• Published 24th May 2021
  • 509 Views, 5 Comments

Gabriela, the Batpony - Betty_Starlight

A unicorn batpony named Gabriela learns the magic of friendship!

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Chapter 8: Revelations: Coming Back Again

As Gabriela played with Dusk that morning, many thoughts entered her stoned mind... She briefly thought about all the times love had let her down and then realized that she was very much enamored with the batpony currently burying her face into her hind end, regardless of what she had been through before... There was a lot of carnal pleasure there, but at the same time, a sort of air entered the room as the two batponies had their sexual play...

And then, the next evening…

Gabriela stirs as she feels the hooves of the punker around her body. She also can’t help but feel the wet sensation between her rear flanks. She moves her hind legs to feel the moist sensation there before opening her eyes and saying matter-of-factly, “I got a sticky butt!”

She hears Dusk Shine snickering behind her, “Yeah, you probably wanna take a shower after what we did this morning! Use the blue pony wash and you want the green mane wash and conditioner bottles!”

“Ugh!” Gabriela says as she slides out of the bed to her hooves on the floor. She slowly gets out of bed and feels the damp sensation between her hind flanks as she goes to the door, magically opens it with a pale blue glow and trots out before shutting the door and Dusk Shine can hear her hoofsteps grow fainter as she turns left to trot down the hall.


Gabriela opens the door as the knob glows blue and trots back into the room with damp fur to see a smiling Dusk Shine there on a blue pillow with a loaded dark blue blockhead pipe to her right next to the same red disposable lighter from earlier, and a cup of black coffee in a white cup on her other side. She also sees two more pillows across from her with a white cup of blond coffee in front of it, towards Dusk, which she only presumes is for her as she looks to her and chitters, “Wake n bake?” *

Dusk smiles at her as she trots in and magically shuts the door, “I know my Gabber Buns!”

Gabriela starts, and shakes her head with her eyes wide open, “You really like my butt!”

Dusk narrows her eyes, “No, not at all Gabs! I’ve only been talking about it for days and I did play in it this morning!”

Gabriela narrows her eyes and mouth, and her cheeks begin to grow as they turn red.

“Oh, there she is again! Puffy cheeks! Puffy cheeks!”

Gabriela solemnly trots to her pillows and sits on her haunches while shaking her head and feeling the remainder of the water there dissipate, “It’s not funny!”

Dusk leans forward while grinning, “Oh, but I think it’s hilarious!”

“Shut up!” Gabriela states emphatically while leaning forward.

Dusk snickers, “So, did you have a good time this morning?”

“Well, yeah…” Gabriela says as she lowers her head to the floor.

Dusk leans forward with an inquisitive look in her slitted eyes, “Something the matter?”

“Well, um…” Gabriela says before she looks up to Dusk, “Believe it or not, all of those things have been done to me, but it’s been years!”

Dusk frowns and narrows her eyes, “So, why would you be so bothered by it?”

Gabriela shakes her head, “Well, I’m not bothered per se? It’s just that um…”

“What?” Dusk asks while leaning forward.

Gabriela looks up, “You know, I’m actually from Fillydelphia on the Northeast side of Equestria! I moved here when my mother died because I didn’t have a choice! And that’s when I stopped being around other ponies so much and started keeping to myself…”

Dusk frowns, “You’re not really comfortable around other ponies? Is that right?”

Gabriela looks forward with wide blue slitted eyes as she perks her fluffy ears to Dusk, “No, not really?” She lowers her ears, “I just don’t feel like I belong?” and then she looks down sullenly.

“While it doesn’t happen often, unicorn batponies are not unheard of!”

Gabriela looks back up, “Right! But uh, who do I talk to about it?”

Dusk smiles, “How about, your best friend, Dusk Shine?”

Gabriela narrows her eyes, “Alright! But we’re smoking while we do it!”

Dusk giggles, “That’s the old pepper!”

“Less talky talky! More smokey smokey!” Gabriela says as she looks down to the pipe and floats it up in her blue grasp while turning the mouthpiece to Dusk.

Dusk looks over, “What are you doing?”

Gabriela says, “Whoever rolled or packed always gets the first couple of hits! That’s the rule! You packed this bowl; therefore, you get the first hits!” **

“Oh!” Dusk says before opening her mouth.

Gabriela floats the pipe to her lips and Dusk seals them around the mouthpiece while the lighter glows blue and raises to the side of the pipe at a downward angle on the left before igniting. She inhales to bring the flame into the bowl while Gabriela uses her magic and focus to tap the carburetor, on and off so that she gets a steady, even hit while inhaling as the lighter goes out. She moves her head back before widening her eyes and then lifting her head skyward to breathe the smoke out above the two ponies. Then, she levels her head again and seals her lips around the front of the pipe and Gabriela magically gives her another hit by re-igniting the lighter.

Gabriela says, “I actually did have a good time last night, and that’s what scares me…”

Dusk starts with the devil weed hit in her lungs before moving her head back up and exhaling another large cloud of smoke above the two batponies. She looks back down to Gabriela, “Why would it scare you?”

“Because I really like you and enjoy being around you and well… When you had your face in my flanks like that, it made me realize that this isn’t like other friendships! This is something completely new!”

Dusk smiles, “Well, I’m not like other ponies. I’m me!”

“Well, right! You’re Dusk Shine, the punk rock batpony!”

“And you’re Gabriela, the sweet, pretty, and witty unicorn who smokes!”

Gabriela’s cheeks redden and mouth scrunches while she nervously floats the pipe away from the other, now giggling batpony’s mouth.

Gabriela purses her lips on the mouthpiece and looks at the lighter with her pale blue slitted eyes. The lighter sparks to ignite and she puts her eyes on the front of the pipe as she inhales to bring the flame into the bowl and take a deep hit, while magically tapping the carb. She starts and leans back several inches before exhaling overhead. She looks over at Dusk and smiles.

“All better?”

“Getting there!” Gabriela says before pursing her lips on the pipe to take another hit. She ignites the lighter again and inhales to bring the flame into the bowl and soon tastes the flavorful earthy tones of the devil weed as it rolls past her tongue and down her throat. Gabriela looks to the right side and exhales a big cloud of smoke there while Dusk continues to sit on her pillows and smile. Then, Gabriela floats the pipe back over to Dusk while commenting, “I still think you’re insane!”

“Why?” Dusk asks before pursing her lips onto the pipe.

As Gabriela magically ignites the lighter and Dusk inhales to bring the flame back into the bowl, she says, “Because I’m me! Why would anypony want to be my friend?”

Dusk flinches as she takes her body back a few inches and then turns to the left to exhale a big cloud of smoke. She looks over at Gabriela, “Yeah, it’s much easier to give up, right?”

Gabriela leans forward with her eyes wide, “W-what?”

Dusk looks over and says, “Think about it! Going out and making new friends is hard! Believe me! I know! It’s much easier to just not even try… But…” before leaning over and smiling.

“B-but what?” Gabriela asks while frowning.

“But there’s more out there for you Gabs! So much more! You just gotta be willing to try it out!”

Gabriela narrows her eyes, “Why would I be interested in the world at large?”

Dusk smiles, “Well, I’m there, for one?”

Gabriela sighs, “I need to smoke more! Uh, take your hit Dusk!”

“Tell me something first though Gabs…”

Gabriela looks up perplexed, “What?”

“Um…” Dusk starts before continuing, “Tell me… Are you glad we met?”

Gabriela frowns, “Well, I suppose so? I’ve been having lots of fun with you, smoking, playing, and doing uh, other things…”

Dusk smiles, “So, you’re glad we’re friends then?”

Gabriela looks down, “Well, of course!”

Dusk grins wider, “And that’s why we’re gonna have a stoned snuggle and make out session before we head out to meet my dealer?”

Gabriela looks to Dusk and narrows her eyes, “And you’re gonna touch my butt some more?”

Dusk rolls her eyes, “Obviously!”


The two batponies trot West towards the fruit plant in the distance as Gabriela looks to the clock tower in the darkness with her night vision, “Uh, it’s not quite seven now and we go in at eight!”

Dusk looks to Gabriela on her right and says, “Yeah, my dealer lives just West of you! I’m surprised you don’t know him! It’s convenient too because with a slight detour, that’s right on the way to work! I’ll just get my smoke now and stash it in my locker!” as they trot through the Ponyville streets, with earth ponies and unicorns far and few between as the sun sets on the horizon before the batponies.

Gabriela looks at Dusk, “Devil weed in your locker? Pretty sure that’s against company policy?”

Dusk looks back, “Yeah, but since when do I follow all the rules anyway? Besides! Just don’t draw attention to it and don’t be stupid! They won’t say a word!”

“Well, I sure as hay don’t know anything!” Gabriela says as she winks with her left eye.

Dusk smiles and nods, “Right!” She looks back to her front, “Okay, it’s this house coming up on our right! Stay out here and I’ll go knock on his door and see what’s up!”

“Okay!” Gabriela chirps as she stands there at the gate and smiles at Dusk Shine from the right. She looks over to see a 4-foot-tall wooden fence with no paint on it, yet neatly carved at the top that encircles the small house.

Dusk then looks at the blue door on the pale tan cottage and as she trots over, she’s still not sure how he found Spanish roofing while glancing up there. She brings her eyes back down as she trots forward before timidly knocking on the door with her right forehoof.

The door opens to reveal a tall lanky blue pegasus pony there with a brown mane and tail. He stares down at the shorter batpony and says, “Who’s that?”

“A friend! She’s cool!” Dusk chirps back.

“Oh?” The pegasus says as he narrows his eyes to the punker. He stares up at Gabriela and says, “Well, if you’re cool, come on by if you want some shit later! A cut is three bits!”***

“Alright, cool!” Gabriela squeaks back.

Dusk then fetches 3 bits from the top left hidden pocket of her studded leather harness and the pegasus extends his right forehoof to her so she can deposit them by opening her mouth.

The 3 bits fall into his hoof, and he moves it up to his mouth so he can grab them before lowering the hoof back to the ground and trotting inside while Dusk stands there and waits.

Gabriela soon sees him return with a tan sack in his mouth and he says between his teeth, “Yeah, I got a shipment of Cloudsdayle Hydro! Good shit!”****

Dusk snatches it with her own mouth after leaning forward and moves her head back to put it into the top right hidden pocket of her harness. She looks over and squawks, “Thank you!” to the pegasus.

“Anytime!” He says with a smile before shutting the door with his left forehoof.

Dusk trots back to the gate to Gabriela and says, “I got Cloudsdayle Hydro! I’ve never smoked this stuff?”

“Well, we got a few minutes before work?” Gabriela says as a smile forms on her face and a gleam shines in her blue eyes.

Dusk frowns, “Yeah, but we don’t have a way to smoke it?”

Gabriela slyly says, “There’s an all-night corner store on the way and they have papers and lighters we can buy? You got the shit! Implements are the least I can do!”

As Gabriela trotted out from between the two buildings after doing what she did, she misjudged a step with her left forehoof as the ground just seemed to be further than it was. She limps on that leg and exclaims, “Whoa!” with wide blue eyes as she stares downward at her hoof.

Dusk Shine trots over to her right and smiles her fanged grin in her direction, “You smoked a bit more than me! Starting to feel it, Gabs?”

“Yes! I mean, no! I mean uh… Whoa…” Gabriela says as she blankly stares forward with wide eyes.

Dusk snickers, “You sure you’re okay to work tonight?”

Gabriela looks back over at Dusk, “Well, once the buzz wears off, I should be fine! Probably during the trot up there? Let’s go!”

Dusk frowns, “That Cloudsdayle Hydro is pretty strong right? I mean, I’m really feeling it too, but you!”

“I’m fine! Don’t worry about me!” Gabriela chitters energetically.

Dusk snickers, “Okay Gabs! Whatever you say!”

Gabriela begins to trot forward and turn right to head to the fruit plant in the distance that way.

Dusk sees this and turns to match her, “I don’t usually smoke this much!”

Gabriela looks back to Dusk on her right as they trot through the darkened cobblestone streets of Ponyville. She sees her trotting there with her greenish yellow slitted eyes, leathery wings at her side, and pink spikes that bob as she trots. She says, “Yeah, you said you usually drink right? But uh…”

Dusk turns to her left, “Yeah yeah yeah! I know! You don’t do that anymore! And that’s fine! I respect it and have no problems getting blazed with you, whenever!”

Gabriela smiles, “Thanks! You really are my friend, aren’t you?”

Dusk starts to feel warm and fuzzy inside, “You just now figuring that out Gabs?”

Gabriela giggles softly and looks at Dusk’s hooves, “Yeah… I can be kinda hardheaded, right?”

Dusk smiles, “That’s okay Gabs! I like you, just the way you are!”

Gabriela gets a similar fuzzy sensation in her stoned mind and body before she stops and stares at Dusk Shine while standing on her hooves, “Dusk Shine… I keep thinking we’re more than just friends. I-I feel really close to you now! In such a short time, too!”

Dusk stops and turns her body to face Gabriela from the right, “Yeah, I know what you mean…”

Gabriela takes a step towards Dusk with her left forehoof and looks into her eyes.

Dusk looks at her with wide eyes, “Gabs? What are you doing?”

Gabriela narrows hers at the punker as she takes another step forward with her right forehoof, “I’m taking what’s mine!”

“Huh?” Dusk says with a confused expression on her face as she leans her head slightly back.

Gabriela smiles as she takes another step forward with her left forehoof and kisses Dusk on the lips passionately.

Her slitted eyes are wide as saucers as this peculiar dark unicorn plants her lips on hers and Dusk can no longer think straight.

Gabriela breaks her lips from the spiky haired batpony and looks deep into her greenish yellow slitted eyes.

“I-I love you too Gabriela!”

Gabriela smiles, “So, we’re more than just friends then?”

“Um,” Dusk looks skyward with her eyes, “I guess? I mean, I’ve done most of those things with Nightshade, up to and including the ass licking, but…” She stares into Gabriela’s eyes with the most sincere look she can muster, “There’s something about you… I can’t put my hoof on it, but you’re different from anypony I’ve ever met?”

Gabriela leans her head forward while scrunching her mouth and widening her eyes, “Oh?”

Dusk giggles slightly, “Yeah… I-I love you Gabriela… Just uh, you!”

Suddenly, both batponies hear the clock tower strike 9 chimes! At the second chime, Gabriela says in a more frantic voice, “Oh pony feathers! Hey, we need to get to work, NOW!”

Dusk nods, “Right!”

Then, both ponies take off at a gallop to head West as Gabriela loudly chitters, “We’re talking about this later, after work!”


Gabriela trots up the factory ramp to the concrete foyer outside, surrounded by a chain link fence. She trots to the open gate there swung to the right side and waits. She looks up at the sky and sees that it’s very cloudy in the dim morning light. A raindrop suddenly falls on her dark blue nose. She lowers her head, “Oh gosh! I hope Dusk isn’t too long?”

“Hey!” Gabriela hears a squeak from the factory exit and looks that way on her left to see a spiky haired batpony galloping over to her!

Dusk skids to a stop 5 feet from Gabriela and says, “Sorry! I uh, had a few things to do before I could leave! Ready to walk home Gabs?”

Gabriela smiles, “Sure thing, Dusk!”

The two batponies trot East down the Ponyville streets that foggy morning as rain droplets occasionally fall and the town begins to become alive again as ponies occasionally put “OPEN” signs on the fronts of stores. Dusk Shine looks to Gabriela trotting on her right and asks, “So, what the hay was that last night anyway? I got the C lunch today and I knew you’d have A lunch, so now’s the time for talking Gabs! What’s up?”

Gabriela looks to her left, “I-I don’t know Dusk? I guess…” She looks down, “I guess I was just stoned and out of my mind?”

“No way!”

Gabriela looks up at Dusk as her eyes begin to gleam, “Uh, we did just share a joint, remember?”

Dusk shakes her head, “No, what I mean is, that was more than just the devil weed talking Gabs!”

Gabriela’s cheeks begin to protrude and her mind flusters as she says, “What makes you say that?”

Dusk stops trotting and stares at Gabriela, so Gabriela reciprocates. She looks into the eyes of her unicorn friend and takes a pace towards her with her right forehoof.

“Uh, what are you doing?” Gabriela nervously asks while moving her head slightly back.

“Showing you something!” Dusk says before taking another pace with her left forehoof and then kissing Gabriela on the lips.

Gabriela’s eyes open wide as she feels her legs begin to weaken before she manages to compose herself.

Dusk disengages her kiss and looks into Gabriela’s eyes, “That! That shit! That’s what I’m talking about!”

“I, uh…”

Dusk frowns, “So, would you mind telling me what’s going on here?”

“Ugh!” Gabriela says before turning right and galloping off into the fog, away from Dusk Shine..

“Hey! I need to!” Dusk yells at her before more quietly chittering to herself, “Oh, dammit Gabriela! Why do you always run away?”

(To be continued…)

Author's Note:

*A blockhead pipe is a style of glass pipe that stoners use. They typically have a carburetor on the right side of the bowl and are usually aerodynamically designed. They’re often hand blown, but factory-made blockhead pipes are also common.

**This is common stoner etiquette. Whoever rolls or packs always gets the first two hits before passing to the pony on their left.

***A “cut” is an old hippy slang for an eighth sack of weed, or 3.5 grams. I decided that the ponies use it since it’s a very common amount to buy…

****The pegasi of Cloudsdayle do not have a lot of room for growing devil weed and usually employ hydroponics. As such, the THC concentration is a bit different in their herb.