• Published 26th Apr 2021
  • 2,530 Views, 44 Comments

Heart of a Home - AeroFiction

Twilight attempts to be there for Scootaloo and give her the family she needs.

  • ...

I: Lost

Chapter 1



A yawn pried its way out of Twilight's mouth, snuffing the silence that filled her home. After a second, her ears twitched at the foreign yawn from across the room causing her to look up from her book. It had come from none other than Scootaloo.

The filly was currently cuddled up with a Daring Do book in another corner of the library. The crusaders had come over for what they dubbed “Twilight Time.” She had to admit, it was a little daunting to be teaching all three fillies these different skills, but she knew it was worth it. The joy present on their faces when they gained new knowledge was what made it all worth it. While there was the incident with the fame of “knowing a princess,” she still knew they were eager to learn and were sorry for their actions. She was very proud of how far they’d come and would continue to grow.

Thinking on her yawn, Twilight glanced out a window to notice it was almost sunset. Just before, AJ and Rarity had come by to pick up their sisters. They all had a good meal together before leaving. Spike, who was now curled up reading some comics, made some great oat cookies to go with the apple pot pie she made.

It was getting late, so Scootaloo would need to head home. Twilight got up, closing her book, and started quietly moving towards Scootaloo. She was engrossed in the book with wide eyes bringing a soft smile to Twilight’s face.

She lightly tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. “Hey Scootaloo, how’s the book?”

Scootaloo gave a wide smile back responding, “It’s amazing Twilight! Thanks for recommending it to me, is it cool if I check it out?”

“Of course I wouldn’t mind, it’s a library after all. We do need to head out, though. I can mark that you checked it out when I get back. Your parents must be worried about you.”

Twilight thought she saw Scootaloo’s eyes shift a little at the mention of her parents, but decided to not press on it. “Come on, let’s get you home little filly.”

Just before leaving she announced, "Spike, I'm walking Scootaloo home. Hold down the fort while I'm gone."

Spike looked up from his comic to give a quick salute before returning to his readings.


Twilight let her mind wander, as they lightly trotted through Ponyville. Now that she was thinking about it, she had never met Scootaloo’s parents. She remembers Scootaloo mentioning an aunt or two, but she didn’t know if they were her guardians or not.

As they continued their walk Twilight spoke up, “So, did you have a good day at school?”

Scootaloo was a little confused at the curiosity, but she was happy to get to talk about her day. “It was great! I did well on my math test, we had some fun crusading after class, and I felt like I made good progress during Twi Time!” Scootaloo responded.

Twilight gave her a mischievous look, “Twi Time?”

“Well, during the little “episode” we had, where the other kids were yelling it constantly, it got a little annoying to me. I decided Twi Time was also a lot faster to say and rolled off the tongue better.”

“I don’t mind, Scootaloo. It’s not an official title or anything.” Twilight saw Scootaloo relax a little after that, and she decided to continue the small talk asking, “Any plans with the crusaders tomorrow?”

“No… The other crusaders are always busy on Thursdays. I’ll probably just ride around town or look for Rainbow Dash. She’s usually busy except for the mornings while I’m at school, sadly.” Scootaloo gave a soft sigh seemingly downtrodden after talking about it.

“I’m sorry to hear that Scootaloo. I’m sure Rainbow cherishes all the little moments she gets with you. Speaking of which, how is school going for you? I haven’t heard any complaints from you or the crusaders, but I don’t know much about Ponyville’s education other than the occasional chats with Cheerilee,” Twilight asked.

“It’s going alright. I have good scores in most subjects, but my equestrian is falling behind. It’s just hard trying to remember all the little rules before writing them.” Scootaloo gave a small huff, being thoroughly frustrated with the topic.

As they closed on her house Twilight noticed the house wasn’t lit at all. No one seemed to be home waiting for Scootaloo. This was starting to get a little worrying to Twilight. She’ll need to ask Rainbow about this.

Turning her attention back to Scootaloo. “If you would like, you can stop by tomorrow, and I can try to help you understand equestrian better. My door is always open,” Twilight said with a sincere smile.

“Well, yeah. You live in a library,” Scootaloo added with a small laugh, “thank you though, I might take you up on your offer. Anyway, thank you for walking me home, Twilight. Have a good night!” Scootaloo gave a wave before walking back to her house.

Now alone with her thoughts, Twilight was worried about Scootaloo. Being uncomfortable around the word parents and the dark house were red flags. She couldn’t act on this little information, though. She’ll need to see if Scootaloo can shed some light on this tomorrow if she visits. Until then, it was time to pay a visit to Rainbow Dash.

She knew of the surrogate sister relationship they had and hoped Rainbow could shed some light on Scootaloo’s family. Seeing the sun nearing the end of sunset she theorized Rainbow wouldn't be asleep just yet. Taking off towards Rainbow’s house, Twilight's mind wondered of the different scenarios that would warrant Scootaloo's reaction. While her mind wandered, a smile slipped itself out thinking of the joy of Scootaloo's face when she was enthralled by Daring Do's escapades.


Rainbow Dash’s house was always mesmerizing. Twilight loved Pegasi architecture, but Rainbow’s house was even more beautiful to look at, even if her friend preferred “cool”. She knew about the incident during the camping trip. If anyone of her friends could help her it would be Rainbow Dash.

“What do you mean you have no idea?!” Twilight yelled out.

She had been expecting Rainbow to fill her in with all the missing details, but she was adamantly surprised to find out Rainbow knew almost nothing more about her parents.

Rainbow gave a disinterested shrug before responding, “Just what I said. Never really met her parents. I’ve spoken with her Aunts once or twice before watching her for the weekend, but I’ve never asked her about ‘em.”

Twilight gave a sigh but continued. “Well, I’m worried about her. She seemed tense around the subject and her house seemed to have no one there for her when I walked her home from Twi Time.”

“Twi Time? That’s a cute little name for it,” Rainbow gave a small giggle but continued after her small mocking, “from what I know, from her Aunts and hanging around her, her Aunts watch her on and off with some other adults, and she lives at her parents' house. I don’t know much of anything about her parents or why they can’t ever watch her, though.”

Already, this was setting off alarms in Twilight’s head. She had no idea other ponies were having to watch over her. Is she neglected? That would explain why she clings to Rainbow so much. She might be the only permanent and supportive adult figure in her life. Was she spending more time at the library reading just to avoid going home to the empty house?

Thoughts like these continued to bombard Twilight’s mind, as she paced worriedly around Rainbow’s living room. Rainbow, knowing how Twilight got when worked up, went over to her to snap her out of it. Just as Twilight turned to pace back Rainbow gave her a light boop on the horn.

"Listen, I get you're worried. I'm a little worried too. What's important, though, is that we're good ponies in her life. I can tell she's a little clingy, but she clearly needs me to be there for her. I won't let her down," Rainbow spoke with a heavy air surrounding her words, "if something bad was happening with her parents she would tell us. Don't stress over it too much. Just enjoy your time with her."

Her words helped to calm Twilight's mind a little, even if some questions still nagged at her.

"Alright, I'll make sure to be good to her," Twilight said, giving Rainbow a quick yet sincere hug.

"If you're still worried after a bit let me know, and I will help ya however I can. She's a tough little filly, but I'd hate for her to return to an empty home every day. Just not tonight. The Dash needs her rest." Dash added sarcastically.

With that Twilight headed back home from Rainbow's place. While flying, Twilight had a sweet thought about some incentive for Scootaloo to study hard. She also thought up a plan should Scootaloo come over tomorrow. She was sure she would love it as well.

Author's Note:

What's up readers. Thanks for giving my story a shot. I've never actually published before, so this is a little new. Give me any feedback you can, positive and negative. Hope you'll continue reading (when I get more chapters out)