• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 1,895 Views, 94 Comments

The Adventures Begin - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset get banished into another world and start a journey to come back home (With some help)

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The past of the dragon (1)

Three hundred years ago, somewhere in Hella country

"We did it, We finally did it," A black, straight hair woman wearing a black shirt in a white coat and black jeans, is shouting, " Honey, we did it, we finally create a new biological creature," the woman is hugging a black-haired man, he wears a white shirt in the white coat and a blue trouser, "I thought we will fail again, but now we success. I can't believe it," The woman's tears fell down because of the joy.

"Yeah, we did it, Jane," The man hugs his wife tight, "After twenty years of research, we finally succeeded," He turns his head to the little white dragon in the test tube, "But what will we do with it?"

"I don't know, Alex," Jane turns her head away from her husband, and take a seat, "How about we take care of it like our child,"

"Are you crazy? It - " Alex points his finger at the dragon, "- Is not a human, how can you be sure it is as intelligent as us?"

"But I don't know what to do," Jane takes out the paper, "we can't have kids, you know? I'm struggling to decide whether we should divorce or not here," Jane looks at the dragon, "But to see your research, I hope that I have a chance to have a kid. So I am just with you because of this."

"You... You are so selfish, don't you? How can you be sure that something is intelligent like us? If it is just at an animal intelligence level, I'm sure we will waste time in the future."

Jane slams a table and stands up, "But we haven't tried yet, have we? If we train him as a human, we will have a kid like others."

"Are you even listening to me? I strongly disagree with this, are you sure it will not kill us in the future? For me, I'm not sure."

Then the couple keeps arguing for fifteen minutes, making the white dragon wake up. The first thing he saw is a man and a woman bickering together, he opens his mouth and says "Mom? Dad?". The couple stoned and turned their heads to the dragon, "Mom... Dad..." the couple kneel down and hug each other, their tears are falling down because

"I... I don't know Jane, But it's just..." Jane puts her hands in front of her face and crying, " Call us Mom and Dad,"

"We all hear that, Jane," Alex hugs his wife tight, "We all hear that," Then he helps Jane up, " Come on, get up and we will name this child of ours."

"You... Do you agree to take care of him?" Jane asks in shock, Alex nods, Jane comes close to the dragon and lifts him up, "Aww, he has a tough scale," He raises his claw and wants to hug his mom, Jane lets him hug her, his scale is warm, making her want to melt into it. "You should hug him, honey."

Alex picks him up and turns the dragon to face him, his blue eyes keep staring at Alex, making Alex want to cuddle him. "Yeah, he is so cute," the dragon hugs Alex, making him surprised.

"I think he likes you," Jane giggles, making Alex groan, the dragon hugs Alex's neck and sleeps. "Aww... he really likes you, and you get a dragon coat," Jane teases her husband.

"You always bully me, Jane," Alex waves his hand to shoo Jane away, "But I admit that he is warm."

"So what will we name him?"

Alex goes to the stairs to get out, "How about we name him Whitty?" He puts his hand to the doorknob, and opens the door, "I just think that name is fit for him."

Jane quickly follows her husband, "Hey, wait for me," Jane walks beside Alex, "And I think that name is good for him."

"Then you agree," Alex is walking beside his wife, "Don't you think it will be fun to take care of a child,"

"It will be fun~," Jane says with a seductive tone in front of Alex, make him rolls his eyes

Ten years later

At the house in the deep of the Pipewood Jungle, there is a wooden house have a couple and a child.

"Mom, Dad. Look at this," Whitty runs to the living room and shows his big fireball to his parents, "I have a big fireball here," He spins the fireball. Jane and Alex shake their heads and sigh, they know their dragon is bigger now but still a child. "So, how is it?"

"It's good," Alex looks at Jane to give her a signal, "But please don't do the fire spell in the house like that, ok?"

Whitty says in a sad tone, his eyes stare down the floor, "Okay... I will do the different spells. I won't do the fire spell anymore,"

Alex smiles at him and pats his head, "Just don't do it in our house, but you can do it outside,"

"Really?" Whitty hops in joy, "I want to train my magic to better," Whitty rushes outside the house. Alex and Jane sigh and smile,

"He is really like magic, isn't he?" Jane pour some tea for her husband, "I like him when he has a hobby,"

"I should take care of him more," Alex sips a little of tea, "I want him to have a happy life, even if he is not human," Alex put the cup down, "I quit researching because he is our child and not an animal," Then he takes out a book of magic, "I should know him more by this,"

"I know, right?" Jane giggles, "I thought you don't care about magic," Jane kisses his cheek.

"You know, since we created this dragon, I have quit researching about biology stuff and focus on magic." Alex sips his tea, "I like magic more now. Don't change my mind."

"I won't," Jane sits on his lap, "I also love you more." She kisses his lip.

"You can stop now, Jane," Alex put the book in Jane's face, making her huff, "You should focus on magic like we do while we are still researching biological life and how to create it," Jance nods in agreement.

"We should," Jane taps her finger to her chin, "but what will we research which way of magic? There are so many ways of magic." Jane sighs, "And magic is abandoned in this country, I don't know how we can get the document of them?"

"Don't worry honey, I have a friend who always collects magic documents." Alex closes the book and shows her, "And this is the copy of the original books, he always gives anyone free if they truly want to learn it or research it."

Jane nods, "Okay, here's the thing, we will start researching."

Alex waves his hand and smirks, "I already do that when Whitty is one year old." that makes Jane's cheek somehow inflated, "What? You think I didn't care about him? Anyway, I hope our dragon is fine,"

"I will check him outside, don't worry." Jane is walking outside to check her dragon.


Whitty tries to create an ice spear but it fails, "Aww... fail again," He lies down on the ground due to boredom after failing too many times. " I don't know much about magic. Maybe Mom and Dad can help me with this," He stands up and goes to the house.

Whitty opens the door and goes to go in but he hears someone in the bush. "Who's there?" He turns his head at the sound and sees someone in the brush. He steps closer to the brush with a large fireball in his hand. A shadow comes out of the brush and runs away from him, "Hey, come back here," Whitty chases the shadow.

After five minutes of chasing, Whitty manages to catch the dark figure, "Now, let's see who are you?". Whitty tries to reveal the dark figure, much as the figures struggle. " You better show me your face," Whitty raises his claws to tear the coat out, revealing a purple and white-haired girl.

"Mon- monster, please don't eat me,.." says the girl while she is shaking due to she so scared of Whitty's appearance.

"Eh.... who is a monster here?" Whitty kneels down to the girl, "I'm not a monster, I'm just a --" Whitty rubs his head, "I don't know, but I am not going to hurt you,"

"Like if I believe that," The girl quickly took the wooden pole on the ground and pointed at the dragon, " You and your claw can tear me anytime you want," The girl is still grabbing the pole but her hand is still shaking.

"Look, if I want to kill you, I do it right now," Whitty still scratching his head, "No need to wait for you to talk like this,"

The girl stands there and thinks for a moment, "Fine," The girl sighs and throws away the wooden pole, "I think I can trust you," Then the girl sits on the rock, "I am talking with a monster, I think I am crazy now."

"Can you stop calling me a monster?" Whitty sits opposite the girl on the rock, "I am feeling annoyed here,"

"Fine, then what's your name?"

"Whitty, my name is Whitty,"

"My name is Aria, nice to meet you," The girl turns her head away Whitty, and huffs.

" Nice to meet you, too." Whitty stands up and turns the way to his home, "I got to go. Nice to meet you here."

"Hey,... " Aria calls and Whitty turns his head to her, "Can... Can I come back here? I promise that I won't tell to anyone,"

Whitty smiles, "Sure, you can come here anytime you want," Whitty goes back to his home and waves goodbye to Aria.

Aria is stoned for a bit a moment, then shakes her head and slaps her cheeks to see if she is dreaming or not. When she looks around, she sees nothing until the white dragon has appeared in front of her, making her fall on the ground. "Sorry, I dropped my book," Whitty picks up his book on the ground, "See you again," Aria smiles as she knows what she is seeing is real, She waves her hand back to Whitty to say goodbye.

Whitty comes back home with a fun whistle. On the way back home, he meets his mom.

"What is so funny? You meet something fun," Jane grabs Whitty's claw and walks with him.

Whitty looks back at the ways he just meets Aria and smiles, "No, nothing. Just some conversation with some animal," He lies as his mother laughs.

Jane pinches his cheeks, "Don't be silly. Animal can't talk,"

Whitty rubs his head, " Yeah, I know but I try to interact with them,"

Jane pats his head and lifts him up to her shoulder, making him feel embarrassed and struggling to get out. After a moment of struggle, Whitty finally gives up as his mother carries him home.

----- The next day, outside the house------

Whitty is forming an ice spear, "Come on, come on..." He tries to form the spell and he finally succeeds, "Yes, I did it," But the ice spear doesn't exist long and it melts into the water seconds later. "Ah... I don't know how to hold the spell longer,"

Then he lies on the ground.

As Whitty turns around, he sees a hand appear in the bush and wave for him. Whitty comes near that bush and sees Aria in there. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, I don't think you will come back," Whitty goes into the bush, "So, what are you doing here?"

"Just see if you are real or not," Aria turns her head away Whitty, she feels a pinch to her cheek, "Ouch. Hey, what are you doing?"

"Eh... just wake you up," Whitty earns a smack from Aria, "Okay, okay, I'm just teasing you."

"Anyway, are you learning magic?" asks Aria, Whitty nods, "yeah, I have some trouble with magic too." Aria sighs, "Because my magic is mainly darkness. People around me don't like dark magic, so they try to teach me other elements but... I can't make it clear so my family hates me. They hate me and tell me I am a failure of the family."

"Oh, so... you must be in some rich family,"

"My family is the Draco family, the family can master many elements but they really hate the dark element. My family is in the honor of the king, Valar." Aria sits down and sighs, "I just want to abandon this dark element, but... I can't. I feel so useless." Aria put her down to the ground,

"At least you don't give up and keep going," Whitty smiles at her as Aria lifts her head up to him, "You're just like me. You see I am not a human like you. Sometimes, I wish I were a human to see the world around me but... I can't do anything. My parents said I am created by them." Whitty hugs Aria, makes her face red, " But you know, no matter if I am created or not. My parents still love me like a human." Then he earns a slap from Aria. "Ouch, that's hurt."

"Then stop hugging me suddenly like that," Aria takes a deep breath and calm her down, "But you know, I'm afraid that people will hunt you down to do the experiment when you appear." Aria pats Whitty's back, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone,"

".... Okay... I should keep my training continues," Whitty stands up, "I don't want to be lazy,"

"Hey..." Aria shouts, Whitty turns around. "Eh... can I train with you?" Aria rubs her head, "I can train with you until three p.m, and also we will teach each other about magic."

"Sure," Whitty smiles at her, "Let's do it."

----Inside the house-----

Alex is sitting in the research room, which is filled with magic books and information. He tries to find the best way to research but even the basics are complicated. He leans his back to the chair and thinks, then he hears the knock, making him fall out of the chair. Jane rushes into the room to see what happens.

"You ok, honey?" Jane helps her husband to stand up, "I found that you are struggling to find the way to teach Whitty, right?"

"Yeah, " Alex gets up and show Jane a book, "Even if this is a basic spellbook, it doesn't show anything about how to cast it,"

Then Alex takes another book, "And this is the explanation book about mana, it really stupid. I can't believe that this book is sold in the marketplace. Take a look at this."

"Okay, let me see," Jane opens the book.

The mana of the person is decided when that person was born. We were born with different mana capabilities and no way to increase that. Depending on the ways they were born, they were ranked on many levels. The lowest is F and the highest is S. The lowest rank will be hard to cast the advanced spells, and the highest rank can cast two or three spells in combat.

"Wait, this is wrong in the beginning," Jane looks at her husband, "We used to do many experiments on monsters about their mana capabilities, right?" Jane rubs her head, "I don't remember which experiments because it takes so long not to study them."

"Yeah, let me search our information research," Alex walks to the table and pulls out the drawer to take the previous research papers, "Here, we used to use two same monsters but in a different environment, one is not training and one is training until out of their mana every day." Alex gives his wife the paper, "Here, we already do on many monsters."

Jane looks at the comparison papers and nods, "I see, the one training until out of their mana every day has more mana capabilities." and Jane flip the papers, "And more mana controlling, which is we already have the conclusion that no control, the owner will be crazy,"

Alex nods, "Yeah, but I don't know much about elements of magic, because monsters already have one element. Some of them can have two but that is the different environment. We can't have the conclusion to this,"

"Well, Whitty can already cast fire spells and ice spells out there," Jane points at the windows, "How about we teach him an electric spell. Maybe we will reach a conclusion and we can make him stronger."

Alex thinks for a moment then he nods, "I agree, but don't push him so hard, ok?" Jane nods to show that she agrees, "Okay, we will train him in the afternoon and push him until he is out of mana."

"... That's cruel you know?"

"I know, but if he agrees. If not, don't push him." says Alex, "You should call him here. We will talk about this." Alex sits on the chair, "Oh wait, he is training in about two hours right now." Jane nods and goes out to find Whitty.


After two hours of training, the duo is out of mana. They are lying on the ground and breathing heavily.

"Wow, I didn't know you were really good at the dark spells, "Whitty says between breaths, "So, want to see me tomorrow?"

"Sure, I'd love that," Aria stands up and starts to go back to her house, "I will see you tomorrow, see ya." Then she uses a crystal to teleport back to her house. Whitty smiles, gets up, and goes back to his home. On the way to go back home, he meets his mother and waves his claw,

"Hi mom, what are you doing here?" Whitty walks beside his mother.

"Well, we will have to discuss something in our house,"

"Oh, then we should go fast to go back home."

Jane nods, "Okay, let go."


Whitty and Jane open the door and see Alex is sitting to wait for them.

Alex says, "Now, take a seat and we will start to discuss," Jane and Whitty nod, they take chairs to sit beside Alex, "Now Whitty, I want to ask you a question."

"What is it, dad?" Whitty rubs his head, "Did I do something wrong?"

Jane and Alex giggle, "No, no. You didn't," Alex and Jane stare at each other and nod, "Well, we just want to train you with magic."

Whitty hops up with joy, "Really?" His parents nod, "I thought I will train my magic alone," Alex raises his hand to stop him.

"Look, we don't have any experience of fighting. We just collect the information of your training to make the best training for you." Jane put her face near Whitty's face. "Meaning, you have to drain all of your mana every day."

"I think I can do it," Whitty smiles at them, "Well, this is good for my training magic."

"Oh, Whitty," Jane and Alex bear hug Whitty, making him struggle to breathe, "I thought you will deny this thing."

"Can't.... breathe,"

Jane and Alex release him, making him breathe fast. Then they all laugh together. "All right, tomorrow we will start training." Whitty nods.

Eight years later

"Come on Aria. Is that what you got?" Whitty says as he is dodging Aria's dark claw, "You can do better than this," Whitty's taunts make Aria's face red in anger.

"If I got you, you will die with me," Aria raises her dark spear to strike Whitty but Whitty uses two fingers to strike her wrist to disarm her. Her arm is stunned, much to Aria's surprise. Then Whitty strikes her legs to make Aria fall down, then gets up her body and slams the wooden pole near Aria's face. Aria huffs.

"You really don't know how to treat a girl? Right?" Aria turns her face away to Whitty, "You should know how to treat a girl, or else you will never have a girlfriend."

"That would happen if I were a human?" Whitty gets off Aria's body, "Look at me, I am a lizard full of scale and have wings and tail. And a girl told me that I should have a girlfriend." Whitty turns his face to Aria. "You think that works?"

"Fair enough," Aria gets up, "But at least you should know how to treat a girl."

"Well, I will treat a girl nicely if that girl is not named "Aria", because that girl sounds... dark." Whitty received a slam from Aria.

"You and I have been training every day since we first met eight years ago." Aria points a finger at Whitty, "And I already showed you how my house and my life were three years ago."

"Yeah, I saw that." Whitty rubs his head, "But... I have already seen your family hanging people. And that time made me nearly vomit. Where is the king when his people need his support?"

Aria sighs, "I don't know. When I came to find the king, I didn't see him." Aria put her hand to her chin, "My family always goes to the luxury party. They don't care about the people who are suffering from starvation, who are trying to work day by day with a poor salary."

"I bet that you take a lot of trips to go outside your luxury house, right?"

Aria nods, "I take many trips to go outside. Even when I go outside for a week, my parents and brothers don't even ask me how I am or even look at me to see if I'm fine or not. All I received is... their cold stare. Like if I do not exist." Aria stares down the ground, "Sometimes I just don't want to live anymore, sometimes I curse myself that why I have the dark spells," Then she pats Whitty back, "But lucky that I meet you, an abnormal eh... I don't know what to call."

"Choose your word carefully Aria," ``Whitty laughs, "or else you will be teased by me more."

"Geez, I don't know you like to tease me that much,"

Whitty replies, "Because you are an easy target." Aria rolls her eyes.

"Fine. Hey, want to come to Mist Town? Adel makes some new art from there." Aria takes out a crystal, "I got a teleport crystal to go there."

"Then, how can I go home? My parents won't let me live if I go home late."

"Don't worry, I draw a magic circle near your house," Aria points at the magic circle, "Don't worry, I have a spell to teleport back to your house."

"Okay, you got me," Whitty takes the dark cloak and black clothes to cover all of the

------ Mist Town -----

The duo has teleported to the Mist Town to see Adel's art. What they didn't expect is a flaming town with many people lie on the ground and dying. Aria and Whitty rush into the town to see if anyone is alive.

"Wh - what happens?"

Whitty checks a corpse, he is still disgusted when sees the corpse. When he flips the corpse, he sees a hole in the chest. "He gets shot by a gun," He turns to Aria, "Meaning someone destroy this town." Aria steps back as she didn't believe that. As she steps back, she sees a medal that has an eagle symbol, the eagle has one staff and one gun at its wings.

"Th- this is a king symbol, " She panics to see the medal, "Then why the king destroys this town. It makes no sense."

"How did you know this is a king symbol?"

"Because I saw his army before. Every soldier have this medal on their uniform,"

"I see, we should go around and see if anyone is still alive," suggests Whitty as Aria nods.

The duo wanders around the flaming town to see if anyone is still alive or not. When they search in a destroyed house, they hear someone calling for help behind them. The duo turn their heads around and see a green-haired man is heavily injured.

"Adel," Aria shouts as she helps him to lay on the ground, "Oh god, you are injured,"

"Let me help him," Whitty's claw is glowing green and he puts the claw on Adel's chest.

Adel feels his wound is being treated as he looks at Whitty, "Thanks, I thought I will die here,"

" What happens here?" Aria take out the king's medal, "And why the king attack this town,"

"I don't know," Adel panics, "I actually don't know why they do that. All I heard at that time was that this town had violated the death rule and they came here to execute us," Adel grinds his teeth, "I can't believe that they do that when the town does nothing wrong."

"Why did they come here? They do not simply slaughter all of the people like this," Whitty turns his head to Adel, "They must have another purpose."

"Yeah, I think I heard that they will go to Pipewood Jungle," Adel looks at the sky to remember, "I think they find someone named Alex and Jean," Whitty and Aria's eyes widen when they hear it. "And they just started to search them,"

Aria thinks a bit, "I will carry you to a safer place," Aria takes the man without problem, "Come on Whitty, we need to go back to your house,"

Whitty nods, "We should go as fast as we can," And then they rush to Whitty's house to save Alex and Jane.

Author's Note:

Sorry, I have to split this history into two parts.