Assassin's Tears

by MisterGTFO

First published

An Once-Assassin goes to Ponyville, hoping he will not be caught and meets somepony and her friends.

Silent Wind is a Former renowned Assassin who ran from his past many years ago, He isn't known much anymore, but that doesn't mean that the Canterlot royal guards haven't kept a bounty on him for multiple Assassinations and also a former member of an Dangerous and secret assassination guild known as "The Silentblades."

So, he moves to Ponyville to make sure that he doesn't get executed by the royal guards of Canterlot. He get's help from six ponies and a certain Lavender Mare.

The strange thing is how badly they want Silent Wind, he can't be special.. or is he?


Read the Sequel, Assassin's Tears 2 here!

Going to Ponyville

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Prologue Chapter: Going to Ponyville

Silent Wind was silently hiding in Canterlot. Seeing a few royal guards pass by him. Not noticing him much under his overcoat. In his mind, he knew he had to get out of Canterlot and hope that they do not know him. What he knows is that he shouldn't cross with the Captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor. Who's also husband of one the princesses, Princess Cadance. Silent Wind already knows that he was informed by Princess Celestia of Shadow Sift from day one.

"I wonder how much is it to get a ticket out of here.." Silent Wind said silently.

While he was wondering, he decided to go back to his house. Seeing that he had to think it out. He saw that he had 15 bits. He cursed under his voice and grunted.

"How am I gonna get a ticket...?" He whispered.

The only solution he thought was to steal simply, he was quite an expert at it seeing how he was not only a Master Assassin but a very skilled Thief.

He went outside to see many Rich-looking ponies but a lot of them didn't have saddlebags but then he saw a Stallion have a saddlebag. And then he began to work his skills.

He went foward at the stallion walking at him and then bumped into him.

"Whoops! Hah.. sorry about that." Silent Wind said.

"Watch it, you stallion!" The stallion said.

After getting out of that situation. Silent Wind held up his hoof to see that he stole a small bag of money. It only had 32 bits.

"Damn it..!" Silent Wind said.

Then he saw that the sun was setting down and grumbled. He knew that he was going to have steal this night and then take the train tommorow. He just hoped that he doesen't screw up on stumbling opon a Royal guard.

He began to walk silently around the residence district in Canterlot and saw a very large house. He decided that he would try to break in and steal at least a few bits in there.

He was able to get in by picking the lock and opening it. When he saw how nice the house was he was a bit amazed. But he soon focused on finding bits in the house. He checked every room except the Bedroom and he didn't find one bit in any of the searched rooms.

"I.. guess I've got no choice.." He said silently.

He slightly opened the door and took a peek. Silent Wind almost screamed and his heart literally stopped for a few seconds.

He saw both The captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor in bed and of course his wife, Princess Cadance along with him. Both of them asleep.

He then walked back slowly and whispered to himself.

"Holy Buck! I'm in the House of one of the ponies who literally want me dead...! Ok.. ok..! calm down.." He whispered.

He looked back in the room and saw that there were at least seven bits on a desk, He really had a huge risk here. Either he'd get those bits or be sniffed out by the guards soon.. or otherwise get caught here and meet the headstallion. Despite the risk, he decided to go for it. He really had to go as soon as possible, the guards were all told that he was probably in Canterlot, so there has been more guards in the districts than ever.

"I know I can.. do it..!!" He whispered.

He silently moved toward the Desk. He stopped for a few seconds when Cadance moved a little, but then moved on. He sucessfully got the bits and moved to the door. Once he got out he took a deep sigh.

"Whew.. alright time for me to get the hay outta here.."

When he got to the window, his clumsiness began to kick in. He accidently bumped into a wooden box and it fell to the ground and made a very big BANG.

"Oh. my. dear. Celestia." He said.

He then heard Shining armor's voice and he just froze but reacted to it and hid, he didn't have time to think and he flew up and hoped he wasn't seen.

"Who's there..?" Shining Armor's voice was clear as always.

Silent Wind then looked down and saw that Shining armor was below him. He kept calm and held his breath.

Shining Armor then saw the Wooden box and saw that it fell on the floor. He then looked at the opened window and then took a deep breath.

"Oh, it must've been the wind. It's been so strong lately..." Shining Armor said quietly.

Silent Wind went Wide-eyed and smiled. He then heard Cadance's voice telling Shining Armor about what happened. Shining Armor simply replied that it was just the wind and then Shining Armor levitated the Box and putted it back on the end table and then closing the window. After that, he went back to the Bedroom and went back to bed.

Whew, got lucky there. Silent Wind thought. He soon stopped hanging from the ceiling fan and carefully hovered down. He then moved foward at the window and opened it, then he went got of the house and quietly closed the door his way out.

"Now.. I FINALLY have enough..." Silent Wind said.

He went back to his room at the apartments and layed down his money. While he was checking his money, he heard a voice at his balcony.

"Long time, no see.. Silent Wind."

He memorized that Feminine-British voice and quickly looked to his left and saw that it was a Golden-fur mare with a brown, pony-tailed mane. And then, he saw the cutie mark: A crosshair with two rifles making an "X".

It was Golden Shot. An old friend he knew for at least two years, he hasn't seen her in while.

"Well, nice to see an old friend. How y'doin? I hope you've made good money as an Mercenary."

"Well.. the ol' damn thing was stupid. So I travel to find work.. But still, I've got some job as some damn captain for the that Rebel army that's in some damn civil war against that bloody Quiero Empire. Far down south 'ere. Hey, how're ya doin so far, Silent Windy?"

"Well, those damn Royal guards still have a damn bounty on me.."

"Really? all these three years?" Golden Shot said.

"Yeah, so I'm going to ponyville till I think of what to do next."

"Y'aint goin back to that bloody Guild are ya?"

Silent Wind started to get a bit upset.

"Hey.. I told you not to mention that damned place.." He started to raise his voice.

"Oh.. sorry bout that there, mate."

Everything was very silent, until Golden Shot began to speak up.

"Well now, I gotta go all the way back to the south so far from 'ere. It was nice to catch up, Silent. But even a tough Mare like me has gotta have sleep too. Goodbye, mate. And get some bloody rest. And don't worry I'll be watchin ya."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see ya. I give you a bucking post card from me sometime later." Silent Wind said.

Golden Shot chuckled and used her wings to fly back all the way back to the south. Silent Wind looked outside to see her fly away. He then forgot how fast she was.

"Gee... she's quite a tough Mare for me. But I doubt she'll be faster than me though." Silent Wind said.

Silent Wind then smiled and then closed his balcony door.


Silent Wind quickly got up, sweating and shaking. He hasn't seen himself like that in a long time. He had a horrible flashback in his sleep and all he heard and saw in his dreams were begging of ponies and blood on his hooves. He then saw horrible smiles of many evil stallions and Mares alike in Black-dark Purple robes. The exact kind of an Silentblade robes which are commonly wore among most members.

"I.. I can't think of that. No, I can't.. comon Silent Wind, keep it together.." He whispered to himself.

He got up, took a shower and checked his wardrobe. He had a tattered cloak he had with him ever since as long as he could remember. He then took his leather bracers and putted them on his hooves.

Then he went to the desk and opened one of the cabinets. There, he found two of his hidden blades which were both quite large enough to use as a weapon and of course, an assassination weapon of choice. One was in certain-rare silver called Lightsilver and another one in a kind of dark material which was a rare material called Shadowsilver. Each one was in exquisite condition and still shining. There were engraved markings on each blade in a language which was in Latin which Silent Wind knew how to speak and read it fluently. The Silver-black blade was engraved in a Latin word, Taciturnitas. Which meant "Silence".

The other blade also had a Latin word too engraved also, Umbra. Which of course, meant Shadow.

He silently just looked at the blades for a few seconds almost remembering the bad memories of the past. But soon snapped out of it and began to take off his leather bracers and then putting the Thin, engraved steel bracers that were holding the blades inside, wrapping bandages around his forearms and then putted his leather bracers back on.

He putted his hood on. He then left the Canterlot Apartments. And walked to the train station.

Since it was a Friday, there were more guards that were patrolling the streets. And Silent Wind just had to make sure that he was not stopped by one or he'd otherwise have to throw them aside.

He began to move very fast as he heard is name told by guards to others, he then saw posters of himself. Then he just ran even faster. He was near the train station until he was stopped by a Royal Guard.

"You! stop right there!" He said.

Silent Wind took a deep breath and smiled at him.

"Yes, sir?" Silent Wind said.

"Do you know anything about a Silentblade assassin in Canterlot?"

"No, what is a Silentblade assassin anyways?" Silent Wind began to work into his pretending skills.

"I don't have time to speak, but I was wondering if you could come with us to the kingdom so that we may question you, you may know more than you think." The Guard said.

Silent Wind began to flinch and started to panic.

"Oh.. well I- I am sure a mere citizen like me knows nothing of whom you call "Silentblades" Silent Wind stuttered.

"Citizen, It is in your respect that you come with me." The Guard ordered.

"Please.. I must be quick on the train, my sister is sick and I must get her medicine to her. Please.." Silent Wind was very calm.

Silent Wind then hoped that The Guard would release him and let him go. Still, he saw that The Guard still kept a straight face, showing no kind of emotion at all.

"Very well, I may let you go but only once!" The Guard said.

"Oh, thank you!" Silent Wind began to walk away from the Guard.

"Whew.. got out that hole.." He whispered.

He then saw he was already at the was at the Train station. He got in line to Ponyville and waited and waited... and waited.

Finally, he got inside the train and was very happy to see that he was inside. He hoped that he could find what he wanted in Ponyville.

But he saw how far it was, to his own estimation, he saw that it would take a few hours to Ponyville and decided to take a little nap.


Silent Wind found himself in a dark room. He didn't really know where he was so began to walk foward.

"Hello?" He said.

He then saw a White door. He was very cautious and saw that it was slightly ajar. It was beginning to open more as if it was calling him to the room.

When he opened it, he saw many ponies he knew. Many of them a Silentblade member. And some other ponies were regular ponies. Ponies he knew, the one's he killed. Then he saw a little colt move toward him and the little colt gave him a little note. Silent Wind was very confused and guessed that they wanted him to read the note.

When he saw the note, Silent Wind went a bit wide-eyed. The note said "What do you think of who you are?"

Right away, Silent Wind saw that he was woken up by one of the passengers and saw that he was in Ponyville. He sighed and got out of the train.

While Silent Wind was walking, he thought of what that note meant. Was it a riddle or a sign?

Making Friends

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Chapter One: Making Friends

Silent Wind wondered around Ponyville and wondered what to do here until everything was back to normal. Despite his pondering, he saw that Ponyville was full of Pegasi, Earth Ponies and Unicorns alike. So he felt a bit comfortable knowing that he wasn't the only pegasus anymore. Unlike in Canterlot, where almost everypony is a Unicorn.

He explored Ponyville more and saw that there was a field full of apple trees and a red barn. He looked at the sign and saw that the farm was called "Sweet Apple Acres" Silent Wind knew that it must've been a kind of family place where they picked apples.

"Hey! you, what yer doin here around Sweet Apple Acres?" A Mare's voice said.

Silent Wind look to his right, there stood a Blond-maned Mare with a cowboy hat looking at him inquisitively. She must work here Silent Wind thought.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you couldn't come here." Silent Wind said.

"Hmm.. ah ain't seen you 'round 'ere mister, what's yer name?" She said.

"Me? oh.. my name is Silent Wind."

"Silent Wind? Uhm, alrighty then. Mah name's Applejack. Nice t'meet ya here, stranger." Applejack said.

"Thank you, I'm new here and I just wonder if you knew where an new pony in town could stay at."

"Well, you'd best go to them apartments, they can help ya stay there for darn while."

"Oh well thank you, and do you work here?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Ah sure do an' ah also live 'ere with mah family."

"Oh! well I gotta go, gettin a bit dark now..." Silent Wind ran down the hills and into town.

"Boy howdy, I got a good feelin' about that Stallion." Applejack chuckled.


Silent Wind walked down the streets of Ponyville and started to head toward the apartments. He then saw a pink Mare hop across him. And wondered who was that.

"Oh hi! I don't know you but you seem fun!" The pink Mare said.

"Are you.. ok?" Silent Wind said nervously.

"OK? I feel dandy as a candy! Hey, what's your name?"

"Uh.. Silent Wind."

"OH what a nice name! My name's Pinkie Pie!"

"Oh.... how.. nice." Silent Wind said.

"Ok then! gotta go now! bye!" Pinkie Pie then began to hop away.

"...I think she's a bit crazy.." Silent Wind said.

While he was moving toward the apartments he accidently bumped into a Lavender Mare and saw that he saddlebag was in the air and about to fall. He decided to quickly snap up and catch it with his mouth.

"Miss? are you ok?" Silent Wind said.

"Yes, I think so. Thank you for catching my bag for me." The Mare said.

"Your welcome, miss I-"

"You.. must be the new pony here! I hear some of my friends talk about you." She said.

"Oh really? oh well I guess word gets around fast, here in Ponyville." Silent Wind said.

"I sure does!, oh sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"My name is Silent Wind. Nice to meet you, Twilight." Silent Wind said.

"Where are you going, Silent Wind?" Twilight said.

"I'm going to the apartments, I've got to find a place to sleep don't y'think?"

"Oh really..? It so happens that I have an extra bed in my home, if- if you want it that is." Twilight said.

"Oh, sure. I take it if you'll allow it that is."

"Of course I'll allow it! everypony helps everypony here in Ponyville." Twilight said.

"Thanks, mind showing me your home?" Silent Wind said.

"Sure! come with me!" Twilight began to walk and Silent Wind followed her.


When Silent Wind was shown Twilight's home he was a bit suprised seeing how it was treehouse.

"You.. live in a treehouse..?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Yes, I've lived here in Ponyville for many months because I am here to find the magic of Friendship."

"Magic of Friendship? like making friends?"

"Yes, something like that."

When they both got in, Silent Wind began to examine the place. He saw that there were piles of Bookshelves. Then he must've thought that she was a librarian and lived here with her books.

"Are you a Librarian?" Silent Wind asked.

Twilight began to laugh. "Oh no, I don't work here as a Librarian but if anyone happens to come by here and asks for a book, then my assistant, Spike will help them?"

"Another pony lives here with you?"

Then all the sudden, Both Silent Wind and Twilight heard footsteps at the stairs. Silent Wind then saw that Spike was not a Pony, he was actually a "Dragon" well of course, a baby Dragon.

"Did anyone say my name? oh Twilight your home, who's this Pony y'got with you?"

"Oh right! Spike, this is Silent Wind. He's new in Ponyville and he's going to stay with us."

"Oh alright then. Just don't mess anything up, anyways I have to go do my chores." Spike went back upstairs and went back to cleaning.

"Well, anyways. Yes, I am mostly with my friends since they also help me with my research of Friendship too." Twilight said.

"Oh, well I have to at least help too. It's the best I can do for you since you gave me a place stay." Silent Wind said.

Twilight slightly blushed red and broke her eye contact with Silent Wind.

"Well.. thank you. Excuse me, I have to write a note." Twilight began to walk upstairs.

"Oh ok, I'll just go outside and see more of Ponyville, if that's ok with you." Silent Wind said.

"Oh alright then, can you come upstairs though, I have to show where you'll be sleeping."

"Oops, sorry. Alright then I'll come up with you." Silent Wind followed Twilight upstairs to where most of the house material was there.

Twilight and Silent Wind went up to the bedroom, there wasn't really a room. The only other room was the bathroom but the whole room was literally the kitchen, the bedroom and other stuff too.

"Well, this is a big room." Silent Wind was suprised.

Twilight laughed. "Yes, I was a bit suprised too when I saw how big the room was when I first came to Ponyville."

They went to the beds, Silent Wind saw that his bed was by Twilight's bed which made him feel a bit warm. But he shrugged it off several seconds later.

"As you can see, your bed is by mines. I hope that it doesen't bother you." Twilight said.

"Wh- What? oh no, it's.. ok! that seems fine to Me!" Silent Wind stuttered.

"Oh..! ok then. Nice to know." Twilight nervously said.

"Alright then.. is that all?" Silent Wind asked.

"Yes, that's all. Will you get back at sunset?" Twilight questioned.

"I mostly come back at sunset, so yeah. Why, do you want me to get back at sunset?" Silent Wind said.

Twilight lowered her head a little and looked away from Silent Wind.

"Oh, no. It's just that it get's a bit cold during nighttime so you should come back at sunset if you don't want to get a cold. I thought you should just know that.."

"Thank's for telling me. I'll be back in the evening." Silent Wind walked downstairs and went out of the door.

"Now.. where was I? oh yes! Spike, take a note." Twilight said.

Silent Wind walked around Ponyville for at least two hours and looked at the clock tower, It was 1:23 which meant it was afternoon. He then saw a rainbow-maned mare make an arch in the sky. He decided to fly up and see who was it.

He followed the Rainbow-maned Mare until she stopped on a cloud. Silent Wind then talked to her.

"Hey you, are you around from here?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Yeah, are you new from here?" she said,

"Yep, my first day. Hey, you flew pretty fast there. What's your name?"

"Name's Rainbow Dash! Fastest Flyer in all of Equestria!"

"Is that a boast or a fact?" Silent Wind said.

"Of course, it's a fact! you don't think so?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I'd have to see it, let's race." Silent Wind challenged.

"Alright then, get ready!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

They both got into their readying positions and Rainbow Dash began count down to three.

"Okay! 1...2...3.. go!"


Once they both were done racing, they saw that Rainbow Dash won. Silent Wind was truly amazed how fast she was, he then began to believe that maybe she was the fastest in all of equestria. Maybe.

"Well how'd ya like that!?" Rainbow Dash said with happiness.

"You proved me wrong, nice job there, Rainbow Dash." Silent Wind admitted.

"Well I gotta go clear some clouds. Hey one last thing." Rainbow Dash said.

"What's that?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Twilight told me about you, she seemed a bit happy when she told me about you. Nice job on that, Silent Wind. Did I get it right?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Uh.. yeah, you got my name right. Well I gotta go too, see ya Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash waved at Silent Wind and flew off. Silent Wind then landed on the ground and began to talk to himself.

"She was happy when she talked about me..? She must be quite happy to have company other than her Dragon assistant, yeah that must be it." Silent Wind then walked until he saw a dirt road to his right and saw that it was leading to somewhere, he was very curious where it lead so he went on the road until he found himself looking at what seemed like a cottage or some kind of house. He then looked over and saw that there was some Yellow Pegasus tending to animals. A few seconds later, he was seen by the Yellow Mare. And she decided to meet him.

The door opened and she was there, Silent Wind noticed that she was a bit shy and quiet.

"Hello there, I'm sorry if I interupted you from.. your friends over there." Silent Wind said.

She was silent.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"H...Hello.... wh- who are you?" she said.

"Oh I'm new here. I was wondering what is this place. My name is Silent Wind."

"Oh... you must.. be Twilight's friend. I'm.. Fluttershy."

Then he understood that she was very shy, of course he knew that because of the name.

"Well, is this your home or something? I also see that you like animals too." Silent Wind said.

"Oh yes.. I like to take care of little critters, would you like to see them..?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'd like to. It never hurts to see animals." Silent Wind followed Fluttershy to the Backyard.


Fluttershy showed Silent Wind many of her animals. Silent Wind liked most of them, just not Angel Bunny. They both then looked at a Blue Jay and they both talked about it.

"This here is a Blue Jay.. it's very kind. Like me. What do you think of it...?" Fluttershy said,

"It's actually my favorite. Well birds are my favorite." Silent Wind said.

"Really..? Why?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Well think about it. Birds are really free, they can do anything even live a normal life. It's something everypony wants though some can't have that. But even those who don't have it can get it with help even if you don't have wings to help you."

It was very quiet for a few seconds, until Fluttershy spoke up.

"Wow.. that's amazing how you think of that..." Fluttershy wide-eyed.

Silent Wind laughed. "Well, you just have to have a big brain. And think of something and how you think it stands for.." Silent Wind said.

"Well, I gotta go. I need to see Ponyville a bit more. Thanks, Fluttershy. See ya." Silent Wind flew up and went indirection of the town.

"Um... I don't understand what he meant about birds...." Fluttershy whispered under her voice.

Once Silent Wind saw that the streets of Ponyville were beneath him, he landed and decided to go back to Twilight's house. While he was near Twilight's house when he was walking back, he was stopped by a another Pony near a house that Silent Wind saw was very nice and exquisite.

"Ahem, excuse me. Are you fine?" She asked.

"Uh.. yeah, why you askin?" Silent Wind said.

"Oh my, it's just your.. cloak.. it's so filthy and wretched.."

"So, that's okay."

"Why it's just so messy, may I sew it up for you?"

"W- Wait what?"

The white-furred Mare took off his cloak for him and told Silent Wind if he'd like to come in. Silent Wind strangely nodded and said yes.


After a few minutes, the Mare came to Silent Wind and putted his tan cloak on him.

"Thank you for fixing my uh... cloak." Silent Wind nervously said.

"Why your welcome, Darling! be sure to come back to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is sheen, unique and manifique." the Mare said.

"Thank's but I'm sorry, I don't even know your name..." Silent Wind said.

"Me? oh my name is Rarity. I say, you must be new here. I have never seen you around here before." Rarity said.

"Oh, well I decided just to come to Ponyville and somepony named Twilight Sparkle gave me a place to stay at her house."

"Twilight Sparkle? why what a coincidence! I am one of her friends, it is wonderful to meet a acquaintance of Twilight's. Afterall, she told us about you!"

"She did...? what did she say?" Silent Wind wondered.

"Well, she said that you were just a gem! a complete gentlecolt. You even obliged to help her!" Rarity explained.

"Oh... she said that? well, thanks. I have to get going now. It's nearly nighttime."

"Goodnight now, Darling!" Rarity waved at Silent Wind and he waved back.

While he was walking back to Twilight's home, he wondered why Twilight was talking about him so much. Maybe she was just being kind to me. Silent Wind thought.


When he got to Twilight's, he saw that it was nighttime and she was on her desk, writing a note.

"Twilight? what're you doing and where's Spike?" Silent Wind said.

"Oh, Silent Wind, hi there. Im just writing a note. I'm just about done and Spike is asleep." Twilight said.

"Oh, well I'm going to bed.."

"I'll go to bed also. It's been a tiring day..." Twilight yawned.

As they both got to their beds. Twilight began to ask Silent Wind questions that he never like nor did he ever answer those questions.

"Hey, Silent Wind." Twilight whispered.

"Hm, what?" Silent Wind replied.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions..?"

"Alright, but I'm not very interesting... well, shoot." Silent Wind whispered too.

"Well, what was your past, you know... your foalhood."

The question even made Silent Wind's eyes flick at the question. He began to be a little silent, until he spoke to Twilight.

"I.. don't want to talk about it.." Silent Wind said.

"Please, I want to know." Twilight begged.

"I said no..! I just- don't want to... now I have to go to sleep. Goodnight, Twilight." He blurted out quickly and laid his head down on his pillow quicker than ever.

"Oh..! okay then." Twilight went back to lay her head on her pillow. She felt somewhat concerned for Silent Wind, as if she knew something was wrong with him. Then she closed her eyes.

Silent Wind thought it was rude not to tell her, but it was something he never liked talking about. He had long frown on his face, thinking of the Silentblades made him angry and sad. Then he looked back at Twilight, who was asleep. He sighed.

"I hope that even If do tell you, I'd doubt you'll be able to understand me..." Slient Wind then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

His Lucky night and His Bad Day

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Chapter Two: His Lucky night and His Bad Day

Silent Wind was awaken by a bright light and saw that Spike was looking at him. He was startled by his Glare and began to question him.

"Gah! Wh- What do you want, Spike?!"

Spike was nervous, talking to Silent Wind after being told why he woke him up.

"Oh.. um, Twilight just told me to check on you to see if you were ok.. sorry for waking you up." Spike explained.

"Oh really? how.. nice." Silent Wind was confused why Twilight was so... worrying.

"Strange, huh? Twilight usually doesen't make me do that kind of stuff.. but anyways, yeah that's all I've gotta say to you. I gotta go.. do my chores." Spike said.

Silent Wind began to see a frown across Spike's face. He became a bit concered of Spike and spoke to him.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Silent Wind said.

"What're you talking about, I'm fine." Spike tried to lie.

Silent Wind could see Spike's lie very easily. He was trained to see lies afterall.

"Spike, I can see somethings bothering you. What's wrong? Tell me."

Spike gave a big sigh and told Silent Wind his little problem.

"Everyday, I have to do chores for Twilight since I'm her assistant. The thing is, I have an arranged lunch with Rarity.. but I Twilight told me to stay here and finish my chores, but there's just so much chores that I'll have to cancel the lunch with Rarity.." Spike explained.

"Wait, do you like Rarity. Spike?" Silent Wind said.

"It's not really a secret anymore, so yeah I do." Spike said.

Silent Wind smiled and decided to help Spike with his chores. So he spoke to Spike if he could help him, if he wanted that is.

"Spike, what if I help you with your chores too? that way, you won't be late." Silent Wind obliged.

"Wait, really? you'll do that for me?" Spike was suprised.

"Well it's a bit rude to keep a Mare waiting. And I guess you can say I'm a soft spot for helping getting ponies or whoever together.." Silent Wind admitted.

"Okay then!! If we can finish this before 12PM, I'll be on time!" Spike began to work.

Silent Wind saw that it was 10AM, he quickly got to work with Spike.


At Canterlot apartments, The apartment helpers were checking all emptied rooms. Two stallions were checking Silent Wind's room.

"Hey man, I wonder why he have to check every damn corner of every room?" The Stallion said.

"It's the freaking policy, man." The other stallion was checking the desk until an amulet was found in one of the desk cabinets.

"Holy crap... this is..!" He reconized the Amulet as a Silentblade amulet given to Assassin's of the Silentblade guild, a Very Unique type of amulet.

"Oh celestia, that's those Assassin amulets! go give that to the Captain of the Royal guard, dude!" The stallion said.

The other stallion began to run to the Canterlot Kingdom. Reporting to the Canterlot Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor.


After an hour of doing chores, both Spike and Silent Wind were finally done with the chores.

"Everything... is perfect!" Spike was very tired.

"Yeah huh.. you owe me one..!" Silent Wind was a bit exausted.

"I sure do.. anyways.. this Dragon here, has lunch time with a Mare. And thanks Silent Wind, I owe ya a breakfast tommorow." Spike then made his way to the door and went to see Rarity.

"That Dragon sure is a Gentlecolt to a certain Mare." Silent Wind smiled and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once Silent Wind got out of the shower, he wore his things again. And saw that Twilight was home.

"Oh Twilight, hey I didn't know you were home.."

"Hey Silent Wind, I bumped into Spike. He told me how you helped him with his chores, I also want to thank you for helping him. I always think that I give him too much chores since he's just a Baby Dragon.." Twilight gave Silent Wind a gentle hug.

"Uh yeah.. don't mention it. I'll help him anytime. Which reminds me.. I think I'm gonna go out for a bit." Silent Wind began to get a bit red.

"I was wondering.. if I could show you to my friends." Twilight asked.

"Oh.. ok. Wanna go now?" Silent Wind said.

"Oh sure just let me do something.."

After Twilight was done doing a few things, They both went to Sugarcube Corner where her friends usually met at. They both walked together and went into Sugarcube Corner. When they both got inside, they saw that four Mares were talking to eachother. Those four Mares were Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack.

"Boy Howdy, you two together already?!" Applejack said.

Both Twilight and Silent Wind looked at eachother, red-cheeked and blushing. It was very silent until both Twilight and Silent Wind spoke at Applejack.

"What? No!" Twilight and Silent Wind said in unison.

Everypony laughed and Twilight and Silent Wind moved foward and sat with the rest of the group.

After a few minutes, Silent Wind said he had to use the bathroom, Twilight began to talk to her friends about Silent Wind.

"So, how does everypony liking Silent Wind?" Twilight asked.

"He's so fun to be by!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Well, he's cool enough for me." Rainbow Dash said.

"When ah first met 'im, he was a kind of Stallion ah see in, but don't ya'll take that th' wrong way now!" Applejack shouted.

"He was so kind to my animals.. did you know his favorite animals are birds..?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Hey that reminds me, where's Rarity?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Oh she's with Spike, doing a few things with him." Twilight explained.

Unfortunately, Twilight and the other's did not know that Silent Wind did not really go to the bathroom, he was "spying" on Twilight to see if she would immediately talk about him. He then suprised Twilight and her friends.

"Gotcha!" Silent Wind yelled.

Twilight made a small eep. And saw that Silent Wind was behind her.

"Hey! that's rude to do that!" Twilight hissed.

"And it's rude to talk about other ponies, isn't it?" Silent Wind said.

"Well.. I-I guess so.. sorry about that." Twilight apologized.

After another several minutes of talking with the whole group, Silent Wind saw that the four of them were about to go.

"Oops, Ah gotta go everypony, It's applebuckin' season and Granny Smith is makin me work overtime." Applejack then went to the door and left.

"I have to make cupcakes for costumers! bye bye!" Pinkie Pie hoped to the kitchen and began to prepare to make cupackes.

"Oh my goodness, it seems that it's almost feeding time for my animals. Goodbye everyone..!" Fluttershy left also.

"Oh great, It's Weather patrol for me now... well, I gotta go!" Rainbow Dash flew and found her way out at an open window.

When everypony was gone, Silent Wind began to talk to Twilight, Twilight tried to blurt something out but was cut short by Silent Wind.

"You know Twilight, I haven't ever had a Pony ever talk about me this much. As much as I'm flattered, I have to say why are you talking about me so much? is there something wrong?" Silent Wind questioned.

Twilight began to blush a little and stepped away from Silent Wind.

"Well.. I'm- just being kind.. here in Ponyville, Ponies help a another Pony so that everypony knows everypony.." Twilight stuttered.

"Twilight.." Silent Wind stepped closer.

Twilight just blushed even more.

"Y-yes?" Twilight questioned.

"Do you like-" Silent Wind was cut short by a scream in direction from the town. It was Fluttershy's scream.

"What was that?!" Silent Wind wondered.

"That was Fluttershy!" Twilight soon heard more screams.

"Oh dear Celestia, we have to see what's wrong!" Twilight ran outside and Silent Wind came along with her.

Once they went outside, they saw that a Dragon was terrorizing the forests. Silent Wind was suprised when he saw that Dragons were attacking, they are usually quiet and peaceful. But they never are aggressive. He quickly talked to Twilight.

"Twilight! you stay here and help other Ponies! I have to stop that Dragon!" Silent Wind explained.

"How are you going to stop a Dragon that big!?" Twilight asked.

"Just listen alright? I got this Dragon!" Silent Wind flew up to the Dragon as soon it shortly landed on the mountains.


Once he encountered the Dragon, It fiercely roared at him. Silent Wind began to feel adrenaline, something he hasn't felt and he began to feel cocky.

"Heh, this dragon is pretty big. If it was my pet, it'd be the best mutt ever!" Silent Wind cockily said

The Dragon began to roar. It then shot a gigantic Fireball at Silent Wind but Silent Wind just flew up and easily evaded it. Then, Silent Wind drew his blades.

"You're Dead." Silent Wind then flew at the dragon.

The Dragon flew up, encountering Silent Wind. The Dragon swung it's tail at Silent Wind, but he dodged it and made a slash at it's left wing, causing the Dragon to roar in pain. But when Silent Wind looked back, it strangely regenerated, very fast.

"What the- Dragon's don't have that..!" Silent Wind's focus was off and he was hit by a swinging tail and got smashed to the mountain ground.

"Damn it! oww..!" Silent Wind said.

He saw that a claw was coming at him, he quickly got up and became confused how it healed from it's wound. Then he saw it. A red mark on it's forehead: A Mind-controlling seal. Luckily, Silent Wind kept a Mind-reversing note that destroys the mark within his bracers, given to Silentblades.

"Well, let's do this.. I could just kill it.. no, that'd be too violent." Silent Wind thought.

The Dragon soon used its fire breath, Silent Wind quickly dodged it and hanged onto the Dragon. The Dragon tried to shake him off but to no avail, it could not. Silent Wind them flew up, hitting the dragon with his hoofleg. Making a mark on it's nose which caused the dragon to become dazed. He then flew at it's head landing on it and quickly putted the note on it's forehead, causing it's forehead to fizzle. But with the dragon's last mind-controlling impulse, It gave Silent Wind a hand smack, causing him to get smashed on the ground, making a mark on the ground.

Silent Wind, who was pratically knocked the hay out. Looked at the Dragon, seeing that it was coming back to normal.

"What is a pegasi like you doing here?! and why are you smashed on the ground!?" the Dragon shouted.

"Oh really? y'didn't know you were terrorizing the whole Everfree forest?!" Silent Wind yelled.

"No! you Pegasi! all I remember is being met by an Unicorn who was in robes!" The dragon explained.

When Silent Wind heard of a Unicorn in robes, he feared the worst.

"Wait? WHAT?! what were the colors of the robes? Tell me!" Silent Wind yelled.

"Very impatient.. but If my mind remembers, the robes were Black and white..!" The dragon said.

Silent Wind got even more scared because what he knew that the only ones who wear black and white in the Silentblades, are Elite Assassin Advisors who assign Assassination jobs to inferior Assassins. There were only very few also since barely anyone got into and Silent Wind only was a Guardian for the Leader.

"Now I must go now, let us not see eachother ever again!" The Dragon flew away. Silent Wind just standed there, motionless. Until he broke from his fear and went back to Ponyville.

"Why the hay are the Silentblades doing around here?! Why?" Silent Wind wondered while moving toward town. There, he saw that many Ponies were there. Cheering for him. Silent Wind had a dumbfounded face when he saw that everypony in town was cheering for them even the Mane six were cheering for him too.

The Mayor came up to him, congratulating him for protecting the forests. Silent Wind simply said "Your welcome".

"Well this is quite a big... group cheering for me..." Silent Wind was speechless.

"Of course! you've saved not only Ponyville but all of the Everfree Forest!!" The Mayor exclaimed.

"Thank you.. well I'm very used to being cheer by many ponies.." Silent Wind chuckled.

"Oh of course, everypony give our dear friend room!" The mayor shouted.

Almost everyone moved a few steps back. Silent Wind finally flew over them.

"I'm a bit sorry everyone! I'm not used to being so famous y'know!" Silent Wind laughed, and the crowd laughed back. Then Silent Wind flew back to Twilight's home.


When he got back to Twilight's. He saw that Spike was home. He seemed that he was done by 4PM.

"Oh hey Spike, you're home." Silent Wind said.

"You bet!" Spike seemed very happy.

"Why are you so happy, Spike?" Silent Wind questioned.

"I got a kiss from Rarity!" Spike pointed at his lips.

"No way! way to go, Spike!" Silent Wind couldn't help my smile.

"Yeah, if you didn't help me I could have never gotten to Rarity!" Spike gave Silent Wind a little hand-hoof shake.

"Now, I'm a bit tired... I gotta go to sleep." Spike began to go upstairs.

"Okay then.. I'll just go do whatever.." Silent Wind went to the balcony.

Silent Wind sat down on the floor at the balcony and just looked at the setting sun. And began to think the Silentblades, he remembered how he liked to kill but it just felt wrong against Pony nature. Even though he left the Silentblades, he doesen't know why he left. It's a wonder that has made him question himself for a few years. He then heard a creak at the door. He quickly went downstairs to see who it was. It was Twilight and her friends. They all looked a bit happy, which scared him a bit.

"Aw! Come 'ere!" Pinkie Pie went in first to hug Silent Wind. Then Applejack came in. Then Rarity came in too, so did Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and most of all, Twilight joined too.

"I appreciate and flattered that you've all given me a group hug but.. I'm like suffocating." Silent Wind muffled.

They all released eachother and all of them giggled a little bit after staying all together inside Twilight's home, they all left except for Rarity who gave Spike a kiss on the cheek and then left. All that were left were Twilight and Silent Wind and of course, Spike but he was asleep.

Silent Wind was about to go to sleep at night until he saw that Twilight wasn't home. He began to look around the house until he saw a note, on the dinner table.

I went to the Ponyville bridge, I'd like to meet you there. Just you and me. I hope you get this note, I'll be waiting.

Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Silent Wind was a bit confused why Twilight wanted to meet him but he shrugged it off and moved his flank to the bridge. There, he saw that Twilight was waiting patiently for him. He saw Twilight and Twilight saw Silent Wind too.

"Oh, you came!" Twilight said.

"Of course I did, what were you doing?" Silent Wind questioned.

"Oh I was just looking at the river. It seems really beautiful." Twilight said.

"You know.. Twilight.." Silent Wind began.

"Hm? what is it?" Twilight said. Silent Wind began to blush a little.

"I just wanted to say thank you alot for showing me Ponyville and taking me in I guess, I've honestly never met anyone kind as you I guess. Well yeah, Fluttershy is really kind but she's real quiet. What I'm just saying is, If you ever need anything, just talk to me." Silent Wind then did something he's never done before, he hugged Twilight.

When he broke the hug, Twilight was speechless and she her face was apple red. She began to smile.

"You don't have to thank me, afterall it's just a thing that fri-" Silent Wind was interrupted when Twilight smashed her lips into Silent Wind's. Silent Wind wasn't even thinking of anything. He was extremely suprised thinking that this wonderful Mare likes him.

Once Twilight broke the kiss, Silent Wind had a very dumb face which made Twilight giggle.

"I.. wanted to do that for a while now... sorry if you didn't expect that." Twilight was looking away from Silent Wind. When she looked back she saw that Silent Wind was smiling. That's when Silent Wind decided to push his lips against Twilight's. The second Kiss made it better for Twilight. After a minute of just standing there. They both talked.

"Well, now I know why you kept talking about me. You must've really wanted me to take notice of you, no?" Silent Wind said.

Twilight nodded.

"It's just that I wasn't seeing you much so I was a bit lonely afterall like Pinkie Pie said it, you are fun to be with." Twilight smiled. Silent Wind began to chuckle.

"You're a bit right on that. Anyways I'm going back, it's getting dark out. Are you comin?" Silent Wind asked.

"Yes, I'm coming along." Twilight followed Silent Wind. She ran up to him and layed her head on his neck. And both went home.

Sadly, those two did not know.. that Twilight's friends were spying on them.

"Yee-haw! Ah knew those two would be great t'gether!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. Quiet, Applesmack you'll wake up the whole town." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh goodness, that was so beautiful..." Fluttershy whispered.

"We should throw them a party tommorow!" Pinkie Pie suggested.

"Oh my, I hope that is wise, Pinkie Pie. But still, did you see those two..?! they're both perfect as diamonds for eachother..!" Rarity exclaimed.


Back at the Canterlot Apartments, Shining Armor and several Royal Guards were questioning the owner of the Apartments while checking the room that Silent Wind was in.

"Sir, do you know who's name the stallion who lived here. It's essential to know." Shining Armor said.

"Hmm.. well he did sign his name in.. I think it was err.. Silent Wind?" The owner said.

"Thank you, Sir."

Shining Armor moved foward at his men to discuss where Silent Wind could've went.

"Men, if I'm correct, this Silentblade Assassin is named Silent Wind. It is certain that he has left Canterlot to find another hideout. It is possible he could be in Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Trottingham or even Ponyville." Shining Armor discussed.

"Captain, what do we do?" One of the Royal guards questioned.

"Dispatch battalions at every major city. It will give us a better chance of finding the Assassin." Shining Armor ordered.

"Yes, sir! but Captain, what will you do?" Another Royal guard questioned.

"I will go to Ponyville, somepony there is important to me and I must check there just in case." Shining Armor said.

"We will be moving out to report to four major cities to any battalion we can get to!" All of the Royal guards left the apartment and Shining Armor was very worried.

"If that Assassin is in Ponyville, Twily and her friends are in deep danger. If he is in Ponyville, I'll make sure I get there in time before he does any anypony and most importantly, Twily.."

Secrets and Sadness

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Chapter Three: Secrets and Sadness

Silent Wind was awaken by the sunlight and saw that he was in bed. Many things had happened yesterday that Silent Wind couldn't remember all of them. He still heard the words the Dragon said that echoing within his mind.

"..the robes were Black and white..!" He heard the Dragon's voice within his mind, seeing a flashback.

He then, saw that it was 10AM. That meant that it was about time to wake up and get up but Silent Wind really didn't want to today. But in the end, he grudgingly got up but as he was trying to get up, something was holding him down. He was confused what was holding him down.

"What the..?" Silent Wind looked down.

What he saw was a sleeping Twilight, still nuzzling to his chest. He began to feel a bit warm and then decided to go back to sleep. Afterall, Twilight was still asleep too.

After a good two hours, Silent Wind woke up again. He saw that Spike was at his leghoofs and also noticed that Twilight was out of bed.

"Hey Spike. Hey, where's Twilight?" Silent Wind said.

"She's in the shower, I have to go on Business for a few days in Canterlot. See ya till Monday." Spike grabbed his things and left for Canterlot.

"Dragons go on businesses?! Weird.." Silent Wind thought.

Silent Wind decided to wait for Twilight until she was done showering. Silent Wind constantly pulled his Hidden blades in and out for amusement seeing how he forgot how boring it was to be patient. He then decided to look around and found a book that amused him: Studies of Subtlety and sneaking. He began to read it and he actually learned a few things that they never knew or he must've just forgot some of the tips.

Silent Wind was reading, He didn't know that Twilight was watching him, she was smiling seeing how Silent Wind was actually reading a book.

"Are you gonna stand there or are you coming down?" Silent Wind said.

Twilight was suprised how he knew how Twilight was there, he didn't even look at her.

"Wow, you must hear good. And it's rude to read someone's book." Twilight said. Silent Wind began to laugh.

"Hah, sorry about that, thought everything was public to everypony!" Silent Wind said.

"I was just kidding, you know." Twilight hugged Silent Wind and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"You must be real happy when you're around me." Silent Wind began to blush.

"Well of course, that isn't a bad thing is it?" Twilight chuckled.

Silent Wind kissed Twilight.

"Of course not."

Once both Twilight and Silent Wind were ready to go outside, they decided to go to Sugarcube Corner seeing that her friends may be there.

As they both got to Sugarcube Corner, they all were greeted by the rest of the Mane six. All of them were happy for both of them.

"Yee-haw are ya'll both lovers now?" Applejack questioned.

Both of them just blushed until Twilight gave Silent Wind a quick kiss on the lips and smiled.

"Does that answer that, Applejack?" Silent Wind said.

"Y'bet, ah'm happy fer both of ya!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Let's throw them a party for both of them!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

Silent Wind began to whisper to Twilight.

"Are you sure she's good at making parties?" Silent Wind whispered.

"Don't worry, she isn't too crazy on her Parties as you think.." Twilight replied. Silent Wind chuckled.


Shining Armor was soon later informed later that he was not seen at Fillydelphia, Baltimare or Trottingham. Shining Armor began to fear the worst.

"Sir, that means one thing.." The Royal guard said.

"I know, he must be a Ponyville.. dispatch our battalions we move to Ponyville today." Shining Armor putted his Helmet on.

"Yes, sir!" The Royal guard ran.


After the party, Twilight and Silent Wind left Sugarcube Corner. And Silent Wind saw that the skies were clear. He began to smile and thought of something to Twilight he's never shown to anyone except he was shown by his elder brother first.

"Hey, Twilight are you scared of heights?" Silent Wind said.

"Well, only if no one is holding me.." Twilight said.

"Ok, well hang on."

"What're you-" Twilight was put on Silent Wind's back and Silent Wind flew off the ground and into the skies.

"Silent Wind, what're you doing?!" Twilight said.

"Don't worry! you got me here. I won't let you fall." Silent Wind flew up more.

Twilight got warmer when she heard those words, she rested her head on Silent Wind.

"I hope you can promise that.." Twilight said.

Silent Wind laughed.

"Heh, of course I can!" Silent Wind said.

As they Silent Wind began to slow down he went down a little, Twilight then saw that they were both far away from Ponyville. Very far away.

"Silent Wind, we're really far from Ponyville. What are you showing me?" Twilight asked.

"Just wait, Twilight."

As they got down, Twilight saw that there was a cave. Silent Wind told Twilight to come along.

"Is it even safe?" Twilight said.

"This cave's been abandoned for a bunch of years. I promise." Silent Wind said.

Twilight trusted Silent Wind, a lot. She got close to Silent Wind and followed him. After several minutes of walking. Twilight saw something just amazing, a sparkling spring with an open ground top. She saw that all the trees were blooming and couldn't believe how beautiful it was. It was way more beautiful than the kind of stuff she sees in Ponyville.

"What do you think?" Silent Wind said.

"It's.. so beautiful" Twilight gave Silent Wind a kiss and Silent Wind kissed back.

When they broke the kiss, Silent Wind began to frown. Twilight noticed.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"When I was just a little colt, I always came here with my older brother. He always said: "If we can grasp for something important, then we can help those close to us feel like this. Full of beauty and full of peace. And if we try hard enough we can make all of equestria be this peaceful and beautiful." I always loved my brother, I wish we both could see this again.."

"Why can't both of you come here?" Twilight questioned.

Silent Wind was about to cry, but he held it back. He remembered that Assassin's don't cry even if they aren't one anymore. But he's admitted to have cried once. He then told Twilight the reason why he couldn't come back.

"Because, Twilight..." Silent Wind began.

Twilight was getting curious.

"He's dead..." Silent Wind said.

Twilight was completely shock by the answer. She could barely say anything to that answer.

"Th- That's horrible! what happened?!" Twilight asked.

"I.. don't want to talk about it." Silent Wind began to turn sad.

Twilight hugged him, trying to cheer him up. Silent Wind was getting warmer.

"I'm so sorry.. I even talked about this..." Twilight began to tear up.

Silent Wind pushed back Twilight and saw that she was crying. Silent Wind began to feel a bit happy and he kissed her, trying to cheer her up too.

"It's ok.. as long as your here. I'm fine." Silent Wind hugged Twilight and Twilight smiled and hugged back.

"Thank you, Silent Wind, I love you." Twilight said.

Those words made Silent Wind's stomach have butterflies. After talking more to Twilight, they both went home and saw that it was almost sunset.

"Hey Twilight, get on my back. It's almost time to go." Silent Wind said.

Twilight nodded and she got on Silent Wind's back. She looked tired and she decided to rest her head on Silent Wind's neck, seeing how soft his fur was.

Silent Wind was flying back to Ponyville and checked on Twilight. She was sleeping on his back.

"Good, she's asleep.." Silent Wind thought.

Silent Wind was very surprised for himself, seeing how important this Mare was getting. He started to smile a little seeing how living in Ponyville was working out. Seeing how he had friends and also the most beautiful Mare in equestria.

Silent Wind then heard something from his corner left. And saw that a rope sling was coming at him. He quickly dodged it.

"Holy buck! Twilight, wake up!" Silent Wind yelled.

Twilight woke up once Silent Wind yelled at her.

"What is it?!"

"Someones trying to capture us, I don't know who it is. But hang on!" Silent Wind flew more faster and then he saw that there was a flying carriage and saw that there were three of them.

Once they got to Ponyville, Silent Wind sighed quickly.

"Alright, I'll get you down-" Silent Wind was hit by a rope sling and saw that Twilight was hit off and falling down.

"Twilight!!" Silent Wind flew down fast as he could. He was able to catch Twilight and saw that he was too close to the ground to land safely and he tried to steady in the sky but was only able to slow down the impact. Before he hit the ground, he made sure hit the ground first.

"Ow, damnit.. What the hay was that..?!" Silent Wind looked around and saw that Twilight was rubbing her head.

Then he reconized those Carriages, Canterlot-made. And the one's pulling them were Royal Guards. He then saw a large stallion in purple Armor.

"Oh, bucking crap." Silent Wind saw the carriages go down. And saw that Shining Armor was coming at him.

"You! are you Silent Wind!?" Shining Armor yelled.

"Well actually yes I-" Silent Wind was pushed back Shining Armor's magic.

"Hey! what the hay, man?!" He was then levitated by Shining Armor. And was at Shining Armor's face.

"You, are an Assassin of a guild called the Silentblades. Aren't you?" Shining Armor said.

Silent Wind stopped lying.

"How the heck did you even know I was here..?"" Silent Wind questioned.

"Simple, look at your neck."

Silent Wind looked at his neck and saw that his amulet was gone. He quickly looked back at Shining Armor. Shining Armor then dispelled his Levitating magic.

"Give me my Amulet, now." Silent Wind demanded.

"I can see that you're very impatient. But here you go." Shining Armor threw the amulet at Silent Wind's hoof and Silent Wind caught it.

"Well, you aren't gonna leave without me are you?" Silent Wind said.

"What's going on, why is my brother here?!" Twilight was getting frustrated.

"Did she just say brother?!?!" Silent Wind was completely shocked when he heard Twilight's brother was: Shining Armor.

"Brother?!" Silent Wind yelled out.

"Yes, he's my brother. Why, what's going on you two?" Twilight said.

"Twily, has he been living with you..?" Shining Armor started to raise his voice.

"Yes, he's been so sweet to me and he's also.. my coltfriend."

Shining Armor was speechless. He couldn't believe that his own sister fell for a idiotic Assassin like, him.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you Sis, but the your "coltfriend" is actually an Assassin!" Shining Armor said.

"Wh-What?! Silent Wind, is that true?!" Twilight walked up to Silent Wind.

Silent Wind knew that there was no way out of this. He finally admitted it.

"Yes, I'm a Silentblade Assassin. But a formerly Silentblade Assassin. I never liked being by people other than those I associate with but when I with you, I guess you can say that I felt something I've never felt. And those things I said were true, they weren't flat fakes!" Silent Wind explained.

Twilight began to tear up she raised her left hoof and SIlent Wind knew she was about to strike him but she just couldn't bring herself to hit somepony she loved. She just lower her hoof and began to cry and just walked away from Silent Wind.

"You only bring pain to others." Shining Armor said.

"At least she liked Me being with her!" Silent Wind said.

"You may be an ex-assassin but that doesen't mean we can forget this, You must still pay for your crimes. That is the law of Princess Celestia's order." Shining Armor said.

"You just don't get it.."

Shining Armor began to look at Silent Wind. Silent Wind rised his head up and gave Shining Armor a glare.

"You kill me, there's nothing stopping the Silentblades. They'll kill you all!" Silent Wind yelled.

"I can handle it. They don't know how strong Canterlot is." Shining Armor said.

"You sure you wanna take that risk? are you sure you want to see you wife and your sister die, because you couldn't believe me?!"

"I won't let that happen, guards take him away." Shining Armor ordered.


Silent Wind was sent to the jail room and locked inside a room he was locked in chains. He tried to break out of it quickly but it was very sturdy. He soon gave up and cursed his laziness.

"What have I gotten myself into.." He thought.

Then, he heard a few voices outside his door. He heard a "Yes" outside and wondered who was going to come in.

"I wonder who's this, Princess Celestia?" Silent Wind thought.

When the door opened, He saw that it was Twilight and he saw that her friends also came too but were forced to stay behind by the order of the Royal Guards, then the door closed.

"Why are you here..? are you here have another chance at hitting me?" Silent Wind gave a large frown.

"..No.. I just- it's sad that you're-" Twilight was shortened by Silent Wind's hoof.

"It's alright, an Assassin like me wasn't meant to be in this world anyways." Silent Wind said.

Twilight began to frown and gave him a hug.

"I'm going to really miss you.." Twilight admitted.

Silent Wind gave Twilight a final Kiss. He made it as memorable as he could. And then shed a small tear.

"I will too, but I wished that I could still be with you. It's okay.. you'll find somepony else to love one day." Silent Wind said.

"..There won't ever be anypony else that matches up to you.."


It was in the noon. The Headstallion was preparing for the execution of Silent Blade.

Shining Armor came up on the stand where he would address the ponies who are there for the execution for telling them whom they were going to execute. Shining Armor began.

"I, Shining Armor address the execution of the Silentblade Assassin, Silent Wind. For the Assassinations of over 40 ponies including four of those victims being Ambassadors of Trottingham and Fillydelphia..."

While Shining Armor was addressing the crowd, Silent Wind saw that Princess Cadance was watching him giving him a frown of Disappointment and Saw that Twilight was with the crowd also which included her friends, Twilight was showing tears seeing somepony she cared for was going to be executed.

"...I now hearby declare that Silent Wind shall be exe-" Before Shining Armor could finish, he saw a small dark-purple sphere ball on the wooden stand floor.

"Oh shit! that's a Sphere bomb!!" Silent Wind quickly thought.

He quickly ran into Shining Armor trying to bump him off the stand and also trying help himself from being blown to pieces. They both fell on the ground and the moment they fell on the ground the sphere bomb blew up, destroying the wooden stand and also killing the headstallion. It also caused everypony to run away and making the Mane 6 to hide.

"What in the name of Equestria was that?!" Rarity said.

"Ah ain't got a clue!" Applejack shouted.

"What was that?!" Shining Armor said.

Silent Wind began to look around and up and saw something very bad.

"Oh no." Silent Wind said.

What he saw on top of the small towers that were combined with the stone wall surrounding them and also rooted with the kingdom, were two Silentblade Assassins. One which wearing Elite Advisor robes which were of course, black and white. And then he saw another Assassin, Black and red. The color of Ringleaders in groups.

"I'm gonna kill them all and rip their guts out...." The pony in red robes said.

"Silent Wind, it has been a while.." The Pony in black-white robes putted his hood down.

"Oh my celestia... it's you..!!" Silent Wind exclaimed.

He reconized the horrid, deformed face of the stallion. Black on one side and white on the other side of the face. Giving off a large smile.

"Of course it is me, how about you give your uncle a hug, dear nephew?!" Silent Wind's dark uncle gave him a sinister smile and then he lock his sight on one of the mares and materialized five blades from his magic aura and aimed it a the mare, Princess Cadance.

The Eyes of a Silentblade

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Final Chapter: The Eyes of a Silentblade

As his uncle jumped up to the booth to get Princess Cadance, both of the Royal Guards protecting Princess Cadance charged at him but both had their necks cut out by the Crazy Pony in red robes.

"Got ya! Ya muthabuckin' bitches!" The crazed pony began to laugh while in air.

"Goodbye, Princess.." Silent Wind's uncle shot a fireball and the five conjured blades at Princess Cadance with his horn sparkling.

Princess Cadance was protected by a Pink barrier. A barrier conjured by Shining Armor. The mysterious relative of Silent Wind simply looked at Shining Armor dumbly. Shining Armor had eyes of pure rage.

"Who are you two?!" Shining Armor yelled.

"They're both Silentblade elites. The one in red is a Ringleader even though he's a complete dumbass, he is extreamely fierce and dangerous, The other one is well, he's my uncle, Magicius Shadow-cloak. That's his name." Silent Wind explained.

"You're saying that your Uncle is the one who killed our Canterlot Wizard near Canterlot here?!?!" Shining Armor said.

"Ah him, I turned him inside-out. It was fun, he was as pathetic as a Silentblade whelp." Magicius said.

"Geh! quit bucking talking you freakin' muthabuckas! I'm here for buckin' rampage!!!" The crazed pony began to get restless.

"Blood Roar, We're here for the princess no?" Magicius said.

"Yeah, yeah. But lets kill these two. Especially that traitorous buck, Silent Wind. I gonna enjoy killing him..." Blood Roar said.

"Fine, but you owe me once we get back.." Magicius conjured up at least seven shadowless figures and ordered them to attack.

"I must disintegrate both of you, now." Magicius used his horn and casted Two fireballs and putted them on his hands.

Silent Wind broke the shackles that were holding him by simply drawing his hidden blades and cutting the chains. The chains were rusted and were cutted easily by both the special blades.

"Yo Magicius, that's..-" Blood Roar was cut off by Magicius. Unfortunately, Blood Roar had a small memory time span and Magicius already knew what Silent Wind looked like already: Silver coat, black spikey mane, a very large wingspan possibly as big as alicorns wings, and the cutie mark he had which had two blades making an "X" with a shadowy background full of Silentblade symbols.

"I know, let's focus on disposing these two.." Magicius began to make the Fireballs more destructive.

"Yeah! time to die!" Blood Roar drew his claws from his hooves seeing that he was a experiment once.

"I got Blood Roar, get Magicius!" Silent Wind roared.

"Alright then!" Shining Armor ran at Magicius. Magicius shot his fireballs at Shining Armor but Shining Armor used his barrier again and pushed back Magicius into a wall. Then Shining Armor went to the archway and Magicius followed.

"I'm gonna buck you up!" Blood Roar yelled he attacked Silent Wind with a swipe and Silent Wind blocked it with one of his blades and then attacked Blood Roar's back with a stab but was kicked back and fell into the wooden stand rubble when Blood Roar kicked him with one of his hoof legs.

"You'll never beat me you little traitor buck!!" He jumped at Silent Wind.

"Watch your mouth!!" Silent Wind jumped at Blood Roar also.


Shining Armor and Magicius Shadow-cloak were clashing constantly. None of their attacks were hitting each other. They took their battle another location far away from the battle between Silent Wind and Blood Roar. Shining Armor was getting a bit exhausted while Magicius was keeping cool and conserving his willpower to deal a fatal blow to Shining Armor. But, he was still casting defensive spells.

"Why.. are you after my wife, Cadance?!" Shining Armor panted.

"She's a nuisance and not only are we after her, we're after you too. You and Cadance been nothing but a thorn on our back. Many of our Members have fallen before you and Cadance. You both die here, and the power of the Royal Guards will be crippled. Simple as that." Magicius explained.

"I shall not let you kill me or Cadance.." Shining Armor raised his voice.

"Now now, you can't say that when you're fight a Elite Advisor of the Silentblades.. If you fight me, Death is certain. But you're captain of the Royal Guard, so this will be a fun challenge for me." Magicius began to spark his horn and the ground began to shake.

Shining Armor shot energy rays at Magicius but he also kept up his Force field up while controlling the ground. Shining Armor then saw that this Unicorn knew how to control magic. He was basically a master at it.

Shining Armor then dodged a Earth spike coming from the ground. It had nearly pierced his heart. Magicius then conjured a whip-like rope from his horn and grabbed Shining Armor's hoof leg, making him trip.

Magicius then made a Giant earth spike from the ground and pointed it a Shining Armor.

"Goodbye, Shining Armor of the Royal Guard."

Magicius then propelled the Giant earth spike at Shining Armor. Shining Armor braced it but somehow it never came. He then saw a light-blue barrier around him. He then looked to his left and saw his wife, Princess Cadance.

"What?!" Magicius yelled.

"No one, tries to kill my husband.." Princess Cadance said with anger.

Magicius began to laugh. And both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance looked at him with a glare.

"This is perfect! I can kill both of you and you can know that both of you died together in vain!!" Magicius began to conjure at least twenty shadowless demons in imp form. And then was charging two small orbs. One had water in it, the other had lightning. The couple knew what would happen if he successfully charged those orbs up and used them.

"Sweetheart, we must stop him." Princess Cadance said.

"Are you sure you can fight, honey?" Shining Armor said.

"I am an Alicorn, Alicorns can take care of their selves." Princess Cadance smiled.

Shining Armor smiled back and they both charged the horde of conjured imps. Together.


After hours of fighting, both the fierce fighters were exausted by the fighting. Both were injured. Then Silent Blade talked to Blood Roar for a second.

"Hey.. I want to talk to you about something!!" Silent Wind yelled.

"What kind of fag like you want's to talk about?!" Blood Roar shouted.

Silent Wind was trying to prevent himself from Ripping Blood Roar apart so that he could talk to him.

"How's the old man..?" Silent Wind said.

"Hmph! He's dandy as a buckin filly with a lollipop. That good for ya?!"

"What's his mood lately I meant!!" Silent Wind was getting impatient.

"His mood?! Shitty as buck I say. He's been talking about you all the goddamn time!" Blood Roar explained.

"Shitty as always." Silent Wind said.

"Heh, well you're going to be in more shit than him!" Blood Roar charged at Silent Wind and Silent Wind charged at him also with full force.

As their weapons clashed, Blood Roar saw that he was still keeping those "blades" with him. He chuckled.

"Hehehe... you're.. still holding onto those crappy blades? how nice.." Blood Roar gave Silent Wind a smile.

"They mean more to me than you!" Silent Wind said.

"Maybe, but that doesen't mean they'll save you from me...!" Blood Roar broke the clash and flew up to kick Silent Wind but Silent Wind block the kick with both of his blades and simply slid across the concrete with his feet.

Blood Roar charged at Silent Wind and attacked him with a lower swipe, Silent Wind easily dodged it and flipped to target his kick at Blood Roar's head. He smashed Blood Roar's head hard enough to daze him for only a moment. But all it took was a moment when Blood Roar regained his vision again he already saw that Silent Wind already dived one of his blades into him.

"How.. bucked up of me to let my guard down..!" Blood Roar fell down, dead.

"Gotcha.. y'crazy buck." Silent Wind panted.

Twilight soon came out of her hiding place and helped Silent Wind with his wounds.

"Silent Wind! are you alright?!" Twilight said.

"I'm.. fine." Silent Wind started to clutch his stomach wound where Blood Roar slashed at.

"Here let me heal it!" Twilight was about to heal it until she was pushed back by a figure.

"Twilight!" Silent Wind yelled.

"How bucking stupid, you forgot many things about me.." Blood Roar was still up as if nothing happened.

"What how did..?!" Silent Wind saw where he dived his blade into Blood Roar only to see it that it was completely healed.

"That should've killed you.. ugh!" Silent Wind saw that his wound was starting to worsen.

"I see that this Mare cares about you.. Love is stupid as buck." Blood Roar started to go closer to the Knocked-out Twilight.

"Get... away from her! She has nothing to do with any of this." Silent Wind yelled. Blood Roar simply laughed, he then drew his claws.

"You're right, my man. She's got nothin' to do with this crap. Best if.. she just die." Blood Roar was about to dive his claws into Twilight, until Silent Wind dashed to him at the speed of lightning and pratically, smashing his face in.

"Heheheh... feels right, doesen't it..?" Blood Roar then saw that his whole face was broken. His face simply reformed and everything was healed.

Silent Wind was in a position of a wolf. His eyes had the main symbol of the Silentblades with evil-looking eyes that were eyes of a demon and a dark-purple pupil. He also noticed that his teeth were very.. pointy. He never thought he'd use "that power". But it felt wonderful. The rush of rage and power within his body. All he thought of was killing Blood Roar and protecting something important to him.

"Don't you.. touch her...!" Silent Wind snarled and putted his body over Twilight's and looked at Blood Roar with rage.

"Getting all pissed off now huh? I'll still buck you up even if you are using that power!!" Blood Roar standed up and charged at Silent Wind.


Even though Magicius was a great user of Magic, he was struggling with both fighting the couple, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Fighting an Alicorn made the battle for him more harder seeing how he underestimated the powers of an Alicorn.

"Heh.. I keep forgetting not to fight Alicorns but I guess now know why. Princess Cadance, I shall give you a compliment. You indeed are strong but in the end, I will win."

"As a Princess of Canterlot, I shall win! I will not lose to criminals like you!" Princess Cadance said.

"Criminals? We actually help the world with ponies who are too much of a coward to kill those they dislike. The world is full of hate, you can't see it. We are helpers, not Criminals.." Magicius explained.

"Now, I must end this.." Magicius said.

Magicius' horn began to sparkle and lightning began to radiate on the ground, and two lightning bolts came from the ground, both aiming for the couple.

Both of them used their force fields. But saw that there were two sphere bombs coming at them. It exploded but didn't cause an explosion, more like caused smoke around them.

"Shining Armor, where are you?" Princess Cadance said.

"I'm here, Cadance." Shining Armor got closer to Princess Cadance.

"Right here!" Then all the sudden, four blades made from Magicius' dark aura were on top of Cadance, Cadance did not notice, Shining Armor did.

"Cadance! get down!" Shining Armor yelled and ducked under Cadance and instead, was hit by the blades

"Shining Armor! are you okay, dear?!" Princess Cadance began to tear up.

"I am... oka-" Shining Armor began to cough up blood.

"How touching, you both can die together." Magicius began to cast a large energy beam from his horn.

"We must end this now..!" Princess Cadance hissed.

Princess Cadance touch Shining Armor's horn with hers and it began to spark something large.

"What's this?" Magicius said.

All the sudden, everything brightened up and a large beam was shot at Magicius, making him be pushed away very far. Magicius underestimated the Rumors. The power of Love was quite true despite how pathetic it sounded to him.

"Is it.. over..?" Shining Armor coughed.

"Honey, don't talk! let me heal you!" Princess Cadance began to heal Shining Armor until he was healed enough to stand up but he stumbled a little.

"Very..... Impressive..!" Magicius said.

Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance saw that his shoulder had a large hole in it. He dodged a fatal attack in the nick of time. But he was coughing up blood profusely.

"How lucky.. you may have won against me.. but next time.. the power of Love will not save you next time."

Magicius teleported back to Canterlot. And Shining Armor and Princess Cadance had a talk.

"Look's like he's retreating.. are you okay, sweetie?" Shining Armor said.

"Yes, I am fine. But I'd like to talk about something.." Princess Cadance said.

"And what's that?"

"About Silent Wind, Twilight told me everything.."

"Cadance, He has pay for his crimes. You know that's the law of Princess Celestia."

"Yes I know, but Twilight told me how kind he was to her and her friends. It would break my heart to see Twilight hurt seeing somepony she cares for die."

"What do you want me to do?!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

"Simple, do what your heart tells you to do." And with that Princess Cadance flew back to Canterlot.

Shining Armor looked at the ground with a hard think on his mind.


After many hours of fighting, Blood Roar was getting tired. His concentration was getting off and Silent Wind was laying hits on him one by one. In affiliated rage, Silent Wind just swung at him. He hitted Blood Roar in the face, causing him to fly to the wall.

"Buck, I'm gettin' tired of this shit.." Blood Roar admitted. He then heard Magicius' voice.

"Blood Roar! We've underestimated them.. we retreat for now..!" Magicius healed his wound.

"Celestia bucking damnit! I swear, next time we meet. That power ain't gonna save your flank next time!" Blood Roar flew up and grabbed Magicius.

Silent Wind just looked at both of them. He then calmed down and his teeth soon grew back to normal. His eyes, turning from dark-purple and black eyes to Azure blue, white eyes. He then no longer felt anger nor the good feeling inside of him. He then looked behind him and saw that Twilight was hurt. He flew to her side. And saw that she was a bit dizzy.

"Wha...What happened..?" Twilight blurted out.

"I'm just gonna say it, We got attacked by Two elite Silentblades, your brother and his wife went to go fight the other one, I smashed the other pony with a secret power I had and.... I'm happy you're alright." Silent Wind panted.

"You're okay..? You're okay!" Twilight got up and hugged Silent Wind. Silent Wind hugged back.

"Of course! no one can beat me!" Silent Wind grinned. Something he's never done.

"I'm really glad you're okay.." Twilight hugged a bit tighter.

Princess Cadance smiled at the scene she saw. And Silent Wind looked at her with a smile, seeing that she was also glad seeing how Twilight was happy with the pony she loved.

Shining Armor saw it too and couldn't help but smile. He began to move forward the couple. Twilight broke the hug and stepped between Shining Armor and Silent Wind.

"Shining Armor, he just saved you! he doesn't deserve to die!" Twilight had a straight face. Shining Armor also kept a straight face too.

"Twily, can you step aside? I'd like to talk to your Coltfriend. In private." Shining Armor said.

"I don't think I-" Twilight felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay." Silent Wind gave Twilight a kiss.

"Now, come with me." Shining Armor went in direction of a tower. And Silent Wind followed.


As they got to top of the tower, they talked and discussed a few things.

"Now, I need to have detail's of the Silentblades." Shining Armor said.

"Why?" Silent Wind replied.

"You should already know that we've driven off those two Silentblades, I am sure that they will come back for Revenge. And they will try kill Me and Cadance."

"Wait, they were aiming for you and your wife?!"

"Yes, it appears we have a assassination note on us, assigned by the Silentblades themselves If I am right."

"Fine, let me begin.." Silent Wind started talk.

"The Silentblades have at least six Elite Advisors, they have four Ringleaders and you probably won't even believe me on how much members they have."

"How much? Just tell me." Shining Armor said.

Silent Wind took a deep breath.

"At least 400 members." Silent Wind said.

"Wh-What?! Impossible!"

"I knew you wouldn't believe me. Some of those members are changelings. Afterall, The Silentblades have connections with the Changeling Empire. I believe you've met them."

Shining Armor was completely shocked by the info that Silent Wind gave him.

"But I know that the Royal Guards have kept bounties on Changelings, you've must've killed a lot. But that doesent mean their numbers are low."

"I know that.. It's unbelievable that Chrysalis has ties with the Silentblades.."

"Yes, but I fear the worst that they'll attack Canterlot.."

"I too feel it but we'll always be ready for them."

"Now, what are you going to do with me?" Silent Wind said.

Shining Armor then remembered the Smile on his sister's face when she was near Silent Wind. He knew that Twilight was happy even if he was a former assassin. So he took a deep breath and said it.

"Nothing. I see how happy my sister is with you, I smile everytime I see her smile. I was very stupid, I am sorry. I looked at my job instead of looking at the happiness that Twily had."

Silent Wind took a breath of Relief.

"But, you know a lot about the Silentblades. I hope that we can both keep in touch in case you see more Silentblades."

"You bet." Silent Wind pushed his hoof into Shining Armor's, giving him a hoofshake.


As they both got back, they saw that the sun was setting, they both met Princess Celestia and Silent Wind had a small conversation with Celestia. Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance gave Twilight, Silent Wind and her friends a ticket back to Ponyville and once they got on the train, Both of them began to talk.

"Well, what did my Brother say?" Twilight asked.

"He just wanted to know more about me. He also let me off also, I'm a bit surprised you're Celestia's protege. Why didn't you say anything."

"I was a bit too concentrated on you, I guess." Twilight blushed.

"How nice." Silent Wind kissed Twilight. When he broked the kiss. Twilight was blushing. Silent Wind began to laugh.

"Why are you blushing? that's like the thousandth time I've kissed you." Silent Wind said.

"It's just nice to have you back by me.." This time, Twilight kissed Silent Wind. And Silent Wind kissed back.

"I know, it kinda stinks in Ponyville without me."

After minutes of talking, they both began to get tired. Twilight got into her room and Silent Wind got into his. Silent Wind was about to go to sleep until he felt a grab on his cloak. He saw that Twilight was grabbing onto his Cloak with her mouth.

"What is it, Twilight?" Silent Wind asked.

"I was wondering.. if you could sleep with me." Twilight was getting shy by just saying it.

"Sleep with you? um, o-okay if you want." Silent Wind decided to go into Twilight's room. And went to bed with her and she hugged Silent Wind and went to sleep. Silent Wind felt Twilight nuzzling to his chest. He got comfortable with Twilight and began to try to go to sleep.

"It's going to be great in Ponyville with Twilight and Her friends, I've never really had anypony this close to me before other being my brother.. but gee, it's going to get rough soon. I know the Silentblades are going to comeback. But I'll make sure they don't harm anypony and most of all, Twilight." Silent Wind's thoughts then stopped and he then fell asleep, waiting for the train to get to Ponyville in the morning.



Far inside the jagged mountains, laid the Silentblade Hideout which was actually a Kingdom. Full of darkness and corruption.

Inside, Blood Roar and Magicius Arch-cloak were confronted by the Leader of the Silentblades.

"How did you two do..?" The Leader asked.

"Failed, the might of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were too much for us.." Magicius said. Wearing brand new Advisor Silentblade robes.

"How pathetic.."

"That little traitorous bastard, Silent Wind. Showed up for the party at Canterlot. Messed me up good and gave me a fun time." Blood Roar said.

"Silent Wind, huh?"

"Looks like all of the other guys joined too.."

"Ghost Spectre, coming back so soon?" Magicius said.

"Shut up." Spectre said.

"You both should show respect to our leader or I shall slience you both." Wing Beat said.

"You men.. all so childish.." Deadly Rose said.

"Could you all stop talking?! You're giving me a buckin' headache!" Blood Roar yelled.

The Leader was silent while the others were talking.

"Hey, Blood Roar y'back already? Fail again?" Brute said.

Blood Roar drew his claws and pointed at Brute.

"Quit your dumb bluffs." Brute said.

"I think we should probably continue our conversation." Sharp Thorn said.

"Stupid Ringleaders...." Poison Cloud said.

"Ugh.. let's hurry to get with Lily Blade and Lance." Brute ran out of the throne room.

"Buck, I'll see all of ya'll later." Blood Roar ran out.

As both of the Ringleaders ran out, the Advisors and the Leader were all alone.

"Ugh finally." Spectre said.

"Oh dear, that was pathetic to watch those two buffoons.." Deadly Rose said.

"Enough talk..." The Leader said.

"I have pondered my decision.. we will strike Canterlot within three months. Chrysalis will help too, seeing that we help her let her pathetic kind live."

"Made the decision already, huh?" Magicius whispered.

"We will then take Silent Wind's power, simply taking it from his body and giving it to me. Afterall, Silent Wind is has the a Silentblade bloodline power inside him and he is also..."

All of the Silentblade Elite Advisors looked at the Leader with smirks on their faces.

"My son."


Well, that's Assassin's Tears for you! Read Assassin's Tears II to know what happens three months later!


Author Notes

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Extra: Author Notes

Okay, so why did make this? Well, mostly because I wanted to make a fic that was kind of related to Assassin's Creed but It has no relation just the relation that it has assassins. Okay so, lets have a little review.

Many people want to know a bit about Silent Wind right? Alright, Alright so here's how it goes. Silent Wind was born as a Silentblade from day one. His mother died after childbirth and his brother, Silent Whisper was bequeathed the responsibility to look after his little brother. Since the brothers had always been together, they both held a unbreakable bond. Silent Wind was happy that he had his older brother with him but his brother didn't like how Silent Wind was being raised and for Silent Whisper, he wished his brother could live a normal life but saw that his mother had also bequeathed Silent Wind as the heir to the Silentblade throne. Magicius was the uncle of Silent Wind, he's very smart and very dedicated to Silent Wind until Silent Wind "betrays" the Silentblades. Lily Blade, well now lets talk about this mare. Okay so, in the Silentblades, They would put assassins in groups for better mission sucess rates. And luckily, Lily Blade was put with the Silentblade brothers which were Silent Wind and Blood Roar.

Now let's talk about Silent Whisper, now I bet you all wanna know about him! okay so Silent Whisper was born 2 years before Silent Wind which made him 20 at the time of AT2 and during his time at the Silent Wind betrayal thing, was 18 and that made Silent Wind 16 at that time also. Now, Silent Whisper.. I'm not going to tell you how he died seeing that I want to save that for AC3: Origins. Simply, Silent Whisper really loved his little brother but cannot show it so well. Silent Wind always looked up to Silent Whisper and for Silent Whisper, he loved his brother so much that he even helped Silent Wind to escape. Silent Whisper tried to escape also but he was killed after they had both left along with Golden Shot of course. That there, caused Silent Wind's first time using Shade's power. Mourning for his brothers death, he swore to kill any Silentblade he saw even if he was one of them once.

Alright, Shade is a ancient pony monster who was tamed by Shadow Moon during the first risings of the Silentblades. Because his power has been abused by the Silentblades, he has little trust for Ponies even though he is a pony himself. When he encounters Silent Wind, he marks him as a part of his hate against the Silentblades. But once Silent Wind talks to him and shows his strength to him, he then sees Silent Wind as a friend. His power is very strong but has many flaws, His power gives stallions who aren't unicorns be able to use his magic and gives them increased strength, speed and much more higher reflexes. The side effects can be dangerous and life-threatening. Such as, Pain, Personality Changes, uncontrollable will, and the mind to attack everypony around him/her and soon after, Death.

Another power of the Silentblades, The Guardians are considered to be gifts to other Silentblade-family members. Silent Whisper is one of them. His guardian, Sheerclaw is a gigantic wolf with Purple-black wolf eyes that has armor similar to the Silentblade armor that leaders wear and is much more destructive and fast than timberwolves and wolfs alike. Guardians can be described as anything from a beast to a knight. Unfortunately, Guardians can only be released during a Ponies near death time. Silent Whisper got his in a certain incident when was about to get killed by guards and his guardian came out and saved him. Guardians can be damaged enough to go back inside the host but it takes very strong hits to even injure it. It will at least take three days for the Guardian to come back healed seeing that they will have to take critical conditions for them to go back inside their host.

Alrighty... that's all. I'll be able to give you another extra of notes on the end of AT2 and please comment If I should do a Alternate ending!