• Published 19th Apr 2021
  • 242 Views, 2 Comments

Sudden Loneliness - easysqweasy

After blacking out, Bass String awakes to find out that he's the only pony left in Equestria.

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Tape 2: The forest. (Edited 6/20/21)

This is my second tape that I'm recording. If you havent heard my previous tape, I would suggest listening to it before this one.

Waking up, I had found out I was back in my room. I was confused. I thought I was at the castle, but apparently not.

Looking around, I found a tape recorder, gifted to me by one of my friends. I decided to take it with me and record my thoughts with it, like the tape you're listening to right now.

I believe 2 days have passed since everypony disappeared, but I might find a way to bring them back, or die trying, leaving equestria to rot. Nopony would want that to happen, right?

I checked around my house for supplies to take with me, but suprisingly, all foods and drinks have vanished. I had grabbed a First Aid Kit I had, just in case I get hurt. Yes, I'm a bassist, but I also know how to tend to wounds.

There was, however, something else I had never spotted before. A baseball bat.
I took it, but I made a promise to myself to only use it against things that would harm me. Wouldn't want to harm an innocent pony, if there still is one, of course.

I had left my house with only 3 items. A bat, a First Aid Kit, and a tape recorder. However, those were the only things I could bring because all the other items served no purpose.

I headed to the Everfree Forest, now that I had a weapon and could defend myself from anything that comes out of it. However, when I entered, I couldn't help but feel like ponies werent the only living creatures that have disappeared.

The forest felt as empty as all the other places I have gone to, excluding the factory. But something here felt wrong.. Like if something here was amiss. However, that didn't stop me from carrying on forward, and if something were to attack me, I would be ready.

As soon as I entered, I saw a figure moving in the fog, which made me raise my bat, as I was expecting it to come at me. I was constantly looking around trying to see where it would come from, but it didn't come. Not until several minutes later, when it leaped at me from a bush from the corner of my eye. My body reacted by closing my eyes and swung the bat, but I didn't hit it, nor did it hit me. I was shaking in fear, and I could feel my own heartbeat.

Opening my eyes, I only saw the fog, ground, forest, and myself. I was very scared, but I would continue on.

I dont know how long I was in there, but the more I stayed, the more I wanted to leave. However, I couldn't find my way out for some reason, like I was stuck there in a loop. After a while I stopped trailing the path and went straight into the trees.

That was a mistake, as I had immediately stepped into 2 beartraps when I trotted past a tree, both catching my hind legs. Once I had gotten my legs un-stuck, I immediately applied First Aid and then flew out of the forest.

Once out, I immediately flew to the closest shelter I found, so I could wait for my wounds to heal. I'm still waiting for them to heal right now, so this is where I'll end the tape. Goodbye for now, listener.

Author's Note:

creating this chapter/tape was a pain :raritydespair:
The first version had Bass enter Zecora's hut, but then I didnt know what to do past that point, so I re-wrote the part so that he walks past the hut, but then he wouldn't do that, so I made the forest loop itself until Bass flew out.