• Published 4th May 2021
  • 212 Views, 4 Comments

Trail of Feathers - Himmelswachter

With one love life failed, how will Mels manage to get another one, Would another be even worth it?

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CH1: Patched Heart

Trail of Feathers
Chapter 1: Patched Heart.

“You are not staying in here all day, Mels!” A bat-pony mare of smaller stature sat at the doorway of a hotel room in the Crystal Empire, dark blue coat, emerald eyes, a normally tight and neat mane and tail a mess of a lighter blue with white streaks through it. She was slightly smaller than most mares, but she was rather strong looking from her service in the Night Guard. “As your older sister, I am ordering you to go out and find someone to spend the day with. It is Hearts and Hooves day you big oaf.” She huffed and leaned against the door frame. “I have a day with Sumac to get to. But I can’t let you stay here like this, I don’t want to come back here and see you….less then okay.” Eyes looked away with a heavy sigh. “Come on, can you at least try……”

The larger stallion on the bed wrapped up in the sheets, lay there and only moved slightly as his head poked out and showed his tear stained muzzle and bloodshot eyes, bags hanging under them as he looked at his sister. “I don’t…… I mean…… What if they turn out to be a Changeling too? I mean, it was working, I was fine with her being a Ling and thought she was cute. What did I do wrong? How did you fine Sumac, Lunar?”

Stepping into the room, Lunar closed the door behind her. “Look,” Moving towards the bed and sitting by it, a wing extending to brush the mane out of Mels’s face. “Sumac kinda found me really. Well….guess we kinda found each other. Typical met at a bar but not drunk off our asses story. So there’s that. Also, you did nothing wrong. Storn or whatever her real name is told you in the note she didn’t want to hurt you anymore. She saw it, I saw it, and I’m sure others saw it. I know our friend Astro saw it. But he’s more observant then vocal. Anyway. Nothing was wrong, she was worried about you and had to leave for both your sakes. Storn wants you to be happy,” Her voice dipped from her straightforward and light tone to a softer and lower one. “To find someone else. Yes, horrible timing, but its hearts and hooves day, you cannot be the only one without a date. Hey, find a stallion or a mare, get talking, work that cute factor you got. Or if they’re into more show.” She nudged him with a wing. “Like Uncle used to say, when in doubt….”

A smile cracked over his muzzle and a small laugh left him. “Spread your wings and be more cute?”

“No. whip it out. Sheesh….good old guard sense of humor.” She rolled her eyes playfully and chuckled. “Hey. I talked to Storn, and others you dated before. They liked to mention your personality and ‘other’ things.”

A heavy Blush spread over him and he quickly covered his head with a blanket. “Lunar……. Don’t talk about my sex life please….. it’s kind of embarrassing.”

With a laugh and playful nudge. “You fluster so easily, but fine, no sex life talk. But I need to get going, Sumac is literally at the door,” The door opened slightly to show a larger earth pony mare poke her head in, a grey coat with dark mane and gray lavender eyes looked for the bat mare. “Promise me you’ll go out today and find someone?”

“My favorite little Pegasus still hanging out in bed?” Sumac smiled softly as she looked at them. “Hey Mels, can I have my little bat? I got a date planned and some ‘us’ time later on, if ya get what I mean.” A rumble of a chuckle came from her. “Me, her, bed, adult stuff.” They grey earth pony mare with a long more silver-grey mane poked her head in.

It was Lunar’s turn to blush like mad as she expertly grabbed a pillow and tossed it at Suamc, only to hit the door as it closed. “I swear to the Moon, Sumac! If it weren’t for how much I love you, I’d smack you upside the head constantly!”

“Ya smack my head, that’s for sure!” A muffle response got a loud groan of frustration from Lunar. “I mean my di-“

“That’s enough, honey! Sweet fucking Luna……..I swear.” She took a deep breath before turning back to Mels. “Okay. I’m gonna go and deal with my marefreind and I expect to see you with someone or at least a story to share when I see you tomorrow. Okay?”

Mels nodded and removed the blanket. “Fine….I’m gonna shower first and then head out. Kinda smell like sadness. Heh, guess I could try and look nice for today.” A small smile growing.

“That’s the brother I like to see. I gotta go.” Giving him a quick hug, Lunar hurried out of the room and was heard berating Sumac loudly over having little to no tact when discussing sex life. Kinda cute really, the small bat mare berating the larger earth pony mare, but that’s a different story.

Getting out of the bed, Mels eyed the small clock at the bed side, it being rather late in the afternoon but still plenty of time in the day to get out and about as Lunar requested, or more so ordered. Heading into the bathroom and just getting a quick clean-up shower in and freshening up his wings a touch, tying back his mane into a loose pony-tail while leaving some out to hang about, he eyed himself over and brushed him self down a little and cleaned up his chest floof a bit. “There, presentable, and no long a sad looking mess. Well, outwardly that is…….. I doubt this day will end as well as Lunar said it could.” Grabbing his small saddle bag with a small amount of bits, he headed out of his room and into the city The fact the city was really into hearts and hooves day was no secret, being the Crystal Empire with a certain Princess of love, a holiday about love was put on a higher level. Plenty of couples walking around going to and frow, enjoying the festivities of the day. Even if it gave a shallow pang in his own heart, the stallion could only smile as he took in the sights and sounds of the day.

Sights, sounds, and smells lingered all around the stallion as he walked down the road. Heading towards the smell of food, might as well get something to eat or snack on while deciding what to do today. A few more stores down the road near the hotel sold all sorts of knick-knacks as souvenirs, were now selling a mixture of themed items for the holiday. Some were cheesy stuffed toys or baubles, and some had some interesting crystal crafted items, some of the stuffed toys were cute. His eyes landed on a little griffon plush holding a plush heart, it was next to an assortment of different creatures in the same form. Thinking of getting a toy only sent a pang of hurt through him and made him tear his eyes away from the stores and walk a touch slower, a short sigh leaving him as he kept moving. Looking back slightly, the idea of heading back to the room and burying himself back under the sheets till it was time to head back to Ponyville crossed his mind, but that would only dig the hole further.

With quite a bit of time left in the day, going back to the hotel was not an option. “Okay, just gotta find something to do and take my mind off things. Maybe meet someone…….heh, yeah……right.” Moving forwards and towards the center of the festivities, the large area around the center piece of the Empire was full of folks from local and far enjoying a rather large festival. Numerous food stations and games for young to old, plenty of options for couples to enjoy themselves and any single creatures to find someone. A surprising sight was a few changelings, some from King Thorax’s hive and others who still had a black carapace from other hives, they had their own little area set up to share what Changelings knew about love and the idea o it in their own culture. Along with other races with their own venues, from Yaks to Minotaurs and even Griffons. But seeing the changelings only set as reminder of Storn and set him on a path away from said venues. It wasn’t their fault, his own mind wrapped around the constant thought of his own failure. The constant nudge in his mind making this festival less and less enjoyable.

Quickly finding something quick to eat, simple hayfires for a snack, and finding a bench. Sitting there on his own and munching on them gave a small distraction, his eye idly moving over the crowd as the fires were eaten with a slow and tired pace. Bags were noticeable under his eyes as he yawned and stretched his wings a bit. Feeling a bit of lethargy pass him as his body still felt a tang of emotional exhaustion. Rolling his neck and getting up to dispose of the little tray that once held fries from before in a nearby bin, taking a moment to look around. Wings rolling a little as he gazes around, seeing a few games being played, the typical festival games with a Hearts and Hooves day theme to it. “Got nothing better to do I guess.”

Moving towards one game, taking note of it being a ball toss game. But instead of bottles, the objective was to throw them into little chutes. Two ponies were already at the game, a earth pony mare and a crystal pony stallion, the stallion was attempting to get the ball into the higher point chutes but was just missing by a mile. The game pony running it whistled as the ball missed once again. “Ah well, better luck next time my friend. But ya did get enough points for a small prize! You could try again for another ten bits though, what to ya say?” He leaned on the small counter and placed the balls back on the table with a bit of magic and a small plush crystal heart floating over to the mare. “I’m sure you could get it and get the bigger one.”

“No thanks……got other plans.” With a few more words and a quick apology to the accompanying mare, the two made there way off after the mare gave her downtrodden stallion a kiss on his cheek for the attempt of getting the bigger prize. Well, at least she wasn’t upset about the whole prize thing.

The game pony spotted Mels and gave a wide smile. “How about you big guy, feel like giving the ol’ game a try? Get ya loved one a nice little prize, or maybe one of the bigger ones? Only ten bits for a game of six balls. A perfect score gets the large stuffed crystal heart, but even a low score gets you a small prize variant. How about it?”

“Oh, well……sure. Don’t have much planned for the day. Let’s give it a shot.” Setting ten its on the table and picking up a ball. “So, just toss the ball into chutes?”

“Yes sir, simple rules. No magic or using wings to give you an advantage. Six balls and several numbered chutes to toss ‘em into. Good luck.”

It was a rather simple game, something to take his mind off everything. Hey, if he got a good enough score, he’d have a new pillow. Taking a quick look at the chutes and deciding to go for on the middle ones on the platform of chutes. Tossing the ball at it and bouncing it off the edge and into a twenty-point hole earned a chuckle from the game pony. Picking up another ball and aiming a little higher, the ball popped right into a seventy-point chute. “There we go, bit better on that one. Heh, not too hard……” Tossing another ball and another, getting different points, from forty to eighty. Earning enough points for at least one of the prizes. “There we go, that’s not too bad. Was that enough to earn anything?”

“A medium prize. Sorry, big prizes need a perfect 600.” He levitated down a small pillow sized stuffed crystal heart. “Not many can get it, just how the game works. If you want to try again, its just another ten bits. Ya almost had it, I bet you could get it easy peasy.” He grinned in the plan to get more bit from the stallion.

“N-No thanks……I’m good with this…..uh, thank you.” Stuffing the prize into his bag. He stepped away from the game and went further into the festival, the afternoon was starting to turn to evening as the sun moved through the sky. The air was just as full of noise and smells of the festival, but a bit more music added in as he neared the center of the area. It was less games and more large-scale food and dining areas with stages of music and show performers. Making his was to a lone table that sat a decent way from a nearby stage, he took a seat and looked around at the options, a bit of dinner or later lunch wouldn’t hurt. Maybe just eat something and find the nearest package store, get caught drinking again and no doubt Lunar would report him to his own command……again. “Damn it. Coming out here was stupid and pointless. Oh yeah, just go out and find someone, bump into them she says…..thanks sis, just keep reminding me that I’m a failure in the romance department.” He laid his head on the park table and let his wings hang a little. “To Tartarus with it….” Leaving the table swiftly and leaving the music and food behind, the sun had started to dip down and edge towards the horizon, and Mels made his way to the nearest package store. Wonder if the Crystal Ponies made any interesting drinks, a unique liquor doesn’t sound bad right about now. “Seriously, what the hell was Lunar thinking……”

Mocking the words of his older sister as he made his way down another street, working his way back towards the hotel and hopefully a package store nearby. The festival sounds died off as more creatures made their way towards the center for the rest of the night’s activities, leaving most of the roads empty and the shops closed. Leaving Mels at a loss on the search for a drink store. “Come on…. gotta be one around her somewhere…..” Keeping down the path, no doubt going off course from the end destination of his hotel. Taking a lot longer then planned, seeing the sun going down and the moon coming out at least made it easier to spot a shop if it was still open. Which rewarded him soon enough, down the current road after turning down and moving along Celestia knows how many, a single store light on the corner with a sign of a wine bottle surrounded by crystals. “Finally, figured one would be closer to the festival.”

Entering the store with a small ring the bell hanging by the door. An elderly Crystal Pony stallion looked up from a book he was reading and offered a welcoming smile. “Ah, hello there youngin’. Surprised you’re not at the festival. Well, regardless, if you’re looking for some spirits for the night, I can say you found the right place. Need help finding anything specific or anything the loved one might like? I got a crystal wine that sells pretty well.” The old stallion set his book down and motioned a hoof at the shelves around the store and one behind him. “Our more specific drinks are behind the counter, but you can find most other drinks around the store.” The store was relatively small and had only four long aisles of different drinks. Even a small selection of imports.

“R-right, loved one, uh….. just looking for something to relax the night and not leaving me dead in the morning.” Looking around the store and his attention going to the imports shelves as a few bottles of griffon whiskey piqued his interest. “Or really anything honestly. Just drinking for me…..”

“Mhm,” The old stallion nodded and didn’t pry as “Well, the Griff-rye whiskey there is a nice night closer. Got some sweet Crystal berry wine too to start. Maybe an apple liquor?” He put a wine bottle on the counter and nodded at the import shelf. “Sells pretty well. But we got some other options around the store. Take your time, I’m open all night.”

Working his way around the shelfs, noting a few different and familiar drinks, he just came back to the imports and grabbed two Griff-Rye whiskies and went to the counter. “I’ll get the wine too. You say it’s good, I guess we’ll see.”

“Oh, alrighty then. Let’s see here, two whisky imports and a crystal wine, that’ll be an easy one-fifty bits. I’ll make it a holiday sale.” Opening the register and grabbing a bag for the bottles and noting the three bottles on an inventory sheet on the counter.

“Fair enough, one moment,” Getting the needed bits out and setting them onto the table and getting a spot cleared in his saddle bag. “There we go. That should do it, that’s really what I brought out tonight, so that works out pretty well. Thanks.” Waiting for him to take the bits and bag the drinks so Mels could get on with his lack of a night. Once bagged and thanks were shared, bagged goods were stowed away in a saddle bag and as fast as he came, the Pegasus was gone. Out and back down the road, he was back on path to go bury himself in the bed sheets with a pairing of rye whisky and wine. Not another body to warm him, but a couple bottles. But nothing was stopping him from starting a little early on that plan.

Pulling out a bottle of the Griff-rye whiskey in a wing and popping the cap off with his teeth and taking a whiff of the drink before taking a quick swig. Coughing slightly from the slight burn and shaking his head as he got comfortable with the warmth of it hitting his gut. “Whew, that isn’t bad, mhm…it’ll be better once I’m back in my room.” Stopping and looking around he gave an annoyed grunt. “Of course, got my self lost. Awesome.” Looking for the tower of the royalty as a reference point, the Pegasus looked at the bottle in his hoof and his wings. “Not risking jail tonight, flying drunk is a no-go…..so trotting back it is. Could cut through this next district, not like its Canterlot, wonder if there’s a clubbing scene here…….” Quietly talking to himself as he took down the road and between buildings, keeping the tower in sight and drinking as he went, the distant sounds of the festival were audible in the quieter districts, no doubt whatever tonight’s fun would be in full swing.

Wouldn’t be a bad night if it weren’t for Storn deciding it was time for them to break up. It wasn’t his fault! He did everything he could to make her feel loved and even after she revealed the whole changeling thing, he still loved her. “Just went ahead and tossed me to the side….” Ended it because she didn’t want to hurt him anymore? Biggest load of yak-dung he’s heard. “I didn’t deserve that. Did I?” His question was met with empty air and another swig from the bottle, the effects of the heavier drink already working on him. “I’m a good stallion, I’m nice…….Did I hurt her somehow? Was I too nice?” Still making his way in what might be the right direction, the stallion kept sipping from the bottle and was soon finishing the bottle off pretty quickly, stuffing it in his bag against the stuffed Crystal heart, he grumbled as he undid his pony-tail and steeled on towards what he thought was the right direction. The sounds of the festival sounded louder and soon the second bottle was in wing as he pulled it out and sipped slowly from it. Continuing the feeling of warmth through his body.

“Hey there baby, what’s a big stallion like you doing out here on your own~” A mare’s voice called out to his left and another joined on the right. “Mhmm…..big hunky colt shouldn’t be alone on this kind of night. How about my sis and I take care of you?~” Two mares, one was a unicorn, the other a earth pony. The Unicorn on the right saw the bottle and giggled. “Drinking on your own? You can join us honey, Goose and I can make you feel nice and loved tonight~”

“No thanks.” Mels shrugged off their advance and kept going, really ignoring them.

The earth pony mare called ‘Goosey’ was a cloud-blue colored mare with a long peach colored mane, while the unicorn was a violet-colored mare with a short pony-tail cream-colored mane, Goosey came up and brushed Mels’s wing and gave a playful whimper. “Oh, come on sweetie, my little maverick of a sis loves Pegasi, I’m sure if she can’t handle you thought, I get you all to myself~”

Still walking away and rolling his eyes with a shake of his head. “Can you two just leave me alone, please? I’m not looking for some nighttime fling with a pair of mares tonight. Okay, just leave me alone.” His voice was kind, but still held a level of annoyance at their constant bothering.

“What, think we’re just some street floozies? My sister and I are professionals of all things pleasurable darling. But if you want to be a sad little stallion and drink-“

The unicorn was cut off as a voice called out. “Tha’ stallion said no, leave ‘em be would ye?” A strange accent that sounded like it was from somewhere fair from this place. “You two do this every night, I swear, he’s not interested. Get the hint, loves.” Mels’s eyes followed the voice to see a Griffon. A black feathered griffon who blended in with the night and his bright yellow eyes showering well in the ow light.

“Piss off Griffon, this whole week you’ve cramped our gig. Come on, this is our most profitable week!” Goosey huffed and moved away from Mels. “What, you want the stallion? Gonna whisk him away on a fun night?”

“If he’s cute enough but I’m not gonna force him too.” Moving closer, Mels saw more of the griffon. The dark feathers tipped brown and a light grey leopard spot over his more feline parts, and some pure white feathers on his chest poof. A little top-knot of feathers held by a light blue band sat on his head as grey claws clacked on the stone road. “Come on, just leave the poor soul alone and go pick from the edges of the party. Plenty of folks looking for a quicky. Get going before I have to actually get the guards this time.”

With a combined huff and scowl, the two peeled off and left the griffon and stallion alone in the road. The Griffon sighed and looked at Mels. “G’day mate. Names Quill. Didn’t think those two would be out here this late. They love picking up lone stallions or mares that leave the festival, weeklong party presents a good chance of making some bits from folks who walk off.” His eyes spotted the bottle sitting inside the bag. “A touch of Griff-rye, eh? Not my go-to drink, but not a bad choice. Better when drank with someone, a whole bottle will leave ya feeling blotto in the morn’. I’ll be honest, to drink with the flies is a little sad, so how about I join ya for this arvo? I won’t bother for anything physical, but I got a feeling you could use some company.”

“What makes you think I want any company? I just want to be left alone to be honest…. Not being bothered by some griffon.” He slurred the word ‘Griffon’ a bit and his hooves adjusted as his stance wavered a tiny bit. “Already dealt with enough today, sure, thank for the help dealing with those two, but you don’t have to waste your time here with me. I’m sure you have some griffon or whatever waiting for you somewhere.” With a annoyed huff and a growl of anger, the stallion made almost wobbly steps as he attempted to leave. “Just gotta find my damned hotel again. Have a good night Mister Quill, thanks for helping with the corner mares, and no thanks on the company. I’d not want to keep you…..” With a dismissive wing wave, he attempted to simply trot away, but almost tripped over his own hooves.

“You’re already a right mess and I got my hotel literally down the road.” Moving up next to the upset stallion. “And for your information, I have not a soul waiting for me. Just as alone as you are this evening. Look, at least let me allow you to crash with me for the night and maybe we could just talk and share a drink. Yes, I’m maybe a little disappointed I can’t have more from a cute looking stallion like you. But can’t win them all it seems.” Catching him with a steady claw as Mels wavered a little and stopped. “I cannot in good conscious let you stumble and maybe not make it back to your room. You can dump all your worries and stress out and I’m more then willing to listen to you.” His voice was quiet and caring yet he had just met Mels. Not even really met, more so just bumped into him. “Free ear to use for the night if it’ll help. Plus, I’ve been told I’m decent enough company, not to toot my own horn that is.” A soft chuckle left the griffon as he waited for the stallion’s response.

“I….well……shit. I don’t know how far of course I am and I can’t fly. Wouldn’t be right for a Royal Guard to break the law, right?” Stopping his movements and letting out what seemed like a held breath. “Fine. Just…..are you sure you want to listen to me all night. My problems mixed with alcohol, can’t guarantee it’ll be that great to hear.” A small thought ran through the back of his mind though, the Griffon did call him cute, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to indulge in him, someone to talk too and maybe…..no….but he did call him cute. So, maybe? “Eh….look, I’ll just start now on the way there, okay? Just if I get to be more then you asked for, tell me, and I’ll be gone. Honestly, someone would be nice…….” A small bit of red ran across his muzzle as he avoided those yellow orbs. “To talk to I mean…..” Just a moment ago he was about ready to walk off and leave this griffon to their night, but now he was willing to lean on him without any large hesitation, either it was the drink or the actual need for someone to lean on was showing itself hard. “Never really been with a Griffon before, to talk to I mean….yeah. I got my mom, she’s a griffon, adoptive mom, but still mom. She was surprised to when I joined the guard. Little Mels got real big.” He chuckled and stopped his ramble short. “Sorry, started to ramble.”

“No, no, go ahead. So, a Griffon mom, eh? Pros and cons to that, but I bet she’s a lovely lady. If she raised you, I could imagine how kind she could be.” He offered a wing out to keep Mels steady as they walked and to his own surprise, he took it. “There ya go, keep ya upright as we walk back. I’ll let you have the bed, nice little pull-out in the room I can use. Don’t even start to oppose, cause too bad, I made up my mind.” He grinned and gave a sly look. “Unless you don’t mind sharing~”

“H-hey…..I said no funny business!” The blush only intensified as they started to walk. The wing over him was at an angle due to Mels being a bit bigger than Quill, the Griffon coming up to his neck. “I don’t want to be stealing your bed though……those pull-outs are hit and miss.”

“Fair enough. So, share a bed with no funny business? I figure you guard stallions have shared a sleeping space once or twice before. But that doesn’t help me, can’t resist a stallion in armor. I’m only joking, kinda, look. I’m not gonna lie and saw I don’t like how you look. But as you requested, I’m not gonna push it as the night goes. So o ahead and start with the talking. I’m here to listen like I said.”

“W-we’ll see. Okay….” Leaning a bit more against Quill as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. “I wasn’t planning on being alone tonight, I’ve had a few relationships in the past and didn’t really go anywhere and was kind put off doing anything for a while till I met this mare. Her name was Storn, and she was nice enough, went on for a few months and almost a year, and things were seeming pretty good. After the Chrysalis, Triek, and….uh…..mhm…Cozy Glow? Yeah, them. She revealed that she was a Changeling. Well, I walked in on her one night really. Anyway. I was actually okay with it, she wasn’t from King Thorax’s hive, there’s a lot of other ones.” As he continued through the story, Quill was quietly listening and even wis wing was gently moving over the back of the talking stallion as a comforting tactic. The story moved along to the latest point of the mare/changeling leaving the note behind. “She just left, and a note and……what feels like some sort of piss poor excuse. Cause she didn’t want to hurt me anymore!? How is that fair? I was fine with it, perfectly okay, I was more then willing to love her and…...and……I contemplated the idea of one day marrying her. But that obviously didn’t work out.” His voice dipped and words every so often had to be re-said as the alcohol still had some drag on him. “I don’t know what happened…..”

Even if it felt like a short time, they had reached the small hotel Quill stayed at, and moved into the room. Still carrying on the long talk as the Griffon listened well. “At this incident made you feel……. what? Empty or……”

“Empty, worthless, tossed away, that she never actually had an ounce of love for me. Like I was just a means to an end, a food source. Even if I know that wasn’t true. I’m having trouble letting myself understand that I guess, my sister said to go out for the day and see if I could find anyone and get something from tonight. I at least found someone to talk to……” They had sat down in the room and his saddlebags had been set by the bed. The left over two bottles sat on the small table in front of a two-seater couch. “Heh, well, at least one thing got done, I guess. Got someone to talk to!” He actually laughed as they sat down on the couch, a black and brown-tipped feathery wing still on his back. Had he ever removed it since they started walking? That was nice of him, the little extra warmth and feeling was actually quite comforting. “But still, guess she’ll be a little disappointed when I tell her I didn’t actually find anyone for more then a little chat.”

“That’s not a bad thing. So, a sister, huh? Adopted or legit sister?” He chuckled as he grabbed the wine and looked it over. “Does your mom have a tendency to adopt or something?”

“Uh…. well. Legit, sorta, half-sister. Same dad, different moms. Not in a bad way though, Miss Moon Needle is a nice mom and dad wasn’t a bad stallion, just the whole guard life made family not the best at times and they agreed to stay married, anyway. No she doesn’t, she had a child but…….well…….there was an accident in the Griffon main land…….so yeah. What about you? Any family or siblings or adopted family?” Switching the topics to Quill, a talon stuck into the top of the wine cork. “I think that needs fancy cups……”

“Mhm? Oh yeah, I guess it does, and no. Not really. No one really of note. Back in the ol’ Griffstralia. Not a bad place, little arid in some areas. I wanted to come here to enjoy what Equestria has to offer. And if you allow me to say,” He popped the cork off and giggled as some bubbles spilled out. “I’m liking the part of Equestria I see right now. It’s alluring~” Using a rag to quickly clean it up and setting it on the table. He removed his wing and got up to grab some cups. “Now, I don’t have any fancy glasses, but I got some basic plastic cups in here……somewhere.” He bent over as he opened a cabinet under the tiny counter that held a sink. Fancy hotels here in the Empire. But his griffon butt was up in the air with tail waving about. Mels averting his eyes quickly has he caught sight of something rather private, the blush from before returning with force. “Ah, found them!” Popping back up his came back over to the couch and set down two plastic cups. “Nothing fancy, but they’ll do.”

“T-Thanks…….um….for this, means more then you think.” Just blurting out the thanks as the Griffon poured wine into the two cups. “Um, I was told this wine was rather nice for closing a night. But something tells me you’d rather chat more than just end the night quickly with some wine.”

“you’d be right. You’re an interesting stallion, not too bad on the eyes and you seem as sweet as a gentle summer rain.” Setting the bottle down and pushing a cup towards Mels. “An adopted son of a Griffon mother, a half-sister who really wants you to find someone, and here you are. A Royal Guard in the Crystal Empire on Hearts and Hooves day celebration week with a heart hurting more and more as it goes on.” Sipping the sweet wine and sighing in a sense of pleasure as the kind liquid slipped down his throat. “You think you’re worthless, tossed away, and empty. You’re hurt and have gone to drinking your self to sleep and choosing to rather sleep thorough the week and be alone, am I wrong?”

“I……” He froze as he sipped and set the cup down slowly and turned away from the Griffon. “Right on the nail. I’ve done it in the past…….” Taking a shuddered breath. “I’m hurt, yes. I feel lost, yes. I feel like my heart has been thrown to the bin in pieces and left there…….” Tears pricked at his eyes and he shook his head. “And here you are, some random Griffon I literally just met, letting me talk everything out and you listen……understand….Tartarus, you even keep complimenting me. Why? Why am I just so able to give into you and talk to you like I’ve known you for years?” His muzzle scrunched angerly and brow furrowed as he now cried more freely as he ignored his drink. “Are you just some changeling messing with me? Or just some asshole looking to give a false ear to get me drunk and just have a fuck for the night?!” He placed both forehooves on the couch and got right in Quill’s face, his chest heaving in anger. As quickly as it came, it passed, slouching back onto his side of the couch and snatching his drink and downing it quickly and tossing the empty cup back onto the table. A few moments of taking calming and shaking breaths as he trembled. “I….I’m sorry…..I didn’t…..” Sobs started to wrack him as he covered him self in his hooves and wings.

Slowly and carefully, Quill made his way over the couch and reached the sobbing stallion. Not laughing at him or joking like some might, his claws slowly wrapped around the stallion, wings slowly following. “Shhh, it’s okay…..I’m right here.” He put the stallion’s head under his chin and held him. An unknown amount of time went on as Quill continued to hold Mels, talons moving through his mane as he let his chest feathers soak in tears from the rather emotional stallion. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you go, unless you tell me to leave.” A faint and muffled voice spoke from inside the chest feathers. “Mhm?”

“Please don’t….”

“As you wish……I’ll stay here. But…..may I suggest we go to the bed? It’s much more comfortable and less chance of getting kinks in your back.” A soft chuckle made the feathers tickle Mels and he moved just a little to let the stallion respond. A slight nod was what he got, and he carefully and gently helped that stallion up and off the couch and onto the bed. “Here we go….. fall asleep if you want to, I won’t go anywhere. Until the morning, we’ll need some breakfast at least, and even then, you can stick with me. I’m not opposed to a nice pony like you sticking with me for the week. Once the week is over, well, we’ll figure it out. I’d like to see more of you after this week.”

Mels was quiet for some time as he calmed his crying and sniffed, snuggling against the Griffon and his eyes slowly moved to meet his. “I…….I think…..let’s see how this week goes. Okay?”

A small nod was the answer and Quill adjusted his wing to wrap over him and he moved into the little snuggle too. “That’s okay with me, thank you.”

“Heh, I’m the one that should say that…….so, thank you, Quill. By the way, uh…..I’m Himmelswätcher SoftTalon, Mels for everyone really. With that, thank you again.” With a little hesitation, the stallion placed a tiny little peck on the cheek of the Griffon. “I think my week got a little better.”

“I would have to agree……goodnight, Mels.” With a tiny smile and a little nuzzle, a claw pulled over the bed sheet to cover them both, and with Quill’s wing over him, a calmer sleep moved over Mels for the night and a buzz from the drink and the excitement for the week to come certainly carried between them. Two feathers left on the couch sat next to each other, a blue Pegasus feather with a white tip touched slightly with a black Griffon feather with a brown tip, as the owners were comfortable under wing on the bed nearby.

Author's Note:

Ah, hello everyone who reads this. Yes this is a prequel to Ring of Feathers cause I wanted to make those two years before that tiny story, into a story of its own. Now, I'm not the best writer and I get distracted and have plenty of writers block as I write. But I will try to post when I have a chapter ready to go in a decent amount of time, I hope not more then 2 months honestly. But life can get exciting.

Anyway. thanks for ready, if you have anything to let me know go ahead and tell me. I do enjoy it when people point something out for me that I missed. So I hope to see you all again and will look into posting some character art in my blog when I get around to it and with permission of some of the characters owners of course. Bye for now!~

Comments ( 2 )


Don't you mean Storm?

Nope. the characters name is Storn. Legit what my friend called her and legit what I asked them, ha ha ha!

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