• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 557 Views, 13 Comments

In Which the Mane Six are the Notorious Gotham Rogues - brainrot

Perhaps the title gives it away, but this is an alternate universe in which the mane six don't exist--instead they're replaced with Gotham Rogues.

  • ...

Trauma? Don't Worry, Go Make Some Friends!

Justice Scale was a happy pony. . . well, he was. These days, he didn't really feel happy. After an incident in the courtroom, he couldn't look himself in the mirror, even after he was released from the hospital. He found himself pacing back and forth, having set aside the task of packing his bags. His mind raced, unsure of what to do. He'd never been to Ponyville. He used to live near it, but that changed when he moved to Canterlot under the Princess' eye.

Speaking of her--Justice's trail of thought was interrupted when Celestia knocked on his door. She offered him a smile before entering, looking at his just barely packed bag.

"I see you're still working on your bag."

"Yes, s-sorry, Princess. I'm worried, is all. This is a big change, and all in one day too--"

Celesta smiled, chuckling as she waved a hoof dismissively, petting the stallion's mane much to his discretion.

"Don't you worry, Justice. One of the ponies I'm having you speak to will be able to help you find your way around town."

Justice nodded, listening to every word as Celestia continued on, knowing he'd need the information for when he got to Ponyville.

"Um, excuse me?" Justice spoke just above a whisper, trying to get the attention of the plump stallion before him. Unfortunately for him, his words went unnoticed until the fourth try.

"Listen, Mr . . .?"

"Justice Scale."

"Hm, yes, Scale. Listen, I'm sure you have some . . . wonderful thing to tell me," the stallion waved his hoof around in the air looking for the words he needed, "But I'm a very busy pony with important things to do."

"I understand that, but--"

"Just speak with the mare upfront and she'll set you up for an appointment," he turned around, going back to what he was doing, using his magic to look through some papers.

Justice huffed, fluffing his feathers on his good wing. With a deep breath, he did his best to speak assertively.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I need you to listen to me. Princess Celestia sent m--"

Once more, he was interrupted, "You know the Princess?"

"Yes, I'm her attorney. She sent me here to make sure everything is going well for the Summer Sun Celebration," Justice said, happy finally be able to make his point. "She instructed I first come to you. The celebration is being held here, right?"

"Of course. My lounge is perfect for the celebration, it's much higher class than the tragedy that is town hall. I was just finishing up now, as a matter of fact. Although I do need to speak to my decorator . . ."

"Actually, um, if you don't mind, could I join you? I need to speak to the decorator for the celebration as well."

"Hm, I don't see why not. Ah--look at me, being so rude. Diamond Monocle, the pleasure's all mine."

Justice smiled, following Diamond to a home that had glitter and confetti on the ground. Diamond groaned, eyeing the mess before him. With a heavy sigh, he knocked on the front door, only to be met with the sound of various things crashing and falling. He traded a confused look with Justice, about to say something before the front door opened.

"Hi, Diamond! Hey, who's your friend?!" before Justice could answer her, she got in his face with a big smile, "I'm Harlequin! It's nice to meet you! Ooh, I like your metal wing! That's so cool! What happened to your face? Gosh, that burn doesn't hurt, does it? Do you need a bandage? I can get you one!! Don't worry!! I've got them in all colors and patterns! Hey, how did you get your mane to be like that? It's so cool! Did you dye it? Gosh, that must've took a while to go from dark blue to white!! Woah, is your cutie mark one of those scales that's always in a courthouse? That's so neat! Gosh, mine is just some diamonds and a smiley--but I think that's cause I just love making people smile!! Gosh, how could I not!?"

Justice tilted his head as the mare continued to speak, she had said 'gosh' about four times now, still adding on.

"Just give her a moment, Justice. Harlequin has a habit of talking and never stopping that talking," Diamond groaned. After a minute, he let out a heavy sigh before holding Harlequin's mouth shut with his magic. "Harlequin Hop! Be quiet!! Now, how are the decorations going?"

"Oh! Absolutely funarific!!" Harlequin giggled, "I've got balloons and sundaes and sarsaparilla and--"

"We got the point. Mh--yes, this is Justice Scale. He's been sent by the Princess to make sure everything goes well for the Summer Sun Celebration. It's a good thing I joined him, seriously--what in Celestia's name were you thinking? The Princess is going to be at the celebration! You can't be serious, what you're describing belongs at a children's party."

Justice stepped forward with a smile, "Actually, the Princess really likes those things. She's also a huge cake fan."

"Wowza! Really?? See, Diamond?? Do I know how to party, or do I know how to part-AY!?"

Diamond rolled his eyes, muttering some sort of agreement, "Let's go check on the others, Justice."

"Quite breathtaking, isn't it?" asked Diamond as he looked around a large garden, riddled with flowers and vinery. "Simply extravagant . . . I say, chap, are you alright?"

Justice didn't look like himself. He seemed irritated as he looked around the garden, and was fueled of nothing but rage upon seeing the mare running the garden. The thing that had caught Diamond's eye, however, was Justice's cutie mark. He could have sworn it was a scale, but now it appeared to be the two sides of a coin, one of which was scratched.

"Hello, Rose Heart," Diamond said as he walked up to the gardener, "This is, erm . . ."

"Oh, I know him. Justice Scale--or should I say Coin Flip?" Rose groaned, quick to respond to Diamond's confused look, "We used to date . . . Justice Scale has this . . . alter, I think it's called. And he's nothing short of a ruffian."

Coin Flip glared, speaking in a gravely voice, "Ain't my fault you betrayed us and used us for your stupid plan. Whatever, you got the stupid flowers ready or not?"

"You could ask nicely."

"I don't do nice, priss."

"Of course not. One of you is a pushover and the other is a brute. In any case, the flowers are ready."

With a huffy, "Good," Coin Flip lead Diamond away from Rose Heart, clearly done with the already short conversation. Not long after they had left the garden, it seemed the pegasus got a headache, and Justice was fronting once more.

"Ugh . . . I hate when he does that," Justice looked up at the sky, taking note of the obscure cloud pattern, "What in Equestria is going on up there?"

"Mh, that would be our next pony on the list. Question Pop, he's a pegasus who works in making cloud puzzles and flying courses, he's even made a few courses for the Wonderbolts," Diamond explained.

Upon his name being spoken, Question Pop flew down in front of the two, "You know, Diamond, if you're going to talk about me, don't be afraid to have me around. I love hearing ponies praise me almost as much as I love myself. And that's no easy thing to match. Hey, I've heard of you. You're Celestia's royal attorney, right?"

Justice nodded, a shy smile coming across his face, "She sent me here to make sure everything was going right for the Summer Sun Celebration. You're in charge of weather, right?"

"Sure am--Why, worried it's not going to be great? Don't worry, I'll make sure that there's not a cloud in the sky tonight! Can't risk the Princess not seeing just how great I am!" Before Question could continue on with talking about himself, Diamond used his magic to drag Justice off to the very last pony they had to meet before the celebration was to begin.

The very last area they had to visit was rather chilling. It was on the edge of the Everfree Forest, empty broken beakers surrounded the outside of an old oak tree. Sunlight seemed to disappear even though the nighttime had yet to come, and the only light that aided the ponies was the spell that Diamond was using. Both stallions found themselves on edge, Justice's wings open and ready to fly them away had something come up. An eerie, low voice spoke out to them from behind.

"Excuse me, what brings you to my home?"

Diamond and Justice screamed, jumping back and looking the walking scarecrow before them up and down.

"Sweet Celestia!! Wh--How are you talking?!" Justice shouted, far too put off.

The scarecrow removed his head . . . or apparently, his mask, revealing a thin stallion with strange eyes and a large claw mark on his cheek. "By my lips up and down. Is there a reason you're here?"

Diamond intervened, taking charge of the situation, "Fall, if you'd drop the fear thing for two minutes, we're simply here to make sure that the catering is going as planned. Harlequin has the desserts handled, but I need main courses. You'd had better not put any chemicals in anything."

"Chemicals are in everything, Diamond Monocle. But in the way you mean--I assure you I have made nothing but common stews, salads, and daffodil sandwiches," Fall's gaze returned to Justice, eyeing the pony's cutie marks. One was a scale, and the other was the two sides of a coin, but Fall couldn't gather why. He trotted over to him, circling him to get a better look, "You're Celestia's royal attorney--the one who was burned, yes? I've heard rumor in the psychology world that you have an alter, is that true? You've two cutie marks, are you co-fronting then?"

"I, um, I don't . . . I think so? I'm not really sure, I--we try not to focus on it."

"Hm," Fall nodded, using his magic to give Justice a card before turning around and heading back to his home, "Entres will be at the lounge at the very most an hour before the celebration starts--the daffodils need to be fresh."

Diamond groaned, trotting away, "Quite right. Well, let's be off then. I suppose we should figure out where you're to stay for the night, hm, Justice?"

With a smile, Justice gave a winged wave to Fall before joining Diamond. Things seemed to be going well, perhaps the Princess was right. Everything was going to be okay.

Author's Note:

I'll say here and now, this fic does not seek to completely rewrite each episode but just replace the names with different ones. I want this to genuinely be a reimagining of MLP:FiM with characters who nobody would expect to be the Elements of Harmony.

Season openers will of course stay with relatively similar plots, but I do want to also have adventures/"episodes" using this cast in situations we never saw the mane six in. Of course certain episodes (one example I've already planned out being The Ticket Master) will be genuinely reimagined, but for the most part, I'll stick to what I stated.

Anyways--Hope any readers of this enjoyed the first chapter.

Comments ( 13 )

Interesting concept.
I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Do other members of the Batman Rogues Gallery exist as background characters in this AU, or is it just these 6?

Yes! These six will just be the main characters!! Other rogues such as Joker, the Mad Hatter, Catwoman, and Croc (amongst others) will come into play eventually.

Interesting. I have a few questions. First, are thestrals real in this world, or are they mythical? Also, if we have Batman's rouges in Equestria, does that mean they're all ponies? I imagine Killer Croc would be closer to a dragon than a pony, and Catwoman would either be an Abyssinian or have a thing for the bipedal felines. I'm looking forward to where you plan to take this story.

This is go to be interesting

So, Two-Face, Penguin, The Riddler, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn. Nice!!!! I'm guessing that The Joker will replace Discord.

Maybe it’s Batman. A creature with a twisted sense of justice and believes violence solves your problems


But, he is NOT a Bad Guy?! Plus, Violence can solve a lot of problems. You just have to find the "right" situations where Violence is "allowed".

In this world through, also Batman is so morally grey that his “evil” counterpart is almost just like him. I could see him being considered evil by this world by sometimes going too far....like threatening to drop someone to their death


Well, it's not as bad as the Real Super Criminals like The Joker killing a lot of people just for kicks.

Is funny that the narrator can’t say headache.

Would you mind letting me know what exactly you mean? I know a major mistake with this first chapter was I didn't have a friend peer read it, which I plan to correct with the next one. Genuine constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! It'll help me improve my writing.

The Narrator that reads the story for you.

Well this has caught my interest, I do hope to see it updated in 2022. ^_^

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