Sudden Loneliness

by easysqweasy

First published

After blacking out, Bass String awakes to find out that he's the only pony left in Equestria.

After blacking out in the middle of Ponyville, Bass String awakes to find out that not only has Equestria lost half of it's color, but also everypony has gone missing. Listen to his tapes to find out what happened.
(This is my first fanfic, so dont expect it to be great.
If you wanna narrate this, feel free to add sound to the narration, so it isnt bland.)

Tape 1: The beginning. (Edited 6/20/2021)

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Hello, My name is Bass String. This is gonna be a series of tape recordings of my journey, although I doubt anypony will hear this, since I havent found anypony at all. I used to live in Cloudsdale as a bassist, until the day when the incident happened.

It started when I was walking to one of my friends house in Ponyville, when another friend gave me a cupcake. She usually does this every time I'm in Ponyville, and I always accept it. However, when I took a bite out of the cupcake, I felt dizzy. During the dizzyness I saw other ponies collapsing and groaning. It was a short while before I collapsed, too.

Waking up was a mix of trying to get my bearings and figuring out what happened. The first few things I noticed were: Everything was foggy, there was less color than usual, and I'm alone.

At first I thought everypony was hiding, so I yelled Hello, expecting a response. All I could hear was my voice echoing through the sky, and the sound of silence afterwards. I yell again. No response.

Trying to keep my cool, I started looking through windows to see if I could spot anypony, yet nopony was here.

A thought was brought upon my head. Maybe I could find somepony in a shop.

Entering Sugarcube Corner, I look around, yet nopony could be spotted. I didnt want to trespass, but I had to in order to see if anypony is here.

I call out once again.


I only had one option left, by trespassing. Trotting behind the counter, and entering the kitchen, yet after doing a bit more searching, I couldn't find anypony.

I had the feeling somepony might find me trespassing, so I left Sugarcube Corner, and headed for the Carousel Boutique.
I'm not exactly a fan of fashion, but it's a place, so if I wanna check if somepony is in this town, the Boutique is a possiblity

Entering the Boutique, it's dead silent. No noise except for the door opening and the door bell ringing. Nopony was at the ground floor, as expected.
I went upstairs to the upper floor and silently enter the bedroom. Nopony was here.

At this point, I started losing hope on my search for other ponies in Ponyville, so I turned around to leave, instead to be greeted by a mannequin, which was behind me once I turned. I got startled at the sudden and silent appearance of a mannequin, so I quickly went downstairs.

Once I got to the ground room, I noticed all the mannequins have disappeared.
This started to get me scared because of the paranormal activity. I didnt think it was a prank because it was just me here, alone, but I didnt want to stay here just in case more spooky stuff happens.

I thought of searching more around Ponyville, but there's another place I wanted to go to..

After a very troublesome flight due to the fog, I managed to reach my destination, Cloudsdale. I went to my home first to see if everything was still there. It was, so I was relieved. But I hadn't finish exploring Cloudsdale yet, I still had yet to find what was the secret of the Rainbow Factory. Ever since I was a filly, I had always wondered what the secret was.

The Factory has stopped producing rainbows since I woke up, which is reasonable, since all ponies have seemed to disappear without a trace.

Once I entered the upper floors of the Factory, it looked dark, and I wondered why, until I stumbled upon the machine. Blood and gore can be seen where the machine is. Looked like some sort of pony grinder to me. The only reason why I could think of for the gibs staying is because they're already dead.

I had quickly left in disgust. I wanted to know where everypony has gone, but the factory didn't help much with it. But I didn't want to think too much of it, so I ran home and passed out on the floor.

My dream wasn't any better either. I was in the point of view of a filly in the factory, watching her friend get her wings torn from her, and then being put in the machine as blood spewed out of it as the filly screamed in pain.

I was shocked when the output of the machine wasnt blood and gore, but instead colorful rainbows. This made me think Were ponies being used as rainbows this whole time? Why? I looked to my right and spotted a pegasus with familiar eyes.

Waking up, I immediately left my house and went to the factory again. When I entered, my instincts immediately told me no. However, I had to figure out what was up. This time, I searched different parts of the factory, trying to find clues on who worked here.

I couldn't find anything that relates to specific ponies. Only the presumable blood of fillies who used to be here, and bloody writing on some of the walls.

The only thing that interests me is writing on the wall that has a specific word mostly wiped away. The writing reads "R is a Bitch!"

I assumed that one of the workers in this factory had R as the first letter of their name, but they smeared the name away to hide it. They did a pretty bad job to me.

I tried searching the employee's only rooms to see if there were any more hints, but I couldn't find any more. Leaving was my only option for now.

After I left the factory, I left Cloudsdale. The only reason why I was at Cloudsdale is to visit my home and visit the Rainbow Factory.

I headed in the direction of Canterlot. If the princesses are still there, maybe they can help me.

Entering Canterlot, the first thing I noticed is that I can see more farther than I usually could. That was a first, so I expected a pegasus to be here.

I've been to Canterlot before, so I know where the castle is, and so I immediately sprinted towards it and entered.

Once inside, I headed for the throne room, only to find that not even the 2 princesses are here, but only a note that was left on the throne.

I went to go read it, but the closer I got, the more weaker and tired I felt. I tried trotting away from the note, but I had already collapsed to the floor. It was only moments before I had passed out again.

I had woken up, and this where I am at the time of recording. End of tape.

Tape 2: The forest. (Edited 6/20/21)

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This is my second tape that I'm recording. If you havent heard my previous tape, I would suggest listening to it before this one.

Waking up, I had found out I was back in my room. I was confused. I thought I was at the castle, but apparently not.

Looking around, I found a tape recorder, gifted to me by one of my friends. I decided to take it with me and record my thoughts with it, like the tape you're listening to right now.

I believe 2 days have passed since everypony disappeared, but I might find a way to bring them back, or die trying, leaving equestria to rot. Nopony would want that to happen, right?

I checked around my house for supplies to take with me, but suprisingly, all foods and drinks have vanished. I had grabbed a First Aid Kit I had, just in case I get hurt. Yes, I'm a bassist, but I also know how to tend to wounds.

There was, however, something else I had never spotted before. A baseball bat.
I took it, but I made a promise to myself to only use it against things that would harm me. Wouldn't want to harm an innocent pony, if there still is one, of course.

I had left my house with only 3 items. A bat, a First Aid Kit, and a tape recorder. However, those were the only things I could bring because all the other items served no purpose.

I headed to the Everfree Forest, now that I had a weapon and could defend myself from anything that comes out of it. However, when I entered, I couldn't help but feel like ponies werent the only living creatures that have disappeared.

The forest felt as empty as all the other places I have gone to, excluding the factory. But something here felt wrong.. Like if something here was amiss. However, that didn't stop me from carrying on forward, and if something were to attack me, I would be ready.

As soon as I entered, I saw a figure moving in the fog, which made me raise my bat, as I was expecting it to come at me. I was constantly looking around trying to see where it would come from, but it didn't come. Not until several minutes later, when it leaped at me from a bush from the corner of my eye. My body reacted by closing my eyes and swung the bat, but I didn't hit it, nor did it hit me. I was shaking in fear, and I could feel my own heartbeat.

Opening my eyes, I only saw the fog, ground, forest, and myself. I was very scared, but I would continue on.

I dont know how long I was in there, but the more I stayed, the more I wanted to leave. However, I couldn't find my way out for some reason, like I was stuck there in a loop. After a while I stopped trailing the path and went straight into the trees.

That was a mistake, as I had immediately stepped into 2 beartraps when I trotted past a tree, both catching my hind legs. Once I had gotten my legs un-stuck, I immediately applied First Aid and then flew out of the forest.

Once out, I immediately flew to the closest shelter I found, so I could wait for my wounds to heal. I'm still waiting for them to heal right now, so this is where I'll end the tape. Goodbye for now, listener.

Tape 3: First Encounter.

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This is the 3rd tape. Listen to the previous tapes if you have them before this one. I should start numbering the tapes instead of saying which one it is..

It turns out the healing process was a lot longer than I had expected, and it also hurt. A lot. I felt like I was gonna pass out, so I found the nearest couch in the house and fell asleep on it.

The dream was not pleasant, either. I was awoken with my legs strapped to chains, slowly going down into a grinder, while I could see corpses of what looked like my friends, and one of me. Looking down, I saw that I wasn't in my body, but in somepony else's. When I touched the grinder, I felt every inch of pain as the grinder shredded the body I was in into pieces.

I woke up right before the head got shredded. I took deep breaths to calm me down from the horrifying dream I witnessed.

My hind legs healed, which was good, meaning I can explore the outside again without having pain jolt up into my body constantly.

I felt dizzy when I stood up, but the dizziness quickly went away. I saw some glowing red eyes staring at me through the window, making me stumble backwards. After getting back up I covered up the window with some cloth so it couldn't see me and I couldn't see it, giving me opportunity to hide before it could enter. Luckily, the couch I was on has a secret compartment allowing somepony to hide in it, so I hid. Wont question why the couch had a secret compartment, but I wont complain.

I hear a faint ringing sound in my ears, before the door slams open. A loud thud could be heard every time the monster took a step. It was quite scary, and I mean very scary. I stayed hidden inside the couch until I knew for sure it was gone. The ringing gets louder whenever the hoodsteps get louder, so I would assume the closer it is, the louder the ringing gets.

It felt forever, but the hoofsteps stopped. The ringing stayed, so I took it as an indicator to stay hiding. It was only seconds before I heard a voice. It sounded like.. One of my friends.. Calling out my name, trying to coax me out of hiding. But for as long as I had heard that ringing, I stayed inside the couch.

Soon enough, the voice stops, and the loud hoofsteps started again, slowly getting quieter as it left the house. Once it had presumably left the house, the ringing faded out, until I could no longer hear it. As an extra precaution, I stayed in the couch for a bit longer than usual.

When I though it was a good time to exit the couch, I tried, only to realize there is something on it blocking me from exiting. I tried again, using more force, but I could barely lift whatever is on top of it off. I'm still inside the couch at the time of recording, but maybe if I just...use..more-
There we go. Even more force was all that was needed.

Uh, well.. See you next tape. I, uh..

Tape 4

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I've decided that I should stop naming my tapes, and only number them. My creativity for names has basically gone away.

Anyway, I have long since left that house. The one I encountered the thing in. I left as quickly as I could, so that the thing doesn't see me leave.