• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 737 Views, 1 Comments

Fluttershy's New Dress - RushingWind-01

During a nice Summer walk in the fields, Fluttershy runs into Rushing Wind. Both of them have new outfits...

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Approach

For a few minutes now, Fluttershy and Rushing Wind were enjoying the peace and the beauty of nature. Being out of the city for once, it's so refreshing.

Right now, the two were laying on their stomach in the grass. Fluttershy looked at her friend again, and saw something in him again. He looked unsure.

"Everything okay, Rush?", she asked.

Rushing Wind snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, uh, y-yeah, I'm fine, thanks.", he responded.

"Mmm, if you say so...", Fluttershy said.

Rushing Wind on the other hand was very nervous. He found a very beautiful girl, and he just didn't want to screw up. After all, he adored Fluttershy the most out of the Mane 6 in this world. But there was this weird feeling in his heart again... And how in Celestia's name is he going to tell her this?

"You know, Flutty...", he started, but stopped when he saw Fluttershy blush because he nicknamed her 'Flutty'. Rushing Wind became more nervous. "Oh, I-I-I'm sorry if-"

"Aw, don't be, Rush. I'm fine with it. After all, no one nicknamed me like that before.", Fluttershy said in a calm voice, "Now, what were you going to say?"

Relieved that he didn't screw this up, Rushing Wind tried again: "You know, Flutty, I love the way you think, and I also like how much you're into nature. I rarely get to see fields and forests myself unless I decide to just drive off the road and go cross-country... Honestly, I envy you, and next time we go to a forest, how about taking me with you? You could tell me everything about nature and such in the forests..."

"Oh, thank you for saying that.", Fluttershy said, slightly excited, "And yes, if you want, I can take you to the Everfree Forest next time. Maybe I can even tell you about one horrifying event that I experienced on one trip..." Fluttershy shuddered at the thought, but Rushing Wind calmed her down.

"Hey, it's okay.", Rushing Wind said, "We're among friends, right?"

Fluttershy giggled, knowing that this was true again. Then, she sighed and looked out into nature again.

"Dammit!", Rushing Wind thought. Just why couldn't he bring those words out of his mouth? It was so easy, just THREE words, and that's it! But being so nervous, he just couldn't get these words out that he wanted to say. It was these exact feelings he had for Fluttershy, but he just couldn't get to say it.

Rushing Wind looked back and saw Fluttershy's bare feet. "Welp, time for a different approach...", he thought. He crawled back slowly while Fluttershy wasn't looking, got to his knees, and started to tickle her feet.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!", he sang playfully as he tickled Fluttershy's feet.

A defenseless Fluttershy could only laugh very hard, and very loud. "Hahahahahahaha! H-h-hey! S-stop!", she brought out in her heavy laughter.

Rushing Wind stopped for a second. "Aw, but your laugh is so cute!", he said before he continued to tickle the feet of the defenseless pink-haired girl.

Fluttershy kept on laughing because Rushing Wind didn't stop tickling her feet. She only managed to bring out: "Hahahahahahaha! N-no! Stop! Plea-hihihihi-ease!"

Rushing Wind stopped. "Alright, but just because you said please.", he said as he layed down next to Fluttershy again. She was still laughing a bit from the sudden tickling attack, but soon calmed down and looked into nature again.

Rushing Wind knew, while this approach did make her laugh, it still wasn't what he wanted. And the weird feeling in his heart only got stronger and stronger the more he held the words back.

"Screw it. It's do or die...", he thought.

Still very nervous, he decided to say something: "Um, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy turned her head to Rushing Wind. "Yes, Rush?", she asked in a soft tone.

Rushing Wind knew, now was the chance to attack, the chance to take the win. Like a race he was so close to winning, but there still was this one feeling that held him back from passing an imaginary adversary...

Finally, he said: "Fluttershy, do... do you love me?"

The two looked each other in the eyes deeply. Unsure about how Fluttershy would react on this question, Rushing Wind's nervousness reached stratospheric levels the longer he waited for a response.

Fluttershy put one of his arms on Rushing Wind and came closer. "H-hey, I mean, it's okay if-"

But before Rushing Wind could continue to say something, Fluttershy kissed him on the right cheek. Rushing Wind's eyes widened, and he gasped in awe. He felt his heart literally flutter. So close... He was so close to passing that imaginary adversary. It only took a little more...

"Is... is that a... yes?", Rushing Wind asked.

"Of course, Rush. I do love you. The moment we met, where you saved me, I saw a nice person in you. A person worth loving. I mean, I've seen many boys in my life, but I wasn't interested in any of them, even if they were interested in me. But you, Rush... You are different. You have a backstory that no one else had, something that other people could only dream of in their bravest nightmares... All of that and much more is... what made me love you to begin with... I just... I just couldn't find the right words or the right time to tell you this..."

Rushing Wind's heart fluttered even more. So Fluttershy also hesitated to tell him the truth, even longer than he did. She also had romantic feelings for him, but just couldn't find the right words or the right time to tell him. At times, Rushing Wind did notice in her eyes that something was up, but he didn't bother asking. Rushing Wind felt that it still wasn't enough, though, so he took another chance.

"Aw, Fluttershy... I already knew you hesitated sometimes, but knowing that you're this shy type... Only makes me love you more. I mean, you're the most beautiful girl I know, and you have such a kind personality. I mean, you do need an extra boost to try something new, but... that's what friends are for, right?"

"Yes, Rush. You're right.", Fluttershy said softly. Her heart also seemed to explode out of joy and love. "And... Do you... love me?", she asked shyly.

"Yes, Fluttershy. I love you too.", Rushing Wind said. He also kissed Fluttershy on the cheek, and then, the two hugged each other.

Finally, the two friends knew what that weird feeling in their heart was, the one they always kept locked, that now broke free. It was nothing negative or something to be ashamed of. No, it was a much more powerful feeling than that.

It was love. The power of two friends coming together. And on this fateful day, the two friends admitted their love to each other, the thing that neither of them found until now.

A few moments later, the two broke free from the hug and layed on the grass with their backs, looking up into the sky.

"You know, Fluttershy...", Rushing Wind began, "Aside from the day where I moved to Equestria, I was never so happy in my entire life. I don't know how you see it, but..."

"Aw, I'm really happy right now too... This was probably the best day of my life as well.", Fluttershy said, and both of them shared a laugh.

Rushing Wind's thoughts went to the imaginary race. He just passed the finish line and won the race... the race for love, is what that was.

"Now, how about I take you home, Flutty?", Rushing Wind asked.

"Sure, Rush.", Fluttershy said.

Rushing Wind grabbed his backpack, Fluttershy grabbed her sandals, and both of them walked over the fields, heading for Rushing Wind's car. One thing was certain - neither of them will forget this day that brought them together. Not in one century even...

This was a day that will be engraved in their minds... forever.


Author's Note:

And that's it for the story.

What do you think of a FlutterWind ship? I mean, since my OC isn't present in the actual show, it's just make believe, but I wanted to give it a shot since Fluttershy is my favorite Equestria Girl, and the two helped each other out in times.

Anyway, let me know in the comments what you thought about it, and see you guys next time!

Comments ( 1 )

Very well written and cute story 😊

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