Nier: Anthropogene

by StardustSprinkle

First published

Quand vous choisissez l’espoir, tout est possible.

Sunset was brought out of her long sleep and found herself in a post doomsday world. Her sole mission is to prevent humans from going extinct.

A New Day

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Who is this? Sunset thinks to herself: How long has it been?

"Sunset!" The voice gets clearer by the seconds: "Sunset!"

"Her eyes are open," A woman with glasses and a gigantic suitcase says: "But I doubt that she can see us."

"Shut up, Accord." a woman with long grey hair replied through gritted teeth.

"Suit yourself then, Number 2" Accord drops her suitcase before sitting on it: "I'm only here to help."

"Then get over here and break Sunset out of the thing!" Number 2 shouts.

"I'm afraid it's not possible," Accord glance over at the hibernation chamber where Sunset is trapped: "She has to do it herself."

"Seriously?" Number 2 asks angrily: "Just look at her! She can't even see anything!"

"Pity," Accord shrugs as Sunset navigates the interior of the chamber with both hands: "But there's nothing we can do. Plus, I would stand aside if I were you."

"What do...oof!" Number 2 catches the glass cover of the chamber as it pops out and falls on her.

"Well, well," Accord stands up: "The last hope of humanity, it's nice to see you again."

"Quit talking and start helping," Number 2 whispers as she catches Sunset from falling.

"I'm sorry, but I can't interfere," Accord takes out a notebook.

"Whatever," Number 2 shakes her head while gently putting Sunset on the floor: "There, take it easy."

In an attempt to express her gratitude, Sunset opens her mouth but fails to say 'thank you.

"Ah..." Again, Sunset tries to speak, but her vocal cord is still dormant.

"It's ok, you need to take it easy now," Number 2 speaks softly as she leans Sunset's back against a wall: "You may not remember...I mean, you may not know who I am at the time, but don't worry. I'm here to help."


"Oh, by the way, it's 3,468 now, and you have been asleep for more than 1,400 years! " Number 2 continues: "Project Gestalt worked out fine! Humans survived!"

"Somewhat," Accord raises an eyebrow: "But we'll need your help if we want to keep it that way."

"Don't listen to her," Number 2 opens a bottle of water: "Are you thirsty?"

Sunset nods.

"We can't hide it from her forever, Number 2," Accord flips a page: "I understand that you are happy to see her, but we can't mess this one up."

"I know," Number 2 responds quietly as she carefully holds the water bottle at Sunset's mouth.

"We'd better get moving," Accord closes the notebook: "It's getting dark outside, and you how active the Shades has been in recently."

"I know," Number 2 sighs before Sunset pushes the water bottle away: "Oh, you good?"

Sunset nods.

"Ok then," Number 2 picks Sunset up before putting Sunset on her back: "We've gotta go, get ready!"

As Number 2 starts running, Sunset feels the wind brushing against her skin. However, instead of experiencing the bouncing motion that humans would make as they run, Sunset feels a more smooth one. So smooth that it's like she's running with wheels. Moreover, they are getting faster and faster to the point where Sunset feels like she's tight to the top of a speeding car.

"Get ready!" Number 2 shouts, but her voice is muffled by the wind.

Ready for what? Before Sunset could process that information, she was confronted by a strong upward wind accompanied by a falling sensation. Then, only seconds later, a loud thud brings this skydiving experience to a halt.

"I'm sorry about," Number 2 says before starts running again: "But it's really getting late outside."

As they speed off, Sunset's mind starts racing: Why can't I read her mind? I still have my necklace on, but why isn't it working? Perhaps a thousand years of sleep did weaken its' power, but I should get at least something! Either my necklace has lost its' power, or this woman, Number 2, isn't human.

"Here we are!" the running motion comes to a sudden halt.

"Hi! Greeting, Emily, bringing a friend over?" A man greets.

"Yeah, she will stay with me for awhile," Number 2 says before speeding off again: "Can't talk now, later!"

"Ok, bye," The guard waves.

"Hi, Emily!"

"Hello! How are you?"

"How's business?"

"Sorry, sorry, can't talk!" Number 2 replies as quickly as possible as she dashes across a town.

"Phew, we made it!" Number 2 lets out a sigh of relief as she opens and shuts a door behind her: "Welcome to my place! Now, let's get you upstairs."

The scent of bread and cakes fills Sunset's nose as the two go upstairs.

"I run a bakery," Number 2 explains as she opens another door before dropping Sunset on a bed: "Here, this is your room! So just get comfortable; I'll bring you some clothing and..."

"Number 2!" Accord's voice echoes from downstairs: "Hello?"

"Get yourself comfortable," Number 2 takes a deep breath: "And I'll be back in a moment."

"What do you want?" Number 2 pours Accord a cup of tea.

"You don't need to do this," Accord takes the cup: "Is this one of the things Sunset taught way back when?"

"She did teach me to be nice, but it's not way back when," Number pours herself a cup as well: "I really hope you know what you pulled me into."

"Well, I'm not supposed to interfere with timelines," Accord takes a slip from the cup: "But after seeing all the alternatives, even I can get a little soft."

"What do you want?" Number 2 looks into her cup while trying to stay calm.

"To help you guys," Accord takes another slip: "After all, you are created to serve humans; don't you want to see them flourishing?"

"I do," Number 2 says.

"And so am I," Accord finishes her cup: "And this is our only chance. Of course, we can just wait for another 7-8,000 years and let everything progress the way it should have, but that would be no fun."

"Is this all a game for you?" Number 2 gives Accord a glare.

"Life is a game," Accord shrugs: "It all depends on how you play, my friend."


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"You are grooming a monster, Popola!" Number 2 growls as she closes the door to Popola's office.

"Calm down, please!" Popola replies: "Don't worry! We're just using him to find the shadow lord!"

"And we'll restrain him before anything bad happens," Devola adds

"You know this is a lie," Number 2 leans against the door as a spear hovering beside her: "Your failure doomed the human race to extinction!"

"Just have some faith in me," Popola pleads: "And can you please keep it down! We don't want the villagers to find out!"

"Oh, what's so bad about that?" Number 2 rolls her eyes: "They find out, so they can stop killing themselves!"

"Please calm down!" Devola says: "We understanding your concern, but if they find out, then they will go insane!"

"We don't know what would happen, but it can't be good," Popola sighs: "Please, just give us some time!"

"Hello!" their argument was interrupted by a gentle knocking sounding: "Popola? Is everything ok?"

"Yes!" Popola shouts while making hand gestures to Number 2: "Can I help you?"

"I was just walking by and heard you guys are arguing; I just want to check on you!" the young man replies from the other side of the door.

"We are fine!" Devola replies as Popola hastily throws some documents into her drawers: "Thank you!"

"Ok, just checking," the young man says: "By the way, do you know where Emily is? I want to buy some bread, but her shop is closed!"

"I'm in here!" Number 2 replies, looking at Popola: "We are just having a conversation about...things!"

"Ok, sorry for interruption then," the young man says, his voice filled with suspicion: I'll just...have something else instead."

"Let's go, lad," another, more matured voice says to the young man: "They are clearly having some passionate discussions."

As the sound of footsteps fades, Popola lets out a sigh of relief: "You see what I mean?"

"Look," Number 2 facepalms: "You can't just hide it forever. And remember: you are created to serve humans, not the replicants nor the gestalts."

"I know, I know," Popola replies: "But both are essential parts of a human! If the replicants are gone, the gestalts would go insane and collapse. If the gestalts are gone, then the replicants would all die! You know that replicants are bodies without souls, and gestalts are human souls without a body. Either is complete without the other. Yet, the replicants somehow try to kill the gestalts and vise versa! Neither party are aware of what they are doing! We need to find the shadow lord, so he does his job!"

"Then you guys could have sent me!" Number 2 says, her voice somewhat muffled by her hands: "Why did you send him of all person?"

"First, you refuse to fight the shades because they are essentially gestalts," Devola argues: "Second, he is the body of the shadow lord, and they share a connection with each other!"

"Say whatever you want to," Number 2 argues back: "The souls are going insane without bodies, and the bodies are collapsing because all the souls are being killed by that man!"

"Look," Popola explains: "Why don't we just nurse Sunset back to health for now? Maybe she knows things that we don't!"

"Plus, you can visit the Aerie for information!" Devola says: "They are trying to put the souls back into the bodies. Maybe they have something to say about that!"

"Whatever," Number 2 groans: "This time, it better works."

"Hi, do you know where Emily is?" a villager asks a young man with a floating book beside him.

"Oh, she was having a conversation with Popola!" the young man replies: "I doubt she would be back any time soon, though."

"Oh, come on!" the villager replies: "She's the best baker in town!"

"And her skills with blades are unparalleled!" the young man adds: "But she refuses to fight, and she doesn't even teach others! So what's with her?"

"She told me that her hand shakes whenever she has to fight a shade, so she stopped fighting," the villager shrugs: "But still, where does she learned her skills from?"

"Don't know," the young says: "If she's willing to teach me, then I will find Yonah in no time!"

"Speaking of which," the book adds: "She wields peculiar magic. For example, how do you make a weapon float, disappear and reappear whenever you want to? That certainly isn't normal!"

"You said it, Weiss," the young man says: "And I wonder where does she get that spear from. It's way too heavy to use."

"Oh, look what time it is!" the villagers say as he takes a look at the clock tower: "I've gotta go, see you later!"

"See you!" the young man waves: "Weiss, just who do you think Emily really is?"

"I don't know, lad," the book replies: "But you need to keep your guard up. She seems to be hiding something."


"Yes, lad," the book says: "She can wield magic but doesn't understand anything about the basic theories of magic. Besides, she can read Old World English. From my knowledge, learning that language may take years of training. If she spent all that time perfecting her skills with blades, then how does she find time for anything else?"

"Ok, Weiss," the young man rolls his eyes: "Whatever you say. By the way, how good is she at fighting anyway?"

"Better than anyone I have seen," Weiss says: "She was either born with supernatural strength or used magic to enhanced her power."

"Which one do you think is it, Weiss?"

"The former, lad," Weiss responds: "Whatever she is, be careful. I don't trust her."

"Does she remind you of Kaine?" the young man smirks: "Is that why you don't trust her?"

"The hussy?" Weiss raises his voice: "Even the hussy won't call me a 'flying square thingy'! How dare she..."

"Again, they do kind of look like each other," the young man adds: "Not a lot, but a little."

"They look nothing alike," Weiss says: "The hussy is a person, and her...well, her faced looks like it's manufactured in a factory."

"Whatever you say, Weiss."

Rude Weakening

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"Sunset, help..."

"Fluttershy?" Sunset abruptly opens her eyes: "Fluttershy!"

"Help..." Fluttershy murmurs.

"I'm here!" Sunset stands up: "What do you need to help with?"

"Water..." the sickly girl opens her mouth.

"Right!" Sunset turned around and poured her friend a cup of warm water. What is it? Sunset thinks to herself as the fan on the ceiling spans slower. It doesn't make sense; Fluttershy passed away ages ago! Due to the White Chlorination Syndrome, a terrible disease that turns people into salt.

"Here!" However, as she turns back, there's nothing on the bed but salt.

"NO!" Sunset screams as she drops the cup.

"NO! NO!" Sunset screams on top of her lunge as wind, coming out of nowhere, blows the salt all over her. She starts to vomit as the room she's in starts to turn into salt.

"STOP! STOP!" she screams as the world is engulfed by salt.

"AH!" Sunset wakes from her nightmare as cold water was poured all over her head: "Fluttershy?"

"I'm sorry," a woman with grey hair apologizes, handing Sunset a towel: "I heard screaming upstairs and decided to check on you. I tried to wake you up, but nothing else would work."

"It's ok," Sunset replies with a shaky voice, wiping herself dry with the towel: "Thank you for everything."

"Sure," the woman replies: "Can you see me now?"

"More or less," Sunset rub her eyes: "Everything is so blurry, though."

"You woke up from a thousand-year-long sleep just yesterday; I'd say you are doing pretty good," the woman smiles: "You can call me Number 2 in private, but please call Emily when there are others around."

"Number 2, right?" Sunset put the towel aside: "Get it. and Emily?"

"Yep," Number 2 takes the towel: "Can you walk now?"

"Let me try," Sunset jumps out of bed, but her legs are still weak.

"Wow, there," Number 2 manages to catch Sunset before she falls: "No need to push yourself."

"Sorry, I just don't want to be a burden," Sunset sighs: "Thank you for everything."

"It's ok, it's ok," Number 2 comforts Sunset while putting her back to bed: "Just sit still for a bit. I'll need to get you another pillow."

"Thank you," Sunset message her legs: "Seems like it's gonna take some time. Sorry about that."

"Hi, no need to worry about anything," Number 2 replies, opening the closet and get a new pillow out: "Are you hungry? Want to eat anything?"

"Not really," Sunset says: "I guess my stomach is still sleeping."

"I see," Number 2 says, tossing the old pillow into a basket: "So are you thirsty?"

"Not in particular," Sunset says: "You really don't have to take care of me like this, you know? I am thankful for everything, but why are you doing this?"

"Because she's compensating for all that you have done to her?" Accord suddenly appears in the room: "Not to be rude, but we really shouldn't overwhelm Sunset with everything now."

"Accord," Number 2 takes a deep breath in an endeavor to keep herself calm: "What do you want?"

"I want Sunset to recover properly," Accord smiles: "instead of worrying about things that she had no control over."

"Wait, you were the other lady when I woke up," Sunset says: "What do you mean by things that I had no control over?"

"Oh, nothing," Accord replies: "It would be in your interest to not concern yourself with matters like those."

"But what things, though?" Sunset continues: "Is it bad?"

"Number 2, help me out here?"

"You are the one who keeps talking!" Number 2 takes another deep breath: "Get out of my bakery now before I beat you up."

"You were about to tell Sunset everything, weren't you?" Accord giggles: "Good thing that I stopped you. Unlike androids, humans can take a big hit from that kind of information."

"Fair enough," Number 2 rolls her eyes: "But I guess you've already said enough."

"Excuse me," Sunset interprets: "Anyone mind to tell me what's going on?"

"We are androids created to serve humans," Accord explains: "I was tasked to keep an eye on the timeline while Number 2 was created to protect humans from harm. Let's just say we travel back in time to create a better future. You will see me doing things here and there because I want everything to go according to plan."

"Ok," Sunset messages her eyes, trying to digest all the information: "So you guys are androids...Should have guessed it from the names! Please tell me humans are still around!"

"Well, Sunset," Number 2 bite her fingers: "They..."

"Are still around," Accord lies swiftly: "But we do need to find one person to make everything perfect!"

"Thank Celestia!" Sunset whispers: "So, who do we need to find again?"

"We'll tell when you get better," Accord pet Sunset on the head: "For now, just rest."

"Of course," Number 2 grabs Accord's wrist and lifts her hand from Sunset's head: "I will protect you from harm."

"Wow, easy there," Accord smirks while trying to break free from Number 2's iron grip: "No one harm you here!"

"Not while I'm around," Number 2 throws Accord's hand aside, her eyes focusing on Accord.

"Now, now," Accord moves her hand around: "Don't you have a gift for Sunset?"

"GET. OUT." Number 2 says through gritted teeth.

"Whatever," Accord shrugs before slowly walking down the stairs.

"I'm sorry, Sunset," Number 2 sits down beside Sunset: "She's...a bit weird. But don't worry, she meant you no harm."

"Ok, I'm not going to freak out," Sunset clasp a hand over her chest, where the magic necklace is, and put another hand over Number 2's shoulder: "But tell, what happened to the humans?"

"Um, Sunset?" Number 2 makes a face as Sunset's necklace starts to glow: "I think something is wrong."

"No, nothing is wrong," Sunset replies calmly as Number 2's necklace starts to glow as well: "It's synchronizing with something! From what I know, a magic object does that when there's something similar around."

"What does that mean?" Number 2 ghastly take her necklace off.

"That means magic is abundant in the world!" Sunset responds, her voice full of joy: "I can sense it! Is it...your necklace?"

"Well, yes," Number 2 gazes at the crimson-colored gem on her necklace: "Yes. It belongs to me. I should that the other you in another timeline gave it to me as a symbol of friendship...but yes, it's mine."

"Do you know what that means?" Sunset's eyes widen: "That means we can use Equestrian magic!"

"That is amazing," Number 2 says, eyes still on the gem: "Let's just be careful, ok?"

An Impossible Tale

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"No, hold your arm up, good," Number 2 inspects Sunset's stance: "Now put your left foot like this...Good, good. Now thrust!"

"Ha!" Sunset pushes her right arm forward as a spear thrusts into a dummy made out of straw.

"Great, now," Number 2 kicks the dummy aside, revealing a shorter version of it: "Deal with this one."

"Can we take a break?" Sunset hold the spear upwards: "My arms are getting sore..."

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that," Number 2 apologizes, pulling Sunset a chair: "I forgot that you are a human."

"It's ok," Sunset sits down: "How long have we been here?"

"Two hours and a half," Number 2 replies, pouring Sunset a cup of green tea: "I was lucky to get a house with a back yard."

"It's a really nice house!" Sunset complements: "And you are a baker, right?"

"Somewhat," Number 2 hands Sunset the cup before grabbing another one for herself: "I hope you like green tea."

"It's my favorite! Thank you!" Sunset takes the cup: "Also, thank you for the spear! Where did you get your hands on something like this?"

"That old thing?" Number 2 looks at the futuristic looking spear: "From you, in another world."

"So it belonged to me?" Sunset looks upwards to the tip of the spear: "No wonder it's so light! Also, what's with those dummies? They are either giant or tiny."

"It's a long story," Number 2 pulls a chair for herself and sits next to Sunset: "Now that you have recovered, I think it's time to tell you everything."

"Oh?" Sunset takes a sip from a cup.

"Back then, or should I say in the future, I was a lonely android," Number 2 stares into her cup: "I lost all my friends, and I was ready to die. Then you showed up, and gave me a purpose to live."

"Oh," Not knowing how to respond, Sunset takes another sip while trying to thinks of something to say.

"This here," Number 2 takes off her necklace and shows it to Sunset: "You asked me to keep it as a token of friendship. You said that the gem was discovered in a cave by you and your friends."

"," Sunset's pupil dilates as the gem, crimson in color, bares the symbol of her cutie mark.

"You said it reminds you of better time," Number 2 chokes up: "Sorry. Anyway, you told me to live for my friends if I can't live for myself."

"I..." Sunset looks down at the ground, not knowing what to say.

"And the spear you are holding," Number 2 continues, carefully putting the treasured gem to her pocket: "Was a gift from Devola and Popola in the future. For now, they are the leader of this village. I will introduce you to them later. In the future, they both died a tragic death. You, in the end, also died."

"I...died? For what?"

"To protect me," Number 2's hand tightens around the cup: "Just like everyone I ever loved and cared about."

The cup breaks into pieces, spilling water all over the android.

"Oh my," Sunset stands up: "I'll get you some clean cloth."

"Actually, Sunset?" Number 2 looks up: "Can we just talk for a moment?"

"Of course," Sunset replies before pausing for a moment: "of course."

"Thank you," Number 2 says quietly, averting eye contact: "Probably I shouldn't say everyone, because there's still one left. However, she's too busy to deal with my problems. After your death, the earth entered a new era of peace. I help out my friend whenever she asked, because she was everything that I had left and that's the only time I got to talk to her. I only get to see her for missions. When I'm free, I will spend all my time tending the graves of my loved ones, and that includes you, Sunset. When I learnt of a chance to save the human race from extinction, I was overjoyed. I knew I would save you if I travel to a better time. And now, here we are, talking to each other in this little place of mine."

"Number 2..."

"You know, it's funny," Number 2 lowered her head even more: "I never expressed how much I appreciate of you when you were around. It was only after you are gone that I realized how lonely I was. Now, however, we can spend as much time together as possible."

"Here," Sunset put her spear and cup on the ground, and wraps her arms over Number 2's shoulders: "I'm here."

"Thank you," Number 2 says in a really quiet voice: "Thank you."

"Here, look into my eyes," After letting the android go, Sunset gets up, moves in front of Number 2 and get down on one knee: "Eyes are the window to one's soul, and I would like to see yours."

Number 2 slowly moves her head up and looks into Sunset's eyes.

"You poor thing," Sunset says as she stares into a depth of nothingness: "Listen ,we'll get it over with, ok? This time, no body dies! We find who ever is responsible for this mess, fix the problem and have a celebration party. You hear me?"

"Of course," Number 2 forces a smile on her face as Accord's words echoes in her brain: In the end, it's either you or her.

A Normal Day

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"And that would be twenty-five bits!" Sunset gives the customer a bright smile, handing the man loaves of bread and a piece of cake.

"Thanks, glad you guys are open again!" the man replies, putting coins on the counter: "How is Emily doing?"

"Oh, she's good!" Sunset says, counting the coins.

"Ok, sent her my regards!" the man takes the goods and exits the door.

"So, how's your first day of work?" the android walks out of the kitchen with a basket in her hand.

"People here are pretty nice!" Sunset says, dumping the coins into a wooden box: "I'm not the best at math, but that'll do for today!"

"Great," Number 2 put the basket on the counter, opens the door, and put the 'Closed' sign on her door nod: "There's someone I would like you to meet."

"Are we going on to an adventure?" Sunset asks, peeking into the basket.

"Not exactly," Number 2 answers: "We are celebrating someone's birthday."

"Who, though?" Sunset asks with anticipation.

"A friend," Number 2 answers, tossing her apron into a closet: "He has a little brother to take care of. Their mother passed away when he was 19."

"How many years ago was that?" Sunset asks.

"Five," Number 2 stretches: "and now they both should be old enough to have rum cakes."

"You make rum cakes?" Sunset asks in disbelief.

"I once sold them in the shop," Number 2 lets out a sign and rubs her eyebrows: "Then one day, Popola had too much and almost destroyed my shop."

"Oh, my," Sunset does her best not to laugh: "How much did she have?"

"More than you carry in a basket," Number 2 rolls her eyes: "It's a shame, they used to be our best-selling products, and now I no longer sell them."

"You can still sell them," Sunset says: "Just put a quota for everyone so no one will get hurt!"

"I never thought of that!" Number 2 says, after giving the idea a thought: "More on that later, get you spear and let's get going. Shades has been awfully active recently."

"What about you?" Sunset asks: "I've never really seen you fighting before!"

"Let's just go," Number 2 says with a solemn tone after a moment of silence while averting her eyes.

"Number 2..." Sunset wanted to ask something but decide not to: "Say, is anyone going to join the party?"

"I don't know," Number 2 shrugs: "This is a surprise visit. The brothers see me as a big sister or even mother figure at times, so..."

"They get embarrassed if you visit them at work?" Sunset chuckles.

"Right," Number 2 exhales: "And visiting them at night would put you in grave danger."

"It feels kind of weird," Sunset scratch the back of her head: "They are about the same as me, but now I'm a friend of their mom's!"

"Sunset!" Number 2 raises her voice a little with a pained look on her face.

"Sorry, sorry," Sunset smiles: "It's just hard to imagine, you know?"

"I guess they see me more like a big sister," Number 2 insists.

"Howdy," Number 2 pushes open the door to a blacksmith shop.

"Miss. Emily! "a young man with a synthetic arm jumps out of his seat.

"Where's your brother?" Number 2 asks, carefully putting the basket on the table.

"He..." Instead of answering, the young man zones out.

"Something happened to him?" Number 2 immediately recognized the problem with years of experience: "Spill it, kid."

"He..." The young man says it through gritted teeth: "Was killed by a robot..."

"A machine..." images of machines slaughtering her kins flash through Number 2's mind: "Where is that machine?"

"In the factory," The young man tightens his fists: "I'm too weak..."

"Do you have a weapon?" Number 2 continues, her eyes burning with rage.

"I found a powerful enough weapon to destroy machines," The man points towards a gigantic sword, too heavy for any human to wield, leaning against the wall.

"Thank you," Number 2 pick up the sword as if it's Nothing: "I will be back soon."

"Miss Emily!" The young man calls out before Number 2 exits the door: "Please, be careful."

More images flashed before Number 2's eyes, this time her failure to protect her loved ones.

"Miss Emily?" The young man asks with a concerned voice.

"I will be," Number 2 murmurs before leaving the room.

"You are staying with him," the android tells Sunset as the door swings shut behind her.

"Not happening!" Sunset refuses: "I'm not letting you going in there alone and die!"

"But..." Number 2's voice starts to shake as. Her mind wandering off.

"Number 2?" Sunset waves her hand in front of Number 2's eyes.

It's quite a dilemma for Number 2. Sunset is too stubborn to leave. If I tell her off, Number 2 thinks: She will then follow me behind and get killed, just like the Sunset from my timeline! If we go together, Sunset could also die. The factory is a dangerous place.

"Look," Sunset explains: "I'm not letting you go in there alone, and that's it!"

"There's no turning for you, is there?" Number 2 sighs: "Fine, you can follow. Just stay behind me at all times, ok?"

"Are you ok?" Sunset asks: "You look to be in distort."

"Sunset, I..." Number 2 stops after giving it a thought: "Nothing, just stay behind me at all times. The factory is a dangerous place."

"Sure," Sunset shrugs: "Don't you worry, I've faced danger before!

"Indeed," Number 2 forces a smile on her face: "I'm just overthinking."

"Hi, you don't need to put an act for me," Sunset pets Number 2 on the shoulder, giving a genuine smile to brighten the mood: "We can make it!"

"Indeed..." Number 2 says absent-mindedly as her mind is now immersed in memory.

"Wow there!" Sunset squeed as Number 2 gives her a bear hug: "Are you alright?"

Number 2 didn't say anything.

"There, there," Sunset pet the android's back.

"In my time, you died from following me into a building," Number 2 says: "I didn't go with you, so you followed me behind, and you died. So please, stay here."

"What killed me?" Sunset asks.

"You died protecting me," Number 2 lowers her voice.

"So this time, we will go together," Sunset replies: "And no one will get killed, we all come back alive and have cakes."

Relic of the Past

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"This is the most 'modern' place I've seen!" Sunset marvels at the abandoned factory as they enter: "Though this is supposed to be the future for me."

"The replicants aren't the sharpest tool," Number 2 comments: "Nor are the shades."

"One has no soul, and one has nobody," Sunset shrugs: "Guess that's the best they can do."

"By the way, what was life like exactly in your time?" Number 2 asks while carefully accessing the area.

"We had fleshing toilets," Sunset explains: "And running water in houses."

"That must be convenient," Number 2 answers, after making sure that the area is danger-free: "What else?"

"We also had better ovens," Sunset says: "They are much easier to use."

"I'd love to have one of those," Number 2 says as the two strolls down the empty halls.

"So, how long have you been here?" Sunset asks, following closely behind her android counterpart.

"Don't know," Number 2 shrugs: "Long enough to know everything around."

"Ok," Sunset replies, assuming that the android doesn't want to have a conversation now. The pair kept walking as the sounds of machines operating gets louder and louder.

"Careful!" Number 2 shouts, holding her comically large sword in a defensive position.

Sunset, almost choking on her own saliva, hastily holds her spear up as a small square-shaped robot slowly approaches: "Ehh...what was that?"

"A machine!" The android says through gritted teeth before mercilessly crushing the little robot.

"You really don't like robots, do you?" Sunset carefully surveys the situation as the android hyperventilates.

"Machines..." Number 2 groans, her eyes full of rage.

"Ok..." A little worried for her friend's well-being, Sunset tries to say something to meditate the tension: "Look, those things...they..."

"Save the chatter," Number 2 says with a cold tone as she examines the remaining: "This thing is equipped with electric shocking devices designed to incapacitate foes."

"I guess it's a part of a defensive protocol," Sunset adds: "It's designed to shock any intruders before the security personnel comes in."

"Security personnel?" Number 2 frowns in confusion: "Why do you need a human to come in when you can just kill the enemy?"

"Because..." Stunned by the realization that her friend was raised in a different cultural background, Sunset struggles to come up with an explanation: "They don't deserve to be killed? Humans, at least in my age, don't always see intruding in private properties as an offense punishable by death."

"When say intruders," Number 2 leans her sword against the wall: "Are they humans?"

"What?" Sunset made a face: "Yes, in most cases."

"Well, that explains why," Number 2 exhales, her eyes focused on her hands.

"Of course," Sunset frowns, as she notices the hands of her android friend shake ever so slightly: "You sure the sword isn't too heavy?"

"What are you talking about?" Number 2 picks the sword up effortlessly with one hand before swinging it around in an unnecessary fanciful way just to demonstrate her strength and mastery of the martial arts.

"Ok," Sunset scratches the back of her head: "Then let's get going."