> Redemption of Sombra > by mina0fficial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > i. trying to fit in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His head hurt and his vision was blurry, but he didn't feel... Angry. Or power - hungry. He just felt like he was just freed from something. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was able to make his own decisions. His hoof gently made contact with his temple, trying to soothe his headache. With a groan, he tried sitting up while opening his eyes. Sombra's vision cleared. He was surrounded by many crystal ponies. He lowered his hoof, looking around. There were a few other ponies around him surrounding him that he couldn't recognize, other than an alicorn that greatly resembled Princess Amore. There were whispers, too, and he heard a few such as, "Is he going to attack?", "He's awake!" and, "Why does he look different? You know, it's just how he looks like when he was a colt!" There were hoofsteps approaching him, a stallion telling another to stay back and a mare saying his name, "King Sombra." He looked up and saw the pink alicorn. He responded with, "I am no king... I have no desires to be one. Who are you?" "Princess Cadence, ruler of the Crystal Empire," she turned to a while stallion with blue mane and shared a smiled. A new ruler? Sombra thought. What happened to - Ah, right, he had shattered her to pieces. He was sure it was possible to bring her back but was it truly possible without Radiant Hope? Speaking of Hope, where she? He looked around the anxious crowd. She's not here. Where is she? "Where is Hope?" he asked Cadence. "Is she alright?" "Hope?" a lavender unicorn asked. "Who's Hope?" A rainbow-mane pegasus flew up and shouted, "Anypony knows somepony named Hope?" The crystal ponies whispered. "Radiant Hope?" "She went to study with the princesses didn't she?" "I heard she left and got lost." "Well, if she was away from this place, I reckon she's no more. It has been a thousand years, after all." She left? Why did she leave? Was it because of him? Damn it, he thought. The Crystal Heart was right, perhaps. He was a monster. He became what he saw and Hope was gone because of him. It has been a thousand years, after all. Nopony except for alicorns can live that long. He sighed quietly. He just hoped that his foalhood friend lived a happy life without him. "You almost turned us all to slaves," said the rainbow-mane pegasus, crossing her forelegs. "Are ya' happy for yourself?" "I... Can't say that I am... The memory of it isn't very clear... I apologize to all of you," Sombra said sincerely after a pause, looking around. "I thought it was who I was meant to be when I saw it." "Saw what? What did you see?" asked the lavender unicorn. "When Hope and I were foals, we went to the Crystal Heart to see if the legends were true," explained Sombra. "Supposedly, you can see your future. She had a great future, I think she saw herself as a princess and I... I saw a monster..." "The legend of the Crystal Heart!" said the unicorn excitedly. "I read that it doesn't always tell your future, so I think you could've become somepony better than what you saw, King Sombra." Alright, perhaps that was a lie. But it was a well-meant lie, thought Twilight. "Please, just Sombra is alright," he insisted. "'King Sombra' is mouthy, and I do not deserve such a title." "Well, my name's Twilight Sparkle," she introduced herself then turned to introduce her friends. "This Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy! And that's my brother, Shining Armor!" This felt weird. Why are they speaking to him so casually, as if he didn't just tried to take over their kingdom? "Are you not angry at me?" Sombra asked, standing up on all fours. "I tried taking over your kingdom. I have brought harm to all of you." "Oh, trust me, good sir, we are," said Applejack. "But everypony deserves a second chance, right?" Fluttershy said, softly. Sombra denied it. He doesn't deserve a second chance. He's a monster, the Crystal Heart says so! "A monster like does not deserve a second chance! I tried to harm all of you! The Crystal Heart -" "- Is not always accurate," said Twilight, approaching him. "Everypony deserves a second chance! You deserve a second chance! trust me, I know somepony who tried to make the night last forever. Now, she's ruling over Equestria with her sister!" He wanted to deny it, but no words came out. Why are they so persistent? "Why don't you stay here? You need somewhere to live, right?" Princess Cadence offered. "Stay here? But what if I -" "The past is in the past. You're welcomed to stay, Sombra." Shining Armor said, although he, himself, has a bit of hesitation in his voice. "I..." he looked around and saw the welcoming smiles of the crystal ponies. He turned to Cadence and bowed. "Thank you, truly." It seems like they were still afraid of him. He tried being friendly to them, he offered them a helping hoof, but in the end, they still feared him. He knows it because of the way they speak to him and how relived they were when he left. Honestly, he didn't blame them. He was so obsessed and worried with the thing he saw in the Crystal heart when he was a colt, he became the thing he didn't want to be. Now that he's 'purged', nopony are able to trust him, or at least feel comfortable with him no matter how hard they denied it. He found a secluded area where there weren't as many ponies and sat on the bench he saw. He let out a tired sigh. I don't belong here, Sombra thought. They're still afraid of me. If only Hope was here. Radiant Hope was his foalhood friend. They used to do everything together and were inseparable. He smiled slightly at a memory of her comforting him because if something another colt said when he was little. That smiled faded. If only he wasn't so obsessed with the thing he saw, perhaps she would still be alive. Hope would've become a successful healer, like she always wanted to be. But maybe she did fulfill her dream? Who knows? "A bit for your thoughts?" Sombra turned and saw the stallion - Shining Armor, was it? "Ah, it's nothing very important," Sombra said, pulling a smile. "You looked like you need someone to talk to," the white stallion said, sitting next to him. "How are you doing here, so far? Are the residents treating you well?" "They still fear me. I can see it." Sombra said after a pause. "Well..." Shining Armor thought of what to say. "Give them a bit of time, don't worry. They'll get used to you." "No, Prince Armor, I do not belong here," Sombra insisted. "Just Shining Armor is okay, no need for the formal titles," Shining Armor said. "And, this is your home. You definatelt belong here." "I was raised here, yes, but I do not belong here. I tried to take over the Crystal Empire and now they fear me, all because I was afraid of what I saw in that crystal," the umbrum unicorn sighed. "They have every right to hate me." "Hey, it'll get better soon," Shining Armor assured him, putting a hoof on the other's foreleg. "I promise." > ii. moving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think he's happy here," Shining Armor said to his wife that night. "He said he doesn't fit in. The others are still scared of him." "Well, I did receive a few letters about how they didn't feel safe with him here. Entitled ponies, y'know," Cadence chuckled, looking at the night sky from the balcony. "Isn't there anything we can do?" "This is his home, surely he doesn't want to move out?" Cadence looked at her husband. "He grew up here." "I don't know, he doesn't seem too happy here," Shining Armor thought for a bit. "What if we send him to Ponyville?" "I don't think Ponyville is a therapy town," said the alicorn. "Think about it, hon! He can start afresh. From what Twily told me, they're really friendly there," said the stallion. Cadence bit her lips, eyes looking around in thought. Shining Armor found it adorable. Finally, she sighed and said, "Well, if you say so," "Great! I'll go write to," the stallion got up. "Hold your horses, we should tell Princesses Celestia and Luna first," Cadence got up and went to the bedroom together with her husband, who was smiling sheepishly. "I don't know, sister," Luna said, sitting next to her sister on the soft, large rug, a pile of paperwork in front of them. She was helping her sister with it. Putting aside a sheet, she levitated another paper and said, "You think it wise to bring him to Ponyville?" "I do. He is remorseful from what Twilight have told me," Celestia said, putting a pile of paper to the side. There was only one more pile, then they can rest. "Well, if you say so, sister," Luna said. "What about the Ponyville residents?" "What about them?" "They'd be terrified, wouldn't they?" "I'm sure they'll understand the fact that Sombra has reformed." "I do not think it is that simple," Luna put down the quill, look at anywhere but her sister. "When I went there, they were terrified of me, thinking I was still Nightmare Moon. Only Twilight wasn't scared of me. She was the only one who tried to help me fit in this modern world." "Exactly! I'm sure Twilight and her friends can help Sombra fit in and find a place there at Ponyville," Celestia said. "Now, why don't you go get some rest while I finish off the rest of these." "Nay, I'd rather stay here with you," Luna insisted. Both of them have been trying to reform their bond and spend more time with each other. "Well, if you say so." the white alicorn chuckled, glancing at her determined little sister. Nopony said anything afterwards, the sounds of scribbling quills being the only source of sound. Sombra was glad to be leaving the train. Ponies were staring at him, some curiously (especially the foals), some fearfully and some angrily. Princess Cadence had told him that Twilight and a few of her friends are waiting at Ponyville's train station, and it didn't take long for him to spot Twilight, who was with Spike and Fluttershy, who looked terrified. As he approached them, ignoring the stares and whispers, he heard the lavender unicorn assuring the yellow pegasus. "It'll be fine, Fluttershy! He's reformed remember?" Twilight said. "Oh, I know but... But what if -" Fluttershy had spooted him. She let out a terrified squeak and half - hid behind Twilight which made the unicorn turn. "Oh, there you are! Over here!" Twilight waved. "It's nice to meet you again!" "Likewise, Twilight Sparkle," Sombra nodded. "I thank you for having me." "Oh, it's nothing! I heard from Shining Armor that you were having trouble fitting in," Twilight started walking to the main town, Sombra following. "Yes, they still fear me, unfortunately. I have tried everything to make it up to them," said Sombra sadly. "I mean, you did try to make them all slaves," Spike said. "Spike!" Twilight exclaimed. "What?" Spike said. After an awkward pause, he said, "By the way, sorry for almost blowing you to pieces." "Quite alright, I wouldn't have realized my mistakes if you had not," Sombra said. "I should be thanking you." "Aw, it's nothing," Spike said, looking a bit smug and embarrassed at the same time. "If it's not too troublesome, uhh, where will I be staying?" Sombra asked. "There's a small apartment in Ponyville. Don't worry, the rent is being payed so you don't have to worry about it," Twilight said. "Who is paying for it? Perhaps if I have enough money I can repay them," Sombra said, already feeling guilty. "Don't worry about, that somepony told me to keep it a secret," Twilight said. "Well, I do not want to be any trouble," "W-Well," Fluttershy spoke to him for the first time since he arrived. "I'm sure you won't be any trouble." "Well," Sombra sighed. "If you insist." "You know, there is a way for you to repay them," Twilight said. "There is? Do tell," Sombra said. "Well, Princess Celestia wanted you to spend time with my friends so that you could learn about friendship. What do you say?" Twilight said. "If it's not much trouble, then I will accept." Sombra said. "Great! We'll start tomorrow." Sombra had put his luggage down at the living room of his apartment and decided that he could unpack later, deciding to wandering around and left his apartment. The mare at the front desk looked terrified of him, but she made an effort to greet him and it didn't take long for them to have a conversation, which ended with the mare saying, "If you need anything, feel free to ask!" "Will do, Meadows." Sombra bowed his head slightly and left the building. "Was he scary?" a staff asked Meadows. "No, he was quite friendly. Polite, too!" Meadows giggled. "Well, he sounds like a gentlecolt," said another worker, the three of them giggling away. The bell rang and a pink, hyperactive pony bounced in. Meadows and the staff immediately resumed their work. "Hi, there, Meadows!" Pinkie greeted, approaching her. "Hello, Pinkie!" Meadows greeted back. "Is Sombra here? Twilight said he's staying here." Pinkie looked around. "Well, if you're looking for him, he just left," Meadows informed the pink earth pony. "Perfect! I was planning to throw him a welcoming party!" Pinkie said. "Well, I'd be glad to help, as long as you don't disturb the other residents, of course." "Don't worry, Meadows! It won't be very loud!" Pinkie promised and went further into the building, only to return to the front desk and ask, "Where is his room again?" > iii. the welcoming party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The residents of Ponyville was very friendly. Although some of them are afraid of him, they made the effort to get to know him and soon, he felt welcomed there and had a few friends like Caramel and Berryshine, who told him a thing or two about Ponyville and the Wonderbolts. Ponies were expecting and anxious about his arrival as it was printed all over the newspaper, telling the stories about his tyranny and the recent events where he was freed, with the question, 'Are we safe?' and such. Sure, most of the ponies made an effort to talk to him and befriend him but they were still wary around him. Nevertheless, he felt welcomed here. Did he belong? He wasn't sure about that yet. He'll have to stick around to find out. Caramel and Berryshine showed him around the town and 'hang-out' -as ponies these days say- together although they got weird or curious looks from others. "So, uhh, how do you like it here so far?" Caramel asked. They were sitting around at the park, talking. "Well, I do like it here. The residents are more welcoming that the ones at Crystal Empire. They fear me, although I can't blame them and tend to avoid me," Sombra responded. "Did you try being friendly to them?" Berryshine asked. "I did, but nothing I do made them feel safe around me," "Ah, stuck-up rich folks, y'know! Don't worry about it too much!" Berryshine said, "You're always welcomed here." "Well, maybe they fear you because it's their home you tried destroying?" Caramel stated bluntly. "Caramel!" Berryshine hissed. "I didn't try to dest- nevermind," Sombra huffed. Noticing the orange sky, he stood and said, "It is getting late, and I should head back." "Yeah, me too," Caramel stood. "It's nice talking to you, Sombra." "Yeah, you're not bad when you're not all evil-ly!" Berryshine agreed with Caramel. "Well, I thank you. I shall see you soon, I hope," Sombra walked away, waving at them as they waved back, then focused on where he was walking. Ponies working at shops or stalls were packing up and closing their respective stores, while fillies and colts were running back home, giggling and laughing about their imaginary adventures, promising to see each other again.A few residents smiled or greet him, and he did the same back. This felt nice. Back at Crystal Empire, nopony dared to even glance at him, preferring to avoid or ignore him. Finally having somepony to acknowledge him and treat him like he wasn't an outcast felt really nice, and he wouldn't trade it for anything. If only Hope was here, Sombra thought. Would she be proud of him? The pony he's trying too become? Perhaps. The tyrant he was? Definitely not. She would try to get him to his senses, even if it got her killed. He reached his apartment building. His horn lit up, covering the door with a green aura, opening it. It was quiet when he entered the place. Perhaps it is always like this? No, this is too quite. "Miss - Miss Meadows?" Sombra called out, then said to himself, "Where is everypony...?" Shrugging it off, he made his way to his apartment, unlocking the door heard shouts of, "SURPRISE ~ !" He was startled, taking a few steps back. His apartment was decorated beautifully. It could bring a smile to anypony's face. A pink pony with bright blue eyes bounced up to him. "Hey there, Sombra! Sorry I didn't tell you that I was going to throw a welcoming surprise party, but it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you! Am I right?" "Thank you for this, truly," Sombra looked at Pinkie. "But this isn't necessary." "Of course it's necessary! I threw everypony here a welcoming party when they moved in!" Pinkie said. She turned and saw Rainbow Dash flying in through the window. "Hey, Sombra! Sorry for flying in like this! Enjoying the party?" the pegasus didn't give him a chance to respond as she dashed off to the food table. "Well, enjoy the party!" Pinkie said, bouncing away. He awkwardly walked in, reaching the food table and levitated a cup of punch. He took a sip. It was the best drink he's ever had. "Pretty good, am I right?" said Applejack, walking towards him. "It is." "What d'ya think of the party so far? Enjoyin' yerself?" "Yes, it is quite lively here, although I do appreciate this, I'd rather your friend ask me about it first," Sombra admitted. "Yeah, I get ya," Applejack took a sip of her own punch. "But that's Pinkie for you." Three fillies, an earth pony, a unicorn and a pegasus ran to the drinks and grabbed one of their own, the pegasus exclaiming, "Hey, they got cupcakes!" "That's ma' sister Applebloom," Applejack pointed her hoof to the earth pony with a bowtie. "That's Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They call themselves the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'. They wanted to get their cutie marks bad, but no luck so far." "Well, I haven't got mine either," Sombra said to keep the conversation going. "Really? I thought every grown ponies have one?" Applejack said, genuinely surprised. "I guess I am unique," Sombra said, mocking cockiness. Applejack chuckled. "Y'know, ahm surprised that your cutie mark isn't anything to do with you taking over the Crystal Empire, or whatever. It shows that it's not who you're meant to be." "I... Truly? What does a cutie mark truly mean?" "To be honest, ahm not quite sure. Maybe it's a symbol for yer destiny, a symbol for yer talent, who knows," Applejack shrugged. "But hey, don't worry about it!" Applejack finished off her drink and put the cup down on the table. "Anyways, I should probably find my sister. Who knows what she's up too." "Right," Sombra said, finishing off his drink and putting his cup on the table. He walked to where the food was and spotted Caramel. "Caramel!" Sombra called. The stallion turned and his face lit up. "Hey, Sombra! Enjoying yourself?" Caramel walked up to him with a plate of cupcakes. "I am," Sombra responded, levitating a plate and using his magic to make a few food that caught his eyes float to his plate. They found an empty place and sat there. "Where is Berryshine?" "She's talking to a friend. Speaking of which... Are you like," his friend looked at him weirdly. "Close with Applejack. As in, close close?" "I do not understand..?" Sombra felt uncomfortable. "Are you in love with her?" Caramel asked. "What? Of course not! I just met her and I don't think I'll grow such feelings for her!" Sombra said defensively. "Really? Oh, that's great then!" Caramel was back to his usual demeanor. "Why do you ask? Are you in love with the farm-mare?" Caramel blushed, almost choking on a cupcake. "No, of course not! I was just asking, sheesh..." Sombra smirked, taking a bite of his cupcake. Caramel is terrible at lying. > iv. mare of the night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning arrived. As Sombra gained consciousness, he could hear the birds chirping, a few ponies talking outside and hoofsteps of others left their apartment to get to work. He stretched out on his bed and took a deep breath before getting out of bed and got himself ready for the day. Twilight had told him that he should go to her home-library while they were cleaning up his apartment after the party last night. It was probably one of the friendships lessons. He stepped out of his apartment, greeting a pony or two as he walked out of the apartment building. Everypony seemed lively outside. Foals were running around, chasing each other as the adults gently scolded them for not watching where they were going and what trouble they could've caused. Meanwhile, the adults who had jobs were walking to their workplace, sometimes stopping to greet him or their friends. He walked around trying to find Twilight's library before asking a pony or two, who gladly showed him the way. Sombra thanked them and went on his way. The residents here sure are friendly. He felt as if he's at home already. Sombra stopped walking to stare at the large tree with windows, a door and a balcony. Is this where she lives? It sure looks cozy. He walked to the door and knocked three times. He heard a shout of, "Coming!", small steps running and finally, the door opened, revealing Spike. "Oh! Hey, Sombra. You're just in time, come on in." Sombra entered and looked around. The place was just a huge library and he wondered where Twilight and Spike slept. This library is big, surely there's a bedroom for them, he thought. Perhaps the second floor? He thought as he noticed the stairs. He heard an owl hooting. He turned and indeed, there was an owl staring at him before flying off to the second floor to sleep. Twilight was at the center of the room. She used her magic to close the book and approached Sombra. "Hi there! How do you like the town so far?" "I think I will enjoy living here. Ah, yes, when does my lessons begin?" "Right now," Twilight said, looking somewhere while her horns lit, levitating something. "I've been preparing for this lesson!" While she set up for her lessons, Spike whispered to Sombra, "You can tell she's excited. She loves anything to do with books." "I can tell," Sombra nodded. I mean, she lives in a library. Green magical aura surrounded the saddlebag he brought with him. He opened the bag levitated a notebook and a quill out, sitting on the chair that was prepared. Once Twilight was done, their lessons started. It was more of Twilight re-counting her past adventures with her friends, what they've learnt from with a bit of history facts here and there. It was interesting and informative nonetheless. They finished off their lesson at one in the afternoon. "So... Got all that?" "Yes," Sombra said after he finished writing. "I hope that wasn't too boring," Twilight said as she approached Sombra who was packing up. "No, it was quite interesting. You have great friends from what I can tell, Twilight Sparkle," Sombra said. "Yep, my friends are truly the best!" Twilight grinned. "By the way, you should head to Rarity's next. I'll show you where to go." He never thought one mare could tire him. Rarity wanted to make a few (read: many) clothing designs for stallions. The unicorn said that he could be a model but Sombra thought otherwise. After spending the afternoon with her, he couldn't bear the thought of wearing different clothing for one photo. Although, he had to admit, Rarity's designs were very unique and beautiful, and could level the best designers he knew. She was quite beautiful, too. He was in no way attracted to her, of course. The dragon looks smitten with her, although Rarity didn't seem to notice. He dropped his saddlebag in his room and went to take a shower. There were food that he packed up from the Crystal Empire and from the party, and he had a few of that for dinner. He cleaned up the dishes and sighed as he sat on the sofa. There wasn't much to do tonight. Reading crossed his mind but none of the books he brought with him had sparked interest in him. He could try talking to his neighbor but they were surely tired after a long day of work. He then made his way to his bed, deciding to sleep but the feeling of drowsiness never came. After tossing and turning many times, he decided to go for a walk. Perhaps he could go to the park? Yes, that sounds nice. There was nopony in the park as expected. All the streetlights were off so it was dark but Sombra didn't mind. He walked around the park before deciding to sit on the bench. He took a deep breath as he felt the chilly night breeze. Darn, he should've brought a coat. He was about to stand up when a mare's voice said, "Why aren't you asleep?" He turned and saw Luna appearing from the trees behind the bench. Sombra patted the spot next to him as he responded, "Well, Your Majesty, I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing in Ponyville?" "I usually have duties to take care of in the night, pony's nightmares to battle," Luna said, sitting next to him. "It can get stressful sometimes so I tend to come to the park." "You sound like a busy mare," Sombra said. "That I am," Luna then asked, "How are you enjoying Ponyville so far?" "I've only been here for two days, and I feel at home already. The residents here are friendly and welcoming unlike the ones in my home town," Sombra said. "Can't blame the crystal ponies, I tried turning them into slaves." "Friendly you say? Hmm, odd," Luna said thoughtfully, "When I first arrived here for Nightmare Night, they acted like I will turn into Nightmare Moon anytime. Luckily Twilight helped me gain their trust." "Funny, they talk to me easily and I have already made a few friends." "Consider yourself lucky," Luna huffed. Sombra chuckled. "Perhaps it is because they believed you were just a bedtime story and never expected you to be real, Princess," "That could be it," Luna nodded, "And I am very much real." The mare looked around. Sombra could've sworn she looked a little disappointed. "It seems like some things never change after a thousand years." "And that is..?" "They choose to sleep instead of appreciating my night," Luna said. "They do not know how hard I worked to make the night sky beautiful. But it doesn't matter, I assume." "Well, I am awake. And of course, I have noticed your night." Sombra made an attempt to cheer Luna up. "You only say that to cheer me up," Luna looked at him. "Nay, I am being sincere, Your Highness." "Truly?" Sombra nodded. She then smiled, making Sombra feel odd. Was it fear? No, that is not it... Nervousness? Well, close. Luna had a beautiful smile. "Well, I thank thee for appreciating my night!" Luna said, happiness radiating off her. "And I appreciate that you took the time to make it as beautiful as you," Sombra said, making Luna blush slightly. Sweet Celestia, what the hell was that? Why did he say that? Sombra punched himself internally. "Well, I thank thee for the compliment," Luna chuckled. "You do not look bad yourself, King Sombra." "Please, just Sombra is fine," Sombra stuttered. "You may call me Luna, then," Luna smiled. "It is nice to meet you. Again." Again? What does she mean? Oh. That's right. Luna was there with Celestia. The sisters had defeated him last time. "Likewise, Luna," Sombra nodded. They soon striked up a conversation and talked for hours. They went from talking about their work life to their foalhoods, laughing together about the time a younger Luna scared a younger Celestia with a cockatrice plush. The mare might've completely traumatized her sister, because she tend to avoid chickens, alive or not. Catching their breathes, Luna said, "It must be late. You should head back," "Of course," Sombra agreed, still chuckling. They stood. "Will I be seeing you again?" "If that's what you want. It is fun conversing with you, Sombra," Luna smiled. She wanted to pull him into a hug, to tell him how much she appreciate him staying up for her, but decided against it. Sombra could tell anyways. Luna seemed much more happier than when she first arrived. They said their goodbyes. Luna flew back and Sombra, deciding that he had enough walking, used his umbrum magic to travel back to his apartment. Hopefully the residents didn't see him flying about. They might think he was back to being 'evil'. As he laid on his bed, he thought about how he felt at home in this town. He was glad he had accepted the offer and moved to Ponyville. He closed his eyes, thinking about his lesson with Pinkie Pie next morning. Meanwhile, Luna had arrived back to Canterlot Castle. She trotted - almost skipping- to her room. As Luna entered her room, Celestia spotted her younger sister looking happier than usual. She knocked on the door and entered when she got permission. "My, you look happy. I've never seen you like this," Celestia joined Luna, who was sitting on the large, soft rug. "Can't I be happy?" said Luna playfully. "That's not what I'm saying," Celestia said, "What's made you so happy?" "If you must know, I met Sombra at Ponyville's park. He was quite fun to converse with!" "Ah, I see what this is," Celestia said misheviously after a pause. "What?" "Do you feel anything when you are with him?" Knowing exactly what her sister is trying to do, Luna said, "Tia, I just got to know him! You can't just have feelings for a stallion you just met," "Of course, of course," Celestia said dismissively, convinced that Luna does have feelings for Sombra. The older alicorn then tuned a bit serious. "Speaking of which, has Sombra shown any violent reactions?" "Not that I know of. He did mention that he had lessons with Twilight," Luna informed. "Why do you ask?" "If this reforming is a success, I plan on releasing Discord and get him to use his magic for good," admitted Celestia. "Reform - Discord?!" Luna exclaimed. "Sister, you're not being serious." "I am quite serious," "He is the embodiment of chaos! There was a reason we trapped him in stone!" "If Sombra is able to redeem himself, why not Discord?" There was something else in Celestia's voice and Luna noticed it. "You are still in love with him," Luna stated, approaching her sister. She knew she was right when her sister didn't respond. "I know that you miss him but you have to let him go." "Just trust me on this, Luna. Perhaps Twilight and her friends can -" "'Tia, please..." "Trust me, Luna." Celestia insisted, and Luna paused before nodding in defeat. Once Celestia got determined about something, you cannot stop her. "I hope you know what you are doing, sister." Luna said in a defeated tone, watching Celestia leave her room. "Well, what's the worst that could happen?" Celestia pulled on her serene smile, leaving the room. Luna sighed tiredly as the door closed.