground for it can stand up.

The impact of the arm pushed shining Armor hitting the group hard that he went unconscious but before he close his eye. He sees Godzilla roaring while fight the Mutos.

Shining Armor woke up in a medical cart.
Shining was shaking in fear seeing few soldiers died by the Muto. Shining ask the medic how many Soldiers we lose.

The medic revealed 100 have died 68 are injured.

Shining Armor was about to stand up but his leg bandage up. The medic said that shining landed on rubble and his leg was peddled by a loss pipe.

Shining Armor must warm the three Princesses about the monsters. He hates to bring it up but he has no choice, he has to bring Project Adam.

Back in the cave it’s been a couple hours of research of the Mutos and the giant skeleton.

Twilight brought her equipment from her castle to the cave. While she did her research, Spike, Starlight and Trixie walked around the giant skeleton.

Spike looks at the skeleton and looking at himself, spike do look similar to the creature called Godzilla.

“Spike.” Said starlight wondering what’s the little dragon was thinking.


“You been looking at that skeleton for a while, what’s in your mind?”

Spike looked back at the giant skeleton and answered Starlight question.

“I don’t know, something tells me that this skeleton feels familiar, like you smell or feel a dragon near by but this feels different, familiar but different.”

Trixie joins the Conversation

“Could this creature just be another dragon.”

Starlight replied
“This is definitely not a dragon, from the drawing of the creature called Godzilla it looks different not only that look.”

Starlight points her hoove on the back of the skeleton and replied.

“No wings, this creature has no wing, if it did have wings they should be massive and filled this cave up with the bones of the wings.”

Trixie replied

“So If it’s not a dragon what is it.”

“I’m not sure, this is a new undiscovered creature, if Twilight research is true this should be older than the founding of Equestria or older.”

“But that’s impossible all living things need oxygen to breathe, there’s no oxygen in a sealed cave, for for who knows how long.”

“Maybe it doesn’t need oxygen or found away to breath.” Said the little dragon.

“Like what an underground world.”

“That could be a possibility?”
Starlight was thinking about the that question, could this creature come from the underground world, probably that’s why no one saw or heard about them.

Twilight made laugh of excitement. Her friends walked to twilight ask her what she found.

“Twilight what happened?” Said Starlight she sees a lot of papers and a chalkboard full with words.

Twilight replied
“I found new information about the Mutos.”

Everyone was happy.

Twilight continued
“You see after researching in the cave, it’s necessary for the Mutos to find a high ranking Magic source, for the female Muto to give birth properly and the survival of her eggs they need a lot of Magic to do it.”

“That’s amazing twilight so the female Muto won’t lay her egg without a huge source of magic.” Said Trixie

Trixie, Starlight and Spike were relieved to hear that but twilight her smile went down when she reveal the other fact.

“Yes it is true that the female need a lot of magic to lay her eggs, it doesn’t matter where she puts them.

Everyone stopped and looked at Twilight in concern.

“You see everything in Equestria has Magic plants, objects even living things.”

Starlight replied this fear.
“Twilight what do you mean it doesn’t matter where she puts her eggs.”

Twilight answered.
“There’s a reason why the skeleton is there.”

Everyone looked back at the massive skeleton in fear.

“Your telling us that that thing laid eggs in that thing.”

“Probably that’s the reason why Godzilla is attacking the Mutos instead of attacking us, it one of Godzilla‘s parents, he’s doing this for revenge.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense. If the Mutos need magic why they haven’t gone after Godzilla.” Said Trixie

“Probably it’s because he’s more aggressive to them, than his parents so much that they don’t want to use him and instead trying to find a higher magic source here in a Equestria.”

“We must alert the Princess about this.” Said spike he ran to Twilight before he hugs her he burp a letter.

Twilight immediately picked up the letter and read it. Her face went pale after reading it.

Starlight and Trixie look at each other in confusion wondering why twilight is terrified.

Spike picked up the letter he also got pale.
Starlight and Trixie ask what does the letter say. Spike revealed that twilght brother was injured during the evaluation and the Princesses want her to be there a Canterlot immediately.

Twilight it mediately started flying out of the cave. Spike, Starlight and Trixie are going to alert the others about this.

Twilight flew towards Canterlot as fast as she can, when she was close she sees the soldiers are at the medical camps, she flew faster towards the castle.

When she arrived she ran to the main hall to see everyone there.

Shining Armor was on crutches with a cast on his leg. Twilight to shining glad he’s ok. She hugs him not too hard that it could hurt him.

“Twiley it’s ok I’m good, I’m lucky I still have my leg.”

“Im glad your ok”

Twilight notice the three princesses talking to each other. Twilight walks towards the Princesses asking them what they’re talking about.

The three Princesses have the faces of worried, twilight ask them what’s wrong.

Twilight was horrified to find out that the princesses have no choice but do use project Adam.

“I’m sorry twilight but this is life or death.” Said Princess Celestia

Before twilight spoke everyone went quiet after felt a big step.

Shining looked down on a cup filled with water moving from in every step, he immediately knows what’s coming.

“Princess we must get everyone out of Canterlot immediately!”

Princess Celestia agreed along with the soldiers to evacuate everyone and told the 5 soldiers to get project Adam. Twilight walked towards the balcony in horror she sees the female Muto walking towards canterlot, twilight looked up to see the male flying circling around Canterlot.

The Mutos have arrived.