• Published 16th Apr 2021
  • 1,304 Views, 8 Comments

A Captain's Reflection - SuperPinkBrony12

(Story idea requested by superfun. Takes place before "The Last Problem".) As Spitfire prepares to retire and hoof the reigns to Rainbow Dash as captain of the Wonderbolts, she reflects back on her time with the team and her own time as captain.

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Wonderbolt Tales

Spitfire sighed, leaning back in her chair at her desk. This was it, her last day as captain. She was soon going to be passing the reins to her successor: Rainbow Dash. It still amazed the mare to think that someone like Rainbow could rise through the ranks so quickly, making her way up from a mere candidate for consideration at the academy to where she was now. No Wonderbolt in the entire history of the team had risen so rapidly in so short an amount of time, not since Spitfire herself anyway.

The years had been relatively kind to the soon to be retiring captain. Although there were a few gray streaks poking through her fiery orange mane and tail, outwardly she showed little signs of having aged. But there was a reason why Spitfire was hanging it up. Inwardly, it felt as if she'd aged a hundred years in the just over two decades she'd been captain.

Suddenly, the door to the office swung open and in strolled Rainbow Dash. She'd taken to styling her mane not unlike Spitfire as a way of appreciation and respect for the one mare who still outranked her. "Hey, Captain." She greeted with that signature laid back attitude of hers.

Spitfire sat up slowly, her strong orange eyes gazing deep into her fellow pegasus' moderate violet eyes. "Crash, you don't have to call me that anymore. You're the captain now." Her voice was still as shrill as ever even if it had lost the edge.

Rainbow Dash was quick to retort. "Not yet I am. You haven't made the announcement yet. I can't be captain until you retire, that's how it works," And she sighed. "I still can't believe you're retiring from the Wonderbolts all together. I was hoping you'd stay."

The captain could only shake her head, she'd had this debate before upon first considering her retirement. "I've been a bolt for long enough. I reckon it's time a new generation stepped in and took control. I hardly even recognize the team now, most of the bolts I knew have either retired or passed away," And she flashed a smile at the light blue coated speedster before her. "I know you'll be just as good a captain as I was. I can't think of anypony more qualified than you to take my place."

Reluctantly, Rainbow decided to depart. "Well, I guess there's no point in talking you out of it. I'll see you at the ceremony. Everyone's waiting for their chance to say goodbye." And it wasn't long before she'd left the room, leaving Spitfire alone in the office once again.

Spitfire merely slumped back in her chair, deep in thought. "Where has the time gone?" She mentally pondered. This wasn't the first time she had thought such a thought, but this time she was truly filled with lament and even a sense of longing for the days that had long passed. And as one is often prone to do in such a situation, she began thinking back to her time as captain. Memories long since lost to time came flooding back to her, stretching all the way back to the beginning.

Spitfire had never been expecting that she of all ponies would be chosen to replace Captain Easyglider III, the grandson of the original Commander Easyglider who had lifted the Wonderbolts out of obscurity and molded them into the elite flyers they were now known as.

Yet the decision had been made and Spitfire was going to make history as the youngest pony ever to become captain of the team. To think, she'd only just graduated from the reserves a year ago. Now she had apparently impressed the retiring captain enough to take over from him, an honor that any Wonderbolt would've longed for.

The young mare's mind was buzzing with excitement, she had big plans for the team and was looking forward to implementing them. The Wonderbolts would soon be the envy of all of Equestria, maybe even the entire world!

But when the recently anointed captain reached the academy grounds to start her first day on her new job, she was dismayed to find her teammates just lounging about without a care in the world. Immediately, something boiled over inside the mare. She hadn't anticipated needing to make use of her whistle so soon, but she still blew into it and put on those shades that had been given to her by the retiring captain. They neatly complemented the navy blue drill sergeant jacket she had on her.

The other Wonderbolts jumped at the sound of the whistle, some of them even stumbling awake from a nap they'd been in the middle of! It wasn't long before all knew who it was that had demanded their undivided attention, it was their rather angry looking new captain.

"Does somepony mind telling me why I came here to find a bunch of sleepyheads and schoolyard foals laying down on the job on my first day?!" Spitfire complained as she tried to find the right tone of voice to convey her frustration. She began repeatedly tapping one of her hooves on the runway. "Well? Am I gonna get an answer or not, ladies and gents?!"

One of the Wonderbolts, a pegasus mare with a powder white coat and a curly yellow mane and tail reluctantly spoke up. "Captain Spitfire, ma'am. We didn't expect you to be here so soon. We're all worn out and exhausted from the farewell party for the previous captain and we figured you would be too."

"Well that was yesterday and this is today!" Spitfire grumbled. "I don't know how things worked under Captain Easyglider III but they're definitely going to change under me. I'm in control now! It's my team with my ideas! Does anypony have a problem with that?!"

Another pegasus mare, this one with more of a yellowish-white coat and similarly colored mane and tail protested. "Captain or not, you can't just come in here and order us around. Don't forget, compared to most of us you're still a greenhorn."

"Oh really? You think I'm just a newbie who lucked out on getting the promotion of a lifetime?" Spitfire remarked. "Well by all means, if you think you're better than me then why not prove it? What's your name?"

The pegasus mare firmly answered. "Name's Misty Fly, and that pony you were yelling at earlier is my friend Surprise."

The young captain only replied. "Well then, Misty Fly. Why don't we settle this in a race between just you and I? If I beat you, you'll do what I say."

Misty Fly chuckled. "Fine. But when I win, you're going to learn that you're way out of your league when it comes to being a leader. You're nothing like our previous captain."

"Save the trash talk for the race." Spitfire snorted and motioned for all other Wonderbolts to get off the runway so that the race could be held.

Spitfire herself proved to be more than up to the challenge. You didn't get into the Wonderbolts by being a poor flyer, and you most certainly didn't get to be captain by backing down against those who challenged you. She smoked Misty Fly, impressing countless other Wonderbolts into silence.

"So, does anypony else still wanna question my authority?" The young captain inquired once the race was over. None dared to say a word. "Good. Hopefully, now you understand that even though I'm your captain I can be your worst enemy or your best friend. So it's up to each of you to decide what you want me to be." And just like that she had overcome her first hurdle with the greatest of ease.

Of course, winning a race against somepony who opposed you was one thing. Transforming an entire team into elite flyers was another. It wasn't long before Spitfire was implementing numerous rigorous training exercises that were carried out daily.

And it wasn't long before many of the Wonderbolts were complaining and grumbling about said exercises.

"Come on, you guys!" Spitfire barked out one day, the first such day in which she was flying alongside the team in their signature navy blue flight suits. "Don't tell me you're gonna give up when we're not even halfway done."

Surprise panted heavily as she called out to her captain. "We've... been flying... for over... fifty miles now."

"Yeah, and we're gonna keep on flying until we can cover at least twice as many miles!" Spitfire insisted. "We've got a show coming up in Manehattan for the Summer Sun Celebration. The last performance in Cloudsdale was weak, and I won't have ponies thinking that the Wonderbolts are yesterday's news! We've got to be ready to wow the crowd and show them why we're Cloudsdale's finest!"

"But we... can't keep... going on... like this." Surprise continued to pant as several other Wonderbolts began to meander out of position from exhaustion.

Spitfire only shook her head. "Work through the pain, everypony! I know you're all capable of more than this! If you can't even handle flying a hundred miles a day, how can you expect to pull off those new moves I'm having us learn?"

But several Wonderbolts, Misty Fly included, could be overheard whispering about they'd "Never had to do this under any previous captain." and how they were "Just fine as they were."

The young captain did her best to tune out the complaints. "When the reviews for our Manehattan performance are in, everypony will see that I was right!" She thought to herself while doing her best to suppress that nagging worry in the back of her mind. "I hope."

The Summer Sun Celebration in Manehattan was a truly star studded event. Not only because of how popular and beloved Princess Celestia was, but also because for many this was their first chance to see the new captain of the Wonderbolts in all her glory. Even Princess Celestia herself wanted a one on one audience with Spitfire, and when the princess wanted something she usually got it.

"I just wanted to say that I'm impressed by the performance you and your team put on," Princess Celestia told Spitfire in private once the celebration had concluded. "Why, I can't remember the last time I've seen the Wonderbolts perform such advanced aerial maneuvers and tricks since they broke off from their military origins as the E.U.P."

Spitfire did her best to smile despite how much her body already ached and despite the sweat that was trickling down her face. She could only imagine the strain and the toll the performance had inflicted upon the other bolts. "Coming from you, that's high praise."

The sun princess nodded her head. "I'd say Cloudsdale is lucky to have such an incredible team of performers, and even more lucky to be led by a pony like you. In many ways, you remind me of General Firefly."

"Not The General Firefly!" Spitfire gasped as her mouth dropped open in shock!

Princess Celestia gave a warm hearted chuckle in reply. "The very same, Captain Spitfire."

"Just Spitfire will do," Spitfire was quick to insist. "Captain's what my teammates can call me."

Celestia simply smiled. "Well, Spitfire, I do hope I and my subjects can expect to see such performances repeated at future events. And not just for royalty or celebrities either," She then turned. "Now, I think I've held my audience with you for long enough. I wouldn't wish to keep you from the many adoring fans who came here specifically hoping to see you."

And indeed, there were so many ponies of all different walks of life who wanted to come and see Spitfire. Many of them specifically asking for autographs or to pose with her for pictures. Some were old, some were young and quite a few were earth ponies and unicorns. It seemed like the captain's hard work had paid off. But would her teammates think the same?

Well, Spitfire would come to find out in the most unusual of ways. When at last she had tended to everypony who wanted to see her and Princess Celestia and her royal guards had long since departed back to Canterlot, the mare could only take a few steps forward before she collapsed. Imagine her surprise when she woke up to find herself in bed at the hotel that had been reserved exclusively for the Wonderbolts.

And who was it that had carried her back to bed? None other than the likes of Misty Fly and many of the other Wonderbolts who had been so critical of her in the days and weeks leading up to the Summer Sun Celebration.

"You were right about the need to improve our performance, Captain," Misty Fly explained once she was certain her superior was okay. "We'd never had crowds like that under any of our previous captains. With your leadership, we might just be able to get sold out crowds for our shows in Cloudsdale again."

Spitfire just yawned. "Well, I'm gonna need to hire a lot more hooves before I can start thinking about sold out crowds. I may be captain, but I can't manage every aspect of the team on my own."

That was the end to which Spitfire set out to establish a chain of command that the Wonderbolts had at best loosely implemented on an "As needed" basis over the years. Spitfire would leave nothing to chance. There would be several positions underneath her to manage other aspects and take over from her in her absence.

One of the recruits she ended up tapping to fill that position was one that was a great surprise to her: It was her old friend from childhood and flight school, Soarin!

"I can't believe you became the captain!" Soarin remarked with amazement upon seeing Spitfire again for the first time in years, even openly hugging her.

Spitfire couldn't hide the warm smile that crept onto her face as a result even though she didn't want to be seen showing favoritism if she could help it. "I still can't entirely believe it myself," She told the stallion. "But I must've been doing something right to get recognized and get promoted."

"So, you need me to be a sort of co-captain or something?" Soarin questioned as he was brought into Spitfire's office. "What exactly does a co-captain do?"

"Oversees things like recruiting and ticket sales, mostly boring stuff like that," Spitfire explained. "Especially since as captain I have to oversee the academy, which includes trials week."

Soarin gave a goofy grin. "Is it true what they say? Do you love yelling and blowing your whistle?"

The young captain did her best not to grin too much in reply. "Maybe a little, I suppose. But somepony's gotta be tough. And if I don't do it, who will?"

Soarin smiled. "I'm happy to help however I can, Spitfire... I mean, Captain," Then he licked his lips. "Oh, I'm looking forward to some nice home cooked meals in the cafeteria. Especially pies, how I love pies!"

"I guess some things never change." Spitfire thought to herself, recalling how Soarin had always been known for his appetite.

Soarin of course was not the only new addition that Spitfire oversaw as part of her overhaul of the team structure. Another promising recruit tapped was Fleetfoot, originally designated as a "junior" member.

Fleetfoot proved to be almost the complete opposite of Soarin. Far more energetic and with more of an ego to match. "So I'm on your shortlist to be your right hoof mare, am I?" Fleetfoot asked one day. "Is it just because you and Misty Fly still quarrel sometimes, or is it because you know I could beat even you in a race one on one?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Fleetfoot," Spitfire cautioned. "Remember, we're a team. And the first rule about the team is that there is no 'I'. It's not always about you as an individual."

Fleetfoot just groaned. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know."

Performances and shows were not the only thing that the Wonderbolts were known for though, and Spitfire knew this. Despite the fact that Equestria enjoyed a considerably lengthy period of peace, the Wonderbolts still had their military background and could still be pressed into service in emergencies to help with defense.

One particular incident infuriated Spitfire upon her learning about it, making it clear that there would need to be changes in how the Wonderbolts conducted themselves during emergency situations. A trio of Wonderbolts were easily defeated and imprisoned by an overgrown dragon rampaging through Ponyville, and to make matters worse said dragon had been carrying a hostage (a well known one at that).

Spitfire called in all three Wonderbolts who had overseen the failed rescue effort, but she reserved her harshest criticism for the one picked to lead it in the form of Blaze. "Do you mind telling me just what the heck went on out there?!" She scolded the pony often mistaken for her (they were in fact cousins).

Blaze did her best to not look too rattled. "It... it all happened so fast! We were really not prepared!"

"'Not prepared'?! Is that the excuse you're going to give me?!" Spitfire snorted! "You mean to tell me that three of Equestria's best flyers can't handle a dragon?!"

"We were tricked!" Blaze tried to protest. "And when the water tower we'd been trapped inside of was removed, the threat had mysteriously stopped all by itself."

The captain only narrowed her eyes and bitterly scolded. "That's no excuse! Nothing should ever be able to easily stop us. All three of you are among the best that the Wonderbolts have to offer," And she then put her hooves to her forehead. "Great, now I'm getting a headache!" Taking a minute to compose herself, she was quick to add. "The three of you are going on probation, I'm making you all scrub every inch of this compound clean from top to bottom from now until this royal wedding I've been hearing about. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Y-yes ma'am!" The trio of Wonderbolts saluted and left the office without saying another word.

As for Spitfire, she made a mental note to herself. "I'm gonna need to overhaul our rescue training, especially for hostage situations. We can't be off guard and rendered helpless like the royal guard always is. We're supposed to be better than them." She thought.

Aside from incidents such as that or what unfolded at Rainbow Falls during the qualifier for the Equestria Games held in the Crystal Empire (the first to be held after the return of Princess Luna too), the years came and went with little fanfare. The Wonderbolts did improve in their emergency service response a little bit, only truly faltering against the superior army of the Storm King when it invaded Canterlot.

And the bolts' ranks expanded as local talents and promising flyers like Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane joined the reserves and then the team proper, both bringing their unique skills.

Yet as time moved ever forward in its continuous march, changes in Equestria started to catch up to the Wonderbolts. Numerous non-pony creatures started settling in as Equestria opened up to other civilizations and kingdoms, including ones thought to be lost forever like the hippogriffs. And that meant that some of these non-pony creatures began to take an interest in the Wonderbolts.

One of these creatures was a young hippogriff named Silverstream, the niece of the hippogriff's queen. She began developing a fascination with the Wonderbolts after Rainbow Dash continuously mentioned them while serving as a teacher for Silverstream (and many other creatures who came to Ponyville specifically to learn friendship). She quite literally showed up out of the blue one day and soon began asking repeatedly. "Can I join the Wonderbolts?! Can I?! Can I?! Can I?! Can I?! Can I?!"

Spitfire did her best to navigate the unprecedented situation. "Look, kid," She told Silverstream when at last the hippogriff came to see her. "It's great that you wanna be a part of us. Your enthusiasm is admirable. But there's a process that has to be followed. We can't just let you join us, especially not when you're still a kid."

"But I wanna be a Wonderbolt! You guys are so cool!" Silverstream protested and pleaded! "I don't mind starting out at the bottom. I can totally work up my way up the ranks. Joining you guys has been my dream for so long already!"

"Well, if you're still interested once you come of age," Spitfire explained. "You're more than welcome to try out for our reserves. Then, if you make up your way up to the top of the reserves, the next time there's an opening on the team we can put you in. And that means you'll have to work very hard and prove yourself."

The young hippogriff frowned. "But I'm ready to join now!"

Spitfire sighed. "I know that, kid. You've made that perfectly clear already. But I have to follow the rules. If I didn't there wouldn't be any rules. And we here at the Wonderbolts do not grant exceptions or play favorites, not even if we want to. At best, I could see about maybe fast tracking your application into the reserves and waving the requirement for you to pass the test. But the key word to that is 'maybe' it's not a guarantee."

Silverstream was silent for but a moment before she declared. "Well, you'd better leave a spot open in the reserves, because I'll get in there one way or another when I'm old enough to qualify! I will become a Wonderbolt someday, that's a promise!" And with that she left as quickly and mysteriously as she had arrived.

So many memories. It was truly amazing to Spitfire just how much had changed since she'd become captain of the Wonderbolts. And she knew for a fact that Rainbow Dash would oversee many more changes. There was already talk of the Wonderbolts accepting some griffons into their ranks in the near future, and a certain hippogriff was still being talked up as a potential member should she still want to join.

"I know you'll make me proud, Crash." Spitfire thought to herself as she looked up at the clock, realizing that the time had come. The retirement ceremony and her big announcement were due to begin very soon.

The pegasus mare got up from her desk for what would be the last time. This would be her office no longer, it would now belong to Rainbow Dash and would be free for the new captain to decorate to her heart's desire.

Where Rainbow Dash would take the Wonderbolts exactly was something Spitfire couldn't say or even guess. It was out of her hooves now.

Just before reaching the door to the office, Spitfire turned and took one last look back at the place. She could still remember all those conversations she'd had with Rainbow Dash the first time the brash speedster had made a complaint, back when Rainbow had just been a recruit at the academy for trials week. Even back then, Spitfire had suspected that if there was anypony could succeed her as captain it would be Rainbow.

That was a hunch that had only been proven right increasingly by the young captain as she continued to see Rainbow assert herself and her beliefs, refusing to betray her teammates and standing up for the Wonderbolts' better nature when others sought to question it. To say nothing of the many things Rainbow Dash had done on her own or with her friends that had been worthy of praise.

Yes, Rainbow Dash was just the pony to lead the Wonderbolts into the next generation. And while Spitfire knew she could've held off on this retirement for years and years still, she was convinced of her decision. "Times are changing, and it's time the Wonderbolts changed with them. New leadership is needed." She thought to herself. And it was with that and with a heavy heart that she turned the knob on the door.

Spitfire would never again return to the captain's office. She would be leaving the academy grounds for the last time to live out the rest of her days as she saw fit. The reigns would officially pass to Rainbow Dash. Everything was as it should be.

Rainbow Dash was waiting right outside the office for her soon to be retiring superior. "Took your time saying goodbye to all the paperwork?" She teased.

"Well, that's one aspect I'll definitely not be missing." Spitfire teased right back.

Author's Note:

A request too good to pass up. I'm actually surprised something like this hasn't been written yet.

Comments ( 8 )

REALLY enjoyable one-shot. Definitely loved the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up. REALLY enjoyed Spitfire's reflections on her younger days when she was just starting out as captain on her final day before passing the job on to Rainbow.

Very much looking forward to more of your work in general.

Well this was a very nice story seeing how Spitfire went through a lot of years while she was still the captain of the Wonderbolts and looking back all the years she's been through and yes Rainbow dash is the perfect candidate to be the captain of the Wonderbolts this was a pretty good story to see Spitfire been doing before her retirement was coming keep up the good work

Firefly? WOW! That’s the name of the Pegasus that took Megan to Ponyland in the original MLP series.

That was definitely amazing.

10773732 I hope it was to your specifications.

This is really good!

Aww, so beautiful, finally got around to reading this and it gets a thumbs-up from me!

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