• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 2,135 Views, 22 Comments

Assassin's Tears - MisterGTFO

An Once-Assassin goes to Ponyville, hoping he will not be caught and meets somepony and her friends.

  • ...

Making Friends

Chapter One: Making Friends

Silent Wind wondered around Ponyville and wondered what to do here until everything was back to normal. Despite his pondering, he saw that Ponyville was full of Pegasi, Earth Ponies and Unicorns alike. So he felt a bit comfortable knowing that he wasn't the only pegasus anymore. Unlike in Canterlot, where almost everypony is a Unicorn.

He explored Ponyville more and saw that there was a field full of apple trees and a red barn. He looked at the sign and saw that the farm was called "Sweet Apple Acres" Silent Wind knew that it must've been a kind of family place where they picked apples.

"Hey! you, what yer doin here around Sweet Apple Acres?" A Mare's voice said.

Silent Wind look to his right, there stood a Blond-maned Mare with a cowboy hat looking at him inquisitively. She must work here Silent Wind thought.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you couldn't come here." Silent Wind said.

"Hmm.. ah ain't seen you 'round 'ere mister, what's yer name?" She said.

"Me? oh.. my name is Silent Wind."

"Silent Wind? Uhm, alrighty then. Mah name's Applejack. Nice t'meet ya here, stranger." Applejack said.

"Thank you, I'm new here and I just wonder if you knew where an new pony in town could stay at."

"Well, you'd best go to them apartments, they can help ya stay there for darn while."

"Oh well thank you, and do you work here?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Ah sure do an' ah also live 'ere with mah family."

"Oh! well I gotta go, gettin a bit dark now..." Silent Wind ran down the hills and into town.

"Boy howdy, I got a good feelin' about that Stallion." Applejack chuckled.


Silent Wind walked down the streets of Ponyville and started to head toward the apartments. He then saw a pink Mare hop across him. And wondered who was that.

"Oh hi! I don't know you but you seem fun!" The pink Mare said.

"Are you.. ok?" Silent Wind said nervously.

"OK? I feel dandy as a candy! Hey, what's your name?"

"Uh.. Silent Wind."

"OH what a nice name! My name's Pinkie Pie!"

"Oh.... how.. nice." Silent Wind said.

"Ok then! gotta go now! bye!" Pinkie Pie then began to hop away.

"...I think she's a bit crazy.." Silent Wind said.

While he was moving toward the apartments he accidently bumped into a Lavender Mare and saw that he saddlebag was in the air and about to fall. He decided to quickly snap up and catch it with his mouth.

"Miss? are you ok?" Silent Wind said.

"Yes, I think so. Thank you for catching my bag for me." The Mare said.

"Your welcome, miss I-"

"You.. must be the new pony here! I hear some of my friends talk about you." She said.

"Oh really? oh well I guess word gets around fast, here in Ponyville." Silent Wind said.

"I sure does!, oh sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"My name is Silent Wind. Nice to meet you, Twilight." Silent Wind said.

"Where are you going, Silent Wind?" Twilight said.

"I'm going to the apartments, I've got to find a place to sleep don't y'think?"

"Oh really..? It so happens that I have an extra bed in my home, if- if you want it that is." Twilight said.

"Oh, sure. I take it if you'll allow it that is."

"Of course I'll allow it! everypony helps everypony here in Ponyville." Twilight said.

"Thanks, mind showing me your home?" Silent Wind said.

"Sure! come with me!" Twilight began to walk and Silent Wind followed her.


When Silent Wind was shown Twilight's home he was a bit suprised seeing how it was treehouse.

"You.. live in a treehouse..?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Yes, I've lived here in Ponyville for many months because I am here to find the magic of Friendship."

"Magic of Friendship? like making friends?"

"Yes, something like that."

When they both got in, Silent Wind began to examine the place. He saw that there were piles of Bookshelves. Then he must've thought that she was a librarian and lived here with her books.

"Are you a Librarian?" Silent Wind asked.

Twilight began to laugh. "Oh no, I don't work here as a Librarian but if anyone happens to come by here and asks for a book, then my assistant, Spike will help them?"

"Another pony lives here with you?"

Then all the sudden, Both Silent Wind and Twilight heard footsteps at the stairs. Silent Wind then saw that Spike was not a Pony, he was actually a "Dragon" well of course, a baby Dragon.

"Did anyone say my name? oh Twilight your home, who's this Pony y'got with you?"

"Oh right! Spike, this is Silent Wind. He's new in Ponyville and he's going to stay with us."

"Oh alright then. Just don't mess anything up, anyways I have to go do my chores." Spike went back upstairs and went back to cleaning.

"Well, anyways. Yes, I am mostly with my friends since they also help me with my research of Friendship too." Twilight said.

"Oh, well I have to at least help too. It's the best I can do for you since you gave me a place stay." Silent Wind said.

Twilight slightly blushed red and broke her eye contact with Silent Wind.

"Well.. thank you. Excuse me, I have to write a note." Twilight began to walk upstairs.

"Oh ok, I'll just go outside and see more of Ponyville, if that's ok with you." Silent Wind said.

"Oh alright then, can you come upstairs though, I have to show where you'll be sleeping."

"Oops, sorry. Alright then I'll come up with you." Silent Wind followed Twilight upstairs to where most of the house material was there.

Twilight and Silent Wind went up to the bedroom, there wasn't really a room. The only other room was the bathroom but the whole room was literally the kitchen, the bedroom and other stuff too.

"Well, this is a big room." Silent Wind was suprised.

Twilight laughed. "Yes, I was a bit suprised too when I saw how big the room was when I first came to Ponyville."

They went to the beds, Silent Wind saw that his bed was by Twilight's bed which made him feel a bit warm. But he shrugged it off several seconds later.

"As you can see, your bed is by mines. I hope that it doesen't bother you." Twilight said.

"Wh- What? oh no, it's.. ok! that seems fine to Me!" Silent Wind stuttered.

"Oh..! ok then. Nice to know." Twilight nervously said.

"Alright then.. is that all?" Silent Wind asked.

"Yes, that's all. Will you get back at sunset?" Twilight questioned.

"I mostly come back at sunset, so yeah. Why, do you want me to get back at sunset?" Silent Wind said.

Twilight lowered her head a little and looked away from Silent Wind.

"Oh, no. It's just that it get's a bit cold during nighttime so you should come back at sunset if you don't want to get a cold. I thought you should just know that.."

"Thank's for telling me. I'll be back in the evening." Silent Wind walked downstairs and went out of the door.

"Now.. where was I? oh yes! Spike, take a note." Twilight said.

Silent Wind walked around Ponyville for at least two hours and looked at the clock tower, It was 1:23 which meant it was afternoon. He then saw a rainbow-maned mare make an arch in the sky. He decided to fly up and see who was it.

He followed the Rainbow-maned Mare until she stopped on a cloud. Silent Wind then talked to her.

"Hey you, are you around from here?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Yeah, are you new from here?" she said,

"Yep, my first day. Hey, you flew pretty fast there. What's your name?"

"Name's Rainbow Dash! Fastest Flyer in all of Equestria!"

"Is that a boast or a fact?" Silent Wind said.

"Of course, it's a fact! you don't think so?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I'd have to see it, let's race." Silent Wind challenged.

"Alright then, get ready!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

They both got into their readying positions and Rainbow Dash began count down to three.

"Okay! 1...2...3.. go!"


Once they both were done racing, they saw that Rainbow Dash won. Silent Wind was truly amazed how fast she was, he then began to believe that maybe she was the fastest in all of equestria. Maybe.

"Well how'd ya like that!?" Rainbow Dash said with happiness.

"You proved me wrong, nice job there, Rainbow Dash." Silent Wind admitted.

"Well I gotta go clear some clouds. Hey one last thing." Rainbow Dash said.

"What's that?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Twilight told me about you, she seemed a bit happy when she told me about you. Nice job on that, Silent Wind. Did I get it right?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Uh.. yeah, you got my name right. Well I gotta go too, see ya Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash waved at Silent Wind and flew off. Silent Wind then landed on the ground and began to talk to himself.

"She was happy when she talked about me..? She must be quite happy to have company other than her Dragon assistant, yeah that must be it." Silent Wind then walked until he saw a dirt road to his right and saw that it was leading to somewhere, he was very curious where it lead so he went on the road until he found himself looking at what seemed like a cottage or some kind of house. He then looked over and saw that there was some Yellow Pegasus tending to animals. A few seconds later, he was seen by the Yellow Mare. And she decided to meet him.

The door opened and she was there, Silent Wind noticed that she was a bit shy and quiet.

"Hello there, I'm sorry if I interupted you from.. your friends over there." Silent Wind said.

She was silent.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"H...Hello.... wh- who are you?" she said.

"Oh I'm new here. I was wondering what is this place. My name is Silent Wind."

"Oh... you must.. be Twilight's friend. I'm.. Fluttershy."

Then he understood that she was very shy, of course he knew that because of the name.

"Well, is this your home or something? I also see that you like animals too." Silent Wind said.

"Oh yes.. I like to take care of little critters, would you like to see them..?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'd like to. It never hurts to see animals." Silent Wind followed Fluttershy to the Backyard.


Fluttershy showed Silent Wind many of her animals. Silent Wind liked most of them, just not Angel Bunny. They both then looked at a Blue Jay and they both talked about it.

"This here is a Blue Jay.. it's very kind. Like me. What do you think of it...?" Fluttershy said,

"It's actually my favorite. Well birds are my favorite." Silent Wind said.

"Really..? Why?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Well think about it. Birds are really free, they can do anything even live a normal life. It's something everypony wants though some can't have that. But even those who don't have it can get it with help even if you don't have wings to help you."

It was very quiet for a few seconds, until Fluttershy spoke up.

"Wow.. that's amazing how you think of that..." Fluttershy wide-eyed.

Silent Wind laughed. "Well, you just have to have a big brain. And think of something and how you think it stands for.." Silent Wind said.

"Well, I gotta go. I need to see Ponyville a bit more. Thanks, Fluttershy. See ya." Silent Wind flew up and went indirection of the town.

"Um... I don't understand what he meant about birds...." Fluttershy whispered under her voice.

Once Silent Wind saw that the streets of Ponyville were beneath him, he landed and decided to go back to Twilight's house. While he was near Twilight's house when he was walking back, he was stopped by a another Pony near a house that Silent Wind saw was very nice and exquisite.

"Ahem, excuse me. Are you fine?" She asked.

"Uh.. yeah, why you askin?" Silent Wind said.

"Oh my, it's just your.. cloak.. it's so filthy and wretched.."

"So, that's okay."

"Why it's just so messy, may I sew it up for you?"

"W- Wait what?"

The white-furred Mare took off his cloak for him and told Silent Wind if he'd like to come in. Silent Wind strangely nodded and said yes.


After a few minutes, the Mare came to Silent Wind and putted his tan cloak on him.

"Thank you for fixing my uh... cloak." Silent Wind nervously said.

"Why your welcome, Darling! be sure to come back to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is sheen, unique and manifique." the Mare said.

"Thank's but I'm sorry, I don't even know your name..." Silent Wind said.

"Me? oh my name is Rarity. I say, you must be new here. I have never seen you around here before." Rarity said.

"Oh, well I decided just to come to Ponyville and somepony named Twilight Sparkle gave me a place to stay at her house."

"Twilight Sparkle? why what a coincidence! I am one of her friends, it is wonderful to meet a acquaintance of Twilight's. Afterall, she told us about you!"

"She did...? what did she say?" Silent Wind wondered.

"Well, she said that you were just a gem! a complete gentlecolt. You even obliged to help her!" Rarity explained.

"Oh... she said that? well, thanks. I have to get going now. It's nearly nighttime."

"Goodnight now, Darling!" Rarity waved at Silent Wind and he waved back.

While he was walking back to Twilight's home, he wondered why Twilight was talking about him so much. Maybe she was just being kind to me. Silent Wind thought.


When he got to Twilight's, he saw that it was nighttime and she was on her desk, writing a note.

"Twilight? what're you doing and where's Spike?" Silent Wind said.

"Oh, Silent Wind, hi there. Im just writing a note. I'm just about done and Spike is asleep." Twilight said.

"Oh, well I'm going to bed.."

"I'll go to bed also. It's been a tiring day..." Twilight yawned.

As they both got to their beds. Twilight began to ask Silent Wind questions that he never like nor did he ever answer those questions.

"Hey, Silent Wind." Twilight whispered.

"Hm, what?" Silent Wind replied.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions..?"

"Alright, but I'm not very interesting... well, shoot." Silent Wind whispered too.

"Well, what was your past, you know... your foalhood."

The question even made Silent Wind's eyes flick at the question. He began to be a little silent, until he spoke to Twilight.

"I.. don't want to talk about it.." Silent Wind said.

"Please, I want to know." Twilight begged.

"I said no..! I just- don't want to... now I have to go to sleep. Goodnight, Twilight." He blurted out quickly and laid his head down on his pillow quicker than ever.

"Oh..! okay then." Twilight went back to lay her head on her pillow. She felt somewhat concerned for Silent Wind, as if she knew something was wrong with him. Then she closed her eyes.

Silent Wind thought it was rude not to tell her, but it was something he never liked talking about. He had long frown on his face, thinking of the Silentblades made him angry and sad. Then he looked back at Twilight, who was asleep. He sighed.

"I hope that even If do tell you, I'd doubt you'll be able to understand me..." Slient Wind then closed his eyes and fell asleep.