• Published 20th Jul 2021
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Equestria GODZILLA #1 - Shark

A strange and Unusual events happening all over a Equestria with strong earthquakes, sightings says they seen a large creature in the distance but rumor says there could be more than one.

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Chapter 3 Monster Exist

An hour have passed since the Muto came to The Crystal Empire luckily another monster have got The Muto attention and started fighting each other. We’re not sure who won the fight, Some of the royal guards were still at the Crystal Empire in a safe distance away from the monsters. All of them says that the Muto made a full retreat in the mysterious mountain creature also disappeared. It was very clear to the Citizens of the Crystal Empire, not only them everyone in Equestria knows. An hour had passed and The pack train was heading to Canterlot. A lot of ponies agree that’s the best safe spot there after all Canterlot is on side of a mountain, But still some of the people in the train are still scarred of the creatures that attacked their homes, even princess Celestia. The royal guards as princess Celestia if she can be moved to a private room but Princess Luna decline the offer because of princess Celestia‘s unchanged expression. Luna was worried about her older sister she knows she been through the same experience, Celestia has seen wars, diseases, even death to her subjects once. Even terrible times she still find the courage to calm down her subjects and found ways to fix it but now All that Luna can see on her older sister’s face All that Luna can see on her older sister’s face is fear.

Luna step closer to Celestia trying to get her to talk with change the expression.

“Sister. sister. Celestia!”
Her face hasn’t changed not one bit.

“Sister I know that we suffered a terrible loss of these unknown creatures but you, you shouldn’t be scared you should have the courage to our subjects.”

Her face hasn’t changed

Luna sighs in worried

Princess Celestia response
“That was the same Magic to banish the creatures like Sombra and Discord, Why hasn’t it worked on the creature. the creature should’ve been lost in time.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Luna I was supposed to protect our subjects I always cared for our subjects always but seeing a creature like that makes me rethink, that, that I’m not strong enough anymore to protect anypony.”

Celestia levitated her crowned off of her head and looked at it.

“I failed.”

Luna looked at her sister and Luna has enough.


Luna shout it out and got a everyone attention they were looking at Luna and Celestia.

“You are princess Celestia! You have shown our subjects respect, protection and care to all in a Equestria for 1000 year’s you showed them peace even through the rough years you still have the courage to go through it. Even if you feel defeated you rise back up and never give up that is what Princess Celestia is and my dearest sister knows what to do even through unknown circumstances.”

Everyone in the train starts cheering on to Luna speech. Celestial looked around seeing everyone cheering for her, she was shocked and surprise everyone saw her against the creature they could’ve been distrustful return against her but instead they still cared for her and cheered her. She looks at Luna and smiled.

Princess Celestia stand on her full height, levitating her crown back to her head and full spirit.

“Thank you sister.”

“You’ll do the same thing to me.”

Luna hugged her big sister. After that Luna and Celestia both discuss how do they stop the creatures lucky for them twilight sparkle was already on it. In the other side of the trainPrincess twilight sparkle is writing a lot of notes research of the creature she have seen she’s been working on her notes and research nonstop since leaving the Crystal Empire.

Something about it doesn’t fit right twilight thought.
“That doesn’t make any sense why did the second creature showed up, maybe also feed on Magic, could be but if it does fit on Magic why hasn’t it help the Muto maybe their rivals, although it could be a good theory but the real question is why the creature never gone after any Magical areas like the muto was, it’s like the creature was protecting but why?”

Twilight still questions of the second creature although she knows there could be two Mutos, she hasn’t given the creature your name. She decided to find the name for the mysterious creature.

“It looks, dragon like. Far too big to be a greedy dragon and it look like it was protecting something like, its territory? What name should we give this creature.”

Twilight use her magic to draw the creature in detail and still trying to think what name to get this creature. Twilight has a basket full of crushed paper of the bad names she have trouble picking.

“Sigh, Why is this hard it was easy for the Mutos why this!”

Pinkie pie walked into the room and saw twilight and she saw the drawing of the creature, she was surprised and saw the basket full of crushed paper filled with terrible name choice. Pinkie pie walk up to twilight and look at the picture of the creature. Thinking what kind of name to give the creature.

“How about call the creature, mmmmm, moving mountain?”

Twilight looked at pinkie pie in confusion she knows she’s going to pick something similar to a mountain.

“No. Ok, mmmm, maybe think outside the box.”

“Pinkie what are you talking about?”

“You know maybe combining two words together like Mountain Dragon no, The moving mountain no but that does sound cool though but he has gills.”

Twilight head bounced up realize what pinkie just said.

“What did you just say Pinkie?”

“What you like the name the moving mountain?”

“No after that.”

“It has gills.”

“Impossible how do you know that?”

Pinkie explain how she knows the creature has gills.

“After everyone was in a panic and getting inside the train I realize the creatures neck was moving like flopping. I thought it was my imagination of the fear but nope it wasn’t, I look closely at the creature it looks like it has gills and not only that it, looks wet the whole body looks like it was covered in water.”

“That’s impossible The Crystal Empire is nowhere near anybody of water.”

“Maybe not on the surface.”

Twilight stopped and slowly realized the creature have entered into the Crystal Empire on the mountains. If there is an underwater cave that is big enough for that creature it could make a lot of sense. Try I looked at the drawing of the creature looked at it really closely on the neck and realize that the creature does have gills. She was surprise shocked not just for this but from pinkie pie.

“So you got a name for the creature then?”

“How about , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, gor gor goril gor gor gorilla, OH! I GOT ONE!!!”

Pinkie pie walked up to try to grab a quail and write down the name on the paper of the picture of the creature. Twilight looked at the name of the creature and still wondering.


“Oops I spelled it wrong. Here it is.”

“Why I looked at the name again.”

“Godzilla. Strange name Pinkie but why use the word God?”

“It’s sounds cool.”

Before twilight was about to speak she was interrupted by her friends entering the room.

“Twilight, Pinkie there you two are.” Said Applejack

The three ponies heard there friends coming

“Man This train is getting too crowded.”

“Yes but at least everyone have made it out of the Crystal Empire.”

“And the animals.”

“Hey girls how’s everypony.”

Twilight friends looked at each other and told her the good news everyone was scared but they were all calm down now. Applejack told twilight that everyone in the train was cheering for Princess Celestia. Twilight was happy even in worse condition people still looked up for princess Celestia. Twilight friends look at the drawing of Godzilla.

“So that what the monster really looked like.” Said Applejack

Everyone walked up to the drawing and we’re surprise seen every single detail of this creature.

“Twilight this monster it looks awesome. Big muscular creature dwarfing and hidden on the mountains that sounds so awesome.”

“It does sound scary to me rather than awesome dear.”

Everyone looks at twilight and wondering.

“Twilight dear what’s the name for this creature?”

“I’m still working on the name But Pinkie pie picked a name but I’m not really sure about it.”

The others were curious what name did Pinkie pie picked, they thought it was something too silly.

“Hey pinkie what name did you pick for the creature.” Said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie but I got excited.

“I pick the name Godzilla.”

Everyone was surprise.
“Why call it Godzil”

Rarity was interrupted by a loud roar outside everyone stop talking and went to the window. It was the Muto flying to the train. Everyone in the train start to panic. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna trying to get everyone to calm down, Shining Armor and the royal guards ask people to head to the front in case the creature attacked the back.

“Oh sweet Celestia i fear if there were two.”
Twilight said in fear.

Twilight of friends try to think of a plan fast to get the creature to stop following them. The Muto was flying hitting the side of mountain to get to the train.

Twilight and her friends have an idea but they we’re worried about it and it was too risky. Everyone looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Why everyone looking at me?”

“Rainbow we have a plan but we think it’s too risky for it but we have no choice.”
Twilight said in worried.

“Rainbow you got a lure the creature away from the train you’re fast enough to fly away from it.” Said Applejack

Rainbows eyes widen shocked at what her friends are saying. She was about to protest against it but she looked at the people in the other room and decided to do it.

Rainbow Dash went to the nearest door and open, her hair has stand up she was nervous and scared but she got to do what she Gotta do. She flew out of the train seen the creature almost close to the train.

Rainbow Dash try to get the creature attention. The Muto notice Rainbow Dash but he doesn’t mind her he still chasing the train.

Rainbow decided to do something very risky.

“Ah this is gonna hurt.”

She flew as fast as she can almost doing the sonic boom hitting the Muto on the face. The creature stopped chasing the train, it turns his head looking at Rainbow Dash as she kept getting the attention of the Muto.

The Muto was very angry instead of chasing the train the Muto was chasing Rainbow Dash. She fly as fast as she can, luring the Muto away from the train.

Back at the train everyone was glad that the plan worked but they’re worried about Rainbow Dash.

“I hope Rainbow Dash it’s OK.” Said Fluttershy

“Don’t worry sugar cube I’m worry about Rainbow Dash too but don’t worry about that like she said, she’s the fastest pony of all of Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash is struggling to fly faster after hitting the Muto on the head, she almost got injured luckily her wings are not in bad condition but the problem is she cannot fly that fast and the Muto was catching up.

Rainbow notice a mountain and she got a plan. If Rainbow Dash can get the Muto in one of the caverns in TopSpeed the Muto would hit the mountain destroying it causing an avalanche trapping the creature. It was risky but she hast to do it.

Rainbow Dash was in the middle of a giant cavern behind her she taunts the Muto getting it even more angry.


The Muto was even more angry, Rainbow Dash moved out of the way just in time. The creature went face first into the cavern destroying the top of the mountain causing an avalanche to hit the Muto on the back and the wings trapping the creature.

Rainbow Dash was happy and glad that the plan worked perfectly she was so happy that she end up taunting the creature even more.

“HA! That’s what happens if you mess with the fastest pony of all of Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash stopped as she felt like something was behind her she turned around and looked up seeing the other Muto.

“Oh hey I forgot about you. That’s must be your friend underneath the rubble, it’s still alive. You know for a giant creature you surely do walks quietly.”

The female Muto started growling and tries to hit Rainbow Dash but she dodged it. Before Rainbow Dash went off the Muto hit her Launching rainbow miles away and hitting the ground.

The female Muto stared to dig the male Muto out of the rubble. Rainbow Dash got out of the ground and Noticing the Muto helping the other one, she was hiding hoping those two won’t notice her.

The male Mutos was out of the ground and it was angry but the anger gone away when the female Muto was Comfort him.

Rainbow Dash was looking carefully at the two creatures. The two Mutos were talking to each other until they both stopped and realize that the mountain has magic energy they both immediately started taking and sucking the magic out of the mountain everything that the mountain was connected start to die off.

Rainbow Dash was shocked Twilight told her that these creatures feed on Magic but she did not know, not only they Feed on magic they kill off the environment.

Rainbow Dash was shocked and scared she has to fly back to Canterlot to a friends to alert them what’s happening but before she did she notice something on one of the Muto.

The big one has something glowing on its stomach Rainbow Dash squints her eyes really hard to see what is it and she noticed something was moving inside. Rainbow Dash jaw dropped, the creature was pregnant and it looks like it’s about to release it.

So that’s the female that means the little ones the male. I have to warn everyone.

There was a loud roar from the distance the two Mutos stopped and looked everywhere where the noise was coming from. They immediately run away from the noise.

Rainbow Dash was wondering why the creatures were scared but she realize the creature that pinkie pie name Godzilla it must be the predator of these creatures.

“If magic can’t harm these creatures then Godzilla would.”

Rainbow that’s fly to Canterlot to tell everyone the news and discovery she found out.

Back in counterlot The train has finally arrived everyone from the Crystal Empire has exited the train everyone was relieved that the creature did not attack the train.

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and princess cadence walked up to twilight and told her they need to talk to her at that at the castle.

In the castle everyone was there the main 5, shining armor, and the 3 princesses.

“So what do we do now this creatures feed on Magic.” Said Princess Cadence

“We know we’re just thinking of a plan how to stop them.” Said Princess Celestia

“All of us are aware that Canterlot isn’t safe if these creatures arrive.”

Princess Celestia response
“I know we must think of a plan immediately.”

“Princess I think it will be better if we bring back project Adam.” Said Shining Armor

Everyone in the room except the three princesses were questioning what is shining armor saying.

Luna got worried.
“Forgive me Captain but are you crazy we cannot do that!”

“I agree with Luna that’s crazy talk.” Said Princess Cadence

“Listen I know the project Adam is a dangerous, I’m scared of it what would happen if someone uses it against us and our subjects.” Said Princess Celestia

Twilight and her friends our both confuse, Twilight spoke in curiosity.

“Princess what is project Adam I haven’t heard about this, you never mention it. Come to think of it everyone never mentioned this.”

Celestial looks as shining armor she nods at him.

“Twilight project Adam is about making a weapon that doesn’t have any magic it’s all machine a powerful weapon and a dangerous.”

“How dangerous is it?” Twilight ask nervously.

“A 3 feet metal Bomb powerful enough to destroy an entire city with just one hit.”Princess Celestia response.

Everyone was shocked.

“Princess sorry for me to interrupting but you’re telling us that you’ve been working out on a bomb they can destroy an entire city.” Said Applejack

Celestia nods

“What’s that’s unlike you.” Said Rarity

“Yes this is an unexpected turn.” Said Pinkie pie.

“And scary.” Said Fluttershy

Twilight shouted
“Princess why make this dangerous weapon.”

“In case of dangerous threats, we almost used it when Lord Tirek showed up.”

Everyone was shocked they know the princess Celestia is respectable and kind to everyone, I mean of course she has secrets to keep everyone safe but they weren’t expecting this news.

“Princess I know it’s a dangerous choice I hate it as well but we’re dealing with threats that magic does not harm them.” Said Shining Armor

“If we have to, we must.”

The room was quiet everyone shocked to find out there was a dark truth they know that they cannot win this fight in twilight was scared that using a weapon that can destroy everything has to be used.

Rainbow Dash broke the silence when she burst into the castle.


Twilight and her friends were happy to see Rainbow Dash all right they all came hugging her but she got bruised and I asked him to stop bugging her.

Rainbow Dash revealed that the two Mutos
The big one is the female and the little one with wings is the male.

Rainbow Dash revealed these creatures after they finish eating the magic the environment where the Magic used to be will die off killing environment what makes this even worse at the female was pregnant.

Everyone was shocked and got even more worried while I did not know about this she knows of these creatures from Magic but you know they can kill off the environment.

And then Rainbow Dash revealed another discovery. She revealed that Godzilla is a predator to these creatures if they can bring Godzilla to these creatures he could wipe them out but shining armor stopped her.

“How do we know that this Godzilla is not a threat like the Mutos.”

“I’m not sure to be honest but he didn’t attacked us when we were at the Crystal Empire.”

Rainbow Dash try to make excuses to get everyone to agree with her.
“I know it is crazy but it’s a good idea to bring prey and predator.”

Everyone in the room started arguing with each other disagreeing with Rainbow Dash and others agreeing with Rainbow Dash princess Celestia stand up went to the window.

Princess Celestia put a her hooves down causing everyone to stop arguing.

“We are in a dark times but refuse to use project Adam but this Godzilla creature he could stop them but what if he turns against us, I’m not sure to be honest but I do know this, if we don’t stop these Mutos they will wipe out every life in this world.”

Celestial looks at twilight

“Princess Twilight sparkle you know about these creatures what do you think we should do?”

Twilight looked around other friends and family she got out of the seat decided.

Twilight inhaled
“Let them fight.”