• Published 28th May 2021
  • 412 Views, 3 Comments

Nier: Anthropogene - StardustSprinkle

Quand vous choisissez l’espoir, tout est possible.

  • ...

A New Day


Who is this? Sunset thinks to herself: How long has it been?

"Sunset!" The voice gets clearer by the seconds: "Sunset!"

"Her eyes are open," A woman with glasses and a gigantic suitcase says: "But I doubt that she can see us."

"Shut up, Accord." a woman with long grey hair replied through gritted teeth.

"Suit yourself then, Number 2" Accord drops her suitcase before sitting on it: "I'm only here to help."

"Then get over here and break Sunset out of the thing!" Number 2 shouts.

"I'm afraid it's not possible," Accord glance over at the hibernation chamber where Sunset is trapped: "She has to do it herself."

"Seriously?" Number 2 asks angrily: "Just look at her! She can't even see anything!"

"Pity," Accord shrugs as Sunset navigates the interior of the chamber with both hands: "But there's nothing we can do. Plus, I would stand aside if I were you."

"What do...oof!" Number 2 catches the glass cover of the chamber as it pops out and falls on her.

"Well, well," Accord stands up: "The last hope of humanity, it's nice to see you again."

"Quit talking and start helping," Number 2 whispers as she catches Sunset from falling.

"I'm sorry, but I can't interfere," Accord takes out a notebook.

"Whatever," Number 2 shakes her head while gently putting Sunset on the floor: "There, take it easy."

In an attempt to express her gratitude, Sunset opens her mouth but fails to say 'thank you.

"Ah..." Again, Sunset tries to speak, but her vocal cord is still dormant.

"It's ok, you need to take it easy now," Number 2 speaks softly as she leans Sunset's back against a wall: "You may not remember...I mean, you may not know who I am at the time, but don't worry. I'm here to help."


"Oh, by the way, it's 3,468 now, and you have been asleep for more than 1,400 years! " Number 2 continues: "Project Gestalt worked out fine! Humans survived!"

"Somewhat," Accord raises an eyebrow: "But we'll need your help if we want to keep it that way."

"Don't listen to her," Number 2 opens a bottle of water: "Are you thirsty?"

Sunset nods.

"We can't hide it from her forever, Number 2," Accord flips a page: "I understand that you are happy to see her, but we can't mess this one up."

"I know," Number 2 responds quietly as she carefully holds the water bottle at Sunset's mouth.

"We'd better get moving," Accord closes the notebook: "It's getting dark outside, and you how active the Shades has been in recently."

"I know," Number 2 sighs before Sunset pushes the water bottle away: "Oh, you good?"

Sunset nods.

"Ok then," Number 2 picks Sunset up before putting Sunset on her back: "We've gotta go, get ready!"

As Number 2 starts running, Sunset feels the wind brushing against her skin. However, instead of experiencing the bouncing motion that humans would make as they run, Sunset feels a more smooth one. So smooth that it's like she's running with wheels. Moreover, they are getting faster and faster to the point where Sunset feels like she's tight to the top of a speeding car.

"Get ready!" Number 2 shouts, but her voice is muffled by the wind.

Ready for what? Before Sunset could process that information, she was confronted by a strong upward wind accompanied by a falling sensation. Then, only seconds later, a loud thud brings this skydiving experience to a halt.

"I'm sorry about," Number 2 says before starts running again: "But it's really getting late outside."

As they speed off, Sunset's mind starts racing: Why can't I read her mind? I still have my necklace on, but why isn't it working? Perhaps a thousand years of sleep did weaken its' power, but I should get at least something! Either my necklace has lost its' power, or this woman, Number 2, isn't human.

"Here we are!" the running motion comes to a sudden halt.

"Hi! Greeting, Emily, bringing a friend over?" A man greets.

"Yeah, she will stay with me for awhile," Number 2 says before speeding off again: "Can't talk now, later!"

"Ok, bye," The guard waves.

"Hi, Emily!"

"Hello! How are you?"

"How's business?"

"Sorry, sorry, can't talk!" Number 2 replies as quickly as possible as she dashes across a town.

"Phew, we made it!" Number 2 lets out a sigh of relief as she opens and shuts a door behind her: "Welcome to my place! Now, let's get you upstairs."

The scent of bread and cakes fills Sunset's nose as the two go upstairs.

"I run a bakery," Number 2 explains as she opens another door before dropping Sunset on a bed: "Here, this is your room! So just get comfortable; I'll bring you some clothing and..."

"Number 2!" Accord's voice echoes from downstairs: "Hello?"

"Get yourself comfortable," Number 2 takes a deep breath: "And I'll be back in a moment."

"What do you want?" Number 2 pours Accord a cup of tea.

"You don't need to do this," Accord takes the cup: "Is this one of the things Sunset taught way back when?"

"She did teach me to be nice, but it's not way back when," Number pours herself a cup as well: "I really hope you know what you pulled me into."

"Well, I'm not supposed to interfere with timelines," Accord takes a slip from the cup: "But after seeing all the alternatives, even I can get a little soft."

"What do you want?" Number 2 looks into her cup while trying to stay calm.

"To help you guys," Accord takes another slip: "After all, you are created to serve humans; don't you want to see them flourishing?"

"I do," Number 2 says.

"And so am I," Accord finishes her cup: "And this is our only chance. Of course, we can just wait for another 7-8,000 years and let everything progress the way it should have, but that would be no fun."

"Is this all a game for you?" Number 2 gives Accord a glare.

"Life is a game," Accord shrugs: "It all depends on how you play, my friend."