• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 386 Views, 4 Comments

Accessories of Evil - Notowa

  • ...

Part 2: Just Friends

A raindrop was felt once the clouds settled, circulating around their general area. It was an odd time as it was sunny and hot the day before but felt just right when the mood set into their hearts of what came to be on their day.

I think of times where I felt down and lonesome. I had to look at why and, in all honesty, I didn't have any confidence in myself, nor did I... uh, felt deserving of friendship. Then, that led to anger, and I started to not like people because they didn't like me. I've been thrown out of fandoms and communities because I like to look at things differently. Even bashing the main ones who basically said they'll accept everyone for who they are and uh... preach friendship and love but inside was an isolated and controlling group of people.

What made me change my perspective, going through my dark and lonely times was the fact that I didn't put effort into anything. I demanded and demanded and never gave back. The reason friendships are built is because there's uh... compromise. They help you; you help them. And I, at some point, stopped helping others. Instead, I was one-sided about my relationship with others and they just couldn't take it anymore and stop sharing and providing help. I never thought I would be the one to take advantage of others but that is what it was.

It's not too late to change that but it is an easy thing to become but can be avoided once you see it and become aware of it. I wanted my stories, my art and my music to be popular but what have I done to give others a chance in the spotlight as well? Instead, I made it all about me and my spotlight. I want comments, I want views, or support, maybe even recognition? Then what am I doing to earn that? Sometimes it takes more than the work itself but to help build others up as well, that leads to building friendships.

As always... This is ImAnIdiotTryingToBeDeep.

"Interesting." Rarity said, as she drove. The new radio they installed in the truck had many new channels and their afternoon podcast host was talking on the subject of friendships.

"I know, right?" Sunflower said. "You think you know people... but sometimes, they can use you."

"Indeed." Rarity said. "It has become rather difficult to maintain friendships these days."

"It really has." Sunflower agreed, as she looked out to many passing streets. That still, somehow, has many people grouped together, smiling and enjoying their day. Even throughout the rain. "But there are some who continue to stay together. Even through the crazy weather."

"It's quite a sight to see at times, isn't it?" Rarity smiled. "No matter what, you'll always be together?"

"Yeah..." Sunflower smiled passively but thought of something in the back of her mind. "So, what are we up to today?"

"I'm glad you asked, darling." Rarity was delighted to say. "We are heading over to the workshop."

"Really?" Sunflower smiled.

"Yeah. I figured it would be a good time to spend the day while Applejack is out." Rarity said.

"That sounds lovely." Sunflower said. "Thank you."

They arrived at a large house. It was decorated with many variations of purples with a little bit of white highlights to draw attention to the board above the door which read: Rarity's Workshop.

"It's a working title." Rarity commented. "Before, when my glamorous career barely started to take off, it was something I always wanted to fix but never got around to it."

"I see." Sunflower said.

They entered, the living room was simple, yet had a sparkling white couch, light purple rugs, drapery and had blue gloss over every corner of the wall. It shined like diamonds and from the left to the right were doors that had labels for every person in the household. Sweetie Belle was first, then Rarity's, then off to another wall adjacent to Apple Bloom's.

"Apple Bloom stayed here?" Sunflower asked.

"She did but we had to move back to the farm after we heard about Granny Smith." Rarity answered. "It was nice but short-lived."

There was a non-labeled room next to Rarity's bedroom.

"What's in here?" Sunflower continued.

"Oh, this is where we enter into my walk-in closet." Rarity said. "And, where I made most of my designs. Come in!"

Rarity dragged her by the hand and entered inside. Once she switched the light, it became a wide and open space. It was immaculate, organized but with tools and sketches, fabrics and pieces of mannequins all over the floors. The dresses were sitting on the remaining standing mannequins; they were gorgeous in Sunflower's eyes. It gleamed with such brilliance, every fold, within every stitch and carefully placed jewels to make it eye-catching.

"They're so beautiful..." Sunflower said, amazed as she gazed upon all the dresses she had on display.

"You really think so?" Rarity blushed. "It's been so long since I've made them, it's honestly a miracle that they are still holding up."

"Rarity, this place is amazing!" Sunflower said ecstatically. "And, you said you never became popular with these amazing designs?!"

"Well, I was well-known but it never did take off like I thought it would." Rarity emphasized. "I was at my peak stardom when I was doing internet vlogs and music videos with my friends. But that too, was short-lived..."

"You miss it? Don't you?"

"I do."

"Why don't you just come back to work on them?"

"It's honestly the distance but also they needed my help around the farm."

"I see."

"I would want to eventually come back to doing something like this but... I'm needed elsewhere."

Sunflower looked away and examined the entirety of the workshop. Stacks of shoes, other dresses tucked inside large plastic coverings and large paintings that made the place feel much more alive.

Rarity sat down on a window sill, holding many pillows of all shapes and sizes. The different designs for certain placements of the body. The window was closed but allowed some light into the darkened corner. She could see the rainfall from the other side, gently touching against the clear and unmarked glass.

"Applejack fixed up this open closet for me." Rarity added.

"She did?" Sunflower said, as she turned to look at her.

"Yep." Rarity said. "It was before we decided to really take our relationship seriously. It was just a favor but I believe she always had something with me."

"Well, she was not wrong." Sunflower smiled. Rarity smiled.

"It was a simpler time, I still hold dear." Rarity added.

After Rarity said that, Sunflower started to think of her own life. It once started with a simple family, on an open farm, working to keep the animals smiling and the ground flourishing with crops for them to eat. Until some shady business people came, took it all away. Barely keeping up with the demands.

"Sunflower?" Rarity asked, as she looked into her focused and saddened eyes. "Are you alright, my dear?" She held her hand up to her and she immediately snapped out of her trance. She flinched, as if she had forgotten where she was.

"I'm fine." Sunflower said.

"Darling, you're okay to share anything with me." Rarity suggested. "We're all here to help!"

Sunflower looked away and allowed her curls to cover her reddened eyes. Rarity knew she saw her eyes glisten like Applejack's when she pouted with fear and sadness.

"You know?" Sunflower asked. Rarity listened in. "You all have been a great help so far, what if I helped you?"

"What do you mean?" Rarity questioned.

"Well..." Sunflower turned back and sat next to her. "You said it's been awhile since you've worked on your fashion career... What if I helped you get back into it. I'm sure people who enjoy your work are waitin' for more?!"

"Y-you mean it?" Rarity said with a more heightened tone.

"I do." Sunflower said. "What if we worked on somethin' together and make a sweet comeback!"

"Okay!" Rarity smiled.

"What the hell, Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

"Scootaloo, stop!" Sweetie Belle begged. "She didn't mean for anything to happen!"

"She knows that I despise Diamond Tiara!"

"She's changed, Scootaloo..." Apple Bloom cried.

"No she hasn't!" Scootaloo replied. "She is just the same!"

"Scootaloo enough!" Sweetie Belle yelled. "Just drop it!"

"I'm sorry..." Apple Bloom cried. "I just... I just wanted all of us to be together..."

"Apple Bloom, it's not your fault." Sweetie Belle said, as she went up to give Apple Bloom a hug. She flinched and her arms coware away from her. "Scootaloo, please do something."

Scootaloo remained silent. She looked away and felt a small raindrop fall on her nose. She looked up and never noticed the gray clouds becoming darker and darker. The movement quickened, as did the winds. She saw a single strand of light and began to think of her actions.

She began to walk the other direction before she could say anything.

From the window of the small shack, Babs watched them. She saw them walk away one by one but all in different directions. She thought of how terrible things have gotten since the time she arrived. She started to see the rainfall, as it hit the glass outside of the window. It felt refreshing to her and maybe they all needed the time to think about themselves.

"I don't know what their deal is." Babs spoke in a monotone voice.

"I guess it's my fault." Diamond Tiara responded.

"Why?" Babs replied. "You did nothing wrong."

"No, in the past, I have." Diamond admitted.

"So, I guess it was true."


"Apple Bloom mentioned that you were kind of mean to them but after you and Apple Bloom started talkin', I guess you became close?"

"Sure. But I knew both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would have a hard time accepting me. So, I decided I shouldn't join. As much as Apple Bloom was pushing me into it, I felt uncomfortable. As you can see, Scootaloo is the worst at hiding how she feels about me."

"I can understand that. But I won't allow that to happen again!"

"Why are you all the sudden being protective of us?" Silver Spoon mentioned. "We barely know you."

"Yeah, that's true. But I can't handle fighting like that. There's no reason for it." Babs said, as she blushed. "I think the both of you are just misunderstood, like... maybe there were things going on in your life that happened and so you sort of took it out... on them..."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked at each other. Diamond came up to Babs, Babs was backed into the corner.

"I was a little reluctant to meet you but..." Diamond said, as she looked up into her eyes. "Now, I'm glad you're with us."

Silver Spoon walked up to her as well.

"Maybe you could help us, in wanting to change things around here?" Silver said.

Babs quietly nodded her head. They walked away and took a seat in their new environment.

"This place is not bad." Diamond said. "Could be better."

"Yeah, I guess this is ours?" Silver asked. "What do you think Babs?"

Babs remained silent, as she looked up at them. She leaned against the wall, crossed her arms and thought about it.

"Yeah, it could." Babs agreed. "What should we be, since we are the rejects of the Crusader's?"

"Hmm, how about just calling us the Rejects?" Diamond suggested.

"Sounds kind of generic but I wouldn't mind either way." Babs smiled.

"Sounds good to me." Silver said, as she stood up. "How about we commemorate this day as the Rejects!"

"Yeah!" Diamond and Babs yelled. Silver held up something in the shining light above.

She arrived home, after being drenched again in mud and water. As she opened the door, she recognized that something was off.

"Hey?!" Apple Bloom shouted. Her voice echoed, without a response but her own. "Anybody home?" She continued inside but there seemed to be no one in sight. All alone it seems, Apple Bloom thought.

She walked up to her bedroom and remembered it was not her bedroom anymore. She took away her belongings, placed them out of sight and carried the bed out the bedroom. There was no hesitation, as she felt like not being in anyone else's presence. Her mistake caused her friends to separate. Maybe she could have done it differently, maybe ask her friends if it was okay for Diamond to be there too? It's been a while since she saw Scootaloo erupt like that but the both of them were never really good to each other. She should have thought about that before she invited them.

Placing the bed inside a small closet and placing her clothes beside her. She laid silently in tears. All the work she had done to make Diamond happy. She became her friend, even developed certain feelings for her; it shattered.

There was an uncomfortable silence that swept all throughout the house. They entered together, as it seems the adults are out. Like always, Scootaloo thought. She never really noticed until she realized how empty the place had become. Even though she was not alone, the place always felt like it was just her and no one else. Then, she came seeking refuge from her life being thrown into a different world. She became a beacon of hope, bringing light into her life like nothing before. Yet, she would never admit it.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle walked in and took a seat at the broken and beaten couch in the living room. As bad as it was, it was still comfortable. Not saying a single word, as Scootaloo turned on the TV. It was set to only one channel. The news explained the questionable weather they've been experiencing, considering the intense heat wave that turned into a light shower that will soon be tampered down with heavy rain and wind. The change of setting felt like it was unexpected.

"Scootaloo..." Sweetie Belle whispered quietly, as she broke the silence. "We need to talk."

"About what?" Scootaloo replied.

"Seriously?!" Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes in disgust. "Are we just going to ignore the fact that Apple Bloom is upset and we got our clubhouse taken away?"

"First off, Apple Bloom should already know that I don't like Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon!" Scootaloo turned to face her, lashing out her emotions like she couldn't control it. "And second, I could have stopped them but you had to butt in!"

"Wow, I can't believe how selfish you're acting?" Sweetie explained. "Apple Bloom only started hanging around Diamond Tiara after we graduated."

"She did?" Scootaloo questioned. "How did you know about that?!"

"Hello? I lived with her?!" Sweetie Belle admitted sarcastically. "As crazy as it was, I got to know her. It was like having another sister. Considering she had troubles with losing someone close and I had to be there for her."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?!" Scootaloo said. "Why wasn't I involved?!"

"I figured, you being you... just remain as you are with her." Sweetie Belle explained.

"What? What is that supposed to mean?!"

"I didn't want anything to change! But I knew once you found out, you were going to do all that you can to disapprove of Diamond's involvement. Apple Bloom has been wanting to make Diamond a part of our club."

"She did?!"

"Yes. But maybe she just thought... when she brought a new member, maybe you might consider expanding on their end as well."

"We tried. Remember?! How many times have we gone through the pain of trying to reform Diamond or Silver?! They didn't want to change and from what I care, they will never change!"

"Apple Bloom believes they have, it was just deciding on the right time to re-introduce them."

"I don't believe they have, alright?"

"Okay, fine. But you wanting to fight or do something will only make things worse."

"I don't care! I don't want them around anyway! They've taken our clubhouse! They're going to trash the place, I just know it!"

"Even if they do, could we find another?"

"You just don't get it!" Scootaloo said, as she turned to face away from Sweetie Belle.

"Scootaloo..." Sweetie Belle saw that she was attached to the old shack, as she remembered it was her and Apple Bloom's first discovery. It meant everything. She sat a little closer to Scootaloo and placed her small hand over her left sharpened shoulder.

"I'm glad you and Apple Bloom have grown close." Scootaloo said quietly. "But we've been best friends since elementary school! Why doesn't she believe me about Diamond still being the exact same?!"

"Because... if it wasn't for Apple Bloom, I wouldn't be here either."

Scootaloo was silent.

"She told me about the time in middle school, you didn't like me. You thought I was just like Diamond. But if it wasn't for Apple Bloom coming to talk to me, I wouldn't have known you. And, I was bullied by Diamond and Silver as well. But I'm willing to let that go, for her."

"It was her that stepped in before I did, huh?"

"Yes and after you both saved me from them bullying me, everything changed. And, if Apple Bloom trusts her, then I will too." Sweetie Belle said, in a much calming voice. It struck Scootaloo's heartstrings, which made her tear up.

"I... just can't..." Scootaloo cried, as she dropped her head further to the cushion.

"I know it's hard but Apple Bloom see's the good in everyone. Wouldn't you give her a chance?"

"I don't know..."

"Would you, at least, talk to her... apologize for earlier? Maybe invite her to do something with us?" Scootaloo looked at her and thought it did get carried away. She felt it would be better if they just stuck together.

"Yeah, okay..."

"Apple Bloom?!" Scootaloo shouted, as she knocked on the door.

"She's not in the barn." Sweetie Belle said, as she walked out of the front gates. "Their truck isn't even here? Maybe they went out?"

"No one's answering, so I'm assuming so..." Scootaloo said, as she pouted.

"Do you want to wait for her?" Sweetie Belle asked, as she patted her shoulder. "Until they get back?"

Scootaloo nudged the door handle to see if it would open. It did. Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo, as she slowly walked in.

"Apple Bloom?!" Scootaloo shouted again. They both quietly walked inside but it was empty.

They both walked up to the bedrooms upstairs. All of them seemed to be empty and no sign of anybody. Scootaloo got a little frustrated, as she felt that she can't express her feelings in any other way. Sweetie Belle was aware of her annoyance, in which she asked her to go with her somewhere.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Apple Bloom's eyes opened. She forgot where she was and immediately opened the closet door.

She walked down the stairs to see if anyone had walked in but there was still no one inside. Looking out the window, she saw both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walk away down the entry and into the neighboring street. As much as she wanted to join them both, she still didn't feel right about the situation. She smiled, happy that they have each other's back.

As she went up to lock the door, she began to remember her time with Sweetie Belle.

At first, she was not too thrilled about being in the same household. Everything about her changed whenever Applejack would go over to their place to stay or to chat, which eventually led to their bedroom. Of course, she just barely got the message that they were physically intimate, which she also barely got why Sweetie Belle was uncomfortable in the first place. They needed privacy but she had nowhere to go.

Both of them would walk somewhere on their own. At first, reluctant to include her as well but they were together now and nothing about their relationship had to change.

They ended up at the park, both of them sitting side by side on the swing set. Apple Bloom would try to get as high as she could but Sweetie Belle would just lightly kick her feet to swing with a little motion.

Apple Bloom saw that she was not having fun being out all the time but she didn't want to be alone. She wanted to ask her something, as she felt that she really didn't have much to talk about. She stopped herself and would slowly approach her until they met each other's eyes. She knew something was up, so she had to ask.

"Where would you usually go?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I would walk to Scootaloo's." Sweetie Belle answered.

"You would?" Apple Bloom continued.

"I would." Sweetie Belle would smile on the thought. "Her place was really messy. Clothes everywhere, trash piled up and dishes were caked in grub."

"Ew." Apple Bloom expressed. "Did it change when you went over there?"

"It had to be." Sweetie Belle looked up at her. "Until she got the idea and started to fix it up before I would arrive. Like she was expected to."

"That's pretty considerate of her." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah..." Sweetie Belle said, her tone was quiet and slightly annoyed. She looked the other way and then stared at her feet in the sand.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked. They made eye contact again.

Sweetie Belle got the idea that she had something against Apple Bloom being there all the time as well. But it wasn't her fault. She had nothing to do with her situation. She was just doing what she was told to do. Unlike her older sister, who could have been a little considerate of her feelings. Apple Bloom, at the very least, tried. Sweetie Belle thought it wasn't right for her to treat her that way as well. She would never admit it.

"Do you want to see her?" Apple Bloom asked. Sweetie Belle's head perked up but didn't know how to respond. "You could go."

"What about you?" Sweetie Belle asked, as she turned to face her.

"I'm fine stayin' here." Apple Bloom smiled. She knew Sweetie Belle was starting to feel differently between them. It was all so sudden and not much they could have done unless they were to end their relationship entirely. Even for being together, they all have something going on that doesn't involve each other. Sweetie Belle was surprised that Apple Bloom understood anything like it.

She got up, feeling guilty for leaving her. She looked back, as Apple Bloom continued to swing as if nothing was wrong.

A few moments later, Sweetie Belle came back with Scootaloo and together they hung out until the sun started to set into the wilderness outside of Canterlot City.

The light breeze carried them to their next destination. Fortunately, it stopped raining for a bit, allowing them to walk out without the need for cover. It was still chilly, which made them want to sit somewhere warm and cozy.

A small diner just a few blocks down the road, it was a family-owned restaurant. It held some of the more rare antiques of old town Canterlot, when it was just starting up from log cabins, a few drug stores and a few saloons. They had some old photos of their time and some were labeled as their first establishment, family photos and some of the old farmhouses. Even times when the Apple Family started their orchard.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took a seat at the nearest booth by the fireplace. They felt the warmth peering and took away all the goosebumps. Sweetie Belle could tell Scootaloo was still a little upset about earlier. She took the time to calm herself before asking her a question.

"What are you going to have for today?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know..." Scootaloo replied. "I haven't really been craving anything."

"Well, you can order whatever you want." Sweetie Belle gestured, as she watched Scootaloo scan the menu.

"You don't have to..."

"No, go ahead." Sweetie Belle interrupted. "I'm treating you today!"

"For what?" Scootaloo said, as she felt weird about the situation. "I did nothing to deserve it?"

"Well, since the time I started coming over to your place, I saw that you kept it up pretty well!" Sweetie Belle said, as she looked down at the menu, hiding her face beneath the laminated pictures and words. "I'd say you deserve it!"

"What about Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo mentioned.

"You still went over to try and talk to her, right?" Sweetie Belle responded. "At least, you tried. Okay?"

Scootaloo couldn't say anything but the thought of her wanting to do stuff for her was something she remembered.

It was unexpected, in the middle of the day, she came by with tears and had to get away.

It was an awkward encounter, with nothing to say but wanted it clean, just how filthy the place was as she sat with her, in order for her to stay.

She picked up the garbage, washed the clothes, cleaned the dishes and placed everything where they needed to go.

It took her mind off the mess she can't clean, or have a say so, she demanded more from me and wanted this to be the place she can go.

Now it was expected, as hard as it was to keep up, I began to like it and I never gave it up.

As crazy as it sounded to Scootaloo, there was something empty in her life. Since her best girl, Rainbow Dash, began to hang out with her new girlfriend. She wasn't around to keep her company anymore.

There were times when Scootaloo called her but she never picked up. Whenever she did, she was out all the time with her new best friend. She ended her contact with her and gave up entirely.

"Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo looked up at her and did not notice the waitress was standing there awaiting her order.

"Sorry..." Scootaloo said, as she glanced over the menu again.

"Do you need more time to decide?" The waitress asked.

"No..." Scootaloo said. She ordered and watched the waitress walk toward the kitchen.

"You okay?" Sweetie Belle questioned.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something." Scootaloo said.

"What were you thinking about?" Sweetie Belle said, as she sat closer and adjusted herself in the seat.

"I... since the time you started coming over." Scootaloo admitted.

"Oh yeah?" Sweetie Belle smiled. "You really did keep it nice since then."

"I know." Scootaloo said, as she began to blush. "But only because I knew you would be upset with me if I didn't." Sweetie Belle laughed. Scootaloo smiled as she shook her head. "So, are you going back to the barn after we're done?"

"What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked, as her smile dropped down.

"Well, Rarity has been staying over there more, do you go over there too?"


"Where do you usually stay?"

"At home?"

"You've just been home alone?"

"Yeah. It's honestly been peaceful."

"What about Apple Bloom?"

"Well, she does a lot around the barn, so she hasn't been able to come back."

"Is she okay with that?"

"I don't know. She hasn't said anything since she sent that text yesterday."

"Maybe she felt lonesome too." Scootaloo whispered. Sweetie Belle read her lips.

"Hey, it's okay. Now that we know, maybe we should hang out more?" Sweetie Belle said. "Just like old times!"

"But what about Babs and the other two?" Scootaloo mentioned.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out, okay?"

Scootaloo nodded her head and Sweetie Belle smiled. Scootaloo looked down to where Sweetie Belle's hand was. It was placed firmly on the wooden table, it was empty. Scootaloo scooted closer and lightly placed her hand over her's. Sweetie Belle wasn't paying attention until she felt something touch her. She looked down and saw her hand. The both of them were unsure what to do, so they both took their hands away and looked in opposite directions.

They heard the door open and heard laughter just as they walked in. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle turned their attention toward the door and it was Babs with Diamond and Silver. Diamond locked eyes with Scootaloo, as they made their way to them.

"Hey there, tomboy!" Diamond said sarcastically. "Are you here with your girlfriend?"

The other two laughed. Scootaloo looked away and didn't want to pay attention to her.

"Go away, Diamond." Sweetie Belle said.

"I thought Apple Bloom invited us to hang out together?" Babs said, as she stepped into the conversation. "So, let's hang out together!"

"Yeah, that's true!" Silver said. "She wanted us to join in. I'm sure it was all part of her plan, right?"

Scootaloo felt her anger rise but tried to resist her urge to fight.

"What's the matter?" Diamond mocked. "You guys want some alone time?" They all kept laughing at the both of them. Sweetie Belle felt uncomfortable and got angry at them. "So you can suck each other's neck?"

"Stop it!" Sweetie Belle said. "Just leave us alone!"

"Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, sitting in the tree..." Diamond sang, as the other two joined in to finish the rest of the song.

Scootaloo jumped from her seat.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Scootaloo yelled, everyone in the diner looked back at the screaming girl. Everyone was silent.

"Damn, that's gotta be the most embarrassing thing I've seen today!" Babs commented, as she sat next to Sweetie Belle and got too close to her. "Well, since she's not your's... how about it?'' The others laughed. Scootaloo was heated and was about ready to attack.

"Stop it!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

The manager went over to the table.

"You two need to leave!" The manager said, while looking down at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "You are causing a disturbance and I will not allow that in my restaurant!"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were immediately taken out the door.

"Why does Diamond and Silver always have to ruin everything?!" Scootaloo said, as she walked down the street. "They just won't stop!" She looked back and Sweetie Belle was still standing at the corner. She walked up to her but she looked the other way, not saying a word. "Sweetie Belle?" Sweetie Belle crossed her arms and turned away. "Hey? Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle ran from her. Gunning it down the other side and didn't look back. She could hear her crying from the other street. Scootaloo stopped feeling angry and began to feel upset at herself. There was a cry in the air, she looked up and saw lightning above. And felt another drop on her face, as it hit her eyelid. It came down, almost like a tear would, if she ever let one out.

Applejack stopped by the nearest deli she could find. She asked for a coffee, having it plain, dark and not sweet. She was browsing through endless piles of newspapers to find a place for Sunflower and Babs to stay. But after going to a few of them on foot, none of them seemed fitting, nor affordable.

"Dammit!" Applejack shouted, as she placed the newspaper down with brute force. Everyone jumped out of their seats and watched her. "Why do all these places have to be so damn expensive! My income alone can't even afford any of these "low prices.""

She took a sip of her coffee and everyone around her continued on their normal business. Taking a deep breath and continue to look through the papers. She tossed them and gave up trying to look. She laid her head down and tried to take her mind off of it. Until she felt a buzzing noise coming from her jean pockets. There was a recent message that said updates from Rarity. It seemed she started taking photos and posting them online.

It took awhile but Applejack got the hang of using smartphones. Rarity bought her one because she was sick and tired of Applejack not wanting to be her "GF" on social media. She started using it when she did internet vlogs with her friends but it wasn't long until she stopped updating on it.

This time, she saw new photos of Rarity and Sunflower showcasing their newest designs. Posing in front of the camera and editing emojis and other filters on the sides with her in the center. A few of them were together and looked like they were enjoying their time together.

"At least, they're enjoying themselves." Applejack commented, as she smiled. She put a comment on the main page, "Looks like you two are having a good time!" Almost immediately Rarity commented, "The best time!" Applejack chuckled. Rarity responded again with "3," as did Applejack. She never got the idea of emojis but she knew how to use a few of them, as they were self-explanatory. But she never got why the most used one was always the eggplant. People must really love them, she thought.

Rarity and Sunflower were about to show their next line but had to take a break from running in and out of the restroom to change into a new outfit. They were exhausted but were eager to do more.

"Wow, people are really starting to like our new designs!" Rarity squealed.

"See, what did I tell ya." Sunflower said. "People really like your work, especially me!"

"I know, I can't thank you enough!" Rarity said, as she kept reading more comments and refreshing it to see more likes and shares being added.

"Oh please, it's the least I can do, for all that you and Applejack have done for us." Sunflower mentioned.

"Look, over 2,000 views in under an hour!" Rarity said, as she placed the phone in Sunflower's face. "That's the most I've ever gotten since!"

"Sweet!" Sunflower said, as she took the phone away. "So, should we get back to postin' new ones?"

"Yes!" Rarity shouted. "The more we post, the more views we'll get. I'm so happy!"

"That's great!" Sunflower said, as she started stripping off the outfit she wore.

"Uhh... Sunflower?" Rarity questioned. Sunflower looked at her, unsure of what she was flustered about. "Aren't you going to use the restroom?"

"Well, I figured..." Sunflower said, as she continued slowly. "We waste most of the time exchanging outfits in the restroom, we'll be able to get it out there quicker if we just did it out here."

"Well, I could see the point in that but..." Rarity said, as she tried her hardest to look the other direction.

"If you're shy, I'll turn the other way?" Sunflower suggested.

"Very well then..." Rarity said, as she placed her phone down and turned the other direction. She was reluctant to take off her new dress she made in the same room as her friend. But she wanted them to see more, so she complied with Sunflower's suggestion.

Just as Rarity started stripping herself down into her bra and spankies, Sunflower glanced over and saw the entirety of her shape. Every surface of her was perfectly round, every part of her skin was flawless and every inch of her was covered in that sweet green apple scent sensation. It was intoxicating, she had a natural aphrodisiac that would make any male turn zombie-like. Brain-dead and hungry for that flesh. Applejack was one lucky bitch, Sunflower thought, as she grinned.

Rarity felt being watched, so she turned for a second to look to see if Sunflower was actually true to her word about looking the other way. She was, had her body turned the other direction as she placed the heels for her next outfit. However, there was something that made Rarity take a second glance. It was a large scar that looked as if it was smeared skin covering up something.

Babs, Diamond and Silver were sitting where Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were sitting. None of them thought they were the ones to be kicked out of the restaurant. They watched as Sweetie Belle ran from one direction and Scootaloo slowly walked down the other way.

"You know something?" Babs questioned.

"What is it?" Diamond continued.

"I find it facinatin' that I'm able to talk my way out of things. Maybe we are just able to do that with no consequence?" Babs said, as she was given food from the waitress.

The waitress thought she looked a little different from before, but she wasn't really paying attention. She brought the other to Diamond Tiara. She also thought she looked different, but nothing made her more unsure than the third girl in the booth.

"I'm so sorry, I must have not seen you there..." The Waitress stuttered. "I should have already taken your order, but I didn't know..."

"Yeah, she was in the restroom." Babs said.

"My goodness, how foolish of me..." The Waitress began to hyperventilate. "Please, order anything you want and the meal is on me, okay? I'm so sorry for not being patient enough..."

"That's okay." Silver smiled. Silver ordered but she was unsure if she was even hungry, just the thought of her getting something entirely free was exhilarating.

"Damn, I can't believe that worked?" Diamond said. "Perhaps there is something we can do to get what we want!"

"Yeah, let's see who can get the most out of the day, placing the blame on others?" Babs suggested.

"I'm in!" Silver said.

"As part of the Reject's first mission!" Diamond said, as the other two shouted "Yeah!"

After they had their meal, they took it to the streets of Canterlot City.

From the all the convenience stores, they distracted people with some of the common mishaps any store would have trouble with, such as making people wait longer in lines because most of the workers were on duty to clean and fix inventory, not being able to find the items they needed, or making an inconvenience for them to get the things they wanted with multiple liquid spills or misplaced items on the floors. They placed the blame on whoever was on maintenance and stated that the people on shift were lazy and were not paying attention toward the customers. After the manager got after everyone that was working, they were rewarded with anything they wanted from them if they didn't tell anyone. By trying to keep morale in the business as they say, they agreed.

In the movie theater, after causing someone to fall and drop their concessions onto another person, they pointed that person out and was detained by the security. After the person thanked them, they talked the person into buying them tickets for an R-rated movie as a reward. It seemed reasonable and after not being able to attend the theater with butter and soda all over the clothes, the person gave them the tickets they already bought, plus the tickets they wanted.

All throughout the mall, Babs would snatch items away from people but return it later with Diamond or Silver handing it back. With their cute and innocent-like nature, the people who had their items returned would reward them for their good behavior with money, or with gifts from the store they were currently browsing.

They ended everything off with the ol' fake injury stunt, after Diamond or Silver acted being injured by people walking out of the store, or driving and unexpectedly bumping into something on the road; Babs would come in and place the blame on whoever they encountered. They were overcompensated with people's pity and empathy to give them all that they wanted to calm them down and promised not to take it to the police or any emergency care. Only one old lady called the police herself but by then, they took off without a single trace of them left.

They stopped in at the Crusader's Clubhouse and placed down all their new stuff from the day.

"Man, makin' people worry and upset, made everythin' feel so excitin'!" Babs said, as she laid on the couch with new decorative blankets and pillows, she was rewarded.

"Yeah, I know." Diamond Tiara said, as she was sitting on a giant white bean bag. All of her items she received were placed beside her. "Taking advantage of others is fun!"

"Just think of what more we can do together!" Silver said, as she was sipping tea from a new porcelain teapot with matching tea cups, surrounded by an endless tray of cakes, cookies and muffins. "We could make this city ours for the taking!"

"You said it!" Babs said, as she stood up.

"You know something..." Diamond said, as she stood up with Babs, the both of them leaned against the same wall. "I think, since you arrived, you made everything fun again."

"Oh yeah?" Babs said, as she moved in closer.

"Yeah, you're nothing like Apple Bloom." Diamond smiled. "She's too innocent and too nice to even try."

"Yeah?" Babs agreed. "What do you like better?"

"What do you mean?" Diamond chuckled, as she gestured herself to sit more firmly on the wall.

"I mean, do you like me?" Babs questioned, as she lowered her voice to a more seductive tone. "Do you like what I do for you?"

"I do." Diamond admitted, as she kept her eyes on her. She examined her face. She has a strong physique, she was built yet still had enough to make her noticeably a girl. She has those emerald green, narrow eyes, a few freckles on her cheeks, whenever she smiles, she has dimples. Cleft chin and could pull off having short hair. She could see the blinding glare of her earrings on her right side of her ear. Her hair covers almost all the left side of her face but she would often wave her head to make it go back. "You're fun to be with."

"Oh yeah?" Babs said, as she came closer to her. She could smell a certain perfume that she could taste, which was flavored like crushed cherries. There was an unnatural beauty towards her, like there was nothing wrong with her. She was beautiful but under that beauty was something sinister and cruel. "You know what I like about you?"

"What?" Diamond continued.

"Your eyes, the way you dress..." Babs said, whispering as she felt her breath touch her ears. "Your lips."

"Flattery?" Diamond questioned sarcastically. "You're bad."

"I am bad, I'm a bad seed." Babs played, as Diamond remembered what she said to her when she met her. "That's why I like you."

"You like me?"

"I do. That power, that darkness that resonates inside you." Babs said, as Diamond felt her words circle around her mind. "How mean you can be. I like it."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, so what do you say?" Babs said, as she picked up her right hand and brought it to her face. "Be mean to me, hurt me."

"You're pathetic!" Diamond said, as she swiped her hand away from her.

"That's right." Babs grinned.

"I'm not attracted to you."

"That's too bad. Because I am."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Let me touch your lips."

"You like my lips that much?"

"I do. I want to taste you. I want to feel your moist breath on me. Take me in."

"Well, I have never kissed anyone before."

"Neither have I."


Babs and Diamond came together and let their lips touch. Silver quickly snapped a photo of them, in their moment.

It was starting to get late the last time Rarity glanced at her phone. She began to edit her photos and videos of their new designs. Sunflower was changing back to the clothes she wore earlier.

"Alright, that's the last of them!" Rarity was delighted, as she saw people still enjoying her updates.

"That's great!" Sunflower agreed, as she sat down next to her to look at them. She saw all the photos she was in but didn't really like them as much as she thought. Rarity took notice, as she was right beside her and felt her humming in an almost disappointed tone.

"Is something wrong, Sunflower?" Rarity asked, as she placed her arm over her back.

"It's nothin'..." Sunflower said, hesitant to respond.

"Nothing?" Rarity questioned. "Is it the designs?"

"No, it's not that at all!" Sunflower stated, as her hands fidgeted to show her cautious attitude towards something about the pictures. "It's just..."

"What's the matter darling?" Rarity asked politely, to make her eased of any stress, to confess her feelings toward the updates. "You can tell me anything!"

"Well... it's just... you look so well in all of these photos." Sunflower admitted. "Look at all the responses you've received... but when you look at mine..."

"Oh sweetheart, they just never seen you before." Rarity suggested. "You're new and maybe they just weren't sure about how to respond."

"No... I'm just not that good-lookin'..." Sunflower pouted.

"That's not true, darling." Rarity continued. "You are very beautiful! I just been a part of this community for a while, so they know me and everything that I do. But you, you're new and sometimes it takes a while for people to see the potential you have!"

"You really think so?" Sunflower questioned, as she looked deep into her glistening blue eyes.

"I do." Rarity said. "You have much potential! They just need to get to know you better, what styles express you the most and what type of theme suits you well? You know?"

"You're too kind..." Sunflower said, as she looked away feeling a little too giddy.

"No, it's true!" Rarity said. "I promise, the more work we accomplish on these things together, I'm sure you will gain far more in the community!"

"Thank you." Sunflower said, as she smiled. Rarity hugged her and quietly said "you're welcome."

"You have helped me regain my focus in the fashion scene more than you can imagine, I can't thank you enough!" Rarity expressed. Sunflower allowed herself some space, before she dragged herself in to give her a peck of her lips. Rarity was stunned, feeling her heart skip a beat, her breathing slowed, nor was able to react to her gesture.

Sunflower let herself go. She got up to use the restroom, as Rarity was utterly shocked and could not focus on anything. Her eyes were glued toward the door they entered into but in her mind was trying to register the action that was taken.

Just as soon as Rarity blinked, her phone went off, as it was Applejack calling. She jumped at the loudness of her ringtone, as she stopped hearing anything altogether.

She slowly answered the phone.

"Hello?" Rarity said quietly.

"Rarity, where are you guys at?" Applejack responded.

"At the workshop." Rarity was at a loss of words and couldn't speak clearly.

"Well, I've been texting you for like fifteen minutes but I didn't get anythin'?!" Applejack argued.

"Sorry, I got caught up with something..." Rarity said and shook her head to think. She looked down at her phone and saw the messages appear above her screen.

"Alright, it's gettin' late and I need a ride home." Applejack said.

"Okay, be there in a sec." Rarity said.


Just before walking out the door, Rarity saw Sweetie Belle walk past her. Not saying a word, nor even acknowledging her presence at the door.

"Sweetie Belle?" Rarity whispered softly but did not attempt to ask her anything. She didn't have any control of herself to convince her to come to the barn. She allowed her to stay alone at the house, not wanting to bother anyone.

It was a long and quiet drive to pick Applejack up. It was even quieter when she was there, as Applejack took the wheel with Rarity in the middle between her and Sunflower. Applejack looked tired and as miserable as she felt. It was not turning out to be a good day.

It turned dark within minutes of driving through the streets but finally came across the brightened barnyard. She parked it inside, as it was still said to be drizzling throughout the night.

As they entered the house, they saw the dirty tracks of Apple Bloom's boots on the steps toward the bedrooms which Applejack was about to get after her for but became side-tracked by the delicious smell, emanating from the kitchen.

Rarity and Applejack came and they saw Apple Bloom making dinner.

"Where are you guys?!" Apple Bloom smiled. Applejack and Rarity were solemnly relieved to see some light shed on their darkened day. "Dinner's ready!"

Just as they all got down for the meal, Sunflower brought up that something was missing.

"Where's Babs?" Sunflower addressed. Apple Bloom felt a chilling feeling running down her back, as she thought of something to say.

"She's... in bed." Apple Bloom lied.

"In bed?!" Sunflower was suspicious of her answer. "This early in the day?"

"Yeah, she was exhausted after we all spent the day together!" Apple Bloom cautiously smiled.

"We?" Sunflower kept the conversation on, as she didn't feel it was genuine.

"I took her to meet my friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. We took her to the clubhouse and we practically spent the entire day hangin' out, explorin' the city and makin' her feel right at home!" Apple Bloom suggested.

"I see." Sunflower was not too thrilled about the answer but Rarity intervened with a question that made her not think of it.

"What about Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked. "She seemed upset when she came back to the house earlier?"

"Oh, it must have been somethin' Scootaloo said." Apple Bloom continued. "Those two have been gettin' on each other's nerves lately. Which kind of made things awkward today."

"Oh that girl..." Rarity sighed.

"What about you guys?" Apple Bloom asked, turning the question over to them to avoid any more from them. They all remained silent but just commented on the odd weather they had been having.

Apple Bloom felt her phone vibrate in the upper pockets of her chest to see what happened. She thought it could have been either Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle letting her know about what happened earlier. It was, instead, a photo taken from Diamond Tiara's phone of her and Babs kissing. Apple Bloom felt her heart shrink, even stop for just a moment, her stomach churned with absolute disgust, she felt every nerve in her body shut down and break open. Bleeding and massively taking over into total darkness.

Apple Bloom got up and slowly walked out of the kitchen and her stiffened legs dragged her up the stairs. Rarity and Applejack felt something was wrong with Apple Bloom, so they both took off to go see her but she was already inside the closet door and slammed it shut.

The darkened room was lit up by Apple Bloom's phone, still had the photo on screen. She dropped it on the floor, shattering her screen, then her legs gave out. Knelt down with her knees crackling, she held her hand toward her eyes and let everything out. Tears streaming down, mucus running down her nostrils and a silent scream wept with saliva gushing out the side of her widened mouth, her pain was too great for her to let out a single noise. Her throat was caught, nothing came out but just the tension in her own body felt like it was gasping for the life that left her.

Babs took a rest on the couch she laid earlier. And thought of what a fulfilling day it was being a huge dick to everyone.

"Are you seriously staying here for the night?" Diamond asked, as she had packed her belongings. While Silver Spoon had quietly dropped her phone in her purse.

"Yeah, I don't think Apple Bloom would want me there anyway!" Babs admitted.

"Good call." Silver Spoon added.

"C'mon! This place doesn't even have a bed to lay in?!" Diamond said, as she got closer to the door.

"Well, if you're that worried about it, why don't I join you?!" Babs said, as she grinned.

"Haha, yeah right!" Diamond argued. "No thank you, you might try to pull a fast one on me!"

"You know it!" Babs agreed. "Now, get out of here!"

"Hmph, getting rid of us that much, you might be better off alone then!" Diamond kept nagging, until she saw the headlights of her limo pulled up into the non-existent driveway.

Babs got up to shut the door, as she watched Diamond and Silver hop on their ride home. Babs chuckled. She hopped right into the couch again and looked through her small digital camera she stole to see the photos she took.

All throughout the day, she took small instances of Diamond Tiara. And, the majority of them were whenever she had her golden boots off. She would use the camera to zoom in closer to her pleasure. She grinned, as she took off everything as she was starting to get overheated.

"Apple Bloom?!" Applejack yelled, as she pounded her fists at the door. "Apple Bloom! Open the damn door, right now!"

"Applejack, please..." Rarity said softly, as she raised her hand onto her shoulder. Applejack hissed at her and shuffled away from her touching her shoulder. "Let me talk to her."

"What?!" Applejack argued. "What makes you think she'll talk with you?! I'm her big sis!"

"See?" Rarity said, as she pointed at her face. "This attitude of your's?! Toward every situation, it's not helping is it?" Applejack was silenced but did not let up with how she felt. "Now, just let me handle this and go clean up downstairs."

"What?" Applejack complained.

"Downstairs!" Rarity demanded, pointing her fingers down the crooked steps. Applejack annoyingly took off down the stairs and headed back into the kitchen.

Rarity waited until she calmed down.

"Apple Bloom?" Rarity said, in a much lighter tone. "Can you open the door, please?"

Just as she said, Apple Bloom responded and allowed Rarity inside. Rarity was smacked in the face with all their winter jackets hanging on the hooks above. She was tripping over their shoes that have been worn out from all the heavy duty work they've done over the years. She saw Apple Bloom laid down on a bed that was placed down in the middle of the closet.

"Why are you laying in here, darling?" Rarity asked but she didn't respond. She knelt to the carpeting and crawled her way to her to see her more closely. "Do you want to tell me what's been happening? Does it have something to do with Babs? Sweetie Belle? Or Scootaloo?" She placed her hand over her head, it was streaming with cold sweat but she felt her head shake, indicating "no."

"What's the matter, sweetie?" Rarity said, as she scooted closer to her. "Rough day?" She could feel her head nod indicating "yes." "It's okay, I think everyone has had a pretty rough day too but you made it better by cooking such a delightful meal today. You know?"

Apple Bloom sat up and wrapped her arms around Rarity. It made her heart pump with a frightened touch. She could hear her slightly sobbing.

"It's okay!" Rarity said calmly. Softly patting her head and back. She pulled away and looked at her.

"Do you remember, whenever I was sad about big sis?" Apple Bloom said, as words were raspy and leaned into her dry throat. "You would be there with me?"

"Yes." Rarity replied with a comforting tone.

"Can you do that?" Apple Bloom begged. "For me?"

Rarity stood up and laid beside her. She would curl up as Rarity would hold her. Apple Bloom would quietly shut her eyes and drift off into sleep whenever she would hear her breathe. Her heart beating was soothing with her ear against her soft chest. She could feel her warm skin wrapped around her. Her hair would tickle the back of her neck and would curl her legs up against her's.

So many things would circulate in Rarity's mind whenever she would do these comforting gestures. The idea of her acting like a "baby," the idea of herself being "motherly," and even the fact that this was the closest that Apple Bloom would ever get towards having a "mother." As old as Apple Bloom was, she still desired to be cared for like a child, growing up, required her to be responsible around the family farm and with Big Mac or Applejack not being as responsive or affectionate toward her needs. They did all they could but she felt it was her own responsibility for that. After years of growing up living within the same household, it was the one thing that brought this family together. It was a hefty thing to carry but felt alright because it meant much greater to be their center.

After a few moments, Rarity tried to slowly get up and not awaken her. Apple Bloom immediately woke up with her.

"Oh, sorry." Rarity whispered.

"Are you leavin'?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"I was... just making sure everything was taken care of downstairs." Rarity said politely.

"Can you stay here?" Apple Bloom begged. "At least until I fall asleep?" Rarity sighed quietly and laid back down on the bed.

"Okay." Rarity agreed.

It was about a couple of hours and she decided it was time to get up to see if everything was okay.

Rarity quietly got up and closed the door gently to not make a sound. She searched around the house to see if dishes were done, floors were swept and the doors were locked. A sigh of relief ran through her nostrils, just as she walked by Sunflower passed out on the couch again. It seemed that Applejack took out another case for her to calm her nerves.

She got up to the bedroom, it was chilly to walk on the cold wooden floors and the short creaks from walking made it feel like a haunted house. Applejack was laying in her spot on the right side of the bed and left her room to slide in.

She did and she made sure that Applejack was aware that she was present. She slowly fondled her blonde hair but as soon as she took in a couple of strokes, Applejack turned to look at her.

"Still awake?" Rarity whispered softly.

"I can't sleep." Applejack admitted. "Maybe you're right about it, I just feel like I can't even communicate like I used to."

"It's alright, you tried." Rarity mentioned. "It's the least you can do."

"Not only that but I couldn't find any place for them to stay." Applejack interrupted. "I was out there all day with nothing to show for it."

"Applejack, it's okay." Rarity said, as she tried to calm her down.

"What good am I, Rarity?" Applejack said. "I feel like I have nothing... I can't communicate, I can't find anything worth my time, I don't even have a good relationship with your sister..."

"Applejack, listen to me." Rarity demanded. "You are kind, honest and devoted. I know it's hard and things have changed since you came back. But this is why we need you. It wasn't easy without you, okay? It's hard to keep the same mindset as your's, you know? You don't have to change and I don't want that from you. I want you to always be as you are."

Applejack could feel her eyes twitching with emotions. It eventually peered through and a drop of liquid fell. Her eyes shy away from looking at her. Rarity kept her and never looked away.

"I can't find anyone greater than what you become." Rarity continued. "You will find something, it just takes a little bit of time. I know, I would much rather them stay somewhere too."

"What made you change your mind?" Applejack said, as she looked back at her. Rarity looked away but continued.

"...I don't know if Babs is really opening up to Apple Bloom all too well."

"So, she lied about them having fun?"

"I'm assuming so but we can't just intervene like we did with Sweetie Belle. Sometimes the problems just solve themselves without our help. It's just them figuring it out for themselves."

"But what if it becomes too much of a problem?"

"That's why we need to keep the focus on getting them somewhere safe and out of our hands! We can't accomplish it if we worry too much about the small issues. That's why I need you, you know how to stay focused on the subject at hand. But I can't, as I always deal with smaller tasks I'm given. You will be the one to fix everything."

"I don't know, Rarity."

"I have confidence in you. I can't have you doubt yourself now."

"Okay." Applejack felt encouraged but still was unsure of how to go about the situation.

Applejack turned the other way. She sighed and tried to focus on what she could try to do the next day after she worked on the farm. She started to lose her train of thought as Rarity began to massage her back. She brought up her cold lips to kiss the back of her neck. Running her sharp fingers down her spine and into her hair like she did before.

"Rarity?" Applejack questioned. "What are you doing?" She didn't answer, as she kept it going. "Rarity, stop." Applejack tried to move around for her to stop what she was doing. "I'm not in the mood to..."

"That's why it's the perfect time to do it." Rarity suggested. "Lay still. Don't think. Just let go."

Rarity began working her way toward the front, which made Applejack stumble and fall on her back. Rarity crawled her way to be on top and continued.

Below the stairwell, Sunflower laid her back against the soft cushions. Cider on her breath and gesturing to feel the moans she could hear coming from upstairs. She smiled, as she knew Rarity would after she got a taste of her. All she could think of was her flawless skin, her sparkling blue eyes, her scent that smelled like apples, those curves tossing and turning as her soft voice moaned and would slowly reach the peak of her ecstasy. She could feel it too, touching herself to the sound of... her.