• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 1,889 Views, 94 Comments

The Adventures Begin - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset get banished into another world and start a journey to come back home (With some help)

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Mammoth on the mountain

Krystal is enjoying a hot cup of coffee after helping the trio solve the magic circle. It is her dream to be able to read books without being bothered by anyone until...

"Krystal, you here?" Matt shouts as he kicks the door

'I'm in my room,' Krystal responds and the trio ran into her room accompanied by a heavily injured Sunset. "What happened?"

Natalie answers, "We don't know, when we came there Sunset was bleeding heavily."

"Okay, let's put her in my bed," Krystal says and she carries Sunset to her bed. To her surprise, Sunset's fur made her want to cuddle Sunset.

"You know if you want to hug her please later because I don't think she can take the hug" Lance simply says as Krystal blushes.

"Natalie, do you have a healing spell?" Krystal asks

Natalie replies, "I've tried it before, but it heals very little, I think something blocks my healing.".

"Okay... I'll leave her here for a while. You guys should get some sleep though, it's nearly midnight." Krystal suggests, and the trio nods.

"You know that you can't resist her fur right?" Matt says

Krystal replies, "Yes, I know." As they laugh together, loud enough to wake Sunset. As Sunset awakens, she looks around and sees Krystal and her teammate.

"Where am I?" Sunset enquiries

"You are in my house," Krystal replies, as she watches Sunset try to wake up. "Woah Woah, you have to sleep here."

Sunset says, "I'm sorry for bothering you,"

It's OK. As long as you're safe, we're fine. " Matt cheers

"Thanks," Sunset smiles, "I thought I was going to die"

"Anyway, Sunset, since when did you get new eyes?" Lance asks as Sunset gasps.

"My eyes?"

"Your eyes have changed," Lance says, "here is a mirror" Lance hands Sunset the mirror. Sunset was surprised to see she had red and blue draconic eyes instead of her green eyes.

"Wha-what happened?" Sunset asks terrifyingly

" I don't know, when we get there, three orbs will have entered your body, and the next thing we see will be your eyes burning and then proof," Natalie says and looks at Sunset's eyes. "I don't know whether these eyes are good or bad, but it makes you even cuter."

"Not helping"

"So Sunset, may you explain what happens in there," Matt demands.

As Sunset begins to tell the story of everything that happens in the ruin, all of the room's eyes widen in amazement, realizing that there is a dragon that exists. Sunset now has dragon eyes and some power she hasn't discovered yet, but she will soon discover it. Now, the team needs to stay here for 3 days so Sunset can fully recover, while the other three help Krystal's family. Natalie teaches Krystal magic while Matt and Lance help with hunting.

Three days later

"You feel good?" Natalie asks

Sunset replies, "Feel good from now on."

"We should leave now."

After saying goodbye to Krystal and thanking her, the team heads to the Kitten Ruin. As the team starts its journey, they encounter several cliffs and some rock slides, but they are able to make their way through it without difficulty. The team goes the long way to get to Kitten Ruin

"... That sounds boring," Matt complains

Sunset asks, "How so?"

"Oh well, no monster to slay. Boring."

"Then, using fire to warm us up is okay."

"Boring, even a cat can do it," Matt says as the bunch of cats stood in front of him. "Really?" he inquires. "Why am I talking to others about monsters, they don't appear, but Sunset, they just appeared like that? Don't you have eyes, monster?" By the time he finishes the sentences, an eye with ice spikes appeared, floating around. The others glare at Matt as he smiles sheepishly.

In the cats' fort cart, there is a shark and a canon. The cat blows the conch to boost other morale. Natalie is attacked by ice spikes from the eyes, but Sunset deflects them with her staff. Sunset is going to use "Fireball" toward the eye, when she casts it, it appears as a fire-shaped dragon charging into the eye and consuming it. The fort cart charges forward towards Matt, but he blocks it and jumps up into the fort to kill the cat. The other cat is scared and flees from the team.

Matt cheers, "Well, that was a start-up."

"Don't say anything to me about monsters, Matt, you're just spawning them," Sunset demands.

Natalie asks Sunset, "May I ask you something?"

Sunset turns her head to Natalie, "Do tell."

"Since when is your spell related to dragons?"

"What? Is my spell related to dragons?"

"Yeah, you're going to cast "Fireball" but instead it appears to be "Fire dragon"."

"I'm not sure, but perhaps I can be more useful about this," Sunset says, and Natalie nods

Continuing the journey, the team moves forward. As the weather is getting cooler, Natalie must cast "Fireball" and make it fly around for her teammates. Sunset tries to cast it too, but it only casts "Fire Dragon" and accidentally burns a house. Then they simply walk away without anyone noticing.

Natalie sighs, "Ugh... I feel so cold now... I don't know when we will get out of here."

Lance says, "Just keep it up, we're almost through."

As the team continues their journey, a turtle with an iceberg on its shell charges at them. Another turtle charges at them and Sunset gets hit, but she stands still and uses 'Fire' to burn it. The Ice Turtle jerks back and gets ready to fight.

The turtles open their mouths and breathe ice breezes into them. When Natalie saw that, she chanted a spell, and after she chanted, many fireballs appeared to the turtles and burned them. Because of the fire, the turtles felt burned around their bodies and got dizzy. Lance and Matt see a chance and charge at the turtles. The turtles are all inside their shells and in a defense position. They jerk back as the icy shell is too hard. She teleports to it and throws her staff at the shell, casting "Firewall" on it to burn and kill it. The firewall continues to shape as a dragon much as Sunset surprises. It bursts through the other turtle, destroying it even though it was in a defensive stance.

Matt pats Sunset's back, "Maybe all your spells are related to the dragon now."

"Yes, I think everything you cast will be related to the dragon," Natalie agrees with Matt

"Is this a good or a bad thing?" Sunset asks

"I don't know, but we will find out later... after we get out of here. This place isn't convenient to set up a camp." Lance says as the rest nods. They continue their journey.

The team keeps moving out of Glacier Valley to find somewhere warmer. As they moved forward, they found a mountain with many cracks that created a small cliff, enough to cause many men to fall.

"Does anyone have a flying spell?" Matt asks

Sunset says, "I'm sorry, but I can't take many of you to teleport.".

"Well, that's OK. Let's take it slow and steady," Lance says to the team.

As the team moves away from the cliff, they step close and steady to avoid falling. As they move, they meet large rocks standing in front of the wooden bridge. Sunset feels weird about this, so she steps forward to poke at the rock.

"Did you know what this rock is? I see that it is weird to appear like this." Sunset asks.

"Well, I don't know either but I feel familiar about this." Matt's answer makes Sunset confused.

"You mean there is a rock monster or something?"

"Yeah, but I don't remember well which rock monster I encountered"

"Ok.. should I-" A beam shot from the rock makes Sunset surprised, fortunately, the rock misses and she sighs in relief.

"Now I remember, this is a "Monolith", it likes shooting beams," the rock glowing and appeared two more small rocks with ice spikes to attract it, floating in the air. "And summoning stuff."

The small rocks rush toward the team, who are in a defensive position. As the small rock gets closer to the team, it explodes and makes ice. Natalie gets frozen because of the explosion. Sunset uses "Fire Dragon's" attack on the Monolith, but it does not work. 'why do I use fire against a rock?' she thinks. Monolith forms a big ice spike and tries to drop into her head, but she uses "Fire Slash" to cut it off, the spell has also formed like a dragon. "Even a simple spell is formed as a dragon " she gets annoyed by that.

"Time to use this," Matt slammed the tip of the sword into the ground. A big earth sword came from the ground and struck the Monolith directly, destroying it completely. "Wow, that was a nice shot," he said.

"Nice earth skill you have there Matt," Sunset cheers

"Thank you," Matt replies.

Natalie whimpers, "When will we see a warm spot?"

As the team continues to cross the bridge, they hope to find a warm place to camp. Along the way, they encountered a white-suited woman with a white staff and a white hat.

"Karen?" Natalie asked in surprise

"Natalie? Natalie" Karen rushes to Natalie and embraces her tightly "Where have you been, Natalie?"

"Just some adventure stuff. Look, you know somewhere that we can stay?"

"Cross this wooden bridge and you'll find some ice houses to stay at."

"Can you guide me?"

"Sure, I'm also in the way. Follow me."

Karin guides the team to the ice houses. There are three houses with three men living in them. Karen and her team ask the men if they can stay, and the men agree to pay for their stay with some money. The team sits around the campfire with Karen.

"It's been a long time since you left your church, Natalie," Karen said.

Natalie replied, "I hope the church will still be OK when I'm gone.".

It's okay. And... you forgot the book of holy magic of the church," Karen replies as she brings a book to Natalie. "I know you like this book, so I'm giving it to you"

"How about you introduce your teammate, Natalie?" Karen says.

Natalie points at Matt. "Well, this is Matt," points at Lance. "Lance," points at the black figures with black coats and hats.
"And Sunset Shimmer."

"I am okay with these boys, but..." Karen points at Sunset "I suspect her. Why does she conceal her face and body? Is she a dark merchant?"

'Eh, she is just a little shy because...eh, the face is so ugly and the body is old." Natalie lies.

"You know you lied so badly, don't you? For those reasons, she has nothing to hide. "Now, let me "unhood" her." Karen tries to use a wind spell to reveal the dark figures, but Sunset just teleports out of the way. Karen was shocked, then glares at Natalie, "Since when did you have a mage of this level?".

Natalie lies again. "It's just that she wants to join us. That's it. ".

"...Okay, I trust you this time," Karen said as she turned away from the trio. When the dark figures teleport back to the spot, she uses a wind spell to surprise her. Sunset swings the staff to block the wind spell, making Karen more surprised

"You really want to know who am I right, Mrs. curious?" Sunset said.

"Okay, I give up." Karen waves her hand and sighs. "Geez, I didn't know you had a mage like Natalie. And... she's a high-level mage also, which I suspect quite strongly."

"I'm gonna go to sleep, see you," Sunset says as she went to the ice house to sleep?

"Well, we're going to sleep soon, see you tomorrow, Karen," Natalie follows Sunset as the trio slept.

"See you, Natalie," Karen waves her hand and goes to her ice house to sleep

The next morning, the team and Karen awoke. When they ask about the way out of Glacier Valley, they show them the way and tell them that there will be a mammoth on the way. Gritting at this information, Matt drags the other people to the site without saying goodbye to Karen. On the way out of Glacier Valley, the team heard something move that was very heavy, such that it made the ground shake. The team stops themselves, in a defensive stance, and sees what is going on. A big mammoth appeared later and roared in preparation for battle. After the roar, two eyes appeared, each with a white circle and four flying ice knives.

The mammoth slams its legs, making an earthquake, the team tries to balance, then a fire ray strikes directly at Matt, causing him to burn. Matt coughs from the attack. The other eye creates a tornado toward Natalie. She flinches at it and gets surprised, but she quickly counters by casting a spell. Five stars appeared above the monsters and attacked them. The mammoth roars in angry and it jumps on Lance in an attempt to crush him. Lance sees that and attempts to step away, but the knife impacts his leg to keep him immobilized.

Sunset throws her staff at Lance when the mammoth approaches, sending him flying out of the "Bodyslam". Lance coughs a bit of blood from the staff throw, and he sees two eyes are going to use their knives on Sunset. He quickly pulls out 6 bullets, loads them into the gun-blade, and shoots at the eyes, which fall down, but he can't move. The mammoth rushes at the trio and causes Matt to take a direct hit.

Matt stands up from the slam, his sword changes into a light ball and he slams it back at the mammoth, sending it flying. The ball returns to the sword. When Sunset and Natalie chant a spell, the mammoth rushes toward Natalie, but it feels pain in its leg, forcing it to kneel. The mammoth turns to Lance and sees his gun-blade smoldering and starts the scanner. Sunset and Natalie slammed the staff to the ground, and two large magic circles appeared under and above the mammoth. A ray of light is cast beneath the mammoth, and dragon ice appears above it, slams it, and explodes, creating smoke. All four breathe heavily and think the mammoth is destroyed, but from the smoke, it appears to be heavily injured and trying to stand up. Sunset nods at Matt and he charges at the mammoth, jumps up, and strikes its head with his sword, killing it.

"That's the hard battle," Sunset says.

"Yeah, but at least we can get out of here," Lance exclaimed weakly.

"Let's move around a bit before we set up camp and heal," Matt suggests.

"Good idea, but you'll have to drag me up," Lance replies.

"Be careful, we're on the mountain," Natalie said as the others just realize that they had fought on the mountain.

"I think that spot over the bridge is perfect for camping." Sunset points to the spot. The trio nods and crosses the bridge, setting up camp. They found a chest when the camp finished, and when they opened it, they found a white sword with a ruby inside. Sunset huffs because she hasn't received a new staff before while Matt's eyes shine.

They sit down and start a campfire.

"That's a beautiful view for us," Matt smiles.

Natalie cheers. "Yes, stargazing after the battle is a good rest for us.".

The team starts talking and stargazing like there's never been a battle before. It is a long journey to Volcano Peak.