• Published 6th Jan 2022
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Mean and Green - Gallants

Lilly Maxis Strike was a Corporal in the U.S Marines, she loved her work, it was hard, kept her in shape but during her last deployment however she ended up blown out of her nest, and now she's stuck as a mean green filly.

  • ...

Baby Marine

"Now Enfield, this family is a little strange," the stallion told her as they walked down the street, "your foster parents will be a Pegasus and a griffin, is that okay?" he asked, happy when Enfield nodded.

"What happened to the other social worker?" Lilly asked looking at the roofs and windows of the town with a critical eye, her curious actions not going unnoticed.

"She wasn't making any progress with you so she went back to Canterlot and asked me to come down and take over the final proceedings," he informed her as they exited the market, "what are you looking for?" he kindly asked, looking down at a notebook in his hoof.

"Nothing, just a habit of mine," she told him, he was about to say something but Lilly quickly cut him off, "It's harmless and I'll stop when I'm used to the area," that seemed to be the end of the conversation as they quietly walked the streets of Ponyville.

Lilly noticed the nice two-story house they walked up to had a shingled roof unlike the thatched ones surrounding it, "Wealthy family or recently built house?" she asked as he knocked on the door.

"Recently built house, upper-middle-class," he told her as a tall Pegasus mare opened the door.

"Oh, you must be Light Path," her heavily accented voice told the stallion. Enfield's ears flicked recognizing the sound of the mare's voice, "and you must be little Enfield, I was told you were a unique one!" she chirped out with a broad smile.

"Actually it's Lilly, Enfield's my callsign," Lilly said, with a smile as the mare waved them in, as they stepped in Lilly took stock of the mare's features, she was beige with a ruby mane and lighter streaks of fur across her legs and the sides of her body.

"Well then Lilly, my name is Arctiidae most ponies just call me Moth though," she told the pair leading them to her living room "and this is my beautiful jeweler of a wife Sabine," she sing-songed, as a griffin rounded the corner, adjusting a tie around the chick's neck Moth wrapped her forelegs and wings around her.

The griffin stiffened up before very gently trying to pull herself out of her wife's grip, not without causing the mare to quickly grimace as her left-wing recoiled and shot back to her side, "Mothy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to agitate your wing, but I love you and I want to meet and talk with Enfield, But I have an interview and I can't be late," she told the mare giving her a kiss and heading out of the house.

"She seems nice," Lilly said taking a seat on the floor, "is there something wrong with your wing?" the filly asked looking at the mare's now slightly twitching wing.

"just an old injury from when I was a filly," Moth said trying to relax the muscles with her hooves, "Do you mind if I ask a few questions to get to know you better?" Moth asked, unable to fully stop the twitching.

"Sure what would you like to know?" Lilly said looking over her potential caretaker's body.

"Well, I guess I'd like to know, why you let your 'callsign' be listed as your real name?" Moth asked taking a seat on a cushion of the unfinished couch.

"Just what I've been called for the last year and a half, well that and Strike," Lilly told the mare who cocked her head, "Right I should explain, my full name is Lilly Maxis Strike," the mare smiled.

"Well that's a beautiful name, now I understand you had a... hard life, just know that if you ever need to talk that your whole family will be there to listen," she stated with a firm gentle voice.

"I can handle my own problems, I'm trained for it," Lilly huffed out folding her forelegs, "I-I don't mean to be rude, it's just that I don't think a lot of people will understand," she sheepishly said.

"Of course, no creature could possibly have had an experience like your Lilly," Moth told her, causing Lilly's wing to twitch.

"You, know I think I'd prefer if you just called me Enfield," Enfield told the mare, "it just makes me feel, wanted, I guess?" she said trying to look anywhere but at Moth or Light Path.

"Sure thing Enfield, it's not a problem," Moth cooed wrapping her good wing around Enfield, "If you want we can do a little trial run to see if you feel comfortable with us?" she told the filly, who nodded her head, "Great the first things we did when we got to town was set up all of the bedrooms," Moth said leading the filly up the stairs with Light Path right behind them. The two rooms Moth showed off were fairly plain, "I know they're plain but they are guest bedrooms, for now, and anything you need you can tell us and we'll see what we can do," Moth told the filly grabbing her hoof and placing it against the bedding, "Soft isn't it?" she excitedly asked.

"Stupid child body," Enfield huffed out having attempted to arm lock and restrain Moth when she had grabbed her hoof but was unable to due to her size and weight. "Th-that's really soft, I've never felt softer blankets in my whole life," Enfield said starting to relax before leaning forward and rubbing the side of her face on the blanket, "O-oh baby~, I'd have traded a Prussia Blue to have had this in my barracks," Enfield softly sighed out, "I'd be especially happy to stay for a few days, just let me get the rest of my stuff from the hospital," she told the mare, reluctantly leaving the soft fabric.

After a couple of hours, tracking down her knife in the hospital, Enfield made her way to her potentially temporary home and closed the door to her temporary room, leaning her rifle against the wall next to her bed, she slowly worked off her plate carrier before removing her m45 and inspecting it for damage, "So much to do so little time," she muttered before, satisfied at the lack of rust, holstered it. Making her way down the stairs she turned into the kitchen, "Need some help Miss. Moth?" she asked standing at attention.

"Yes, in the icebox there is a bag of fruits and vegetables, and under the counter closest to the icebox could you get me three sweet potatoes," Moth gently instructed, getting to work Enfield quickly grabbed the items, putting the potatoes in the bag, and presented them to the mare, "Thank you, Enfield, can you put them on the cutting board?" she asked.

Looking up at the counter Enfield steadied her nerves and started to flap her wings, she let out an internal sigh as she got lifted. Getting a head's height over the cutting board she reached out her hooves to put down the bag, the sudden shift in weight caused the filly to lose her balance and tip forward hitting her head on the cutting board and knocking it to the floor.

"ENFIELD!" Moth worriedly screamed.

Enfield ran around the corner before diving underneath a pile of cushions, "I'm sorry, it was an accident please don't hurt me!" she whined as Moth pulled her out of the pile.

"Hurt you? I'd never do such a thing," Moth told the filly as she swaddled Enfield with her wings, the filly struggled to take deep breathes as cried into the mare's withers, "let me look at you~" she cooed lifting her head with a hoof and looking over her features, "you didn't get hurt did you?" She asked, getting a head shake from the filly, "just scared huh?" a nod confirmed her suspicions, "Ok sit here and wait while I finish cooking," Moth told the filly, placing her down on one of the couch cushions and heading back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

"W-what is wrong with me?" Enfield quietly choked out, "I'm a marine, not a baby," she told herself, "I-I haven't acted like that in years," soon she zoned out stuck in her mind thinking back to her father, gritting her teeth she lightly struck her self in what would have been her thigh, the dull pain bringing her back as she took a deep breath.

"MOM! WE'RE HOME!" a young voice called out as the door opened before it was closed as the form of a filly rounded the corner, her eyes widened as she looked at the filly on the couch a large smile crossed her face as she ran up to Enfield who quickly jumped back and lowered herself into a fighting stance with her wings flared out, causing the new filly to stop and cock her head, "Umm, hi I'm Night Fox," the filly said introducing herself "what are you doing?" she asked before trying to mimic Enfield's stance flaring out her own bat-like wings, "Is it a new way to make friends?" she asked her smile returning in full.

Enfield slowly straightened her stance, "Um, Hi Night, I'm Enfield," Enfield slowly walked up to her, "Uh sorry about that, you startled me," she told her while rubbing the back of her head, "I'm going to be staying with you for a few nights, stay out of my room please," Enfield nervously stated, Night looked at her and nodded.

"Ok Enfield I'll stay out of your room," Night Fox proudly stated, "as long as you promise to come into my fort!~" she shouted grabbing Enfield's hoof and trying to lead her towards the stairs before she was pushed away to the side, Enfield jumping back breathing heavily, Night Fox looked at Enfield with some tears in her eyes, "Do, do you not want to come into my fort?"

Enfield had a very sudden feeling of guilt fall into her stomach, "N-no it's not that, I-I just don't like being touched so suddenly," she reassured the filly picking her up, "Want to show me your fort?" she asked, the bat's smile returning the tears being forgotten.

"Of course follow me!" she said leading them upstairs and to a room with a drawing of the family on the front door a rainbow above them, "It's in here," she told her opening the door.

"I'm a little worried about having Enfield around Night," Sabine said, walking up to her wife, "Night went to show her the fort, and Enfield pushed her," she told the mare grabbing a knife and helping her cut the vegetables, "I was going to step in but Enfield apologized and said she didn't like being suddenly touched, not a very pony thing," Moth hummed as she listened.

"She tried to do something similar to me when I showed her one of the rooms, I grabbed her hoof and she tried to break out, good form too," Moth told the hen, "I think she just needs some time to adjust, Light Path had told me right before they left to pick her stuff up from the hospital, that they think her father abused her and to be gentle and understanding of any lash outs she might have," the hen stiffened before sighing.

"Well if anypony could help her adjust it'd be you, you wonderful mare~," Sabine said giving a kiss to the mare's cheek, getting a giggle in return, "Well, I'm going to go upstairs and make sure there isn't a mutiny going on in the mighty blanket fort," Sabine stated before heading up the stairs.

Enfield uncomfortably fidgeted as Night Fox excitedly showed her toys and plushies, giving little backstories to them, "What's your favorite toy?" She asked.

"I never had any toys before, my dad didn't believe in them, thought they made you soft," Enfield told getting a surprise hug, she was unable to break out of as her forelegs were pinned to her sides, "Hey get off of me," she demanded, starting to take deep breathes.

"I'm sorry for hugging you without asking, and that your dad was such meanie." Night Fox said, Enfield, chuckled.

"Meanie's a bit nice, he was a real bas-" Enfield was about to state before the door flung open and Sabine hit the ground letting out a short-lived yelp as Enfield's wings flared and she fell back, Night Fox quickly rushed over to her other mom.

"Ow, what did I trip on?" Sabine questioned looking back and seeing nothing behind her, "You two playing nice?" she asked as Night futilely attempted to help her up.

"I was telling Enfield all about my plushies and toys, and then she told me her dad didn't let her have any toys, and then I spooked her with a hug." Night Fox told the hen.

"Nopony got hurt, Other than me of course?" Sabine asked standing back up Night Fox shook her head side to side, "Well, that's good I just came up to make sure, oh right dinner should be ready in a little bit." Sabine said heading back down the stairs.

Enfield took a seat at the table as a very familiar smell reached her nose, a very specific mix of spices, giddily she waited for her meal to arrive, a plate of sautéed vegetables was placed in front of her, she quietly waited until she was allowed to eat. Moth placed a pan in the middle of the table and took her seat, "Alright, let's eat~" she stated, Enfield took her first bite and let out a pleased sigh before quickly eating the rest.

"She's a voracious one isn't she," Sabine stated leaning forward and using a pair of tongs got more food that she put on Enfield's plate, Enfield choked out a thank you before eating some more. The rest of dinner went by fairly quickly most of it was Night Fox talking about how great her first day went, even though there were a couple of fillies who were really mean.

After dinner Enfield climbed into the bed and let the soft sheets and blankets envelop her, closing her eyes she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Talkin' to my daddy on his dying bed,

Enfield looked around not entirely sure where she was before she recognized the Arabic woman next to her, "I find the Lee Enfield to be a perfectly suitable rifle for the current conflict," The woman said adjusting her vest as she walked with Enfield towards the shooting range, "even if it is a bastardized rechambered for .308 model," she said, "Want to trade girlfriends for a few rounds?" she asked chuckling as they stepped up to firing line.

"She is a beauty," Enfield said, "You'll treat Roza with the respect a high-class girl like her deserves right?" she teasingly asked, getting a nod in return she handed her m38 over to the woman who handed her own Lee Enfield to her, "So Rana, what's the wager, I outshoot you using your own rifle you get me some of those extra creamy chocolates from beyond the wire, and if Roza betrays me I get you some of my private reserve?" Enfield offered up.

"Sounds like a deal to me, Strike," Rana said taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. They took up their supported positions and took aim, just before they took their first shots a mortar landed downrange, getting knocked back they slowly coughed, they each thanked the headsets they had on before getting up, the siren wasn't blaring, they quickly ran for cover as the first rounds started to whizz past them, shouldering the M38 and peeking around the corner of the water jug they concealed themselves behind, a single round cracked off, "Wager still on?" Rana asked turning back around.

Chuckling Strike shouldered the Enfield rifle, "Doesn't seem very fair, you have 20 more rounds than I do," Strike said peeking around and firing after a few seconds of tracking a fighter, "But I guess I'll just have to get fancy," she stated watching the two fighters collapse to the ground, "Also collateral."

Rana smiled "Good shot, but you need to take out more than 20 to beat me," she said pulling off the MOLLE pouch from her vest, "Here's the ammo," Ranna offered, smiling Strike removed her ruck so she could more easily get to her mag pouch before something landed on the ground at their feet.

"GRENADE!" Strike yelled throwing her ruck and body on top of the frag as Rana turned fell to the ground covering her head, the blast scared Rana as she rolled overlooking the curled form of Strike.

"Corporal, Corporal are you alright?" She worriedly asked crawling over and turning her over, she was relieved as she heard the whine escaping the American's lips, "You're alive at least, they'll be checking for our deaths we have to move," she said lifting up the American and shouldering the M38.

Steadying herself Strike shouldered the Enfield rifle, "My dad used to hit harder than that frag," she spits out before wiping some of the blood from her lips, "Let's move," she stated grabbing the MOLLE pouch of .308s. They quickly peeked around and engaged the fighters approaching them, creating a gap for them to run towards the MRAPS, "We need to make it towards the center of the FOB," Strike said, trying to find a way in the truck.

"I think we need to run on foot," Rana informed Strike as she fired off three more rounds hitting another fighter, "Also bet off, we make it out of here alive and we both get what we want?" Rana asked her voice starting to waver, "Because, I'm scared Strike," she said.

Rana and Strike engaged in short sprints and engagements as they fought towards the center of the base, "I need a mag," Rana said dropping the empty magazine onto the ground, Strike nodded and reached to pull out a fresh mag.

"Shit," she said pulling out a mangled chunk of metal from her ripped pouch, she quickly checked the other, "They're fucked Rana, take your rifle back," Strike said grabbing her knife.

"Laa, you keep it, your pistol got FUBAR'D by the frag too," Rana said drawing her own sidearm, "You know, I'd have loved to have had an Enfield revolver too, but I got stuck with the Webley instead," she chuckled trying to keep up her spirits in their dire situation.

"Tell you what, when we get out of here, and you get to come to America, I'll find and buy you an Enfield revolver to complete your collection," Strike said firing off another round and ejecting her last round before forcing another five into the magazine, "Now let's move," she stated before they began another sprint, a scream caused Strike to turn around, Rana was on the ground her pants leg quickly staining with red.

Enfield woke with a start tears streaming down her face.