• Published 10th Mar 2021
  • 688 Views, 32 Comments

High-Water Mark - bkc56

Two visiting researchers are thrust into a life-and-death situation in a flooded earth pony settlement. Will their skills be enough to rescue residents before the raging waters of the Neighagra River wash them away?

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1. Going for a Walk

Quicksilver sighed and pushed his chair back from the desk in the corner of his lab. It was the cluttered desk of someone who didn’t take time to clean up, but still knew exactly where everything was in each pile. Closing his eyes, he rubbed his temples with his hooves. He glanced down at his blue cutie mark on his dark red coat. It was the symbol for the element Mercury, a testament to his alchemical talent. He groaned. Figuring out the right combination of ingredients for the most potent version of this mixture shouldn’t be so hard. Previous testing had generated plenty of data, but he still hadn’t found what he needed. He tapped his hoof on the floor idly.

He opened his eyes, sighed again, and ran a hoof through his teal mane. He glanced at another pile of papers on the desk. He picked up the top sheet with his magic and skimmed it. It contained a map along with a description of the indicated site. It wasn’t a solution to the problem he was stuck on, but a nice long distraction would allow him to return later with a fresh perspective.

As he thought, his gaze went up to a plaque mounted above the window. His dad had given him the plaque of his favorite quote after graduation.

"A life unchallenged by the new is unlived, forever mired in the old." -- Clover the Clever.

“Okay, time for something new.”

Quicksilver stood up and walked out of his lab into the main part of the house. He went around the corner, through the kitchen, and out the back door to the greenhouse where he knew his wife Misty was working. More than just a place for botanical research, the greenhouse was her sanctuary of life. It was unusual for a non-earth pony to love plants, but that was part of Misty's charm. He took a deep breath as he entered the greenhouse. It always smelled of earth and new life here.

Misty was hovering by some tall vines, carefully inspecting the small flowers blooming along the main stem. He watched as she slowly flapped her wings. There was just enough movement to hold her position in the air, but not enough to damage any nearby plants. The sunlight shining in through the greenhouse windows was beautiful on her sky-blue coat and made the chartreuse and magenta colors of her mane and tail practically glow. Beautiful and brilliant. And that flank...wow. Quicksilver smiled.

She looked over and saw him watching her. She always felt special when he did that. She relaxed her wings, drifting to the ground, and walked over to where he was standing. She smiled warmly at him, and they nuzzled for a moment. Stepping back, she tilted her head, curious as to what he wanted.

“Hey, Misty, you feel like going for a little walk?”

Her eyes narrowed as she lifted her head back just a bit, eyeing him suspiciously. “Are you talking about a walk around the block or a walk around Equestria?” As it had been a while since their last research trip together, she was pretty sure that’s what he was hinting at. Still, she liked to lead him on a bit.

“Well, it might be a bit longer than around the block.”

“I figured. How many weeks?”

With an embarrassed smile, he answered, “Probably three.”

“Good. I’ve been looking forward to another trip for a while now. So, what’s the plan?” she asked with a grin.

“The headwaters of the Neighagra river run south from the Crystal Mountains. I have a one-page report that notes several potential sites in the foothills. This should be a great place to look for some interesting mineral and ore deposits for my research.”

“Yup, you can never have too much dirt.”

“Please, interesting dirt. I can never have too much interesting dirt.”

They shared a chuckle over this and moved together to nuzzle for a few moments..

Stepping back, Misty asked, “So, when did you want to start this little so-called walk?”

Quicksilver turned to head back into the house, and she followed. “I figured in two or three days. We need to make sure our gear is in order and confirm Tinker has everything he needs to watch the house and greenhouse while we’re gone.”

Misty replied, “I’ll get him the usual detailed list of tasks. So many things around here run smoother since we hired him.”

“You finished your black nightshade project last week, right? Do you have any other botany projects active right now?” Quicksilver asked.

“No, nothing. As long as Tinker keeps things watered, it’ll be fine. And you?”

He glanced in the direction of his lab. “I don’t have any experiments or tests that need to be watched.”

“Then I guess we’re good to go,” Misty said with a smile. “Shall we start packing?”

Quicksilver and Misty got off the train at the small Neighagra Falls station. The weather was clear and the temperature comfortable; a perfect spring day for a walk. Sitting in a chair outside the station office, the station manager greeted the couple as they walked by, “Howdy, folks. Headin’ up to the resort?”

Quicksilver replied, “To, and beyond, all the way north to the foothills.”

With a grin, the station manager said, “Sounds like fun. But do be careful. Mah wife and I have heard some rumors that there may be some highwayponies north of the resort.”

“Thanks for the warning. We’ll be sure to be careful.”

After saying goodbye, Quicksilver and Misty headed north on the road that led to the Neighagra Falls resort.

As they walked, Quicksilver asked, “His comment about highwayponies makes me think. So, do you remember Rule One?”

She glanced over at Quicksilver, “Of course. If we see danger, run away. Danger is best when it’s far away.”

“Perfect. Avoid it if we can see it, run away if it surprises us.”

“And worst case, I got a big strong unicorn with lots of magic to protect me.” Misty gave him a playful shove with her shoulder.

This was the first time since the trip had started that they found themselves alone. They walked quietly, enjoying the gentle sounds of nature all around them.

The road to the falls ran parallel to the river through light forests with heavy undergrowth. Enthralled, Misty looked around with wide-eyed wonder at the diversity of both plant and animal life. The sounds of birds, and the wind in the trees accompanied them as they walked. And there was the ever present roar of the falls in the distance.

“This is such a diverse ecosystem.” She would occasionally stop to study an unfamiliar plant or flower and prance excitedly. "There are so many species here we don’t have around Canterlot. I could probably spend a week following the river and studying all it has to offer.” She glanced at Quicksilver and smiled.

Laughing, Quicksilver noted, “You’re geeking out a bit here. Perhaps we should schedule another trip to the area for some botany research.”

Misty looked at him, smiling broadly. “I’d really like that. And I’d love to collect a few samples to take back to the greenhouse.”

As they drew nearer to the falls the forest began to thin out, providing a better view of the river and the falls themselves. The wide curtain of water thundered from the cliff above into multiple large pools at the bottom, throwing up a huge cloud of mist. A gentle breeze carried the haze away.

“Do the falls look bigger than normal to you?” Misty asked as they moved closer. “They’re always heavier in the spring, but this is a lot heavier than when we were here before.”

Looking at Misty, he tilted his head towards the ground. “Yeah, that’s a lot of water. I can feel the rumble in my hooves from here.”

Transfixed by the sight, Misty softly said, “They are beautiful though.”

They stepped off the path into a grassy area and sat down to enjoy the sight and sound of the falls for a while. They could smell the water in the air and feel the cool mist on their faces. Being this close to the falls made it too loud to hold a conversation, so they just waited quietly. Time seemed to slow down, and they leaned together, enjoying the solitude. Yes, they had a schedule to keep, but a few minutes to enjoy nature and each other was time well spent.

Misty put her lips close to Quicksilver’s ear so he could hear her. “This is the type of perfect moment that even the richest ponies in Canterlot can’t buy.” She smiled as she pulled back.

“Probably time to get going,” Quicksilver shouted over the sound of the waterfall. “All the inns and such are at the top, so we still have a ways to go and some serious elevation to climb.”

As evening approached, they decided to leave their room and find someplace to have dinner. The resort was packed with restaurants and cafes, gift shops, and other tourist attractions. Misty paused in front of a spa.

“I remember this place.” She smiled. “You got me a four-hour treatment here one afternoon.” She absentmindedly stroked her mane. “That was so much fun.” Her focus shifted to Quicksilver. “But I always wondered if it was an excuse so you could run off exploring for minerals.”

Quicksilver laughed. “I deny everything.” Then, as he gazed at the sunset, he softly added, “I remember how nice you smelled that evening.” They nuzzled for a moment as he nickered.

They continued their search and soon selected a small cafe. It had the rustic look of having been built when the resort first opened. Here one could experience a meal rather than rushing to finish it.

Walking up to the cafe, Misty commented, “Do you remember this place from our honeymoon? We ate here several times.”

Looking at her, Quicksilver replied, “I mostly just remember you from our honeymoon.” Glancing at him, she smiled, as a slight blush rose in her cheeks. “Inside or out?”

She checked through the cafe windows. “Looks kind of busy inside. The patio is empty. Let’s eat out here.”

They walked onto the patio and looked around. “Where do you want to sit?” Quicksilver asked.

“Away from the door so ponies aren’t walking by.” She led him to one of the tables near the edge. “Here.”

They sat next to each other on one side of the table. After a quick review of the menu, they chatted until a young mare came to take their order.

While the cafe revealed a wonderful view of the river, their focus was on each other. Once the waitress trotted away, they were left alone on the patio with only the deep hum of the falls keeping them company. For a brief time, they could pretend they were all alone in a place reserved just for them. It was moments like these that allowed them to slow down and enjoy life. The work would come later, but right now nothing demanded their attention or time. So they lingered over dinner, chatting and occasionally holding hooves.

After dinner, Quicksilver and Misty weren’t ready to end the evening, so they decided to explore. There were many places a couple in love could spend some quiet time. As they casually strolled together, they saw a green pegasus guide pony on duty, so they walked over to him.

Noticing the couple approach, he turned to face them. “Good evening, sir, madam. Newlyweds, I presume?”

Misty replied, “We’ve actually been married a while. We’re just spending the night before heading up-river tomorrow.”

He brought a hoof to his chest. “Oh, my mistake. I see a lot of newlyweds here, and you showed all the signs at dinner over there. My apologies.”

“No, it’s sweet. In a place like this, it’s hard to not feel refreshed and renewed.” Misty leaned into Quicksilver’s side a little. His body shifted ever so slightly as he responded to her touch.

“So, up-river. If I’m not prying, business or pleasure?”

Quicksilver took over, “We’re researchers heading up towards the Crystal Mountains. Though I have a question for you.”

“I’ll do my best to answer it, sir.” He took a step closer to hear better over the roaring of the water.

“We noticed that the falls are a lot heavier, and the river level’s higher than what might be normal for springtime. It’s quite a contrast from when we were here before.”

“Yes, sir, they are. We had a very wet winter with above-average snowfall. Combine that with a warm spring, and we’re seeing a lot of runoff from the mountains.” He glanced towards the river, “So, the levels are higher than normal.”

He looked in the direction of the mountains. “And it also appears there may be a storm building up there. That would be even more water, plus more snowpack melting. In a couple of days, these falls could be stunning.”

Gazing upriver, Quicksilver asked, “Is there any flooding going on to the north?”

“I haven’t heard anything about any flooding yet.” He looked back toward the couple. “Although it wouldn’t surprise me if there was, or will be soon.”

Quicksilver nodded to the guide. “Okay, thanks for your time.”

Misty smiled. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, folks. Please have a wonderful evening.” The guide turned to go back to where he had been standing.

As they walked away, Misty asked, “Does this change our plans?”

“Perhaps. If the foothill streams and tributaries are at flood levels, it won’t be safe for us to be poking around the hillsides. Though we’re in no rush. We can take the time to head up-river a day or two and see what it looks like for ourselves. Worst case, it’ll be a nice walk.”

“And a few days of vacation,” Misty added. “It’s been a long day. Should we head back to the room so we can get an early start?”

“That sounds good.” They walked quietly for a few moments. “You know,” Quicksilver quipped, “just because we’re not newlyweds doesn’t mean we can’t act like ones.”

Misty smiled and gave him a little wink.

They were up early the next morning. It was a long walk to the next town, and would take them all day. They wanted to arrive well before nightfall. They shivered as the chilly morning air pawed at them. Misty leaned close to Quicksilver’s side, and they picked up their pace. Chatting about nothing important, they simply enjoyed each other’s company.

The path had moved away from the river running through a densely forested area. The trees were higher here, with a canopy that obscured the sky. Very little sunlight filtered through, making the path a little dark despite it being mid-day. It was deathly quiet and a touch foreboding.

Quicksilver’s eyes darted between the trees above and the surrounding underbrush. An occasional breeze would rustle the leaves overhead. Their hooffalls seemed unusually loud. They stopped talking as even whispering seemed inappropriate here. Misty subconsciously ruffled her wings and nervously glanced over her shoulder. Staying in the center of the path, they keep a wary eye on their surroundings, their ears constantly flicking this way and that.

After rounding a small curve, they stopped mid-stride. Misty gasped softly as Quicksilver’s body tensed. The path was blocked by a unicorn and two earth ponies. The couple retreated a few steps. The earth ponies stood with hooves wide and heads lowered, stealing quick glances at the leader. The unicorn's stance was upright, relaxed, and he regarded Quicksilver and Misty through half-closed eyes. They felt like prey under the threatening gaze of a predator. The unicorn glanced past them for a moment before looking at them again. Hearing a rustle from behind, Quicksilver’s ears flipped back. A quick glance showed the pair flanked by two more earth ponies. They crouched, muscles tense, ears forward and alert. His gaze returned to the unicorn.

“Good morning. It’s a lovely day for a walk,” the sea-green unicorn opened with a threatening grin. “Sorry to have startled you.” He ran a hoof through his rather sparse dark blue mane.

Quicksilver didn’t respond. His eyes narrowed as he kept focused on the unicorn. His ears flicked this way and that at the slightest hint of movement. Misty took a step closer. Her wings fluttered nervously.

Raising a hoof to his chest, the unicorn said, “I will have to insist you drop your bits and continue on your way without them.” He stomped his hoof to the ground with a soft thud.

Everypony stood their ground for a few seconds. Quicksilver could feel Misty trembling slightly as she leaned against him. He felt his breathing and pulse quicken. His muscles were tense, prepared for flight. He watched for an opening.

“That wasn’t a request,” the unicorn said with a bit of an edge to his voice. His eyes narrowed. At his nod, all five highwayponies took a step closer.

“Close your eyes,” Quicksilver whispered to Misty..

Squeezing his eyelids tight, Quicksilver cast a single flash of bright light. The highwayponies let out a yell of surprise and began to shake their heads, rubbing their eyes to clear their vision.

Quicksilver teleported himself and Misty as far as he could see down the path. They appeared in a flash of magic. Misty glanced back where the five ponies were. They still looked confused, except the unicorn. He was pointing directly at Misty. He could see again. He could see her. “Come on!” Quicksilver urged. She turned and followed him as they galloped around the next curve. The way was clear for another teleport. Quicksilver stepped next to Misty and teleported again.

As soon as they appeared, Quiksilver shouted, “Let’s move.” He galloped forward, Misty close on his heels. Approaching the next curve, he glanced backwards. The highwayponies were just rounding the previous bend. His muscles strained as he pushed harder. Breathing fast, Misty struggled to keep up.

He winced as his rear hooves slipped on loose rocks. His legs shot forward from under him. He landed hard on his hocks. Unable to stop, Misty spread her wings and leapt into the air, gliding over him. With a grunt, he regained his hoofing and pushed forward. He caught Misty’s eye, nodded once, and increased his pace. He sprinted down the road, his hooves barely touching the ground.

Misty slowed her flight, dropping back behind and above Quicksilver. Her eyes went wide. “You’re bleeding!” she called out. He replied with a snort and a shake of his head. He pushed on.

As if emerging from a dark room, they broke free from the forest into open meadows. He galloped on, with Misty gliding beside him, finally free from the oppressive feel of the forest. He shook his head to clear the sweat-soaked mane from his eyes.

Quicksilver occasionally glanced behind to look for any pursuit. With labored breathing, he said, “Misty… Go high and see… If they’re still back there.”

She leaned to one side and banked to turn around. Beating her wings with all her might, she gained altitude to see the road behind them. In a few moments she glided down just above Quicksilver. “They’re gone. They never came out of the forest. We’re clear.” Quicksilver didn’t slow. “Did you hear me? We’re okay. You need to slow down now.”

Quicksilver could feel the breeze from her wing on his back. He looked at her for a couple strides, then dropped to a trot. He snorted and shook his head, throwing a fine spray of sweat in all directions. He slowed to a walk as Misty landed next to him. He breathed hard, gasping for breath.

“Quicksilver, stop for a moment. I need to check your legs.” He stopped, and she backed up behind him. She lowered her head and looked at the back of his legs. “They’re pretty scrapped up, but it doesn’t look deep.” She stepped forward again and gestured with her hoof, “The river is right here, we need to wash off the dirt and blood.”

Unable to stand still, he struggled to catch his breath. He glanced down the road behind them. “You’re… You’re sure… That we’re okay?”

“Absolutely. Perhaps they didn’t want to be out in the open, or just couldn’t keep up. I could see the entire road back to the forest. They are not following us.”

Dropping their saddlebags, they wadded into the river. Misty gently cleaned the dirt and blood off Quicksilver's legs. He then submerged himself to wash off the sweat from his body. They grabbed their saddlebags on the way to the road, where they continued at a brisk walk.

“How do you feel?” Misty asked.

“Better, now that I’ve rinsed off.” Looking at Misty, he smiled. “Hey, thanks for your help, and, well, everything you did.” She returned the smile.

“Do your legs hurt?” She glanced back at them.

He twisted his body, trying to see the backs of his legs. “A little, but it’s not bad. I doubt I even need a bandage.”

They walked quietly for a while, each lost in their thoughts.

Misty broke the silence. “We should probably talk about this.”

He looked at her. “You’re right.”

Meeting his eyes with her own, she said, “I was scared back there. I mean, really scared. We’ve never had this kind of a problem before.”

Gazing down the road as they walked, Quicksilver said, “Rule One sounds great when we talk about it. And it would work fine for something like an Ursa Minor. But I hadn't considered being ambushed and surrounded.”

“Still, you did great getting us out of there. My hero.” She smiled and leaned against him for a couple paces.

“You know, your flying worked really well.” He paused for a moment. “If you needed to escape quickly, flying would be the fastest way.” He looked at her. “We should think of a signal for that. You’re a strong flier and could get away in seconds. It would be easier for me not having to worry about you.”

Misty shook her head. “I don’t think I could leave you behind like that. I mean, I see your point, perhaps it even makes sense. I’m just not sure I could do it.”

“We don’t have to decide right now. But I’d like to talk about it sometime in the future after we’re home, safe, and can think about it more logically.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked.

“What?” he said, looking back his eyes a little wide.

“I know what you’re doing, Mister Academic. You just want time to do some research and write a paper to try and convince me. You’ll probably ask me to edit it too.” She stuck out her tongue at him.

Quicksilver let out a good laugh. “You know me too well. But, now that you mention it…” Misty gave him a playful shoulder nudge as they walked along.

Their pace allowed them to reach the next town by early-afternoon. Turning off the main road, they walked the short distance to the outskirts. It consisted of a couple score buildings backed by large fields. Their hooves clip-clopped on the cobblestone main street as they walked through town.

Misty pointed ahead on the left. “There’s the sheriff’s office.”

Inside, they found the light brown earth pony sheriff sitting at his desk. He was easy to identify by the tin star pinned to his vest.

Looking up, the sheriff greeted them, “G’day folks. How can I help you?”

“Hello, sheriff. We wanted to report an attempted assault and robbery on the road up from Neighagra Falls.”

The sheriff let out a long sigh. “Lemme guess, a unicorn and three earth ponies?”

“Four actually, plus the unicorn.”

“Oh, he musta picked up another flunkie somewhere. We had trouble with them last year. They were arrested and spent a few months in prison. I guess they didn’t get the hint. Slow learners.” The sheriff stood, giving the couple a quick look from head to hoof. “You two okay? I didn’t notice anythin’ when you walked in, but now that I know what happened...”

“We’re fine, sheriff,” Misty said. “My husband here fired off a couple spells so that we could get away. We didn’t see them following us, but we were moving pretty fast to get away.”

“Whew, I’m relieved to hear that. They haven’t hurt anyone yet, relying on intimidation and their numbers to get what they want. But I fear the day they might decide to take it up a notch.”

The sheriff sat down again and pulled out some papers from his desk. “If I could take just a bit more o’ your time to do some paperwork about the attack, it would be a big help.”

Quicksilver and Misty sat down in the chairs in front of the sheriff's desk. “Sure thing, sheriff, we’re glad to help. Once we’re done, we just need to go find a room for the night and get some dinner.”