• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,079 Views, 2 Comments

Stormy Cuddles CIE Fluttershy volume llI - RaritySimper44

Anon cuddles with Fluttershy again

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Chapter 1

Anon was helping Fluttershy with her chores around her home, he was sweeping the floor. He was nearing the end of the sweeping, he’d gotten pretty much all the house swept up. He took a napkin and wiped his brow. She had air conditioning, but she had all the windows open for the birds, so it didn’t do much against the heat of the day.

“Thank you anon for your help,” she said with a grateful smile.

Sure thing Flutters, he replied as he leaned down, bringing his fingers to the base of her ear and gently scratching it, she happily leaned her head into the fingers, eyes closed and a blissful smile on her face. He scratched the rest of her ear to the tips which fluttershy responded to by nuzzling her face into his hand. Humming happily as she did so, he gently rubbed his fingers into her snout as she nuzzled his hand. Her ears went down and her eyes were held shut tight but she didn’t complain or even flinch. After a few moments his hand moved up her fsce to her cheek, rubbing and scratching making her blush a little and lean into his touch, he kissed her other cheek as his hand stroked up her head and thrkugh her mane gently. By this point she was purring loudly and leaning her entire body into him, her hooves on his forearms as she nuzzled his neck.

He flinched at yhis because it tickled, he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into him as he continued to brush his fingers through her mane. She had become puddy in his arms, by this point, her purring vibrating loudly against his chest as he held her tight to him. She was almost in a hypnotic state as she purred, ears flat against her head and a heavenly smile on her face. he eventually stopped petting her, set her on her hooves and stood up, she looked at him with her ears drooping and bottom lip pushed out in a slightly pouty face.

“Why’d you stop?”

“Don’t we have more chores to do?”

“Oh, yes I suppose we do,'' she said, sheepishly obviously having forgotten about the animals for a bit.

Anon and fluttershy headed to the back door, the kitten fluttershy showed him his first time in her home was sitting on a cabinet near where he was passing,he stopped and stroked it. Getting a pur out of it and continued outside with fluttershy, anon grabbed a big bag of feed and went about feeding the animals.

“Anon, do you miss home at all?” Fluttershy asked hesitantly, looking up at him with curiosity.

He looked away at this despondently, Fluttershy brought a hoof to his hand in concern, finally he decided to answer. “Yeah, but I'm happy to be here with you and Twilight too.” he said with a forced smile

She smiled, I’m glad you like being around me, but I hope Twilight can get you home though too…. Um…..”

Anon looked down at her,Fluttershy?” her ears were down and she looked straight ahead nervously.

He looked where she was looking, a pony was in the bushes spying on them and trying to be sneaky, he wasn’t too good at it though.

“H-h-he’s just staring at us… menacingly!” Fluttershy said, hiding behind Anon's leg.

“I’ll take care of him Fluttershy”, Anon said boldly, and strode over to him confidently.

The unicorn backed up nervously, "I- I wasn’t spying, I swear!”

“Can I pet you?”

He stared at Anon blankly, “yes.” He said awkwardly, Anon wasted no time rubbing his ear, stroking his fingers through his purple fur. “C-careful, my ears are sensitive!” Anon brought that hand into his mane stroking and tidying up his messy orange and black mane.

Suddenly fluttershy put herself between the two men, ahem! She got in the unicorns face angrily glaring at him, Excuse me, but this is my human- I-I mean um….. why are you spying on us? Creep!”

“Um, well I-”

She stepped onto one of his hooves as she got into his face, so close their foreheads were touching, his ears went down at this as he tried to step back, fluttershy had him pinned in place with her hoof on top of his. “Get lost before I get REALLY mean.” She snarled at him, as she gave him the stare.

“Y-yes ma’am!” He then raced off, tail between his legs.

Anon frowned at this, concerned about the fact she was so jealous, she took flight and wrapped her hooves around his neck and nuzzled her cheek into his, and gave it a peck. As much as he wanted to be upset with her for being so possessive of him, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything at this point, she was too cute. Instead he stroked her back and kissed her on the cheek a couple times right back before nuzzling his nose to hers and chuckled, making her do so as well, “someones jealous.” he stated squeezing her tighter to him and rubbing his face against hers.

Fluttershy blushed a little, at all the affection, her ears down as she tightened her grip around his neck as he stroked her side gently, “Um… maybe a little….. she stated bashfully, oh the animals! We need to take care of the animals, to the pig pen!” she pointed to it with emphasis but made no move to leave his arms. Anon got the message and started walking towards the pens at a brisk pace.

Anon and fluttershy went inside, “I'm filthy, she looked Anon over, you're not much better. Um, no offense anon.”

“None taken.”

“Why not take a shower, I’ll get dinner started, do you want to watch a movie later?”

“Sure, what do you want to watch?”

We can watch the fox and the hound. You're okay with cartoons right? I understand if you're not. Anon stared at her surprised and her ears went down, oh, you're not, are you?”

“No, no, I love cartoons! It's just that, well, do you mean the Disney version?”

Twilight told you about Disney I guess?

“Nope, I've got Disney in my universe.”

Fluttershy smiled big at this, “you’ve got Disney?!”


“That's amazing!”

Yeah, who knew Disney was an inter-universe company in some other universe…. He shrugged, I guess it's only logical, if you can think of it, there's a universe for it.

“Are you okay anon?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Just wondering, go take a shower I'll start dinner. He nodded and got into the shower he got out and put his clothes into the washer. He put on his pajamas- rarity had made them for him the other day, but that's a story for another time. Dinner was soon ready, and they both ate, after ‘Fluttershy had showered of course, she was sitting next to him, practically in his lap as he stroked her back. He was getting as purr out of her as she ate her food. Anon was starting to realize fluttershy was a little clingy now that she was used to him. Not that he minded, she was super cuddly and affectionate, not to mention adorably cute.

“So fluttershy, have you ever met Walt Disney?

“No, no one has. It's really weird now that you mention it, there's no pictures of him or anything… the Disney stuff is just here. Oh my goodness I’ve never thought about how weird this is before why is that?” She said to herself concerned.

Oh my god it's true Disney is an inter-universe company….

The two of them finished eating and washed up, Anon, please go get the movie put in and ready, you know how, right?”

“I think so, if I need any help I'll get you.”



“Oh, um, I really don't want a mess in my bed, I'm sorry but no.”

Anon held back a sigh and nodded disappointed as he went upstairs. He was impressed by her huge collection of Disney movies and equally impressed that they were all blu-ray. He found the movie and popped it in and got cozy in her bed, laying himself on top of the sheets. The bed was very soft and made him want to fall asleep.

Twenty minutes later she came back upstairs with a big bowl of popcorn.

“I thought, No popcorn?”

“I had a change of heart.”

“How sweet.” yes I know, Im amazing, you owe me.

Oh yeah whats that?

Shd set the popcorn on the dresser next to them and fluttered over to the light switch and flicked it off and started the movie.

Well? What is it I owe you Flutters? She wasted no time getting into bed and stretching out into his lap, she laid on her side so she was facing the television. Snuggles, lots and lots of snuggles, The sound of rain hitting the window made her ears twitch a little nervously.

“You okay?” He asked, stroking behind her ear gently.

“Yeah…” she said in the least convincing tone possible. “Oh, did you know some random guy tried to overthrow the government today?”

“They did?” He said surprised and a little afraid.

“Yeah, it was just some homeless guy, one homeless guy, he didn't even get past the guards at the gate to the first courtyard. He's in jail for spitting and trying to gum a guard to death. Also he's getting his sanity evaluated. “

“Huh. Okay. Is that normal thing?” he asked scratching under her chin.

She leaned her head into it purring, eyes closed, and a smile pursing her lips. “Apparently…… um…. it's uh… I'm having trouble thinking….. The uh... seventeenth time he's tried, I think?” He doesn’t like Luna, calls her Nightmare Moon apparently.”

“Huh.” He said, stroking a hand through her mane, she sighed in blissful satisfaction at this her tail lightly flicked about carelessly. “Oh, there goes that tail again.”


“Your tail is flicking.”

“Oh, she looked at it, I'm sorry, is it bothering you?”

“Nope, i love it,'' he said, taking her hoof and kissing it, her face went as red as a tomato at this, but she was smiling too, she was loving it. He booped her nose making her eyes cross as she gasped. He laughed at this, “apparently all ponies do this, from what I've seen, even rarity.

“Oh, okay. So it's normal?”

“Yes, fluttershy, you're normal.” He said eating some popcorn.

She smiled and kissed his nose before rubbing her face roughly against his nose affectionately “feed me she demanded, before adding in an, oh, if you don't mind, that is...please, she said with big eyes.” He quickly brings a piece to her mouth and she gently takes it from his fingers, careful not to bite him.

“Have you ever seen this before?” she asked him as he stroked his hand frlm her neck to her withers.

“Yeah, many times as a kid, but not too much since. It's a favorite of mine.”

Fluttershy scooted and flopped about in his lap as she wiggled onto her back, grunting and purring, vibrating his lap as she did so. “Will you rub my belly please?”

“Gladly”, he placed a hand to her belly and she flinched.

“Just um, be gentle, you know how ticklish I am…..”

He nodded and gently began running his fingers through the soft fur on her belly. She sighed blissfully at this, every so often flinching and yelping even letting out a small giggle as he stroked her belly as gently as possible. She obviously loved it despite it tickling a little because she pushed her belly into his hand as she stretched and gave a light moan of pleasure. She soon began rolling about and flopping about again as she wiggled onto her side, he took his hand away but she grabbed it with her hooves and gently placed it back onto her belly to which he immediately began rubbing and stroking again.

Tod was hiding under a rock, copper had just found him when a loud clap of thunder rang out. Fluttershy yelped and pulled his hand to her chest, he stroked her mane with his other hand but she grabbed that one too and held it close to her chest shaking and whimpering, ears flat against her head.

Anon looked outside, thunder and lightning silently flashed across the sky, “it’s raining”, he stated to fluttershy.

“I-i n-noticed….” She stuttered out through her whimpering. She wiggled up against his stomach, still having his hands pulled tightly to her chest as she did so, and snuggled up close to him, he got one of his hands away from her and she whimpered and clung to his forearm, he stroked his free hand through her mane.

“Fluttershy, calm down, it's okay.” he said to her in a soothing tone.

“E-easier said than done Anon…”

“Focus on the movie, it's okay.” He said and kissed her ear gently, she relaxed a little at this and nuzzled herself closer to him almost as if she was trying to push herself inside of him, she took his advice and focused on the movie the best she could. She flinched at the lightest boom and tensed up at any flash of lightning.

Slowly she began to relax with some help from Anon who pet her and talked her down with his soothing tone.

Copper and tod were fighting, just as copper leapt at tod to bite him a clap of thunder so ferocious and so loud it scared the crap out of anon even. The light of the thunder illuminated the room. Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs and tackled Anon, wrapping her hooves around his throat in a vice grip.

Anon tried pulling her off him when the power suddenly went out. She yelped and whimpered and he could have sworn he heard some sniffling into his neck. Anon stroked her back roughly but trying to be gentle, while he pulled on one of her front legs trying to get her to loosen up.

He managed to get her loose enough to mutter quietly. F-fluttershy, you're choking me…..

She quickly loosened her grip, he quickly pulled her off despite her whining and whimpering and scraping at his neck and shoulders trying to stay on him. Soon sniffling became louder, she was either crying or about to cry, a flash of lightning lit up the room and he saw her ears pinned to her head and her face possibly wet with tears. He rubbed her face, yep she was crying, her nose was running too, Anon wiped the tears and snot off her face and onto her bed hoping she didn't notice and pulled her close to his chest and held her tight. She immediately clung to him like an oyster to a rock. He clumsily and stiffly got under the sheets and covered them both up.

“D-do you think the animals are…. O-okay?” She sniffled at him.

“I'm sure they’ll be fine, try and get some rest”, he cooed as he brushed some mane stuck to her face away and kissed her nose, she hid her face into his chest, a purr rumbling out of her again. If not for the vibration on his chest he’d be unsure if she was even purring because the rain was coming down so hard.

She tightly wrapped her wings around him as he stroked from the back of her head to the top of her flank. She whimpered but her sniffling had stopped, he suddenly grabbed the bottom her her flank in his hands, she yelped and hers went straight up, he wasn;’t sure if she liked it or if it was just so surprising to her. Maybe both. He quickly pulled her closer to his face so she was just below his chin she slammed her head into his chin making his bottom jaw clack with the top. He grunted at this and cringed but didn’t stop petting her tense body, one arm wrapped securely around her midsection, he scratched her side with that hand and the other stroked her lower back and mane switching from palace to place every now and again. Flutterhsy relaxed into his arms, her face buried into the bottom of his neck, He eventually stopped and fell asleep through the storm.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this seems a little rushed, it was. It's for The CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest! I hinted at who is next to be cuddled, I'll see if you configure it out. Until next time I bid you all adieu.
Fuck i just realized the storm thing is similar to that one guy with Twilight. I swear I didnt copy him. Also i should win, gimme your money cg!

Comments ( 2 )

Good news! The contest deadline was extended to June 30. You have all the time in the world to self-edit and check for typos, etc.

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