• Published 24th May 2021
  • 509 Views, 5 Comments

Gabriela, the Batpony - Betty_Starlight

A unicorn batpony named Gabriela learns the magic of friendship!

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Chapter 5: Just Friends!

Saturday into Sunday:

Gabriela looks across the room constructed of white cinderblocks. She sees two batponies she doesn’t really know sitting at the wooden table near her and she sees the familiar hot pink spikes of Dusk Shine’s hair at the table beyond them. She gulps and begins to trot around the first table on the left to see Dusk sitting at the table further away.

Dusk sees Gabriela and simply smiles.

Gabriela marches up and sits at the chair opposite to Dusk. She looks into the punker’s eyes, “You want to give me as much space as I need, don’t you?”

Dusk says lowly, “That was the idea! That way, I don’t risk scaring you off…”

“You have a logical and methodical mind…” Gabriela notes lowly.

“To match yours Gabriela! I live my life freely, but I keep a design to it…” The punker whispers back with a fanged grin.

Gabriela frowns while looking forward with her slitted blue eyes, “And that design includes me?”

Dusk leans forward and says slightly louder, “What do you think?”

Gabriela scrunches her mouth in irritation, “You’re annoying, you know that?”

Dusk beams to the other batpony, “And yet, you’re still here, aren’t you?”

“Ugh!” Gabriela exclaims before scooting her seat back and disembarking to her right before turning to trot out of the breakroom.

“See you later Gabriela!” Dusk chirps loudly, causing the other batponies to briefly glance her way.


The rest of the night is uneventful. Gabriela knows that Dusk always takes the final lunch shift at 2 and she takes hers at 1. As such, she doesn’t see the punker until early the next morning as she’s exiting the plant in the front ramp that leads out the side of the building into the Ponyville city streets. She sees the spikes on Dusk’s head in in front of her and her short pink tail in her night vision about 15 yards ahead as she’s trotting out. She begins to hurry, but Dusk makes it to the outside and begins to flap hard with her leathery wings to take off. She leaves the ground and begins ascending and turns right, away from the rising sun to head home before Gabriela can gallop all the way to her.

Gabriela skids to a stop as her saddlebags flap a little bit at her side and she veers slightly to the right. She then looks up to see the punk batpony soaring over the next building in her night vision, through the early morning light. She scrunches her mouth and says, “Well, there’s still tomorrow before D-day?”


Sunday into Monday:

Gabriela works steadily at her job. Without Dusk Shine there, she can’t help but notice an improvement in her work performance and she locates three bad pears almost immediately before throwing them into the nearby wastebin and can’t help but wonder if Dusk’s absence has anything to do with it? Surely, she couldn’t be getting into my head, right? Baa! This is madness! She thinks to herself at her station as her mouth scrunches in mild irritation and she sees the final batch of pears come down the rubber conveyer belt with her blue slitted eyes. She then diligently begins to inspect them with her magic.

Later that morning, she trots out the ramp ahead of two other batponies. She makes it about 20 yards in front before flinching slightly as she hears the two behind her take off with their leathery wings and as they begin to fly home, she gazes up to see them. She then stares ahead to the East to see the sun beginning to peak out just over the horizon as their dark silhouettes fly away in the distance. She thinks to herself, Alright Dusk Shine! You wanna play? Well, I can play too! Before she trots to the road and turns left to begin her walk back home.

She writes in her diary when she gets home, Obviously, Dusk Shine intends to let me move in on her on my terms. The idea is to give me as much freedom as I want. I can already tell she wants me to be able to operate how I choose on this matter… Could this be a simple gesture to show that she cares about me? I keep thinking that I really shouldn’t do this, but my heart keeps telling me to move on ahead… It’s so odd being able to do things how I want, and yet I feel compelled to go down there? Its Tuesday morning now, meaning my next window comes this evening after I sleep and the sun goes down. I think I’ll have a special smoke session with her for wake n bake, after I wake up and get some coffee and an apple into me! I need to explore this further!”

Gabriela sinks into her hammock with her pillow and blanket to sleep until later that evening.


Gabriela knocks on the door of the tan house and patiently waits there with her dark brown saddlebags on as the wind lightly blows her bluish gray wavy mane to the right side.

Soon, the door opens inward and to the right to reveal a spiky maned pony with a short neatly cropped tail and a big smile on her fanged mouth below two yellowish green slitted eyes. Dusk Shine chirps, “Ah! Right on schedule!”

Gabriela frowns, “Look! I uh, wanted to talk with you… Can we go to your room please?”

Dusk smiles even wider, “Of course, Gabriela!”


Gabriela sits on the velvety blue pillow in the center of the room while looking down at a glass cylinder with an open top and a pink and purple rim. This cylinder contains water up to a point and has a glass section that juts out into a smaller blue plastic piece that leads finally to a blue rubber half-ball with the open section away from the glass and devil weed inside the opening. *

She magically lifts the mouthpiece of the bong to her snout so she can get her mouth on it without too much interference from her batpony fangs. She keeps the bowl on top and ignites the same red disposable lighter at a downward angle to the bowl and inhales to bring the flame to the weed before magically lifting the bowl out so that Dusk now sees there’s just a small blue plastic piece and nothing connecting it to the rest of the pipe. Gabriela lifts her head for a moment and swallows before breathing out a big cloud of smoke directly overhead. She looks down to Dusk with a smile on her fanged face and says, “Thanks Dusk! I uh, really wanted to get away…”

Dusk frowns, “Don’t you usually just sit alone at your house and read or something?”

Gabriela looks up, “Uh, usually? Hey!” She magically lifts the bong back to her lips and ignites the red lighter downward towards the plastic and rubber bowl once more to fill up the glass chamber visibly with smoke that swirls up through the mouthpiece and into her snout as she inhales and pulls up the stem. She looks up and gulps once more before exhaling a slightly smaller cloud of smoke. She looks down to Dusk across from her, also on her haunches and sitting on a pillow and catches her breath through her mouth briefly, “I’ve been thinking a lot about you…”

“Oh?” Dusk raises her right eyebrow inquisitively.

“Yeah uh…” She looks to pale blue bong currently glowing in her slightly darker blue magical grasp before floating the mouthpiece over to Dusk Shine’s snout. She looks to the punker and smiles, “I’ll operate the lighter and stem for you with my magic! You just inhale Dusk!”

Dusk nods her head as her spikes go up and down.

Gabriela floats the bong up 2 more inches to get into Dusk’s mouth and the winged batpony purses her lips to get around her fangs. Gabriela then aims the lighter down at the bowl and strikes it to ignite and Dusk begins to inhale and fill up the watery chamber with smoke. Gabriela continues to smile as she lifts the stem so that the smoke swirls into Dusk’s mouth after air starts to be sucked into the chamber.

Dusk gulps and exhales smoke, first on Gabriela before she corrects herself and breaths the rest out above the two batponies in the room. She looks down and says, “Whoa!”

“Ready for hit number two darling?”

Dusk smiles and nods as her spikes go up and down once more.

Gabriela once again brings the glowing bong to Dusk Shine’s lips as her horn glows the same pale blue color. She ignites the lighter and Dusk inhales to bring the flame into the bowl and fill the chamber with smoke. Gabriela soon pulls the stem out and the smoke swirls through the glass and into Dusk’s mouth.

She brings her head back with a jerk and a startled expression in her yellowish green eyes. She soon slowly exhales smoke as it pours above her eyes and mane, out of her mouth and towards the ceiling.

“You alright Dusk Shine? Feeling groovy?”

Dusk Shine smiles to Gabriela, “Yeah… Hey look, I’m sorry about what happened back there, okay?”

Gabriela looks stunned in her blue slitted eyes, “What?” She quickly looks down and floats the bong over to her.

Gabriela inhales to fill the chamber while Dusk continues, “Yeah, I’m not sure if it was really fair to you to move so fast like that?” She gestures with her forehooves in front of her torso, “I just saw what I wanted and seized it, you know?” She brings her forehooves back down, “But I’m sorry…” She smiles, “The truth is though, I really want you Gabriela…”

Gabriela turns her head to the left and exhales smoke that direction before setting the bong down and releasing it so that it stops glowing. She looks to Dusk Shine and squints, “I uh, really never thought of you like that Dusk Shine?”

Dusk smiles again, “Yeah… Uh, hey! Load it with my shit! We already smoked some of yours!” she says before gesturing to her small wooden stash box on her round nightstand.**

Gabriela looks to the stash box and makes it glow blue before moving in the air towards the bong. She sets it just beyond the bong from her and lifts the same devil weed designed lid to open the box and slide it back, still halfway on top. She looks inside and floats out a little baggy towards her bong.

She brings the plastic baggy before her and causes it to unravel in front of her blue eyes as she smiles and her fangs get slightly higher on her face, as she gently tears open the top to pull out a small green nug of devil weed and holds it over her bowl. She then magically grinds it with concentration in her blue slitted eyes and green flakes soon gravitate down into the bowl. She grinds all the nug and says, “Gosh!” before looking to Dusk, “Well, you got a couple left!”

Dusk smiles, “Yeah, I’m meeting my guy tomorrow! Hey, you wanna come with? I’ll introduce you!”***

Gabriela smiles, “Yeah, but now…” She lifts the bong to her mouth and ignites the bowl once more before removing the stem, moving her head back from the bong, and exhaling out the sides of her fanged mouth. She smiles as she magically moves the bong off to the floor on her right before getting to all-fours and slowly trotting 2 paces to be right in front of Dusk Shine.

Dusk looks at her with wide-open slitted eyes, “Uh, Gabriela? We’re not gonna snuggle and make out and play kissy-face now while we share this bong together, are we?”

Gabriela smiles and says, “No!”

Dusk gives out a sigh of relief, “Okay good!”

Gabriela smiles even wider, “Maybe?”

Dusk starts and looks at Gabriela wide-eyed, “Wait what?”

Gabriela snickers and leans forward, “Shut up!” before moving over to sit next to Dusk Shine on the previously unoccupied pillow next to her and then leans over to magically float her bong to her lips with the lighter once more and takes her traditional second hit.


The two batponies snuggle on their sides with their heads at the head of Dusk Shine’s bed and stare into each other’s faces while they share her big pillow for their heads and all the while surrounded by big fluffy blue pillows that caress their bodies. Gabriela looks to Dusk, “I can see now why you have so many pillows! Pillows are great!”

Dusk smiles, “Bucking A! We’re always so busy worrying about the next big thing that we forget about the simpler joys! Like snuggling pillows!”

“Whoa Dusk Shine!” Gabriela says wide-eyed.

Dusk looks at Gabriela stunned, “What?”

“You just blew my mind!”

“You’re high, aren’t you?”

Gabriela’s eyes narrow as she smirks, “No, you!”

Dusk can only grin and giggle at this ridiculous dark unicorn nuzzling and snuggling her.

“Hey, Dusk Shine!” Gabriela asks the other batpony, her eyes open with curiosity.

“Yeah Gabriela?” Dusk asks curiously.

“Are you still gonna buck Nightshade after tonight?” Gabriela says as she frowns.

Dusk suddenly starts as she hasn’t considered this. She says, “Well, I mean, I’d like it if you still gave me that freedom baby? I don’t want to move too fast on you…” She smiles, “Like you said, I’m giving you plenty of room to move like you want to…”

“Well, um…” Gabriela stutters while her cheeks start to get a little bit redder.

Dusk smiles and says at a slightly higher volume and pitch, “Oh, there it is! Puffy cheeks! Puffy cheeks!” before she begins to try and move her forehooves into Gabriela’s pits to tickle her!

“Stop it!” Gabriela squeals as her body gyrates!

Dusk suddenly stops tickling her when a thought occurs to her. She timidly looks down to the other batpony, “Wait! You wouldn’t be getting embarrassed unless…” Her eyes widen, “Gabriela! Were you about to open your hind legs to me?”

Gabriela stops as the forehoof on the bed is outstretched and the outer forehoof to her side. She looks up shyly and says lowly, “Um, it’s a strong possiblity?”


Gabriela lays on her back inside the snuggly nest of pillows while feeling Dusk Shine’s body heat on her and looking down at the other batpony with her tongue out the side of her fanged mouth. “We didn’t really have sex, did we?”

Dusk looks over to the unicorn, “Uh, I touched your butt a few times, if it’s any consolation?”

Gabriela smiles and brings her tongue in, “Yeah I felt your hoof back there?”

“So uh, what do you wanna do now, best friend?”

“Devil weed nap?”

Dusk smiles and says, “Buck yeah!” before moving in to snuggle Gabriela some more.


Gabriela sleeps in the hooves of the punker. She once again feels the hair gel behind her head and can’t help but smile at that like an old friend because that’s her buddy Dusk Shine back there! She feels at peace when suddenly, she hears knocking.

She looks up from where she is napping and hears a familiar somber voice from behind Dusk’s door say, “Hey Dusk! Are you alright in there? You’ve been alone for a long time, even for you!”

She hears Dusk squeaky voice chirp behind her, “Yeah we’re okay Nightshade! Uh, don’t worry!”

There’s a brief pause before, “Wait? WE’RE okay? Is Gabriela in there with you Dusk Shine?”

Gabriela then chirps in a silly squeaky voice, “Oh no! It’s not Gabriela at all! It’s totally somepony else!”

This causes Dusk to softly giggle behind her as Nightshade yells from the door, “Uh, okay! You’re doing alright! Really, all I needed to know! Uh, you two have fun in there!”

Both bed ponies hear hoofsteps from the other side of the door as they grow fainter with Nightshade’s departure.

Dusk giggles and tickles Gabriela’s pits with her forehooves, “Why did you do that Gabriela!”

“He he! What? It’s funny! Stop tickling me, jerk!”

Dusk stops, “Now, she’s gonna think I bucked you!”


“So? She’s gonna think we’re having relations now!”


“And? Gabriela! You just don’t give a buck, do you?”

“Umm…” Gabriela says as she looks down and says lowly, “Not really? No…”

Dusk Shine giggles and shakes her head behind as Gabriela feels the gelled spikes on and off on the back of her mane, “So uh, what do you wanna do now?”

“I don’t know! What do you wanna do Gabriela?”

“Well, you read the Journal, didn’t you? Isn’t there something about friendship activities?”

“Oh! You like being told what to do? Uh, do you also like spankings?”

Gabriela sighs, “Still thinking about my flanks I see!”

Dusk snickers, “Well, how could I not? I mean, they’re right there!”

Gabriela gets out from under Dusk’s hooves by scooting forward in the bed and turns around to face the other batpony.

“Yes?” Dusk asks with an inquisitive look in her wide open yellowish green slitted eyes.

Gabriela looks deep into them and asks her, “How do you feel about me?”

“Well, I like you!”

“Obviously! But what I mean is, do you wish to be with me? You keep talking about my body and while I am flattered, I wanna know what you really want from me? Is this just friendship or?”

Dusk smiles, “Call it, friendship with a few perks!” before leaning to Gabriela and kissing her on the lips.

Once again, Gabriela feels weak with the sudden affection. She never realized how long she had gone without this sort of thing until Dusk Shine started giving it to her again and at that point, she understood.

Dusk breaks, “I like you, Gabriela!”

“Yeah but…” Gabriela looks down.

“What is it, Gabriela?”

Gabriela looks up and smiles, “I like you too Dusk Shine!”

“So, you’re okay? Uh, you wanna burn another bowl right quick or?”

Gabriela starts and looks to Dusk with a serious expression in her eyes, “No! I want a clear head for this…” Her eyes soften and fanged smile grows, “Hold me please…”

“Um, okay!” Dusk says before scooting closer to embrace Gabriela in her forehooves.

“I think…this is what I really needed the whole time?”

“What do you mean?”

“To be loved…”

Dusk continues holding Gabriela and is unsure of what to say.

Gabriela smiles, “We’ll talk more later! Just hold me now, please…”

(To be continued…)

Author's Note:

*I just described my bong. It happens to have a similar color scheme to the unicorn filly I created to befriend Cozy Glow in my first story and so I named it, Starshine after her.

**In the stoner world, it’s generally considered rude to only be smoking one stoner’s weed. It’s considered appropriate for smokers to offer weed money or herb of their own in many situations.

***Before legalization, this is pretty much how stoners met dealers.