• Published 27th May 2021
  • 274 Views, 4 Comments

rainbow dash and discord's chaotic adventure - khaliljohnson12344

Rainbow dash and discord go on an adventure

  • ...

the decision

This story starts with rainbow dash sleeping in her bed, and discord standing there watching her.

"Hmm....I wonder if I should wake her up" Discord thought, "Of course I should, that's my thing!" he decided. He then snapped his fingers, and got a bull horn, and pressed it. Of course a really really loud honking sound came out of it. Rainbow dash screamed awake and fell out of her bed.

"What the?!, DISCORD WHAT THE HAY?!" rainbow screamed at him. Discord rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on dashie, you should be used to my antics by now, how long has it been?" he asked. He lifted his claw and started counting. "1,2,3...10 years, some comics, and a holiday special!" rainbow blew a piece of mane away from her eye, and didn't look amused.

"Well duh, I know that discord, it's just that I'm not used to you waking me up like that." rainbow said. Discord's eyes widened and he put his claw down.

"Oh, yes, of course." he said. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here anyway?" she asked. Discord turned his body into a snake body, and he wrapped around rainbow's body.

"Well about your decision of course." discord said. Rainbow looked confused.

"Uhh, ya know I was being sarcastic, riight?" rainbow asked. Now it was discord's turn to look confused.

"What's being sarcoostic?" he asked. Rainbow's eyes widened.

"Wait, are you telling me no pony, specifically fluttershy, never taught you about sarcasm?" rainbow asked. Discord scratched his head, then opened it, and took out his brain, and examines it.

"Hmm, I'm afraid not." he said. rainbow facehoofed.

"wow, just, wow, well, considering nopony has ever taught you about sarcasm, I guess that means I will have to

*sigh* go on an adventure with you." discord squeed.

"yay! I'm so glad!" rainbow blinked, and she smirked.

"did you just squee?" discord's eyes widened, and he started sweating.

"ummm....gotta go!" then he snapped his fingers and disappeared. rainbow looked and blinked.

"finally, that's over, I'm going back to sleep." she yawned and crawled back into bed and immediately started snoring.

Discord reappeared in fluttershy's cottage, and set himself on her sofa. Fluttershy was sipping some tea, and noticed discord.

"Oh! Hello discord, how are you? :3" discord looked to his friend and smiled.

"Hello my dear fluttershy, I'm doing well, I just got rainbow to agree to an adventure with me!" he said. Fluttershy looked at him shocked.

"Oh, really, I didn't know she liked you that much." she said discord looked at her and blinked.

"Well, she doesn't, she said she was being something called, sarcostic." he said fluttershy blinked.

"Oh, um, you mean sarcastic." she corrected.

"Oh, yeah, whatever." he said. Fluttershy look confused.

"But discord, that means she wasn't serious." she said. Discord blinked, then frowned.

"So, she lied?!" he said. Fluttershy blinked and looked at him.

"Oh, well, not exactly." she said. Discord huffed, and stood up.

"Well, this has been nice and all dear fluttershy, but, I must take my leave." he said. Fluttershy looked at him and smiled.

"Ok discord, bye, be safe." said fluttershy. She flew up and gave discord a hug. He blinked and looked shocked for a second, then returned the hug.

"Don't worry flutters, I will, ta-ta!" he said, he snapped his fingers, and went through a black portal. Fluttershy sighed and looked at where he was.

"Bye, you big lug" she whispered. Discord reappeared in twilight's castle, he fell through the portal upside down, and hit his head on a table, he grunted while rubbing his head.

"Ow! I really need to figure out, how to control, how I come out of these things." he said. Twilight heard the loud bump on the table, and came rushing over to him.

"Discord, is that you?" she asked discord looked at her unamused and blinked.

"Yes! Who else could it be?!" he screamed. Twilight winced and stepped back.

"Sorry discord." she said looking some what saddend. Discord chuckled and landed in front of twilight.

"Oh, don't worry princess, I was just messing with you." he said, booping her on the nose. She blushed from the boop, but then cleared her throat.

"Um..is there something that you need?" she asked. He looked at her smirking.

"Well, I see that your blushing, I'll need more of that." he said, he then grabbed twilight's cheeks, pulled off her blush, and stuck it into a jar.

"This is for safe keeping, but in all honesty." he said pulling applejack out of a magic hat. Applejack looked confused.

"What in tarnation?!" she exclaimed. Discord chuckled and threw her back to sweet apple acres.

"I need some advice, on, going on an adventure." he said. Twilight looked confused and blinked.

"Why would I know anything about adventure advice?" she asked. Discord chuckled.

"Oh come on princess, you have went on tons of adventures, including that one you went on in the mlp movie, but that was just for money, toys, and bronies, and pegasisters." he said. Twilight thought about it.

"Well, I guess I have one word of advice." she said. Discord pulled out a megaphone.

"TELL ME!!!!!!!!" he screamed into it. Twilight blinked and re adjusted her mane.

"Well, simply, put, don't get lost." she said. Discord blinked.

"That's all?" he asked twilight nodded.

"Yep." she said. Discord looked unamused.

"Well, I don't know what I expected from a book princess, aside from a whole book explanation, well, then, ta-ta princess, until next time, dear twilight." he said. He snapped his fingers and went.

"Bye discord." she said. She blinked, and saw that he was already gone. "*sigh*, I hate when he does that." just then spike walked up to twilight.

"hey twi, who were you talking to?" the dragon asked. twilight turned and blinked at him.

"oh, hey spike, I was talking to discord." she said. spike blinked, and looked unamused.

"he did that disappearing act on you didn't he?" he asked twilight looked at him.

"yup, he did."

Comments ( 3 )

This is really good, though make sure to add capital letters and commas. But yeah, keep up the great work! :twilightsmile:

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