• Published 6th Jun 2021
  • 1,498 Views, 5 Comments

Redemption of Sombra - mina0fficial

Instead of shattering him to pieces, the Crystal Heart freed him from the darkness.

  • ...

iii. the welcoming party

The residents of Ponyville was very friendly. Although some of them are afraid of him, they made the effort to get to know him and soon, he felt welcomed there and had a few friends like Caramel and Berryshine, who told him a thing or two about Ponyville and the Wonderbolts. Ponies were expecting and anxious about his arrival as it was printed all over the newspaper, telling the stories about his tyranny and the recent events where he was freed, with the question, 'Are we safe?' and such.

Sure, most of the ponies made an effort to talk to him and befriend him but they were still wary around him. Nevertheless, he felt welcomed here. Did he belong? He wasn't sure about that yet. He'll have to stick around to find out. Caramel and Berryshine showed him around the town and 'hang-out' -as ponies these days say- together although they got weird or curious looks from others.

"So, uhh, how do you like it here so far?" Caramel asked. They were sitting around at the park, talking.

"Well, I do like it here. The residents are more welcoming that the ones at Crystal Empire. They fear me, although I can't blame them and tend to avoid me," Sombra responded.

"Did you try being friendly to them?" Berryshine asked.

"I did, but nothing I do made them feel safe around me,"

"Ah, stuck-up rich folks, y'know! Don't worry about it too much!" Berryshine said, "You're always welcomed here."

"Well, maybe they fear you because it's their home you tried destroying?" Caramel stated bluntly.

"Caramel!" Berryshine hissed.

"I didn't try to dest- nevermind," Sombra huffed. Noticing the orange sky, he stood and said, "It is getting late, and I should head back."

"Yeah, me too," Caramel stood. "It's nice talking to you, Sombra."

"Yeah, you're not bad when you're not all evil-ly!" Berryshine agreed with Caramel.

"Well, I thank you. I shall see you soon, I hope," Sombra walked away, waving at them as they waved back, then focused on where he was walking.

Ponies working at shops or stalls were packing up and closing their respective stores, while fillies and colts were running back home, giggling and laughing about their imaginary adventures, promising to see each other again.A few residents smiled or greet him, and he did the same back.

This felt nice. Back at Crystal Empire, nopony dared to even glance at him, preferring to avoid or ignore him. Finally having somepony to acknowledge him and treat him like he wasn't an outcast felt really nice, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

If only Hope was here, Sombra thought. Would she be proud of him? The pony he's trying too become? Perhaps. The tyrant he was? Definitely not. She would try to get him to his senses, even if it got her killed.

He reached his apartment building. His horn lit up, covering the door with a green aura, opening it. It was quiet when he entered the place.

Perhaps it is always like this?

No, this is too quite.

"Miss - Miss Meadows?" Sombra called out, then said to himself, "Where is everypony...?"

Shrugging it off, he made his way to his apartment, unlocking the door heard shouts of, "SURPRISE ~ !"

He was startled, taking a few steps back. His apartment was decorated beautifully. It could bring a smile to anypony's face. A pink pony with bright blue eyes bounced up to him.

"Hey there, Sombra! Sorry I didn't tell you that I was going to throw a welcoming surprise party, but it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you! Am I right?"

"Thank you for this, truly," Sombra looked at Pinkie. "But this isn't necessary."

"Of course it's necessary! I threw everypony here a welcoming party when they moved in!" Pinkie said. She turned and saw Rainbow Dash flying in through the window.

"Hey, Sombra! Sorry for flying in like this! Enjoying the party?" the pegasus didn't give him a chance to respond as she dashed off to the food table.

"Well, enjoy the party!" Pinkie said, bouncing away.

He awkwardly walked in, reaching the food table and levitated a cup of punch. He took a sip. It was the best drink he's ever had.

"Pretty good, am I right?" said Applejack, walking towards him.

"It is."

"What d'ya think of the party so far? Enjoyin' yerself?"

"Yes, it is quite lively here, although I do appreciate this, I'd rather your friend ask me about it first," Sombra admitted.

"Yeah, I get ya," Applejack took a sip of her own punch. "But that's Pinkie for you."

Three fillies, an earth pony, a unicorn and a pegasus ran to the drinks and grabbed one of their own, the pegasus exclaiming, "Hey, they got cupcakes!"

"That's ma' sister Applebloom," Applejack pointed her hoof to the earth pony with a bowtie. "That's Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They call themselves the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'. They wanted to get their cutie marks bad, but no luck so far."

"Well, I haven't got mine either," Sombra said to keep the conversation going.

"Really? I thought every grown ponies have one?" Applejack said, genuinely surprised.

"I guess I am unique," Sombra said, mocking cockiness. Applejack chuckled.

"Y'know, ahm surprised that your cutie mark isn't anything to do with you taking over the Crystal Empire, or whatever. It shows that it's not who you're meant to be."

"I... Truly? What does a cutie mark truly mean?"

"To be honest, ahm not quite sure. Maybe it's a symbol for yer destiny, a symbol for yer talent, who knows," Applejack shrugged. "But hey, don't worry about it!"

Applejack finished off her drink and put the cup down on the table. "Anyways, I should probably find my sister. Who knows what she's up too."

"Right," Sombra said, finishing off his drink and putting his cup on the table. He walked to where the food was and spotted Caramel.

"Caramel!" Sombra called. The stallion turned and his face lit up.

"Hey, Sombra! Enjoying yourself?" Caramel walked up to him with a plate of cupcakes.

"I am," Sombra responded, levitating a plate and using his magic to make a few food that caught his eyes float to his plate. They found an empty place and sat there. "Where is Berryshine?"

"She's talking to a friend. Speaking of which... Are you like," his friend looked at him weirdly. "Close with Applejack. As in, close close?"

"I do not understand..?" Sombra felt uncomfortable.

"Are you in love with her?" Caramel asked.

"What? Of course not! I just met her and I don't think I'll grow such feelings for her!" Sombra said defensively.

"Really? Oh, that's great then!" Caramel was back to his usual demeanor.

"Why do you ask? Are you in love with the farm-mare?"

Caramel blushed, almost choking on a cupcake. "No, of course not! I was just asking, sheesh..."

Sombra smirked, taking a bite of his cupcake. Caramel is terrible at lying.

Author's Note:

Filler chapter, sorry -