• Published 6th Sep 2012
  • 1,168 Views, 23 Comments

The Ties That Bond - Jacoboby1

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The Ties That Bond

By Jacoboby1



Wings broken…no time to stop…

Breathing heavy…they’re coming…

Help me…save me…

I hate being alone…


Jonathan woke up in his college dorm. It was the same dream he’d been having for three nights in a row. It was always about the same thing, somebody was calling him. He shook his head “It’s just a dream John, you’re going paranoid”

He got up from his bed and ran his fingers through his messy black hair. His green eyes looked around his room. It was relatively small compared to most dorms with just the one bed and desk. John was lucky to have a dorm to himself because his roommate was transferring to some school in France and the administrative office hadn’t gotten around to assigning a new roommate.

“Gives me time to myself” John said out loud. He wasn’t anti social but he did like time to himself.

After a quick shower and getting dressed he looked over at his dresser. On top of the dresser was a small folder with the label “My Little Dashie” on front. Prentice had been bugging him all week to read it. John had only recently been introduced to the show but he wasn’t going to become as avid as his other friends.

That was really all him and his circle of friends had in common. The show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic was really all they talked about. Everybody in his circle did something related to the show. Prentice was obsessed with Fan Fics. Rebecca did Cos-play occasionally. Claus was a know it all when it came to the show. Adam was an artist if you could believe it by how ripped he was. Felicia sang a little, and Jonathan did…well nothing.

Truth is John never really did find his niche in the whole brony community. He was introduced to the show only about a month back via Claus. Jonathan ended up enjoying the series so far. He even went out yesterday and bought a shirt with Rainbow Dash on it. But John he never had the talent for singing or art so he never could find his niche. It never really bothered him he just wished he could contribute.

His cell phone rang somewhere in the pile of stuff on his desk. It took John a bit to dig the phone out of the huge mess that was his desk. He pulled it up and looked at the caller I.D. he sighed and answered the phone “Hey Prentice what’s up?”

“So did you read it!?” Prentice’s loud voice shouted over the receiver. “Did ya huh huh huh?!”

“No I didn’t read it, I had work to do and I fell asleep” John said in a flat tone of voice. As much as he liked the guy John had trouble putting up with Prentice’s over enthusiastic personality.

“Aww! Ya gotta read it at least once! I’ve read it seven times and it gets me crying every time”

“That’s one of the reasons why I haven’t read it you dolt” John said exacerbated “Some of us don’t want to end up in a permanent state of depression”

“Just give it one read okay? I promise I’ll stop bugging you”

“Oh no!” John said warningly “The last time you used that trap I ended up reading the entire series of Fallout Equestria. Do you realize how long it took me to finish the damn thing!?”

“You’re loss” Prentice relented “Anyways Clause wants us to meet over at Donny’s at lunch today. Said he’s got something very important to talk to us about”

“Like what?” John said flatly “What animation error happened in episode 23?”

“Nah I started talking with him this morning about this dream I had. It was so weird...I swear I heard Pinkie Pie talking to me”

“Pinkie Pie?” John said skeptically

“Yeah, it was like she was calling out to me or something. I had the same dream three nights in a row so I mentioned it to Claus and he said he was having a similar dream. Only he heard Twilight Sparkle calling to him. Something about helping her”

“What did Pinkie Pie say?”

“I don’t know, she kept saying it so fast”

“Sounds like somebody I know…” John thought as Prentice went on.

“So anyways he wants us all there pronto! I’ll see you there” He hung up after that.

John didn’t tell Prentice about his own dream. Only thing was…the voice calling him…was Rainbow Dash. She sounded hurt…scared almost.

That’s he noticed something on his bed…something that wasn’t there before. It was small book about the size of a college textbook with a cyan colored cover. It just was lying there on his bed’s pillow. John looked down at it. “I don’t remember buying this thing…”

He reached down to touch the book…that’s when he heard it.


The book glowed a bright cyan and John fell back in surprise. He looked up and he book continued to glow blue. He reached to pick it up. It didn’t explode in his hand so it should be safe…right?

“What language is this in?” John said looking at the cover. It was covered with strange symbols and what looked like letters from another language. Curiosity getting the better of him he opened the book slowly. Inside were more letters of the same language or at least as far as he could tell.

“I can’t read this” John said aloud as he scanned the pages. Then he came to one page…the letters were of a different color then the rest. Instead of blue like the rest these letters were glowing in…rainbow?

“What is this…wait I can read this” He couldn’t explain it but he could read those letters that glowed. He began to sound out the word slowly but surely. “Ra…Ra…Rain…Rainal…Rainala!!” Suddenly…everything went black….


He woke up flat on his back. He was lying on the floor of a very strange forest. The plants were unlike anything he’d ever seen before. Some seemed to move completely on their own as he looked around.

He sat up and rubbed the back of his head. He then looked at his hand, it was gloved. He then looked down at himself, he wasn’t wearing the hoodie and jeans he had on earlier. Instead he was wearing a blue cloth tunic and brown pants. He had on a set of leather boots which fit rather comfortably.

He looked at his side. There was the book…though not glowing anymore. John gave it a careful tap with his finger. Nothing happened.

“Weird, first the crazy dreams and now this, I wonder where I am?”


John looked around for the source of the sound. It came from beyond the trees. The scream sounded female…and very familiar. John got up on his feet and looked around. He then ran towards the source of the noise with all the power his legs could give him.

He pushed his way through the bushes and came across a sight that would be forever etched in his memory. There were two large beasts standing over a small creature. The beasts looked like dogs but instead of fur...they looked to be made out of wood. But it was the smaller creature that got Jonathan’s attention…

He had to rub his eyes and pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming…for there…on the ground in front of the two monsters…was Rainbow Dash. She looked exactly like she did on the show. Same rainbow colored mane, same cyan coat, same lightning bolt cutie mark.

“I gotta be dreaming…” He pinched himself…that disproved any theory of him dreaming. This was real; it was then that he noticed that Rainbow was hurt badly. Her wing was twisted at an awkward angle and blood dripped from a head wound. John had to think quickly.

Rainbow’s magenta colored eyes turned to him “A human!?”

The timber wolves (John finally remembered what they were called) turned to the college student. They bared their teeth at him which despite being made of wood still looked menacing. John felt weak in the knees. He couldn’t fight these monsters…they were huge and could rip him in half.

It was then that he felt something hit him in the stomach. He fell back several feet and looked to see Rainbow Dash had tackled him. Despite being hurt she could still move quickly “Come on!” She started to push him “You can’t stay here!”

John looked up as one of the wolves tried to pounce on Rainbow. He grabbed the pony by the leg and rolled out of the way with her. He barely missed being clawed by the beast as the two rolled out of the way. John got on his knees and looked over Rainbow; she smiled up at him “You saved me!”

John smiled back but then turned to look at the timber wolves. They growled menacingly at the pair. “What’s going on?” John asked Rainbow as she got up on her legs.

“Long story short turns out it’s not a good idea to tick off the local wild life” Rainbow said flatly.

“Since when was that a good idea?!” John asked incredulously

“Since somepony was about to get eaten by one of them” Rainbow said looking over at John “I couldn’t leave that Pony hanging so I was the distraction”

Just as loyal here as on the show, it was no wonder she had such a following back home. John looked as the wolves looked ready to pounce “Got any ideas?”

Rainbow’s magenta colored eyes suddenly fixated on his book “My book!”

“What this thing?” John said opening the book

“Yeah! Read the spell! It’ll give us a fighting edge!”

“Spell?” John looked through the book. So far all that was in there were more words that John couldn’t read. Not even the words from before were highlighted “The hell is this?!”

“You mean you can’t read it?!” Rainbow said looking at him shocked “How’re we supposed to fight if you can’t read the book!?”

“I didn’t know I’d have to be thrown into combat thank you!” John shot back

“Well just my luck! Of all the humans in the world I get the one who can’t read his book!”

“Look I never asked to come here!”

“Well you’re here now so deal with it loser!”

“Don’t call me a loser Rainden or whatever you’re name is!”

Just then Rainbow’s eyes went pure white. She turned to the timber wolves and opened her mouth. Out of it shot a rainbow colored bolt of lightning that hit both timber wolves at once. They flew backwards into the forest leveling several trees in their path.

John looked down at his now glowing book. He opened it and saw that another set of Rainbow colored words glowed. He could read them…”The first spell…Rainden…”