• Published 26th Apr 2021
  • 2,531 Views, 44 Comments

Heart of a Home - AeroFiction

Twilight attempts to be there for Scootaloo and give her the family she needs.

  • ...

III: Dinner

Chapter 3



Monday came a lot faster than Twilight expected. She had enjoyed a calm Friday with Spike and Scootaloo bonding a bit more. They even made some cookies together with Spike teaching her. The weekend passed in a blur and it was already time for Scootaloo to come over again.

Twilight had luckily prepared a small lesson Scootaloo could finish before dinner. This would give her time to prepare a larger meal to prove Rainbow wrong. She was thinking over what to make when Scootaloo arrived for the day.

“Hey, Spike! Hey Twilight!” Scootaloo greeted as she walked in.

Twilight responds, “Hi Scootaloo, ready for some learning?” as Scootaloo sets herself down at the table.

“Mhm! Is it alright if I eat with you too?” Scootaloo asked as Twilight brought over her work.

“That’s alright with me. This lesson will mostly be a review over Friday, though. I’ll be in the kitchen getting our food ready. If you have any questions either call for Spike, I think he’s reading in his room, or I.” Twilight answered walking out to the kitchen.

Just before she got to work she popped her head back in to say, “Oh, we’ll also have a guest over. I hope you’re fine with that, as I don’t think she’ll be here until you’re finished.”

Scootaloo gave a curious glance up, “Who is it?”

“That’s a surprise,” Twilight responded with a smile.

“As long as they don’t eat all the food!” Scoot playfully responded as Twilight went back to work in the kitchen.


Twilight was just pulling the lasagna out when there was a knock on the door. As she moved out of the kitchen to see who it was, Rainbow Dash swooped through the air and landed next to Scootaloo.

“Hiya Scoot, what’s up with you?” Dash said as they shared a quick hug.

“Just practicing some of my Equestrian with Twilight,” Scootaloo responded before asking, “what’re you doing here Dash?”

“Just here to read some Daring with Twi in a bit. First, she’s going to prove she can actually cook something that won’t burn the tree down,” Rainbow said with a giggle.

Twilight finally decided to pop in, as Spike came down the stairs with a yawn. He must’ve been taking a small nap during the slow day. He put himself seated next to Scootaloo. Twilight moved to sit opposite of her to look over her work.

“Are you ready for dinner? It’s cooling down now,” Twilight said, starting to look over Scootaloo’s work, “how is your work coming along?”

“Good, I think, no problems that I noticed. It’s just a review after all,” Scootaloo said.

“Everything looks good for now. I’ll move this and we can start eating,” Twilight said with a smile.

As Twilight left she heard some laughter coming from the other room. When she returned, Rainbow was talking to Scootaloo about the time she freaked out a little and went back in time. Rolling her eyes, she joined back in setting the lasagna in the middle of the table.

“I freaked out a little, I’ll admit, but I had good reason to when my future self goes back in time to warn me about something!” Twilight said, defending herself.

“Yeah, you had us fly all over Equestria looking for a little problem that would never come, ha ha ha!” Rainbow jokes, earning some more laughter from Scootaloo and Spike.

“Wow Twilight, you have a habit of freaking,” Scootaloo joined in.

“Yeah, I know that. Anyway, it’s time to dig in. I hope it satisfies your expectations, featherbrain.” She added giving a coy look to Rainbow.


Dinner went off without a hitch. Everyone was enjoying their food from what Twilight could tell. She was able to talk to Rainbow about her work schedule and how she was doing with the Wonderbolts. Spike and Scootaloo talked about comic books. She was a little surprised that Scootaloo had an interest, but she guesses that’s why she was more into reading than she thought in the beginning.

“Twilight, I take back everything I said about your cooking,” Rainbow said with a satisfied grin.

“Mhm, you can cook amazing!” Scootaloo excitedly added.

“Thanks you two, I’ll have Spike make some dessert next time for you to try. I don’t have anything on his baking skills.” She gestured to Spike.

“Aw, thanks Twilight. I’m just glad I'm able to treat you,” Spike responded with a little blush, rubbing the back of his head.

“Now, Rainbow, I believe we had some Daring Do to read?” Twilight stood up, levitating the dishes to the sink for later.

Rainbow started to hover with excitement, “Aw yeah! This reread is going to be so awesome!”

Spike and Scootaloo had started talking about some comic named Invincimare, whatever that was. While they did that Twilight grabbed her copy and positioned herself in front of the fire to begin reading. She had already laid out some blankets with it being her usual spot during their reading night.

Before she began, Rainbow spoke up, “Shoot, Twilight, I forgot my book. Do you mind if I share with you?”

“Not a problem Dash,” Twilight spread her blankets out more giving them both a little room.

As they had this conversation Spike noted how he would finish up the dishes so they wouldn’t have to worry about them later. Scootaloo moved towards the two as they got settled just about ready to read.

“Hey, um… Do you two mind if I join?” Scootaloo asked.

They looked between each other and smiled before Twilight took the lead, “Of course not Scootaloo.”

Before they had a chance to talk about more covers and a spot she had already jumped between them, much to Twilight’s surprise. She didn’t mind though, as they still had just enough space all laying there, even if it was a little cramped in her opinion.

Rainbow asked, “Do you want me to read to you like usual Scoot?”

Scootaloo, not expecting to be asked that out of the blue, blushed and responded, “Yes please.”

Twilight was very surprised at Dash’s actions. Sure, she knew that he was a sister to her and they had stayed together before. She had no idea that Dash even read to her at night. She didn’t have the heart to object about the space and ruin the moment.

After a bit, while Dash was reading out loud for Scootaloo, she felt her wing being pulled on. Looking over, she saw that Scootaloo had fallen asleep sometime while listening, and she had subconsciously pulled Twilight’s wing over herself. Not wanting Rainbow to stop and wake her, she just continued on listening to Rainbow. She couldn’t even call it cramped anymore, she’d say it was cozy now.


Twilight stirred awake. She didn’t even notice falling asleep. Scootaloo was still cuddled up next to her, but Rainbow was missing. Looking around she saw Spike sitting and reading his own comic book. It looked to be way past dark and she started to freak out a little over getting Scootaloo home.

Spike, noticing her freak out, walked over and whispered, “Rainbow let her Aunts’ know she is staying here before she went home.”

Twilight gave a sigh of relief, “Thanks Spike, I’ll get her to the guest bedroom.”

Twilight carefully lifted her with Magic, keeping the sleeping filly cuddled on her back as she settled her into the guest bedroom. She somewhat missed the warmth, but she will manage. Spike was waiting for her as they walked back to their room, but he also had something to show her.

“While you were out I took this,” Spike said, holding up a small polaroid photo.

In the picture were all three of them cuddled up together. Scootaloo between both of the older ponies, Twilight’s wing pulled over like a blanket, and Rainbow’s wing positioned over both of them with a soft smile on all their faces. Twilight gave a soft “aw” noting how cute they looked.

“Thanks, Spike, do you want to set that one on my dresser? I’m sure we can find a frame eventually,” Twilight asked.

Spike nodded, “Sure thing Twilight, I’m gonna head to bed, though.”

After Spike set it down, they both moved towards their beds ready for a good night's rest. It had been a great day.

Author's Note:

Thanks for sticking with the story thus far! Sorry this chapter was a day later than I planned. I've been having a little bit of block along with juggling multiple more story ideas. I think I have something in the words for the May Pairing Contest this year along with another comedy story. I don't want to commit to them until I get this one better mapped out, though. As always, I'd love some feedback and to know what you thought. Have a good week!