• Published 5th Apr 2021
  • 116 Views, 1 Comments

Learning is Magic: The Beginning - lyramei

The start of a pony teacher's adventures in Ponyville Middle School... where he learns that FRIENDSHIP is key.

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Ponies Just Want to Have Fun

The cockatrice hovered over Team 7C and Discord.

"Everyone, turn away! Don't stare into its eyes!" yelled Island. Team 7C all did as he instructed.

Discord glared at the cockatrice. "Please!" begged the cockatrice. "I don't mean any harm. I guess, because of my nature, I'll never have anyone appreciate me," it said sadly. Tears began to fall down Lilac's cheeks.

"What about..." began Caramel, "a COCKATRICE APPRECIATION PARTY?!" He turned around. "Caramel! No!" screamed Inkwell.

Caramel didn't turn to stone, surprisingly. "Hi, I'm Caramel. And you are..."

The cockatrice smiled. "Clara. Clara Cockatrice," she said. "Wow, you're the first pony to ever stop and talk to me. I want to tell jokes to ponies, but they keep running away because of my stone abilities." Clara hung her head.

"WHAT!? Come on! You know what? Let's tell jokes to each other," suggested Caramel. "You're not going to turn me to stone, are you?"

Clara shook her head. "Great! Let me start. How do you describe a pony who's as funny as a snake?" asked Caramel.

"Hey! That was my joke!" interjected Discord.

"HISS-terical!" exclaimed Caramel. Clara laughed. "Hahaha! That's a good one. How about this one? What do you call an unicorn that studies fashion?"

"I know! A fashion-corn!" Caramel laughed. Clara shook her head. "Nope. I don't know, but she sure was a rarity!" Both of them laughed. Sunset even giggled.

Caramel called out to his team. "See? Give a cockatrice a second chance! Sometimes, all they want is to share a laugh," he explained. Inkwell slowly turned around and pointed at Caramel. "I was thinking we have a little reading session. You know, The Adventures of Don Draconequus has some amazing jokes in it," she said as she pulled out the book from her saddlebag. "Here we go. What sound does a draconequus make?"

Clara, Discord, and Caramel shrugged. "A draconequus bleats like a goat!"

"Hey! I don't! Well, I do have to admit that I have the vanity of a goat." Discord bleated like one, which sent Team 7C and Clara into hysterics.

"I love that book! I love your jokes! Where can I find more?" asked Clara.

"Clara! You have the potential to make ponies laugh. I feel that everyone should be able to not judge you and enjoy your amazing jokes!" exclaimed Caramel. "I shall go ask Pinkie Pie to help you throw a cockatrice joke party when we return to Ponyville!"

"Really? You'd do that for me?" asked Clara, excited.

"Of course! Laughter is important in the lives of everypony. I enjoy making my students laugh because they deserve humor and happiness," explained Caramel. "So, I think you should make every pony laugh by making your jokes known to all of Equestria!"

"How about if I wrote a joke book and performed comedy acts all across Equestria?" asked Clara.

"That's perfect! I'll make sure everyone loves them both," promised Caramel.

Discord raised a claw. "I have one comedy act for you to use." With a snap of his claw, he turned Clara into a cockatrice in an orange costume. "Orange you glad I know this?" Team 7C laughed.

"Wow, Caramel! I didn't know cockatrices were full of humor," giggled Lilac. Sunset nodded in agreement. Island was still laughing from the orange joke.

"Thank you, Caramel," said Clara. "Where are you off to?"

"The remains of the Tree of Harmony. We got booted by a bugbear earlier and now we have to take another route back," explained Island.

"Oh, in that case, I wish you all a safe trip!" Clara waved.

Team 7C waved. "Bye, Clara! Write to me and send a message to Ponyville Middle School when you can!" yelled Caramel.