• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago

Ron Jeremy Pony

What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.

Comments ( 2 )

Ah Rooster, you are indeed missed, never understood why they didnt bring him back.

He was indeed missed, as for the reason why he was never brought back, well, check the blog that's associated with this, but the short answer is that the actor portraying him had a few accusations levied against him, and Netflix did what they thought was best. That said, I'm working on chapter 2, and it should be up tomorrow or Thursday. After that I'll likely work on some of my original work for a bit, and then attempt to update most of my fanfiction stories.

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