• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 296 Views, 3 Comments

Cinder Star 3 Princess of Unicorns - Nocturn Dreamwrite

Cinder Star and Majestic are sent to Pony Valley, where Majestic is captured by a dragon, and Cinder Star must get him back.

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Cinder Star: Princess of Unicorns

Cinder Star

Princess of Unicorns

By Nocturn Dreamwrite

Once upon a third time, in the days when the lands were new and predated Equestria, the sun was just setting over the Kingdom of Unicornia. Princess Cinder Star and Prince Majestic were walking side by side down the castle’s main hallway. Princess Cinder Star, who was an earth pony, and known affectionately to her friends as Cinder Star, was very happy. It had now been a year since their wedding, and over a year since the night she and the unicorn Prince Majestic had first met at the royal ball, and the day, a few weeks later, when he had found her again by returning her glass slipper which she had lost at the ball. They had been living happily together since.

For their anniversary, Cinder Star and Majestic had taken the day off from their royal duties so they could spend the whole day together. That morning Majestic had surprised Cinder Star with breakfast in bed, and then they had frolicked through the castle gardens, and visited Cinder Star’s sheep friends and mouse friends in the castle fields. Afterwards, they had taken a stroll into town, and then Majestic had surprised her with a special, delicious dinner for the both of them to enjoy. It had been a perfect day.

The small diamond on Cinder Star’s silver tiara sparkled as she leaned her head on Majestic’s shoulder. “I can’t thank you enough for making today such a wonderful day,” said Cinder Star as she gave her husband a loving smile.

Majestic chuckled, and returned his wife’s smile. “Oh, it’s not quite over just yet, Star,” he replied. “I have something very special to show you.”

“Oh, Jes,” said Cinder Star, lifting her head. “You have already done so much for me. I could not possibly ask for more. Just being with you is enough.”

“I know,” answered Jes, “But I wanted to do this anyway, and I know you are going to love it, my dear.”

Cinder Star sighed happily, and smiled sweetly as she and Majestic continued to walk together. She could tell that he was indeed planning something special by the way his eyes glistened, and he was trying to keep his smile small and not break out into a wide grin. She was surprised when they suddenly stopped at the doors leading into the castle’s grand hall, which served as the ballroom. “Why are we stopping here?” she asked.

“Why, this is our destination, Star,” replied Majestic. He opened the doors with his magic so that Cinder Star could enter, and then he followed behind her. Once inside, she was surprised to find that the grand hall had been lit up and decorated. A small orchestra stood in the corner with their instruments ready, and there was a soft, rosy chair standing close to her. Outside the windows, the moon was now rising in a starry night sky.

Cinder Star’s eyes widened as she realized what she was seeing. Her smile beamed as she looked at Majestic. “Did you…?” she asked.

“I recreated the ball where we first met,” answered Majestic. He could no longer hold back his smile. “What do you think?”

“It-It’s beautiful!” replied Cinder Star. A tear of joy escaped from her, and rolled down her cheek. “It’s so beautiful! Oh, Jes!”

“It is indeed beautiful,” agreed Majestic, “But there is just one thing missing. He should be here right about now.”

Cinder Star was going to ask Majestic who he had meant, but she didn’t have to. At that moment, Sir Light Shield entered. He was carrying a pillow with his magic, and upon it were Cinder Star’s glass slippers. He smiled as we walked up to them and transferred the pillow from his magic to Majestic’s.

“Here you are,” said Light Shield. “Right on time.”

“Thank you, Shield,” said Majestic. “I really appreciate the favor.”

“No problem at all,” replied Shield with a smile of his own. “Anything for my friends.” He winked at Majestic, then said, “I must hurry though. Rose Petal is waiting for me. We’re having dinner, and then we are going to read a book together. Have a good time you two!”

“And you as well,” answered Cinder Star. “Thank you for helping to put this together for us.”

“You’re welcome,” said Shield. He smiled once more, and then gave a short bow. “Good night, Your Highnesses,” he finished, and then left with a spring in his trot.

Majestic turned back to Cinder Star and stood in front of her. “What was missing was that we danced together. He softly placed the pillow on the ground, and lifted one of Cinder Star’s glass slippers with his magic. “May I?” he asked.

“You most certainly may,” giggled Cinder Star. She sat down on the rosy chair, and then Majestic gently placed her glass slippers on her hooves. Once he was finished, he offered her his hoof and helped her rise. He then lifted her glass slippered fore hoof and kissed it.

“My Lady,” said Majestic. “Will you join me in a dance?” he asked.

Cinder Star blushed. “Of course I will, my Jes,” she answered, and let Majestic lead her out to the middle of the grand hall, with her glass slippers tinkling merrily on her hooves with every step.

Majestic signaled for the orchestra to begin playing, and the room was soon filled with the music of a lovely waltz. Cinder Star and Majestic held each other close, and then they began to dance, happily lost in each other’s embrace.

As it happened, King Imperial Might and Queen Aurora were passing by the grand hall only a few moments later. Hearing the music the older couple looked in and couldn’t help but smile when they saw Majestic and Cinder Star dancing the night away. Imperial Might then looked at Aurora and offered her his hoof. She graciously accepted it, and he led her inside. Imperial led Aurora to a corner of the hall, and there they held each other and began to slowly dance.

From where they danced, Cinder Star and Majestic noticed the King and Queen’s presence, and smiled warmly, happy to see them lost in their own happiness as well. This truly was a romantic night for all lovers. It seemed as though life couldn’t be any sweeter. As their first dance that night slowed to a stop with the music, Majestic lifted Cinder Star’s hoof and held it on his own as he pulled her close.

“Happy Anniversary, Jes,” whispered Cinder Star.

“Happy Anniversary, my shinning Star,” he whispered back as they closed the distance between them with a lover’s kiss.

. . .

A lot had happened for Cinder Star and her friends in the past year. Rose Petal and Sir Light Shield had gotten married and were now living happily together, alongside Cinder Star and Majestic. Cherry Blossom had been spending a lot of time with Sir Gallant, taking long walks with him, and chatting away. She did most of the talking for the both of them, while he quietly listened with an amused smile on his face. Cinder Star was very happy for her stepsisters. They had come so far since she had first met them, becoming kind, caring, and talented mares.

Cinder Star’s sheep friends had also begun to have families of their own. Two of the three ewes had given birth to a single, lamb, and the third had given birth to twins! Cinder Star loved visiting them all, and playing with the little lambs, who affectionately called her their dear Auntie Star.

It was also around this time that Cinder Star began to feel a little strange. It wasn’t painful, so she didn’t think much of it, and often forgot about it altogether. She had not told Majestic either, as she had assumed it would pass, but the feeling still lingered. As it happened, she did not bring up this subject to anyone until a few days after she and Majestic had celebrated their anniversary. On that day, Cinder Star was having tea with her sister, Lady Rose Petal. They were sitting comfortably in the chambers that Rose Petal now shared with Light Shield, telling each other pleasant little stories, when Cherry Blossom suddenly rushed into the room. She was positively bursting with joy! Her blue eyes sparkled, and her smile was so bright that her face was practically glowing!

“Sisters!” cried Cherry Blossom. “Oh, sisters! I’m so happy! Gallant just asked me to marry him, and I said “Yes!””

“That’s wonderful!” answered Cinder Star.

“Congratulations, sister!” replied Rose Petal. “Where did he ask you? Please tell us everything!”

Cherry Blossom blushed, as she explained, “Oh, well, Gallant and I went for a walk today around the castle’s gardens, since he knows how much I like flowers. I was lightly talking as usual, and he was smiling and nodding on occasion. We were at the end of the path, right in front of the daffodils, when I nuzzled his shoulder and told him how much I enjoyed being in his company. He then, suddenly, reached out his fore hoof and gently held up my hoof as he dropped down on one knee, and said, “Cherry Blossom. I love you. Will you marry me?””

“I was stunned at first,” Cherry Blossom finished, “I really had not expected him to say that, since he is a stallion of few words, but then I realized what was happening and said “Yes” at once. Several times, actually.”

“Aww,” replied Cinder Star. “That was so sweet of him.”

“Definitely!” agreed Rose Petal. “I remember when Light Shield proposed marriage to me. We were in the library, since we both like to read, and we had just finished a story in which the main characters are married and lived happily every after. He then asked me right then and there if I would marry him. I answered him with a kiss and then said, “Of course, I will!” I was just a little too loud though, because the Royal Librarian ‘shushed’ us. So, I smiled, a little embarrassed, and said it again quietly, and here we are today.” Rose Petal chuckled at the memory.

“Indeed,” said Cinder Star to Rose Petal. “I remember when you told me, and I was honored to attend your wedding and help you prepare for it.” She then turned back to Cherry Blossom and smiled as she said, “And I will be privileged to attend yours as well. We are so very happy for you!” As she spoke she began to have that strange feeling inside her again. Her smile faded, as she looked down at herself with concern, and began to lightly rub her barrel with her left fore hoof.

“Yes, of course!” replied Cherry Blossom. “I want you both to be there. We were thinking we would have the wedding next month, so that we could… prepare… everything.” Cherry Blossom’s excitement fell and her words slowed, and then stopped altogether as she noticed the concerned look on Cinder Star’s face and the way she was slowly rubbing her barrel. “Um… sister?” she quietly asked. “Are you all right?”

This caused Rose Petal to look as well and she quickly saw what the matter was too. “Yes,” she agreed, and then asked, “Are you not feeling well, Cinder Star? You look as though something is troubling you.”

“I…I think I’m alright,” replied Cinder Star. She gave her sisters a quick smile, before she looked down at her belly again, and then admitted sheepishly, “But I have been feeling a little strange lately.”

Rose Petal and Cherry Blossom looked at each other. They were beginning to worry as concern grew in their eyes. They looked back at Cinder Star. “You are not ill, are you, Sister?” asked Rose Petal. “It’s not the tea, is it?” she said as she examined her tea cup.

“No, no, it’s not the tea,” answered Cinder Star. “The tea was very nice, and I do not think I am ill, but I’m really not sure. My barrel simply begins to feel a little strange every so often. It doesn’t hurt, it just feels… strange. I do not know how else to explain it.”

Cherry Blossom pondered this as she moved closer to Cinder Star. “You don’t suppose that you have been put under a spell or drank another potion do you?” she asked.

“No!” Cinder Star quickly answered. She shivered as she remembered Countess Destiny’s trick that had turned her into a mouse. “I’m certain it’s nothing like that.”

“Have you noticed anything strange happening to you lately?” asked Rose Petal. “Besides the feeling in your barrel, I mean?”

“Well…” replied Cinder Star as she thought for a moment. “I have noticed that I have been eating a bit more than usual at every meal, just a bit, and I have also noticed that I seem to tire much faster now. When I visit my sheep friends, I like to play with the lambs, but I haven’t been running around with them so much lately, because of how tired I quickly become. I’m not sure if this means anything though, or if this is all somehow related.”

“How long have you been feeling this?” asked Cherry Blossom.

“For almost a month now,” replied Cinder Star. “I haven’t mentioned this before because the feeling always soon disappears, and then I would forget about it.”

“Hmm…,” said Rose Petal as she pondered all of this information. “So…, you have been eating more, tiring more quickly, and now have a strange feeling in your belly.” She was quiet for a moment as she thought, and then her eyes suddenly widened. “You have also been married to Prince Majestic for over a year, and knowing that…” A smile appeared on her face. “Why, Sister,” she concluded, “I do believe that you are becoming bigger in a family sort of way. A very familiar family sort of way.”

At first Cinder Star and Cherry Blossom were confused as to what Rose Petal meant, but realization quickly followed and their eyes went wide as well. “You mean that she’s…?” began Cherry Blossom, now smiling too.

Cinder Star looked down at her belly again and gently rubbed it once more. Now that she was really looking at it, her barrel did seem ever so slightly more round than before, and there was clearly a very good reason for that. She looked up at her sisters and beamed. “I… I’m going to have a foal!” she said happily. “Oh my!” she exclaimed. “I’m going to have a foal!”

“It sure looks that way,” said Rose Petal with a nod of her head.

“Congratulations, Sister,” added Cherry Blossom.

“Thank you,” replied Cinder Star, but then her face became serious as a thought came to her mind. “I should, however, check with Magus the wizard to be certain if it’s true.”

“Indeed,” agreed Rose Petal. “That would be wise, and especially before announcing the coming birth of a royal foal.”

“Yes,” said Cinder Star. “My thoughts exactly.” She looked to her sisters. “Will you both please keep this a secret until I know for certain?” she asked them.

“Of course, Sister,” replied Rose Petal.

“Our lips are sealed,” promised Cherry Blossom, “But you should find out as soon as possible.”

“I will,” agreed Cinder Star with a smile. “I will first thing tomorrow!”

. . .

The next morning, Cinder Star rose early and climbed the stairs of the north tower to pay a visit to Magus the wizard who also served as the castle doctor. She quickly explained everything to him, and he agreed to examine her. After a few minutes, Magus was pleased to inform Princess Cinder Star that she was indeed with foal, and quickly congratulated her.

Cinder Star was overjoyed to hear this news confirmed. She was going to be a mother, and Majestic would be a father! They were going to have their own little family! Cinder Star heartily thanked Magus for his help, and then hurried off to find Majestic and tell him the good news. She trotted down the castle’s halls eagerly searching for him, looking inside each room. After a few minutes, she finally caught a glimpse of Majestic as she passed the slightly open door of King Imperial Might and Queen Aurora’s royal chambers. She was so excited that she quickly knocked on the door, and then pushed it open and entered without waiting to be told to do so, while walking right up to her husband.

“Jes…!” Cinder Star began, but she was unintentionally cut off by Majestic.

“Star!” said Majestic with a smile. “Your timing is perfect! I was just about to go and search for you. Their Majesties and I have something important to tell you.”

Cinder Star stopped fast, and suddenly remembered that she was standing in the chambers of the King and Queen. She turned her head and at once observed Imperial Might and Aurora’s presence. Even though they were her father and mother-in-law, she hastily bowed low in respect. “Your Majesties,” she said quickly. “Please, forgive me for coming into your chambers so suddenly. I meant no disrespect.”

“It’s all right, my dear,” said Aurora, reassuringly, as she moved closer to stand next to Cinder Star. “Please rise.” Cinder Star quickly rose, and the Queen continued. “We are family here, and no harm done.”

“Indeed,” said Imperial Might, impressively, “You’re our beloved daughter-in-law, and, as Majestic has said, we wanted to see you on an important matter.”

“Oh?” said Cinder Star curiously.

“Yes, my dear,” replied Imperial. “You see, we have a special task for you and Majestic, if you choose to accept it, of course.”

Cinder Star stood up straight, listening attentively. “What is your task, Your Majesty?” she asked humbly.

“Please, come closer,” said Imperial as he motioned with his head toward a map lying on the table behind him. Cinder Star did so, and saw that the map was of the Kingdom of Unicornia and its neighbor the Duchy of Pony Valley.

“You see,” explained Imperial, as he pointed to the map with his hoof, “The boarder between our fair kingdom and Pony Valley is the Equine River which runs from the north to the south. Now, about a quarter of the way down the river, there is a waterfall. We would like to take to use this valuable resource by building a flour mill there, powered by the waterfall. This would be simple enough, if not for the fact that the river is “common ground” between Unicornia and Pony Valley. Since we do not own the river, our pony neighbors could see anything we build next to the river as an encroachment on their territory. Do you understand?” he asked.

“Yes, I do,” said Cinder Star with a nod. She had found this to be very interesting. “Would it not be wise,” she asked, “To send someone to Pony Valley to explain the situation, and come to an agreement?”

Imperial smiled. “Indeed, my dear,” he replied. “Which is why we plan to send Majestic to Pony Valley to reach such an agreement through a treaty, and we think that you can help.”

Cinder Star was surprised by this. “Me, Your Majesty?” she said with wide eyes, but then she regained her composer and said bravely, “How can I help?”

“Well, you see,” Aurora further explained, “Our earth pony neighbors can be a little… shall we say, anxious about meeting with unicorns, especially with the slight distrust between our nations. However, since you are an earth pony, and our daughter-in-law, we thought that it might ease their concerns if they saw you, along with Majestic, represent our country, and prepare the agreement.”

“I think it’s a very good idea,” put in Majestic. “I would very much like for you to come with me, and it would help us show the earth ponies of Pony Valley that we mean no harm.”

“This is, of course, only if you agree,” said Imperial. “I will not order you to go if you do not wish to. The entire journey will take about four weeks after all.”

“We are merely offering you a suggestion, my dear,” added Aurora.

Cinder Star didn’t have to think twice. “Yes,” she answered, confidently. “I will go, Your Majesties.” She then looked at Majestic and smiled sweetly as she said, “I will go wherever you go, Jes, and I shall be honored to do my part to the best of my ability.”

“Splendid!” said Majestic. He leaned over and kissed Cinder Star’s cheek in appreciation. “I’m very glad that you’re coming with me, Star. It would be lonely trip without you.”

“No worries,” replied Cinder Star. “I wouldn’t want you to be lonely either,” she teased. Both she and Majestic chuckled a little at that.

“Wonderful!” confirmed Imperial. “We will send a letter by messenger at once to inform the Duchess of Pony Valley that you will both be coming soon to discuss the arrangements with her.”

“Very good,” agreed Majestic. He turned to leave with Cinder Star, but then a thought occurred to him. He looked at Cinder Star and said, “Oh, by the way, forgive me, dear. I believe that I interrupted you earlier. What was it that you were going to say?”

“Oh, um…” said Cinder Star thoughtfully. To her, it suddenly did not feel like the right time to tell Majestic that she was going to have a foal, not right after accepting a diplomatic mission from the King and Queen of Unicornia. “Never mind,” she answered him with a smile. “It can wait.”

. . .

Cinder Star’s wonderful news would wait for some time indeed. The next day, Cinder Star and Majestic prepared for their journey, and they departed for Pony Valley the day afterward. King Imperial Might and Queen Aurora were there to see them off and wish them good luck, as they bid good bye to everyone. They were accompanied by Sir Light Shield and three guards for protection. Two of the guards pulled the royal carriage which had been provided, while the third served as the driver. Light Shield kissed Rose Petal good bye, and Cinder Star promised Cherry Blossom that they would all return in time for her and Sir Gallant’s wedding. Once everything was ready, Cinder Star and Majestic boarded the carriage, and they were on their way.

The journey to Pony Valley would take five days, with the carriage stopping at night so that everyone could rest. During the day, as they traveled, Cinder Star, Majestic, and Light Shield prepared themselves to meet the ponies by studying their culture from a few books, and reviewing the treaty they were to settle. They had also been sent with a few presents they could use to help sweeten the agreement, including a pair of brass candlesticks, a silver saber, a chess set, and a set of four golden slippers.

On occasion, Cinder Star would look out the carriage window, and admire the view of the countryside. Unicornia was indeed a beautiful country, with its shaded woods, green, grassy hills, and even a few farms. Cinder Star was now seeing how far it extended for the first time. It was almost overwhelming for her to think that she was the princess of this wonderful land.

As they neared the Equine River on the morning of the fifth day, Cinder Star began to feel nervous as the carriage drew closer to the boarder. She only just seen how large Unicornia was, and now she was about to leave her home to see a whole different country than that she knew. Light Shield had taken the lead that morning to set up their crossing with the boarder patrol.

Majestic and Cinder Star had donned their royal regalia in preparation for their arrival. Cinder Star wore her silver tiara, glass slippers, and her royal blue sash around her barrel, which now fit just a touch more snugly around her for an obvious reason. She sat quietly for a while, but she couldn’t help but sigh anxiously as she looked down at her glass slippered hooves.

Majestic noticed and, concerned, asked, “What’s wrong, Star, my dear?”

“Oh, I’m just feeling a little nervous,” said Cinder Star as she looked up to meet his gaze.

“Why is that, my dear?” asked Majestic, giving her his full attention.

Cinder Star hesitated for a moment, but then asked, “Have you ever been to Pony Valley before, Jes?”

“Yes,” he replied, “But it was a long time ago. I was only a young colt then, when my parents took me on a good will visit. Why do you ask?”

“Well…,” answered Cinder Star. “I was born in Pony Valley, but my family and I moved to Unicornia when I was a very young filly, so I honestly do not even remember living there. Unicornia is the only home I have ever known. I know that I am an earth pony, myself, but, I’ve never even met another pony before. What if…?” She looked down as she hesitated again, and then quietly finished, “What if the earth ponies in Pony Valley don’t like me for that reason?”

“Oh, Star,” replied Majestic, as he smiled and nuzzled her cheek, “Who could possibly not like you, with your kind heart, and sweet smile?”

Cinder Star blushed, and couldn’t help but smile at that. “Why, Jes,” she giggled, as she turned to look at him once more. “What a nice thing to say!” She then leaned forward and kissed his lips.

Majestic kissed her back, happy to comfort her. “And don’t worry,” he added, “Whatever happens, I will always be there for you.”

“Yes,” replied Cinder Star. “And I will always be there for you too.” Now seemed like a good time to tell Majestic her wonderful news, she thought. She took a deep breath. “Also, Jes,” she said, “I have something to tell...,” but she was suddenly interrupted when the carriage jerked to a stop.

Majestic instantly moved to the window, and leaned out to investigate. “Ah,” he said, “We’re here!”

Cinder Star curiously looked out of the opposite window. Sure enough, the carriage had stopped just before the wooden bridge which crossed over the Equine River. There were two unicorn guards on one side of the bridge, and two earth pony guards on the other, each pair watching their side of the boarder respectfully.

Light Shield stood in the middle of the bridge as he spoke courteously with the two earth pony guards on the opposite side, asking them for permission to enter their country. Since they had been expected, the pony guards soon agreed, and stepped aside to allow the carriage to pass. Light Shield exchanged a slow nod in salute with the earth pony guards, and then he called for the carriage to advance. Cinder Star watched as the carriage slowly crossed over the river and rolled into Pony Valley. She smiled and waved to the guards as they passed, and they politely returned the gesture, though with nervous smiles.

Pony Valley was just as beautiful a country as Unicornia, but Cinder Star quickly noticed that there were a few differences between the two nations. Instead of green, grassy hills, Pony Valley was mostly flat grassland. Pony Valley did have some trees and greenery, but many of the fields they passed were filled with tall, golden grain waving in the wind. Since magic usage was not part of their usual lifestyle, the earth ponies of the valley lived in wooden houses. They looked quite study, but they were much smaller than the stone buildings and castle that Cinder Star knew in Unicornia. It was all very interesting to her.

As the carriage trundled past the different fields, Cinder Star spotted a few that were set apart for sheep herding. Seeing the sheep brought a small smile to Cinder Star’s face as they reminded her of her sheep friends back home, and the earth ponies that guided them reminded her of her father, who had headed sheep, himself, as a wool merchant.

Cinder Star sighed quietly to herself. Seeing the place where her father had learned his trade brought back so many memories to her, many cherished memories. She then took a moment to think about the many events that had happened to her up till now. In a way, she had her father to thank for her happiness. It had been her father’s idea to move his family and sheep to Unicornia all those years ago, which, in part, had helped bring her and Majestic together. Cinder Star quietly looked at her sweet Jes and smiled. Since then, she and Majestic had made lots of wonderful memories of their own, and she knew they were soon going to have many more. She just knew it.

After a few more hours of travel, the carriage, at last, rolled into a fairly large village of earth ponies. This village was their destination, for it was home to Duchess Mulberry, the ruler of Pony Valley. A fair number of ponies had also gathered there from the town and the fields to welcome the visitors from Unicornia, though this was more out of common courtesy than excitement. Duchess Mulberry, who patiently stood in front of her cottage (the only one in the village with two floors), had made her earth ponies aware of their visitor’s coming, and had asked if they would all be kind and respectful to the prince and princess of Unicornia. The earth ponies agreed, but most of there were not thrilled about this. It was a common belief in Pony Valley that unicorns were arrogant snobs who thought of themselves to be better than earth ponies, and too afraid to get there hooves dirty. Never the less, Duchess Mulberry was outside, wearing her royal green sash, and she and her ponies were waiting with pleasant smiles as the carriage pulled to a stop in the middle of the village square.

Light Shield walked a few steps closer to the Duchess, then gave a short bow of respect and said, “Your Grace, good citizens of Pony Valley, may I present their Royal Highness’s, Prince Majestic and Princess Star of Unicornia.” He then motioned toward the carriage.

Majestic used his magic to open the carriage door, and then stepped out into the square with a nod of his head and a smile on his face. This did not surprise the earth ponies very much as they had expected a show like this. Many were already assuming in silence that Majestic may be polite at first, but then he would prove to be a snob once he was settled. However, what the earth ponies did not expect, was when Majestic turned around, and offered his hoof to help his wife out of the carriage. Cinder Star accepted his hoof, and then gingerly stepped out. Her glass slippers sparkled merrily on the dirt path as she and Majestic walked forward together to meet Duchess Mulberry, but what surprised every earth pony present, even Duchess Mulberry, was the fact that Princess Cinder Star had no horn upon her head. The Unicorn Princess was an EARTH PONY just like them!

The ponies were first stunned by this realization, and then they began to whisper among themselves. “The princess is an earth pony!” said a colt. “Do you see what I’m seeing?” asked another. “The Unicorn Prince married an earth pony!?” asked a mare, “She wasn’t foalnapped, was she?” “Not likely, if she’s a princess,” a stallion answered her, “But I would never have believed it unless I had seen it myself.”

Cinder Star could hear some of the crowd’s murmuring and it made her a little nervous, causing her to move closer to Majestic, but she kept smiling as she and Majestic introduced themselves to Duchess Mulberry. “It is an honor to meet you, Your Grace,” said Majestic, as he gave a respectful bow. “My wife and I are very pleased to be here.” Cinder Star gave a curtsy of her own as she looked at the Duchess with wonder and curiosity.

Duchess Mulberry was a tall mare. She was taller than Cinder Star, and almost as tall as Majestic. She had a pretty indigo coat and a white mane, and she was undoubtedly quite strong, so it would have been easy for her to make anyone nervous. Instead, though, she smiled graciously and gave a bow in return. “The pleasure is all mine,” she replied. “Welcome to Pony Valley, Prince Majestic and Princess Star. Come, let’s have you settled in as my guests, and then we shall become acquainted. I have much to show you.” Majestic and Cinder Star followed her inside her cottage, leaving the ponies of Pony Valley talking very excitedly indeed.

Once Majestic and Cinder Star had settled comfortably into their room, they met again with Duchess Mulberry who proceeded to lead them through the village, giving them an appealing tour of her country’s culture. Light Shield came along as well. The pony village was an attractive place with its quaint homes and many vegetable and flower gardens. There was indeed much to see, and Duchess Mulberry answered all of her guest’s questions with pride and an open mind. When Cinder Star saw how friendly Mulberry was, her nervousness began to disappear, and she even convinced the Duchess to call her Cinder Star. Cinder Star was amazed with what she saw, and took a keen interest in Pony Valley and its ways. There was even a little flurry house outside one of the two dry goods stores in the village, which made Cinder Star smile.

For the most part, the earth ponies of Pony Valley decided to keep their distance from the little group. They had found Cinder Star to be a great curiosity indeed, but she was, after all, in the company of two unicorns. While they had stopped for a rest before walking back to Mulberry’s cottage, a young, earth pony filly, with a tan coat and a golden mane, who stood a head shorter than Cinder Star, walked right up to her and asked hesitantly, “Um… hello, Mrs… Um, are… are you really the Princess of Unicornia?”

Cinder Star stopped and smiled as she looked down at her. “Indeed I am,” she replied, “My name in Cinder Star. May I know yours, my friend?”

The filly brightened up at once. “Ooh, a friend!” she answered quickly. “I like that! Oh, right, my name is Goldenrod, but I like to go by Golden, for short.”

“Golden,” repeated Cinder Star. “That’s a pretty name. It matches your mane,” she complimented her.

“Th-thanks,” replied Golden, as she blushed a little. She looked down at Cinder Star’s hooves. “I like your shoes,” she said. “They’re really pretty. Are they really made of glass?” she asked.

“They are,” answered Cinder Star. She stretched out her right fore hoof so that Goldenrod could have a closer look at her slippers. “Thank you for the compliment. A very kind friend gave them to me.”

“Wow!” said Goldenrod. “I wish I had pretty princess shoes like that! That would really be something.”

A thought came to Cinder Star’s mind. “Hmm…” she said, but before she could say anything else, they were approached by Majestic. He, Light Shield, and Mulberry, had been quietly watching from the side. Majestic was very happy to see that Cinder Star was already making friends with the ponies. He smiled as he approached. “Well, Star, my dear, are you going to introduce me to your little friend too?” he asked.

“Oh, of course,” replied Cinder Star. “Jes, this is my friend, Goldenrod.” She then noticed that Goldenrod had shrunk back a little. “Don’t be afraid, Golden,” she said reassuringly. “This is my husband, Majestic. He’s very kind. You can say ‘hello’ to him.”

Goldenrod looked down at her hooves, and nervously drew a few circles in the dirt as she simply answered, “Hello, Sir.”

“Hello to you too, Miss Goldenrod,” chuckled Majestic. “I am very pleased to meet you.”

“Goldenrod,” said Mulberry as she trotted forward. “You are not causing any trouble for our guests, are you?” she asked in a stern voice.

Goldenrod’s head instantly shot up. “N-No, Ma’am,” she replied quickly. “I wasn’t. I just wanted to chat a little with Princess Star and, erm…”

“It’s perfectly all right,” said Cinder Star. “We were just getting to know each other.” She looked down at Golden. “How would you like to join us?” she asked. “We can always use another guide.”

“Me, really?!” asked Goldenrod, as her smile quickly returned. “I would love to help. May I, please,” she asked Mulberry, with the biggest smile and the cutest eyes she could muster.

Mulberry sighed, “Oh, very well, I suppose so,” she said with a smile.

“Great!” exclaimed Goldenrod, as she began to walk briskly alongside Cinder Star. “This will be fun!” Goldenrod was excited to lead the visitors back through the village, though it was clear that she enjoyed Cinder Star’s company the most and twice they found themselves ahead of the rest. When that happened, Cinder Star would kindly ask Goldenrod to pause so the others could catch up, and Goldenrod would politely wait and then apologize before starting again. All the while Goldenrod bounced happily beside Cinder Star, eager to show the Princess all of her favorite places. Everyone enjoyed having Goldenrod around, finding her delightful and rather amusing. Cinder Star and Goldenrod soon became fast friends, and Cinder Star’s nervousness faded away completely.

“I like helping out you see,” said Goldenrod, “Especially with the Dragon Festival happening tomorrow night!”

“The Dragon Festival?” asked Cinder Star.

“Indeed,” replied Mulberry, “But I think I had better let our bouncy, little Goldenrod tell you all about it.

Cinder Star looked to Goldenrod as she began to explain excitedly, “Oh, you couldn’t have come to visit at a more exiting time! You see, once a year, all of us earth ponies in Pony Valley come together to celebrate the great, heroic deeds of our hero: Ranger Roadside. Who was Ranger Roadside? I’ll tell you! Many, many years ago, the ponies lived peacefully here in Pony Valley, but then, one day, a horrible, fire-breathing dragon came to the valley. He had large claws, huge teeth, and giant wings! The dragon would suddenly fly out of the sky and soar over the village and the fields! He scared everyone with his speed and fire breath, and he blew dark smoke everywhere through his nose!”

“My goodness!” said Cinder Star.

“I know,” continued Goldenrod. “Life was terrible for us earth ponies! Everyone was too afraid to stop the dragon. Everyone, that is, except Ranger Roadside! Ranger Roadside lived a simple life in the valley, building roads, but when the dragon came, he found the courage to stand tall and deliver the ponies by slaying the dragon. Ranger Roadside made for himself a sword of beaten metal, and then he journeyed to the hills of the south where the dragon lived in a dark cave, and there he fought the dragon with all his might, slashing his sword this way and that, all while dodging the dragon’s fire. At last he thrust his mighty sword right into the dragon’s heart and killed him. He then returned, in triumph, back to the village, a hero for saving Pony Valley!”

“That was many years ago,” finished Goldenrod, “And Ranger Roadside has since passed away, but every year since, we have held our Dragon Festival to celebrate his heroism! We have so much fun! We have food, games, and after a play about Ranger Roadside, the dragon costume is burned over a bonfire!”

“That sounds really exciting,” said Majestic.

Goldenrod shrank back a little, upon hearing his voice. “Yes, it is,” she replied, and then she looked again at Cinder Star. “You simply must come to the Dragon Festival! You don’t want to miss all the fun. Please say you will come!” she pleaded with a beaming smile.

Cinder Star and Majestic exchanged smiles, and then Cinder Star replied, “I would be happy to join you, but only if my husband and Light Shield are invited too.”

“Of course,” answered Mulberry, “You are all welcome! Isn’t that right, Goldenrod?” she asked.

Goldenrod ducked her head at this. “Oh, um… yes, Ma’am. Anyone can come.”

“Very good,” said Mulberry. By this time they had reached Mulberry’s cottage, and the sun was beginning to set. “Hmm…,” said the Duchess as she noticed this, and then turned to her royal guests. “Since it is getting late, let us retire for a quick bite to eat and then rest for tomorrow. There will be much to do tomorrow, and we have a few matters to discuss, I believe.”

“Indeed,” agreed Majestic, “An excellent idea, Your Grace.”

“Splendid,” replied Mulberry. “You should head on home, Golden,” she said to the little filly. “I’m sure your father will be waiting.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” said Goldenrod with a nod of her head. “Good night, everyone,” she said as she galloped away. “See you tomorrow!”

“Good night, Golden,” Cinder Star called after her new friend.

The rest of that evening was quiet. After they had bid ‘good night’ to Mulberry and Light Shield, Cinder Star and Majestic sat up in bed to talk about their first impressions of Pony Valley. “So, Star, my dear,” said Majestic, “What do you think of our earth pony neighbors?”

“I was nervous at first,” replied Cinder Star, “You already know that, Jes, but then we met Duchess Mulberry, and then little Golden. They were both so kind to us, that I no longer feel so worried about this trip.”

“That’s good to hear,” said Majestic, reassuringly. “I am glad to see that you are getting on so well with the ponies already. I knew it was the right decision for us both to come. Everything is going to be all right.”

“I am glad that I came,” agreed Cinder Star. “This country is beautiful. It’s different from Unicornia, but beautiful just the same.”

“Just like you,” replied Majestic, with a smile as he nuzzled her cheek, “Different and very beautiful.”

“Oh, Jes!” said Cinder Star, now blushing deeply. “You always know just what to say.”

“But, of course,” Majestic answered, and they joined together in a kiss. At that moment, Cinder Star realized that this would be an excellent time to tell Majestic her wonderful news. “Oh, Jes, I…,” she began, but that was all she managed to say, because at that moment, Majestic turned his head and let out a wide, sleepy yawn.

“My word,” said Majestic. “We should call it a night. We have a busy day tomorrow.”

Cinder Star was a little disappointed, but it was rather amusing to see her husband so sleepy. “Yes, yes I suppose so,” she replied. “Good night, Jes.”

“Good night, my shinning Star,” answered Majestic as he blew out the candle, and then they drifted to sleep side by side.

The next morning, Cinder Star and Majestic awoke to find breakfast already prepared for them downstairs. They joined Light Shield and Duchess Mulberry at the table, and they chatted for a while as they ate. When they had finished, they followed Mulberry into her private sitting room, while Light Shield went to check on their supplies. The meeting with Mulberry was pretty simple. Majestic and Cinder Star both introduced the Equine River Treaty to her, and explained all the major points that concerned it. They spoke for several hours. Mulberry read the treaty, and asked several questions. These, Majestic and Cinder Star answered. After all the details were clarified, Mulberry told them that she would “sleep on it,” and then give them her final answer soon.

For now, Mulberry invited them to join her in preparing for the Dragon Festival that night. There was much to do, and Cinder Star, Majestic, and Light Shield were all happy to lend a hoof with the festivities. There were paper lanterns to make and hang around the town, food to prepare, and a stage to build for the play, which would take place in a grassy field just outside the village. The earth ponies were still wary about Majestic and Light Shield, since they were unicorns, but their magic proved to be quite useful for lifting banners and baskets so they began to trust them.

On the other hoof, the earth ponies were quick to grow fond of Cinder Star. It wasn’t long before she met up again with Goldenrod, and soon, Goldenrod had introduced Cinder Star to practically everyone in the village. The earth ponies naturally gravitated toward her kind heart and caring nature.

All was ready just before sunset. Cinder Star and Majestic again put on their royal regalia for the evening, and all the earth ponies gathered around the stage in the field to hear Mulberry make her announcement. The Duchess mounted the stage, and then with a smile, she said in a loud, clear voice, “I declare this year’s Dragon Festival… Open!”

The earth ponies let out a great cheer, and then the festival began. Goldenrod was quick to show Cinder Star how to play pony games such as ring toss, and memory match. Majestic and Light Shield were also happy to learn that the earth ponies did, in fact, share a common game with the unicorns: bowling. The only differences were that the ponies called their game “nine pins,” and no magic was allowed in their version, or any other game for that matter. It was all great fun, and afterwards, as night fell, everyone gathered around the feast tables, which included an assortment of all kinds of fruits and baked treats, to select what they desired. As honored guests, Cinder Star, Majestic and Light Shield were allowed to select first, but they did not take too long, so that everyone could have their turn.

After everyone had eaten, the ponies walked back out to the field so they could enjoy the play. Cinder Star, Majestic, and Light Shield seated themselves on the soft grass next to Mulberry, facing the stage. Goldenrod sat down next to Cinder Star. She was grinning from ear to ear. “Oh!” she said excitedly to Cinder Star, “I forgot to mention that, this year, my father, Mustard Seed, is playing the part of Ranger Roadside in the play! Just think. My daddy will be holding the actual sword that was used by Ranger Roadside!”

Cinder Star was impressed. “My!” she replied. “That must be quite an honor! You and your father must be very proud, Golden.”

“Definitely,” answered Goldenrod.

Once everyone was seated, the play began. The curtains opened to reveal a scene depicting Pony Valley, years in the past, and a burnt yellow stallion with a brown mane, Mustard Seed, who was playing as the lead role, standing in the middle. He was wearing a straw hat and a brown cloak along with the hero’s sword. The play, of course, retold the dramatic story of Ranger Roadside. It was just as Goldenrod and described to Cinder Star. In the end, Ranger Roadside triumphed when he slays the dragon by thrusting his sword through the dragon’s heart as their battle concludes. In truth, Cinder Star could not help but feel sorry for the dragon, but she kept it to herself, since all the ponies were clearly enjoying the play.

When the play ended, all the earth ponies cheered, as did Light Shield, Majestic and Cinder Star. Cinder Star wanted to be polite to the players for performing their parts well, after all. They players were all applauded as they came through the curtains two by two, and the ponies cheered loudest of all for Mustard Seed, who was still wearing his costume, and carrying Ranger Roadside’s sword. He then raised the sword, pointed to the stars, and said, “May this valley forever have peace and…!”

Suddenly he was interrupted, when a great gale of wind swept over the ponies and a huge fireball pierced the night sky! Before anyone could react, a giant, green dragon flew over the stage and roared loudly! The sound was deafening, and he next moment was absolute chaos! The players jumped from the stage as panic erupted from the crowd. Fear immediately filled the heart of everyone present. Every pony began screaming and running every direction, pushing and shoving each other, as the dragon flew around the field blowing fire any way he pleased. “A DRAGON!” the ponies screamed. “Another one! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”

“Everyone please stay calm!” Mulberry called out, but it did no good.

“STAR!” yelled Majestic so he could be heard over the all the screaming. “Get to Safety! Shield! Protect her!”

“What about you?!” asked Cinder Star. “Where are you going?!”

“These earth ponies need help!” yelled Majestic as he charged into the panicking crowd to take command of the situation. Everything was happening so fast!

“NOW DON’T PANIC!” Majestic bellowed. “Please leave the field in an orderly manner! Stop shoving! Just keeping moving! Move away! Move away!” Some earth ponies listened to his orders and began to move off the field find cover under trees, or in the town.

Cinder Star could not help but admire his courage, but all the same, she fought against Light Shield as he tried to pull her away. “No! We can’t just leave him! We have to go back!”

“Please! Princess!” answered Light Shield firmly. “This is too dangerous! Jes told us to find safety!”

No sooner had he finished speaking when another fireball from the dragon landed right in the middle of the stage and set it on fire. “I AM DAVENGROWL!” roared the dragon in a deafening voice, “AND I DEFY ROADSIDE!”

The dragon then swooped down low over the ponies, diving straight for Mustard Seed. Mustard Seed threw away the sword and cloak, and turned to run, but was caught up in the dragons claws the next moment. “Help!” he shouted in alarm as the dragon rose into the air again.

“Daddy!” Goldenrod whinnied in a shrill voice. “NO! Come back!”

A moment later the dragon circled around again for another pass. “Everyone get down! Duck!” ordered Majestic.

Cinder Star suddenly had an awful feeling deep inside her. She broke free from Light Shield and began running back toward Majestic, but it was too late. Before she could reach him, and before he could duck, himself, the dragon had snatched him up in his other set of claws, and with a final breath of fire, the dragon turned and soared away.

“Jes! NO!” whinnied Cinder Star at the top of her voice, but there was nothing she could do as the dragon flew away across the southern fields of Pony Valley and disappeared into the night sky.

Cinder Star fell to her knees, horrified by what she had just seen. She wanted to chase after the dragon, but her sudden burst of energy had left her exhausted, and she needed to take several deep breaths to recover, especially now that she was carrying a foal within her. After a few minutes she regained her strength, and Light Shield helped her back up. Her eyes were wide as she reflected upon the terror she had just seen.

“Are you all right, Your Highness?” asked Light Shield.

“No…,” replied Cinder Star. “No, I am not all right! My husband has just been taken by a dragon!”

Light Shield gulped. “I…I know.” He said quietly. He wasn’t sure what else to say at that moment.

By this time, the earth ponies had begun to file back into the field. They were all shocked by what they had all witnessed. Mulberry surveyed the damage, as the fire died out. The stage had burned to a crisp and collapsed leaving only smoldering wood. She then looked to her earth ponies. “Is everyone all right?” she asked. “Is there anyone hurt?” Both questions seemed silly now, but they needed to be asked. None of the earth ponies spoke. They simply shook their heads in dismay.

Cinder Star, however, hurried over to Mulberry. “C-Come on!” she said in a trembling voice. “This…this isn’t over yet! The dragon still has that poor earth pony, and my husband! We have to get them back! If we go now, we may still catch them.” She began to gallop away, but then looked back to see that none of the ponies were following her. “W-Well?” she asked, surprised. “Come on!”

Mulberry looked down at the ground and shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Cinder Star,” she said, “But you saw that dragon. My earth ponies and this valley are now in great danger. We are no match for such a terrifying beast.”

Cinder Star was surprised. “But…, but he took two of our friends!” she protested.

Mulberry sighed. “I truly feel for you, and you have all of our sympathy, but…” She shook her head again, and then looked sadly at Cinder Star. “If your husband has been taken by a dragon, then I’m afraid that he’s gone, and, unfortunately, dear Mustard Seed as well. You are welcome to live with us if you like, being an earth pony after all. We would love to have you with us.”

“What? NO!” cried Cinder Star. She could not believe what she was hearing. “No, no, NO! We can’t just give up! They need us! We have to TRY! Oh, will no one help me?! Please? Anyone?”

“I will go with you,” said Light Shield. “Jes is my prince, and you are my princess. It is my duty. I will follow you to rescue him!”

“I’m coming with you too!” declared Goldenrod as she stepped forward from out of the crowd.

Cinder Star was hesitant about this. “Golden,” she replied, “I certainly appreciate your willingness to help, but you are young, and this might be rather dangerous…”

“No! I’m going!” said Goldenrod with a firm stomp of her fore hoof. “That dragon took my Daddy! He’s the only family I have left! I’ve already lost my mother. I can’t lose my Daddy too! I need him!”

Cinder Star paused, and then nodded. “Very well,” she agreed. “You may come.”

Goldenrod trotted forward and stood beside Cinder Star and Light Shield. Cinder Star looked back at the crowd of earth ponies. “Is there no one else who will help?” she asked.

Mulberry let out a deep breath, and then said, “If you are going after that dragon, then I’m afraid you will be going on your own. You may never even return. I must stay here and protect my ponies. I’m sorry.”

Cinder Star was disappointed, but she understood Mulberry’s reasoning, so she simply nodded her head. “I suppose that settles it,” she said to her two companions. “We must leave at once!”

“Should we bring our guards from Unicornia?” asked Light Shield.

Cinder Star pondered this idea for a moment, but then said, “No. If the dragon sees us coming with armed guards he may assume that we want to attack him. Now, we have to hurry. We have no time to lose!”

Cinder Star, Light Shield, and Goldenrod quickly went back to their rooms in the town to gather a few supplies for their journey. Since there was no road leading south, they could not take the carriage, so they would have to travel on hoof. Cinder Star kicked off her glass slippers and removed her blue sash, replacing it with a pair of saddle bags filled with fruits, but she left in such a hurry that she forgot to take off her tiara. She rejoined Light Shield and Goldenrod in the town square. Both of them had saddle bags of their own. Goldenrod had packed some more food, while Light Shield carried blankets, a compass, and a map. As speed was of the essence, Light Shield had also removed his own armor so that he could run faster and further. They were just leaving the village when Mulberry suddenly ran up to them. She had something long strapped loosely around her neck.

“Wait!” called Mulberry, and the small group stopped briefly to let her catch up. They could now see that Mulberry was carrying the sword of Ranger Roadside, which Mustard Seed had dropped. “Here,” said Mulberry as she removed the sword from around her neck and gave it to Cinder Star. “I can at least give you this. Please take it,” she insisted. “It protected Ranger Roadside, so it may protect you too.”

“Thank you,” said Cinder Star. She gave the sword to Light Shield, and he strapped it around his barrel. “I hope we shall see you again,” she added.

“I hope so too,” replied Mulberry. “Good luck, friends,” she said as she gave both Cinder Star and Goldenrod a hug, and gave Light Shield and gave Light Shield a respectful bow, which he returned.

“Don’t worry, Ma’am,” said Goldenrod determinedly, “We will be back, and my Daddy will be with us!”

They bid each other ‘farewell’, and then Cinder Star and her friends began their journey to rescue Majestic and Mustard Seed. Light Shield led the way with Cinder Star and Goldenrod close behind. They galloped into the night, keeping their noses pointed to the south. Light Shield’s horn, glowing with magic, provided enough light so they could see in the dark. When they were too tired to gallop, they trotted, and then they walked. Cinder Star’s desire to find Majestic kept pushing her forward, as did Goldenrod’s need to get her father back.

“Your Highness, do we know where we are going?” asked Light Shield as they galloped on.

“The story of Ranger Roadside said that the dragon lived in the hills of the south,” said Cinder Star. “Right, Golden?” she asked.

“That’s right,” replied Goldenrod.

“Then that’s where we are going!” said Cinder Star decisively. “And where I am sure we will find the dragon and our friends.”

The three of them tried to put as much ground behind them as possible before they finally stopped to rest under a small grove of trees. Light Shield spread out the blankets for them, and they settled down, though none of them slept very well that night. Cinder Star kept shifting her position, but she could never get comfortable. She was just too worried about Majestic to sleep.

After some time, Cinder Star turned to look at Goldenrod. Seeing the young filly struggling to sleep as well caused her to calm down a bit. Cinder Star couldn’t help but feel sorry for Goldenrod, as she had a pretty good idea of what she was going through. Goldenrod was afraid of losing her father, and that was something that Cinder Star could relate to. She remembered when she had lost her beloved father all those years ago. She had not been able to stop crying for the longest time, and then she felt so alone and afraid. Cinder Star knew that she could not let that happen to Goldenrod. Goldenrod needed her father, and Cinder Star would do everything possible to reunite them.

Cinder Star’s thoughts about fatherhood made her look down at her own barrel that carried her own little foal. She sighed, as she gently nuzzled her barrel with her nose. She hoped with all her heart that Majestic would get to meet his own foal. How she wished to have him back so that she could tell him the good news at last. She rested her head again, and fell asleep.

“Star,” she heard a voice say.

Cinder Star looked up, and then looked around her. Goldenrod and Light Shield were silent. It was strange though, she thought she recognized that voice.

“Star,” the voice said again.

This time Cinder Star looked beyond the trees they were sleeping under, and she saw a brown stallion with a red mane and tail. A stallion she knew very well indeed.

“Father!” gasped Cinder Star. She quickly got up and ran out into the clearing to meet him. “Oh, Father!” she cried as she rubbed her head lovingly across his neck. “I’ve missed you so much!” Tears of joy fell from her eyes as she embraced him.

“My little Star,” said her father. “I’ve missed you too. Just look at you! I am so proud of the mare that you have grown to be.”

“How… how is this possible?” asked Cinder Star as she pulled away to look into his eyes.

“This is a dream, my dear,” replied her father. “Somehow I could sense that you needed to see me, and this is the only way possible, so here I am. Come now. Tell me what troubles you.”

“Father, I… I’m so scared!” said Cinder Star. “Majestic, my wonderful husband, has been taken by a dragon who also took Goldenrod’s father! The ponies are all so scared, and I’m not sure what to do. I know that everyone is expecting me to know what to do, but I’m not sure if I can do this. I’m so afraid of failing everyone when they all need me the most! I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do when we find the dragon. I don’t even have unicorn magic! What am I going to do? How am I ever going to get Jes back now?” she sobbed.

“Shhh…” her father soothed her. “It’s going to be all right, my dear. You just have to think clearly, and never give up. Think about it, you have already made it this far. You have always held on to hope and faith all your life. Do not lose them now, Star. You can do this, and you will do it. Don’t ever give in!”

Cinder Star nodded. “I won’t father,” she said. “I promise.”

“Very good,” replied her father, as he smiled at her. His face then fell. “Still, I feel that I do owe you an apology.”

“Why?” asked Cinder Star.

“For leaving you with Lady Fragrance,” replied her father. “That was greatest mistake I ever made! I should never have trusted her. I am so sorry for all you had to go though, my little Star.”

“It’s all right,” answered Cinder Star. “You didn’t know, and everything turned out all right in the end. Majestic and I found each other, and my life has been happy. Rose Petal, Cherry Blossom, and I even became good friends and sisters like you hoped. Please don’t blame yourself for anything, father.”

Her father smiled again at her. “Oh, Star,” he said. “Thank you for that. You have so much love in your heart. Your mother and I are so very pleased with you, and we certainly approve of Majestic. He's a good stallion. I have to go now, but I hope I’ve been able to help you in some small way.”

“You have helped me more than you know,” replied Cinder Star with smile, as she hugged her father one more time, and he hugged her back.

“Just remember,” her father said as they pulled away. “We are always with you, and you have everything you need here,” he nuzzled her head with his nose, “and here,” he pointed with his hoof to her heart. You have all the magic you need.” Cinder Star looked down to where her heart was, and then she looked back at her father just in time to see him fade away.

Cinder Star awoke to find herself still on the ground beneath the trees, exactly where she had been when she had fallen asleep. She smiled as she looked up at the stars. “Thank you, Father,” she whispered.

. . .

Meanwhile, far ahead of Cinder Star and her friends, the dragon flew on carrying a pony in one claw and a unicorn in the other. He did not stop until he had arrived where the valley becomes a hill country, and he gently glided into a cave on the side of the largest hill. Upon entering, he landed at the foot of a pit and there he deposited the earth pony dressed as Ranger Roadside and the unicorn Prince. “You two sit tight,” said the dragon in a rough voice. “And do not make too much noise while I sleep.”

“What is the meaning of this?!” asked Majestic.

“Let us go!” demanded Mustard Seed. “I have a daughter waiting for me!”

The dragon pointed a single claw at Majestic. “You simply got in the way of my plans,” he said, “And you…” he pointed at Mustard Seed and snarled. “You should have thought of that before you dressed up as Roadside. He spat when he said the ranger’s name.

“What are your plans?” asked Majestic.

“That is none of your business,” replied the dragon. “This is personal between me and the ponies. Good night.” With that the dragon walked further down into the cave, then lay down and went to sleep.

“Well, this is just lovely,” Majestic muttered sarcastically.

“He… he can’t do that!” said Mustard Seed, as he took a few steps forward. “Who does he think he is, or what… Ow!” Mustard Seed suddenly stopped and shifted his weight as he lifted his left fore hoof.

“Are you hurt, Sir?” asked Majestic. He moved forward to take a closer look.

Mustard Seed was hesitant about letting Majestic examine his leg, but thought better of it, and allowed him to do so. “I’m sure it’s nothing serious,” said Mustard Seed. “I just landed hard on my leg when I jumped off the stage.”

“Hmm…” answered Majestic, “I’m afraid you have sprained your leg. It’s already swollen a bit. Here…” Majestic removed his royal blue sash and wrapped it tightly around Mustard Seed’s injured foreleg, above and below his knee, so it could hold his foreleg up as a makeshift sling. “There you are,” said Majestic. “Just don’t walk on it for several days, and you will be fine.”

“Thank you,” said Mustard Seed. “I…I really appreciate the help, um… Your Highness.

Majestic smiled. “Please, just call me ‘Jes,” friend,” he replied. “Since we may be stuck here for a while, we might as well get used to one another.”

“Very true,” Mustard Seed chuckled, “And, you can call me, Mustard…, um, Jes.”

“No worries,” said Majestic. He turned around, and began to further examine the walls of the pit that held them prisoner.

“So what do we do now?” asked Mustard.

“Simple,” replied Majestic in a low voice. “I do not plan to just sit here. I plan to find a way to escape! You need to get back to your daughter, and I have to get back to Star! She needs me! Star’s probably worried sick about me by now. We can’t let them down! Not now!”

“I agree,” said Mustard decisively. “So, have you ever escaped from a dragon before?” he asked.

“No,” answered Majestic, “But I have been in a few tight places before. This is only the tightest I have ever yet been in. Still, I do like a good challenge, and this sure presents one!” He looked up at the surface of the pit, then trotted over to one side and tapped on the dirt wall with his hoof. “Yes…,” he said slowly with a nod of his head. “I have a plan.”

“What is it?!” asked Mustard anxiously.

“Shh!” said Majestic quickly, as he pointed up toward the dragon.

“Right, sorry,” replied Mustard, now in hushed tone. “What’s the plan?”

“We dig,” answered Majestic. “Look, this pit is only about ten to twelve feet deep, and this side,” he pointed to the wall he was standing next to, “Is the furthest away from notice, and anything we do in this corner will be hidden from sight by those large boulders up there.” He pointed up at the boulders resting next to the pit, and then put his fore hoof on the side of the pit.

“We are going to dig our way out here,” continued Majestic. “Little by little, we will dig our own ramp out of the dirt, and then we will hide the dirt we have collected by simply spreading it out evenly around the bottom of the pit, hiding it in plain sight. My magic will help make both digging and spreading a bit easier. It might take a few days, but at some point, we will be able to simply walk out of this pit together and escape.

“Jes…,” replied Mustard, “That is brilliant!” he said excitedly. His face fell, however, when he remembered his injured leg. “I… I will do my best to help, but I doubt I will be able to do much good with my leg in its present condition.”

“Don’t worry about that,” said Majestic. “I told you to rest your hoof, so you just do what you can, and leave the rest to me. We will figure this out together. Is that all right, Mustard?” he asked.

“It sounds fair to me,” answered Mustard. “But, what will we do if the dragon catches us?” he asked.

“Well then,” mused Majestic, “If that happens, we will just have to come up with a better plan I suppose. Are you with me?” he asked.

“Absolutely,” replied Mustard.

“Then let’s get started!” said Majestic. “I was never one to be afraid of a little dirt and hard work anyway,” he chuckled.

“Me neither,” agreed Mustard with a smile.

Majestic found a fair-sized smooth stone, and, holding it in his magic, he began to hack away at the side of the pit with both it and his hooves. Every time dirt piled up in front of him, he would quickly disperse it around the pit’s floor with his magic, and Mustard would help by stomping the dirt flat with his uninjured hooves. By morning, they had created a large dent in the wall, which would only get larger with their continued efforts.

. . .

The next morning, Cinder Star and her friends awoke to the early bird’s singing, and, after some breakfast, they went to have a drink of water from a nearby brook. It was when she saw her reflection in the water, that Cinder Star noticed that she was still wearing her tiara. “Well…,” she said, as she removed it, and placed it carefully in one of her saddle bags. “How do you like that? I hadn’t realized I still had this.”

Goldenrod looked up from her drink. “You mean you really didn’t know you still had that on your head?” she asked.

“It seems that way,” replied Cinder Star, “I suppose I’m getting used to wearing it, and I’ve been so worried about Majestic that I just didn’t notice.”

“Well, we were in a hurry when we left,” added Light Shield. “I forgot to bring a canteen to hold water.”

“That’s true,” admitted Goldenrod. She sighed, and sat down at the brook’s edge. “I just can’t stop thinking about my father,” she said sadly. “I… I really hope we’re not too late.” A small tear came into her eye.

“Oh, Golden,” said Cinder Star as she sat down beside her, and gave her a tight hug before she looked into the filly’s green eyes. “I’m sure that we will find him safe and sound, and Majestic too. I promise. We must not give up.”

“Th-thanks, Princess Star,” replied Goldenrod.

Cinder Star smiled. “Just Cinder Star, remember?”

“Right,” said Goldenrod, as a tiny laugh escaped her. She then asked, “How much farther do you think we have to go?”

“One moment,” said Light Shield as he pulled out the map he had brought, and held up in his magic as he looked at it, “Judging by the dragon’s size and speed, and where we are,” he said, “I would say that we have another day or two, at the most, before we catch up. Though, if we hurry, we may make it to the hills before nightfall.”

“Then what are we waiting for!?” asked Goldenrod as she sprang to her hooves. “Let’s go!”

“Yes!” said Cinder Star. “That’s the spirit, Golden! We must hurry if we are to make it!”

They left the grove, and galloped away again toward the south. They passed though many green fields and raced around bushes and stray trees. The sun began to grow hot on their backs around mid-day, but they pressed on, only stopping whenever they came across a stream of water for a long drink. However, as they went, Cinder Star could feel that she could no longer gallop as far or as fast as before, and this caused them to slow their pace a little. Light Shield noticed this and asked her, “Are you feeling all right, Your Highness?”

“I will be fine,” Cinder Star answered. “I’m just feeling a little more tired than usual.”

“If you need to rest, we can stop for an hour or two,” suggested Light Shield.

“No! We can’t!” replied Cinder Star quickly. “Not when the lives of Jes and Golden’s father hang in the balance. We must press on!”

Light Shield assumed that she was just tired, so he said no more about it, and press on they did. Cinder Star continued to insist that they keep going as fast as possible, without telling them why she now had less energy than before. Now was not the time to mention that she was carrying a foal. She pushed herself to keep giving her best effort, galloping or trotting beside Light Shield and Goldenrod.

It was late in the afternoon, when Cinder Star and her friends finally saw their first glimpse of the southern hills. With renewed strength, and one final effort, they reached the hills just before the sun began to set. Here they slowed their pace down to a walk, as they realized they were now in the dragon’s territory, and they did not want to be caught by surprise. They walked bravely on over the hills, but they still felt nervous about meeting the dragon face to face.

“Um…, Cinder Star?” asked Goldenrod. “When we find the dragon, what are we going to do? How are we going to rescue my father?”

“I’m… not exactly sure,” admitted Cinder Star, “But we will figure something out.”

“I do have this sword,” suggested Light Shield. “I could try to fight the dragon, if necessary. Though, I have never challenged anything so large before.”

“I really hope that it will not come to that, Light Shield,” answered Cinder Star. “I am hoping that we can perhaps reason with the dragon. Maybe we can convince him to let go of Majestic and Mustard Seed.”

“How in Sewell are we supposed to reason with a dragon?” asked Goldenrod in a doubtful voice.

“We just have to keep faith, and hope for the best,” replied Cinder Star. “First, though, we must find the dragon, and our friends.”

“Well, we won’t have to search for long,” said Light Shield. “Look there!” He pointed to a certain hill not too far from where they stood. It was green and grassy like all the other hills, but it was much larger and taller than the rest. It could even be called a small mountain due to its size, and halfway up the hill, they could see the entrance to a cave. “I do believe that is were we shall find them.”

“Jes,” gasped Cinder Star.

“Daddy!” shouted Goldenrod, and she rushed forward toward the cave.

“No, Golden, wait!” called Cinder Star. “Oh dear. Shield, please stop her!”

Light Shield’s horn glowed, and then Goldenrod suddenly found herself caught in his magical aura, unable to move her legs. “Hey!” she said, annoyed by this action. “Let me go! That’s my daddy in there!”

“Please, Golden,” said Cinder Star calmly, as she walked in front of her. “We must not rush into this. We have to approach calmly and cautiously. Otherwise, we may not be of any help to our friends or ourselves if we run right into danger. You do want to help your father, right?”

Goldenrod sighed. “Yes,” she said simply. “Alright, I see you’re your point.”

Light Shield released Goldenrod from his magic’s hold, and together, they all walked cautiously toward cave. It wasn’t long before they were standing at the very mouth of the cave. They stopped for a moment and peered inside. It was dark and foreboding. Cinder Star gulped. Just looking into this cave was frightening, let alone they were expecting to find a dragon inside.

“Shall I lead, Your Highness?” asked Light Shield.

“No, no I will lead,” replied Cinder Star. She took a deep breath, then bravely took a step forward, and walked into the cave, with Goldenrod and Light Shield behind her in single-file. The cave was quiet as they made their way down the tunnel, which then opened up into a spacious room inside well inside the hill. The room was dimly lit by the light from the cave’s mouth, and from a hole high above in the cave’s ceiling. Cinder Star stopped when she thought they had gone far enough. Goldenrod and Light Shield stood on either side of her.

“H-Hello?” said Cinder Star. “Hello? Is anyone in here?”

“WHO DARES TO ENTER MY LAIR!” boomed a voice. The voice was so loud that it echoed around them, and it was so sudden that Goldenrod yelped, and pressed her body against Cinder Star’s side for safety. Light Armor immediately jumped in front of Cinder Star and Goldenrod, ready to defend them with his horn glowing brightly.

Cinder Star was very frightened now, but she said bravely, “M-My name is Cinder Star. W-We mean no harm. We have come to speak with you…, Mister Dragon?”

A loud gasp was suddenly heard from down inside a pit. “Star?!” called Majestic. “Is that you?! NO! You have to get out of here before…!”

It was, of course, already too late to run. The dragon was now awake and fully aware of their presence. A flash of flame suddenly erupted from the cave’s left, cutting off Majestic’s warning, and allowing Cinder Star and her friends to see what they could not before. They turned to see the dragon rise from behind a few rocks. He flapped his wings, flew over them with great ease, and then sat himself at his full height on their right, folding his wings behind him, as he starred down at his new guests.

“At last!” said the dragon, not as loudly as before. “The earth ponies have finally come to pay their respects to ME! How splendid!” He paused has he observed the two earth ponies and the unicorn before him. “Hmm…” he said, “This is not exactly the party I was expecting, but I suppose you will suffice. Well, come on now! To what do I owe this little visit?” There was a hint of a taunt in his voice, as well as his toothy smile, which slowly turned into a serious frown. “Or…, have you come to challenge me?” The dragon’s occasional fire breath continued to light up the cave even further as he spoke, but it also served to make him all the more terrifying.

“N-No!” said Cinder Star shakily. “No. We don’t want to fight. We just want to talk.” She looked at Light Shield. “Please, Shield, stand back.”

“Very well,” replied Light Shield. He moved to Cinder Star’s side, but remained close by her.

Now that the dragon was sitting still right in front of her, Cinder Star could take a good, long look at him. The dragon was covered in green scales that ran from his the top of his head, down his back, and down to his long tail and four legs. Only on his front from his neck to his stomach and then down his tail was a thick layer of white skin instead of scales. There were two twisted, black horns on top of the dragon’s head, and a straight line of smaller, green spikes began at his head and then ran down his back and tail. Each of his legs ended with a talon which had five gold claws that perfectly matched his golden eyes. The dragon was at least ten times bigger than Cinder Star, and he seemed to be even larger when he spread out his green, webbed wings. Overall, the dragon’s body appeared to be rather slender, like that of a long, large lizard, but he was still terrifying to look upon, especially when he showed his large, sharp teeth.

The dragon noticed her gaze and gave Cinder Star a mocking smile. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Have you never seen a dragon before?”

Cinder Star jumped. “No. No, I have not,” she said quickly. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to stare. Please, um, Mr. Dragon…”

“My name is Davengrowl!” the dragon said loudly with pride. “You will refer to me by my name when you speak to me!”

“Oh, yes, Mr. Davengrowl,” replied Cinder Star. “Um… May I call you Dave, for short?” she asked politely.

“No, you may not,” answered Davengrowl. “Now,” he continued. “Who exactly are you, and why have you sought me out?”

Cinder Star took in a deep breath to calm herself. She stuttered a little out of fear, but she bravely introduced herself, and her companions. “I-I am Cinder Star, Princess of Unicornia, and these are my friends, Sir Light Shield, and Goldenrod.”

Davengrowl starred down at Cinder Star. “The Princess of Unicornia?” he asked in a disbelieving tone. He lowered his head to take a good look at Cinder Star. “Lady, perhaps you haven’t noticed, but you don’t have a horn on your head. You’re an earth pony. So how is that possible? You are not trying to trick me with lies, are you?” he asked suspiciously.

“No!” said Goldenrod suddenly, defending Cinder Star. “She really is the Princess of Unicornia. She can prove it too. Show him, Cinder Star.” Cinder Star removed her saddle bags, realizing what Goldenrod meant. She carefully pulled out her tiara, and placed it on her head.

“Humph, pretty,” said Davengrowl. “All right, so you married into royalty, and became a princess. Impressive, but what business do the unicorns have here to get themselves caught up in the crossfire between the earth ponies and myself?”

“Mr. Davengrowl,” replied Cinder Star, once she had put her saddle bags back on, “We have respectfully come to ask you to release to us the two horses that you took from the pony town. The unicorn is my husband, and the earth pony is Goldenrod’s father,” she explained.

“Too right!” said Goldenrod. “You took away my Daddy!”

“Golden?!” called Mustard Seed. “You’re here too!? You can’t be…”

“HUSH, You!” ordered Davengrowl in a harsh tone, cutting him off.

“Golden, please,” soothed Cinder Star. “Let me handle this.” She looked back at Davengrowl. “Please, Mister Davengrowl, all we want is to have our family members back! Will you set them free?”

Davengrowl starred down at them for several moments, as if he were musing over their request with great consideration, before he finally replied, “No!”

Cinder Star was taken aback by his answer. “B-but why?” she asked. “Please! What has my good husband and Golden’s dear father done to deserve this?”

“You let my Daddy go right now, you big lizard!” shouted Goldenrod, who was now very angry by this refusal.

Without a word, and quick as a flash, Davengrowl swiped up Goldenrod in his left fore talon, and held her up close to his face. His face was stern.

“Golden!” shrieked Cinder Star. “No! Please! Don’t hurt her! She didn’t mean it! She’s just a little cranky when she misses her father!”

“Shush!” ordered Davengrowl. He focused his full attention on Goldenrod, as he glared at the little filly in his grasp. Goldenrod was now very afraid and trembling with fear, but she tried not to show it and bravely looked Davengrowl in the eye. She starred back at him, ready to take whatever he was about to do to her.

To Goldenrod’s surprise, Davengrowl smiled, and chuckled. “I like you,” he said. “You have a fiery spirit, young lady, but…” his voice became harsh and low. “Don’t ever speak to me like that again.”

“Y-yes, Sir,” replied Goldenrod.

“Good,” said Davengrowl, and with that he put her gently back down next to Cinder Star.

“Now then,” continued Davengrowl as he looked back to Cinder Star. “Your beloved husband just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The golden-haired filly’s father, however, insulted me by dressing up as that Ranger Roadside. All the earth ponies of Pony Valley have insulted me with their “Dragon Festival” that celebrates my father’s death.

Cinder Star was taken aback by this. “Wait, your father’s death?” she asked. “You mean, the dragon from the story of Ranger Roadside was your father?!”

“Indeed he was, Princess,” replied Davengrowl.

“But… but that dragon was driving terror into the earth ponies of Pony Valley,” answered Cinder Star. “His fire breath frightened everyone away and put the village in danger. Ranger Roadside stopped him and saved the village.”

To Cinder Star’s surprise, Davengrowl burst out laughing, long and loud. “R-Really?!” He managed to ask as he laughed. “You…, you really think that is what happened?!”

“That is what happened,” said Goldenrod. “Isn’t it? I mean, everyone knows that!”

“Nothing of the sort, young lady,” replied Davengrowl. “Roadside was no hero! That pony never saved anyone or anything! He murdered my father in cold blood, and then was made out to be a hero!” Davengrowl huffed, and black smoke came out of his nostrils. “Not that any of you would understand, and you wouldn’t care to!”

“No, wait! Please,” said Cinder Star as she sat down on the ground, and her companions with her. “If… if there is something wrong, then I want to hear what it is! What really happened, Mister Davengrowl?”

“You really want to know?” asked Davengrowl. He had not expected this turn of events, but Cinder Star seemed to be genuinely interested in the truth. His face became serious. “Very well,” he said. “I will tell you the real story of that fateful day. Be sure to listen, and listen well, because I am not going to repeat myself.”

Davengrowl sighed, and then he began his story. “My father, Kelvingrowl, first came to these lands many years ago. This very cave was his home. When he discovered that earth ponies lived just to the north, in the valley, he decided to acquaint himself with them. He flew to the earth pony village to see the earth ponies for himself, and, perhaps, talk with them. Instead, when he arrived, all the earth ponies became afraid of him and ran away. They would panic and scream, and the noise was so loud that Kelvingrowl decided to return to his cave and wait for the earth ponies to settle down, but the earth ponies never did settle down. Every time he flew to the village, the earth ponies would break down into chaos, so Kelvingrowl decided to have a little fun with them. He would give chase to the earth ponies and light up the night sky with his fire breath. Now, in all the fun he had with the earth ponies, it should be remembered that he never once hurt a single one of them, or burned down any of their homes.”

“Wait,” asked Goldenrod, cutting into his story, “Did he really not know that he was actually making those earth ponies afraid of him? Especially, with his fire breath?”

“Don’t interrupt me,” said Davengrowl gravely. “And for that matter, to my father, it was all just a little game. Nothing more. All of that changed the day that pony by the name of… Roadside,” he paused to spit when he said the name, “When he came into the picture!”

Smoke blew from Davengrowl’s nostrils and sparks appeared between his teeth for a brief moment, before he continued. “That Roadside was a nobody. All he did was dig up roads. That is until he saw an opportunity, when he first saw my father fly by. It was then that he came up with the idea that would turn a nobody into a somebody. He made himself a metal sword, and declared himself a ranger to the ponies and that he was going to save the day.” Davengrowl paused to roll his eyes at that. “What none of the ponies saw was after he left the town, Roadside filled a barrel with apple cider and carried it here, where he had reasoned he would find Kelvingrowl. If only my father had not awoken from his nap that day!”

“When he heard a pony calling for him, Kelvingrowl was quick to go out to greet him. Roadside introduced himself as a friend, representing all the earth ponies on their behalf. He then pointed his hoof to the barrel of cider and told my father that it was a gift for him. My father was pleased with the gift, and to have finally made some connection with the ponies of the valley. It was then that Roadside challenged my father to drink the whole barrel of cider all at once, claiming that the earth ponies thought he was unable to do so. Kelvingrowl accepted the challenge, and swallowed the cider in one large gulp. What my father did not know was there was more in that barrel besides cider. It was poisoned! By the time he realized he had been tricked, it was too late, and it didn’t take long. He stumbled away before he finally collapsed, and breathed his last. Meanwhile, Roadside, returned to the ponies and became a hero, but he was no hero. He was a liar and a murderer.”

“My father died alone,” finished Davengrowl, “But not before he called out my name. In that moment, I saw his mind. I saw his thoughts, for only a moment. I knew that some earth pony named Roadside had killed my father, but little else. I vowed that day to find that earth pony and right the wrong that had been done to my father. I searched for thirty years. That’s right, thirty, and I finally caught up with him two nights ago. Now you know the story.”

Cinder Star gasped. “But that wasn’t Ranger Roadside you captured! That was Mustard Seed, and then my husband too!”

“That was my Daddy!” cried Goldenrod. “We’re not even related to Ranger Roadside! He’s dead, and he had no foals!

“What a shame,” said Davengrowl, unimpressed. “Still, I had to make an example to all the ponies celebrating my father’s death. So I took the next best thing.”

“But…, but he was just wearing a costume!” exclaimed Goldenrod.

“That, I’m afraid, is no excuse,” replied Davengrowl coldly.

“Do you have any proof to your story?” asked Light Shield, who had been quietly thinking about all of this. “I mean, we now have two very different stories as to what happened. How can we know, without a doubt, that your story is the truth?”

Davengrowl gave him an annoyed look. “First,” he stated, “I’m a dragon and, by the Dragon Code of Honor, I do not lie, and Second, the sword.”

“What?” asked Light Shield.

Davengrowl pointed his claw at him. “I know the sword you are carrying is Roadside’s sword. It is the sword that, supposedly, Roadside used to slay my father, according to the story the ponies tell. Is it not?” he asked.

“Well…, yes it is,” answered Cinder Star, as she and Light Shield looked at the sword curiously. “Why?”

“Because that sword most certainly did not kill Kelvingrowl,” replied Davengrowl. “And I can prove it.”

One of Goldenrod’s eyebrows raised a bit. “What do you mean?” she asked, suspiciously.

“Dragons breath fire,” explained Davengrowl, “You have seen that, but have you ever wondered why we are able to breath fire?”

“I can’t say that I have,” answered Cinder Star.

“Me neither,” said Goldenrod. “Though, now I’m curious,” she admitted.

“Our blood is very hot,” stated Davengrowl. Hotter than you earth ponies would believe. For creatures like you, this would be a bad thing, but for us it’s normal. With such hot blood coursing through our veins, our breath is given the ability to create and then spew out flames.”

“Most interesting,” said Light Shield, “But what does that have to do with the sword?”

“Draw the sword,” said Davengrowl. “Tell me. Do you see any markings or damage on the blade? Anything at all?” he asked.

Light Armor drew the sword and held it in front of him with his magic as he, Cinder Star, and Goldenrod inspected it. “No,” he answered. “There is no damage at all. The sword is indeed perfectly clean.”

“Our blood is so hot, that it will melt metal when touched by such an object,” continued Davengrowl. “If Roadside had cut my father with that sword, his dragon blood would have damaged the blade, and, according to Roadside, he killed my father by plunging his sword straight into Kelvingrowl’s heart. There should be nothing left of that blade. Our blood is at its hottest when it’s in our heart. If Roadside had in fact thrust his sword into my father’s heart, it would have completely melted the blade. Allow me to demonstrate…”

Davengrowl rose and walked past Cinder Star and her friends. They quickly got back on their hooves, curious as to what Davengrowl would do next. He stopped when he was over the far corner of the cave, and began to dig with his right talon. After a few moments, he produced a glass bottle, which contained only three drops of a red liquid, and an old shovel.

“This is dragon’s blood,” said Davengrowl as he removed the cork from the bottle. “My own, to be precise. Now watch…” He held the shovel in one talon and the bottle in the other as he carefully turned the bottle over and let one drop of dragon’s blood fall onto the shovel. The drop fizzled, and steam instantly emerged from that spot on the shovel until it melted clean through leaving only a hold in the center. “Do you see?” he asked as he returned the cork to the bottle. “Was I lying?”

“My goodness,” gasped Cinder Star. “It’s all true!”

“I can’t believe it!” said Goldenrod. “Ranger Roadside lied to us! We thought he was a hero, but all this time, he was just a big phony!”

“It would appear so,” agreed Light Shield as he returned the sword to its scabbard. “It’s hard to deny the facts.”

“Indeed,” said Cinder Star, “But now that we know this truth, what does it have to do with Golden’s father and my husband?” she asked.

“Simply this,” answered Davengrowl. “The earth ponies took something from me, so, to even the score, I have taken something from them.”

Goldenrod’s eyes went wide. “No!” she shrieked. “You’re not going to poison my father, are you?!”

“Of course not!” said Davengrowl. “I’m not Roadside, but I still will not let the pony or the unicorn go.”

“But… but why?” asked Goldenrod. “I’m very sorry about your father, but why are you taking it out on us?! We had nothing to do with it!”

“You still celebrate my father’s death,” stated Davengrowl plainly. “So, in your own way, you do have something to do with it, young lady, and saying “I’m sorry” will not fix things. I will not let my father be disgraced any longer, and I will not release my captives until this has been resolved in some way.”

“Wait!” said Cinder Star suddenly. “What if… what if we convince the earth ponies of Pony Valley to stop celebrating the Dragon Festival, or, perhaps, change the way they celebrate it?” she asked. “Suppose they began celebrating dragons, instead of the death of your father? If we did that, would you let Golden’s father and my husband go?”

“Hmm…,” pondered Davengrowl. “I will admit that is a tempting offer, but how would you go about doing such a task? How exactly would a unicorn princess convince all the earth ponies of the valley to just change their ways?”

“I’m not entirely sure,” Cinder Star admitted, “But I am certain that when we tell them about what really happened between Ranger Roadside and your father, they will want to change. The earth ponies are not a bad sort. Please, let me try.”

Davengrowl lowered his head and starred hard at Cinder Star for a few moments, looking deeply into her eyes, as she bravely looked back into his own. Then, Davengrowl’s face softened. “Very well,” he said, “If you really think you can do it, then I believe you.”

“And will you let our friends go if we succeed?” asked Cinder Star.

“If you succeed in changing the way the ponies celebrate their festival,” Davengrowl replied, “I will indeed consider letting your friends go, but ONLY if you do succeed.”

“Then we must go at once!” said Cinder Star. “We have to get back to Pony Valley as quickly as possible!”

“Does this mean we have to leave my father?” asked Goldenrod.

“I’m afraid so,” answered Cinder Star. “But it will only be for a short while. We will be back very soon for your father and my husband. Mister Davengrowl has made his terms clear to us. All we have to do is convince the ponies to change the Dragon Festival, and he will let your father and my husband both go.”

“I… I know,” said Goldenrod slowly, “But… it’s just that… you promised. You promised that we would get my father back. I… I don’t want to leave him.”

“Yes, I did, Golden,” replied Cinder Star. “And my promise still stands. We will get your father back. We just have to do this one favor for Mister Davengrowl first. Do you trust me Golden?”

Goldenrod felt torn between what she wanted, although what she knew she had to do. “I… I…” she stammered.

“You can do this, Golden!” shouted Mustard Seed. “I’ll be fine! Trust her! I have a feeling she knows what she’s doing!” This time, however, Davengrowl did not order him to stop talking.

Goldenrod looked down at the ground for a moment and took a deep breath. Then, encouraged by her father’s words, she looked up again at Cinder Star, and, standing tall, answered, “Yes. I do trust you.”

“I’m glad,” said Cinder Star. “Let’s be on our way then.”

“I’m afraid we won’t make it far today,” said Light Shield. “Look!” he said as he pointed up toward the cave ceiling. “The cave is getting dimmer, because the sun is setting. Night will soon be upon us.”

Cinder Star looked up to see that he was right. She had only just noticed this herself too. “Oh dear,” she said. “That will slow us down getting back getting back to town, won’t it?”

“I may be able to assist you,” suggested Davengrowl. “If you are really that serious about this, and provided that you are brave enough.”

“What do you mean?” asked Cinder Star.

“Dragon fire has another uses besides burning things,” explained Davengrowl. “It also has the ability to speed up travel by making a portal. Observe…” With that, he took a deep breath, then turned and blew fire from his mouth at the wall closest too him. He proceeded to draw a circle on the wall with his fire breath. Once it was complete, an image of the earth pony village appeared inside the fiery circle. “Walk through this circle, and you will return directly to the earth pony village. If you have courage, you will not be harmed, but if you are afraid, well, I can not make any promises.”

Light Shield looked at Cinder Star. “Your Highness?” he asked. “What do you think?”

Cinder Star looked carefully at the portal for a moment as she considered this new possibility, and then she said, “Yes! If this will get us back there quickly, we will go through. I am confident we can make it.”

“Me too!” agreed Goldenrod. “Let’s go for it!”

“Very well,” said Light Shield. “I’m ready when you are.”

“One more thing,” said Davengrowl. He reached down his talon and opened his claws to reveal the small bottle that held dragon’s blood. “Take this with you. There are three more drops in this bottle which may be of use to you for what you intend to do. Use them wisely.”

“Thank you,” replied Cinder Star. “We will.” Light Shield took the bottle in his magic and carefully stored it in his saddle bag for safe keeping.

They were about to walk through the portal, when Cinder Star suddenly stopped. “Wait,” she said, and turned once more to face Davengrowl. “Mister Davengrowl, please allow us to give our friends food to sustain themselves while we are gone. They must be hungry by now.” She took off her saddle bags and opened them to show him the fruit she still had left inside.

Davengrowl considered this, and then nodded. “You may,” he said. “But no tricks,” he warned.

“No tricks,” promised Cinder Star as she trotted over to the pit with Goldenrod at her side. “Jes!” she called over the edge as soon as she saw Majestic. “Are you all right?” she asked.

“Star!” Majestic answered her. “Yes, my dear. Apart from Mustard’s sore leg, we are both fine.”

“Here,” said Cinder Star as she tossed her saddle bags down to him. “Catch this!” He did so easily, with his unicorn magic.

“Daddy!” called Goldenrod as she looked over the edge. “You’re hurt!”

“I’m fine, Golden,” replied Mustard Seed. “It was my fault, but don’t worry. Just be brave for me, alright?”

“Yes, Daddy,” said Goldenrod. “I will try.”

“That’s a good filly,” said Mustard Seed.

“Star,” said Majestic as he looked up at her again. “Thank you, dear, but, please, be careful. I love you.”

“I love you too,” replied Cinder Star. “And I will. I promise.”

“AHEM!” coughed Davengrowl.

“We have to go, Golden,” said Cinder Star. She quickly blew Majestic a kiss. With a grin, he “caught” it on his cheek, then looked back up at her and winked just before she turned away with Goldenrod, who had also tossed her saddle bags with food down to Mustard Seed.

Cinder Star and Goldenrod hurried back to the portal. “Thank you, Mister Davengrowl,” said Cinder Star. “We are ready now.”

“Good,” answered Davengrowl. “Then step through, but hurry before the portal closes.”

Cinder Star looked at both Goldenrod and Light Shield, and then she gathered her courage, ran up to the portal, and leapt through the fiery circle. She felt a strange sensation as she went through. For a brief moment, it was as if all the colors of the world had blended together into one. Then, as quickly as it had begun, it ended, and Cinder Star suddenly found herself landing on her hooves in a moon-lit, grassy field. Not far away, she could see the lights of a village. She took a few steps closer, and saw that it was indeed the earth pony village of Pony Valley! They had made it!

Cinder Star turned around just in time to see Goldenrod and then Light Shield leap through the portal just before it closed behind him. Goldenrod, however, stumbled when she landed and ended up falling on her side, but Light Shield was quick to help her back onto her hooves. “Are you all right, Miss Goldenrod?” asked Light Shield, as he gently helped her back up with his magic.

“Yes… I’m fine,” replied Goldenrod. “Thank you.” His kind deed had taken her aback. Light Shield had used his unicorn magic to help her, but he had been very gentle. In the last few days she had not been quite sure what to make of unicorns, but then she had met Cinder Star who lived with the unicorns, and now a unicorn had actually helped her. “Huh…,” Goldenrod thought to herself, “Perhaps unicorns are not so bad after all.”

. . .

Back in the cave, Davengrowl walked over to the pit’s edge. He looked down at Majestic and Mustard Seed, and grinned at them. “You two might,” he said, “Just might, be in luck after all, provided if your dear ones are able to pull their little mission off. If not, well… I’ll be forced to find a more creative use for you.” He then walked back to his comfortable spot in the cave and lay down to rest.

“Now what do we do?” asked Mustard Seed in a whisper.

“We keep digging,” Majestic whispered back. “We are nearly half finished with our way out. I am confident that our families will succeed, but we will not be idle while we are still here.”

“Very good,” said Mustard Seed. “My thoughts exactly.” With that, they quietly went back to digging their hidden ramp. After some time, he spoke again. “You know, Jes,” he said. “You have an incredible wife.”

Majestic smiled and blushed a little at that. “I know,” he replied. “Thank you. And you have an amazing daughter, Mustard.”

Mustard Seed returned the smile. “Thanks,” he said. “I just wonder if they will really be able to convince the town to change things.”

“Oh, I have no doubt,” answered Majestic. “No doubt at all."

. . .

It did not take long for Cinder Star, Goldenrod, and Light Shield to return to the earth pony village. The earth ponies had only finished cleaning up the mess caused by Davengrowl’s sudden appearance at the Dragon Festival that very day. They were still out and about around the village square that evening when Cinder Star and her friends came walking up. All the earth ponies stopped whatever they were doing and starred at them with shock written on their faces as they made their way to Duchess Mulberry, who was just as surprised as the rest of them. The earth ponies gathered around the hear all that was said.

“What?!” gasped Mulberry when she saw them. “Is it really you?! We were all convinced that you would not be returning!”

“Yes, Your Grace,” said Cinder Star. “It is us. We have returned!”

“But…,” asked Mulberry, “Where are Mustard Seed and the Prince? What happened?”

“We found them, and the dragon,” replied Goldenrod. The crowd began to murmur nervously when they heard the dragon mentioned.

“They are both alive and safe,” continued Cinder Star, “But to get them back, we must do something for the dragon first.”

“What sort of something?” asked Mulberry.

Cinder Star, and Goldenrod wasted no time in telling Mulberry and the ponies the story of their journey to the south, finding Davengrowl, the truth about Ranger Roadside, and the deal they had made with Davengrowl for Majestic and Mustard Seed. Light Shield filled in any details they missed. Mulberry listened closely and the ponies remained silent as they took all of this in.

“So you see,” finished Cinder Star. “We have to respectfully ask you to please change they way you celebrate your Dragon Festival.”

“But the Dragon Festival has been a tradition for years!” protested a stallion in the crowd. “Why should we just change it for an evil dragon?!” asked another.

“Silence!” ordered Mulberry. All was quiet while she pondered the situation. “Your request is quite a significant one,” she said to Cinder Star. “Still, how do we know we can trust this dragon?” she asked. “How do we know that he was telling the truth?

“In all honesty,” replied Cinder Star. “We don’t know if we can trust Davengrowl. All we can do is take his word for what it’s worth. If we don’t my husband and Mustard Seed’s lives may be truly lost. This is our only chance to save them.”

“We can, however, prove that he was telling the truth about Ranger Roadside!” said Goldenrod. “Wait, just a moment.” She hurried away to her house and returned with a metal spoon in her mouth. She put the spoon down on the ground and asked Light Shield, “Sir, do you still have the bottle Davengrowl gave us?”

“Indeed I do,” replied Light Shield. He then retrieved the glass bottle containing the dragon’s blood from his saddle bag with his horn’s magic and held it up for all the ponies to see. “These drops are real dragon’s blood,” said Light Shield. “This is what the dragon, Davengrowl, gave us, and it is hot enough to melt metal.”

“Now watch this, everyone!” said Goldenrod as Light Shield carefully uncorked the bottle. He then held both the spoon and the bottle in his magic and let one drop fall onto the spoon. The spoon instantly fizzled and steam rose from it until the spoon had melted completely through. Several gasps could be heard from the crowd.

“Wait!” called a mare. “How do we know that this isn’t some unicorn magic trick?”

“This is no trick!” replied Cinder Star. “Light Shield, please give me the sword.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Light Shield answered her, as he drew the sword of Ranger Roadside with his magic from its scabbard. Cinder Star sat down on the ground, and held out her fore legs as Light Shield gently placed the sword across her fore hooves, and she held it up for all to see.

“This is the sword used by Ranger Roadside!” said Cinder Star. “You have all seen this sword before! According to Ranger Roadside’s story, this is the sword that he slew the dragon with all those years ago, but, if that is true, then his sword should have melted when he thrust it into the dragon’s heart! On the other hoof, if Davengrowl the dragon is lying, then the dragon’s blood should not affect the blade at all. We can now see once and for all who spoke the truth, Ranger Roadside or Davengrowl the dragon.” She turned to Mulberry. “With your permission of course, Your Grace.”

Mulberry was silent for a moment, as she considered this test, but then she nodded her head, and said, “You may proceed.”

“Very well,” said Cinder Star. “Watch carefully everyone! Light Shield, if you please…” She gave the sword back to Light Shield as she rose to her hooves again. He held the sword up with his magic as well as the bottle with the dragon’s blood. The ponies in front of the crowd inched closer to ensure they had a good look, while others stood on their hind legs or pushed themselves up by putting their fore hooves on the backs of others. Young foals got low to the ground so they could see between the legs of the bigger ponies in front of them.

Light Shield held the bottle over the sword, and then, with the greatest of care, he let the second drop of dragon’s blood fall onto the sword right in the middle. Just as before, the instant the drop touched the metal blade it fizzled and let off steam, until it had melted completely through the blade, leaving nothing but a hole. Everyone in the crowed gasped. The legend of Ranger Roadside had just melted before their very eyes. Light Shield then let the last drop of dragon’s blood fall onto the blade, causing it to melt a little more. There could be no doubt now, as Light Shield placed the sword down before the Duchess’s hooves.

“I can’t believe it!” said a mare. “It’s true! It’s all true!” exclaimed a stallion. “Ranger Roadside lied to us!” shouted another mare. “Ha! Some ranger!” snorted a young colt.

“Now do you believe us?” asked Golden. “What more proof do you need?!”

“Clearly,” said Light Shield, “There was no reason to fear the dragon who lived then, and there is honestly no reason to fear this dragon either, so long as we all don’t make him angry!”

Cinder Star turned to Mulberry and asked her, “Now that you have seen it for yourself, will you help save my husband and Golden’s father by changing the Dragon Festival?” She turned to look at all the earth ponies. “Will you all help? Please?” she begged.

“Well, earth ponies of Pony Valley,” Duchess Mulberry addressed the crowd. “What say you?”

“Yes! Yes!” the crowd of earth ponies called back. “We must help save Mustard Seed and the Unicorn Prince! The Dragon Festival must be changed!”

“Then it shall be done!” declared Mulberry. She smiled at Cinder Star, Goldenrod, and Light Shield who were all very relieved to hear this. Mulberry then addressed the crowd again. “From now on, we will no longer celebrate the story of Ranger Roadside and the Dragon! We will instead, celebrate the beauty and majesty of dragons in respect to their kind, and we shall start this year, in three days!” The crowd cheered and then the ponies began to disperse for the night, talking excitedly as they went to their homes.

“You mean we are going to have TWO Dragon Festivals this year?!” asked a surprised Goldenrod.

“We will indeed!” said Mulberry. “If we are going to change, we might as well start right now, and it will show the dragon that we really mean it. First, however, we must return to the dragon and let him know of this occurrence.”

Cinder Star stopped and starred at Mulberry. “I’m sorry,” she asked, “But did you say ‘we’ must return to the dragon? Golden, Light Shield, and myself will certainly journey back to Davengrowl ourselves to tell him this wonderful news, but, do you mean to say that you are coming with us?”

“Of course!” replied Mulberry. “If the three of you were brave enough to seek out the dragon the first time and reason with him, then I should be able to do the same now. Besides, as the ruler of Pony Valley, it might help if he hears this news from me.”

Cinder Star beamed. “Thank you!” She said. “Thank you so much, Your Grace! We will surely succeed now!”

“You’re most welcome, Cinder Star,” answered Mulberry, “And please, if we are going to be traveling together, call me Mulberry. We shall leave first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, Mulberry!” agreed Cinder Star eagerly. “And with all possible speed we are blessed with!”

. . .

The next morning, true to their word, Cinder Star, Goldenrod, Light Shield, and Mulberry departed from the earth pony village and began their journey back again to the southern hills. Before they left, Mulberry told her earth ponies not to worry about her, for she would return, and instructed them to carry on as usual while she was away. The small group replenished their supply of food and water in new saddle bags for their second trip, and then they were off again. Cinder Star decided to keep her tiara on her head this time as she figured it could possibly be useful again in some way.

Once again, they traveled as quickly as they could. After a while, they passed the grove, which they had slept under only two nights ago, as they forged ahead. Cinder Star was determined to get back to Davengrowl’s cave and tell him that they had kept their end of the bargain. Despite this, the journey became even slower than their first, as Cinder Star found that she had even less energy to gallop than she had previously. She still pushed herself to gallop with her friends for as long as she could, but they ended up trotting or walking most of the way.

Mulberry noticed this and asked as they trotted, “Are you not feeling well, Cinder Star? Pardon me, but your pace does seem to be a bit slow today.”

“I’m alright,” replied Cinder Star, giving Mulberry her best smile. “I’m sorry. I suppose I am feeling a little tired from traveling around so much, but I’ll be fine. I will be even better when we free Jes and Mustard Seed.”

“Hmmm…” said Mulberry as she observed Cinder Star curiously, “I see. I sense then that you have no intention to stop even for a little rest?” she asked.

“Right,” answered Cinder Star. “We managed before, and we can manage again. We must keep going, but we can stop, of course, if you need to rest.”

“No, no,” replied Mulberry. “I am perfectly all right. It was you I was concerned for.”

“Thank you,” said Cinder Star. “I do appreciate that very much.”

Mulberry accepted Cinder Star’s assurance, but she could not help but feel that there was something more to Cinder Star’s condition than she was telling everyone. Like Light Shield, she said nothing more about it, but she kept a close eye on Cinder Star, just in case. She couldn’t help but think that there was something familiar about Cinder Star’s condition.

The three ponies and one unicorn continued to press on, covering as much ground as possible that day as quickly as possible. They all did their best, but eventually the sun set over the western horizon, and the little group of friends were forced to stop and rest for the night. They made their camp on the edge of a grassy field, next to a stream. Each of them had some water and food, and spread their blankets on the ground. As the night was a bit chilly, Light Shield gathered some sticks and lit a small campfire with his magic. They all sat quietly together for a while, before Light Shield and Mulberry decided to turn in and fell asleep, leaving Cinder Star and Goldenrod who sat a little longer by the dying fire. Goldenrod let out a frustrated sigh as she watched the fading embers dance.

“What’s the matter, Golden?” asked Cinder Star.

Goldenrod hung her head as she answered, “I just… I just really, really, hope that we haven’t come this far for nothing. I hope that Davengrowl doesn’t change his mind about releasing my father when we get there.”

“I had not thought of that,” admitted Cinder Star, “But I’m sure that everything will be alright. He did say that by the Dragon Code of Honor he cannot lie. We just have to keep faith and hope for the best.”

Goldenrod looked up at Cinder Star and asked, “How do you do that?”

“How do I do what?” asked Cinder Star.

“How do you always hold on to faith and not lose hope,” Goldenrod asked her. “I mean, it’s like you’re never scared of anything!”

Cinder Star gave Golden a most serious look. “I am most terribly afraid, Golden,” she replied. “I’m afraid of letting everyone down, and I’m afraid of losing my dear Jes. Indeed, all my life there has been something to be scared of.”

“How do you deal with it then?” asked Goldenrod. “Being scared and all?”

Cinder Star smiled. “Like I said,” she answered, “I just hold on to faith, and hope for the best in all things and those I meet. And…,” she added, “I treat everyone with kindness. A little kindness goes a long way, my friend.”

“Is… is that how you met the Prince…, um, Mr. Majestic?” Goldenrod asked.

Cinder Star’s smile became even brighter and she blushed a little. “Yes,” she replied. “I would say we found each other, actually.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” admitted Goldenrod. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you, an earth pony, end up married to a unicorn prince?”

“Not at all,” replied Cinder Star. “It’s quite a story, Golden. Would you like to hear it?” she asked.

“Yes, please,” said Goldenrod who was now smiling. “I like a good story.”

“Well,” began Cinder Star, “I was born in Pony Valley, but when I was still very young, my father moved my mother and I to Unicornia…” Cinder Star proceeded to tell Goldenrod all about her unicorn Step-family, how she met Majestic at the Royal Ball, and how Majestic had found her afterward with her glass slipper. “And we have been living happily together since,” she finished.

“I’ll say,” said Goldenrod who had been captivated by her story. “That’s got to be the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard!”

“I’m glad you liked it,” said Cinder Star simply as she looked down at her hooves. Her smile fell for a moment.

Goldenrod noticed this. “You really do love him, don’t you?” she asked.

“I do,” replied Cinder Star. "With all my heart."

“Don’t worry,” said Goldenrod. “We will get him back and my father too!”

That made Cinder Star smile again. “Thank you, Golden,” she answered. “I’m sure we will.” They sat quietly for a little while longer, before Cinder Star murmured to herself, “What I wouldn’t give for a jar of pickles right now.”

“Huh?” asked Goldenrod.

Cinder Star nearly jumped. “Oh, um… sorry,” she said as she shook her head to clear it. “Never mind. We should get some sleep.” They put out the fire to be safe, and then fell asleep on their blankets, or at least, tried to. Again, none of them slept very well, but a little sleep was better than none.

The next morning, the little group had a quite bite to eat, and then they set off again. Their pace was still slower than before, but they managed to keep their pace and make good time. Trotting and galloping when they could, they crossed field after field as the sun rose higher in the sky, and then began to get lower in the afternoon. The sun seemed to be hotter than it had on their first journey, and had to stop three times to drink water.

Never the less, Cinder Star encouraged them to press on, and they did so with a will. Just as they had before, they once again sighted the southern hills late that afternoon. However, due to their pace, it was twilight when they at last reached the large hill and arrived at the entrance of Davengrowl’s cave. Cinder Star couldn’t get into the cave fast enough. Filled with hope, she summoned her strength and galloped inside. There was barely enough light to see. Goldenrod, Light Shield, and Mulberry followed close behind. “Mr. Davengrowl!” called Cinder Star. “Mr. Davengrowl! Are you here?!”

“Star!” answered Majestic. “Have you returned already?!

“Yes!” replied Cinder Star. “We all have! Where is Davengrowl?” she asked.

“He left some time ago!” answered Majestic. “But he should be back very soon!”

Moments later, they heard the sound of large wings flapping outside, and soon after, Davengrowl the dragon walked into the cave behind them. He smirked when he saw Cinder Star and her friends. “Well, well,” he said, “Look what we have here! The Unicorn Princess and company are already back!” He walked around the little group and sat down between them and the pit. “I’m impressed,” he continued. “It feels as though I last saw you only two days ago.”

“That’s because it was only two days ago, Mr. Davengrowl,” Goldenrod pointed out.

“No matter,” said Davengrowl. “Tell me, why have you returned so soon?”

“We have returned to tell you that we have done what you asked of us!” replied Cinder Star with a beaming smile.

“You have?” asked Davengrowl seriously. “And what was it that I asked you to do?” he quizzed. “Please refresh my memory.”

“You asked us to convince the ponies of Pony Valley to change the way they celebrate their Dragon Festival,” replied Cinder Star. “And we have! The ponies have all agreed to no longer celebrate Ranger Roadside and his trickery. Instead they will celebrate the wonder and majesty of dragons such as yourself.”

“Indeed,” said Mulberry. “As Duchess of Pony Valley, I can confirm this change, and verify that my friend is telling the truth. Going forward, the Dragon Festival has been changed for the better.”

“Well!” said Davengrowl, “Count me impressed! You really managed to pull it off.”

“Yes, we did,” answered Cinder Star. “And now that we have succeeded, will you please release my husband and Golden’s father?” she asked hopefully.

Davengrowl silently looked down at her for a moment, and then he answered, “No.”

Cinder Star’s smile instantly faded. “W-what?” she asked.

“I said, ‘no,’” repeated Davengrowl. “Do I have to say it again louder or slower, Princess?”

“B-but… but…,” stammered Cinder Star. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “But we did everything you asked! We kept our end of the bargain, and you promised that you would let them go if we convinced the ponies to change their festival!”

“I never promised that I would let them go,” stated Davengrowl in a matter of fact voice. “If you recall, Princess, what I said was, if you succeeded, “I will indeed consider letting your friends go.” You were successful, and I did consider letting them go, but I have decided against it.”

Cinder Star’s mouth fell open, but no words came out. She realized that Davengrowl was absolutely right. In her eagerness, she had, in fact, misinterpreted the bargain!

“Wait a minute!” said Goldenrod. “That’s not fair! Mr. Davengrowl, we had to change a pretty big part of our culture, and all we wanted in return was Cinder Star’s husband and my father! That’s it. And now you’re saying that we can’t have them back?!”

“This does seem more than a little unfair,” put in Light Shield.

“Please!” Goldenrod pleaded. “Let my friend’s husband, the prince, go! They love each other. They need to be together, and I need my daddy!”

While this conversation was taking place, down in the pit, Majestic and Mustard Seed began whispering. “You hear that, Mustard?!” asked Majestic, indignantly.

Mustard Seed nodded. “It sounds like the dragon is playing clever just to cheat us all!” he answered.

“That does it then,” murmured Majestic. “We have to escape, and we have to make our move now!”

“Now?” asked Mustard. “But we haven’t finished digging yet.” The two of them had not been idle while Cinder Star, Goldenrod, and Light Shield had gone back to the pony town. They had almost completed the ramp they had been digging. Almost, as they still had a little further to go.

Majestic paused, and then decided, “We’ve made it close enough. I can pull myself out, and then I’ll help lift you out with my magic. I just need you to give me all the strength you can to help pull your self out while I lift.”

“Not a problem, Jes,” replied Mustard. “Let’s get out of here!”

Majestic walked to the side of the pit opposite of the makeshift dirt ramp they had dug. He looked up first to make sure they were not being watched, and then he galloped as quickly and as quietly as he could for the ramp. The dirt ramp was not perfect and some of them sank under his hooves as he charged over them, but he was determined to make it out. Using all his strength, Majestic leapt forward, and managed to throw his fore hooves up onto the pit’s edge. He pushed against the dirt beneath him with his hind legs as he pulled himself forward and finally climbed out of the pit. He then turned around to help pull Mustard out as promised. He was now standing behind the boulders that had hid their digging from view, but he could still hear everything that was being said on the other side.

“Please, Mr. Davengrowl!” begged Cinder Star, her voice was now despairing. “I just want my Jes back, and Golden wants her father! What do I have to do for you to release them?” she asked.

“I am not without gratitude,” said Davengrowl. “I really do appreciate what you have done for all dragon kind, but if you want your friends back, I need you to give me a good reason to do so.”

Cinder Star became frantic as she desperately tried to come up with a good answer for Davengrowl. “W-Well,” she stammered, “Like Golden said, I love my Jes! I love him more than life itself!”

“I already know you love your husband,” said Davengrowl plainly. “That’s obvious.”

“I-I will give you anything you want in exchange,” Cinder Star offered. “My tiara, jewels from Unicornia, my glass slippers, ANYTHING!”

Davengrowl lifted his right fore talon and placed it on a large rock that sat next to the cave’s wall. With great ease, he pushed it aside, revealing a chamber filled with gold, jewels, and even a few crowns. “My father’s hoard is now mine,” he answered her. “As you can see, I don’t need a crown. I already have plenty of treasure, and why would I want your glass shoes? They wouldn’t even fit me.”

“Myself then?” suggested Cinder Star. “I will gladly trade myself, my life, for my husband’s!”

“What good would it do to simply trade one life for another?” Davengrowl flatly asked her. “In this case, a unicorn for an earth pony. Not much of a trade, don’t you think?

“You said it yourself before,” put in Goldenrod. “It clearly hurt you when you lost your father. I’m really sorry about what happened to you, but do you want to put that same pain on me, by taking away MY father?” she asked.

“That’s a fair point,” admitted Davengrowl, with a slow nod of his head. “But I need just a little something more.”

“Oh!” shouted Cinder Star in complete desperation. “Because I’M WITH FOAL, and I want my foal to grow up knowing his or her father!!”

That statement got everyone’s attention, and everyone starred in surprise at Cinder Star. “What?” asked Davengrowl.

“What!?” asked Goldenrod.

“What!!?” gasped Majestic. He had just pulled Mustard Seed from out of the pit, and then nearly dropped him in surprise. He popped his head up from behind the boulder in front of him, his eyes and mouth wide open.

“I thought so,” murmured Mulberry. “Mares just know these things.”

All was quiet for a moment, before Davengrowl quietly asked Cinder Star, “How far along are you?”

“About a month,” said Cinder Star. Tears were welling up in her eyes. “But it’s true! Please don’t take away my foal’s father, or Golden’s!”

“Alright,” replied Davengrowl, “Now THAT is a VERY good reason, and what I was looking for. I freely release both the unicorn and the pony back to you.”

“R-Really?” asked Cinder Star. The relief she suddenly felt run through her was almost too good to be true.

“Indeed,” said Davengrowl, as he looked back toward the pit and gave a small chuckle. “Even though it looks like they have just found a way to escape, I grant them their freedom.”

Cinder Star didn’t have to be told twice. She was already running toward Majestic, who had run out from behind the boulders to meet her. Reunited, they hugged each other tightly, and kissed each other several times. “Jes! Oh, Jes!” said Cinder Star between kisses.

“Star!” replied Majestic when he could. “My shinning Star!” After a few moments of pure joy, Majestic finally asked. “A foal, Star? OUR foal?! Why… Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I tried to, Jes!” answered Cinder Star. “Several times, but something, sometimes you, would always interrupt me, and I never got to tell you.”

“Oh, Star!” said Jes. “I’m so sorry! I promise to listen more closely to you from now on.”

“It’s all right now,” said Cinder Star. “We’re together again, and you know now.”

“Thank you for being there for me, Star,” replied Majestic, as they joined together again for a long, deep kiss.

Close by, Mustard Seed slowly limped around the happy couple. He smiled at them, and then at his daughter who was running to meet him. Goldenrod had tossed away her saddlebags, and was eagerly almost upon him! “Whoa, now, Golden,” he said. “Don’t knock me over, young one.”

Goldenrod slowed down, but she still wrapped her forelegs around her father’s neck and gave him the tightest hug she could. “Daddy!” she cried “I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too,” replied Mustard Seed as she rubbed his neck against hers. “My dear, little, Golden! I’m so proud of you!”

So many tears of joy were shed, including from those who were watching these beautiful reunions. “Isn’t that just so sweet?” Mulberry asked Light Shield.

“Indeed it is,” Light Shield replied. “It makes me think of my dear Rose Petal waiting for me back home,” he added with a smile.

“I’m glad that everything turned out well too,” said Davengrowl.

“Oh, yes…,” said Mulberry. She turned to Davengrowl. “That reminds me. I wanted to invite you to our new Dragon Festival as an honored guest. It will take place tomorrow night.”

“That’s right,” added Cinder Star, looking over from where she stood beside Majestic. “But we will never get there in time on hoof. Mister Davengrowl?” she asked. “Could you perhaps create another portal with your dragon fire?”

“I could,” answered Davengrowl. “But I have a better idea. I will fly you all to the pony village, myself, on my back.”

“On your back?” asked Goldenrod. “Can you do that?”

“Indeed I can, young lady,” laughed Davengrowl. “You better believe it! I’m definitely big enough for it. No problem at all!”

“Very well,” said Mulberry. “Let’s do it.”

“Just please be careful,” said Goldenrod. “My father still has a sore leg.”

“I will be gentle,” promised Davengrowl. “Dragons are graceful flyers after all.”

With that said, the ponies and unicorns followed Davengrowl outside the cave, where he then lowered his body to the ground and allowed them all to climb up onto his back and sit down. “Hold on, everyone,” said Davengrowl as he stretched out his wings, and with a few mighty flaps, he took off into the night sky.

Cinder Star was amazed at how graceful Davengrowl truly was as he flew. They soared through the sky, looking down at the fields of Pony Valley they had before galloped across twice.

“This is amazing!” called Goldenrod as she let the wind fly through her mane. “I feel like a pegasus!”

“It’s incredible!” Cinder Star replied. “This feels like freedom, in its highest sense!”

“It most certainly is!” Davengrowl called back. “Flying is all that and more!”

During their flight, Majestic looked at Light Shield and said, “Thank you, my friend, for taking care of Star through all of this.”

“Not at all,” answered Light Shield with a smile. “Actually is was Cinder Star who took care of us! She simply never gave up, and that encouraged us all!”

Cinder Star blushed as Majestic smiled and nestled closer to her.

Davengrowl didn’t stop until they had flown over the earth pony village. Down below, they could see the earth ponies all looking up at them with wonder and some worry. They circled around the village, and then Davengrowl gently landed in a field just outside the village so that everyone could climb down from his back easily. All the earth ponies came out to see this truly remarkable sight, though seeing a dragon so close to them did make them feel more than a little nervous.

Mulberry stepped down from Davengrowl’s back and addressed the crowd of earth ponies. “Good mares and stallions of Pony Valley! I would like you to meet our friend, Mr. Davengrowl the Dragon! He was kind enough to fly us all back, as you can see. We have made peace, and you will see that he is a very kind dragon, as I have invited him to our new Dragon Festival tomorrow!”

“Good evening, Earth Ponies,” said Davengrowl. “I am pleased to meet you.” Still the earth ponies were silent. “Don’t worry,” soothed Davengrowl. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, and I promise not to burn down anything down or blow smoke everywhere.”

That reassurance finally calmed the earth ponies down. Some of them still kept their distance, but the majority of them welcomed Davengrowl to Pony Valley as the welcomed back Duchess Mulberry, Mustard Seed, Goldenrod, and their friends from Unicornia. One of the guards who had accompanied Cinder Star and Majestic from Unicornia knew a healing spell, and with a touch of his horn, Mustard Seed’s leg was as good as new. The rest of the night was peaceful as all those who had participated in the latest adventure were so tired they fell asleep almost before they fell upon their beds, while Davengrowl slept under the stars outside the village.

The following day was a normal one for the earth ponies of Pony Valley, but a happy one, as everyone knew that all those who lived in the town and in the valley were back together again. The earth ponies went about their day as usual, and then they set about preparing for their second Dragon Festival with great excitement. Cinder Star, Majestic, and Light Shield were pleased to help out again, and even Davengrowl would lend his talons or wings wherever they were needed. As part of the preparations, the sword of Ranger Roadside was melted down and reshaped into a beautiful metal dragon. This was lifted up on a pole right in the center of the village square. At sunset, Duchess Mulberry once again declared the Dragon Festival open, and the festivities began.

Cinder Star and Majestic wore their royal regalia again for the festival. As Cinder Star looked around her, she could honestly say that she enjoyed THIS Dragon Festival better than the last, and it seemed that everyone else was enjoying it better as well, and it wasn’t the games or the feast. She reasoned it was because the ponies all now knew the truth about the past and were happy to put it behind them and start anew.

There was no stage play that night, because instead, Davengrowl was playing with all the earth pony foals. The young colts and fillies had come to really like Davengrowl once they had seen that he was a good dragon and pleasant to be around. Davengrowl enjoyed himself very much as he could easily pretend to be whatever was needed for any game the foals could come up with: a castle, a ship, a dragon (that one was easy). He laughed a lot with the foals, and their parents could not help but laugh along with them.

The last event of the festival was the great bonfire which was built in a prepared, safe location, outside the village. “Mr. Davengrowl,” Mulberry called out, “To display the majesty of the mighty dragons, would you please do us the honor of lighting our bonfire?”

“My pleasure, Duchess,” replied Davengrowl. He walked up to the large pile of wood, took a deep breath, and blew his dragon fire on the wood, causing it to light up immediately. The earth ponies applauded with cheers and stomping hooves as the bonfire grew and glowed brighter. “May this valley forever have peace and harmony!” declared Mulberry as Davengrowl bowed humbly, and then moved away from the center of attention.

All the earth ponies sat together with their families or loved ones to watch the flames dance before them. Cinder Star sat close beside Majestic. In front of them, she could see Goldenrod and Mustard Seed sitting together. Light Shield was sitting not far from Majestic, but, by his closed eyes and smile, Cinder Star could tell that he was imagining that Rose Petal was sitting beside him. Cinder Star closed her eyes and leaned against Majestic who lovingly nuzzled her. It was a perfect moment of bliss.

After a few moments, Cinder Star heard some large, but soft footsteps. She opened her eyes and turned to head to see Davengrowl now hunched down on the ground in the space next to her and Majestic. He wore a peaceful smile as he relaxed and watched the bonfire’s glow. Cinder Star then realized that she had a question for the dragon that only he could answer. “Um… Mr. Davengrowl?” she said softly to get his attention.

“Yes, Princess?” the dragon answered, as he turned to face her.

“There are two things that I don’t understand,” said Cinder Star. “You already had your dragon’s blood ready to go in a bottle. How did you know that we would need it?” she asked. “And then why did you help us make it back to the earth ponies so quickly with your fire portal?”

Davengrowl smiled. “The answer to both of your questions is one and the same, Princess,” he replied. “It was all part of my plan. I wanted you and your friends to succeed. You see,” he explained. “I wanted the earth ponies to learn and understand the truth about my father and the ranger, but I knew that none of them would have accepted it from me. They would have been too afraid to even listen to me, but… if I could get an earth pony or a small group of earth ponies to come to me, on my terms, I could tell them the true story. They would have to listen, and then all the earth ponies of the valley would accept the truth from them. I just needed to give that earth pony or ponies a reason to come to me first.”

The dragon lowered his head. “The only thing I could think of was to “borrow,” you could say, an earth pony or two,” he explained. “I hope you, and the young lady can forgive me for that. You came as I expected, and you listened to my story. So I had prepared a little of my own dragon’s blood for you to use, and then I helped you return to the rest of the earth ponies with my dragon’s fire after telling you the story. You would have to tell them the story to get them to change their celebration. When I looked into your eyes, I realized that I could trust you, Princess I could also see that you were hiding an important secret, and I wanted to know what it was. That’s why I asked you to give me a good reason to release your husband and the young lady’s father when you returned.”

“I see,” pondered Cinder Star. “It does all make sense now.”

“Well,” said Majestic, who had been listening, “While I would have preferred it if you had simply come to us and explained everything, I can understand why you did what you did.”

“And you only did it to restore your father’s good name, because you loved him,” concluded Cinder Star as she smiled at the dragon. “I forgive you, Mr. Davengrowl.”

“So do I,” said Majestic, with a nod of his head.

“Same here!” put in Goldenrod. She and her father had turned around to listen to Davengrowl as well. “At least it all turned out good in the end.”

“And that costume did look pretty silly anyway,” added Mustard Seed.

They all got a good laugh from that, and then they turned again to face the fading bonfire. After some time, Davengrowl looked at Cinder Star and said, “By the way, Princess, one more thing…”

“Yes, Mr. Davengrowl?” asked Cinder Star.

“You may call me Dave,” said Davengrowl the dragon.

The next morning, Davengrowl left the village and Pony Valley to go back to his cave in the southern hills. “We dragons like to be alone most of the time,” he told his new pony friends, “But I will pop by every once in a while.” He then said ‘good bye’ to everyone and thanked them for such a grand celebration.

“Good bye, Dave!” Cinder Star called out just before he left.

Davengrowl smiled at her. “You know,” he said, “That little foal you’re carrying there is going to have the best parents in all Sewell! Good luck, Princess!” he added with a wink, and with that, he flapped his wings and took off into the sky. Cinder Star and Majestic couldn’t help but smile warmly as they watched him until he had disappeared from view.

The rest of Cinder Star and Majestic’s visit to Pony Valley went without any serious incident. Nothing too exciting happened during their second week among their pony friends. The day after the second Dragon Festival, they met again with Duchess Mulberry to discuss the Equine River Treaty. Mulberry, of course, gave her blessing to the treaty. Her only condition was that the ponies would be able to build their own flour mill on the river as well, opposite that of the unicorn’s mill. Cinder Star and Majestic found this to be perfectly reasonable, and so the treaty was signed by both parties and made official.

Eventually, this treaty would come to represent more than just the building of two flour mills. Inspired by the wonderful union of Majestic and Cinder Star, this would mark the beginning of a mutual friendship between the unicorns and ponies alike.

Mulberry also graciously accepted the gifts Cinder Star and Majestic presented her. However, Cinder Star would give one special gift to Goldenrod instead. After the treaty was signed, she and Majestic went out to meet Goldenrod. Majestic carried a small wooden box in his horn’s magic. They found her outside her home playing a game of checkers with Mustard Seed. Goldenrod quickly jumped up from her seat when she saw them coming and bounced over to meet them. “Hello, Cinder Star! Hello, Majestic!” she cheerfully greeted her friends. “How did your meeting go?” she asked.

Cinder Star and Majestic both had to hold back a chuckle. Seeing Goldenrod so happy and bouncy always brightened up the day, even if the day was already bright. “Hello to you too, Miss Golden,” Majestic replied.

“Hello, my friend,” greeted Cinder Star. “It went very well today, but I actually wanted to see you about something else entirely.”

“Oh?” asked Goldenrod. “What’s that?”

“I wanted to thank you for all your help when we went to find Davengrowl after he took Jes, and your father,” said Cinder Star. “Thank you for coming with me and for supporting me when I needed it. You really are a good friend.”

“Ah, it was nothing,” replied Goldenrod as she blushed a little again and looked down at the ground. “I know you would have done the same for me. You wanted to find Majestic, and I wanted to find my father.”

“Still,” went on Cinder Star, “As a token of my gratitude, I want to give you this…” Majestic placed the wooden box down on the ground, and Cinder Star pushed it forward to Goldenrod with her nose. “For you, Golden.”

Goldenrod lifted the lid with her right fore hoof, and gasped. Inside the box, was a set of four golden slippers. “My very own pretty princess shoes!” she squealed in delight, and quickly slipped her hooves into them. They fit her hooves perfectly. She walked around in a circle to try them out, and then she rushed forward and threw her fore hooves around Cinder Star’s neck, giving her a tight hug, which Cinder Star gladly returned.

“Thank you!” cried Golden as she lowered herself down and rubbed her neck against Cinder Star’s shoulder. “Thank you so much, Cinder Star! You’re going to be a great mom! I just know it. Oh, hey! Now we can be twins!” said Golden as she put her gold slippered fore hoof next to Cinder Star’s glass slippered fore hoof.

“You’re very welcome!” laughed Cinder Star. “Thank you, Golden!

“Just be careful not to lose those slippers,” warned Majestic. “They are not easy to come by.”

“I won’t.” replied Goldenrod. “But… shouldn’t I lose just one at some point?” She grinned at Cinder Star, and then they all began to laugh together.

Cinder Star, Majestic, and Light Shield enjoyed several more enjoyable days among their earth pony friends and exploring the country around them, but the day finally came for them to return home to Unicornia. They were sad to leave Pony Valley and their friends, but they also missed their home and longed to return. They prepared for their five day journey the day before they left. Afterwards, they shared a special dinner that night with Mulberry, to which Goldenrod and Mustard seed were also invited.

All was ready the following morning. Light Shield made sure that the carriage and their guards were all set for the final trip home, and then he joined Cinder Star and Majestic in saying their good byes to all their earth pony friends. All the earth ponies of the village came out to the village square to see them off. Several tears were shed between Cinder Star and Goldenrod as they said ‘good bye’ to one another. “Thank you again, Golden, for everything,” said Cinder Star.

“No problem,” Goldenrod sniffled. “We will see each other again, right, Cinder Star?” she asked.

“We will,” replied Cinder Star as she hugged Goldenrod once more. “I promise, and you know that I always keep my promises.” They both laughed a little at that.

Goldenrod then walked slowly back to her father, who was talking with Majestic. “Thanks for helping me to get out of that pit, Jes,” said Mustard Seed.

“Anything for a friend, Mustard,” answered Majestic with a friendly shoulder bump. “I suppose we both set the bar high for tough situations.”

“That we did,” answered Mustard Seed.

“We were most honored to have you,” said Duchess Mulberry. “I wish you all good luck on your way home, but please remember that you are always welcome here. You are true friends of Pony Valley!”

“Thank you, Your Grace,” said Majestic with a final bow of respect.

“Farewell,” said Cinder Star with a final curtsy, “Until we meet again.”

With that said, Majestic helped Cinder Star into the carriage and then he climbed in himself and they were off with Light Shield trotting beside them. The journey home somehow seemed to go by faster than when they had came. The earth pony village was soon left far behind, and they crossed both the border and the Equine River before nightfall and rested that evening in their familiar country of Unicornia. As they went, Cinder Star, Majestic, and Light Shield laughed and recounted the stories they had to tell their unicorn family and friends when they returned to the castle.

Four days later, they at last sighted the unicorn town, and the castle beyond. As they neared the castle, a bell rang out, signaling their return. When they pulled into the castle’s court yard, King Imperial Might, Queen Aurora, Rose Petal, Cherry Blossom, and others were all waiting excitedly to welcome them back.

It was a truly wonderful feeling for everyone present as the carriage pulled to a stop, and Majestic helped Cinder Star out of it. Light Shield nearly toppled over when Rose Petal came running up to him and hugged him as tight as she could. “Shield!” Rose Petal exclaimed. “I really missed you! I’m so glad you’re back!”

“I missed you too,” replied Light Shield as he hugged his wife back, and then kissed her twice. “It’s been much too long! We have so much to catch up on, my dear! So much.”

“Welcome home!” declared Imperial Might to Majestic and Cinder Star as he and Aurora hugged them both. “I trust you had a pleasant and successful visit?”

“We most certainly did,” answered Majestic as he transferred the rolled up treaty from his magic to Imperial’s, “But a lot more happened than just a treaty. In fact, I would say that the treaty was the least of it.”

“We made several good friends, and we also had quite the unexpected adventure too while we were there,” added Cinder Star.

“Really?” asked Aurora as they turned to walk into the castle. “What happened? You must tell us everything.”

It took a while for Cinder Star and Majestic to tell them everything that had happened during their visit to Pony Valley, but everyone listening was amazed and stunned by the time they had finished their story. “My goodness!” said Imperial. “I am so pleased that you are all safe! Any visit to a foreign country has its risks, but I never thought you would run into such danger! You were both very brave, Sir Light Shield as well, but I would not have sent you if I had foreseen any trouble.”

Aurora turned to Cinder Star. “And we certainly would not have asked you to go, my dear, if we had known you were with foal!”

“It wasn’t you fault, Your Majesties, or anyone’s,” replied Cinder Star. “You couldn’t have known, and it did all come out right in the end.”

“And I certainly am glad that you did send Star with me,” confirmed Majestic. “It was thanks to her that our mission was so successful!”

“Oh, Jes,” said Cinder Star humbly as she blushed.

“Indeed,” said Imperial. “Sending Princess Star was apparently the right decision, all things considered.”

“But we are most happy to have you back home,” concluded Aurora.

“Thank you,” replied Majestic as he lifted Cinder Star’s hoof and held it on his own as they smiled at each other.

“And we are very happy to be home again,” finished Cinder Star.

As Cinder Star had promised her sister, she and Majestic had returned in time to attend Cherry Blossom and Sir Gallant’s wedding. Cinder Star was honored to help Cherry Blossom prepare for her wedding just as she had helped Rose Petal before with hers. It was a lovely ceremony. Sir Gallant, as usual, did not say much, but on his face was the broadest smile when he and Cherry Blossom said their ‘I dos,’ and then Cherry Blossom couldn’t kiss him fast enough.

. . .

Ten months later, The Kingdom of Unicornia would celebrate when it was announced to all that Princess Star had given birth to a filly. The Kingdom had a new little princess! In those months, Cinder Star and Majestic had continued to perform their royal duties. Cinder Star insisted on helping out, even as her barrel continued to grow more round, but Majestic couldn’t help feeling anxious. He would often rush to help Cinder Star or fulfill any small craving or need she may have. Cinder Star was not demanding by any means, however, Majestic insisted on giving his wife and child the best care. This went on until the day Cinder Star gave birth. Magus, who served as the castle’s wizard and doctor, a nurse, and Queen Aurora assisted Cinder Star in her and Majestic’s chambers, but Majestic was made to wait outside. He only had to wait twelve minutes, but to him it felt like twelve hours.

At last, Aurora opened the door and poked her head out. She smiled and said, “You may come in now, Majestic.”

Majestic walked in slowly and saw Cinder Star lying on their bed in the next room. Cinder Star was tired after her efforts, but as soon as she saw her husband she smiled. “Jes!” she called to him in a hushed voice. “Come and meet our daughter!”

Majestic quickly, but quietly walked up to the bed. He looked down, and gasped. There, nestled snugly beside Cinder Star was a little brown unicorn filly with a light blue mane and tail, and a tiny horn on her forehead. A large smile spread across Majestic’s face as he gazed down at his and Cinder Star’s daughter. “She’s so beautiful,” he whispered to his wife. “Just like you,” he said as he and Cinder Star shared a loving kiss.

The little filly opened her eyes and looked up at them, revealing that her eyes were royal blue. She gave them a curious look, and then yawned and tucked her head back down against her mother.

“She is so adorable!” whispered Aurora as she joined them. Majestic walked around the bed so that he stood behind Cinder Star to give his mother some room. “Have you thought of a name for her yet?” asked Aurora.

“Yes,” replied Cinder Star. “Serenity. In honor of the harmony we found between unicorns and ponies, and each other,” she said as she looked up at Majestic.

“I like that,” said Majestic with a nod of his head. “It’s the perfect name for her.”

“Serenity,” repeated Cinder Star as they looked down again at the little filly. She leaned her head forward and kissed their daughter’s forehead. “Our little Serenity.”

The End.

* The Machina Academy of Magic is owned by Ddraigtanto


Comments ( 3 )

Here is Cinder Star 3 at last! Look out for part 4!

wow a whole planet with no people just horses and mice , what would happen if humans did ever show up. i look forward to #4

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