• Published 31st Mar 2021
  • 1,355 Views, 38 Comments

Helping Scootaloo - SpikeisCute

Spike finds out about Scootaloo's secret. What will the two of them become?

  • ...


Spike, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle partied until they all fell asleep. Everypony agreed it was getting late after they saw all four kids knocked out. Twilight picked up Spike, Rarity picked up Sweetie Belle, Applejack picked up Apple Bloom, and Rainbow Dash picked up her now adopted daughter, Scootaloo. They all split up and went their separate ways.

Rainbow tucked Scootaloo in when they arrived back home and kissed her forehead like last time. Just before she left the room, she heard Scootaloo mumble.

"I love you, Mom." the filly said before turning over and snoring again.

Rainbow gasped a little and warm feeling filled up her heart.

"I love you too, squirt."

Twilight arrived at the castle with Spike, who was snoring loudly on her back. She took Spike up to his room and set him down on his bed. Twilight pulled the covers over him and started to leave the room when something grabbed her leg. She turned around to see her little purple dragon with a tired, but pleading, look on his face.

"Stay?" Spike pleaded.

Twilight chuckled and hopped into bed with Spike.

"Of course Spike."

Spike turned around and snuggled closer to Twilight. The alicorn draped her wing over him and kissed his forehead.

"Night Spike. I love you."

The next morning, Twilight woke up to an alarm beeping. She turned around to turn off the clock. Opening her eyes, it read 6 AM. Twilight lifted her wing up to reveal the baby dragon holding onto her with a small smile on his face.

'Too bad I have to wake him up for school. I missed this. He's been more independent lately. I wonder what brought this on...' Twilight thought.

"Spike. Time to wake up. You have to get ready for school." she said, gently shaking him awake.

Spike stirred a little bit before waking up. He looked up at Twilight with big eyes. Twilight's eyes widened as she knew what was coming.

'Oh no. No, no, no! Not this! Anything but this!'

"But I don't wanna!" Spike whined with a baby voice.

'Damn it Spike! The one day you decide to do this, it has to be today!'

Twilight sighed as she sat up with Spike sitting in her lap, sucking his thumb. The princess used her magic to levitate a pacifier into his mouth. She then carried Spike into the bathroom to give him a bath. Twilight filled a mini, plastic bathtub with water and put her baby dragon in it. As soon as he hit the water, Spike started screaming and crying and thrashing around getting Twilight wet.

'This is gonna take awhile.'

Scootaloo woke up in a good mood the next morning. She has a new mother and a new life!

"Hey Scoots! Time to wake up!" Rainbow said, poking her head inside the room.

"Ok Mom!" Scootaloo said, hopping out of bed.

The filly made her way to the bathroom with a lot of energy. She couldn't wait to go to school and see all her friends and Spike.

'Ok Scoots. No thinking about Spike and how I totally don't like him. Just think about him as a friend!' she thought.

Scootaloo took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She ran down the stairs and saw Rainbow cooking breakfast.

"Hey sweetie! I'm making eggs and bacon! Grab a plate!" Rainbow said.

Scootaloo did what she was told and went to go grab a plate. The older pegasus put the eggs and bacon on Scootaloo's plate as they went to sit down. The pegasus filly ate while watching the TV trying to not think about Spike.

"Mom! I'm ready to go!" Scootaloo said, finishing her last bite of breakfast.

"Ok squirt. Hop on!"

Rainbow flew back to the schoolhouse and dropped her daughter off at the schoolhouse.

"Bye! See you later!" Rainbow Dash called out as Scootaloo ran inside the schoolhouse.

The orange pegasus met up with her best friends and sat next to them.

"Hey Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle greets.

"Hey girls! Where's Spike?" Scootaloo asked, blushing right after.

"Aww! Looks like somepony misses her boyfriend." Apple Bloom teases.

"He's not my boyfriend and he never will be!" Scootaloo argued.

"Whatever." the other fillies said, rolling their eyes.

The first bell rung and still no sign of Spike. Scootaloo was hoping he was running late or something so she could still talk to him during recess. Much to her dismay, Spike never came and it was time for recess. At this point, the pegasus filly was getting worried. She was wondering why Spike wouldn't show up for his second day of school. Plus, wouldn't Twilight basically force him here if he didn't want to go anyway? This had Scootaloo thinking for the rest of the day.

"Scootaloo?" Cheerilee called out. "Can you answer the question?"

"Umm... 32?" Scootaloo guessed, earning a crowd of laughter from her classmates.

Cheerilee shook her head and sighed.

"Somepony else who was paying attention please?"

As soon as the final bell rang, Scootaloo grabbed her bag and ran outside the schoolhouse. The filly's friends called out after her but she didn't care. Scootaloo's mindset was focused on Spike. She ran all the way towards the Castle of Friendship and knocked on the door frantically. Thankfully, Twilight answered the door quickly letting Scootaloo inside.

"Scootaloo? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

Scootaloo took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"W-where's Spike?" she asked, still out of breath.

"Oh, you're probably wondering why he didn't come to school today, aren't you? Follow me."

Scootaloo followed Twilight into the throne room. There, she saw Spike wearing a diaper with a pacifier in his mouth playing with a teddy bear and a bunch of toy blocks.


"Spike goes through this thing where every once in a blue moon, he acts like he's a baby again. I never figured out why he does it or what triggers it but all I know is that he can still talk in full sentences with a obnoxious but cute baby voice. Though he does have trouble pronouncing some words. Thankfully, it only lasts a day." Twilight explained.

"So what's with the diaper?" Scootaloo asked.

"Unfortunately, he also forgets all his potty training lessons..." Twilight shuddered.

Spike looked up from his toys to see a very familiar face.

"Scootawoo!" Spike cheered with said baby voice.

Scootaloo couldn't help but to play along.

"Hey Spike! How are you?" Scootaloo said in a sweet voice.


Spike stood up and waddled his way to Scootaloo giving her a big hug. Scootaloo still blushed nonetheless and returned the hug.

"Twilight, I'm tired." Spike yawned.

"Oh, I'm sorry Spike. I'd put you to bed but I have to finish looking at these documents. You know, princess duties and all."

"How about I put him to bed Twilight?" Scootaloo offered.

"Are you sure? He can be a bit feisty."

"I'm sure! Plus, the little guy's looking tired anyway. Isn't that right, Spike?"

"Yeah! Scootawoo put me to bed!" Spike said.

"Well, okay..." Twilight reluctantly agreed.

"Come on Spike! Let's get you to bed!"

A few minutes later...

The filly was in Spike's room trying to get him to go to sleep. Scootaloo had underestimated what Twilight said. As soon as they left the throne room, Spike was full of energy and didn't want to go to bed. He was even running around with no diaper on! After a while, Scootaloo finally managed to grab Spike. The dragon struggled in her grasp but the pegasus didn't let go. Eventually, Spike gave up and fell asleep on her lap. Scootaloo sighed in relief as she stood up carefully, putting Spike on the ground. The pegasus put the diaper back onto Spike and got a pillow and a blanket for Spike and set it up. Laying Spike on the pillow and pulling the blanket over him, Scootaloo called it a mission accomplished as she flopped down on Spike's bed, falling asleep.

Meanwhile, Rainbow flew towards the Castle of Friendship in a panic.

'I knew I shouldn't've asked Twilight to stop casting that damn spell!'

Just like Scootaloo, she frantically knocked on the door and Twilight quickly answered.

"Twilight! Have you seen Scootaloo? I've looked everywhere for her!" Rainbow asked, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh yeah! She's in Spike's room." Twilight said. "Hopefully she managed to put him to bed..." she finished under her breath.

The pegasus and alicorn walk inside the room to see Spike sleeping on the floor and Scootaloo who was still knocked out.

"Guess I'm sleeping here tonight, huh?" Rainbow said, already making her way to the guest bedroom.

"Rainbow! You don't need to- nevermind."

Twilight used her magic to put Spike on the bed before chasing after Rainbow.

Spike woke up in the middle of the night to realize that he was wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier.

'Ugh! It happened again!' Spike thought, getting rid of his baby attire.

He laid down and turned around to almost be muzzle to muzzle with Scootaloo. Thankfully, she was asleep to not realize what was going on. Spike, on the other hand, was a blushing mess. They were so close to each other that if one of them even moved an inch closer, they would kiss. The dragon slowly started to back away but then saw that the filly had a look of discomfort on her face. She started shaking and trembling. Recalling what happened a few nights back, Spike knew she was having a nightmare. He moved back to his original spot and hugged Scootaloo. Spike started whispering reassuring things to Scootaloo. Thankfully, the pegasus filly calmed down before the situation escalated any further. Not knowing what was going through his head at the time, Spike felt like the closer Scootaloo was to him, the less nightmares she will have or something like that. So he pulled his crush onto his chest, without waking her up, to shield her from the night.

Scootaloo woke up a couple hours earlier than the alarm. She realized how late she stayed over at the castle and also realized she never told Rainbow or her friends where she was heading.

'Crap! I need to go!'

Scootaloo tried to get up but something kept her down. She looked to see Spike holding onto her without a diaper and his pacifier.

'Wait. Didn't I put him on the floor to sleep? I guess his baby thing is over.'

Scootaloo carefully squirmed out of Spike's grasp and got out of bed. The filly quietly snuck out of the room to go look for Rainbow Dash. Just as she was about to leave the castle, Scootaloo heard somepony call her name. Her full name as a matter of fact.

"Scootaloo Dash! Where do you think you're going?!"

'Uh oh...'

Scootaloo turned around and saw an angry and annoyed Rainbow Dash standing in the hallway.

"Uh, hey Mom! I wasn't going anywhere! I just-umm... needed fresh air?"

"Scoots, you're a terrible liar."

Scootaloo sighed as she closed the castle door and sat on the floor. Rainbow Dash went and sat down next to her daughter.

"Scootaloo, do you know how worried I was? I looked everywhere for you! I was practically praying that you were here!"

"Sorry Mom..."

"Why'd you come here in the first place?"

"Spike..." Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Spike." Scootaloo said, her face now turning red.

"Sp-Spike?! What did he do?"

"He's scared me by not coming to school yesterday. So after the bell rang, I ran to the castle to look for him."

Rainbow Dash took in a while to take in the information.

"W-why didn't he come to school yesterday?" Rainbow asked. "If anything, I'm pretty sure Twilight would've dragged him there."

"I know right. But if you want to know you have to ask Twilight. It's pretty hard to explain."

"Ok, how about this? You're off the hook this time. But next time if you're going somewhere, make sure to tell me first, deal?"

"Deal! Thanks Mom!" Scootaloo said, giving Rainbow a big hug.

"Your welcome squirt. It's still a few hours before school. How bout' you go catch up on some sleep?"


And with that, Scootaloo ran back into Spike's room, snuggling back up next to Spike, falling back asleep. Rainbow Dash went back into the guest bedroom and before falling asleep, she whispered one more thing.

"Goodnight Soarin."

Spike woke up seeing Scootaloo snuggled up tight next to him. A part him is telling her to kiss her to wake her up and the other part is telling him to just wake her up. Obviously, he went with the choice that made more sense. Wake her up with a kiss. He didn't know why but Spike just felt like it felt right. So, the baby dragon laid Scootaloo on the the bed and planked on top of her (if that makes sense). Spike closed his eyes and went in for the kiss before his mind fully woke up and realized what he was doing. Thankfully, he stopped himself before their lips touched. Unfortunately though, Scootaloo stirred and woke up, immediately seeing Spike's face and muzzle close to hers. Her face turned red faster than the speed of light. Spike felt his own face turn red as well.

"S-S-Spike? W-what are you d-doing?"

"I-I was... umm... w-watching you s-sleep?"

"Wh-what?! That's weird and creepy!"

Spike quickly got up off of Scootaloo and sat on his bed awkwardly.

"Sorry..." he muttered.

Scootaloo gave an exasperated sigh.

"This is why I miss Baby Spike. He was cuter." she said.

Scootaloo realized what she said but it was already too late. The baby dragon's face was redder as well as the filly's face.


'Ugh! The one time you say it out loud, he had to be there! Why in Equestria did you even say it out loud?! Now you're done for! Wait, no you're not! Spike is gullible! I bet he'll believe the worst excuse ever!'

"Umm, I didn't say that! I said 'He was cooler!' not cuter! Do you need to get your hearing checked?"


'Nice save! Told ya he'd believe the worst excuse ever! Even though I said it very clearly...'

"Let's just go get ready. I'll see you at breakfast." Scootaloo said awkwardly, slowly backing off the bed and out of the room.

As planned, Spike and Scootaloo met up for breakfast. They talked about school and stuff before grabbing their bags and heading out. Spike thought about what the filly had said. He clearly heard cuter and not cooler. Maybe she feels the same! Yet again, it could end up like it did with Rarity. Wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

"Hey Scoots? I need to-"

"Hey Scootaloo! Hey Spike!" their two friends called out.

"'Hey girls! C'mon Spike!" Scootaloo said, running to meet up with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Nevermind..." Spike said glumly before flying after Scootaloo.

Spike flew back to the castle after a long day and flopped down on the couch after arriving, giving a big breath of relief. Twilight walks in the room to find her little assistant relaxing on the couch.

"Hi Spike! How was school?" Twilight asked.

"Fine, I guess." he sighed.

"You guess? Spike, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I've just been thinking."


"How to help a friend..."

"A friend, huh? With what exactly?"

"He has a crush on another pony but he doesn't know if she feels the same even though it looks like she does." Spike explained.

"Uh huh. Well, I think your friend should be honest and tell her how he feels."

"Wow thanks Twi! I'll tell him that!" Spike said, making his way to his room.

"Good luck with Scootaloo, Spike!" Twilight called out.

"Was it that obvious?!" Spike called back, leaving Twilight in giggles.

It was Saturday and the CMC decided to hang out. Apple Bloom made a whole list of things they should do.

"Where should we go first?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"How about Sugarcube Corner?" Apple Bloom suggested. "What do ya' think, Scoots?"

Scootaloo didn't respond. She was lost in her own world.

"Scoots? Earth to Scootaloo? Come in Scootaloo!" Sweetie said, waving a hoof in front of the pegasus.

"Huh? What?"

"Scootaloo, we were asking if we should head to Sugarcube Corner first." Apple Bloom explained. "What were ya' thinking about anyways?


"I bet she was thinking about Spike!" the unicorn squealed.

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Whatever! Let's just go to Sugarcube Corner." Scootaloo sighed.

For the rest of the morning, everywhere they went, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle teased Scootaloo about Spike non-stop. It was at the clubhouse when she reached her breaking point.

"I can't wait for you guys to get together and have your first kiss!" Sweetie said.


"And then ya'll get married and have kids!" Apple Bloom continued.


"And then you'll be really old and be happy in a retirement home!" the earth pony and unicorn finished together.


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo in shock.


Scootaloo finished her rant and looked at her friends. They were both in complete and utter shock. Eventually, Apple Bloom found the courage to speak up.

"Umm S-Scootaloo?"


Apple Bloom raised a shaky hoof towards the door. Scootaloo turned around and her face and eyes filled with regret and guilt immediately. Spike was at the doorway with one of the saddest expressions the fillies have ever seen. His eyes were filled with tears and pain. Spike slowly started to shake his head while backing off the ramp.

"Spike, I-"

He flew away. For the first time in days, Spike flew away from Scootaloo. Scootaloo kept her head down as she sat on the floor. Tears started to blur her vision.

'I was so focused on how I viewed Spike, I didn't even think about how he viewed me! His tiny heart must be broken into a million pieces! Stupid, stupid, stupid!'

The pegasus raised a hoof to her head and started to hit her head with it. Thankfully, her friends stopped her from hurting herself.

"Scootaloo! Stop beating yourself up! We just need to talk to him!"

Scootaloo stared into space worrying her friends even more. After a while, she stood up and wiped her eyes.

"We need to find Spike."

"Spike! Spike! Where are you?" Sweetie Belle called out. "Any luck guys?" (P.S - They were using walkie talkies.)

"Nope! What about you, Scoots?"


The fillies met up at town square after no luck of finding Spike.

"Ugh! This is all my fault!" Scootaloo said.

"Don't worry Scootaloo! We'll find him!" Apple Bloom reassured.

"But how?" Sweetie asked. "We looked everywhere!"

"Not everywhere!"


The two fillies looked at the pegasus filly like she was insane.

"I think I know where he is! But you can't follow me! I need to talk to him alone." Scootaloo said before running off.

"Scoots, wait!"

Scootaloo ran all the way to the Everfree Forest. She stopped running when she recognized the wall with vines Spike had shown her. Scootaloo pulled the vines back and walked through the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, she saw Spike crying and sniffling next to the pond. His knees were up to his chest with his head resting on them.


"G-Go away." he sniffled.

"Spike. I wanna talk to you." Scootaloo said.

"I-I don't feel like t-talking right now."'

"Well then, just listen. Please?"

The filly sat next to Spike but he still avoided eye contact with her.

"Spike, I want to apologize. I was so busy thinking about how I saw you, I didn't even think about how you saw me. So, I'm sorry. It's just... I-I didn't want to get hurt again."

Scootaloo started sniffling which made Spike look at her with confusion and concern.


"It happened the day you met me. But an hour before that."

Rumble sat on a park bench after getting a note saying 'Meet me at the park after school.' He waited for a couple minutes but nopony showed up.

'Was this a prank?' he thought as he got off the bench.

Just as he was about to leave, a familiar face greeted him.

"Hey Rumble! I umm...see you got my note." Scootaloo said, nervously.

"Hey Scootaloo! Why did you want to meet here?"

"I wanted to talk."


Scootaloo and Rumble sat down on the bench and the filly got uncomfortably close.

"Umm S-Scootaloo?"

"R-Rumble, I have something to tell you. I-I like you. A lot."

Rumble's whole body froze and his cheeks turned red.

"S-Sorry Scoots b-but I don't feel the same way."

"O-oh th-that's okay..." she replied as tears started to form in her eyes.

"I hope we can still be friends." Rumble said, giving Scootaloo a reassuring smile before leaving.

Scootaloo made sure that Rumble was completely gone before she started crying. She didn't want him to feel guilty like it was his fault she was miserable even though it kind of was. The pegasus filly cried for at least an hour before hearing a voice.

"Hey! Are you alright?"

Scootaloo looked up to see a purple and green baby dragon looking at her. He looked worried and concerned. The dragon sat next to the filly on the bench.

"I-I'm fine. Just leave me alone." she sniffed.

"I'm not just gonna leave you here alone! You look like you need someone right now."

'Why is he being so insistent?! Can't he just leave?!'

"You're Scootaloo, right? The pegasus that hangs out with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?"

"Yep. And I'm guessing you're Spike. The only dragon here in Ponyville." Scootaloo mumbled.

"Yep! Nice to finally meet you! But anyway, back to the topic at hoof...er claw, why were you crying?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it..."

"Oh well, that's fine! You'll tell me when you're ready! But you still look sad." Spike said.

"I'll be fine. Just let me be."

"Like I said, I'm not leaving you alone. How about we head to Sugarcube Corner? My treat!"


"Mhm! Let's go!"

And so, Scootaloo and her new friend, Spike, head off to Sugarcube Corner to get to know more about each other.

"And that's why I was crying when you found me on the park bench. I never told anypony about it until now. I was afraid of that happening to me again so I refused to believe I liked you. But I didn't see how that would affect you. Now I hurt you... That was the last thing I wanted to do..."

As Scootaloo finished, her sniffles have turned into sobbing and crying. Spike looked at the pegasus in disbelief. This whole time, she was afraid to admit her feelings. Afraid she would be hurt again. Wiping the rest of the stray tears off his face, Spike used one of his claws to cup Scootaloo's cheek, carefully turning her head so they could look each other in the eye. Scootaloo's were filled with tears, regret, and guilt. The poor thing had all her feelings bottled up for so long.

"Scootaloo," Spike started with the softest voice you can imagine, wiping her tears away with his thumb. "I know how you feel. When I liked Rarity, I would do anything for her. Heck! I was even used as her pincushion! But when I found out she wasn't into me, my whole world fell apart. I wouldn't eat or sleep or anything. I just locked myself in my room. I refused to let myself feel anything. Twilight finally convinced me to talk with her and I finally broke down. She told me it wasn't healthy to keep my emotions in for so long. So what I'm trying to say is that it's okay to cry."

Obviously, Scootaloo continued to cry and ended up throwing herself against Spike. And of course Spike, being the kind and gentle dragon he is, did what he does best, comforted Scootaloo. Eventually, she stopped crying and calmed down enough to look Spike in the eyes. His eyes glistened in the sun with comforting smile on his face. Meanwhile, Spike also looked Scootaloo in the eye using his finger to move her hair off her face to behind her ear. They were so lost in each other's eyes, they didn't even realize that their muzzles were inching closer to one another. Just before their lips touched, Scootaloo whispered one thing.

"I love you Spike. Always have and always will."

Then, the gap between their lips closed. The duo's eyes closed as they were locked into a passionate kiss. Scootaloo wrapped her front legs around Spike's neck while Spike had both of his claws gently cupping Scootaloo's cheeks. The kiss lasted for a long minute before they came up for air. Spike's face was red and he had a goofy smile on his face while Scootaloo giggled at his reaction. Spike eventually snapped out of it and sat with his legs sticking out. Scootaloo laid down on Spike's legs so when she looked up, she could see Spike's cute and chubby face.

"Spike?" Scootaloo said, looking up at said dragon.

"Hmm?" Spike replied, looking down at the pegasus filly.

"You're an idiot."

"I kn-Hey! Take that back!"

"Ok, ok fine! Correction: You're not an idiot..."

"Thank you."

"You're my idiot."

Before Spike could reply, Scootaloo sat up to give him a quick kiss on the lips, leaving the poor dragon all flustered.

"Sh-should we head back? E-Everypony's probably looking for us." Spike stuttered.

"Nope. Let's stay here a little longer. I wanna spend time with my special somepony... er dragon."

And so, the newly formed couple stayed in the Everfree Forest to watch the beautiful sunset fade into the horizon.

Author's Note:

YES! It finally happened! They kissed!:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss: Thank you for reading the chapter you've all been waiting for! If you want more, please stay tuned for the epilogue! Also, please point out any grammatical errors if you find any because I found a lot when I went through this chapter!:twilightoops: Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and see you guys in the epilogue! :moustache::scootangel::twilightsmile: