• Published 5th Apr 2021
  • 116 Views, 1 Comments

Learning is Magic: The Beginning - lyramei

The start of a pony teacher's adventures in Ponyville Middle School... where he learns that FRIENDSHIP is key.

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Before Team 7C knew it, they were back at the Tree of Harmony again.

"Alas, the ruins Tree of Harmony," sighed Island, satisfied.

The ponies slowly descended down the staircase. Lilac kept a close eye for any signs of the bugbear.

Once they made it down, Island took out his contraption and quickly ran towards the tree. "The moment I have been waiting for!"

Island held out his device and saw that the meter was acting up, indicating high levels of friendship. "Huh? That's not supposed to happen. The Tree and the Elements are destroyed!" He pointed an accusatory hoof at Discord. "Discord, are you trying to ruin my experiment?" The draconequus held up a paw. "Why are you asking me? I DIDN'T!"

"I am turning this friendship experiment to the superintendent, Discord. Please try to cooperate," said Island.

"Actually," began Ember, "Island is being obnoxious. The superintendent never asked him to conduct an experiment. He's just going crazy because he doesn't want to live in Ponyville!"

Lilac, Inkwell, Caramel, Sunset, and Bookworthy gasped. "You put us through this for nothing?" asked Caramel.

"I can explain," began Island. "EMBER!"

"After all this, friendship still isn't important, I guess..." began Lilac. Discord hugged Lilac while giving Island the evil eye.

Team 7C glared at Island. Island turned away from them, facing the Tree. Tears spilled out of Island's eyes and onto his friendship device. He looked at his reflection... and realized something.

"You guys, I just learned something! The real friendship magic isn't in the ruins of the Tree of Harmony," exclaimed Island. Team 7C looked at him funny.

"You know where it is? It's in us," began Island. Discord smiled. "See?"

"Lilac, you believed in Discord and gave him a second chance. You represent the Element of... Kindness," explained Island. Lilac smiled. The ruins of the tree began to glow. Team 7C watched in awe.

"Inkwell, when I was in doubt, you gave me the best solution even though it seemed too hard to believe. Little did I know that it was believable... which it was! You represent the Element of... Honesty," said Island. "Wow," whispered Inkwell.

"Caramel, you were able to spread humor to a cockatrice and encourage her to foster the spirit of fun. You represent the Element of... Laughter." Caramel was surprised. "Who? Me?"

"Sunset, you gave up your expensive firefly crystal earring and forced Ember to give up her Spike and Ike candy to feed and light the way for the lost travelers. You represent the spirit of... Generosity." Sunset began to cry happy tears.

"And Bookworthy, you gave up your dream to become a professional sports coach for us... which makes you the element of Loyalty," said Island. The ruins of the Tree began to glow brighter.

"You see? I was so focused on making a silly science project that I haven't realized that the true friendship is right here beside me. You've all taught me so much. Because of this experience, I've finally learned to value friendship; I hope you'll accept mine too," explained Island. Team 7C smiled.

"I never expected that I would be saying this outside a history lecture, but... Friendship is magic!" admitted Island with confidence.

At his words, the ruins of the Tree began to swirl. Team 7C watched, with widened eyes as the Tree of Harmony pieced itself back together. The remains of the Elements of Harmony did the same; each making its way to a 7C teacher after being put back together. The process was so bright, shiny, and flashy that the team had to shield their eyes for a bit.

When all the brightness faded away, Team 7C opened their eyes.

"What happened?" asked Lilac.

"I don't know. But all I know is that I have this amazing necklace! It looks just like Rarity's, but with a jewel in the shape of my cutie mark instead," observed Sunset. "Goodness! We all have one!"

"Wow! Shiny!" exclaimed Caramel.

"So, does that make us the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony?" asked Inkwell, still admiring her jewel.

"I... I don't know! This all feels like a dream. And what? A crown?" Island sighed. Sunset laughed.

Discord went up to Island. "And you, my dearest pony Island Skies, represent the Element of Magic," he said, mimicking Island's speech from earlier. "Congratulations, Island, you've learned the magic of friendship," said Discord, handing Island an Honorary Friendship Diploma.

"Thank you, Discord. I never imagined that we'd be saving the Tree of Harmony," said Island. Lilac nodded.

"We're going to make history!" squealed Caramel.

"Ooooh! A history teacher seeing himself in a history textbook!" marveled Inkwell.

"That would be quite interesting. But really? A tiara?" asked Island, pointing at the big crown on his head. "You know, I'm not a mare like Twilight." At Island's words, the Tree's magic slowly shaped the crown into a brooch with his Element jewel.

"Now that's more like it!" Island smiled.