• Published 6th Jan 2022
  • 1,507 Views, 42 Comments

Mean and Green - Gallants

Lilly Maxis Strike was a Corporal in the U.S Marines, she loved her work, it was hard, kept her in shape but during her last deployment however she ended up blown out of her nest, and now she's stuck as a mean green filly.

  • ...

This is my rifle!

Redheart was terrified when she saw where Enfield had landed, but Sour Grapes didn't seem the least bit annoyed, "Nurse Sour Grapes, I am so sorry she slipped and it just snowballed from there," Redheart explained.

"Oh it's fine, I'm about to go on my break should the three of us get lunch?" Sour Grapes asked to the clear surprise of Redheart and Enfield, "Come on, I'm sure the cafeteria has some great food," she said placing Enfield down and getting out of her seat, before she had a chance to cross the desk however a group of construction workers pushed through the door carrying another pony blood flowing from his leg as he moaned in pain they placed him on the ground and begged for help, Redheart didn't get the chance to cover Enfield's eyes as the filly had already placed herself next to the stallions bleeding leg and pulled at a pouch on her vest.

"You idiots didn't apply pressure to his wound or even try to tourniquet it," the ponies took an offended step back as she said this, "He has real good fu-" before she finished blood squirted from the wound and hit Lilly in the face some getting into her mouth and eye, spitting out a glob of blood she placed a bandage on the wound before frowning, "I must be getting censored," she muttered, "anyways he has a better chance of dying due to your lack of first aid," she told them as Sour Grapes took over applying pressure and several doctors helped the pony onto a gurney.

"Oh no, we need to get you tested," Redheart said picking the filly up and taking her to an eyewash station, "This will hur-" she stopped as Enfield placed a hoof on the faucet and began to wash her eyes out without fuss, "You really aren't a normal filly are you?" she asked as she watched the filly gargling some of the water and spitting a little more blood out.

"I'm not a filly at all, I'm a grown woman that can take care of herself," she pointedly told the nurse, "It's not that I don't appreciate your help, especially with my height issue, but I've seen and done a lot, " Lilly jumped out of Redhearts legs and looked up at her, "Where are you going to take my blood?" she asked, Redheart gave a nod as told the filly to follow her. Taking her to a small room Redheart quickly drew the filly's blood and sent it off for a test.

Shortly after the sample was sent out, Redheart scooped the filly up and invited Sour Grapes to town for lunch, where Enfield explained in detail how she would take care of herself, "We understand you can take care of yourself," Redheart and Sour Grapes said in unison, "But as a young filly you can't live alone," Redheart continued as they ate their lunch. Lilly grunted as she chewed the salad in her mouth, at least it was fresh.

"But, I'm not a filly," Lilly groaned swallowing, "I'm a U.S marine, I died by getting blown up, and woke up in a forest as a filly," Sour Grapes and Redheart shared a look between themselves, "YOU SAW IT ON MY UNIFORM!" she yelled, slamming her hooves on the table.

"We understand that," Sour Grapes told Enfield, "but that doesn't change how bureaucracy works, you're going to have to follow the rules," defeatedly Enfield lay her head on the table and mumbled an okay as her ears turned towards an approaching commotion.

"WINONA WHAT DO YA GOT?! GET OVER HERE!" A woman with a western accent yelled as her hoof beats became louder.

"Bureaucracy is a bi-," Lilly started as a loud bang resounded through the area and her salad bowl shattered, the bang was followed by a yelp and barking. Shooting to her hooves and reaching for her M45, Lilly rolled behind a fence post and peeked around, she quickly spotted the rifle on the ground several ponies keeping their distance from it, looking for the shooter she remembered she didn't have hands, stepping out into the open and towards the rifle she lowered her head inspecting it, noticing it was hers she lowered her head to fit the strap over her body.

"What do ya think you're doing young lady?!" That western accent yelled from just out of Lilly's field of view, "That thing is dangerous," Rolling her eyes Lilly looked at the mare, taking stock of her orange coat and cowboy hat.

"It's mine it got lost when I woke up in the woods," she told the mare, flicking the safety on, "and now it shouldn't go off again," after finishing her statement Lilly got a foreleg through the shoulder strap and tightened it down to sit snugly against her barrel.

Redheart quickly ran over to the fuming mare, "Applejack she's a patient, a lot has happened to her, I also have no reason to believe that thing she has is dangerous with her, okay?" Applejack huffed before nodding and leaving, "I think it's best if we leave," Redheart said, with a nod, Sour Grapes placed some bits on the table and quickly made their way to the hospital.

"What is that thing?!" Sour Grapes practically screamed at Enfield who was brushing the surface of her rifle who frowned at Grapes comment, "the noise it made and what happened to the plate?" Redheart patted her on the back as her breathing slowed.

"This thing," Lilly snapped, "is Roza an M38 designated marksman rifle, and she was my lifeline in the field," tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, "and now she's my last friend from my world," Lilly dropped the magazine and instinctually went to grab the charging handle to clear it, without thinking she gripped and ejected the cartridge from the chamber. Lilly blinked several times looking between her hoof and the cartridge rolling to a stop next to her magazine, "I-I can use my hooves as hands," she said, reaching across her barrel she gripped her M45 feeling a strange force connected to her hooves, using what felt like a thumb she released the hood on her holster smiling she resecured her sidearm, "I feel really good now, I can still use both my girls!" she exclaimed picking up her magazine and loose round quickly inserting it back in.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting?" a stallion asked stepping through the door, "A family recently moved from Stalliongrad who already have a foster daughter but are willing to adopt another, and I was wondering if Enfield would be okay with meeting them," Enfield smiled and nodded.

"I thought you could take care of yourself?" Redheart said with a grin, as Sour Grapes left in a huff at her questions being ignored.

"Hey, if you can't fight the bureaucrats, be wallpaper," Lilly said securing her rifle on her and stepping towards the door.