• Published 5th Apr 2021
  • 2,572 Views, 12 Comments

Sweetie belle alone - Reactception

After gabby gums rarity hurts her sisters feelings and sweetie belle leaves

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She’s a little runaway

“How could you do this to me??” Rarity screeched at Sweetie Belle.

“But Rarity you don’t understand I have this article I need you to read” Sweetie Belle gasped as she held up the newest issue of the foal free press.

“I don’t want any of your vile poisonous filth you brat” Rarity screamed in anguish and anger.

“Bu but Rarity I didn’t mean too”....... “i just wanted to”..... “I mean I’m so sorry that I”.... Sweetie Belle never finished she knew nothing she did or said would make it up to her sister she had betrayed her in every way possible : by looking at her private things (journal), by writing a demonizing story about her, by lying, and most of all not taking her feelings into consideration.

Even with all that said she wanted to try to apologize one last time to make things better so she ran up the stairs and was about to knock when she overheard Rarity taking to herself through the door.

Be better if that brat had never come here I shan’t forgive her she’s no sister of mine just some traitor some drab little nuisance that followed her around and messed up the town with her little friend’s.

Against her better judgment Sweetie knocked on the door an asked “Rarity?”

“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST GO AWAY!!” Rarity responded.

That was the sentence that broke Sweetie Belle. Rarity didn’t even want her here anymore. She couldn’t fix this. If Rarity didn’t want her to stay she wouldn’t so as quick as she could Sweetie packed her things : her small camera, some of her clothes, her piggy bank, some snacks, a rope that Applebloom had given her and a small pocket knife.

She wrote a small note addressed to Rarity and left it on the kitchen counter.

And With one last glance around the house sweetie left and walked off into the Everfree forest. Planning on never returning to Ponyville.

2 hours later :

Rarity was stewing in her anger muttering and twitching in her bed ice cream container next to her half empty

“Um num num” she muttered as she ate the ice cream.

And she decided to pick up the paper Sweetie Belle had tried to pass her earlier to see what the traitor had wanted her too see.

It was an article by Gabby Gums exposing Gabby Gums as the CMC’s and apologizing for all they did and all the hurt they caused.

Rarity’s heart swelled she no longer felt betrayed she decided she should talk to Sweetie Belle and make up she decided.

Then she remembered all the shameful things she had yelled at Sweetie Belle and gasped

“Oh no I was much to harsh on Sweetie” Rarity exclaimed As she stood up and trotted to her door pulling it open. And walking down the stairs

“Sweetie, Sweetie Belle” rarity questioned loudly looking around the house.

10 minutes of frantic searching later :

She’d found the note and read it.

It said : Rarity I’m sorry I ruined our relationship and sisterhood I’m sorry that I made you hate me. So I decided to do as you said and go away.
I’ll be fine on my own I hope someday you can forgive me. But if you don’t I understand completely.
— love your once sister Sweetie Belle

At this moment Rarity knew she had f**ed up and desperately sobbing ran out into the town screaming for Sweetie Belle.

Meanwhile in the Everfree forest Sweetie Belle was climbing the hills behind the trees as she trodded up that hill she came over the hill see saw it. Froggy Bottom bog all 53 miles of it and she would have to cross it on foot.

After walking for about 2 hours : Sweetie Belle was exhausted she continued knowing she only had about 13 miles left and it drove her to go forward so she could find shelter and rest

Suddenly a loud SPLOOSH happened behind her as she turned to see what it was. A hydra head zoomed past her trying to eat her and barely missing. She ran faster and faster never looking back as the hydra pursued her.

As she ran she saw that up ahead was a ledge and there was no way around and the hydra was cutting off all other exits she had to think fast.

As she ran forward towards the ledge she pulled out apple looks rope and tried to lasso it to a tree as Applebloom had showed her and grabbed onto the other end with her mouth hanging off the cliff by the rope as the hydra fell off the cliff trying to grab her with the mouth of one of its heads.

Sweetie was breathing heavy in relief and then tried to pull herself up the rope and suddenly the rope sagged and the quick knot she threw together slipped.

And the rope gave out and fell off the tree letting Sweetie tumble off the cliffs into the ground and rocks below

Meanwhile in ponyville : a full search party was looking for Sweetie Belle the girls and many of the townsfolk looking for her the most frantic one being Rarity whose mane was unkept an frazzled her wailing for sweetie echoed for miles her only thoughts were : I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it. I was upset over such tiny gossip in a horrible sister. If anything happens to Sweetie Belle I’ll never forgive myself or anyone else who ever made my sister feel unwanted.

Other then that Rarity was solely focused on finding Sweetie Belle and apologizing making her know Rarity loved her.

Even though the other girls were worried about Sweetie they were more worried about Rarity mental health and her sanity. But they figured finding sweetie belle was the best way to help Rarity stay sane.

Meanwhile Sweetie was waking up in a cave filled to the brim with gems. Her back left leg in a cast and her forehead and horn covered in a cast made of leaves

“Oh your awake.” a loud and scary yet some what soft voice questioned from a far.

“Who are you?” Sweetie questioned softly her head pounding in pain.

“Don’t scream” the voice said as a giant green dragon slid out from behind the gem pile.

“I’m Quartz the dragon. I set your leg and brought you to my house” the green dragon said in a somber tone.

“Why?” Sweetie muttered weakly.

“I couldn’t just let you die. Especially after a small pony such as yourself killed a hydra.” The dragon exclaimed heartily pride in his voice the same kind of pride you’d see a father have for his daughter.

“Oh” was the last thing Sweetie muttered as she slipped back into unconsciousness.